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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 536 results
  1. The Abel Prize 2018-2022

    The book presents the winners of the Abel Prize in mathematics for the period 2018–2022: 

    - Robert P. Langlands (2018)

    - Karen K. Uhlenbeck (2019)


    Helge Holden, Ragni Piene in The Abel Prize
    Book 2024
  2. Quaternionic Integral Transforms A Machine-Generated Literature Overview

    This book presents a machine-generated literature overview of quaternion integral transforms from select papers published by Springer Nature, which...

    Eckhard Hitzer in Trends in Mathematics
    Book 2023
  3. Mathematical Stories II - Recursion, Divisibility and Proofs For Gifted Students in Primary School

    Using field-tested, carefully crafted units of study, the authors in this essential teach fundamental mathematical techniques that are relevant well...

    Susanne Schindler-Tschirner, Werner Schindler in essentials
    Book 2023
  4. Stochastic Processes and Financial Mathematics

    The book provides an introduction to advanced topics in stochastic processes and related stochastic analysis, and combines them with a sound...
    Ludger Rüschendorf in Mathematics Study Resources
    Textbook 2023
  5. Fourier Transformation for Signal and System Description Compact, Visual, Intuitively Understandable

    The authors explain the Fourier transform and its technical applications, especially in signal and system theory. Based on their many years of...

    Jörg Lange, Tatjana Lange in essentials
    Book 2022
  6. Basiswissen Numerik Ein kompakter Einstieg

    Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt grundlegende Kenntnisse zu den wichtigsten Themen der numerischen Mathematik. Dazu gehören jeweils Algorithmen,...

    Robert Plato
    Textbook 2023
  7. Complex Numbers An Introduction for First Year Students

    Complex numbers are a typical topic of basic mathematics courses. This essential provides a detailed introduction and presentation of essential...

    Jörg Kortemeyer in essentials
    Book 2021
  8. Classical Financial Mathematics Basic Ideas, Central Formulas and Terms at a Glance

    This essential teaches basic formulas, methods and ideas of classical financial mathematics. Since classical financial mathematics makes do with...

    Bernd Luderer in essentials
    Book 2021
  9. Analysis 1 Ein zuverlässiger und verständlicher Begleiter für Studium und Prüfung

    Ziel dieses Lehrbuchs ist es, das Material des ersten Semesters eines Vorlesungszyklus zur Analysis prägnant und verständlich darzustellen und...
    Martin Brokate, Johannes Zimmer, Florian Lindemann
    Textbook 2023
  10. Fraenkel Mengen bilden

    Erleben Sie das Wiedererwachen des universitären Lebens nach 1918 aus der Sicht eines Betroffenen. Tauchen Sie ein in die Erziehungs- und...
    Matthias Wille
    Book 2023
  11. Fractions, Ratios, and Roots Rediscover the Basics and Learn About Interesting Applications

    Renate Motzer introduces the world of fractions and connects them with decimal numbers. She clearly shows that fractions can be understood as parts...
    Renate Motzer in essentials
    Book 2021
  12. Equations and Inequalities Plain Text for Non-Mathematicians

    The book teaches the basics of solving equations and inequalities in easily understandable language. One of the main topics is the solving of...

    Guido Walz in essentials
    Book 2021
  13. Rule of Three, Percentages and Interest Handling Formulas Made Easy

    In this essential, Thomas Rießinger explains the rules of percentage and interest calculation using many examples. The basic terms of interest and...

    Thomas Rießinger in essentials
    Book 2021
  14. Well Packed – Not a Bit Too Much Compression of Digital Data Explained in an Understandable Way

    With today's flood of data circulating on storage media and the Internet, compression of digital data remains an immensely important aspect of data...

    Olaf Manz in essentials
    Book 2021
  15. Geometry - Intuition and Concepts Imagining, understanding, thinking beyond. An introduction for students

    This book deals with the geometry of visual space in all its aspects. As in any branch of mathematics, the aim is to trace the hidden to the obvious;...
    Jost-Hinrich Eschenburg
    Book 2022
  16. Exercises in Cellular Automata and Groups

    This book complements the authors’ monograph Cellular Automata and Groups[CAG] (Springer Monographs in Mathematics). It consists of more than 600...

    Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Michel Coornaert, Rostislav I. Grigorchuk in Springer Monographs in Mathematics
    Textbook 2023
  17. Mathematical Stories I – Graphs, Games and Proofs For Gifted Students in Primary School

    With the help of tried and tested, carefully elaborated learning units, the authors convey fundamental mathematical techniques in this essential,...

    Susanne Schindler-Tschirner, Werner Schindler in essentials
    Book 2021
  18. Mathematics is Beautiful Suggestions for people between 9 and 99 years to look at and explore

    In 17 chapters, this book attempts to deal with well-known and less well-known topics in mathematics. This is done in a vivid way and therefore the...

    Heinz Klaus Strick
    Book 2021
  19. Lineare Algebra im algebraischen Kontext

    Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt die Inhalte der Linearen Algebra, die in den ersten Studiensemestern der Mathematik, Physik, Informatik und...

    Laurenz Göllmann
    Textbook 2023
  20. Modular Forms Fundamental Tools of Mathematics

    In this essential, Claudia Alfes-Neumann discusses applications of the theory of modular forms and their importance as fundamental tools in...

    Claudia Alfes-Neumann in essentials
    Book 2021