New World Order and New Global Pax Americana

Said El Mansour CherkaouiJuly 23, 2014  ·


Update 3/15/2022

You see Orange Tree, I see the Tree of Oranges that Hides the Forrest of Bitterness

I see the bleu Sky and the Golden Trail
What Wonderful World we lived in 1982 ””…?…””

I arrived the same year at Berkeley in 1982, I was in the Doctoral Exchange Program between Grenoble University and UC Berkeley. Sabra Chatila in Palestine, Berkeley was the hotbed of radical anti-Palestinian crowds. Since that moment, they have never resolved their situation in regards to international issues despite the past position toward Vietnam during Reagan time as Governor of California. The reality on the ground and the generation who was there during the year 1982, was a complete opposite of the past.

Ten years later, in 1992, I had to face the same situation and this time with the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the Vice President of Reagan who became a “Drawer of line on the sand” and with a big mouth “ Read my lips” paving the way to more radical embargo on Iraq by the Dynasty of Clinton and Dynasty of One in the Hand, is better than 2 Bush.

I used to go to CLAS the Center for Latin American Studies, the Bancroft Library, the Barrows for Economics and Political Sciences, the School of International Studies and its Library near the Tower and the Main Library with the first computerized system of Gladys and Melvyn gradually replacing the card catalog and I used to go underground of this library to look for theses and archives by myself. Cafe Roma on the other side of the Boalt Law Library and the famous 3 Delta Sorority called at that time not Politically Correct “Chicken Hen” and the Fraternities around called “Animal House” in homage to the Belushi Movie of the same name. On the left side of the International House where all the parties and drinking binges took place by thirsty Students coming out of their family home and embracing the freedom not to drink in the shadows

College Avenue was a mixture of Souk and Bizarre Bazaar with t all the way from from the Moe Bookstore to the Woolworth store and Sather Gate, where drummers on the other side of Students lounge gather and with the defile of all these people with their own eccentric clothes and manners with Rasputin for the records, the hashish store in front, the Park Frozen Yogurt, the small moveable food houses on small iron wheels in front of Sather Gate selling Japanese foods, the Greek Shawarma and other Japanese small restaurants behind People’s Park going to Hillgass where I lived for the Summer after moving from Spruce Street the left bank of the campus, it has some ingredients of the Quartier Latin and with a River could become a Sister City Campus. I have more to say one day I will write my “Great Escape from Berkeley to Paris in 1982”

Gun Diplomacy and Round Table for Ghost Negotiator of Buried Peace in the Zombie’s Land

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

August 27, 2014  · 


La poursuite de la Paix par les administrations de Washington est complètement figée et sans issue, telle que cette porte peut le symboliser. Au niveau national et au sein de ses propres frontières, les Etats continuent de lutter contre la criminalité et l’accroissement des délits qui ne sont en définitive et en grande partie due a l’élargissement des crevasses sociales entre les quartiers nantis et ceux délaissés et engloutis dans la pauvreté tout en étant encerclé par des marchands et des vendeurs de vices, des produits addictifs et des fantasmes de la société de consommation pourrie. Le tout est convoyé par des publicités bien rodées et finement ciblées rendant ces couches sociales plus vulnérables aux excès de la marginalisation sociale, politique et économique et devenant par la une raison d’être et une justification institutionnelle pour la militarisation de la politique policière, la privatisation des centres de détentions, le délaissement de toute politique sociale réformiste. En y ajoutant les effets de la crise économique qui est dans ces ramifications une notion aveugle, la seule alternative en deçà de l’aide sociale minimale, demeure donc les transactions illicites de tous genres et les actes criminels, y compris les attaques a main nue ou main armée.

L’Etat est mis en face d’un fléau dont les causes ne sont plus d’ordre ethniques mais d’ordre structurelles et directement liées aux méthodes appliquées et défendues par les lois en vigueur et par les pratiques financières monopolises par des sphères réduites qui dominent et dictent l’organisation et la répartition de la plus-value sociale, la valeur ajoutée financière et la richesse nationale. Tout cela abouti a la promotion et la création de tendances, de mesures et de réactions extrêmes des deux parties concernées par l’émergence de conflits sociaux correspondants. Les deux protagonistes en l’occurrence la Police et la Population Perdue des Ghettos, demeurent le moyen et la cible qui sont donc mis et placés dans une situation antagoniste et accablante pour toute politique réformiste ou de portée sociale.

