About Us


DETAIL ARCHITECTURE GmbH is a leading international platform for design and construction solutions in architecture. Founded in 1961, DETAIL provides daily, usable information and inspiration to all of the world's leading architects and architectural schools, based on a unique project database with thousands of buildings documented in detail - in DETAIL.



DETAIL is an international magazine for architecture and construction detail published by DETAIL Business Information GmbH. Each of the bilingual issues (German, English) deals with a special construction topic. The quality of the construction detail is the main focus. Drawings with comparable scales and photographs illustrate current examples from Germany and abroad.

DETAIL is published ten times a year and is distributed in more than 80 countries as a bilingual, German-English edition. Architecture+Detail in the bilingual Chinese-English edition is published six times a year.


Edition DETAIL

With its international programme, Edition DETAIL is directed at architects, specialist planners and architecture enthusiasts. Along with specific information, the German and English publications concentrate on the cultural and regional backgrounds to contemporary architecture. The various book series from Edition DETAIL selection range from long-standing series such as the atlases, which provide basic specialist knowledge on the construction of buildings, to monographs featuring building details, as well as the DETAIL praxis books, about implementing specific building tasks. Moreover, Edition DETAIL encompasses a broad selection of individual titles on current international topics.

Our media kit provides more detailed insight.


Target Group-Specific Consulting and Communication Concepts

DETAIL develops holistic communication concepts, as well as innovative concepts for event-related and corporate publishing, in order to support the transfer of knowledge among building-product manufacturers, architects and specialist planners.

Apart from DETAIL congresses, the international architecture competition known as the DETAIL Prize, the DETAIL Product Prize, specialist events and corporate publishing, we also implement highly individual formats for the building-product industry. We act from a place close to the target group, take up trends and innovations in the construction sector and thus serve as a significant platform for current architectural discourse.

Our overall reach as a market leader in the sector of specialized publishing for architecture is 982,227 as of November 2019.
Our media kit provides more detailed insight.


Digital Platforms

The publisher’s digital channels detail.de add a crossmedia expansion to the information selection of print products concerning up-to-date news and brief looks at projects that can be freely retrieved online.
Our online shop features all the specialist information DETAIL offers to architects and civil engineers, including DETAIL subscriptions, the DETAIL Inspiration online databank, individual issues of DETAIL and books from Edition DETAIL as well as our DETAIL Collection.


DETAIL Inspiration database

The DETAIL Inspiration online database gives users access to more than 4,000 DETAIL project documentations from more than 30 years of DETAIL. By using professional search functions and filter options to find key terms such as building type, material, construction year or the topic of an issue, DETAIL Inspiration supports architects both in their quest for solutions and in their daily work. With every new issue of DETAIL, the databank expands by the current projects in question. Furthermore, the projects can be organized and saved as needed in personal watchlists.


Social Media

Our DETAIL social media channels have around 425,000 followers. Along with our own video content, we will also present reports and posts about your events. New products and publications can be promoted and directly connected with the shop. Facebook posts serve interactive reader communication and are more than a mere “one-way street”. Other activities include Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.
DETAIL is constantly developing.


archipinion by Detail

archipinion is a digital video-streaming service for architects, interior designers and specialist planners. It also represents the construction industry’s largest market-research panel for measurable marketing and qualified lead generation.

DETAIL functions as a media platform, offers solutions for the premium network and retargeting (programmatic sales), which goes far beyond our own publications and the content of the DETAIL websites. What’s more, it is fully SEO optimized!

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