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  • Post-doctoral degree (dr hab.) in economic sciences, lecturer at the Department of Economic and Social Statistics at ... more edit
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose the method of measurement of competencies using exploratory factor analysis and the evaluation of the relation between competencies and economic activity of mature people.... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose the method of measurement of competencies using exploratory factor analysis and the evaluation of the relation between competencies and economic activity of mature people. Design/methodology/approach The empirical analysis is based on the Study of Human Capital data (conducted in Poland). The study population people are aged 50+. In statistical analysis explanatory factor analysis and logistic regression were used. Findings Competencies are the crucial factor of professional position and career development. However, older people have often out-dated skills and it results in a higher propensity for economic deactivation. On the other hand, older people are valuable on the labour market due to their experience, knowledge and social skills. The survey results indicate that competencies, measured with using of factor analysis, similarly as health, marital status, place of residence and age are significant determinants of early employment deactivation. Research limitations/implications Limitation in the evaluation of the risk of economic deactivation factors is the static approach of this analysis. The Study of Human Capital data are the best source of information about competencies of Poles, but its character is not longitudinal. Originality/value The analysis of mature people’s competencies is very important in the context of extending working life, but the scientific researches in this area are rare. This paper would reduce the knowledge gap on the topic of reasons for older workers’ deactivation in which competencies are included. Application of exploratory factor analysis in this area is unique.
In the conditions of accelerated turnover of employees, related to reaching the retirement age by more groups of employees than those entering the market, the purposeful and eff ective application of multigenerational knowledge transfer... more
In the conditions of accelerated turnover of employees, related to reaching the retirement age by more groups of employees than those entering the market, the purposeful and eff ective application of multigenerational knowledge transfer may be considered a measure of the facilitating the achievement of market success, both locally, regionally and internationally. The analysis is based on the literature review. The aim of this paper is to indicate the instruments used in enterprises implementing knowledge management, aimed at strengthening the intergenerational knowledge transfer
The terms “digital divide”, “digital exclusion” refer to the gap between those who have regular access to digital and information technology and are able to effectively use it, and those who do not have such access. The development of ICT... more
The terms “digital divide”, “digital exclusion” refer to the gap between those who have regular access to digital and information technology and are able to effectively use it, and those who do not have such access. The development of ICT infrastructure, with which we are experiencing in recent years, also in the Lodz region, was resulted in smaller digital divide of the first degree (inability to use the appropriate hardware and software), the problem remains, however, the digital divide of the second degree, having their roots in psychological barriers. This applies particularly to the elderly, whose skills are low, and their motivation for skill development is often weak. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of the scale of the digital divide Lodz region residents aged 50 years and older. In the paper I used for this purpose the results of nationwide researches - Social Diagnosis and "Diagnosis of the current situation of women and men aged 50+ on the labour market in Poland", on the basis of which the synthetic index of Internet  versality were constructed. Analysis of these data are done using multivariate statistical analysis. In addition, in the paper the chosen activities undertaken in the fight against digital exclusion in the Lodz region.
The fast development of technologies in today’s world is accompanied by the mushrooming of digital platforms constituting the core of the ecosystem of sharing economy. This multifaceted phenomenon and its ever-increasing presence have... more
The fast development of technologies in today’s world is accompanied by the mushrooming of digital platforms constituting the core of the ecosystem of sharing economy. This multifaceted phenomenon and its ever-increasing presence have become a subject of public interest and debate, as well as encouraging research and scientific discourse. The article presents the results of the first study of Poles’ participation in sharing economy derived from a questionnaire survey of a representative sample (n = 1000). The purpose of the study was to characterise Poles participating in the digital economy and to determine how they differ in the use of sharing platforms depending on their age group and generation. The analysis has shown that the rates of Poles participating in the digital economy are the smaller, the older the age group, and that a rising number of the users of digital economy solutions translates into greater acceptance of sharing platforms. Among the oldest Poles, 70% do not par...
