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The War in Gaza: It's Not About Hamas. It's About Demographics

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We’ve been told repeatedly that the goal of Israel’s operation in Gaza is to “defeat Hamas”. But is that true? We don’t think it is. We don’t think that any reasonable person would attempt to eradicate a militant organization by laying to waste vast swaths of the country while killing tens of thousands of innocent people. That is not how one garners support for one’s cause nor is it an effective strategy for defeating the enemy. Instead, it is a policy that is guaranteed to horrify allies and critics alike greatly undermining the operation’s chances of success. And that’s why we don’t believe that Israel’s attack on Gaza has anything to do with Hamas. We think it’s a smokescreen that’s being used to divert attention from the real objectives of the campaign.

And, what might those “real objectives” be?

The real objectives relate to an issue that is never discussed in the media, but is the primary factor driving events. Demographics.

As we all know, Israel’s long-term plan is to incorporate Gaza and the West Bank into Greater Israel. They want to control all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The problem is, however, that if they annex the occupied territories without disposing of the people, then the Palestinian population will equal or exceed that of the Jews which would lead to the demise of the Jewish state. That is the basic problem in a nutshell. Check out this article that helps to explain what’s going on:

Demography is a matter of national security in Israel and a key indicator for Israeli-Palestinian relations and their outlook: demographic trends in Israel are rapidly shifting and this will impact prospects for violence and conflict resolution.

As of late 2022, over seven million Israelis lived in Israel and the West Bank, and seven million Palestinians lived in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel and East Jerusalem, a somehow integrated region referred to as “Greater Israel” by Jewish right-wing activists …

A demographic bomb is already ticking. Israeli Jews experience an existential fear to be outgrown by the Palestinian population, and this is further instrumentalized by right-wing nationalist political entrepreneurs. Demography lies at the core of the territorial dispute between Jews and Arabs, as the two nations are waging a major war on numbers, aimed at weaponizing fertility rates to turn them into a predictive assumption of victory.

As the current Israeli right-wing government is laying the ground for the de facto annexation of the West Bank’s Area C, demography has been one of the tools employed to reassure the Jewish public opinion that Judea and Samaria could still be integrated into Israel, while keeping a Jewish demographic majority. However, demography remains a struggle for survival and an uphill battle for Israel. This is especially true if Israel were to progress with the Palestinian Area C annexation. Israel: A Demographic Ticking Bomb in Today’s One-State Reality”, Aspenia

As an American, diversity might not seem like such a big deal. But to many Israelis, it’s pure strychnine. Zionists, in particular, see growth in the Arab population as a “demographic time-bomb” that threatens the future of the Jewish state. And that’s what the Gaza fracas is really all about; getting rid of the people but keeping the land. In fact, the last 75 years of conflict can be reduced to just 8 words, “They want the land, but not the people.” Here’s more from the Times of Israel:

Jewish people make up less than 47 percent of all those living west of the Jordan River, an Israeli demographer warned Tuesday, claiming that most of the Israeli population is unaware of the democratic peril the country is sliding into by possibly becoming a ruling minority in the area.

Arnon Soffer, a professor of geography at Haifa University, told Army Radio Tuesday that in addition to the Jewish and Arab populations, he reached his figures by taking into consideration the hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish people residing in Israel who are not citizens.

According to Soffer, there are 7.45 million Jews and others along with 7.53 million Arab Israelis and Palestinians living in what he termed the Land of Israel, meaning Israel plus the West Bank and Gaza Strip. When the number of non-Israeli nationals is taken into consideration, it leaves the Jewish proportion at between 46% and 47% of the total, he claimed.

According to Israel’s official Central Bureau of Statistics, at the end of 2021, 9.449 million people live in Israel (including Israelis in West Bank settlements). Of those, 6.982 million (74 percent) are Jewish, 1.99 million (21%) are Arab and 472,000 (5%) are neither…. The Palestinian Bureau of Statistics puts the West Bank Palestinian population at a little over 3 million, and the Gaza population at just over 2 million.

