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Hu Yaobang, Reform & Death

First Students' Movement
CCP's Economic Crimes
Enlightened Intelligentsia & Petition Movements
Second Students' Movement
Hunger Strike & Student-CCP Dialogue
Martial Law Enaction In Peking
June 3rd, 1989: Setup, Framing & Smear Campaign
Blood Path From Wukesong to Muxidi
Massacring All The Way To Tian'an'men Square
Massacre Around The "Goddess of Freedom & Democracy" Statute
Twenty Minutes of Machinegun Gunfire
Post-64 Massacre & Crackdown Eyewitness Account By Lin Bin - Muxidi Area
PLA Insider Disclosure of Death Toll At 31,978
Three Brave Young Men From Hunan Province
Eyewitness Account - TAM Square & Surroundings
PLA Deployment of Over Dozen Field Army Corps
Wu Renhua's Eyewitness Account of TAM Square
Eyewitness Account of Tanks Ramming Students
PLA Playing Tricks Of 27th vs 38th Corps on 6-6-89
Eyewitness Account of Blood Path by Yi-da-qi
[ this page: june4th_massacre.htm ] [ Chinese Language Writings On Massacre ]

Tian'an'men Massacre on June 4th 1989 may not be the sole atrocity that had
occurred on the square. Zheng Nian, i.e., the author of "Life And Death In
Shanghai", had mentioned that ultra-leftist militia under Peking Mayor Wu De
inflicted a bloody crackdown on mourners on April 5th 1976. stated a commonly perceived mythical fallacy that
"Mao Zedong labeled the April 5 [1976] event a 'counter-revolutionary riot' and
ordered to 'use military force if necessary, but do not open fire'." Zhang Liang,
the alias name author of "Truth About Tian'an'men" [i.e., THE TIANANMEN PAPERS,
reviewed by Andrew J. Nathan, Perry Link & Orville Schell], claimed that on April
5th 1976, 13 years earlier, CCP mobilized 10000 militia, 3000 police and 5
battalions of garrison troops, arrested 388 people, but killed nobody [??? a myth
or a continuous cover-up while Zhang Liang, per Jin Zhong, could very well be Wu
Jiaxiang]. Throughout the summer evenings of 1976, I had heard, from neighboring
people, about numerous horrific stories to the effect that Peking militia pierced
the mourners with spears, dumped passed-out victims to the crematorium, or spared
death some woman victim who climbed out of the dead corpses. Most of the stories
had come from the "business clerks of working units" who travelled out of town,
incidentally. Over 20 years ago, Qian Jiaju wrote that hundreds of Peking citizens
were killed by militia in 1976, and some 50 bodies were shipped to Shanghai for

While April 5th 1976 crackdown was related to mourning late premier Zhou Enlai,
Tian'an'men Massacre on June 4th 1989 [massacre of the Peking city to be exact]
would be related to mourning late CCP general secretary Hu Yaobang. The
significant difference of June 4th 1989 Massacre from that on April 5th 1976 would
be the fact that reporters from news media all over the world, who had converged
upon Peking for Gorbachev visitation and the World Bank meeting, had witnessed the
communist killing machines, i.e., tanks, machine guns, bayonets and dumdum
bullets. By daybreak of June 4th 1989, following advice from some wise ass at CCP
Central, people's liberation army, which had prohibited medical staff from
rescuing wounded people or retrieving dead corpses overnight, had cleaned up
streets and Tian'an'men Square for sake of preventing satellites from taking

Note communist slaughter on Tian'an'men Square was not its first act of terror in
history, and it won't be the last. China and Chinese lived in terrors since Peng
Pai and Mao Tse-tung launched rascal-proletariat peasant movements in 1927. Peng
Pai had at one time claimed that communist law would be simply the execution of
landlords once they were caught. Mao Tse-tung, directly responsible for the rascal
movement in Hunan Province in 1927, would be the red-handed culprits in the Purge
of Anti-Bolshevik League during 1930-1931, the Purge of Trotskyists during 1937-
1941, and the Rectification Movement during 1942-1945.

After obtaining power in 1949, the Chinese Communists (CCP) launched the
"Suppression of Reactionaries Movement" in addition to the "Land Reform" that
would see 2 million landlords and relatively wealthy peasants executed. (CCP
Bloody Land Reform, however, already started in 1947. See Fanshen: A Documentary
of Revolution in a Chinese Village that was first recorded by William Hinton [Han
Ding] whose daughter, Carma Hinton, made the documentary The Gate Of Heavenly
Peace with Richard Gordon.) "Elimination of Counterrevolutionaries" was further
launched in 1955 with the advent of 'Hu Feng Reactionary Clique'. In between, CCP
never stopped its terror campaign as exhibited by the execution death of 1911 Xin
Hai Revolution veteran Xia Zhishi together with elder brother, junior brother [4th
son in order] and a nephew in the spring of 1951 in Hetongxian county of Sichuan
Province. The communists launched separate movements of "Three Anti & Five Anti"
in 1951 and 1952, respectively. With the changes in the international arena, i.e.,
Stalinism being negated in USSR in 1956 and the horrors of the Purge being exposed
by Nikita Khrushchov, Mao launched the 'Rectification Movement' on April 27th,
1957. Then, Mao said he had successfully induced the snakes out of their
hybernation and officially launched 'Anti-Rightist Movement' in June 1957. Lushan
Meeting of July 2-Aug 16 1959 declared the 'Peng Dehuai Anti-Party Clique'. After
1959's Lushan Meeting, Mao went on the Anti-Rightist Trend to rout another
3,800,000 people. Mao Tse-tung's terror reached its climax during the Cultural
Revolution. Only the death of Mao in 1976 would see China enjoy a short respite
from the political persecutions conducted by the Cult, i.e., CCP. The evil nature
of communism and its Chinese practitioners never changed, ending in the horrendous
massacre in the city of Peking on June 4th, 1989. Following will be links to
websites with a vault of pictures about June 4th 1989 Massacre:


Hu Yaobang, Reform & Death

1989 was a turbulent year for China. In Jan 1989, Fang Lizhi, former university
vice president of China Science & Technology University in Anhui Prov, wrote an
open letter to Deng Xiaoping in demand of the release of Wei Jingsheng [i.e.,
Democracy Wall activist]. In following months, more intellectuals joined Fang
Lizhi, demanding political reform. In the section on "Enlightened Intelligentsia"
below, we will cover the parallel thread to the student movement.

On April 15th 1989, deposed CCP Party General Secretary Hu Yaobang passed away. On
the campus of Peking University, big character posters showed up with calls for
political reform. On April 17th, ten thousand students swarmed onto Tian'an'men
Square to show respect for the late leader. The next day, tens of thousands of
students converged upon the square and in front of "People's Great Wall" for a
demonstration against CCP Central's deliberate low-tone mourning arrangement.
Students raised "seven demands". This would be what I termed here as Second
Students' Movement in communist era, not counting the "red guards" movements that
were officially sanctioned and launched by the CCP. Intellectuals, students and
ordinary people across China began to show respect for this open-minded rectifier
of communist faults and torts with various articles or publications. Newspaper
across the country, including "World Economic Herald", began to publish series of
articles extolling Hu Yaobang's feats for which he was sacked by "paramount"
leader Deng Xiaoping in early 1987 in the aftermath of First Students' Movement in
Dec 1986.

Hu Yaobang [1915-1989] was a veteran communist cadre who joined the Red Army Long
March as a Hunan Province teenager in 1934. By 1952, Hu Yaobang was apparently
serving the PLA's Second Field Army in Sichuan Province as some kind of
propagandist whom writer Bai Hua likened to short statured instigator Lenin. (I
had at one time thought short statured Deng Xiaoping might have picked Hu Yaobang
for the same physique.) Some writer pointed out that Hu Yaobang differed from most
other communists on the matter of "hiding or revealing emotions", e.g., crying
sadly upon news of his father's death, something that was a deviation from
communist iron-fist style. Bai Hua's article at, however, showed that Hu
Yaobang was not much different from General Heh Long gang who were notorious for
monopolizing detached houses and villas as well as holding twice-weekly dancing
parties with skillfull women dancers [i.e., those women who were selected by KMT
spy chief Dai Li for serving the American military observers and American officers
of "Sino-American Cooperation Office" which was a collaboration project with US
navy information bureau.]

Bai Hua, i.e., the party organizer and dancer picker in Sichuan Province in 1952,
stated that only Deng Xiaoping did not like to dance with women but play bridge
card game. Not long time ago, in 1945, CCP was accusing KMT of taking custody of
five 'zi' suffixed commodities including fang-zi [houses], nuu-zi [women] and jin-
zi [gold] from collaborators with Japanese invaders. General Heh Long was commonly
known as a monster of lust, by the way. And, first CCP Sichuan provincial
secretary Li Jingquan or his pal Yan Hongyan could possibly be the executor who
decapitated Wang Shiwei on the bank of Yellow River in 1947. In Sichuan Province,
Gao Wenjun witnessed the execution of two classmates as a warning to 3000 KMT
Whampoa 23rd Session cadets who were sold out to PLA by the schoolmaster.
Throughout early 50s, People's Liberation Army had engaged in banditry quelling,
often slaughtering KMT captives in hordes. carried an eyewitness
account of PLA officers [from Qin Jiwei's unit] eating livers from KMT captives.

Hu Yaobang, who was sent to Sichuan Province, hence bonded his relations with
communist leaders of Sichuan Province nativity, including Deng Xiaoping. After
Deng Xiaoping re-asserted his control over CCP by toppling Mao-designated heir Hua
Guofeng in 1981, both Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang were selected as the right-hand
and left-hand men. [To gain a historical review of Zhao Ziyang, check Li Dali's
comment on Zhao Ziyang's implication in the "each and every village must have
blood-letting" movement in Guangdong Province in early 1950s. Also check Jin
Zhong's writing on the execution death of Zhao Ziyang's father [Zhao Wenbin] while
Zhao Ziyang was CCP deputy regional secretary for Puyang of Henan Prov.)

In 1977, Wang Juntao was set free after spending nine months in prison for
participating in April 5th 1976 movement. Also in 1977, Ba Hua first drafted a
drama entitled "Twilight" to criticise the leftist catastrophe of the 1930s, and
paralyzed CCP former public security minister Luo Ruiqing, for his red-handed role
in 1930 persecution as well as his victim role in the cultural revolution, had
doubts about exposing the communist darkness. In late 1970s, after the fall of the
Gang of Four (ultra-leftists), CCP's 3rd Plenary of the 11th Central Committee
proposed liberalization of thoughts in late 1978. Hu Yaobang, acting as deputy
schoolmaster of CCP Party Academy, advocated for "practice being the sole measure
for validating truth". By 1979, Hu Yaobang, as CCP Propaganda Department chief /
CCP Secretariat secretary-in-chief, rectified hundreds of thousands of CCP
persecutions dating to 1955 Hu Feng Clique. Hu Yaobang had been responsible for
restoring reputation and rectifying CCP faults and torts beyond the cultural
revolution. Bai Hua stated that initially Hu Yaobang was furious over one scholar
when the said scholar gave an inverse question: "Don't you think there exists one
case that should not be rehabilitated since the founding of the country?" 'Wounds
Literature' popped out, describing various persecutions and tortures that the
communist leaders and their families had endured during the CR. The movie 'Bitter
Love' described two lovers and their stories during CR. Some movies ("Legends Of
Tianyunshan Mountains", e.g.) carried 'Wounds Literature' further, beyond the CR,
to the Anti-Rightists Movement of late 1950s.

Democracy Wall, which was built on top of a public poster area near 38th Route Bus
stop, would erupt in 1978. Deng Xiaoping, for poster's targeting Huan Guofeng's
observing "two whatever Mao Tse-tung said or did", would alert foreign reporters
to the presence of "Xidan Democracy Wall". Soon, Wei Jingsheng publicly criticised
Deng Xiaoping as someone who would become the second dictator and called for
democracy [i.e., 5th modernization] in addition to "four modernizations". Inside
of Beijing University, Wang Juntao & Zhou Weimin launched "Beijing Spring"
magazine, while Wei Jingsheng participated in "Search" magazine. Hou Xiaotian
mentioned that Wang Juntao, during a visit to secretariat-secretary Hu Yaobang in
July 1979, was told: "Old brother, as to playing politics, the skillset of you
guys was not up to par yet." (Hu Yaobang, in reference to Song Dynasty reformer
Wang Anshi's failure, mentioned to Wang Juntao that he and 14000 soldiers could
not defeat 3000 army commanded by KMT General Fu Zuoyi [see first shot of
communist civil war for Fu Zuoyi's feats].) Liberal criticisms of CCP, heralded by
"Xidan Democracy Wall" activists, would end as an episode called the 'Beijing
Spring' by late 1979. Wang Juntao stopped publishing "Beijing Spring" magazine in
1980. Political control was tightened after Deng successfully overthrew Mao-
designated heir (Hua Guofeng) on Jan 29th, 1981. A woman worker, by the name of Fu
Yuehua, was arrested for carrying a poster on the Square in protest of 15 year
sentence that Wei Jingsheng received.

In 1980, Wang Juntao, Hu Ping and Chen Ziming participated in first wave of "free
elections" on university campuses for Peking district representatives of the
National People's Congress. (For the active role in grassroot democracy movement,
they were almost kicked out of Peking city at graduation in 1982.) Also in 1980,
"bodily-system [i.e., structure] reform institute" was established, with members
being mostly young scholars who were influenced by Western economic theories.
Nicknamed "peasant party", young scholars, from 1980 to 1986, first proposed
"contractual system" for peasants to develop agriculture.

As a reward for Hu Yaobang's proactive role in blasting Hua Guofeng [for "leftist"
mistakes, including attempts at making himself an icon similar to Mao], Deng
Xiaoping made Hu Yaobang into general secretary of the Communist party in 1980 and
party chairman in 1981. Zhao Ziyang tacked on the premier post in 1980. At the 6th
Plenary of CCP 11th Central Committee in June 1981, Deng Xiaoping himself changed
seat to CCP Military Committee chair in lieu of the rubber-stamp post at People's
Political Consultative Conference.
Deng Xiao-ping, to justify his crackdown on the 'Xidan Democracy Wall', would
launch the theory of 'Four Insistencies', namely, Insisting On Communist
Dictatorship [i.e., People's Democratic Dictatorship]. A warning, related to the
criticism of the Movie 'Bitter Love', was issued to the entertainment industries
and propaganda ministry. Bai Hua said that Hu Yaobang had protected him on the
matter of "Bitter Love" though Hu Yaobang refused to watch the movie himself in
Jan 1981. On April 20th 1981, "People's Liberation Army Newspaper" issued a
commentary stating that "four insistencies should not be violated". ("People's
Liberation Army Newspaper", "Peking Daily" and "Peking TV Station" were said to be
controlled by the most conservative faction of CCP.)

Throughout 1981, Hu Yaobang, on numerous occasions and during several meetings,

tried to compromise between the "enlightened" writers [i.e., Bai Hua and Ba Jin
etc] and conservative [i.e., reactionary] communists. In late 1983, a short term
movement called 'Anti-Bourgeois Liberalization & Anti-Westernization' was
launched, but it lasted 27 days due to lack of support. CCP devised a term called
"spiritual contamination" for the Westernized thoughts. On Dec 29th 1985, Chinese
Writers' Association, per Bai Hua, held a liberalized meeting which senior CCP
leaders, like Hu Yaobang, Wan Li, Xi Zhongxun, Hu Qili and Bo Yibo etc attended.

In 1984, Wang Juntao and Chen Ziming both courageously resigned their jobs at
government agencies for launching non-governmental research institutes,
respectively. Societies and associations flourished both in society and on
campuses. Various science & technology development companies were established
across the country, leading to formation of so-called "China-Silicon Valley" in
Zhongguancun of Beijing where Sitong [Stone] Computer Company would be labeled a
'black hand' after the massacre for the sympathy and donations to student
movement. German "superman philosopher" Friedrich Nietzsche writings revived as
happened during the "new culture movement" of 1910s, and young students, like me,
nevertheless felt lofty after reading a few pages about "superman". (Incidentally,
at about this time, entering China's market would be Christopher Reeve's 1978 3-D
movie "Superman" which college students watched as part of so-called "communist
youth league" entertainment activity.) Coinciding events would be the publication
of Bai Yang's "The Ugly Chinaman" in 1985. Also prevalent among college students
would be ideas of "futurologist school of thought", Alvin Tofler, and "The Third
Wave" that were propagated by Wen Yuankai. Su Xiaokang, i.e., a then cultural-
national nihilist in my present opinion, presided over a six-part anti-
tradition/anti-culture TV serial entitled "River Elegy" ("He [Yellow River] Shang
[mourning]). (What Su Xiaokang did not know, by embracing wholesale Westernized
"blue sea civilization", would be something more disturbing: Su Xiaokang may never
realize a racial weakness, i.e., that blue or green color had the spellbound
effect of a magician on servility Chinese women.) In the summer of 1986, Deng
Xiaoping proposed "hastening up political reform". Fang Lizhi toured colleges and
universities with preaching of democracy. With Zhao Ziyang and "bodily-system
[i.e., structure] research institute" in charge of economic reform, Hu Yaobang
sought the assistance of Chen Ziming and Min Qi in establishing a separate "China
Politics & Administration Research Institute". Wang Juntao was hired over from
Wuhan city by Chen Ziming.

After Hu Yaobang's loss of job, "China Politics & Administration Research

Institute" was renamed to "Social, Economical & Scientific Research Institute of
Peking". (Chen Ziming, Min Qi & Wang Juntao claimed to herald "economic
positivism" in China beginning from 1987.) Zhao Ziyang was to become "interim CCP
General Secretary" while Li Peng tacked on the premier post. Another 'Anti-
Bourgeois Liberalization Movement' followed in early 1987. Three prominent
intellectuals, i.e., Fang Lizhi, Liu Binyan and Wang Ruowang, were singled out by
CCP Central, to be stripped of party membership. Soon, Zhao Ziyang himself began
to act in a "liberal" [or bourgeoisie] way, wearing Western suits and sun-glasses,
playing golf, and executing on sensitive politics without consultation with
"paramount" leader. (Lin Mu cited Li Honglin's May 17th 1989 conversation in
pointing out that Zhao Ziyang disbanded Deng Liqun & Xiong Fu's conservative CCP
organs right after assumption of CCP general secretary, and further protected Bao
Tong, Li Honglin & Yu Haocheng etc from Deng Liqun's blacklist.)

First Students' Movement

In December of 1986, First Students' Movement erupted in major cities of China,

demanding democracy as well as punishment of corrupt officials. Li Bei pointed
out, at, that it was the
result of Fang Lizhi rotating visitation to major universities that led to the
1986 student movement across the country in 1986. Fang Lizhi visited Shanghai
campuses around Nov. Several newspapers, including 'World Economic Herald'
reported on the speeches. (However, I had also heard from my highschool classmate
that Fang Lizhi might have tried to stop students from going out of the campus of
China Science & Technology University, which impressed me as something similar in
behavior to Fang Lizhi's seeking asulym inside of US embassy in Peking after the
1989 massacre. Zeng Huiyan's 1988 book, "Records Of Student Movements In Mainland
China" [Jan 1989 edition, Globe Publishing House, HK], pointed out that deputy
schoolmaster Fang Lizhi pleaded with 2000 students for 'rationality' in front of
the library of Chinese Science & Technology University [CSTU] on Dec 5th 1986.)

2500 students left the library for the street at about 1:15 pm on Dec 5th, with
slogans such as "Long Live The Republic!", "Reform The Election System", "We Want
Democracy, Not Cracy-demo". First Student Movement's trigger started with Dec 1st
campus poster in regards to communist party branch secretary's secretive internal
assignment of regional candidates for the western Hefei city district of the
National People's Congress [NPC]. Days later, on Dec 4th, inside of CSTU
auditorium where student leaders proposed their NPC regional candidacy, Fang Lizhi
made a speech about democracy; however, the second day, Fang Lizhi cautioned
against going to the streets. Wen Yuankai, at the auditorium, also made an
encouraging speech, and mentioned NPC chief Wan li's comment as to "democratic
administration of CSTU" [a comment made in Wan Li's Nov 30th visit to the campus].
Anhui University heard about the commotion inside of CSTU, and coordinated for the
second day parade with students of CSTU. On Dec 5th, CSTU students converged with
Anhui U & Hefei Industrial U in front the municipality building, causing a
firestorm across the nation when students in Wuhan, Kunming, Nanking, Shanghai,
Jinan, Tianjin, Haerbin, Hangzou, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou & Beijing echoed
their support.

On Dec 9th, in commemoration of 12-9-1935 student movement, CSTU launched another

protest. Wuhan students in Wuchang of Hubei Province went on the street on the
same day. Two days later, CSTU poster appeared on the campus of Beijing

In Shanghai, then mayor Jiang Zemin [i.e., later CCP secretary-general after 1989
masacre], was hush-hushed off the stage of auditorium of Shanghai Jiaotong
University when he tried to rein in student protesters. Before leaving the stage,
Jiang Zemin exhibited his ugly 'mouth & face" by threatening a student: "Dare you
tell me your name and your department?" Note that Jiaotong University did not
participate in the protest movement till one of their students was hit by
gymnasium picketing staff on the night of Dec 9th: Gymnasium workers hated to see
those Chinese, especially Chinese girls, jump onto the stage to dance with
American "Jan & Dean" rock'n roll team. (Chinese populace were not used to the
kind of racial "openness", whereas today it could be said to be an ironic and
ludicrous fad.) After newspapers refused to report on the violence, Jiaotong U
students wrote a public poster on campus on 15th [which was not related to the Dec
10th poster in regards to CSTU student movement]. After campus security staff tore
apart the poster, students came up with a new batch of posters on 16th, this time,
talking about political agenda in lieu of punishment of the gymnasium culprits.
Students representatives held an unsuccessful dialogue with city police. After
"Youth Newspaper" scrapped 40000 pieces of printouts with "reader's response"
covering the gym matter, Jiaotong U, together with Tongji U, decided on a
demonstration on the night of Dec 17th. On the morning of Dec 18th, Jiaotong U
students were said to engaged in zigzag wars with campus security in posting the
notices after being torn apart. Jiang Zemin suddenly made a decision to see the
students for the "dialogue"; however, students refused to go to the 400 person
hall inside of Bao-zaolong Library. Surprised that library was quiet but bragging
that he feared nothing as a 'senior student leader of 1940s', Jiang Zemin was then
steered to the auditorium. Dialogue ended up inside of the 4000 person auditorium
where Jiang Zemin rushed to the stage, received a round of applause at the
introduction of schoolmaster Weng Shilie, talked about three notable figures [like
him] who graduated from Jiaotong, and hoped that a 4th person would derive from
the ranks of 'listening [to communist party]' students. When Jiang rebuked liberty
as something first proposed 200 years ago, students were offended. Jiang's order
to stop hush-hush was ignored. 25 students and one teacher came up to the stage to
raise questions. Jiang ultimately lost his face after entanglement for 4 hours.