Au niveau international, une réplique de ces aggravations sociales internes se manifestent a travers un engagement plus destructif dans tous les conflits crées, conditionnés ou même volontairement aggravé pour maintenir un équilibre des forces locales dans une position réciproque de faiblesse imposant ainsi des alliances contre nature pour effectivement aplanir le terrain pour la justification d’une intervention étrangère ou rendant le recours à l’aide occidentale militaire une donnée naturelle intégrée dans la dimension du conflit régional. Une légitimation est ainsi mise par-dessus des conflits artificiels qui deviennent des foyers de tensions et perturbations de l’Ordre Internationale et des attaques potentielles contre l’intérêt National des Pays Occidentaux. La mise en exergue de la notion de la défense de l’intérêt National est ainsi avancée devant l’opinion publique des pays occidentaux et octroyée par les instances internationaux et tout cela afin de culpabiliser et neutraliser les revendications authentiques et légitimes des peuples spoliés de leurs droits fondamentaux tout en leur substituant un Etat de Droit Fantoche et des dirigeants parachutés de l’extérieur ayant plus de liens avec les puissances étrangères qu’avec les populations locales dont ils sont encensés et censés de représenter.

En fait, les puissances occidentales sont actuellement dans une position délicate vis a vis de leur propre populations comme vis a vis de leurs propres allies internationaux. Cette porte construite des mêmes briques et fermant tout accès a l’extérieur symbolise effectivement la situation du Pouvoir de Barack Obama pris dans son propre piège celui de l’ambivalence d’une alternance de politique sociale inconsistante et démesurée par rapport aux défis sociaux courants et inter-conflictuel et racial au niveau national et une stratégie d’expansion et d’auto-défense internationale qui demeure prônée sur la base confessionnelle et “anéanti-islamique” dans sa finalité. La destruction des bases idéologiques de la religion musulmane demeure une priorité de tout encerclement médiatique et virtuelle des populations croyantes.

Des moyens sophistiqués de communication et partage de toute formes de consommation visuelle d’origine occidentale doit aboutir a façonner les habitudes de consommation, la trajectoire des pensées, l’enterrement des traditions, l’acquisition d’une pseudo-modernisation des comportements sociaux et l’autodestruction de l’appartenance a des valeurs et des principes communs a toute une entité sociale, religieuse, culturelle ou même tribale. L’individualisme outrancier doit prendre le dessus et devenir la recette pour le succès personnel et individuel. La mise en exergue du physique et du Look et de ses atouts esthétiques prend la relève et remplace la profondeur de la pensée, les bases véridiques de la personnalité et de la sagesse d’une nation issue de ses propres croyances.

Ces deux vecteurs de la politique nationale et la stratégie internationale consistent à imposer leurs conditions de renouvellement au niveau du contrôle, l’accaparement et le détournement des richesses naturelles et primaires et financières conséquentes tout en formant des couches sociales acquises au mode occidental de pensée et de référence culturelle. L’atténuation de tout sens de résistance nationale est ainsi réalisée et renforcée par le tapage publicitaire de tout genre et par la propagande alarmiste des medias assujettie utilisant le spectre des extrémistes religieux et comme monnaie d’échange l’adoration du modèle de développement basé sur l’ouverture au capital étranger et ses moteurs de la modernisation civique, civile et élitiste s’inspirant des capitales occidentales et cherchant une imitation de leurs modèles, leurs célébrités et de leurs modes de vie.