Soffer explained to Army Radio that although the birthrate has been higher among the Jewish population in recent years, so too is the death rate, meaning the Arab population, which is far younger on average than the Jewish population, is growing faster. Jews now a 47% minority in Israel and the territories, demographer says, The Times of Israel

Imagine, for a minute, that you posted a number of articles on your social media sites that said you thought there were too many blacks or Asians in America. How long do you think it would take before you were either shadow-banned, censored or buried under an avalanche of death threats? But when we look at the contents of the article above, we see that a major newspaper in Israel breezily publishes an article which states in stark terms that the country faces “democratic peril” because there are too many Arabs in the areas earmarked for future annexation. How is that not racism?

But this is how the issue is discussed in Israel. Demographics are considered a national security issue, an existential issue, and an issue that will decide the future of the Jewish State. Is it any wonder why the reaction has been so extreme? Is it any wonder why people refer to the fact that there is a large population of Palestinians in Palestine as the “Arab problem”? And, of course, once the indigenous population is regarded as a “problem”, then it is incumbent on the political leaders to conjure-up a solution.

So, what exactly is the solution to the Arab problem?

Why fewer Arabs, of course. Which is why the idea of expelling the Palestinians has a long pedigree in Zionist thinking dating back a full five decades before the establishment of the Jewish state. As it happens, the Arabs were always a problem even when the Jews represented less than 10 percent of the population. Go figure? Check out this comment by the ideological father of political Zionism himself, Theodor Herzl, who wrote the following:

“We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country… expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

Shockingly, Herzl wrote those words in 1895, 50 years before Israel declared its statehood. And many of the Zionist leaders who followed him shared that same world view, like Israel’s first prime minister David Ben-Gurion who said:

“You are no doubt aware of the [Jewish National Fund’s] activity in this respect. Now a transfer of a completely different scope will have to be carried out. In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the Arab fellahin.” He concluded: “Jewish power [in Palestine], which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out this transfer on a large scale.” (1948)

And here’s Ben-Gurion again in 1938: “I support compulsory transfer. I don’t see anything immoral in it.”

See how far back this line of reasoning goes? The Zionists were tweaking their ethnic cleansing plans long before Israel had even become a state. And for good reason. They knew that the numbers did not support the prospects for an enduring Jewish State. The only way to square the circle was through compulsory resettlement, otherwise known as “transfer.” And while that policy might have been repugnant to a great many Jews, a far larger number undoubtedly believed it was a cruel necessity. The preservation of the Jewish State became the highest value permitting behavior that would otherwise be disparaged as unacceptable and immoral. Here’s how Ben Shapiro summed it up in an essay titled “Transfer is Not a Dirty Word”:

The time for half measures has passed…. Some have rightly suggested that Israel be allowed to decapitate the terrorist leadership of the Palestinian Authority. But this, too, is only a half measure. The ideology of the Palestinian population is indistinguishable from that of the terrorist leadership.

Here is the bottom line: If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution. And it is far less ugly than the prospect of bloody conflict ad infinitum….

The Jews don’t realize that expelling a hostile population is a commonly used and generally effective way of preventing violent entanglements. There are no gas chambers here. It’s not genocide; it’s transfer….

It’s time to stop being squeamish. Jews are not Nazis. Transfer is not genocide. And anything else isn’t a solution. Transfer is Not a Dirty Word, Narkive

The importance of the Shapiro piece can’t be overstated. First, he explicitly links the future viability of the Jewish state to the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Second, he acknowledges that transfer is “an ugly solution”, but supports the policy as a necessary evil. And, third, he justifies the implementation of the mass expulsion by putting the entire Palestinian population into the same category as the terrorists. (“The ideology of the Palestinian population is indistinguishable from that of the terrorist leadership.”) So, in essence, Shapiro is making our case for us. He is candidly admitting that the only policy that will preserve the Jewish state is ethnic cleansing. And judging by developments on the ground, we must assume the Netanyahu government arrived at the same conclusion. The people of Gaza are being bombed, starved and terrorized all with the explicit aim of herding them in the direction of the southern border where they will be forced at gunpoint to flee their historic homeland.

Bottom line: The strategic objectives of the Israeli operation in Gaza are entirely different than the stated goal of defeating Hamas. All of the land west of the Jordan River is now being cleared of its native occupants so it can be incorporated into Greater Israel while maintaining a sizable Jewish majority. The demonizing of the Palestinian people –which casts the victims of this onslaught as the perpetrators– is intended to conceal the underlying policy that is based on racial discrimination. There is no doubt that if the Arabs in Gaza were of Jewish descent, they would be spared the genocide they face today.

