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Search Results

Showing 1-5 of 5 results
  1. Pro RESTful APIs with Micronaut Build Java-Based Microservices with REST, JSON, and XML

    Discover the RESTful technologies, including REST, JSON, XML, JAX-RS web services, SOAP and more, for building today's Java-based microservices, big...
    Sanjay Patni
    Book 2023
  2. Pro ASP.NET Core 6 Develop Cloud-Ready Web Applications Using MVC, Blazor, and Razor Pages

    Professional developers will produce leaner applications for the ASP.NET Core platform using the guidance in this best-selling book, now in its 9th...

    Adam Freeman
    Book 2022
  3. Pro Angular Build Powerful and Dynamic Web Apps

    Welcome to this one-stop shop for learning Angular. Pro Angularis the most concise and comprehensive guide available, giving you the knowledge you...

    Adam Freeman
    Book 2022
  4. Pro Angular

    Angular 5 updates for this book are now available. Follow the Download source code link for this book on the Apress website.

    Get the most from Angular...

    Adam Freeman
    Book 2017
  5. Beginning Smartphone Web Development Building JavaScript, CSS, HTML and Ajax-based Applications for iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Nokia S60

    Today’s Web 2.0 applications (think Facebook and Twitter) go far beyond the confines of the desktop and are widely used on mobile devices. The mobile...

    Gail Rahn Frederick, Rajesh Lal
    Book 2009