While Jiang Zemin rushed to Jiaotong, municipal party secretary Rui Xinwen went to
CENU where he failed to see any student activity. 2000 students from Tongji
started the parade after noon without advance knowledge of Jiaotong University
dialogue with the mayor. After wrestling with 300 teachers for one hour, about
1000 students, with banners, broke out of the campus gate. Tongji U students,
however, changed course towards Fudan U, scaring the gatekeepers into a closure.
Students marched through the campus of Fudan, but failed to rally any support.
Tongji students were steered back to the campus after i) college-sanctioned
"student society" leader took control of the banner and ii) 500 students were
persuaded off the parade by teachers.

After checking out the 'treachery' of Jiaotong U, college students of Shanghai

coordinated for Dec 19th massive demonstration. On Dec 19th, Shanghai students
mounted a massive protest, with impact seen near the municipality building on the
Bund as well as the NPC building at People's Square. 2000 police were deployed
against the sitting-in students in front of the municipality under Jiang Zemin's
order. Yang Wei, a student who returned from US, was arrested. Both Tongji U and
Fudan U held banners claiming to be supportive of i) Deng Xiaoping and ii) reform.
China Eastern Normal University [CENU] also joined in after the initial student
activity was repressed by campus party secretaries in mid-Oct. Some radicals
climbed over the fence of NPC building on Dec 19th.

Police bureau of Shanghai Municipality put up "six rules as to public security" at

the square as a detente on Dec 23rd. Rumors of police barbarity against a Tongji
student in Shanghai spread to Hefei, leading to a 3rd wave of protests among CSTU
students on Dec 23rd. CSTU students demanded a dialogue with the city, ending in a
petition letter submitted to the city by CSTU leaders. Students dispersed at night
when the city agreed to make a response to student demands within 3 days. Hefei
Municipality backed down by delaying the voting to Dec 29th and allocating an
extra four quotas for CSTU. CSTU students then organized 'NPC election campaign
speech corps" for propaganda both on campus and on the streets. Both Fang Lizhi
and Wen Yuankai, plus a student called Sha Ma, were elected. World media descended
upon Fang Lizhi for reporting on NPC election and student protest. Voice of
America poured gas onto the fire by alerting the communist conservatives of the
democracy activities.
On Dec 29th 1986, People's Daily published an editorial, with a claim that
"talking democracy does not mean departing from the path of four insistencies",
and hinted "a handful of conspirators..." By late Dec, there were rumors in Peking
stating that Hu Yaobang would be sacked. On New Year Day 1987, students again
swamped onto Peking streets. Two weeks later, in Jan 1987, CCP General Secretary
Hu Yao-bang was forced to resign by Deng and the Politiburo. Numerous memoirs
pointed to Hu Yaobang walking out of politburo meeting with tears, still
unconvinced that some of his politburo allies had lodged untrue accusations
against him for the soft stance on students and intellectuals. (Per Wu Jiaxing's
writing, Zhao Ziyang had nothing to do with Hu Yaobang's sacking, and later took
in the followers of Hu Yaobang.)

CCP's Economic Crimes

During the ensuing two years, political liberalization enhanced economic

corruption among the "prince and princess gang", with Zhao Dajun [i.e., Zhao
Ziyang's son] and Deng Pufang [Deng Xiaoping's son] becoming the prime targets of
the students. Hu's death in 1989 would trigger the Second Students' Movement which
ended in the June 4th Massacre of 1989. During the Second Students' Movement,
students mounted attacks at the phenomenon of "guan dao" [i.e., commodity resale
by governmentally sponsored organizations] and blamed it on the princeling party.
Complicating the corruption issue would be price hike of major consumer products
around the turn of the year. Yuan Mu, i.e., some speaker of CCP Central, would
become the most hated communist cadre for his TV-broadcasted message of "price
adjustment". carried an article in

regards to the nature of "guan dao", stating that it was CCP Central's evil "two
track system" that led to "guan dao", not princeling party. CCP Central, at the
time of economic reform in mid-1980s, distributed "production & consumption
materials" to "state enterprises" at planned-economy price and to "non state
enterprises" at market-determined price. The category of "non state enterprises"
would include mostly sub-regional factories or working units, like shire-township
enterprises [i.e., "xiang-zhen"]. (In section on 'All-People Registers' vs
'Collective Registers', we used Ma Hong's Economic Annals to define the "inferior"
Collective Register Enterprises as those that did not enjoy government subsidy.)

Similar to the agri-industrial scissor differential that discriminated against

peasant entity [non-privileged class] versus city dweller entity [privileged
class], CCP Central's "two track system" served the only purpose of
differentiating further between privileged class and lesser-privileged class.
Princeling party or "prince and princess gang", with firm grip of the Nation's
"production & consumption materials", could easily make a living by signing
"referral letters" or selling "surplus materials" for a market gain.

After the Tian'an'men Square Massacre, communists found another game, i.e., the
land enclosure movement that would see the peasants deprived of their fields at
non-market rate in the name of urbanization and industrialization as well as the
city dwellers forced to relocate on the pretext of "remodeling on the dilapidated
houses". Communist leadership, in collaboration with capitalists, had been making
windfall profits in selling land development permits or sub-contracting
construction projects like skyscrapers, so-called 'noble' district for single-
family residencies, high-rise luxury condominiums and shopping centers.

Land, a resource owned by the State [i.e., CCP], was always a taboo topic prior to
Deng Xiaoping's post-massacre "relaunching economic reform with a southern tour of
SEZs [special economic zones]". Having brought to US the newspaper clips from
"World Economic Journal" spanning multiple years, I finally threw them away.
Nobody had really been able to predict the massive "land enclosure movement" that
occurred in China after 1989 massacre. Neither did Wang Juntao's "Economics
Weekly" make a good forecast on the subject.

Heralding "economic positivism" since 1987, Chen Ziming, Wang Juntao and their
"Social, Economical & Scientific Research Institute of Peking" played two
constructive roles, i) calling attention to social, economic & political crises,
and ii) transplanting Western economic theories and concepts, including
stagflation, development economics, corporations as legal entity [i.e., "economic
person"], existence of economic cycle in socialist economies, welfare system, and
income distribution, government subsidy to city-dwellers. Wang Juntao, in 1988-
1989, was wrongly pointing to "economic interests" as the barrier to internal
reform by communists, not "political conservativism". 15 years later, at a forum
(, Wu Renhua, with Wang Juntao &
Wang Dan, would have to agree on the fact that China's path to democracy and
freedom could be even more tenuous due to a mutant communist party built on top of
"economic interests" rather than of "ideological perseverance". 15 years after the
massacre, against the context of world-wide rising price in copper, scrap metals,
oil and cement [pulled by strong demand from China] would be the following scenes:
state-owned enterprises had been dissipating into the hands of a handful; young or
middle-aged workers were terminated employment in exchange for one-time payout;
peasant migrant workers succeeded the most hazardous jobs in mines and factories;
and hundreds of thousands of peasant children swamped to coastal economic zones as
slave labor or child labor. In the background would be breaking families,
predatory and selfish human character, and morally degenerate society.

Enlightened Intelligentsia & Petition Movements

Bao Zunxin, author of "Insider Stories of June 4th: An Unfinished Nirvana" [Wind &
Cloud Publishing House, April 1997 edition, Taipei, Taiwan], gave account of the
parallel thread to the student movement. (Bao Zunxin, similar to majority folks,
including communists, had been either shy or timid, i.e., omitting the word
"massacre", in giving name to his book.) "Insider Stories of June 4th" started
with his Jan 28th 1989 attendance of "New Enlightenment Salon" gathering inside of
Dule Bookstore at the invitation of the female proprietary owner Yu Yansha. Yu
Yansha, who had a same name bookstore in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, was a
sociable woman capable of liaisoning with "distinguished" people both inside and
outside of the "system" [i.e., government].

The Saturday gathering was originally intended for Wang Yuanhua's "new
enlightenment book series" which did not look solid in the eyes of Bao Zunxin.
Both Wang Yuanhua & Wang Ruoshui were the hosts. (Wang Yuanhua & Bao Zunxin, in
1988, adopted the term "new enlightenment" on basis of a term first proposed by
CCP propagandist Chen Boda & Heh Ganzhi in 1930s.) At the scene, Bao Zunxin
encountered Jin Guanshou & Liu Qingfeng couple who claimed that CCP leader Hu Qili
had warned them in regards to a speech by Jin Guanshou that "the failure of some
socialist countries was one of the two major events of 20th century". Jin Guanshou
was the organizer of "21st Century Research Institute" and brought along his
members like Zhang Gang and Jia Xinmin. Semi-retired communist theorists, like Li
Rui, Dong Dalin, Qin Chuan, Hu Jiwei & Li Chang, also came. Together with the
people "inside of the "system" would be those guys who had lost favor with
communist leadership, including Su Shaozhi, Li Honglin, Yu Haocheng, & Wu Mingyu.
Representing Chen Ziming's "Social, Economical & Scientific Research Institute of
Peking" would be Min Qi, and representing Li Shengping's "Social & Scientific
Development Research Institute of Peking" would be Zhang Xianyang, Li Ming & Yan

To the surprise of Bao Zunxin, Fang Lizhi, former university vice president of
China Science & Technology University in Anhui Province, suddenly descended upon
the salon, with almost simultaneous photo sessions by a few foreign reporters who
had been waiting at the scene. Fang Lizhi stated that recently he wrote an open
letter to Deng Xiaoping demanding the release of Wei Jingsheng [i.e., Democracy
Wall activist] in accordance with "human rights declaration" that China had signed
in 1948. Fang Lizhi further stated that in the past, he had adopted the approach
of "fighting communists inside of system" by requiring that all staff members of
his research institute at China Science & Technology University enroll in CCP.
Fang Lizhi claimed that he had now decided to "fight communists from outside of
system". After Fang Lizhi dropped the bomb, silence reigned in the salon. With the
impasse, Wang Yuanhua announced dismissal of the gathering shortly afterward. Bao
Zunxin was disappointed that nobody at the salon had mentioned the term "new

Three days after the salon event, Bao Zunxin received a call from a friend "inside
of the system", i.e., a warning in regards to Fang Lizhi's subversive activities.
Bao Zunxin realized that he could be on a blacklist by then. In Hubei Province,
Long Yuequn of Hunan Education Publishing House was interrogated by the public
security bureau for attending the salon. In Shanghai, Wang Yuanhua received
assurance from CCP deputy branch secretary Rui Xinwen in regards to the salon
gathering. (Rui Xinwen belonged to moderate CCP leadership, by the way.) After the
massacre, Bao Zunxin asked Wang Juntao repeatedly whether any "black hands" were
behind student movement. Wang Juntao mentioned that some intellectuals did give
opinions and ideas to students. However, Bao Zunxin stated that only Fang Lizhi
had made visits to Peking University while Wang Ruoshui, after 1987 purge, had
shunned himself from campuses.

Bao Zunxin likened Fang Lizhi's inflamatory speech to writer Lun Xun's description
of "sound asleep Chinese populace in a dark house with no windows". In following
months, more intellectuals joined Fang Lizhi, demanding political reform. On Feb
12th, Sunday, poets Bei-dao [northern island] and Lao-mu [old wood] visited Bao
Zunxin at his house. (I am not sure whether it was Bao Zunxin's new residency
inside of "ti-zhi [bodily-system] gai-ge [reform] yian-jiu [research] suo
[institute]". Do note communist play game with terminology in differentiating
between ti-zhi [bodily-system] and zhi-du [system].) Bei-dao, who claimed he just
returned to China but would leave for Britain again soon, produced an open letter
for Bao Zunxin to sign, which was a followup to Fang Lizhi's call for general
amnesty on two occasions: i) 40 year anniversary the founding of PRC on Oct 10th,
and ii) 70th anniversary of May 4th Student Movement. It turned out to be the 33-
signature open letter, with the first signatory being Bai-dao and the last one
being Chen Jun. Bao Zunxin did not get to know the involvement of Chen Jun till he
heard about a denounciation by a judicial ministry official on radio on Feb 22nd.
In the following days, Bao Zunxin was shown a government-printed bulletin by Zhang
Gang as well as received a copy in the mail about the 33-signature open letter.
Senior female writer Bing-xin [icey heart] published a clarification letter on a
HK newspaper on Feb 21st, claiming she did not know who Chen Jun was. Also in HK,
CCP underground agents published an article about Wei Jingsheng's crimes on "Da
[grand] Gong [public] Bao [newspaper]". CCP then transcribed the the two HK
newspapers onto semi-internal party newspaper "News For [Your] Reference" as a
propaganda war, ironically without carrying the contents of the original 33-
signature open letter. Jing Jun of Peking University asked whether Bao Zunxin
would be willing to be interviewed by American Broadcasting Corp. Bao Zunxin
suggested Wang Ruoshui as a candidate for the interview.

Chen Jun, a contributor to US-based "China Spring" magazine, had been engaged in
anti-government activities via following covers, i.e., possibly possessing a US
residency status, participating in "Chinese Modern Arts Exhibition" in Peking, and
operating a "Jie Jie Bar" sort of business in Peking. Chen Jun, often rebuking
Chinese intellectuals as "cowards", subsequently organized "work panel for general
amnesty in 1989" by assembling a group of artists and intellectuals inside of his
bar for signatures. By early March, Bao Zunxin was contacted by Taiwan's "xin xin
wen" [i.e., New News] for comments on Chen Jun's signature collection activity. It
is clear that both the communists and the activists were utilizing the same trick
of "exporting for sake of re-importing news reports". While some professor at
Peking University wrote a self-criticism, Bao Zunxin authored an article for a
Taiwan newspaper clarifying his standground on the open letter.

Synchronizing with Bai-dao and Chen Jun's signature collection activities would be
that by Xu Liangying who took advantage of Hu Jiwei's "forum on democracy issues"
held on Feb 26th inside of "Research & Development Company of Capital Steel & Iron
Corporation [CSIC]". (The 60-participant "forum on democracy issues" was an
activity organized by "democracy series" editorial committee and "Research &
Development Company of CSIC".) With Wu Jiwei absent from signature activity due to
People's National Congress membership, Xu Liangying assembled Li Honglin, Yu
Haocheng, Zhang Xianyang, Wu Jiaxiang and Cao Siyuan etc for drafting and revising
a declaration that was attentioned to top 4 CCP leadership, i.e., Zhao Ziyang, Wan
Li, Li Xiannian & Li Peng. About 42 people, mostly scientists, signed the petition
which was published on HK's "Jing [mirror] Bao [newspaper]".

Thereafter, CCP clamped down on dissent by prohibiting the scheduled convention on

"comparing May 4th Movement & French Revolution" in Hubei Province. On March 14th,
the opening ceremony of Chen Kuide & Wang Yan's "Thinker" magazine was cancelled
when Qianmen [front citygate] Hotel and subsequently Nanhua [southern China] Hotel
declined them at the intervention of state security ministry. At the lobby of
Nanhua Hotel, Dai Qing, i.e., some adopted daughter of senior CCP leader Ye
Jianying, took advantage of the stranded crowd in launching a new 43-signature
petition movement which Bao Zunxin declined. Dai Qing later claimed that she, Su
Wei and Chen Kuide signed their names out of the fury over meeting cancellation.
One week later, Dai Qing, in the name of HK-Taiwan intellectuals, requested for
Bao Zunxin in launching another petition movement which both Bao Zunxin and Yan
Jiaqi did not concur with. Someone from HK, by the name of Zhang Langlang, called
Bao Zunxin as to the refusal. Bao Zunxin further mentioned that New China News
Agency announced on March 28th that some HK visitor was banned from entry into
China at Tianjin airport. (Never underestimate the communist infiltration
abilities !!!)

Second Students' Movement

Students at Peking University seemed to be the propelling force behind assembly of

meetings and demonstrations. They demanded political reform and "democracy
civilization". Unlike Qinghua University, Peking University was noted for the
democratic spirits that went back as far as the "new culture movement" of the
1910s. In contrast, Mao Tse-tung's communist regime had a tradition of trashing
"curriculum of arts" and emphasizing on "curriculum of sciences" [for sake of
Atomic Bomb Project, e.g.] since taking over power in 1949, yielding the sarcastic
result that majority of CCP Politburo members were graduates of Qinghua University
no matter their diplomas were real or faked.

After the death of Hu Yaobang on April 15th 1989, at Peking University, big
character posters showed up with calls for political reform. Some memoirs pointed
out that "big character posters" followed the first appearance of "small character
posters" on campus. Top two issues raised by students would be: i) restoring the
reputation of Hu Yaobang; and ii) reversing the CCP Central decision in regards to
1987 'Anti-Bourgeoisie Liberalization Movement'. Inside of Peking University,
student leader Wang Dan, who had obtained a permission to establish "democracy
salon" at a corner near the Cervantes Statute, was said to have constant contacts
with Fang Lizhi couple. Graduate student Feng Congde, who claimed to have no
interest in politics, dropped off to read big character posters in the "triangle
area" when his computer at the lab broke down. Feng Congde claimed that Chai Ling,
i.e., his ex-wife, was a woman interested in going to US via 'F-2 spouse visa' for
material pursuits but nevertheless got involved in student movement because of

On 16th, Bao Zunxin received a call from Sun Changjiang stating that Hu Yaobang's
son, i.e., Hu Deping, had set up an altar at the residency. At the time Bao Zunxin
planned to go to Hu Yaobang's house, a Taiwan female reporter called him with
information about "big character posters" inside of Peking University. (Bao Zunxin
had a habit of often riding in Wang Limei's car in exchange for tips and news to
the Taiwan newspaper.) Bao Zunxin rode on the reporter's car for the university,
and stopped by to express condolence to Hu Deping who allowed public access to his
house where people lined up around the building already. Bao Zunxin managed to go
inside Peking University by claiming to visit an acquaintance, and observed lots
of big character posters, poems and eulogies at San-jiao-di [i.e., triangle area].
Bao Zunxin then visited People's University where he located an acquaintance
called Yu Shuo for information. Yu Shuo pointed out that students had been going
to dance parties and other entertainment activities while writing big character
posters in commemoration of Hu Yaobang simultaneously. Bao Zunxin later visited
the two universities two more times, on 18th & 24th, respectively.

On April 17th, in Shanghai, students from Eastern China Normal University, per Shi
Tao, also went onto the streets. In Peking, ten thousand students swarmed onto
Tian'an'men Square to show respect for the late leader. The next day, tens of
thousands of students converged upon the square and in front of "People's Great
Wall" for a demonstration against CCP Central's deliberate low-tone mourning
arrangement. Students raised "seven demands". Bao Zunxin pointed out that students
first proposed "five demands" on April 17th, that Wang Dan of Peking University
proposed "nine demands" on April 18th, that Qinghua University proposed their
demands on 19th, that Wang Dan revised on top of Politics & Law University demands
to derive "seven demands" on 19th, and that People's University proposed "ten
demands" on 18th. (CCP did authorize commemoration activity but did not offer the
usual elegy of calling Hu Yaobang "a great Marxist". Lin Mu, who wired a
condolence message to Li Zhao, came back to Peking on May 9th to join the 'Hu
Yaobang Life' writing panel at CCP Party History Publishing House.)

Students First Beaten By Police During Confrontation

On April 19th 1989, students from colleges and universities of Peking were in
confrontation with police on Tian'an'men Square, near Zhong-nan-hai [middle
southern lake] CCP Party Apparatus. Students briefly breached police cordon and
called the name of Li Peng, i.e., China's premier. By the night, police attempted
to dispel the crowd by force at Xin-hua-men [New China] Gate. News soon spread,
leading to widespread support from students across the country. Next day,
escalated confrontations were classified as "April 20th Xinhuamen Incident".

On the campus of Beijing University, Xiong Yan claimed to be the first student who
jumped out of the crowd to make a public speech in calling for formation of
"autonomous student union". Students organized a "preparatory committee of student
movement of Peking University" when nobody from communist party or youth league
organizations came out to assume the leadership.

Bao Zunxin stated that he, like other intellectuals, deliberately kept a low
profile for avoidance of being "a handful of conspirators" in the eyes of CCP
Central. Thus, during two initial visits, Bao Zunxin could not locate the big
character posters at People's University. On April 20th, Bao Zunxin declined the
proposal from Wei Qun of "China Youth" magazine in lending support to students who
were beaten up by police the previous night. In the afternoon, Yuan Zhiming called
Bao Zunxin in regards to student demonstration, and Bao Zunxin agreed to meet with
Yuan Zhiming at People's University. Having called over his driver, Bao Zunxing
went to the campus where they, together with Wang Runsheng, Chen Xuanliang and
Rong Jian, convened a meeting inside of Xie Xianjun's house. They decided upon a
draft calling for a dialogue between the government and the students. (Here comes
an important criticism of Chinese intellectuals as a whole: acting as "mediators",
not leaders.) Then, they made arrangement for signature collection on the east
side and west side of Peking the next day. The next day, 21st, on the east side of
the city, Bao Zunxin brought the letter into "Academy of Social Sciences" and
obtained signatures from History Institute, Marxism Institute and etc, including
those of Yan Jiaqi and Yu Haocheng. (Cao Siyuan declined to sign.) Bao Zunyin sent
along college student to the homes of Su Shaozhi and Wu Zuguang for signatures. By
6:00 pm, on April 21st, intellectuals with progressive thoughts, i.e., Bao Zunxin
and Yan Jiaqi etc, numbering 47, who were mostly counsellors in Zhao Ziyang's
"wise brain nucleus", published, on the poster area of both Peking University and
People's University, the open letter to CCP Central with a call for heeding
students' demands. In early morning of April 22nd, Zheng Yi brought the open
letter to the Square and read to over 10000 sitting-in students.