Additional reading:

The proposal, which reportedly has support from senior officials in both parties, calls on the US to condition foreign aid to Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and Turkey on those countries accepting a certain number of refugees

The White House requested billions to support refugee resettlement from Ukraine and Gaza in October

Last month, a leaked document drafted by Gamliel’s Intelligence Ministry proposed pushing all 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza into Egypt, making clear the Netanyahu government is considering the complete ethnic cleansing of the Strip. But Egypt has refused to take in any Palestinian refugees, making Israeli officials seek other alternatives, such as Gazans being absorbed by the West.

In an Op-Ed titled “Let’s Not be Intimidated by the World,” Israeli ret. Major General Giora Eiland argues that all Palestinians in Gaza are legitimate targets and that even a “severe epidemic” in Gaza will “bring victory closer.”

(Excerpt) Transfer” in Zionist Thinking

From the earliest days of modern political Zionism, its advocates grappled with the problem of creating a Jewish majority state in a part of the world where Palestinian Arabs were the overwhelming majority of the population. For many, the solution became known as “transfer,” a euphemism for ethnic cleansing.

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  1. Nico X says:

    Don’t worry about it, all these mongrel muslims are being transported to the US/UK/EU to receive free flats/money so they can start knifing white kids like in Ireland & set up their ‘sex grooming gangs’ pimping out worthless white trollops.

  2. Renoman says:

    Aw yes, those cunning Palestinian devils are trying to screw themselves into power! Same with the Natives in Canada, Mexicans in the USA, and Muslims everywhere. It’s an old trick and a tough one to counter. one would think that People with high intellect [The Jews???] could think of a better scheme than Genocide?
    I think I can suggest a quicker way to deal with this.
    Ending the Gaza disaster.
    Russia doesn’t need to negotiate in Ukraine, they won. Zelensky made the trip to Argentina to secure a safe [???] place to live with an unending supply of Coke. If he doesn’t leave soon he’ll be shot [and no one will care]. The US is running away as fast as it’s little legs can carry it. If the US had any brains they would send a note to Bibi saying “You have 24 hours to fix this or we are taking our Air Craft Carriers and all troops back home and no more bombs or guns for your irresponsible despicable dirty asses. This would make them World class heroes instead of World’s #1 assholes”. Did I forget anything?
    America will turn on the Jews as surely as it turns on all it’s enemies. Time to wise up and get in front of this Lads or you’ll all all be in the Ovens again.

    • Troll: Lurker
  3. The demographic problem determined that residents had to be killed to occupy the land.

    But no one can say they are surprised by what happens. Since before 1948, the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates were already in demand and it had to be assumed that all its inhabitants would be murdered or made to flee to take their lands.

    And even knowing that, the UN handed over Palestine to begin the bloody colonization. And the fact of knowing that the entire Palestinian population would be murdered implies that the UN was already engaged in a criminal enterprise as soon as it began.

  4. Protogonus says: • Website

    Zionism is racist tribalism, according to UNGA resolution #3379 in 1975, revoked 2019 under Trump Administration pressure, really by the machinations of Jared Kushner, the President’s judaist Zionist son-in-law. Remember him? (Want him back?—vote for the Orange Man again!)

    The mess in Palestine including the judaist tribalist racism at its root can be easily reconciled through a general plebiscite in Palestine supervised by the U.N., one man-one vote, which will lead to a Palestine assembly in which the judaists will be in the minority and the Zionists a nut-faction among them, UNGA to confiscate the occupier’s nuclear weapons and ICBMs and destroy them.

    The mess in Ukraine has a similar root, believe it or not, since the Dark Power behind NATO’s proxy war against Russia is the same nuclear-armed, genocidal, racist, talmudic tribalism murderously active now against the poor, starving Gazans. Here is a historical sketch proving the root basis of the two wars:

    Please note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.

