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The Hopedale Collection

The Hopedale Collection consists of books by and about Adin Ballou (1803-1890) and the utopian community he founded at Hopedale, Massachusetts.

Practical Christianity
Adin Ballou
An Epitome of Practical Christian Socialism
Edited and arranged by Lynn Gordon Hughes

Catalog No. BE-01
ISBN 0-9725017-0-3
Pages: 267
Price: $24.00
17% Discount: $20.00

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Practical Christian Socialism (1854) was Adin Ballou's most comprehensive exposition of his fundamental principles and their application to personal and community life, ranging from theology and political theory to marriage, child-rearing, and a surprisingly frank discussion of sexuality.

In Practical Christianity, Ballou's 655-page treatise has been edited to eliminate the cumbersome dialogue form in which it was originally written. All of the language is Ballou's own, and nothing is omitted except a final section in which he compared Practical Christian Socialism to competing varieties of utopian socialism.

Christian Non-Resistance
Adin Ballou

Catalog No. BE-02
ISBN 0-9725017-1-1
Pages: 190
Price: $20.00
15% Discount: $17.00

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In Christian Non-Resistance (1846) Adin Ballou set out his vision of a world in which nations would glory not in military might but in "superior justice, forbearance, meekness, forgiveness, charity," and beneficent order could be maintained without violence. Once dismissed as a relic of the na�ve and sentimental optimism of pre-Civil War America, it is now recognized as an important contribution to the theory of nonviolent resistance. Ballou's combination of the utmost moral resistance to evil with the uninjurious physical restraint of evildoers provides a conceptually simple, flexible approach to the problem of resisting evil without becoming evil oneself.

To Live a Truer Life
Written by Lynn Gordon Hughes
Illustrated by Lindro
For ages 4-8

Catalog No. BE-03
ISBN 0-9725017-2-X
Pages: 32
Hard cover
w/ dust jacket
Price: $20.00
30% Discount: $14.00

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Hopedale, Massachusetts in 1855 is a town unlike any other. Everyone who lives there has promised never to kill, hate, or hurt another human being - not even their worst enemy. There are no rich people and no poor people. Everyone has a job to do, and everyone shares.

This picture book presents the Hopedale Community through the eyes of one if its youngest members, eight-year-old Susie Thwing. Her job is to deliver the mail to everyone in Hopedale and sell the special pink Hopedale Penny Post stamps. In this book, young readers can join Susie as she makes her rounds and shows what makes her town so special.

The Reformation Collection

Reformation historian Roland H. Bainton called them "the Free Spirits." Neither Lutheran nor Reformed nor Anabaptist, the liberal wing of the Radical Reformation was characterized by belief in the power of reason and a mystical sense of union with the Divine. Our Reformation Collection highlights these independent thinkers.

Phillip Hewett

Catalog No. BE-04
ISBN 0-9725017-5-4
Pages: 88
Price: $12.00

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In the depths of the Polish countryside lies the little town of Rak�w (Racovia). Rak�w today shows few signs of its illustrious history as the chief center for progressive religious thinking in Europe.

Founded as a utopian community in 1569, by the early seventeenth century it had become "the Unitarian capital of Europe." Its academy attracted scholars and students from all over the Continent. Hundreds of books poured from its presses, including the famous Racovian Catechism, published four centuries ago and still in print to this day.

Though the Racovian experiement eventually fell victim to the forces of religious repression, the ripples arising from this little community have spread in ever-widening circles during the ensuing centuries, and their effects can still be seen today.

Hunted Heretic: The Life and Death of Michael Servetus 1511-1553
Roland H. Bainton

Catalog No. BE-05
ISBN 0-9725017-3-8
Pages: 235
Price: $20.00

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This classic work, first published in 1953, has been reissued in a joint publication by Blackstone Editions and the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society.

Though the basic scholarship remains sound, and the book fills a need for a concise, readable, yet scholarly English-language biography of Servetus, we found the apparatus in need of updating. Therefore we decided to make this volume, not a simple reprint, but an enriched edition of Hunted Heretic. Like a DVD reissue of a beloved classic movie, it comes packaged with many "special features": updated notes and bibliography, a new introduction, a rare, early, and previously hard to find primary document, and a biography of Roland Bainton.

The Unitarian Universalist Collection

Published in association with the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society, these books shed light on the development of the American Unitarian Association, the Universalist Church of America, and the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Freedom Moves West: A History of the Western Unitarian Conference, 1852-1952
Charles H. Lyttle

Catalog No. BE-06
ISBN 0-9725017-6-2
Pages: 304
Price: $27.50

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One of the essential works of American Unitarian history, Freedom Moves West tells the story of the growth and development of a distinctive Western variety of American Unitarianism. As religiously liberal pioneers moved from the long-established East to the newly settled territories of the West, they embraced ever more challenging theological positions, constantly expanding the definition of what it means to be Unitarian.