Zhao Ziyang's "wise brain nucleus" would include Wu Jiaxiang, i.e., the top
representative of the school of thought on "neo-authoritarianism": Wu Jiaxiang was
bent on likening China's dictatorship to the autocracy under Singapore's Li
Guangyao. (Wu Jiaxia tendered his resignation letter on the morning of June 4th.)
Throughout the late 1980s, numerous scholars and intellectuals published articles
on Shanghai-based "World Economic Herald", touching on mostly economic reforms
that would include sub-contracting, stock-holder ownership, and reform measures on
salvaging state enterprises. The death of Hu Yaobang would shift the focus of
those scholars and intellectuals to taboo topic of "political reform" instead of
"economic reform".

Dramatic Act Of Students Kneeling Down To Present Petition To CCP

On April 22nd 1989, CCP Central held a funeral for late Hu Yaobang, with high
remarks for his feats albeit omitting the reason why he was sacked in Jan 1987.
Millions of Pekingers lined up on the boulevard to see the funeral van pass by.
The funeral somehow pacified students.

However, dramatic event kicked up again when three students, including Guo
Haifeng, knelt down on the steps in front of the People's Hall with a petition.
When communist leadership refused to receive the students, students were in tears.
On April 23rd, students at Peking University, who had overthrown party-sanctioned
student union, would convene a "joint meeting" in the name of "Peking Interim
Consolidated Student Union" [i.e., 'bei gao lian'] and called for a general strike
on May 4th 1989. Student activist Zhou Yongjun tacked on the "chair" post of
"Consolidated Student Union of Colleges & Universities in Peking" from April 23 to
April 27th, to be followed by Wu-er-kai-xi [i.e., April 28 & 29th] and Feng Conde
successively. Feng Congde claimed that he did not know Wang Dan nor heard about
"democracy salon" at the beginning.

On April 23rd, CCP Peking Branch Commissar Committee convened a meeting for party
branch secretaries of colleges and universities in Peking. CCP leaders, such as Li
Tieying, Heh Dongchang & Liu Zhongde attended the meeting. Later in the evening,
an expanded meeting was held by Li Ximing & Heh Dongchang for both principals and
branch secretaries of 67 colleges and universities. Also on April 23rd, Chen
Mingyuan stood out at the "Triangle Area" of Peking University by blasting at CCP
Central's name-calling on radio on 19th & 20th. Chen Mingyuan denied that any
"unidentified people with ulterior motives" were behind the students.

On April 24th, 200 college teachers and professors called on CCP Central to
conduct dialogue with students in the spirits of CCP Central's 13th Central
Committee. Politics and Law University cautioned against crackdown by force. On
the afternoon, CCP Peking Branch Commissar Committee conevened a meeting for
standing committee members, claiming to CCP Central that they had the "methods" to
solve student "turmoil" which were a result of 'Bourgeois Liberalization' flooding
with implication of reactionaries from both inside and outside of the party as
well as from both inside and outside of the country.

Crackdown On "World Economic Herald", & "People's Daily" Commentary

Meanwhile, CCP General Secretary made a scheduled official visit to North Korea,
which turned out to be a bad decision at the time of turmoil: CCP Central issued
April 26th Commentary on "People's Daily" in the absence of Zhao Ziyang. Wu
Jiaxiang disclosed that Zhao Ziyang, before leaving for N Korea on April 21st, had
instructed that no politburo meeting should be held in his absence but Yang
Shankun & Li Peng immediately convened a "CCP Expanded Poliburo Meeting", then
reported to Deng Xiaoping with meeting opinions, and then borrowed Deng Xiaoping's
mouth in stating that CCP "should not fear bloodshed". Zhao Zhiyang's self
account, recorded by Yang Jisheng, claimed that it was li Ximing & Chen Xitong who
contacted Wan Li on the night of April 21st in request of convening a commissar
meeting; that Wan Li relayed the info to Li Peng. Hence, Li Peng convened the
meeting on the night of 24th, reported it to Deng Xiaoping on 25th, and was
authorized to relay Deng's opinions to communist cadres; and that Li Peng took
advantage of the occasion to draft a newspaper commentary for publication on April

On April 25th 1989, CCP's secretary in Shanghai, i.e., Jiang Zemin, cracked down
on the dissent by ordering a re-organization of Qin Benli's "World Economic
Herald". This independent herald action by Jiang Zemin would later pave the way
for him to assume the role as CCP general secretary in place of Zhao Ziyang after
the massacre. Several writings exposed hatchetman Jiang Zemin, a student of puppet
Central University in Nanking in early 1940s, had wavered between pro-Deng and
pro-Zhao camps during this interval. In deed, communist bureaucrats all over the
country, who had observed the developments on the Square for discerning the wind
direction, would pay for their wrongly choosing side after the massacre.

In Peking, "paramount" leader Deng Xiaoping listened to the reports by Li Peng and
Chen Xitong in regards to student movements. (Bao Zunxin cited Chen Xitong's
reports in pointing out that it were Hu Qili & Li Ximing who had reported to Deng
Xiaoping on the morning of April 25th.) Deng Xiaoping made a decision that this
student movement, being a turmoil [i.e., rebellion], should be dealt with under
"conspicuous flags" [i.e., straightforward CCP guidelines].

On April 26th, CCP's throat and tongue, i.e., "People's Daily", published an
editorial [authored by Hu Qili & Yang Shangkun] against the "student riots",
claiming that riots should be dealt with under "conspicuous flags". In Shanghai,
Jiang Zemin's CCP Shanghai Committee announced the dismissal of Qin Benli's
editor-in-chief post. (Qin Benli was renowned for his constant claim of playing
ping-pong ball by the edge of the table. It was said that Jiang Zemin, on New Year
Day of 1989, had pretentiously assisted Qin Benli in passing the scolding by CCP
Propaganda Department in regards to the publication of Su Shaozhi's sensitive
article that Zhang Weiguo had privately obtained for relay to Shanghai's newspaper
agency. Before the series of aricles commemoration Hu Yaobang, Qin Benli had
allied with Taiwan "United Newspaper" in publishing Qian Jiaju's article. After
April 15th death of Hu Yaobang, Qin Benli published scripts of a forum discussion
that Zhang Weiguo had co-hosted with "Observer" panel against the objections from
Wang1 Daohan & Jiang Zemin. It was Zeng Qinghong & Chen Zhili who had raised the

Central TV Station first broadcast "People's Daily" editorial on the night, about
7:00 pm, accusing student movement of being "anti-Party and anti-socialism". (Bao
Zunxin stated that it was Xu Weicheng who drafted the editorial, for which Xu was
promoted to the post of deputy minister for CCP's Propaganda Department after the
massacre.) At about 9:00 pm, students from major universities called Bao Zunxin
with their plan for a massive street protest the next morning. Bao Zunxin
immediately contacted Tao Siliang [i.e., daughter of Tao Zhu and a deputy bureau
chief under CCP's United Front Ministry] for mediation. Bao Zunxin requested for
Tao Siliang to relay a "restraint" message to CCP Central in the name of 100
intellectuals. Meanwhile, teachers and professors were trying to stop students
from leaving campuses.

Massive Demonstration On April 27th

On April 27th, tens of thousands of students went on the street to protest against
"People's Daily" editorial, claiming that the student movement was patriotic.
Students again breached police cordon. CCP-controlled State Council, headed by
premier Li Peng, promised to conduct a dialogue with students. (Government
records, per Chen Xiaoya, stated that after "April 26th Editorial", in the
timeframe of April 27th to May 5th [per Zhang Liang], for a second time, army
units from 38th group army, i.e., 6th tank division, engineering regiment and
communications regiment, about 5100 soldiers, were sent to the Great Hall in
Peking via 234 trucks in the name of "preparatory force for stopping turmoil". The
"preparatory force for stopping turmoil", later withdrawn, would apparently serve
as the sweeping force again on June 3rd, which clearly invalidated claims that
blindfolded soldiers from remote areas were employed for bloody crackdown.)

Later on April 29th, during a "Modern Culture Research Society" meeting inside of
Academy of Social Sciences, Tao Siliang claimed that everybody had passed April
27th peacefully, with "college students behaving 'lovely' and communist party
successfully withstanding a test of democracy". At the meeting, Dai Qing suggested
that Bao Zunxin wrote a letter to CCP in appreciation of the restraint.

On April 29th, Feng Congde succeeded from Wu-er-kai-xi the "chair" post of
"Consolidated Student Union of Colleges & Universities in Peking". On April 30th,
Zhao Ziyang returned to Peking from North Korea. Bao Tong immediately conveyed
"student reactions to 4-26 Commentary" to Zhao Ziyang.

On this day, Bao Zunxin attended a "May 4th 1919 Movement" forum hosted by Asian
Pacific Times at Lu Xun Museum. At the meeting, Yuan Zhiming rebutted neo-
authoritarianism, and pointed out the lagging behind of political reform versus
economic reform. Xie Xianjun claimed that this student movement did not have
behind-the-scene manipulators in contrast with KMT-era student movements in which
CCP played a role. Bao Zunxin criticised April 26th commentary as well as Yuan
Mu's speech. Fei Yuan of "Economics Weekly" stated that April 20th news report as
to police brutality on the night of 19th by Xinhua News Agency was untrue. Chen
Mingyuan displayed photos about students' kneeling with petition after April 22nd

Hunger Strike & Student-CCP Dialogue

On May 1st, Peking students issued a letter to HK compatriots. On 2nd, Shanghai

students, numbering hundreds of thousands, paraded on the streets and marched to
the gate where CCP Shanghai Committee was located. Shanghai students demanded
freedom of press and revocation of restrictions on demonstrations. On May 3rd,
Ding Shisun, i.e., schoolmaster of Peking University, expressed sympathy for
students but advised against parading outside of campus.

Elsewhere in the country, college students had already taken advantage of the May
1st Labor Day for liaisons and travels. Some students travelled to Peking on their
own accord, while some students were dispatched to Peking as "relief". May 4th
Youth Day was utilized as a rallying opportunity. At, Pan Qiang of Shandong University
stated that Shandong University students secretly made preparations for their May
4th demonstration on the evening of May 3rd 1989. (In communist so-called "sacred
land", Yan'an University launched a demonstration on May 15th 1989.)

On May 4th, CCP General Secretary Zhao Ziyang, during a meeting with Asian Bank
board, expressed his opinion that students, "still supportive of CCP and reform",
had their grounds in expressing dissatisfaction over corruption and CCP's mistakes
and blunders. (Bao Tong authored the World Bank speech for Zhao Ziyang.) The next
day, at the same meeting, Premier Li Peng stated that government did not approve
"some" actions of the students who had caused disruption and havoc with strike and
protests on the Chinese continent.

Hunger Strike
After May 4th 1989 parade, students returned to campuses, and classes resumed.
Chai Ling claimed that it was Zhou Yongjun who proclaimed a return to school by
betraying the student movement. Feng Congde claimed that he had hence resigned the
"chair" post of "Consolidated Student Union of Colleges & Universities in Peking"
on May 6th and returned to school for preparation of graduation thesis. Feng
Congde's professor was happy to see him back in lab and commented that China, with
so many patriotic youth, again had hope now. However, computer broke down again,
and Feng Congde returned to Tian'an'men Square.

Li-zi-jing, at
that it was Li Xiannian & Bo Yibo who proposed to Deng Xiaoping on May 6th that
CCP Central must take "drastic measures" against student movement. Deng Xiaoping
convened an interim meeting the next day and demanded concerted understanding
within Politburo. Li-zi-jing further stated that Deng Xiaoping went to Wuhan of
Hubei Province on May 8th for rallying army support, and had meetings with
commanders of various military disctricts from 8th to 12th. (Chen Xiaoya concurred
with May 8th-12th timeframe.)

On May 9th, over 200 reporters and media workers walked to "National Reporter
Association" to present a petition bearing 1000 reporters and representing over 30
agencies. Zheng Yi & Su Xiaokang also participated, and later called Bao Zunxin
for a meeting on Dec 12th. Reporters requested for a dialogue with CCP Propaganda
Department. Over thousand students rode bikes in accompaniment of the reporters.
Bao Zunxin claimed that May 9th reporter petition movement rekindled the student

On May 12th 1989, People's National Congress published a notice on newspaper

stating their intent to discuss the issues raised by students. (Here is another
communist compromise that was ignored by students.) Hating Zhou Yongjun of Peking
Consolidated Student Union for aborting student movement, Chai Ling talked about a
hunger strike at Peking University. When Wang Dan organized the hunger strike,
Chai Ling joined in immediately. Past 10:00 pm, Gao Shan [i.e., deputy chief of
"political bodily-system reform bureau"] informed Bao Tong that a comrade from CCP
branch commissar committee at Peking Normal University had disclosed that students
were planning for hunger strike beginning on 13th. Bao Tong immediately instructed
Qian Liren that the notice from People's National Congress must be re-printed in
the most conspicuous spot of major newspapers by 13th. Bao Tong asked Gao Shan
write an article appealing for calmness on the part of students.

On May 12th, Bao Zunxin made a speech at Wang Dan's democracy salon inside of
Peking University. Bao Zunxin met with Zheng Yi & Su Xiaokang at 6:00 pm as
scheduled at "solidarity lake park". They, including Liu Zaifu and Li Tuo etc,
changed to a nearby hotel for the meeting. With over 40 participants, Zheng Yi &
Su Xiaokang drafted "May 16th Declaration" in the name of the whole intellectual
arena. Initially, Bao Zunxin advised against a planned May 15th demonstration by
intellectuals, claiming that it might complicate scheduled student hunger strike
or disrupt coming Gorbachev state visitation. Intellectuals set the time at 2:00
pm May 15th and the locality of Fuxing-qiao Overpass area. They contacted Yan
Jiaqi for revision of declaration at the end of the meeting.

On May 13th 1989, at about 2:00 pm, three thousand students began a hunger strike
petition on Tian'an'men Square. College teachers and professors organized "teacher
corps to the relief of students". At night, Yan Mingfu of United Front Ministry
somehow persuaded Wuer Kaixi into relocating hunger strike, which Chai Ling etc
declined. (Radical student leader Li Lu proposed self-burning on a later occasion
for sake of being the first to die in lieu of fellow students.)

On this day, per Li-zi-jing, Deng Xiaoping relayed army commander's allegiance to
about 15 senior CCP advisory committee members and bragged he was confident that
"nobody else [other than Deng Xiaoping] could mobilize a division, or a regiment,
or a garrison battalion". Deng Xiaoping ordered that the military district of
Jinan of Shandong Province dispatch troops to Peking.

Dai Qing Brokering Mediation Between CCP & Students

On the night of May 13th, Dai Qing called Bao Zunxin with an invitation to CCP's
"Guangming [Shining] Daily" newspaper, claiming that CCP leader Hu Qili had
requested for assistance in mediating over students' hunger strike.

At 2:00 pm, May 14th, Bao Zunxin arrived at the newspaper headquarter and found
out major initiators of "May 16th Declaration" were all invited over by Dai Qing.
Separately, on May 14th, Zheng Yefu of Academy of Social Sciences paid a visit to
Wang Juntao & Chen Ziming at "Economics Weekly" agency, claiming that Yan Mingfu
of CCP United Front Department had requested for mediation. Wang Juntao & Chen
Ziming hence got involved in student movement.

At the meeting, student leader Wang Chaohua was sent over by CCP United Front
Ministry, with an urgent appeal to mediating over students' hunger strike. After
Dai Qing talked over the phone with United Front Ministry, Bao Zunxin and his gang
were given a meeting place inside of Tao-ran-ting Park for a meeting with
students. Wen Yuankai, Su Xiaokang and Yan Jiaqi drafted an appeal on behalf of
CCP but added a clause stating Chinese intellectual's determination to be in same
trench as students should CCP eat their words. Bao Zunxin, having failed to
discern the political standground of "Guangming [Shining] Daily" editor-in-chief,
left the scene with doubts about the authority behind this mediation request. At
the park, the folks pressured Dai Qing into signing her name in the first spot,
which would become something to implicate her in prison after the massacre. Dai
Qing, like many other opportunists, merely used her imprisonment for gaining
international prestige after the massacre.)

After a short meeting with about 20 students, the mediators were trucked away to
CCP United Front Ministry by Dai Qing. Dai Qing claimed to students that whatever
"intellectual mediators" had talked about at the newspaper agency would be
published by tommorrow. After winning applauses from students, the crowd went to
Tian'an'men Square for sake of persuading students into stopping hunger strike.
When they arrived at the scene, it was already darkness.

Wen Yuankai, Li Honglin and Yan Jiaqi, went to the square to express support for
the hunger strike students. With Dai Qing's suggestion, Wen Yuankai requested that
hunger students stop their action should the intellectuals successfully obtain two
conditions from CCP, including the appearance of Zhao Ziyang & Li Peng onto the
Square. Students answered with a roar, demanding that Zhao Ziyang & Li Peng must
say something instead of just appearing at the square. Dai Qing counter-offered by
asking students whether it would be OK for Zhao Ziyang & Li Peng to state one
sentence that "students were patriotic". Students answered 'Yes'. Having returned
to CCP United Front Ministry [UFM], CCP UFM chief Yan Mingfu just stated, "Thank
you folks. I will find cars to send you guys home in a while." Bao Zunxin realized
that the demand that Zhao Ziyang & Li Peng say "students were patriotic" did not
pass. Before they left, Li Tieying came in and commented that "history would have
its verdict" when Bao Zunxin questioned the reluctance of CCP leadership in
meeting with students. (Hou Xiaotian pointed out that on the night of May 14th,
Wang Juntao & Chen Ziming, who did not know any student leader personally,
participated in the mediation that failed as a result of i) lack of equipment for
direct broadcasting, & ii) refusal of "hunger strike corps" in having dialogue
with Yan Mingfu & Lie Tieying.)

About 13th-14th, Hu Qili told Bao Tong that he had responsibility in drafting
April 26th Commentary with a harsh tone. CCP media, like Central TV Station and
"People's Daily" carried large amount of footage about the hunger strike.

Across the nation, college students organized into "hunger strike expedition
teams" for Peking. Donation activities were held throughout the country for sake
of aiding students on Tian'an'men Square.

On May 15th, over 100,000 intellectuals participated in the May 15th demonstration
[per Zheng Yi's speech on May 16th]. Bao Zunxin, having failed to abort the
parade, joined in by taking the subway for the concentration spot. One day
earlier, Bao Zunxin had questioned the campus posters which announced the parade
in the names of Yan Jiaqi, Su Xiaokang and him. Bao Zunxin stated that Zhao Yu was
the general director of the parade, with Zheng Yi and Zhang Boli acting as deputy
directors. By the time the intellectuals arrived at the Square, some 40000 people
had converged together. Yan Jiaqi, Bao Zunxin, Zheng Yi and Xu Gang paid respect
to the hunger strike students.

On this day, per Li-zi-jing, over 40 senior CCP leaders contacted Deng Xiaoping
for expressing worries and demanding actions. Deng Xiaoping supposedly replied
with "martial law enaction" after the scheduled Gorbachev visit.

Russian & American Implication & Complicity provided an interesting point as to
Russian Implication, i.e., the extraordinary visit by Gorbachev on May 15th, 6
hour long secret talk between Deng Xiaoping & Gorbachev on same day, and most
importantly, the acquiesce of Russians as to "June 4th Massacre". Quite some
people had speculation that Jiang Zemin, i.e., handpicked CCP secretary after the
massacre, could be a KGB-hire agent. In deed, Jiang Zemin's politburo cronies were
mostly Russian-trained "technocrats".

On May 16th, Deng Xiaoping had a meeting with Soviet leader Gorbachev. On the
afternoon, at the turn of Zhao Ziyang's meeting with the Russian, Zhao Ziyang made
a public comment in regards to a non-secret, i.e., CCP Central had an agreement
that Deng Xiaoping should be the ultimate helmsman of the Chinese communist party,
a remark that was interpreted in different perspectives up to today. (CCP Central,
after the massacre, accused Zhao Ziyang of "disclosing state secret".)

Now back to American implication & complicity. James Liley, the American
ambassador to China, disclosed that he had first reported to Washington DC on May
21st 1989 that China's communist leaders would likely crack down on the
demonstrations. Liley, who had authorized his spies to lease a hotel room at a
hotel near the TAM Square, intended the US Government to step in to exert some
pressure on the Chinese communist leadership so that no blood would be shed.
However, after his return to DC, Liley would find out that President George Bush
had claimed that he never received the ambassador's report. Embassy officials,
Larry Wortzel & Bill McGiven, had firsthand information on the death toll of the
June 4th Massacre which the US government deliberately skipped the same as what it
did to the John Birch Murder of 1945. -- Like John Birch, James Liley, whose
brother Frank Liley committed suicide in Japan in 1946 over the Atomic horrors in
Hiroshima, appeared to be one of the very few Americans who had sincere sympathy
with the Chinese cause.

Fingers Pointing Direct At Paramount Leader

With Zhao Ziyang making the helsmanship remark, students and teachers then pointed
their finger direct at Deng Xiaoping in a likening to "dowager emperor". Per Bao
Zunxin, some graduate student by the name of Xing, who had part time studies under
Chen Ziming's research institute, had suggested on the night of May 16th that Bao
Zunxin lead a new campaign against Deng Xiaoping. Bao Zunxin and Xu Gang then went
to the square to have a discourse with student leaders after passing four student
cordon lines. While some student leader agreed that Deng Xiaoping was the
obstacle, nobody really believed that "targeting Deng Xiaoping" was a good idea.
After returning home, Bao Zunxin received a note left by Chen Ziming, but did not
get to ask him again what the purpose of Chen Ziming visit was.