Projekt CONCISE byl finansowany z programu Unii Europejskiej „Horyzont 2020” w zakresie badan i innowacji na podstawie umowy o dofinansowanie nr 824537
W niniejszym rozdziale podjęto próbę wskazania potencjalnych barier, ale i szans proinnowacyjnego oddziaływania systemu zamówień publicznych. Kolejnym elementem rozważań jest ocena możliwości szerszego włączenia MSP w rynek zamówień... more
W niniejszym rozdziale podjęto próbę wskazania potencjalnych barier, ale i szans proinnowacyjnego oddziaływania systemu zamówień publicznych. Kolejnym elementem rozważań jest ocena możliwości szerszego włączenia MSP w rynek zamówień publicznych. Wykorzystane zostały wyniki badań przeprowadzonych zarówno wśród zamawiających, generujących popyt na innowacje, jak i przedsiębiorstw – obecnych i potencjalnych wykonawców zamówień publicznych.
Extending working life is an important challenge for modern economies. In Poland, 40% of people aged 50–64 are economically inactive. In the population of people with disabilities, this percentage is much higher (78%). The aim of this... more
Extending working life is an important challenge for modern economies. In Poland, 40% of people aged 50–64 are economically inactive. In the population of people with disabilities, this percentage is much higher (78%). The aim of this paper is to assess the individual factors for extending the working life of Poles aged 50–64 and their comparison between people with and without disabilities. The empirical analysis is based on the national survey, Social Diagnosis (for people aged 50–64). The analysis was carried out with the application of logistic regression, as well as the Student t-test, the Mann-Whitney test, the chi-squared test of independence. The logistic regression results show that the factors of extending working life for people with disabilities are different than for others – statistically significant determinants are formal outcomes of human capital development (regarding individuals without disabilities, the list of factors extending working life is more extensive).
Ongoing demographic changes and global population ageing require organisations to pay special attention to their employment policies. With working life extension and age management increasingly included in discussions about reactive... more
Ongoing demographic changes and global population ageing require organisations to pay special attention to their employment policies. With working life extension and age management increasingly included in discussions about reactive versus proactive personnel policies, the term ‘generativity’ gains special importance as an approach to managing a generationally diverse workforce. Generativity can be understood as an attitude of openness towards the younger generations that focuses on exchanging values, knowledge, and experiences with them. It is a source of positive emotions and better social relationships, personal fulfilment, good energy, and aliveness. In the paper, generativity is discussed in the framework of two theories: the socio-emotional selectivity theory (SST) and successful ageing theory (SOC). The aim of this paper is to assess the relationship between generativity and individual work outcomes. We considered both in-role and extra-role outcomes analysed in the job conte...
Econometric models can be a very good tool for the introductory estimation of the in fluence of VAT on the agriculture. However, owing to the fact that regulations concerning VAT in the agriculture came into effect only a few years ago,... more
Econometric models can be a very good tool for the introductory estimation of the in fluence of VAT on the agriculture. However, owing to the fact that regulations concerning VAT in the agriculture came into effect only a few years ago, using classic methods of econometric models estimation for this purpose is very difficult. In order to deal with the problem of investigations with results presented in this paper, two approaches were applied. First of all, annual time series of macroeconomic values characterizing Polish agriculture were used and models estimating effects of the VAT operation on functioning of the agriculture sector were built by means of LSM. Second of all, on the basis of section-time series built on the ground of data of the agricultural accounting, panel models estimation for the need of the estimation of VAT consequences for individual farmers in the microeconomic scale was conducted. These models were used for the estimation of the influence of indirect taxatio...
Publikacja wspolfinansowana przez Unie Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Spolecznego.