    • Agree: ld, inspector general
    • Replies: @Stephan
    , @JWalters
    , @Curmudgeon
  5. Notsofast says:

    mike, i am really surprised you didn’t mention korea, that had every two story building or higher leveled and 90% of their infrastructure destroyed by zato fascist motherfuckers. these ratfuckers also dropped bioweapons upon the korean civilization population continuing the work of their japanese and nazi scientists (through operation paperclip (centered in ft. detrick, now home to ralph beric and his darpa masters)), (that hold the patent on covid 19, granted in 2015))).

    so how did korea work out? so well, that had to move on to vietnam. so how did that work out? so well, we had to move on to iraq. so how did that work out? so well, we had to move on to 9/11. so how did that work out? so well, we had to move on to afghanistan. so how did that work out? so well that we had to move back into iraq (to finish the job (so that we don’t have to fight them here!)). so how did that work out (this is getting tiresome)? so well, that we had to move on to ukraine. and so how did that work out? so well we must murder every amalek man woman and child in palestine (as well as all their animals) (because we all know how evil their pets are)).

    given this dark history, how can anyone be shocked by the heinous nature of these unspeakable war crimes committed by these zionazi supremacists serial killers? fortunately for the future of mankind and all sentient life on earth, the russians, chinese, and iranians will be the matadors and picadors* that bring this raging minotaur down.

    * this metaphor in no way condones bull fighting, but i could not find a more apt description of what we are witnessing, i am most open to other suggestions.

  6. PetrOldSack says:

    to Whitney and on demographics

    Of course you are right. Demographics is pertinent to Gaza, but in the broader context, it is as pertinent …to the Planet. Demographics are the biggest factor in everything else, from economics to social organizing to quality of life, to goals for the future, to survival of the human race.

    Many thanks, your mention of demographics is a first here at unz. I underestimated you as a thinker. Expand on this, our elites, “just smart enoughs” have some on the inside that wrestle to grasp this. The issue is such that the public should be left out on this. Your article will be emotionally frustrating to our readers, but yes you touched unwittingly the core subject of any engineering of the future. AI, genetics, the biology of it, the vocabulary itself of intellectual effort, all are summed into demographics and the control of it.

  7. Observator says:

    On the encouraging side, RT is reporting that yesterday’s Harvard-Harris poll finds a majority of Americans in the 18-24yo demographic “believe the ongoing crisis in Gaza should be resolved by abolishing the state of Israel and turning it over to Hamas and the Palestinian people.” 2/3rds agree that “Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors.” A poll taken last week cited in the RT report says half of Americans under thirty “either believe the Jewish Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany is a myth or are not sure that it happened.”

    Unhappily, 79% of the demographic polled say that “white people are oppressors and that non-white people should therefore be shown favoritism in college admissions and employment, the poll found. Among all age groups, 65% of Americans oppose such anti-white discrimination.”


    • Thanks: JWalters
    • LOL: meamjojo
    • Replies: @valconius
    , @Rick P
  8. I’ve been on PressTV’s Rumble chat voicing concern over Resistance hyping Hamas bogeyman. If i didn’t know any better, i’d believe Resistance & Hamas are on Israel’s payroll. Everything they do play right into Israel’s hand. Hamas benefit Israel more than Palestinians.

    • Thanks: Robertson
    • Replies: @Notsofast
  9. Analysing what’s said by an entity fabricated because of Holohoax, the Rothschild neocolony, at an entity fabricated by a cabal of global power forces, the UN, is folly like at 5 o’clock from Saigon and the EUkraine-Russia “war” sit-reps from the Kremlin.

    World’s a “variant” away from regimes ordering “law enforcement” to shoot people, like Ziojew forays into Palestine, for not getting the “vaccine” shot, for starters.

  10. Wokechoke says:

    If the Palestinians can can successfully take the beating that coming and not run off they will be well positioned.

  11. Notsofast says:
    @Rational Racist

    listen to your better self (the other one doesn’t know shit). who is playing into the hands of whom? the palestinians have lived in rubble and tents for generations, they are not going anywhere. how long would an israeli live in the same conditions before exercising the sampsonite option, and getting the hell out of dodge? the palestinians have no plan b, and it is this, as well as their burning desire for justice, that will overcome the decades of genocide that has not and never will break their will.

    the demographic war has already been lost by israel, they are doomed as a nation. the high point of their reich was september 11, 2001, it wont be long until they become a footnote in the dark history of world empires.

    • Agree: JWalters, ld
    • Replies: @muh muh
  12. Wokechoke says:

    Nobody left to lie into a war now.

  13. Stephan says:

    Although, they were trying to destroy Russia with a quick currency bomb so the Ukrainian genocide might have been an afterthought.