Bao Tong claimed that it was him who had suggested that Zhao Ziyang disclose to
Gorbachev the matter of helmsmanship. Apparently, Zhao Ziyang's "wise brain
nucleus", whether intentional or unintentional, fomented student movement in the
direction of forcing Deng Xiaoping into a resignation. At about 5:25 pm, on May
16th, Yan Minfu arrived at the Square for a disuasion of the students, was allowed
to go to student command center at the center of the Square alone, promised to
students that he had been authorized to inform students that no reprisal would
come from the government, obtained the concurrance from Wang Dan & Wuer Kaixi, but
was rebutted by radical students. In another perspective, students did not have
good understanding of nor coordination with the "democratic elements" inside of
the government per Su Shaozhi. At 6 pm, on May 16th, presidents of ten colleges
and universities issued a call for student-government dialogue after seeing that
400 students were sent to the hospitals due to fatigue from hunger strike and
thatsome Peking U teachers joined the ranks of hunger strike students.

On the same day, Bao Tong, i.e., Zhao Ziyang's secretary, convened a "law
specialist meeting" inside of "Political Bodily-system [i.e., structure] Reform
Institute" in regards to ten Peking municipality regulations on demonstrations and
rules for registration of societies and associations. At the night, CCP Central
standing committee leadership held a meeting that lasted to 2 hours past midnight,
with topics covering how they were to respond to hunger strike students in written

Millions of Peking citizens echoed their support to the hunger strike by mounting
protests and demonstrations. All over the city, radios, both short wave and medium
wave, were tuned to broadcasts from BBC, VOA and Taiwan stations. Songs like the
National Athem and communist classics "Internationale" were in play. Vendors gave
out soft drinks to students and teachers for free, and parks around Tian'an'men
Square were open for trepassing without the need of a ticket. Thieves claimed to
have stopped their action for the occasion. Motocyclists organized a "flying
tiger" band for relaying messages. Almost every single government bureau,
division, department or entity sent in their delegation of protesters to
Tian'an'men Square. 200 professors and teachers of Peking University made a visit
to hunger strike students on May 15th. Newspapers, magazines, radio stations and
TV had either softened their stance or expressed sympathy or support to the
student movements.

Later, on the morning of May 17th, Bao Zunxin noticed that a lot of people
surrounded a truck near International Hotel. It turned out to be a truck from some
college, carrying a sign "Deng Xiaoping, Quit The Job". Also in the morning, Zhao
Ziyang had issued a written notice to the students in the name of "himself, Li
Peng, Qiao Shi, Hu Qili, and Yao Yilin", again emphasizing that the government
would not "settle the debts in the autumn".

Intelligentsia's May 16th Declaration

On May 16th, at about 4:00 pm, during the scheduled "news conference" at "triangle
area" of Peking University, Zheng Yi read aloud the "May 16th Declaration" of
Chinese intellectuals. (One day earlier, on May 15th, they already proclaimed the
declaration on the Square.)

After Zheng Yi's speech, Bao Zunxin protested against "Shining Newspaper" appeal
dated May 15th, and Zhang Boli announced an appeal from top 10 professors from
Peking University. Bao Zunxin rebutted a HK report as to "toppling Li Peng
government", and Li Tuo explained from medical perspective how students had agreed
to take milk for lengthening the hunger strike. After the massacre, Chen Xitong,
i.e., then Peking mayor, accused the intellectuals of conspiracy on 12th, 14th &

"May 16th Declaration" cautioned CCP against the shame of various student
crackdown in 20th century, admonished CCP of its wrongdoings in various
persecution movements, criticised CCP Shanghai's closure of "World Economic
Herald" newspaper, and promulgated the responsibility of Chinese intellectuals in
political participation. 260 signatures collected included Li Zehou, Ji Xianlin,
and Wen Yuankai etc. (Lin Mu stated that he did not join the May 16th declaration
by distinguished leaders in theories [i.e., CCP theory], news media and arts arena
inside of Peking University. However, Lin Mu called two top CCP theorist, i.e., Hu
Jiwei & Li Honglin, for updated news about the situations and status. Lin Mu
mentioned that he had heard conflicting slogans, with some people equating Zhao
Ziyang and Li Peng together for a replacement of Deng Xiaoping. Further, Lin Mu
mentioned that during May 17th visit to the Li Honglin house, he was told that PLA
38th Corps Chief Xu Qinxian had antagonized CCP Central on the matter of military
crackdown. Xu Qinxian, son of General Xu Haidong, was said to have been arrested
and executed after massacre. Lin Mu then went to the square to give a support
declaration for which he would go through investigation after massacre.)

CCP Politburo Decision On Martial Law, & "May 17th Declaration"

On May 17th, CCP Politburo held a meeting inside of Deng Xiaoping residency. Deng
Xiaoping proposed "Martial Law" enaction in Peking; however, Zhao Ziyang opposed
it by requesting for a resignation. Zhao Ziyang, on this day, promised to students
that CCP would not launch a "post-autumnal persecution" should students stop the

In post-massacer 'self-criticism' style confession, Bao Tong stated that Zhao

Ziyang called him over to Zhao residency during supper time and disclosed that
they had a meeting inside Deng Xiaoping residency at noon [May 17th]. Zhao Ziyang
mentioned that the decision made at noon [i.e., martial law] was a secret that he
could not divulge but did tell Bao Tong that he was criticised for the May 4th
talk. Zhao Ziyang first asked Bao Tong to draft a resignation letter, and
admonished Bao Tong as to "keeping secrets" because some people [i.e., Li Peng]
already complained that Bang Tong had a loose mouth. (Bao Tong stated that Li Peng
had intentionally excluded Bao Tong from auditing the CCP standing committee
meetings on April 24th & May 16th, respectively. After return to his office, Bao
Tong assembled his 12 colleagues, claimed that this might be last gathering
together, and advised them against being a Juda.)

On this day, in the morning, Bao Zunxin already noticed a truck carrying a sign
"Deng Xiaoping, Quit The Job". When Bao Zunxin arrived at "politics institute" at
the invitation of Yan Jiaqi, he was shown a so-called "May 17th Declaration" which
was a denounciation of Deng Xiaoping's old man politics in a likening to "Manchu
dowager empress Cixi". Seeing that "May 17th Declaration" called Deng Xiaoping a
dictator, Bao Zunxin asked Yan Jiaqi what the opinions of the rest of folks were
like. Yan Jiaqi replied that Yu Haocheng, Li Honglin and Wang Shuren etc said they
needed time to think it over. After Bao Zuxin signed the declaration, the rest of
people followed. Though two colleagues [Wang Yan & Sun Yuesheng] expressed
restraint, Bao Zunxin would take the declaration direct to the students'
broadcasting station on the Square, and subsequently accepted an interview by
American Broadcasting Corp again at the referral of Jing Jun. Thereafter, they
observed massive May 17th Demonstration, with participants from workers from
"Capital Iron & Steel", peasants from Haidian District, students from Police
Academy, reporters from New China News Agency, and monks, elementary and middle
school students. Slogans at the parade, however, contained attacks at Deng
Xiaoping from then onward. On two campuses of Qinghua U & Peking U, big character
posters from professors also directly accused Deng Xiaoping of being above the 0.7
billion people, above the 40 million communist party, and above the law. (After
being released from prison, Bao Zunxin did acknowledge that name calling was
against Confucian and Mencian ethics though he denied being a radical. Bao Zunxin
cited the simoulataneous "name calling" on May 17th as something not restricted to
the intelligentsia circle. Citing the fact that army was first mobilized on May
16th, Bao Zunxin treated the excuse of "May 17th Declaration" as merely a blood-
mopping cloth of Li Peng clique. Bao Zunxin ascribed the aborted movement as a
contribution to Deng Xiaoping's resigning the CCP Military Committee Chair post in
Nov 1989 and rescinding CCP Adviser Committee during CCP 14th Central Committee in

On early morning of 18th, Zhao Ziyang, Li Peng, Hu Qili & Qiao Shi visited hunger
students at Xiehe Hospital and Tongren Hospital respectively. Around noon, Li
Peng, Li Tieying & Li Ximing went to the Great Wall for meeting with
representatives of hunger strike students. (Xiao He, also an "alias" [i.e., right-
hand and left hand of Han Dynasty Emperor Gaozu], who claimed to be one time "co-
author" with alias Zhang Liang, rebuked Zhang Liang's "Tiananmen Papers" by
claiming that Zhao Ziyang & Li Peng, who visited students in hospitals, would not
appear in a second place at about the same time for the so-called "martial law"
discussion meeting as covered in next paragraph, not to mention the authenticity
of scripts from so-called May 17th secret meeting inside of Deng Xiaoping

Also on May 18th, as disputed by "Xiao He", CCP Politburo and CCP senior leaders
decided on enacting martial law beginning from midnight of May 19-20th. Zhao
Ziyang requested for a break to avoid concurrance. Hu Qili requested for a
personal appearance by Deng Xiaoping, while Rui Xinwen & Yan Mingfu expressed
reservation as to Deng Xiaoping's opinion per Li-zi-jing. Yang Shangkun relayed
Deng Xiaoping's three points. On the afternoon of May 18th, Deng Xiaoping accused
Zhao Ziyang of splitting the party, suggested that Zhao Ziyang be relieved of his
duties, and mandated "martial law enaction" from 19th onward. (Chen Xiaoya cited
government documents in stating that Yang Shangkun hosted the CCP military
commission meeting in the afternoon, issued the deployment order and established
'martial law office'. 77th Division of 26th Group Army arrived in outskirts of
Peking at 10:00 pm on May 18th [???]. Check Chen Xiaoya's timeline of three stages
of military deployment below, i.e., April 22-May 5th, May 19th-May 22nd, and June
3rd-June 4th for details.)

However, per Bao Tong, Zhao Ziyang retrieved the resignation letter as a result of
Yang Shangkun criticism: Yang Shangkun cautioned Zhao Ziyang that students might
very well turn into further turmoil should they find out about his resignation.
Per Chen Xiaoya, on the night of 18th, Yang Shangkun dispatched Zhou Yibing to
Baoding city for replacing 38th corps chief Xu Qinxian.

CCP, in face of massive protests across Peking and the Nation, would then adopt a
conciliatory approach by superficially agreeing to a dialogue with students. In
Shanghai, Chen Zhili allowed the deposed editor-in-chief Qin Belin to appear in
public again, and later dispatched secret emissaries to beg for a "self-criticism"
from Qin Belin in exchange for restoring the editor-in-chief post. (Qin Belin
refused to do self-criticism and further participated in parade on May 22nd.)

In Jinan the provincial capital of Shandong Province, CCP provincial secretary

Jiang Chunyun held a dialogue with students inside of Shandong University on May
18th. Pan Qiang of Shandong University claimed that relationship between students
and provincial leaders had improved hence. At the night, Pan Qiang and about 20
representatives departed for Peking under the escort of 2000 students. At Jinan
Train Station, 2000 students managed to board the train as well.

Also on 18th, Bao Zunxin attended a meeting at Jimen Hotel and discussed whether
it was appropriate to name Deng Xiaoping. One person pointed out that everybody
could tell who the dictator named was. The meeting attendants signed a new
declaration, but Bao Zunxin managed to destroy it after the massacre. Wang Juntao
& Chen Ziming also attended Jimen Hotel Meeting, and Hou Xiaotian mentioned that a
"negotiation & liaison meeting for loving country and safeguarding constitution"
was established. Hou Xiaotian further said that student leader Wang Dan attended
the "negotiation & liaison meeting" on 19th. On 19th and later on 22nd, at
"negotiation & liaison meeting", Wang Juntao & Chen Ziming were said to have
advocated for students to adopt the approach of rationality and restraint.

Martial Law Enaction In Peking

Million people in HK were in constant parades. On Taiwan Island, Chinese

compatriots were in full swing to lend support to students on Tian'an'men Square.
Donations from around the world, especially those from Taiwan, came into
Tian'an'men Square. On the square, tens of thousands of tents were set up during
the hunger strike week. Ambulances had been shuttling to and from hospitals,
carrying students who need an IV once and a while. In the background, CIA agents,
said to be supported by US ambassador, had been accused of liaisoning with Fang
Lizhi couple and student activists for escalating the student movement. (Should we
examine the fact that Fang Lizhi refused to be China's Sakhrov, then there is
ground to believe that Chinese communists might actually hold evidence of such a

On the early morning of May 19th, at about 4:50 am, Zhao Ziyang, Li Peng, Qiao
Shi, Hu Qili and Yang Shangkun, riding in two vans and without bodyguards, went to
the Square for a visit to the hunger strike students. (Wen Jiabao, for his role of
accompanying Zhao Ziyang to the Square, had been mistaken as sympathetic to the
student movement.) Zhao Ziyang, with tears, asked students to stop hunger strike,
stating that "students, who had gone into the 7th day of hunger strike, should
live on healthily" and emphasizing the "due process" for answering the issues
raised by the students rather than an immediate decision by the government.

In the morning, Zhao Ziyang expressed a desire to see Deng Xiaoping in person and
requested for a vacation; however, office director Wang Ruilin from Deng Xiaoping
residency replied that "decision made could not be reversed" per Li-zi-jing. On
the same day, CCP Central convened a meeting in regards to crackdown, and Yang
Shangkun and Li Peng first renamed the "turmoil" as a "pao [mobster] luan
[rebellion]". On the night, Zhao Ziyang was said to have tendered his resignation,
which might not be true per Chen Xiaoya. (Chen Xiaoya pointed out that when Zhao
Ziyang returned to office 3 days later, i.e., May 22nd, his power base was
completely gone, only to become another tragic victim like Qing Emperor Guangxu
who was put under house arrest by dowager empress Cixi.) Alternative account
pointed out that Zhao Ziyang had, in fact, merely requested for three day sick
leave but refused to attend the "CCP meeting of cadres from party, administration
and army" which, being an occasion for declaration of martial law, decided to pull
ahead the curfew to 10:00 am of May 20th from scheduled midnight of May 21st for
fear of divulsion-related unpredictables. Li Peng, with a stern face, read aloud
the order on TV. (Li Peng's declaration of martial law could be seen at

Student-CCP Dialogue
Female student leader Wang Chaohua located, on the square, another 'radical'
student leader by the name of Wu'er kaixi [Uygur ethnic] who was said to have
slipped out of hospital bed with patient gown. Wang Chaohua stated that government
finally agreed to a dialogue. Across the Nation, TV would broadcast alive the
dialogue as demanded by the students. (Here is an incredible backdown on the part
of communist leadership who had butchered their way to power and never hesitated
to butcher more to maintain their power. FYI: Communist China mandated a delay by
at least one minute for all phone calls to hotlines on TV and radio stations for
sake of censorship. It would be a suicide to think you could call in, shout a
slogan, and get away. Text of dialogue is available at

Around noon time of 11-12, the people of the Nation watched the communist leaders
stepping into the Hall for a meeting with students. Premier Li Peng blamed the
traffic congestion for his late coming by five minutes. (Feng Congde pointed out
that CCP Central deliberately withdrew traffic police during the student movement
for creating havoc.)

Li Peng, having first stressed to students that his son [i.e., Li Xiaopeng] never
was involved in "reselling government-controlled commodities, would get disrupted
by Wuer Kaixi. Wu-e-kai-xi, after checking with student leader Wang Dan, disrupted
Li Peng by pointing out that Li Peng was not late for five minutes, but one whole
month, apparently referring to the demand for meeting with Li Peng on April 17th.
Further, Wu-er-kai-xi, still wearing the patient gown from the hospital, demanded
that it would be up to the students who were to determine the topics, not Li Peng.
Xiong Yan rebutted Li Peng's claim as to the social turmoil. Meeting was disrupted
when Yan Minfu passed on a note from the hunger strike committee as well as Wuer
Kaixi's passout. Wang Zhixin then emphasized to Yan Minfu that this encounter was
merely a face-to-face meeting, not an official dialogue. (Up to today, the
bullying attitude by Wu-er-kai-xi still rang fresh on my mind, while majority
Chinese had simply concluded that Wu-er-kai-xi was a patriotic student without a
slight doubt for the possibility that a good Uygur was first of all a "Zionist"
who dreamt for an independent Eastern Turkestan nation.)

The breakdown of Student-CCP Dialogue left no room for a compromise between the
two camps. However, people still held out hope that no bloodshed would need to
happen. Lin Mu, in his continuous liaisons with senior CCP cadres, visited Wang[1]
Feng who assured him that troops would not shoot at students. Lin Mu mistook
Wang[1] Feng's words as representative of Yang Shangkun's stance. (Wang[1] Feng
and Yang Shangkun had been friends since after the Zhiluozhen Battle in 1935.)

At 9:00 pm, on May 19th, students announced an end to hunger strike. At 10:00 pm,
Li Peng convened a meeting, officially declaring the student movement as a
turmoil. The next day, May 20th, Li Peng issued the martial law order, effective
at 10:00 am. From May 20th to May 22nd, Army failed to get to the center of
Peking. However, small groups of army sneaked into the city or came in through
special tunnels by May 24th. On May 25th, army took over TV and radio stations as
well as newspapers.

Army Coming Into Town

Per Chen Xiaoya, earlier, on the morning of 19th, for a third time, army units
from 38th group army at Baoding, i.e., 112 & 123th divisions, 6th tank division,
cannons brigade, engineering regiment and communications regiment, about 15099
soldiers, came towards Peking via 851 trucks, 213 APCs and 33 tanks. Other than
6700 soldiers who successfully entered army barracks from wukesong to Military
Museum, the bulk of troops were impeded at Dajingcun, Bajiaocun, Jiaojiakou &
Liuliqiao. Meanwhile, 27th Corps at Shijiazhuang departed at about 8:00 am on a
four route advance, to be impeded at Fengtai, Daxing & Babaoshan. Except for small
contingents sent to train station, telegraph building and TV stations, the rest of
troops were impeded from May 22nd to June 2nd.

On May 20th, in the morning, Chen Yizi and his followers [from "bodily-system
reform institute"] visited Bao Tong for half an hour to one hour and mentioned
that army had been impeded by Peking people. In an outrage, Bao Tong exposed
several "notorious events" about Li Peng's son and wife, which "bodily-system
[i.e., structure] reform institute" disclosed to outsiders shortly for printing on
leaflets. On this day, CCP ordered that military take control of TV stations,
radio stations and newspapers. Students across the country immediately blocked
railway tracks for preventing the army from being dispatched to Peking. Shandong
Province students lied down on tracks at Baimashan Train Station of Jinan city on
May 20th.

Student command center on Tian'an'men Square announced the start of a new hunger
strike. Over 200,000 students again converged upon the Square, and millions of
Peking citizens went on the streets for sake of stopping the army from entry into
the city. Student representatives were sent to major road intersections for
assisting the Peking citizens. Pan Qiang stated that Shandong Province students,
having left behind wills, participated in road blockade operations. Road blocks
were set up, and buses and trolley buses were aligned onto the streets. In HK,
mass parade was held to echo support for the Peking students.

Chen Ping of Peking University stated that he had been transporting water and food
to students at various intersections, going as far as Changxindian Train Station
and Lugouqiao Bridge [about 30 kilometers to the west of Peking] to check with
railway workers who were guarding against trainloads of troops. Chen Xiaoya cited
government records in stating that an army corps under chief Zang Wenqing and
commissar Cao Heqing was impeded at Mt Xishan to the west of Peking on May 20th;
that Peking railway bureau 30 carriages of Train No. 1417 on May 21st for secret
transport of "Crack Force No. 24" to Peking overnight; and that a battalion of
soldiers from mountain area in eastern Liaoning Province was impeded at Anqian
Train Station of Hebei Province at 1:00 am of May 22nd morning.

On May 21st, eight senior CCP leadership, i.e., Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian, Peng
Zhen, Deng Yingchao, Yang Shangkun, Bo Yibo, and Wang Zhen convened another
meeting inside of Deng Xiaoping's house and discussed new candidacy for CCP
general secretary. Jiang Zemin, for his henchman role in heralding the crackdown,
was mentioned as a likely candidate. (Zhang liang pointed out that on May 21st,
Jiang Zemin received an invitation call to go to Xishan of Peking. Chen Xiaoya
pointed to May 28th as the date when communist seniors discussed candidacy.)
Later, CCP leadership blamed Bao Tong for disclosing "state secret", i.e., CCP
leadership's collective criticisms of Zhao Ziyang, and put Bao Tong into
censorship [i.e. house arrest] status on May 28th.

On May 22nd 1989, troops came into conflict with demonstrators. At about the same
time, retired or semi-retired senior generals and marshals, such as Xu Xiangqian
and Nie Rongzhen, assured visiting students that people's liberation army would
never shoot at students. (Back on 18th, students on the Square had read out a
purported support letter from "young army officers", and 38th Corps Chief Xu
Qinxian was sacked on the night of 18th. And on 20th, seven retired senior
generals, including Zhang Aiping, Xiao Ke, Ye fei, Li Jukui, Yang Dezhi, Chen
Zaidao and Song Shilun, would write a letter to CCP Military Commission to express
opposition to military crackdown.)

Deng Xiaoping convened another "old men & women" meeting on 22nd per Li-zi-jing.
Inside of Zhao Ziyang's compound, Bao Tong's protege, i.e., Gao Shan, acknowledged
his mistake in joining the gang at "bodily-system [i.e., structure] reform
institute" back on May 19th. Bao Tong rebuked Gao Shan's individual action as
something that might be construed to be representing his "political reform
research institute". (After the massacre, Bao Tong made self-criticism in stating
that he did not link Gao Shan's action to equivalent like "serious political
issue" at the time.)