The paper contains results of empirical research concerning farmers’ attitude to wards VAT and its versions. Research was conducted among farmers. Taking these results under consideration, it turns out that the majority of farmers do not... more
The paper contains results of empirical research concerning farmers’ attitude to wards VAT and its versions. Research was conducted among farmers. Taking these results under consideration, it turns out that the majority of farmers do not perceive advantages following from the great potential of VAT. Hence, they prefer simple solution, that is the flat rate scheme. It results also from the economic weakness of farms which do not experience considerable benefits from the normal system of VAT. Research’s results support the thesis that in general, only buoyant farmers who invest a lot and develop their activity, use normal tax scheme.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę
Financial literacy is extremely important, both from the perspective of the financial well-being of individuals and the stability of the financial market and the whole economy. The more financially literate a bank’s customers are, the... more
Financial literacy is extremely important, both from the perspective of the financial well-being of individuals and the stability of the financial market and the whole economy. The more financially literate a bank’s customers are, the more frequently and consciously they use financial products and services. Thus, banks are potentially significant stakeholders in the financial education process. Considering that social media have become the leading channel for communication and relationship building, especially regarding young clients, this channel should also be used by banks to increase financial literacy. The aim of this paper is to assess banks’ involvement in financial education activities through social media. We assume that banks use social media as a modern and attractive channel for improving financial education among social media users. The empirical analysis was conducted using several data sources, including non-financial statements and a unique self-collected dataset tha...
Zawarte w publikacji rekomendacje to zbiór inspiracji dotyczących działań przyczyniających się do utrzymania aktywności zawodowej osób po 50. roku życia zatrudnionych w MŚP. Dedykujemy je właścicielom, menedżerom i pracownikom firm z... more
Zawarte w publikacji rekomendacje to zbiór inspiracji dotyczących działań przyczyniających się do utrzymania aktywności zawodowej osób po 50. roku życia zatrudnionych w MŚP. Dedykujemy je właścicielom, menedżerom i pracownikom firm z sektora MŚP, ale również instytucjom otoczenia biznesu, związków zawodowych, władz samorządowych, mediów, które także mogą wspierać i promować aktywność zawodową osób 50+.Publikacja opracowana w projekcie pt. STAY. Wsparcie aktywności zawodowej osób 50+ w przedsiębiorstwie. Zdrowy i zmotywowany pracownik – zadowolony pracodawca (STAY. SupporTing ActivitY for people 50+ in the company. Healthy and motivated employee – satisfied employer) realizowanym w ramach Osi Priorytetowej IV. Innowacje społeczne i współpraca ponadnarodowa, Działanie 4.3. Współpraca ponadnarodowa Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój. Publikacja współfinansowana ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Publikacja dystrybuowana bezpłatni
Abstract: Population ageing is one of the major challenges of modern Europe. In this context is worth to assessment the differences in the situation of women and men aged 50+ on the labour market. In the area of interest are primarily... more
Abstract: Population ageing is one of the major challenges of modern Europe. In this context is worth to assessment the differences in the situation of women and men aged 50+ on the labour market. In the area of interest are primarily people aged 50-59/64, which are at this stage of life in which the situation on the labour market is particularly difficult. Paper was prepared mainly on the basis of the unpublished data developed within the project “Equalisation of Opportunities in the Labour Market for People Aged 50+”. The analysis was conducted with the application of basic descriptive statistics, as well as chi-squared test. Comparing income of women and men aged 50+, t-Student test and median test for independent samples, as well as one- and two-way analysis of variance were used.
Postępujący proces starzenia się polskiego społeczeństwa stanowi coraz większe wyzwanie dla rynku pracy, a co więcej, trudności te będą się pogłębiać. Wydłużenie okresu aktywności zawodowej staje się więc koniecznością.Poland – like many... more
Postępujący proces starzenia się polskiego społeczeństwa stanowi coraz większe wyzwanie dla rynku pracy, a co więcej, trudności te będą się pogłębiać. Wydłużenie okresu aktywności zawodowej staje się więc koniecznością.Poland – like many other countries – faces the necessity of undertaking actions that encourage extending working life. Despite a significant improvement, the economic activity of Poles aged 50+, especially women, still is the lowest in Europe. The aim of the study is the assessment of the individual factors of extending working life in Poland. The study was conducted on the basis of Eurostat and GUS data, as well as the individual data set of Social Diagnosis 2015. In the statistical analysis logistic regression was used. The results confirm, that among the most important determinants of extending working life, human capital of workers takes the significant place. Both the health condition as well as the level of education and competencies extended the chances of delaying retirement
Współczesne organizacje potrzebują zmotywowanych, zaangażowanych i  kreatywnych pracowników. Z myślą o tym, aby przyciągać do organizacji, inspirować do działania oraz zatrzymywać na dłużej, coraz większą uwagę przywiązuje się do badania... more
Współczesne organizacje potrzebują zmotywowanych, zaangażowanych i  kreatywnych pracowników. Z myślą o tym, aby przyciągać do organizacji, inspirować do działania oraz zatrzymywać na dłużej, coraz większą uwagę przywiązuje się do badania postaw, opinii, oczekiwań czy satysfakcji zatrudnionych. Badania tego rodzaju wpływają na podnoszenie efektywności komunikowania się, większe włączenie pracowników w  proces zarządza‑ nia, podniesienie skuteczności stosowanych pakietów motywacyjnych. Mogą być zatem uznane za jeden z  kluczowych procesów spójnego systemu zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. W Polsce praktyki takie są domeną głównie przedsięwzięć zorientowanych biznesowo. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie działań służących budowaniu zaangażowania i  włączaniu pracowników w  działania pracodawcy oraz wykorzystujących badania ich opinii i oczekiwań na przykładzie instytucji nienastawionej na zysk – jednej z polskich uczelni.