C’est dans ces marges le dénominateur commun de l’échec de l’administration de Barack Obama trouve ses raisons d’être et peut être la raison pourquoi Obama fut permis de devenir le premier Président des Etats Unis avec une couleur autre que ses précédents mais défendant les couleurs régionales et nationales avec plus de fanfare et de dégâts pour les populations et les pays concernés a l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur de l’Amérique

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

tSeptember 12, 2014  · 

7 ans après la publication initiale de cette photo et mon correspondant commentaire, rien n’a changé

Le Moyen Orient fut et continue d’être le théâtre de désastres et de souffrances pour des peuples entiers dont la seule faute est d’être musulman, Arabe, Kurde, Persan et Afghan et autres ethnies régionales qui essayent de vivre libre sur la terre de leurs ancêtres et qui sont transformés en guerriers du hasard.

Quel est le Problème?

Le problème est que cette même terre renferme des richesses dans le sous-sol que certains aimeraient posséder et monopoliser donc tout cela amène a des conflits pour la monopolisation des ressources naturelles, humaines et tout ce qui est entre.

Tout cette rapide description n’est pas de la politique, elle est la réalité sur le terrain de tous les jours en Moyen Orient.

Les cuisiniers apprentis avec au milieu le Chef de Cuisine pour le Concours de Ketch Up pour celui qui est le plus riche entre eux:

Pour Kerry, le Secrétaire d’Etat des Etats Unis, il est marié a une héritière de Heinz famille, Ketch up business et des maisons de millionnaires:

Heinz and Kerry live an affluent life. They own a six-floor, $7 million townhome in Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood, a $9 million ocean-front home on Nantucket, a $5 million ski retreat in Idaho, a $4 million estate in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania, near the Heinz family’s home base of Pittsburgh, and a $5 million home in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

See all 77 articles at Linkedin published by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Partisan Academics, Military Strategies and National Interest Policies

I developed an analysis during 1991 and up to this day all my predictions about the Middle East were, are and continue to be confirmed by it is happening as conflicts and instabilities as well as alliances among protagonist and opposing factions.


From 1990 and despite all my research was punctuated and consolidated by several presentations, conferences and seminars in various capacities and within multiple entities and organizations, a stubborn arrogance even within academic circles took place in communication and sharing of knowing which should be the norm in an academic setting.

These merchant and ethnocentric academics took my syllabuses, my curriculums and even the proposed curriculum activities as well as my ideas to make them theirs and offer them with their name and their institution and make them a machine for them and for them to print their own. concepts and principles and above all distorted visions to better sell it to an audience and respond to a clientele who both were mainly interested in what the Academy and Research as well as thinking heads such as Bernard Lewis and his acolytes can confirm what the television programs offered them every day and every evening as reports of a reality out of phase by the prisms of cameras and by scripts of tele-markers and tele-writers.

In this newspaper clipping is transcribed my predictions taken as an account in this attached article which come from my research on the Middle East.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is said-el-mansour-cherkaoui-peace-and-conflict-studies-at-uc-berkeley_orig-1.png

Dr.   Said El Mansour Cherkaoui : Conference on the Middle East at the University of Berkeley, California, USA.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Participation in the denunciation of the War against Irak in 1990

At that time I participated in the establishment of a program within the University of California, Berkeley with Jerry Sanders as Coordinator. This program was called “Peace and Conflict Studies Program. A fierce resistance from the Falcons had gotten through to break the backbone of anything to do with the Middle East question and having a different approach than Pax Americana and its local and regional allies and supporters. This presentation in a sort of Conference and Seminar was noted and appreciated by a large number of participants, thus necessitating my interview by the Daily Californian Journal, an excerpt of which is published in this article.

Based on my research, I made these predictions at a seminar-conference organized as part of a “Peace and Conflict Studies” program that I had created at the University of California, Berkeley.

Twenty-seven years later, the conclusions of my research and analysis have proven to be correct since this is indeed what is currently happening in the Middle East.

The content of this article is an integral part of my research on the Middle East, part of which was published by the Comunità internazionale and the details of which can be found in the following lines:

The Middle East and the Research of Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

August 2, 1990 – August 20, 2017

The Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), titled Operation Desert Shield (August 2, 1990 – January 17, 1991) concerns the operations that resulted in the regrouping of troops and the defense of Saudi Arabia which resulted in the outbreak of Operation Desert Storm – Desert Storm (January 17, 1991 – February 28, 1991). On the combat front, this is a war waged by the forces of the coalition of 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to the invasion and annexation of Kuwait by the United States. Iraq.