On May 23rd, over 2 million people held a massive demonstration inside of Peking,
with participants from almost all walks of life. At about 2:00 pm, three brave
youths from Hunan Province, i.e., Yu Zhijian, Yu Dongyue & Lu Decheng, mixed up
eggs with black ink, and then threw them onto "Chairman Mao Tse-tung" Portrait on
the Tian'an'men Rostrum [Gate Tower]. The three came over from Hunan Province and
joined the "patrolling & picketing force for protecting students" three days
before, with full readiness to sacrifice their lives for the nation. However,
students from "Peking Autonomous Consolidated Student Union of Peking Colleges and
Universities", who had conflicting agenda as well as maintained a "non-violent" or
"peaceful" appearance for the student movement, would arrest the three as
"reactionaries" for handover to CCP Security Bureau. After the massacre, Yu
Zhijian, Yu Dongyue & Lu Decheng received life sentence, 20 year sentence and 16
year sentence, respectively.

On the night of May 23rd, students voted to establish "Command Center For
Defending Tian'an'men Square", with Chai Ling [i.e., a leader of hunger strike
team] tacking on the "general director" post. Peking Consolidated Student Union,
per Pan Qiang, hence yielded the leadership to "Command Center". "Command Center"
leadership consisted of Chai Ling, Feng Congde, Li Lu, Zhang Boli, and Guo Haifeng
etc. (Chai Ling, in her May 28th interview, repeatedly blasted "Peking
Consolidated Student Union" as well as intellectual-organized "joint meeting" for
causing havoc to student movement. CCP, in its prosecution, erroneously accused
Wang Juntao & Chen Ziming of i) renaming the "Command Center" under the umbrella
of "joint seat meeting" and ii) organizing four picket columns of students,
workers, citizens, and dare-to-die citizens.)

On 23rd & 24th, hundreds of CCP leaders wrote to Deng Xiaoping to express
allegiance by demanding a restoration of "socialist normal order" per Li-zi-jing.
Yang Shangkun was said to have convened a CCP military commission expanded meeting
on 24th on which occasion Yang Shangkun heavily criticised Zhao Ziyang per Chen
Xiaoya's citation of Zhang Liang's book.

On May 24th, Bao Tong was asked by Zhao Ziyang to write up a last report covering
the time period from Hu Yaobang's death to present. Wan li, i.e., commissar-in-
chief [i.e., speaker] of National People's Congress, cut short his visit to US and
returned to China with first stop in Shanghai. (Per Chen Xiaoya, Wan li returned
home from Canada after Zhao Ziyang sent an urgent request on May 21st; however,
Deng Xiaoping subsequently wired to Wan li for returning to Shanghai from US
stopover.) Shanghai students organized a massive protest in the center of the
city, i.e., People's Square, with a call for Wan Li to convene a National Congress
for impeaching Li Peng. Rumor went that Wan Li was restricted "personal freedom"
and prohibited from a trip to Peking. (Zhang liang pointed out that because 57
members of the National People's Congress discussed the martial law validity, CCP
Central had assigned Jiang Zemin a special job of keeping Wan Li restricted to
Shanghai for one week till Wan Li's agreeing to the "martial law" on May 27th.)

Also implicated would be Shanghai Mayor Zhu Rongji who was said to have peacefully
dealt with Shanghai student movement with a low profile, hence averting a possible
military entry into the city. (That's a fallacy since Canton, Xi'an, and Wuhan did
not see troops even though those cities were paralyzed by student demonstrators.)
In Shanghai, students and CCP-organized worker patrolling force engaged in zigzag
struggles, with students moving traffic separators to the center of the road in
early morning and workers cleaning up the road blocks shortly afterward.

Also on May 24th, intellectuals in Peking established the "United Association of

Peking Intellectuals" similar to 5 other autonomous organizations like "student
consolidated union" and "workers' autonomous union". Bao Zunxin claimed that
"United Association of Peking Intellectuals" merely held one parade on May 25th.

On May 25th, Li Peng gave the "martial law troops" a consolation letter, calling
on the army to fight against "a handful of conspirators". Li Peng hosted the
politburo meeting from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm per Li-zi-jing. Millions of Peking
citizens continued to hold protests, calling for Wan Li to return to Peking for
impeaching Li Peng. On May 25th and later on May 28th, students held two city-wide
demonstrations. Pan Qiang stated that Shandong Province students, who dwelled
inside of "Square University Village", participated in both actions.

On May 26th, Chen Yun, in the name of CCP Central Advisory Committee, expressed
support for Yang Shangkun & Li Peng's May 19th speech. Deng Xiaoping hosted a
joint seat meeting of Politburo and CCP Advisory Committee on 26th per Li-zi-jing
and accused CIA and other overseas organizations of involvement in student
movement. The next day, on 27th, in Shanghai, Li Xiannian, i.e., chairman of CCP's
Chinese People's Political Consultatitive Conference, and Wan li, also expressed
support for May 19th speech by Yang Shangkun & Li Peng. On 27th, Yang Shangkun
announced i) that Zhao Ziyang be relieved of all duties "within and outside the
party" and ii) that Hu Qili be relieved of duties as well per Li-zi-jing. From May
26th to May 27th, Communist party had rallied its base by invoking the two rubber-
stamp governing bodies. Wavering elements among communist bureaucrats were also
re-assessing the political perils. (Zhang liang pointed out Jiang Zemin, having
finished the assignment of converting Wan Li, would fly to Peking on May 30th,
this time, to stay till June 23-24 when CCP Central's 4th Plenary of 13th Central
Committee declared him the new general secretary.)

On May 27th, miscellaneous student and democracy organizations held a "joint seat
meeting" for a concerted fight. The "joint seat meeting" denied the involvement of
CCP or government factions and claimed that the movements were "purely
spontaneous, extraordinarily patriotic & democratic mass movement which is
unprecedented since the era of May 4th 1919 Movement". Hou Xiaotian stated that at
"negotiation & liaison meeting", student leaders like Chai Ling, Feng Congde & Li
Lu had agreed to withdrawal from Square but did not make it happen. (After the
massacre, Hou Xiaotian, in defence of her husband, claimed that Wang Juntao & Chen
Ziming had no more contacts with student leaders after the May 27th meeting while
student leaders no longer attended "joint seat meeting" ["negotiation & liaison
meeting"] either.)

On the Tian'an'men Square, student leadership from "Peking Consolidated Student

Union" and "Square Command Center" had disagreement over withdrawal or
persistence. Moreover, "Peking Consolidated Student Union" had conflicts with
"Out-Of-Peking Consolidated Student Union". Bao Zunxin, having failed to mediate
between the two associations on 28th, concluded that students from out-of-Peking
had created more problems than "relief" for Peking students.

On May 28th, Chai Ling gave an interview to Philip Cunningham, blasting

"negotiation & liaison meeting for loving country and safeguarding constitution"
for its call for planned withdrawal from the Square on 30th, dreaming that a few
survivors out of coming bloody crackdown on masses could push China's democracy
fight to a new level after awaking the people with blood-letting, and naivelly
hinting that she might not join the martyrs at all since she could be too
important to the cause of China to die on the Square. (See Also on same day,
Hunger Strike Command Center announced a continuance of "nonviolent sitting-in"
till June 20th when the Eighth Plenary of the People's Congress was supposed to be

Heh Weiling made a speech inside of Peking University calling for students'
evacuation from the Square. (Per Bao Zunxin, Heh Weiling, who had connection with
Deng Xiaoping's son, had conducted an unsuccessful mediation between students and
army. Heh Weiling proposed to Bao Zunxin on May 29th that students compromise with
army by holding a "joint celebration party" on the Square.)

Overseas Chinese across the Globe expressed support for Peking students. On May
30th, Peking students erected the statutue of "Goddess of Freedom & Democracy" on
the Square.

On May 30th 1989, Deng Xiaoping convened a second "joint seat meeting". On this
day, CCP organized a peasant rally in support of Li Peng on the outskirts of
Peking. (This was a dirty trick first adopted by Mao Tse-tung in attacking
intellectuals with workers during 1957 Anti-Rightist Movement. Peasants in
Fangshan area, per Bao Zunxin, had done their job in refusing supplies to the
armies and hindering the march of the army. Note that "revisionist" school of
thoughts gloated at the miseries of peasants in past decade by claiming that it
was a punishment for not joining the workers and students in 1989 demonstration.)

On June 1st, Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun expressed consolation to the martial
law troops. Student movement came to another low tide by this time. Liu Xiaobo,
who had teased Bao Zunxin for a hunger strike on May 30th, made arrangement at the
"joint seat meeting" for a new round of hunger strike by intellectuals. (Liu
Xiaobo, who just returned to China, must be kicking himself for missing the
actions in previous 45 days.) On the afternoon of June 1st, Wang Juntao, Gan Yang
and Lao-mu visited Bao Zunxin, with the news that Liu Xiaobo, Hou Dejian, Zhou Tuo
and Gao Xin would start a hunger strike on June 2nd. On the next day, Wang Juntao
& Gan Yang instigated Bao Zunxin for participating in 2nd or 3rd round of
"intellectual hunger strikes". Bao Zunxin, who had advocated for student
withdrawal earlier, would reluctantly agree to have his name added to the second
batch list.
On the opposite side, on June 2nd, Deng Xiaoping called upon the army to clear the
Square within two days per Chen Xiaoya. In the afternoon, Yang Shangkun was said
to have issued order to troops on the outskirts in entering the city for pre-
arranged targets beginning at midnight of June 3rd. At 4:00 pm, on June 3rd, Yang
Shangkun convened an urgent meeting attended by army generals and commissars and
adopted the "whatever measures" to eliminate obstacles. Chen Xiaoya stated that
political commissar Wang Fuyi of 38th Corps received the "whatever measures" order
around 5:00 pm on June 3rd.

June 3rd, 1989: Setup, Framing & Smear Campaign

On June 3rd, in early morning, secret police knocked on the doors of foreigners
who stayed in hotels around the Tian'anmen Square area. A. Christian Van Gorder
recalled that he was roused from sleep by police at 5:00 am. Two hours later,
foreigners boarded a train for Ulaan Bataar, the capital of Outer Mongolia. Van
Gorder pointed out that the "train was jammed with foreigners. There were some
VIPs from the U.S. Embassy on board..." Communist machine never stopped
functioning as it appeared on the surface. Bao Tong was put under house arrest
days ago, and numerous prominent intellectuals had disappeared from the public as

In the following, I will tentatively reconstruct the events on basis of relevant

witness writings on June 3rd-4th 1989 Massacre:

* ("SS.UNO.EDU Account")

* ("Lin Bin
* ("Wu Renhua
* ("Yi-da-qi
* ("Shi-jian

On June 2nd 1989, People's Liberation Army [PLA] sent in a vehicle to Peking, and
the vehicle bumped dead three people and wounded one. Peking citizens were enraged
by the incident without detecting that it was part of unscrupulous setup.
"SS.UNO.EDU Account" stated that it was a fast-running military jeep that killed
four people at ten o'clock on the night of June 2nd. "Yi-da-qi Account" pointed
out that government announced that it was CCTV which had loaned the military
vehicle that killed two people and seriously one other at Fuxing-men City Gate.
People ridiculed the government by saying that police uniforms, batons and daggers
must be "stage purpose items" loaned by the TV station.

On the early morning of June 3rd, about 2:30 am, soldiers entered the city from
two directions of east and west, but had to withdraw in face of massive protests.
"Yi-da-qi Account" wrongly assumed that army dispatched soldiers from the east
while the weapons from the west. Both routes were apparent setup, but not
complimenting each other.

From the east, "SS.UNO.EDU Account" mentioned that "a very large contingent of
soldiers ..., most of them wearing white shirts and military pants, jogged about
eight miles to just east of the Square..." At about 3:00 am [June 3rd], several
thousands of soldiers [6000-7000 ?], wearing miscellaneous shirts only, were
stopped by people at Dong-chang-an-jie [Eastern Forever Peace] Street, near
Beijing Hotel. Soldiers deliberately left behind iron rods, reinforcing bars,
daggers, nylon cords and kitchen knives. "Yi-da-qi Account" ridiculously stated
that soldiers could have dropped the weapons out of scare, not a setup.

From the west, "SS.UNO.EDU Account" pointed out that three vehicles carrying
plaincoat soldiers were stopped at Xidan [about one mile to the west of Square] by
the people around midnight and that "machine guns, military knives, and helmets"
were found inside of three tourist buses. "Yi-da-qi Account" pointed to a 24-seat
van that came to a stop near the musical hall. "SS.UNO.EDU Account" stated that at
Liubukou, a van was deliberately left (? stopped) with rifles and a machinegun,
but no bullets. The military vehicles and van surrounded by people at Muxidi had
no license plates. (Hei-ma stated that vehicles, not the van, carried 'military
police' plates.) "Yi-da-qi Account" gave more detailed account of the findings
inside of van: about ten personnel, iron hooks, steel rings, daggers, automatic
rifles, machineguns, ammunition, and two civilian license plates. Students and
Pekingers took over the weapons, and mounted machinegun on top of the van for a
parade. Gao Wenqian observed that students were displaying helmets and bayonets.
One young man slapped an officer commanding the van, and people did escort the
soldiers to the toilet inside the music hall nearby. "Yi-da-qi Account" stated
that students climbed to the top of van with three rifles and one machinegun. Hei-
ma stated that students from Politics & Law University, acting as picketing, had
brought the van to the front of Xinhuamen CCP headquarter where only two police
were guarding the gate. Hei-ma stated that he, hearing about interception of
altogether three vehicles, then went a short distance to Liubukou and saw two
tourist buses in the front of the musical hall. Some students had fetched weapons
from bags under soldiers' seats and climbed on top the bus to display bayonets.
CCP plaincoats clandestinely shot photos of student activists and democracy
activists at the scene. After the massacre, CCP accused 'rioters' of robbing the
army of loaded machineguns at 7:00 am.

Student and Peking citizens proposed a mass parade at 2:00 pm to protest against
the sneaky action by the army. By noon, Chang'an Street was full of people, making
a parade impossible. Wu Renhua stated that "joint seat meeting" held its last
gathering in No. 29 Building of Beijing University at noon on June 3rd, with such
participants as Wang Juntao, Wang Dan, Lao-mu, Gan Yang, Liu Suli and Yang Tao
etc. The "joint seat meeting", for protecting the four gentlemen, decided upon
sending to the Square a special picket team to be organized by Wu Renhua & Liu
Suli among 40 Politics & Law University students. "Yi-da-qi Account" claimed that
it was army's action that revived people's fighting spirits that had been
subsiding since May 23rd. ("Yi-da-qi Account" cited "People's Daily July 26th
edition in pointing out a robber's logic, i.e., that CCP did not back down because
students and "rioters" would not suffice to stop where CCP might have compromised,
whether or not reversing April 26th editorial, reversing May 20th martial law
order, or reversing June 3rd military action.)

Wu Jiaxiang, at,
disclosed that he, at lunch time, had encountered dozens of Shaanxi Province
policemen with martial arts skills at the canteen of CCP headquarter inside of
Zhong-nan-hai. After the lunch, Shaanxi police exited the west gate of Zhong-nan-
hai on Fuyou Avenue, shot tear gas at the demonstrators near Xidan commerce center
and Xin-hua-men Gate, waved batons, and retrieved the van and guns. Gao Wenqian
pointed out an additional weapon called "triangle iron rod" used by police. Hei-ma
stated that military police were initially behind traffic police, shouting CCP
slogans with loud speakers, shot tear gas, attacked people who were ordered to get
off the top of the bus, and then called over separate vehicles for shipping
weapons. Slogans included Mao Tse-tung's instructions against Nationalist army
during the Huangqiao Battle in July 1940, i.e., "I will not offend you should you
not offend me, but I will for sure offend you if you offend me..." (Tear gas
shells, 4.5 cm in diameter and about 20 cm in length, were collected by people as
evidence. Tear gas was also shot into alleys, after the people who fled inside.)
Some German reporter was hit by bloody batons, and pregnant woman did not get
exempted, either. "Yi-da-qi Account" fixed the timestamp at 2:00 pm. "SS.UNO.EDU
Account" stated that policemen were carrying electric clubs and some were wearing
gas masks, vindicated by an eyewitness account as follows: "At Xinhuamen (near
Liubukou) about three o'clock, the riot [armed] police used tear gas. They hit a
young girl's leg and broke it. Some young kids were hiding behind a tree; they
used sticks to beat them. One of the kid's heads was split open, the stick was
full of nails. The kids' mother went to help her son; she wore a white skirt--they
pulled it up and kicked her like she was an animal." The policemen returned to
Zhong-nan-hai via Xin-hua-men Gate after retrieving the weapons.

Per Hei-ma, hundreds of army soldiers with helmets suddenly jumped out of
Xinhuamen of Zhongnanhai, attacked people surrounding the van with batons, formed
an arch line, and then retrieved the van. (Army, aside from the Great Hall, had
occupied Zhongshan Park, i.e., next door to Zhongnanhai CCP headquarter. Chen
Xiaoya pointed out that army had also taken up positions inside Laborer Cultural
Palace and Public Security Bureau, and moreover, conducted 32 mock crackdown
exercises, and devised 12 schemes of urgent response.)

One account stated that at about the same time, a large column of military
vehicles was stopped by people at Jianguomenwai, an area about three kilometers to
the east of the Square. "Yi-da-qi Account" pointed out that it would be about 3:30
pm that hundreds or several thousands of barehand soldiers, who were transported
there through the underground tunnel, came out of the west gate of the Greal
People's Hall and deliberately allowed themselves to be surrounded by hundreds of
thousands of people to the west of the Hall. ("SS.UNO.EDU Account" gave a
different timestamp, stating that "in the early afternoon [June 3rd], at Liubukou,
people were still surrounding the buses and displaying the weapons as a large
number of soldiers came out of the Music Hall [???] ...At around 2:00 P.M. several
thousand troops emerged from the west doors of the Great Hall of the People.")
While "SS.UNO.EDU Account" claimed that fortunately no violence was inflicted on
those militarymen, "Yi-da-qi Account" pointed out that the soldiers from the Great
Hall, wearing white shirts and green pants, were very ferocious, and had several
scuffles with people. ( pointed out
that some soldiers carried walkie-talkie with long antennas.) The soldiers who
came out of the Great Hall later returned to the building in few hours. Per "Yi-
da-qi Account", officer promised not to come out again within next 48 hours.

Per "SS.UNO.EDU Account", "a column of troop trucks carrying approximately one
thousand soldiers had also been stopped at Qianmen, an area just to the south of
the Square." More, when this column of soldiers retreated, rocks were thrown at
the soldiers, and one wounded soldier was picked up by a CBS cameraman.

In the afternoon, Beijing TV Station [not CCTV] continuously broadcast an "urgent

announcement" in the name of the martial law troops, stating that whoever went
outside of their home should bear full responsibility for any consequence on their
own accord. "Yi-da-qi Account" stated that later at 7:00 pm, CCTV did not carry
this announcement at all in its nationwide broadcast.

Hours later, at about 4:00 pm, Yang Shangkun, Li Peng, Qiao Shi and Yao Yilin
convened a meeting attended by army generals and commissars [Qin Jiwei, Li Ximing,
Hong Xuezhi, Liu Huaqing, Chi Haotian, Yang Baibing and Zhao Nanqi], Peking city
[Chen Xitong], State Council secretary [Luo Gan]. Zhou Yibing [commander of PLA
Peking military destrict] and Liu Zhenhua [political commissar of PLA Peking
military destrict] also attended the meeting. Yang Shangkun, the host of the
meeting, announced the decision of "square clearance". Li Peng stated that
reactionary mobsters must be quelled by the night. Chen Xitong claimed that
mobsters intercepted the army, set up blocks at dozens of intersections, beat
soldiers, pricked tires of military trucks, and wrestled weapons and ammunition.
Zhou Yibing mentioned that a column of plaincoat soldiers were chased and beaten
by Pekingers at Hufangqiao. Li Peng further added that mobsters mounted machine-
gun on a van at Liubukou and attacked west gate and Xin-hua-men gate of Zhong-nan-
hai where police had to shoot tear gas in self-defence.

Blood Path From Wukesong to Muxidi

Chen Xiaoya had listed the three stages of military deployment, i.e., April 22-May
5th, May 19th-May 22nd, and June 3rd-June 4th. Chen Xiaoya stated that after
"April 20th Xinhuamen Incident", army units from 38th group army, i.e., 112th
Division, 6th tank division, engineering regiment and communications regiment,
about 8986 soldiers, had been sent to Peking via 409 trucks on April 22nd in the
name of assisting police and military police with security on the occasion of Hu
Yaobang funeral. Alternative account stated that 77th Division of 26th Group Army
arrived in outskirts of Peking at 10:00 pm on May 18th (???). Zhang Liang pointed
out that 11 Army Corps, about 118000 soldiers from 3 military districts of Peking-
Shenyang-Jinan, entered Peking for clearing the streets and Square. Alternative
accounts, per Chen Xiaoya, would include as much as 350,000 soldiers from 7
military districts on basis of July 1989 report by HK's "Ming Bao" newspaper.
( mentioned i) that 12th
Corps flew into Peking's Nanyuan Airport the last, on June 4th, but the soldiers
were allocated 130 bullets while the rest of army had only 10 bulets per person;
and that while 12th Corps was the last to enter Peking, 38th Corp was probably the
first to be dispatched to Peking after April 20th martial law order. [Note that
nowhere was 12th Corps mentioned in either Chen Xiaoya's research or Zhang Liang's

Zhang Liang, relying mainly upon post-massacre government documents, stated that
merely 241 persons were killed during the crackdown, with 5000 wounded. Zhang
Liang's numbers being a fallacy, Chen Xiaoya, years ago, had pointed out Zhang
Liang's omission and inaccuracy of military deployment. Chen Xiaoya, at [URL purged?], had provided a
corroborating account of the total army units mobilized for the massacre, i.e.,
15th Corps, 20th Corps, 24th Corps, 27th Corps, 26th Corps, 28th Corps, 38th
Corps, 39th Corps, 40th Corps, 54th Corps, 63rd Corps, 65th Corps and 67th Corps,
plus possibly 23rd Corps mentioned in another communist document. [Note Zhang
Liang's claim of "authentic" government source could be convenient compiling of
non-governmental reports since government publications pointed to at minimum 13-14
army corps and possibly more troops that were deployed for checking against
various military units in the course of crackdown.]