The ageing of societies has recently become one the most important phenomena shaping social policy in Poland and other developed countries. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly clear that ageing should not be perceived only in... more
The ageing of societies has recently become one the most important phenomena shaping social policy in Poland and other developed countries. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly clear that ageing should not be perceived only in terms of threats. Silver economy, age management, and lifelong learning are the notions that become acknowledged by various labour market and social policy stakeholders. The rationale behind these ideas is to make the best use of the potential of people around the retirement, in line with the life cycle concept, but also of new social needs that arise with an increasing proportion of people aged 50+ in the society, and with considerably improving quality of their lives. The discussion presented in the article is limited to problems in extending working life of Poles. The aim of this paper is analysis of the factors influencing the extension of the working life in Poland, from an individual perspective, i.e. by looking at the reasons of individual deci...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose the method of measurement of competencies using exploratory factor analysis and the evaluation of the relation between competencies and economic activity of mature people.... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose the method of measurement of competencies using exploratory factor analysis and the evaluation of the relation between competencies and economic activity of mature people. Design/methodology/approach The empirical analysis is based on the Study of Human Capital data (conducted in Poland). The study population people are aged 50+. In statistical analysis explanatory factor analysis and logistic regression were used. Findings Competencies are the crucial factor of professional position and career development. However, older people have often out-dated skills and it results in a higher propensity for economic deactivation. On the other hand, older people are valuable on the labour market due to their experience, knowledge and social skills. The survey results indicate that competencies, measured with using of factor analysis, similarly as health, marital status, place of residence and age are significant determinants of early employment deactivation. Research limitations/implications Limitation in the evaluation of the risk of economic deactivation factors is the static approach of this analysis. The Study of Human Capital data are the best source of information about competencies of Poles, but its character is not longitudinal. Originality/value The analysis of mature people’s competencies is very important in the context of extending working life, but the scientific researches in this area are rare. This paper would reduce the knowledge gap on the topic of reasons for older workers’ deactivation in which competencies are included. Application of exploratory factor analysis in this area is unique.
In the face of the dynamic ageing of local communities, smart cities and smart villages programs should seek to ensure meeting the needs of the elderly and promoting solutions tailored to their computer literacy, digital skills, and... more
In the face of the dynamic ageing of local communities, smart cities and smart villages programs should seek to ensure meeting the needs of the elderly and promoting solutions tailored to their computer literacy, digital skills, and perception capabilities. In this context we propose to approach local smart and age-friendly communities initiatives in a way that would provide responses to two contemporary megatrends: digitalization and demographic transition. We assumed that the deployment of such initiatives in local planning and governance depends on at least two conditions: demand for smart everyday products and services represented by older adults and the perspective of the local decision-makers. The paper aims to examine whether the smart city/smart village idea focused on meeting the needs of the elderly and seeking to shape age-friendly local communities and the environment could be implemented in the municipalities in Poland. The analysis of the elderly Poles’ capabilities to...

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