In this context is my research on the Middle East and the question of Peace that I carried out from 1990 and of which an extract was published in 1991 and which is currently in the Library of the Fondation des Sciences Politiques à la Rue Saint Guillaume in Paris.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: The structural causes of the Gulf crisis and the quest for a peaceful solution in the Middle East

Author: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui
Edition/Format:   Article : English View all editions and formats
Publication: Comunità internazionale, 46(1/2) 1991 : 141-163

Today, August 20, 2017 thus marks the 27th year of this conflict and of my works on the Middle East which were and continue to be confirmed by the current events in the Middle East that I had predicted and explained in this publication. and in lectures and readings at the University of California Berkeley, Stanford University, the Chevron Company, for a coalition of Northern California organizations and other San Francisco Bay Area academic institutions.

In fact, regarding my post discussed here, it is about my research that I conducted when I proposed a degree program that I had created for the University of California at Berkeley and that I titled “Peace and Conflict Studies. I also conducted research for the Stanford Research Institute and whose tenors used for their own interests while telling me that they wanted more an analysis on the potentialities of investments and on the conduct of Business in the Middle East. This excuse was only based on two facts, the Head at Stanford Research Institute who was Norwegian, wanted to take ownership of my research and grab the monetary benefits.

The other possibility which does not rule out the previous one is that my research contained an analysis of Islam and its encounters with the West that the proponents of the thought in Stanford Research Institute were not aware of its existence. or else simply did not want to recognize this fact.

I did not understand how investors would want to invest in a space, a country and a region across this world without knowing the risks and latent conflicts that can emerge in the corresponding environment.

Among the curricula I had developed for this study program, I had conducted research on the Middle East and what the oil reserves and the existence of the State of Israel meant to Western economic powers. Indeed, my approach wanted to highlight the issues and challenges that conditioned the impacts of the future of this region and that as responses to the ideological, cultural and religious antagonisms existing or inflamed from the outside.

Faced with my innovative approach highlighting the causes of foreign interventions in the Middle East and potential confrontations with Islam including possible manipulations and provocations that could go beyond the regional framework, shields were raised against my initiatives and my research did not find no house or journal willing to publish my work or even this article cites here. My origin and my name added more to their recriminations to publish a work that highlighted the real structural dimensions of this continuation and repetition of conflicts both at the level of the causes and at the level of the repercussions of the continual deterioration of the environment in the Middle Orient and above all that I also proposed a solution that nobody even wanted to listen to.

February 12, 1992 ·  ·  · 


I was invited by Stanford University and affiliated academic organizations to present the perspective and approach on the Middle East issue of the countries of North Africa Sahara, including Morocco.

Dr.   Said El Mansour Cherkaoui : Conference on the Gulf War, Stanford University, California, USA. – Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui: Conference on the Gulf War at Stanford University, California, USA

I was invited by Stanford University and affiliated academic organizations to present the perspective and approach of the countries of North Africa Sahara, including Morocco on the question of the Middle East and what are the international fallout from such a War on the rest of the region and by extension on the world economy.


Said El Mansour Cherkaoui giving a presentation at a Conference on the Middle East and the Gulf War organized by the University of Berkeley, California – UC Berkeley, Peace and Conflict Studies and the Center of Middle East Studies

The drama had taken place and these former soldiers and adventurers who had returned their uniforms to distant barracks, are now the invited experts on the silver sets of the rusty programs of the mercantile warrior television and this even live during the television news for recite their litany and shout their nationalisms by justifying with all the arsenal at their disposal, the military interventions in the Middle East.

We witnessed the transformation of the Television Screen into a video game with commentary from former generals who were now waging their war and displaying their strategic knowledge, transforming this flat screen into a battlefield worthy of the best old strategy tables of the time. of Napoleon and the famous maps of Clemenceau which gave birth to Lebanon and the territorial division of the Middle East. These retired generals and well-off Academicians were building ideological strongholds to facilitate the acceptance of military casualties and the damage and victimization of civilians who are called in to alleviate the painful – the final note, Collateral Damage.

