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Mono Symptoms

Mono Symptoms
Are you are looking for information related to mono symptoms, symptoms of mono, symptoms of mononucleosis, mononucleosis symptoms or kissing disease then read on…

Infectious Mononucleosis, which is also known as Mono or Glandular Fever is a severe infection caused by the Epstein Barr virus. This cruel disease is commonly found in children as well as in young adults. Mono is a contagious disease and can easily be transmitted from an individual to another. Moreover, the Epstein Barr virus has no noticeable symptoms and so it cannot be detected earlier and is considered as a common cold. This increases the development of mononucleosis and leads to various health related problems. Living under the threat of mononucleosis is really disgusting and miserable because the Epstein Barr virus has the ability to develop lifelong process in the human body. A person suffering from chronic mononucleosis only knows how devastating this disease is. Mononucleosis can remain for years and years if it is not treated with the right mononucleosis treatment.

Mononucleosis is an infectious disease and is more commonly known as mono. There are a number of mono symptoms. Some of the common mono symptoms are:

  • Sore Throat
  • Swollen Glands
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Swollen Spleen
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes
  • Skin Rash

Symptoms of Mononucleosis:
Mononucleosis has various symptoms. Although mild mononucleosis symptoms are light and similar to that of a common cold, acute mononucleosis has distinct symptoms and can be recognized easily. Some of the most common acute mononucleosis symptoms are the followings:

Sore Throat – When a person is infected with the Epstein Barr virus he will experience a sore throat and this is the first sign that a person can know in advance that he is infected with mononucleosis. The throat becomes red and inflammation occurs, for the blood vessels in the infected area are widen and becomes permeable allowing the immune proteins, white blood cells to flood into the cell tissue. When someone experiences a sore throat the best thing one can do is to consult a doctor and give complete rest to the body and avoid overuse of voice.

Swollen Glands – This is a distinctive symptom of the contagious mononucleosis. Sore and swollen glands are commonly experienced by mononucleosis victims. Normally, swollen glands are felt in the neck but they can also occur in the armpits and in the groin area.

Fever – Of all the symptoms of mononucleosis, fever is the most common symptoms that are experienced by mononucleosis patients. Sometimes fever rises to high levels, above 40 degree C or 104 degree F and this can be dangerous for children by causing fit or seizure in them.

Respiratory Problems – Mononucleosis patients also experience difficulties while breathing. The inflamed glands and swollen throat can create respiratory problems and cause difficulty in breathing. Some of the respiratory mononucleosis symptoms are coughing, cold, sneezing and nasal discharge.

Ruptured Spleen – An enlarged and ruptured spleen occurs rarely in about 2 or 3 of every mononucleosis victims. Here the spleen ruptures causing internal bleeding and arise complicated situations in the blood pressure. A ruptured spleen requires emergency hospitalization or it may make the situation more complicate and even result in sudden death.

These symptoms are a warning signs and can be fatal. If they are not checked in the right time, it can raise complications in making recovery from this contagious disease.

Mono Symptoms can begin to appear four to six weeks after the first infection of the EVB virus. People infected by this virus, might have some or all of these symptoms of mono. It is also possible to have mild symptoms and will not be substantially affected by them. Due to the variety of symptoms, quite possibly the group of symptoms could be incorrectly diagnosed as another infection, such as flu or strep throat.

The symptoms of acute infectious mononucleosis is a sore red throat, swollen lymph nodes, fever and relieve shortness of breath. Although these infectious symptoms of mononucleosis can be annoying and uncomfortable, but this is how the body eliminate the EBV virus from the system. Read about mononucleosis causes.

Tags: mono symptoms, symptoms of mono, symptoms of mononucleosis, mononucleosis symptoms, kissing disease

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