Yang Shangkun's "Whatever Measures" Order [Issued At 4:00 pm]

In previous section, we mentioned that at 4:00 pm, on June 3rd, Yang Shangkun
convened an urgent meeting attended by army generals and commissars and adopted
the "whatever measures" to eliminate obstacles. Chen Xiaoya stated that political
commissar Wang Fuyi of 38th Corps received the "whatever measures" order around
5:00 pm on June 3rd.

"Yi-da-qi Account" carried an important episode that not many eyewitnesses had
written down: i.e., in early evening of June 3rd, a company of soldiers, from the
southwest direction, ran to the Square along Qianmen-xi-dajie Western Street.
About few hundred meters away from the Square, 6-7 soldiers fell down en route due
to fatigue, but the rest of soldiers continued to run towards the Square without
letup. Quite some fatigued soldiers, upon arriving at the Square, fell down and
had to receive assistance from students. Half an hour later, seeing no other
military units around, this company of soldiers peacefully retreated back to the
southwest. "Yi-da-qi Account" claimed that this incident, being the last victory
of non-violence, alerted students to calling for relief. Public buses were stuffed
at Qianmen area to the south for sake of preventing army from another sudden
descent. PLA "southwestern contingent" would mount a second march later.
Similarly, Shi-jian touched upon the arrival of PLA soldiers at the southern end
of Nan-chi-zi Da-jie [grand avenue], about hundred meters away from the Square at
around 10:00 pm on June 3rd. Like herald troops of PLA southwestern contingent,
those soldiers turned back in face of the wall consisting of protesters and

Hours earlier, a plaincoat soldier was caught by the students and delivered to Wu
Renhua's special picket team around 6:00 pm, and another plaincoat identified
himself for sake of convincing students that they should withdraw from square to
avert bloodshed. (Wu Renhua's special picket team came to the Square at 3:40 pm.)
"Wu Renhua Account" stated that CCTV (??? conflicting with "Yi-da-qi Account") and
Central People's Broadcasting Station (??? conflicting with "Yi-da-qi Account")
announced the same notice as Beijing TV Station beginning from 6:30 pm. "Lin Bin
Account" stated that people ignored the notice, packed the eight-lane boulevard of
Fuwai Street [i.e., Fuxingmen Wai (outer) Dajie (boulevard)] in Muxidi area, moved
cement dividers against the street vertically, and pushed Bus 320 and Trolley 114
onto the street. Per Lin Bin, thousands of bicycles parked on the two sides, which
pointed to the fact that people had come over from a distance.

Student leaders held a news conference at 7:00 on the Square as to injuries

sustained by students and citizens. Zheng Lubin of Surveyor Publishing House
denounced the army who hit him with belts around 3:15 pm at the southern flank of
the Great Hall. By 7:00 pm, Wu Renhua's team failed to obtain food supply from
'student command center' but later obtained soft drink and bread from HK-donated
supply center. By 7:00-8:00 pm (???) of June 3rd, student-controlled broadcasting
on Tian'an'men Square mentioned the possibility that army would come in soon. "Yi-
da-qi Account" stated that student broadcasting also talked about the founding of
"Square Democracy University" as well as "singing songs with Taiwan students" via
long distance calls. (Student leader Li Lu held a matrimony on the Square sometime

At about 9:00 pm, Chen Ping and his father joined the crowd on Chang'an Street in
moving cement dividers onto the streets. Quite some Peking citizens had worn
sports shoes and brought along towels in preparation for emergency and tear gas
attacks. "SS.UNO.EDU Account" pointed out that "word that troops were stopped at
Muxidi reached Bei [Peking] Hang [aviation] university at around 9:00 P.M.", which
led to student reinforcement. By 9:50 pm, government announced a 2nd round of
warning notice. Wu Renhua mentioned people continued to swamp onto the Square for
watching i) Statute of Democracy Goddess and ii) singer Hou Dejian. Wu Renhua
mentioned that innocent people were still in high spirits, demanding the
appearance of the singer from the hunger strike tent. "Square Democracy
University" was pronounced by the Democracy Goddess Statute around 10:00 pm under
the blessing of Yan Jiaqi & Zhao Yu. At 10:16, government announced a 3rd round of
warning to the effect that "any hindrance to martial law troops would be

Blood Path - From Wukesong to Muxidi

"Lin Bin Account" stated that army had been staying for close to two weeks at
government agencies on two sides of Fuxing-lu Road which was to the west of Fuwai
Street [i.e., Fuxingmen Wai (outer) Dajie (boulevard)] in Muxidi area. Lin Bin
stated that at around 6:00 pm, several military helicopters flew to Muxudi from
the east, circled for a while, and then flew towards the west. Per "Wu Renhua
Account", army, at Wukesong, i.e., the westernmost of the bloody path, over 40
tanks rushed past people, with one victim killed instantly. Military doctor Jiang
Yanyong of PLA 301 Hospital also pointed out that a motorcycle athlete was shot to
death at Wukesong. (Philip Pan of "Washington Post Foreign Service", at, wrote an
article about Jiang Yanyong's imprisonment by communists for demanding a re-
appraisal of 6-4-1989 incident.)

By 8:00 pm, army had apparently pushed past Gongzufen. Lin Bin cited "flying
tiger" motorist messenger in stating that more people were needed for impeding the
army in the west. Many people rode their bikes towards the west. Eyewitness Mu-ji-
ren, at, stated that around 8:30
pm, when he stepped out of Agriculture Department at Wanshoulu, soldiers with
helmets and AK-47 were going east on armored vehicles from Shijingshan direction.
Mu-ji-ren stated that at about 9:00 pm, shots were fired at people along the path
of Wanshoulu to Cuiweilu to Gongzufen; possibly ammunition truck exploded; and
some armoured vehicles caught fire as a result of soldier's sabotage on their own
accord. At Guzufen, tens of thousands of people surrounded the military convoy.
People threw stones at soldiers, and soldiers shot at people on two sides. Every
once a while people silently fell down after receiving gunshots, to be carried
away to hospitals by tricycle carts.

Bao Zunxin's book mentioned that Wang Juntao called him three times on the night
of June 3rd, mentioning that army and people fought against each other at
Wukesong; fierce shots were heard in Wanshoulu; and intense fighting occurred in
Gongzufen. Military doctor Jiang Yanyong of PLA 301 Hospital stated that from past
10:00 pm to 12:00 midnight, 18 surgery rooms at 301 Hospital treated 89 wounded
people, with at least seven dying from dumdum bullets. Jiang Yanyong of 301
Hospital also treated a PLA colonel-equivalent officer who was shot down together
with an old man and a boy in front of the Military Museum, about one block past
Gongzufen. (Victims who died of dumdum bullets, per Cao Changqing, would include
Zhang Runing of Peking International Broadcasting Station.)

After 9:00 pm, Lin Bin, standing in the tenth storey of a building, could hear
waves of shouting from the west. Seeing that wounded people were brought to Fuxing
Hospital down below, Lin Bin came down the building and went to the west of Muxidi

At a distance of about 300 meters from the Overpass, hundreds of thousands of

people, who had formed a human wall as thick as 200-300 meters, were in
confrontation with the army. Per Lin Bin, human crowds moved forward and backward
by one step while shouting slogans. When Lin Bin managed to sneak to the gate of
Peking Railway Bureau from the sidewalk, he was already on the right [south] side
of the army. About one hundred riot police, followed by tanks, armored personnel
carriers [APC], and military vehicles, led the army column against the crowd. In
front of the crowd were students, including female students, who had their arms in
arms. Some people threw stones at riot police from behind the student wall, and
the police hit back. (Lin Bin went back to the tall building, by the way, and did
not die on the street.)

"Lin Bin Account" pointed out that army had pushed to the west side of Muxidi
Overpass by 10:00 pm. With several buses on the road, tanks went ahead of riot
police to ram the buses. Under the command of a young man, thousands of people
counter-pushed the bus by counting 1-2-3. With tanks failing to gain an inch after
several rounds of futile attempts, army shot tear gas at the crowds. When people
ran away from the tear gas, tanks hit the trolley buses and sliced a space of
about two meters. Then, people rushed forward again, pushed the buses back
together, and sustained the strike of the tank. Army fired another round of tear
gas. People and tanks contested with each other again. Suddenly, tanks stopped
motor, and shots were fired. Lin Bin stated that people at the overpass dissipated
right away to seek shelter. Hundreds of soldiers, wearing helmets and pointing
submachine-guns [i.e., AK-47 assault rifles], marched onto the pedestrian lane on
the Overpass, shooting to the front indiscriminately. Two tanks then bumped apart
the buses for the army vehicles to come forward. One trolley bus caught fire and
was pushed to the side of the overpass. Lin Bin put the timestamp at 10:40 pm.

"SS.UNO.EDU Account" gave a different order of events: first, "suddenly several

troop trucks started on fire... behind the army area ... army began to march on
both sides of the street ... a student from Shi Da [Beijing Normal University]
went forward to talk to the officers. I heard a shot and the student fell to the
ground. People ran to him and took him to Fuxingmen Hospital--he died. . ."

Eyewitness account at

stated, from the angle of Fuxing Hospital [i.e., Muxidi area], that around 10:00
pm, gunshots erupted, and in a matter of dozen minutes, hundreds and up to
thousand wounded people and rescue workers swamped into the hospital. Blood soaked
the 20-30 meter long corridor to the hospital. Ding Zilin, i.e., the Tian'anmen
Mother, lost her 17-year-old son Jiang Jiesheng [Jiang Jielian?] at Muxidi.
(Doctors and leaders of Fuxing Hospital, with connection to CCP nucleus, had
already been talking about "planned shooting by the army" early in the day. Fuxing
Hospital was located in an area designated as "residential buildings of government
key departments" which included Dormitory Buildings No. 22 and No. 24 [i.e.,
Ministry Head Building]. 56 corpses were retained at the hospital, including a
graduate student from China Science & Technology University [Anhui Prov] and a
reporter [Zhang Runing] from China International Broadcasting Station. Later, on
June 6th, in Muxidi, CCP Military Committee staged a hoax in luring people onto
the streets to welcome so-called "38th Corps" against "murderer 27th Corps".)

"SS.UNO.EDU Account" stated that "... Then after 11:30 a lot of shooting began ...
Soldiers were also shooting at buildings. A seventy- to eighty-year-old woman, a
nine-year-old child, and a thirty-year-old pregnant were killed by the side of the
road. I saw lots of people just lie on the ground; if they stood up, the soldiers
shot at them. A boy was hiding in the bushes; he had been shot in the hand and in
the leg. A girl--maybe his girlfriend--went to help him but the soldiers saw them
and the boy«was killed» and the girl was hurt very bad. I was very scared and ran
too . . ."

Qianmen-xi-dajie Confrontation
A bit earlier, at about 10:15 pm of June 3rd, per "Yi-da-qi Account", two tanks
[APC???] rushed forward along Qianmen-xi-dajie Western Street. Tanks overran road
blockades, cement dividers, and iron fences, and then hit the bus at Qianmen,
i.e., the southern frontal gate to the Square. Tanks, after bumping the bus few
times, went around it to intrude onto the Square. (??? Did the two tanks enter the
Square before midnight? And, did it roll forward after entering the Square? Note
that "Wu Renhua Account" stated that it would be about 0:30 am of June 4th that
two tanks entered the east and west boulevards of the Square from Qianmen area.
"Shi-jian Account" stated a different timeframe of 11:30 pm [???] when an armoured
personnel carrier was burnt by angry people who stopped the vehicle near East
Chang'an Street by inserting an iron rod into the caterpillar tread. My guess is
that Shi-jian could mean that APC ran wild around the Square around 11:30 pm
before coming to a halt after mid-night.)

"Yi-da-qi Account" stated that people were in tears upon seeing the ferocious
tanks but managed to push public buses and trolley buses onto the streets at
Qianmen again. Half an hour later, PLA "southwestern contingent", lifting guns
upside down, ran over in battle formation. When people threw rocks and softdrink
bottles at the army, soldiers hit back with same stuff, but not bullets. Student
picket force came over, formed a human wall, and stopped the scuffling. Army
"southwestern contingent" relocated to the vacant land to the south of Mao Tse-
tung Memorial Hall. "Yi-da-qi Account" pointed out that this army unit, which
first arrived at the Square, would be the last batch of troops to enter the

At this time, people on the Square could hear gun shots from remote places, and at
9:00 pm, student broadcasting, with students raising their right hands, swore an
oath to "defend the Square and the republic with young life". HK student
representatives, i.e., Lin Yaoqiang, Li Lanju, Chen Qinghua & Chen Zongyi, visited
the student leaders after destroying records and documents at Peking Hotel. Square
Democracy University" was pronounced by the Democracy Goddess Statute around
10:00, with Zhang Boli made into the president of the said university. Messengers
with blood swarmed onto the square to report the massacre on the two ends of
"Chang'an Boulevard". At 0:30 am, Wuer kaixi cried about the loss of a female
classmate and then passed out. At about 1:00 am, HK students, at the west side of
the square, witnessed the fight between a tank and the people. Students repeatedly
sang He Dejian's song "The Descendants of Dragon". Near the History Museum, HK
student Li Lanju failed to talk with the army while Chen Qinghua was beaten for
taking pictures of a burning tank around 2 pm. At this time, a column of soldiers
came over from the west, while a bus drove towards the soldiers. Bus suddenly
stopped; two people jumped off the bus at the end; and soldiers shot dead the two
right away. Soldiers then dragged the driver out of the vehicle, and shot dead
people who tried to go forward to rescue the driver. HK students Lin Yaoqiang and
Cheng Zhen lifted up someone to find out that the said person was already dead
after being shot at for throwing a bottle at the army. By 2-3 am, students moved
their command center at the foot of the monument. Chai Ling talked about the story
of ants rolling into a ball to escape the fire on a hill in an analogy to
surviving the coming massacre. Students kept on singing Internationale. Students
came to hug Wu Renhua in tears and asked him to depart the Square for safety.
Student leaders asked the HK students to leave for their safety, but the HK
students refused.

Fuxingmen Overpass & Xi-chang'an-jie Confrontation

Eyewitness account, at, stated that
at about 11:00 pm, PLA soldiers were already charging around Fuxingmen area, about
four blocks to the west of the Square. With red and green signal flare rising all
over the sky, people fell down at the sound of gun shots. Hearing gun shots from
the direction of Muxidi, students and people fled towards the underneath of
Fuxingmen Overpass. When soldiers got on the Fuxingmen overpass, they shot at
students and people singing songs below.

Details as to Xi-chang'an-jie Confrontation would be described below in the

section on Xidan-Liubukou Intersections

On the Square, "Wu Renhua Account" pointed out that they heard the first wave of
gun shots from Western Chan'an Street around 11:00 pm. Soon, gun shots erupted all
over the city and turned into intensity like firecrackers. And, fire shooting up
to the sky to the direction of Xi-chang'an-jie [Western Chan'an Street].

"Wu Renhua Account" stated that around midnight, student broadcasting station on
the Square announced the name of a college student killed on Xi-chang'an-jie. At
midnight, some student from musical institute sang Chopin's "elegy". Students,
being in tears, had just realized one hour ago that PLA soldiers were not firing
"rubber bullets".

Chegongzhuang Confrontation
At Chegongzhuang,, per Yu-yuan,
mentioned that a column of army trucks were stopped by people, but soldiers did
not carry weapons. Later at about mid-night, when bloody people ran over to the
south from the Er-huan-lu ["City 2nd Loop"] with news of the shooting, people at
Chegongzhuang began to topple the army trucks and threw stones at soldiers.
Soldiers jumped off to flee towards subway station. People and students lit the
dozen trucks and burt them. Students were persuaded into giving up their school
banner before going towards Fuxingmen, an event that might have saved the lives of
those students since army would shoot at any people carrying banners.

This group of students rode their bikes onto Chang'an Street, following the trace
of the first column of PLA western contingent. By the time they arrived at
Liubukou, some army convoys came from the rear and shot at them, slightly wounding
one of them. They managed to move eastward along the southern edge of the Chang'an
Avenue, passed the Xinhuamen gate, and converged with a few dozen people stranded
there. For about half an hour, another column of military vehicles passed them,
from west to east, and occasionally shot at them. People proposed a continuous
march towards the Square for "rescuing the students", and with arms in arms,
singing songs, they walked to the proximity of about 100 meters away from the
People's Great Hall. Yu-yuan recalled that army suddenly shot at them and killed
quite some of them. The crowd fled to a distance of 200 meters away from the
troops, and then regrouped for a march. The crowd of people engaged with the army
at least 4-5 times till daybreak.

A note of caution: Students and Pekingers might not understand why the soldiers
were ruthless in killing. The communist iron-fist control over the army, including
both brain washing and material control such as bullets and guns, was not the only
factor. The bloody crackdown could be said to be an illustrative example of the
regime's utilization of a "slave" or "mercenary" army. Recent economic reform had
led to a phenomenon of "mercenary" type of army recruiting in China. At about year
2003 or earlier, People's Liberation Army endorsed a policy of one time payout of
about RMB20,000 [approx US$2,500] for recruiting the countryside youths with high
school graduation. Apparently, the government was having difficulty recruiting
soldiers without offering some incentives. With or without the incentive, peasant
kids had always comprised of the bulk of the army. In one sense, the communists
had employed the peasant background army as some sort of "mercenary" army in the
same way as historical dynasties in China and elsewhere in the world, including
Tang Dynasty's hiring the Shatuo Turks and the Tanguts, Han Dynasty's hiring the
Qiangs and Yuezhi, American's hiring the French vs British's hiring the Germans
during the independence war, Ottoman Empire's hiring the young Greeks, Egyptian's
hiring the Mamluks, and ancient Spain's hiring the Slavs [i.e., slaves]. See the
"Social Ladder For Countryside Kids".

Massacring All The Way To Tian'an'men Square

Starting from 6:00 pm of June 3rd, people's liberation army started pushing
towards the Square from the major routes of west, east, north, northeast, south
and southwest. Chen Xiaoya pointed out, on basis of communist bragging of
crackdown [including self-account by political commissar of 38th Corps], that 38th
Corps under proxy chief Zhang Meiyuan and commissar Wang Fuyi, with 112th & 113th
divisions or 10800 soldiers, departed the military camps at Wanshoulu around 8:00
pm on June 3rd. 115th & 116th divisions of 39th Corps under Fu Bingyao marched
from eastern city district of Bawangfen, Jianguomen and Peking Train Station.
Early in the afternoon, at 3:35 pm, 118th & 119th divisions of 40th Corps under Wu
Jiaming, from northeast corner, departed Peking's Capital Airport for Dongzhi-men
City Gate. From north to south, 23rd Corps under deputy corps chief Liu Shuming
departed Shahe Airport for Desheng-men City gate. 43rd & 44th brigades of 15th
Corps under deputy corps chief Zuo Yinsheng, at 5:00 pm, departed Nanyuan Airport
in the south. 127th Division of 54th Corps under deputy commissar Zhang Kun
departed Fengtai at 9:50 pm from southwest. 63rd Corps [188th Division under Corps
Chief Qi Lianyun] and 28th Corps [82nd & 85th Div] followed the route of 38th
Corps, i.e., from west to east. 27th & 65th corps already stationed inside Great
Hall via underground tunnel transportation days ago.

PLA soldiers, with tanks, pushed their way into the city, with target of "clearing
the scene" by daybreak. A policeman from sub-bureau at Western Chang'an Street,
per, had disclosed that
they were ordered to bury the corpses before 7:00 am of June 4th because some
satellite would move across the sky of Peking. (Lin Bin's account confirmed that
PLA buried dead corpses underneath 28th High School [that was opposite to the
Greal Hall of the People] overnight.)

Around 6:00 pm of June 3rd, several military helicopters flew along Chan'an
Street. At Wukesong, per "Wu Renhua Account", over 40 tanks rushed past people,
crushing one victim instantly. By 8:00 pm, army had apparently pushed past
Wanshoulu & Gongzufen. Eyewitness Mu-ji-ren, at, stated that around 8:30 pm, when
stepped out of Agriculture Department at Wanshoulu, soldiers with helmets and AK-
47 were going eastward on armored vehicles from Shijingshan direction. Mu-ji-ren
stated that at about 9:00 pm, shots were fired at people along the path of
Wanshoulu to Cuiweilu to Gongzufen. After 9:00 pm, army was close to Muxidi-
Fuxingmen which was after the Military Museum. Army pushed to Muxidi Overpass by
10:00 pm, and were charging towards Fuxingmen Overpass by 10:40 pm. People on the
Square could hear the waves of gun shots from Western Chan'an Street around 11:00

Xidan-Liubukou Intersections
PLA "western contingent", having pushed past Muxidi & Fuxingmen, attacked people
at Xidan intersection. Eyewitness account, at, stated that about 200 people
concentrated near the Telegraph Building in Xidan. Army randomly shot at people,
and sometimes chased people into alleys to kill, with two such corpses lying in an
alley to the west of the Telegraph Building. (Victims who died of chasing
soldiers, per Cao Changqing, would include 20-year-old Xiong Zhiming and his
classmate from Economics Department of Peking Normal University.)

"Wu Renhua Account" stated that at about 0:30 am, past midnight, Wu'er Kaixi
announced on the student broadcasting station that a female student from Chinese
Language Department of Beijing Normal University, who followed him to the Square,
was killed by the army. After midnight, Deputy Square Student Leader Li Lu called
on students to concentrate towards the People's Hero Monument. Wu Renhua estimated
that about 10000 students were around the monument while another 70-80000 Peking
citizens surrounded the square. One 11 year old boy came to report to Wu Renhua
that his brother, a "peasant contractor-worker", was killed by the army around
Hufangqiao area.