The Death Road = Kuwait City to Basra in Irak

They told them they can leave Kuwait and when they left they treat them like video game a hell of fire from the sky

These human loss specialists searched the combat zones by advocating a Damage Control strategy to have all military operations accepted and supported and subsequently any increase in the military budget and even the installation of puppet governments by the masses and the American silent majority. In fact, a camouflage of the war and its atrocities was transformed before our eyes into theatrical acts and a “videotape” scene. We were no longer in the Middle East, we were in Hollywood or in those famous stores of the time, Blockbuster. These experts of all stripes had thus transformed themselves into Warbusters like the Ghostbusters.

The most effective and attractive aspect was to invite this Academician who pushed the legitimacy of his comments and direct interventions on television by accentuating his Middle Eastern Arab accent and by wedging between each sentence this nationalist reminder without make-up and without make-up: “We the Americans – We the Americans” which was closer to “We the People” which is the preamble to the Constitution of the United States than to the real identity and the ethnic origin of this “Arab Academician.” “

By this this Arab Academician by accentuating his Arabic Accent replaced the whole Arab Nation at least that in the mind of this silent American majority and this as an invitation and a safe-conduct issued directly and on the job to the decision-makers of send American troops to come and invade any Arab country which is led by a “Dictator” who until then was considered an ally according to the designation criteria of liberal political philosophy which tends not to be static at the level of the ‘international identification of national interest and geo-strategic interest.

Think Tank et Who you know not what you know :

The Complicity of Knowledge with Corporate and Martial Decision in the United States

Syria, U.S. Leadership, and the Direction of Change in the Middle East – Ajami, David, and Kattouf

Such as the Tree which hides the forest, this Arab Academician and many others like him in idea as in ideology and his colleagues in the research centers which one indicates by the “Think Tank” the cream of the thinking cream on the East Coast of the United States, all in concert became the twirling doors and spokespersons of the entire edifice of the American administration, the military hierarchy and the centers of advice and national intelligence and the protection of Security. Ultimately, this whole clique formed by experts from all sides did not seek to place themselves between these structures of national decision-making by offering their services as Consultants “with first hand insights”, hand in hand,

In this institutional interweaving of the world of American knowledge where the adage dominates: “Who you know not what you know”, each in this organigram of the distribution of academic knowledge, of the decision and the propagation of official propaganda, each one tried eliminate the other and monopolize the place to make it a central reference in the defense and preservation of academic foundations and social thought and this in front of the defender and the fighter if not the mercenary in the service of the dominant ideology which in this case seeks to legitimize its military intervention in the Middle East.

This fabulous “Arabic Academician” with his heavy Middle Eastern accent and who for all silent America became the voice of the Middle East, since his accent had become the identity of anyone who could be related or identified as originating from the Middle East. Thus, a regional affiliation became stronger with an individual nationality and by such a generalist identification,

This Arab Academician was called Fouad Ajami and casually taught at the center of one of the most “prestigious” American universities known for its program on foreign affairs.

A conversation with Fouad Ajami, professor at Johns Hopkins University and contributing writer for “US News & World Report”, and Fawaz Gerges, author of “America and Political Islam”, on the release of videotapes that implicate Osama bin Laden in the attacks of September 11.

Discordant Voices and the Forgetting of Academic Isolation Corridors:

Far from all these considerations, I became one of the targets among many others to bring down the academic pedestal and as the arsenal was rode and packed on their side, this dirty work was carried out with all the quality of intellectual sophistication. retrograde that one could dream of having as an instrument for the transfer of knowledge and in this case, this arsenal was used to “silence” – “stifle” a new voice, authentic, just and innovative in difference as in the demand for justice and the historical correction.

Thus, no one dared or wanted to publish my work on the Middle East. This refusal was also accentuated by the fact that strategic decision-makers in the United States were still looking for the best approach to counter Saddam Hussein’s troops in Kuwait.

In such a hurricane of the academic troops of the University of California and the indecision of the top breaststroke of the American military, it became necessary for me to make heard and to share as well as to make survive my thought for which I crossed seas, oceans and plains and mountains as well as rivers of knowledge to acquire this knowledge that I try to contain and transfer it to others near and those in far lands.

