Commons app – version 2.7 beta release

Version 2.7 of the Commons app has just been released for beta testing on the Google Play Store! \o/ Please feel free to register for beta testing if you would like to help test the new features. If you experience any bugs or crashes, or if you find any aspect of the new features to be unwieldy, please do let us know on GitHub.

New features

New “Nearby places that need pictures” UI with direct uploads (and associated category suggestions)

You can now upload a photo directly from the map or list of nearby places that need pictures! Below are screenshots of my workflow for uploading a photo of “Queen Street Mall”:

  1. Go to the map of Nearby Places and select the corresponding pin from there, or the corresponding item from the list
  2. Tap the camera or gallery button, and select or take an image as usual
  3. The title and description of the image is automatically pre-filled in the next screen, but you can edit it if you wish
  4. If that item has a Commons category associated with it, that category will be on the top of the list of suggested categories


Enabled two-factor authentication login

Power users with two-factor authentication enabled for their account can now log in to those accounts via our app.

Added Notifications activity to display Commons user talk messages

Any user talk messages that you received can now be viewed via the “Notifications” screen (can be accessed via the navigation drawer).

Added real-time location tracking in Nearby

The map of Nearby places should now track your real-time position, moving your marker on the map as you move.

Improvements to UI of navigation drawer, tutorial, media details view, login activity and Settings

Added option to nominate picture for deletion in media details view

You can now nominate (your own) pictures for deletion in the media details view.

Also, too many crashes and bug fixes to mention!

Various crashes and bugs that are commonly encountered should have been fixed in the latest version. If you encounter any further crashes, please send feedback to us in the popup dialog.

Join our community

We have had a record number of contributors to our GitHub repository last month! 🙂 If you are interested in joining a diverse community of volunteers and grantees to work on the Commons app, check us out on GitHub. Both technical and non-technical contributors are greatly appreciated – non-technical contributions may involve testing, translations, patrolling, or writing documentation. More information for new contributors can be found in our GitHub wiki.

Coming up next….

  • Wikidata edits – uploading an image via Nearby will add it to the p18 property of the associated Wikidata item and remove that item from Nearby
  • A showcase of featured images
  • Multiple uploads
  • New UI for the main screen

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far! ❤

Commons app – version 2.7 beta release

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