"Wu Renhua Account" stated that at Xidan Intersection, about one hundred students,
waving the two flags of Beijing Aerospace & Aviation University and Nanking
Chinese Medicine College, faced the army, arms in arms and shoulder to shoulder,
shouting that they were ready to die for the motherland. Soldiers, one minute
after shooting to the sky, leveled their weapons and shot dead the students in
batches. Peking citizens on the curbs, seeing the atrocity, repeatedly cursed the
army as 'bastards'.
With China's TV and radio stations taken over by military already, Li Dan, i.e.,
director of English broadcasting department of "Rado Peking" [i.e., China
International Broadcasting Station] broke the news to the world about the ongoing
massacre. Soldiers rushed into the recording room to have Li Dan arrested. Li
Dan's whereabouts is still unknown at this time.

Courageous Rescue Activities

Army and military police took action in all directions of the Square. Students and
citizens ran over to report the horrific and savage killings going on on two ends
of the Chang'an [Forever Peace] Street to the north of the Square. Zhang Xianling,
i.e., one of the Tian'anmen Mothers, lost her 19-year-old son Wang Nan at Nankou
[southern end] of Nan-chang-jie Street, to the west of the Square. Gun shots
erupted all over the city, causing confusion as to discerning the distance and
direction of conflicts.

"Shi-jian Account" pointed out that he managed to send to Peking Hotel, via
tricycle, an injured foreign reporter who was hit by military police near the
History Museum to the east of the Square. Shi-jian further stated that after
return to the Square, he would send to Xiehe Hospital an injured student who was
hit by bullet that came from inside of the People's Great Hall to the west of the

Per Wu Renhua, one tank rolled forward from West Chang'an Street at about 0:15 am
on June 4th, and continued on to past the Rostrum towards the east. A second tank
followed through. Tens of thousands of people tried to stop the tanks by throwing
stones at the tank or whipping the tanks with sticks in a Quixotic way. (Note that
the tanks mentioned here could be armored personnel carriers since Chinese people
often confused them as tanks.) "Wu Renhua Account" stated that at about 0:30 am of
June 4th, two additional tanks [or APCs] entered the east and west boulevards of
the Square from Qianmen area and began to rotate around the Square multiple times.
(Note that "Yi-da-qi Account" stated that two tanks, possibly from PLA
"southwestern contingent", had already passed the blockade at Qianmen at about
10:15 pm of June 3rd, and entered the southern frontal gate to the Square.)

Wu Renhua stated that one tank broke down at the northeastern corner of the Square
while ramming the iron fences and cement dividers. People courageously charged at
the tank, pricked the machine with sticks and iron rods, threw cotton bed sheets
on the tank, and lit the fire. Three soldiers or officers climbed out of the tank.
Peking citizens hit the three guys, but the students rushed to protect them and
sent them along to a clinic at the History Museum. (After the massacre, CCP
Central praised the three soldiers and officer as the "national heroes". "Shi-jian
Account" stated a different timeframe of 11:30 pm [???] when an armoured personnel
carrier was burnt by angry people who stopped the vehicle near East Chang'an
Street by inserting an iron rod into the caterpillar tread. My guess is that Shi-
jian could mean that APC ran wild around the Square around 11:30 pm before coming
to a breakdown after mid-night.)

After return to the Square from Xiehe Hospital, Shi-jian noticed that 2-3 APCs
were on fire near the Square while people retreated from the west in crowds. Shi-
jian, whose mother embroidered two red crosses on his clothes the previous night,
claimed that he lacked experiences to pinpoint the entry of dumdum bullets on
wounded people by relying upon the flash of the lights at night.

By this time, i.e., 0:50 am, tracers and signal shots lit the Square from all four
directions. Wu Renhua pointed out that enraged Peking citizens cursed and blamed
the students for continuing the policy of nonviolence as "sitting down and waiting
for the time of death". One college student rushed to the Monument with a demand
for a machine-gun, while student leader Chai Ling, at one time, called on students
to go to the edge of the Square for self-defence and resistance by means of
"whatever weapons available". Li Lu and Chai Ling dropped the idea after the
persuasion of moderate student leaders and the intellectuals and teachers on the

Qi Zhiyong, seeing that a tank drove around the Square at high speed, would run
away from the Square for hiding in Xirong Alley at Liubukou [i.e., the area to the
southwest of Zhongnanhai] where he parked his bicycle. Later, at about 1:20 am,
several soldiers with submachineguns shot at the people inside of the alley. After
Qi Zhiyong was sent to the clinic and then shipped to a hospital, he would have to
wait for two more hours to get surgery. His left leg was to be amputated [see].

To the west of the Square, at about 1:00 to 2:00 am, on June 4th, "Shi-jian"
retreated with the crowd to the front gate of Public Security Bureau that was
located to the western end of Nan-chi-zi-Da-jie Avenue. Seeing a bus carrying Red
Cross sign come over from the east, Shi-jian boarded the bus with the wounded
people; however, the bus soon encountered the soldiers who shrouded it with rains
of bullets lasting minutes. A young man, out of dozen or so volunteer caretakers,
climbed forward inside the bus, dislodged the white flag with the Red Cross sign,
and waved to the army through the shattered glasses. Shi-jian shouted towards the
Army: "Don't Shoot! We are caring for the wounded." Thinking that army had
acquiesced, the bus started rolling, only to sustain another round of bullets. A
wounded man with bullet hole in the belly crawled towards Shi-jian, but Shi-jian
had only a handkerchief left. Shi-jian then asked, "Who knows how to drive? Go
back. Go to Xiehe Hospital [to the east of the Square]."

At Xiehe Hospital, Shi-jian obtained some bandage, was told that hospital
ambulances were forbidden from going to rescue, and rallied a dozen people for
going back to the Square.

Zhushikou & Qianmen City Gate

At about 1:15 am, June 4th 1989, intensive gun shots came over from Zhushikou
intersection to the south of the Square. Tracer shells lit the southern sky into a
patch of redness. "Yi-da-qi Account" stated that 15 minutes after the gunshots,
army [airforce units] had been pushing to the Kentucky Fried Chicken shop at
Qianmen. While people hit back with bottles and stones, soldiers shot at layers of
people with submachineguns without hesitation, leaving wounded and dead along the
streets. Inside of a pavilion in the Kentucky Fried Chicken parking lot, one old
man lied dead, with brain spilled over the place.

"Yi-da-qi Account" mentioned that PLA "southern contingent", having arrived at the
east gate of the Great People's Hall, blasted an array of bullets and tracer
shells onto the "People's Hero Monument" under which students and the "Square
Command Center" resided.

Killing Under Rostrum & In Front Of Rostrum

"Wu Renhua Account" stated that PLA "western contingent" finally arrived at the
Jinshui-qiao Bridge [golden water bridge] under the Tian'an'men Rostrum at about
1:30 am. Wu Renhua pointed out that this column of soldiers, belonging to so-
called "Red Army Regiment" of PLA 38th Group Army, indiscriminately shot at people
near the western part of "parade reviewing stand", on Chang'an Street [i.e., in
front of the Rostrum] and the northern edge of the Square, forcing people into a
flight to the underground tunnel. (Should we count Chang'an Street, Rostrum, and
northern edge of the Square as part of the Square? Yes !!!)

At about the same time, over thousand soldiers approached the southside of
People's Hall from Yongding-men, Xuanwu-men and Qian-men city gates, per Wu
Renhua. In face of army, people and students retreated towards the Monument in the
center. Considerable people had fallen down during this timeframe on the Square,
per Wu Renhua. (See Zhushikou & Qianmen City Gate confrontation above for killings
through Kentucky, and also compare the following Zhang Jian's account of a victim
who was shot near the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall.)

At, Zhang Jian, an 18 year old

student from Athletic School, was acting as student picket force at the Square
that was opposite to the eastern part of "parade reviewing stand" [i.e., dong
guanli-tai]. When Zhang Jian approached an army officer and stated, "People's Army
Loves People", the officer pulled out a pistol and shot him in the leg three times
at a distance of 10 meters. Students promptly rescued Zhang Jian for shipping onto
Bus 121. On the way to Tongren Hospital, Zhang Jian noticed that three other
wounded people all died en route. Among the three killed, some was shot near
Chairman Mao Tse-tung Memorial Hall. (Victims who died of pistol shooting at short
distance, per Cao Changqing, would include 24-year-old student of Chemistry
Department of Qinghua University, i.e., Duan Changrong, whose grandfather Duan
Qirui bore responsibility for crackdown on "March 18th 1926 student movement" 63
years earlier.)

After the massacre, communist government repeatedly tortured people who dared to
talk truth. Gao Wenqian, at,
pointed out that a post-doctoral student of CCP Propaganda Dept was tortured for
sake of forcing a denial of truth.

Killing On East Chang'an Street & Near History Museum

Back at the Square from Xiehe Hospital, Shi-jian noticed that people were
confronting the army at "Square Minor" to the north of the History Museum but so
far soldiers had not reached the segment of East Chang'an Street to the east of
Nan-chi-zi [i.e., southern pond, the area to the front of the Rostrum]. The range
from Nan-chi-zi to north of the History Museum, in Shi-jian's words, had become
the killing field.

Several times, people tried to charge towards the Square for lending relief to the
students; however, rains of bullets impeded the crowds. People shouted aloud
solgans: "Down With Li Peng!", "Down With The Fascists!", "Oppose Crackdown On
Students!" Each round of slogan shouting would solicit one round of bullets.
However, people, after taking care of the wounded and dead, would garner another
charge at the army, relentlessly.

"Shi-jian" stated that by this time, medical staff and rescuers retreated to Nan-
he-yan [edge of southern river or pond], i.e., an area to the east of Nan-chi-zi
and to the north of East Chang'an Street. Shi-jian and a student from Peking
Medical University remained close to the square, however. The two called upon
people to sit down instead of shouting slogans. People sat down on the road and on
the curb side to face off with the troops. Suddenly, a woman in black skirt stood
up and walked towards the army. Shi-jian pointed out that this young woman had
just lost her brother. People then stood up and followed the woman. People, in
hundreds of thousands, shouting slogans, ran up towards the army. The sound of
gunshots being buried by the sound of slogans, Shi-jian kept running till the
people in the front had reversed course. People just died to the two sides of Shi-
jian. Shi-jian examined a teenager boy to find out the brains were flowing out
from the back of the skull. The woman who led the charge was covered in blood,
with multiple bullet holes on the skirt. Shi-jian claimed that people had
confronted the army a dozen times over the span of several hours at Nankou of Nan-
chi-zi-Da-jie Avenue. carried a Chinese

version of the article written by a CCN reporter who cited eyewitness Lewis Simons
of "Washington Post" in pointing out that army, using machineguns, shot three
rounds at the back of about 400 fleeing crowds at the northeastern corner of the
Square on the early morning of June 4th, leaving dead corpses numbering 5, 6 and
20, respectively. Chinese Red Cross, which gave an initial count of 2600 deaths,
shut up its mouth about the death toll soon.

Tian'an'men Square Proper

"Yi-da-qi Account" stated that wounded people kept rolling into the medical clinic
on the Square. Wu Renhua recalled how Li Lanju [from HK], near the History Museum,
stopped a teenager from rushing to army for vengeance of the death of a brother,
only to find out the dead boy in blood thereafter at about 3 am. Li Lanju then
personally went to the History Museaum, kneeled down in front of an officer, and
pleaded for the army to stop killing. Around 1:00 am, a survivor worker of the 30-
member picket force came to report to Wu Renhua that his pals had all sacrificed
their lives at Western Chang'an Street. Two female workers then followed the
survivor to the confrontation scene, stating that they could not be cowards to
live on alone. Also killed on the Square around 1:30 am would be graduate student
Cheng Renyu of East European Research Institute of Chinese People's University.
When HK students called the British embassy for help, they were told to stay put.

Beginning from 1:30 am, June 4th, high-power government loudspeakers mounted on
top of the Great Hall had been announcing repeatedly an "urgent notice", stating
that a "serious reactionary rebellion... had started tonight [June 3rd night] in
the capital". However, more people came to the Square than had left, with tens of
thousands converging onto the center. At this time, student leader Chai Ling
announced that "the final moment had come", and students began to sign
"Internationale" over and over again.

Unable to get inside of the Great Hall where thousands of army soldiers [27th
Corps] took refuge since the abortive action on the afternoon of June 3rd, PLA
"southern contingent" established positions on the stairs of the Great Hall,
occasionally firing some shots to scare the people. Per Wu Renhua, PLA "southern
contingent", around 2:00 am, fired multiple barrages at the Monument. To the east
of the Square would be "Historical Museum of Chinese Revolution" from which army
units streamed out to echo the "western contingent", the "southern contingent" and
"southwestern contingent". Wu Renhua mentioned that students and citizens failed
to get close to the thousand soldiers at History Museum for persuasion. Wu Renhua
also mentioned that between Mao Memorial Hall and Qianmen would be PLA
"southwestern contingent" equipped with tanks and APCs, i.e., about 3000-4000
soldiers whom "Yi-da-qi" referred to as the most civil and peaceful of all troops.
Hence, army surrounded the Square from the east, south, north and west.

Suddenly, the gates of the Great Hall burst open, and tens of thousands of
soldiers jumped out like a sea of tides. Wu Renhua could only discern the flashing
of innumerable helmets under army's flashlight. The thousands of army soldiers
inside of the Great Hall, now ascertained to be from PLA 27th Corps [that once
fought at Mt Laoshan in Vietnam in 1979], would later organize a 205 soldier
"delta force" to storm the center of the Square for sake of taking down the loud
speakers of the student organizations and arresting student leaders.

Wu Renhua noticed continuous casualties among students and citizens. Two wounded
college students were sent to clinic in front of the History Museum. At the urge
of students from Politics & Law University, Wu Renhua went to inspect tents on the
Square and ordered that students immediately vacate the tents for the Monument. Wu
Renhua claimed that many other students were still sleeping in tents which
scattered around the Square. Wu personally woke up two such fatigued students.
At about 2:00 am, army units in the "Golden Water Bridge" area of the Rostrum
dispatched a special force to the northern edge of the Square. Army burnt the
tents of "Peking Autonomous Workers' Union" which had relocated there from
"western parade stand" before army's arrival at the square. A survivor worker came
over to see Wu Renhua with a box for safe-keeping. Wu Renhua asked the worker to
leave the Square with the box. After routing the "Peking Autonomous Workers'
Union", the army pushed towards the Statute of Democracy Goddess. Wu Renhua
pointed out that the monument became a lonely island. Student hunger strike
command center moved to radio station to the southeast of the monument from
northeast. Student radio station continuously appealed to the army by stating that
"We [students] are peaceful petitioners for the democracy and freedom of the
motherland, and for the wealthy-being and strengthening of the Chinese
nationalities..." Students, meanwhile, prepared towels and water for countering
possible crackdown.

At about 2:30 am, Feng Congde broadcasted a message about non-violent struggle.
Liu Xiaobo and the rest of four hunger strike gentlemen, consecutively, called
upon students in putting down bottles, rocks and sticks. All of a sudden, a patrol
came to report that some workers had mounted a machinegun [dislodged from APC] at
the foot of the monument and moreover, refused to allow anyone to get close. Hou
Dejian immediately went over to diffuse the situation when workers cried about
vengence on behalf of dead pals. Another worker surrendered a bullet-less rifle.
Liu Xiaobo trashed the guns in front of one foreign reporter.

Hou Dejian Negotiating With Army

At 3:00 am, four hunger strike gentlemen consulted with teachers and medical stuff
about preserving students. Two doctors of the Red Cross suggested that they could
accompany Hou Dejian on a negotiation mission with the army.

At about 3:30 am, without prior consultation with student leaders, Hou Dejian and
Zhou Duo [Zhou Tuo] rode on an ambulance towards the army. Ambulance had to stop
at northeastern corner of the Square. The negotiators stepped off the vehicle and
walked towards the army. Soldiers immediately threatened the visitors with the
sounds of pulling the bolts and screamed at them with questions and curses.
Doctors called out with identities and claimed that Hou Dejian was coming to talk
with commanders. An officer with three stars, together with 4-5 militarymen, came
up to meet with Hou Dejian. Officer demanded that 'hunger strike must end'. Hou &
Zhou claimed they had ended it already. Officer said he needed to report to the
headquarter. Five minutes later, all lights on the Square were turned off. (4:25
am [4:20 am per Wu Renhua] was said to be the moment when lights were turned off
at the Square; however, majority eyewitness accounts fixed the timestamp for
lights' turnoff at 4:00 exact.)

The four person negotiating team were scared by the sudden turnoff of lights.
Soldiers at the opposite end again displayed impatience, pulling bolts, screaming,
kicking broken glasses, and throwing bottles.

At the northeastern corner of the Square, one doctor of four person negotiating
team raised his hands above head and called for the officer to return to the
scene. Three minutes later, the middle-aged officer returned to instruct that
students evacuate to the direction of southeast, disclosed that he was commissar
Ji from a certain unit, and encouraged the team by claiming that the team would do
a great accomplishment should they persuade students into a withdrawal.

Around The Monument Of People's Heros

At the center, students were singing "Internationale" after taking the light as a
signal of final crackdown. Liu Suli told Wu Renhua that it was worthwhile to die
together as brothers on the day. Foreign reporters left the monument. Some
students and citizens went towards Qianmen to the south. About 5000-6000 students,
and some teachers, remained at the northside of monument per Wu Renhua. Twenty
meters to the west of the monument, people lit bonfire with bedsheets and tents.
There was another fire far away to the northeastern corner. After the lights were
off, Wu Renhua could hear the motors of tanks and APCs rolling towards the Square
from the direction of Golden Water Bridge of the Rostrum. Statute of Democracy
Goddess fell under the strikes by tanks. Tanks then continued on to roll over the
tents. Wu Renhua was worried about the possibility of students still sleeping
inside tents since he personally had to force two such students into a relocation.
Wu Renhua also cited later military report in stating that soldiers had awoken a
student by the name of Wu Bin from sleep inside tent.

Soon, one such tank rolled over to the monument and broke one thick iron-made flag
pole. Wu Renhua did not notice the coming of the tank till the iron rod fell. At
this time, about 10 minutes after lights were turned off, Hou Dejian returned from
the talk with army. Hou Dejian requested with students for leaving the scene.
About 4:40 am [4:30 am per Wu Renhua], lights came back on. Army broadcasted a
message: "Now is time to clear the Square. [We] Approve with the appeal from
classmates to vacate the Square." Wu Renhua recalled that army, from northeast,
north, northwest and south, had been converging upon the center right after lights
were turned on. Hou Dejian, [at 4:32 am per Wu Renhua], made an appeal on radio
and explained his negotiations with army. Some students cursed Hou Dejian as
cowards, traitors, and soft-boned guy, and some students rushed into the radio
station, wrestled over the microphone, and tried to hit Hou Dejian. At this
moment, tanks rolled over from east, and soldiers at History Museum shouted in
applauses, "Leave Fast! Leave Fast!" Teacher Chen Po of Peking Univ encouraged
students by swearing to die with students under the monument. Wu Renhua, moved by
Chen Po, called for students to maintain calmness. Army soldiers, wearing fatigue,
walked to the monument with bowed waists and submachineguns, to be followed by
small number of riot police, tanks and APCs. Students waved to the army with V-
shaped fingers. The first row of soldiers crawled onto the floor at about ten
meters away, and mounted 20 machineguns at the students. The second row of
soldiers were in squat positions, while the hind rows standing, all pointing
submachineguns at students.

Student leaders, like Feng Conde, finally adopted an oral vote for deciding upon
the "stay" or "leave". The "stay" sound overwhelmed "leave" sound. Wu Renhua
pointed out that students to the north of the monument did not utter "leave" at
all. Feng Conde made a decision of "leave" by claiming that students were ashamed
of saying it aloud. Students to the south of monument might have begun to retreat
with Feng Conde's authorization at this time.

At this time, about 4:40 am [per Wu Renhua], 40 soldiers, i.e., part of "Delta
Force", shooting to the sky, rushed onto the steps of the monument from the north
side; and another dozen or so soldiers rushed onto the steps from east side. HK
student Lin Yaoqiang pointed out that soldiers rushed over right after Feng Conde
made the decision as to which voice was louder, i.e., "leave" against "stay".
Soldiers hit the students with gun butts, shot at the speakers, and pulled down
banners. Lin Yaoqiang pulled another student Cheng Zhen who refused to move, and
the two relocated to the 2nd level of the monument. Next, they would vacate the
2nd level as well as the top level to the army by going to the base level. When
gunshots erupted to the southeast of monument, Wu Renhua was worried about the
safety of student leaders, only to find out later that Chai Ling etc had mixed up
with students to the south of the monument and then left for the southeast.
Soldiers were said to have continued shooting at the monument when students tried
to stop it. Soldiers kicked Wu Renhua and his picket students who were sitting at
the lowest step of the monument on the north side, and shot into the skies to
create detente. A young captain, about age 30, repeatedly pleaded with students
for a leave and disclosed that their order was to clear the Square at any cost.
Meanwhile, soldiers were violently pushing at and hitting the students [mostly
from out-of-town per Wu Renhua] sitting away from the steps of the monument.
Students were screaming all over the place, but was sitting tight instead of
helping those who fell. Army and riot police continued pouring in.

Alternative analysis by Chen Xiaoya stated that via three routes, "special task
force" soldiers from 27th Corps, under tactician Zhao Yongming, at about 4:25 am
[per Chen Xiaoya's citation of government records - 4:40 am per Wu Renhua],
arrived at the People's Hero Monument without any confrontation, i.e., an event
that the communists marked as the climax of its crackdown operation but was left
out by Zhang Liang's purported "THE TIANANMEN PAPERS". Since the timestamp of 4:25
am [4:40 am per Wu Renhua] was said to be the moment when lights were turned off
at the Square, Chen Xiaoya might have wrongly fixed the initialization timestamp
of 4:25 am for the "delta force" operation as the timestamp when soldiers pricked
through to the monument. (Per Chen Xiaoya, "special task force" aborted its
attempt to capture alive the student leaders at the scene. After the Massacre, PLA
wrote special sections on military accomplishments, with great compliments for
27th Corps. However, at the home base of 27th Corps, i.e., Shijiazhuang, people
and 300 students stormed the army camp and surrounded the headquarter in
denounciation of the massacre. 27th Corps, which claimed that they never had to
fire a shot at people, would lodge a complaint with CCP Military Commission in
regards to being a scapegoat on behalf of PLA 38th Corps [i.e., 38th Group Army].)