My work was therefore offered to this international organization [Comunità internazionale, in Italy] * before the invasion of Kuwait by the United States army.

It is Comunità internazionale in Italy which had the courage to publish my work in 1991 on the Middle East in the Middle of the Desert Storm – Desert Storm ”as the intervention of the United States Army in Kuwait was called .

This organization or the editor of this review, had the politeness and delicacy to add a note specifying that my article was submitted to them before the arrival of the American troops in Kuwait, thus showing the validity of my analyzes and the projections on the unfolding of events before they were applied in the field.

Thus, my analysis was confirmed by the succession of subsequent events.

A copy of my article is currently in the United Nations Library in New York and in other international organizations around the world with the following references:

The structural causes of the Gulf crisis and the quest for a peaceful solution in the Middle East

The structural causes of the Gulf crisis an the quest for a peaceful solution in the Middle East

Author Cherkaoui, Said El Mansour  [1]
Document principal International community <P 8 ° 0363>
Author Cherkaoui, Said El Mansour  [1] 
Title The structural causes of the Gulf crisis an the quest for a peaceful solution in the Middle East
Document principal International community
Description 46 (1-2), 2 ème trim. 91 : p. 141-163.
Topics Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)  [1185] 
Résumé It is the fear of seeing immense oil reserves come under the control of a regime which is not their puppet that has destabilized the industrialized countries. On the other hand, Operation “Desert Storm” gave Washington the opportunity to regain a foothold in the Middle East after the end of French and British colonial rule.
Origin of the notice DOBI (OCLC)


It is the fear of seeing immense oil reserves come under the control of a regime which is not their puppet that has destabilized the industrialized countries. On the other hand, Operation “Desert Storm” gave Washington the opportunity to regain a foothold in the Middle East after the end of French and British colonial rule.

« The structural causes of the Gulf crisis and the quest for a peaceful solution in the Middle East » published in 1991 at Comunità internazionale, in Italie – Author: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Nobody dared or wanted to publish my research / work on the Middle East, because the US Government was still looking for the best approach to counter Saddam Hussein’s troops in Kuwait. My work was therefore proposes to this international organization [Comunità internazionale, in Italie]* before the invasion of Kuwait by the US military.

This organization or the publisher of this magazine, had the politeness and delicacy to add a note that my article was submitted to them before the arrival of American troops in Kuwait, showing the validity of my analysis and my projections on sequence of events before they were implemented on the ground. So my analysis was confirmed by the succession of subsequent events.

A copy of my article is now in the library of New York the United Nations and in other international organizations worldwide with the following references:

The structural causes of the Gulf crisis and the quest for a peaceful solution in the Middle East – Author: Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Edition/Format: Article : English

Publication:  International Community , 46 (1/2) 1991: 141-163

Database: WorldCat


 Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

August 2, 1990 – August 20, 2017

Addenda:  Thank you for the continued interest.

It’s been 27 years since I wrote this article, I think that a loan between universities or research centers can be made or through an institution such as a library, asks Sciences Po Paris. My publication can be found in their catalog as I mentioned here at the top.

This document was sold out at the publisher since all the major international libraries interested in the Middle East had acquired it, even that of the UN and the Publisher of the Comunità internazionale had asked me to continue to write a other written work, since events had confirmed my analyzes in the reality of the Middle East, but my life took a different turn.

Dr. Said El Mansour Cherkaoui 8/21/2017

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Addenda and Update: 2/14/2017

Jacques Oiknine  I want to clarify my thoughts in the following form:

Peace will make us our Judaics first, they no longer feel threatened by anyone and we will be happy to visit each other and have our children visit each other as neighbors of our time. The mistakes of the past and the mistakes of yesterday must become today’s reunions and tomorrow’s solutions. The goodwill of peoples last longer than the passage of governments.

We need a Peace between Peoples and not a peace signed on a parchment which becomes an archive in the depths of a dusty file. Governments change but the memory of the people lasts and endures, it is in this memory that we must rebuild and strengthen the foundations of Peace and this in all areas of its expression, including through our present and future dialogue. . 

