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Export Light Tanks - Exporti Lehke Tanky Praga - Tanque 39 PZW 39 LT-40

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Export Light Tanks - Exporti Lehke Tanky Praga - Tanque 39 PZW 39 LT-40

Export Light Tanks - Exporti Lehke Tanky Praga - Tanque 39 PZW 39 LT-40

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Opiniones de clientes

4 de 5 estrellas
4 de 5
1 calificación global
Swiss Panzerwagen 39
4 Estrellas
Swiss Panzerwagen 39
This is another of the few books which deal with the Swiss CDK LTL-H Tank (locally known as Panzerwagen 39 or Praga). The author describes detailed the process how the Swiss got those 24 tanks plus 1 prototype (which went back to the factory). You will also find some "in action" pics (however most have been published in other Swiss books). What you won't find anywhere are colored sketches (sideview) of the different camo paintings the Swiss army applied. In the back of the book are also pics of surviving LTL tanks (eg in Thun or Solothurn/Schaffhausen).Thanks good, the book is written in English, not just in Czechoslovakian ;-)Overall, if you wanna know more about the Swiss Praga tanks, that's the book to get.
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Opinión destacada de los Estados Unidos

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 8 de abril de 2012
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4.0 de 5 estrellas Swiss Panzerwagen 39
Calificado en Estados Unidos el 8 de abril de 2012
This is another of the few books which deal with the Swiss CDK LTL-H Tank (locally known as Panzerwagen 39 or Praga). The author describes detailed the process how the Swiss got those 24 tanks plus 1 prototype (which went back to the factory). You will also find some "in action" pics (however most have been published in other Swiss books). What you won't find anywhere are colored sketches (sideview) of the different camo paintings the Swiss army applied. In the back of the book are also pics of surviving LTL tanks (eg in Thun or Solothurn/Schaffhausen).

Thanks good, the book is written in English, not just in Czechoslovakian ;-)

Overall, if you wanna know more about the Swiss Praga tanks, that's the book to get.
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