At about 5:00 am [per Wu Renhua], Hou Dejian & Zhou Duo came over to the north
side of the monument, and pulled up students for a move. Wu Renhua stated that
only students sitting to the northeast of the movement left with Hou Dejian & Zhou
Duo while the rest just sat motionless.

With day breaking, commandos from the 'Dealta Force' around the base level and
higher two levels of the monument suddenly went into a competition in shooting
out. Wu Renhua could not tell exactly where the soldiers were shooting. Students
sitting on the 2nd and 3rd steps of the monument stood up in panic, and left the
scene for the southeast around 5:10 to 5:20 am. Wu Renhua and his picket force
stood up from stairs on north side, and left the same direction while "delta
force" soldiers shot their guns every once a while. After turning around the
southeast corner of the monument, Wu Renhua noticed that students away from the
stairs of the monument still failed to move themselves. This is because student
column was still streaming through towards southeastern corner. Gunshots raged on
at the monument.

The "southeastern passage" was supposedly guaranteed safety exit by the army, but
students, when exiting, continuously fell down at the sound of gunshots per Wu
Renhua. One student got a hit in the head, and towels could not stop the blood
from flowing down. Wu Renhua stated that at the "southeastern passage", army used
gun butts and sticks to hit students mostly but shot at students who went into
astray towards the direction of History Museum. Female students who tripped over
often exclaimed aloud. Students were in disarray exiting the monument area.
Comparatively speaking, students who vacated to the south might have fared better
per Wu Renhua. After passing the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, students managed to
form a neaty line.

"Wu Renhua Account" pointed out that some 400-500 students, waving flags,
including that of Peking Aviation & Aerospace University, were standing steadfast
between the Hero Monument and Mao Memorial Hall. Some students from Wu Renhua's
retreating column went over to join the 400-500 students. Further between Mao
Memorial Hall and Qianmen City Gate area would be thousands of soldiers that might
belong to the so-called "civil-behavior" PLA southeastern contingent. Upon
arriving at the Qianmen City Gate area, Peking citizens, in thousands, sent over
their condolences and support. One old man, in tears, told students that he had
lost his son, and wanted students to never forget about the 'blood debt'. When Wu
Renhua's retreating column turned to the west at embrasured watchtower area of
Qianmen City Gate, they could hear intense gunshots back on the Square that were
mixed with shouting slogans and singing song "International". Later, some
catching-up students told Wu Renhua that the batch of students who refused to
leave the Square were gunned down by the army. (I could not ascertain whether Wu
Renhua meant for the out-of-town students who stayed to the north of the monument
or the 400-500 students who stayed between Monument and Mao hall. Most likely the
latter. But in light of the 20 minute machinegun gunfire below, I will tend to
believe the eyewitness accounts that 1000 among the last batch of 3000 students at
the center of the square were gunned down.)

Was There Massacre Around The "Goddess of Freedom & Democracy" Statute?
Liu Nianchun, at, cited
a female doctor account in pointing out that PLA soldiers, at about 4:00 am, had
shot dead four remaining rows of students who guarded the "Goddess of Freedom &
Democracy" Statute. This would be a female doctor from Beijing University Hospital
who had told her collegues what she witnessed on the morning of June 4th 1989. The
eyewitness account pointed out that remnant students, mostly from out of town,
encircled the statute although the main body of students around the Hero Monument
had been evacuating. Stranded inside of the ambulance at the northwestern corner
of the Square, the female doctor observed how the army shot dead the first row of
arm-in-arm students who refused to obey the order to leave. After the army gunned
down the front row, the students at the 2nd row shouted 'Down With The Fascists!"
and marched towards the army. The 2nd and 3rd rows of students were gunned down
consecutively. When army shot at the 4th row, a few students escaped; however,
army chased to kill them. One such student fell down after running close towards
the ambulance. When doctors and nurses pleaded with the army for rescuing the
wounded student, army shot at the ground as a warning. Doctors and nurses pulled
their legs back into the ambulance, and the wounded student finally stopped
moving. Innumerable number of students might have died from this massacre.

When twilight appeared, ambulance driver started the engine in the attempt of
leaving the Square. Soldiers hit the vehicle with gun butts and ordered them to
stay put for further order. The eyewitnesses inside of the ambulance then noticed
that the army pulled corpses together into seven clusters, sprayed gas, pointed
flamethrower, and burnt the bodies. Helicopters circled around and dumped gas.
After everything was burnt, helicopters landed, and soldiers used spades to fill
the ash and remains into wooden cases. Helicopters conducted several sorties of
clearance operations and flew away.

With the approval of a colonel equivalent, ambulance was allowed to drive away.
The female doctor stopped talking about her eyewitness account after watching June
5th TV reports, i.e., i) the sentencing of 10 year imprisonment of someone who
claimed that blood flew like a river on Tiananmen Square and ii) CCP cadre Zhang
Gong claim that "not a single shot was fired and not a single person was killed on
the Square". (Liu Nianchun claimed that the troops who conducted massacre around
the Statute would be the soldiers who came out of the bunkers under the People's
Hall [??? 27th Corps].), carrying sympathetic tone to the

killer communists, made a big deal out of the dispute in regards to any killing on
the Square Proper. Similarly, Robert Marquand of "The Christian Science Monitor"
wrote an article entitled "New story emerges of an infamous massacre" in June 03,
2004 edition [], which was to
play into CCP denial of massacre on the Square via so-called "investigative
reporting". CCP clandestinely thought that should the Square be cleared of any
massacre, then the massacre of the Peking city would become a myth. (In deed, they
thought they could get away from it with the acquiesce of US, Russia and Japan.
Henry Kissinger claimed that Chinese communists were most tolerant since no
government in this world would allow mobsters to take over capital for so long.
And, George Bush Sr was certainly eager to send secret emissary to renew relations
with butchers. A reactionary communist regime, which is bent on destroying China
and the Chinese people, would certainly meet the American criteria of "containing
so-called 'sleeping lion' of the Orient", i.e., a 1850s policy that passed down
from Matthew Perry as well as revived in the US transfer of Diaoyutai Islands,
i.e., Senkaku Gunto [Pinnacle Islands], to Okinawa [Ryukyu] of Japan in 1971.)

From 4:00 am to 9:00 am, killing never stopped on or near the Square. "Shi-jian"
pointed out that after the bulk of students vacated the Square, massacre
continued. Around 5:00 am, on June 4th, a column of tanks and APCs rolled westward
along East Chang'an Street and upon arriving at the Square, shot at people on two
sides continuously. All lights on the Square and along Chang'an Street were
knocked out by the army. Thunder of gunshots raged on at the Square for over 20

Twenty Minutes of Machinegun Gunfire

Numerous eyewitness accounts talked about 20 minute machinegun gunfire but failed
to get a glimpse of the reality. The reason was simple: Those who actually got
shot at by the machineguns during the interval would most likely not been able to
survive to tell the story. Both "Shi-jian" and Wu Renhua had been away from the
center of the Square at the time when machinegun gunfire was heard. Though, we
could somehow piece together the details as to what happened during the said

Han-san-bi's "History's Wounds" [East & West Culture Co,, August 1989 edition, HK]
compiled an anthology of eyewitness accounts, invariably endorsing the number of
3000 for the last batch of people still stranded at the center of the square by
the army's evacuation deadline of 5:00 am.

Chen Xiaoya pointed out another ommission by Zhang Liang's purported "THE
TIANANMEN PAPERS", i.e., army effecting a junction by 38th & 15th Corps at the
Square for clearance push. 15th Corps, which marched onto the Square from the
south, was guarding the area between southeastern corner of the Monument and the
Qianmen-Da-jie Avenue to the south of the Square. At 4:30 am, on June 4th, 15th
Corps decided to push towards the center of the Square, and one hour later, at
5:30 am, had the union with 38th Corps at the center of the Square.

With the bulk of students gone already, why would the army take a whole hour to
walk to the center of the Square????? Note that the "special task force" from 27th
Corps were already guarding the monument at the center since 4:25 am [4:40 am per
Wu Renhua]. The answer could be found in the mystery of twenty minute machinegun
gunfire. Cheng-ying, on pages 136-137 of Han-san-bi's "History's Wounds",
discussed about the massacre that started at 4:40 am when lights were turned on,
and tracer shots were fired to the square. Apparently after Wu Renhua and the
students [other than to the north side of the monument] had left the square, the
army took drastic actions against the stranded students. Per Cheng-ying, soldiers
on the monument hit the students to force those on the lower level into descending
onto the Square level while soldiers on the Square shot at the students in a
leveled orientation. Those soldiers who mounted guns, machineguns and
submachineguns on the floor had hit the students right on. Tanks and APCs rammed
against the dozens and hundreds of tents on the Square, and soldiers chased the
students, killed them along the way, and pierced them with bayonets.
Another eyewitness, on pages 186-187 of Han-san-bi's "History's Wounds", stated
that at about 4:45 am, before the deadline of 5:00 am, the army turned off the
lights again, mounted 100 machineguns at the students, rolled dozens of tanks and
APCs against the corpses, wounded and remnant people. Machinegun gunfire could be
heard for a duration of twenty minutes.

A student from Qinghua University, on pages 159-162 of Han-san-bi's "History's

Wounds", also confirmed the fact that soldiers on the floor had shot direct at the
chests of students who were driven off the base level of the monument. Further,
about 30 APCs, running down students, converged together to have the stranded
students completely surrounded. Students, in batches, rushed forward to push the
APCs. With innumerable students killed, finally one APC was pushed apart.
Students, about 1000 left, ran towards the History Museum to the east where they
converged with remnant Pekingers. Students then fled towards the direction of
"Peking Hotel" on East Chan'an Street. By the time students arrived at the turn of
East Chang'an Street, gunshots from the trees fired on the students. The remnants
now changed direction to the south. When they approached the Qian-men area, an
army of soldiers with sticks jumped out to beat the students. Pekingers, for
rescuing the students, rushed towards the army. Students, with the cover provided
by the entanglements between the Army and Pekingers, then fled to the direction of
Peking Train Station.

At this time, machinegun gunfire had lessened in intensity, but sporadic shots
were incessant across the Square. About 5:30 am, helicopters were seen encircling
around the Square. Tanks, APCs and military trucks rolled in from two directions
of east and west. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers poured in to have the Square
surrounded by a human wall as thick as 4 rows. Those who climbed onto the trees
invariably spotted rows of corpses filling up the pedestrian xing of the Square.
The sorties of helicopters blew apart the canvas, exposing the layers of corpses
which the army was busy cramming. Cheng-ying, on page 139 of Han-san-bi's
"History's Wounds", stated that some Pekingers had spotted army lifting wounded
onto the trucks.

The same Qinghua U student, with two other classmates, returned towards the Square
at about 6:30 am, but failed to go beyond the Mao Memorial Hall. Rows of APCs
lined up at the edge of the Square, while soldiers stood in rows of human wall.
The said student climbed onto a tall tree, and found out that soldiers on the
Square were wrapping up corpses with plastic bags and then covered them up with
canvas. Numerous students mentioned that their wounded classmates were still on
the Square, and some Pekingers said that corpses had lined up the pedestrian xing
of the Square. Eyewitness Cheng-ying cited HK news reporter's observation from
Peking Hotel in stating that the army had probably burnt the corpses on the
Square, with the rising smoke lasting a long time. To dispel the people who
converged upon the southern end of the Sqaure, army suddenly fired tear gas around
7:30 am. All crematorium of Peking city had already been taken over by the

Continuous Resistance At West Chang'an Avenue

Yu-yuan and his group of people regrouped at least 4-5 times till daybreak to
engage with the army. They intended to march towards the Square for "rescuing the
students". At about 100 meters away from the People's Great Hall, they were
repelled by gunshots. With every regrouped charge at the army, they lost a few
folks at the sound of gunshots. (Yu-yuan could tell that majority soldiers might
have fired to the skies while a few shot direct at them; otherwise, he himself
might very well be dead during the half a dozen charges at the army.)

By daybreak, they found out that the army was about 50 meters away from the crowd
in the center of the street, while the people on the two ends were moving faster,
about 20-30 meters from the soldiers waving the white batons. Daylight might have
impeded the soldiers from indiscriminate shooting as had happened at night. First,
the two parties fought a psychological war by singing songs against each other.
Half an hour later, rows of tanks came up from behind the soldiers. When one guy
lied down on the street, hundreds more followed the suit. Tanks stopped just 5-6
meters away, with one such tank almost hitting the people with the inertia.
Soldiers jumped out of the tanks and threw poisonous bombs. Irritated by the
pungent smell and the yellow smoke, Yu-yuan and the rest of the people jumped up
and fled the scene. Yu-yuan's classmate tried to pick up the bomb for throwing it
back at the army. Soldiers waved their guns and jumped around in jubilation.

Passing through Xinhuamen, Yu-yuan noticed that soldiers stood at the gate with
hands tied to the back, motionless. By the time yu-yuan reached Liubukou, tanks
had caught up to be ahead. Students and people began to pause for vomiting due to
tear gas. Hearing of cries opposite to Liubukou, Yu-yuan circumvented around a
tank for inspecting on the scene, only to find five dead students who were just
rammed by tanks. People borrowed some door panels for carrying the corpses back to
colleges so that the army could not exterminate evidence. A female student ID was
saved as evidence. Yu-yuan barely escaped a tank by throwing down a door panel
which was striken to pieces by the said tank. Meantime, Yu-yuan's classmate helped
a student [who lost an arm to the tank] to leave the scene. Further details could
be seen at "Tank Ramming Students At Liubukou" below.

At this time, a truck driver volunteered to send the corpses to Politics & Law
University by taking the routes of alleys and lanes. The driver claimed that he
had been rushing to preserve corpses throughout the night. At Politics & Law
University, the five corprse were received by professors and students who were all
in tears. Tens of thousands of Peking citizens came to Politics & Law University
to witness the horrific scene.

Tank Ramming Students At Liubukou

At, Gao Xin, one of the
"four hunger strike gentlemen", gave an account of the tanks crushing and
pulverizing about one dozen people at Liubukou. Zhang Boli, i.e., deputy commander
of Hunger Strike Command Center, stated that a tank suddenly rushed up to catch
the tail of the retreating students.

Per Wu Renhua, retreating students turned onto West Chang'an Street around 7:00 am
on June 4th 1989. (At about the same time, Yang Yansheng of "Chinese Athletic
Newspaper" was killed by a dumdum bullet when rescuing an wounded on Zhengyi
Road.) Students walked on the southern side of the bike lane along the 70-80 meter
wide avenue when three tanks chased over from the direction of the Square,
shooting tear gas shots that permeated the air with yellow smoke. (Wu Renhua
pointed out that Chinese tear gas caused coughing not tears.) Students, in a
panic, jumped over the blue arrowheaded fence for the sidewalk while female
students were scared to the 1.2 meter high fence. After tanks passed through, 11
students were killed already at Liubukou, with two other students losing both
legs, respectively. Alternative accounts, cited by Cao Changqing, stated that tank
killed 21-year old Wang Peiwen of Chinese Youth Politics Institute in the front of
the student column, while another tank killed 19-year-old Dong Xiaojun. 23-year-
old Fang Zheng of Peking Athletic Institute lost legs in the course of rescuing a
female student, and would be denied a right of participation in contest as
paralyzed sportsman five years later. A Peking citizen managed to send five
corpses to Chinese Politics & Law University. Wu Renhua stated that among the five
victims would be one from Central Youth League School [Chinese Youth Politics
Institute], one from Peking Iron & Steel Institute [Peking Technological
University ?? possibly 22-year-old Tian Daoming of Peking Technological Management
University], and one from Peking Aviation Institute.
Retreating students then turned at Xidan intersection for the north, and split
into two columns at Xinjiekou intersection for respective colleges and
universities. (Reporter Chen Tianquan of HK's "Ming Bao" cited a report as to
tanks killing 11 Qinghua U students at the intersection of Xidan.) Wu Renhua
returned to the campus around 10:00 am, received hugs from waiting colleagues and
students, and kneeled down in front of five corpses. Soldiers, passing by, sent a
carbin of bullets to the skies above Chinese Politics & Law University. In the
afternoon of June 4th, near the broadcasting station of Peking U, a HK student,
who had brought HK$20k to Peking on May 23rd, met student leaders Feng Congde, Li
Lu, Chai Ling and etc. Students, who had prepared bottles and bricks for fear that
army could come into campuses, would then disband after Peking U President Ding
Shisun announced an immediate summer vacation. Soldiers stationed in college park
district of Haidingqu on June 12th.

Post-64 Massacre & Crackdown

"Shi-jian" pointed out that massacre continued for the next few days, till the
night of June 8th. Shi-jian pointed out that at about 6:00-7:00 am, army shot at
crowds from three angles of History Museum, Public Security Bureau, and Rostrum.
People retreated to Nan-chi-zi-Da-jie from Chang'an Street. Thereafter, at about
8:00 to 9:00 am, on June 4th 1989, soldiers followed through to Nankou [southern
end] of the Nan-chi-zi-Da-jie avenue, and some soldiers picked up bicycles and
chased the people with sub-machineguns. Soldiers on bicycles went all the way to
Nan-chi-zi Grain Shop where Shi-jian spotted a wounded old man lying on the
ground. Medical staff, students and people, who survived the early killings, would
be either beaten or shot at through Nan-chi-zi when fleeing away from the Square.

Los Angeles Times reporter, i.e., Jia-gan, pointed out that at around 10:25 am, on
June 4th, in front of Peking Hotel, army had shot at about 60 protesters who
pleaded with the soldiers for stopping the massacre. After the death of dozen
people, more protesters rushed forwards against the guns. Jia-gan estimated that
there were 50 casualties. Three French airline workers and one Portuguese
calculated that the army had killed the group in four batches of shooting that
lasted about one minute. Around noon, at the hospital where HK student Li Lanju
stayed, the doctors issued an instruction that all wounded people must leave
hospital becuase the army would be coming by the night. Li Lanju heard from a
doctor that army had shot dead two doctors at another hospital as well as those
who ventured outside for fetching blood supplies. At the hospital, a wounded
person told Li Lanju that at the peremeter of the square, he witnessed the
soldiers shooting dead a woman who was holding a kid, and then shot to kill the
people who tried to rescue the kid as well as the kid himself. A student, with a
broken leg and a gunshot in the chest, returned the money to HK student Chen
Qinghua, stating that he had no chance to walk away from the hospital.

By the night of June 4th, army marched eastward along Chang'an Street, shouting
slogans in the rain and shooting indiscriminately every once a while. Victims who
died of indiscriminate shooting after the massacre, per Cao Changqing, would
include: 1) 21-year-old Qian Hui who was killed by army convoy in front of Peking
Broadcasting College in the early morning of June 5th 1989; 2) 19-year-old Xiao
Jie [Chinese People's University] who was shot from the back at Nan-kou of Nan-
chi-zi, near the Rostrum, in the afternoon of June 5th; 3) three civilian deaths
on Fuxingmen-wai-dajie Street on June 6th; 4) three civilian deaths on Nan-li-shi
Street on the evening on June 6th; 5) two civilian deaths including An Ji ["Town &
City Construction" magazine] in front of Peking Children's Hospital on the night
of June 7th; and 6) 20-year-old Wang Zhengsheng who was shot near Children's
Hospital at about 11:00 pm on June 7th.
Li Xuewen, i.e., one of the Tian'anmen Mothers, pointed out that during the half-
month-long search for her missing son Yuan Li, she had spotted at least 400
corpses in 44 hospitals. Tian'anmen Mother Ding Zilin, in 1995, published a book
with a list of 96 victims who died in the crackdown after strenuous visitation of
victims' families in Peking. (For testimonies of victims' families, please refer



On Jan 17th 2005, reformer Zhao Ziyang, after 15 years of house arrest, passed
away. Before his passaway, Zhao Ziyang was said to have commented that there was
"no cure " for China. People who had hoped for a change at this juncture might be
disappointed should no significant mourning-related activity or political
loosening happen in China.

Note that in history, China's dynastic substitution was mostly the results of
mutiny or foreign invasion, except for Yellow Turpans of Eastern Han Dynasty and
Red Turbans of Yuan Dynasty: mutiny applied to Li Zicheng & Zhang Xianzhong
rebellion in late Ming Dynasty, and Xin Hai Revolution in late Qing Dynasty, as
well as applies to the scenario of 1927 Communist Revolution against the
Nationalist Government; hence, one would have to pessimistically expect that the
Chinese communists would commit suicide by themselves one way or the other [e.g.,
attacking Taiwan] in order to see a revolution similar to the Xin Hai Revolution
that had overthrown Manchu rule in 1911.

After we have closely examined the historical context of China's reforms from 1979
to 1989, we would understand that in today's China, i.e., year 2005, there will be
void of any chance of change. This is because the "Enlightened Intelligentsia" we
discussed above had been routed since June 4th 1989 Masssacre, while no
significant regenerating force had ever emerged. The damage to China's fortune was
many times worse than the abortion of late Manchu-era "Hundred Day Reformation" at
which time incessant foreign invasions had sustained the fighting spirits and
martialness of the Chinese people, as seen in Assassinations & Uprisings. China's
fate, i.e., a continuous down-sloping in the context of past 500 years, continues
unabated in the same line. Any Chinese technological advancement, no matter space
rockets or atomic bombs, would look pale in comparison with accelerating speed of
industrialized countries, not to mention the lost spirits among today's Chinese
people. There is reason to believe that China is on a very wrong path, and China
will have no time for any catch-up work should the current course stay.
Ah Xiang

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