Of course, we have differences, we have different emotions, of course we are of a common but diverse personality but we remain attached to our roots, I think that the Moroccan seed must make peace in the souls of Moroccans bear fruit. first and spread to other fertile lands for Peace and acceptance as well as tolerance.

I work every day and have each of my interactions with the other in the sense of establishing communication links that convey peace and the sharing of a common denominator that every Moroccan knowing his deep roots will meet in the rise of time , that the road crossed by his ancestors passed through Judaism in a direct way, in a family way or even just a cultural approach and those or those who claim something else are only oblivious to their own sources which fueled their existence as Moroccans or as you say Amazigh, Ouled Awinakh, Naki.

As for the Middle East, there is the Palestinian equation and it cannot be erased all at once or ignored out of religious or ideological conviction. The Palestinian Community does exist and does exist and one cannot claim anything else as well. You can discuss this for a lifetime, but the real fact is that they are there and remain there first and foremost and after all. 

Israel cannot pretend to give another explanation for their presence, it must find voices of rapprochement, methods of integration and bridges of communication while stopping the expansion of the settlers.

On both sides, clear and clean horizons must be found to project the same vision towards the establishment of new avenues that can lead to mutual recognition and the sharing of a will to establish bonds of peace and coexistence without recourse. to violence.

It is the people of the two communities who must develop links and relationships that can lead to making the authorities understand the need for peace and imposing on them the popular will to no longer resort to violence on their behalf to claim to defend or defend them. represent. We must have a responsible popular expression and aware of his rights and which respects the other as it wants to be respected by the other and no longer play the game of the great interests of both sides including the situation of non-peace and de non Guerre makes it possible to maintain the same people in power while nourishing their designs for domination and social control. It is necessary to free the popular conscience first of all from the brakes and from the harmful and warlike ideological influences which only amplify the causes of hatred and injustice as well as violence and rejection. The division between two only serves the third thief who pulls the chestnuts out of the fire.

All Rights Reserved to  Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

More from Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

http: //oaklandchronicle.wordpresscom/ideologie-des-elites-dirigeantes-pax-americana-hegemonie-et-interet-national/

The Clinton Dynasty Stray From Arkansas To Euphrates

See all 77 articles at Linkedin published by Said El Mansour Cherkaoui

Artwork by José Guadalupe Posada

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui Works for Peace in the Middle East

Arab Middle East & National Interest of the West

  • Published on May 12, 2017

Synopsis and Introductory Note: A compilation and analysis I have developped on the evolution of the Middle East with an emphasis of the local collaboration

History and Time Confirmation in the Middle East

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D. on LinkedIn

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.

Said El Mansour Cherkaoui, Ph.D.(He/Him)★ Mentor on Entrepreneurship ★ Organizational Management ★ Entrepreneurial Planning ★ United States of America ★ France ★ Morocco ★ China ★ Sub-Saharan Africa ★11mo • 11 months ago

Excellence Nikos Christodoulides
My warm congratulations for your achievements and I would like to share with you My historical involvement with Cypress in the same line that you are actually pursuing.
More than 20 years ago, aware of the need for Cyprus to increase its visibility as the carrefour for international businesses and finances, our goal was to promote Cyprus as the bridge for international operations seeking to reach regional markets in South-Eastern of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
In 1999, as Co-chair of the International Business Committee at the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and as International Business Manager at Sprint Corporation, I contributed with the Central Bank of Cyprus in the organization at San Francisco (California) of a Business Conference entitled:
CYPRUS: As International Business Center

My presentation covered business climate and the use of Sprint Global Virtual Private Network to facilitate international communications for US and European companies expanding their operations in the aforementioned regions.

Wishing you successful continuation.
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Nikos Christodoulides

Nikos Christodoulides• 2nd Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Cyprus11mo • 11 months ago

#Cyprus, from prehistoric times until today, embraces its fate as a bridge between the #MiddleEast#Europe#Africa & #Asia. We are convinced that our geographical position & our excellent relations with neighouring countries are a blessing”.

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