  14. Charles says:

    Dr. Revilo Oliver (1908-1994) despised the credulity and superstitions of his fellow Whites and their willingness to be the “cattle” of the “Jewish cowboys”. He also stated several times that if Whites had the racial cohesiveness and the will to dominate the world that the Jews so obviously possess, this planet would be ruled by the White race – just as, I will add, it will inevitably be ruled by the Chinese.

    • Agree: OldWhiteMan
    • Troll: Dragoslav
    • Replies: @Dragoslav
    , @Kal Zakath
  15. JWalters says:

    “They want to control all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.”

    The Zionists’ Biblical claim to the land of Palestine is completely invalid, even according to the Bible itself.

    Netanyahu told Charlie Rose that the Zionist claim to Palestine is based on the Bible (with a smug smile). God gave the land to the Jews thousands of years ago, and that’s all there is to it.

    According to the Bible, that’s NOT all there is to it. This assumes the land grant was unconditional and in perpetuity. Therefore all the Jews need to do is show up and claim the land. But the grant was NOT unconditional, nor in perpetuity.

    In the Book of Deuteronomy, where God grants this land to the Jews, He very specifically says the grant is HIGHLY conditional and NOT in perpetuity. Specifically, He says if the Jews don’t hold up their end of the bargain the deal is off, and they will lose the land (along with great sufferings of many sorts). Everybody can look this up for themselves.

    So what happens? In the Book of Jeremiah the Jews are told that they blew it and are losing the land. They are defeated by the Babylonians and their elite are taken prisoner to Babylon. This is exactly what God warned them could happen in Deuteronomy. This is conclusive proof from the Bible itself that the land grant was NOT unconditional and in perpetuity.

    Later, Cyrus defeats the Babylonians and lets the Jews return to Jerusalem (although many stay in Babylon). But again, God withdraws his protection and this time the Romans destroy their temple and drive them from the land. More proof the land grant was not unconditional and in perpetuity.

    But that’s not all. In Deuteronomy God tells Moses that He is letting the Jews drive out the current inhabitants because those inhabitants worship other gods. However, that condition does not apply in 1948 when the Zionists drive out the Muslims and Christians. Both the Muslims and Christians worship the SAME God as the Jews. In fact, the Koran says explicitly that its purpose is to inform the Arabs about the God of Moses and Jesus. The Koran specifically says that, in the Muslim view, God does not distinguish between Muslims, Christians, and Jews who are righteous; they will all find their reward in heaven.

    It’s true that David Ben Gurion said of the Muslims, “Their God is not our God”. But that was wrong, either ignorantly or willfully.

    So even IF we accept the Book of Deuteronomy as a true account of God’s conversation with Moses, it CLEARLY does NOT support the Zionists’ claim to the land of Palestine.

    On top of all that, there is the obvious case that the Book of Deuteronomy is NOT an accurate history, and that it has NO legal standing whatsoever.

    Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin declared, “The Bible is not a land grant”. He was willing to make peace and stop taking more Palestinian land. For his “giving away” of claimed “Jewish” land he was assassinated. He was replaced as Prime Minister by Netanyahu, who Rabin’s widow blamed for her husband’s assassination.

    The root of the problem is that these sociopathic fanatics deeply believe that all the non-Jews are merely animals, and hence can be killed with impunity. And they can be lied to with impunity, so nothing the Israelis say can be trusted.

    The Israelis have demonstrated conclusively they are extremely dangerous and not open to reason. Therefore, the only option remaining is to stop their predatory force with just force.

  16. JWalters says:
    @Liborio Guaso

    The story of the UN General Assembly vote to partition Palestine is a bit more complicated (and nefarious). The General Assembly vote carried no weight. It’s explained in this article.
    War Profiteers and the Roots of the ‘War on Terror’

  17. Robertson says:

    Israel pushed the world to sign all those, “I promise not to boycott Israel” petitions about two years ago because they knew the Al-Asqua Flood operation was coming.

    People could express their disagreement with Israel’s policy toward Gaza and The West Bank by not using Kaspersky, diamonds (Mid. Niru, Annita, and Yoshfi Diamonds),medical instruments (Gil Medical and Medtechnia) , plastics (W-Cycle and Lusha) and pharmaceuticals (Teva) and opting for other suppliers instead. Israel got out in front of the backlash and got some states to pre-emptively promise not to do business with states or businesses that boycott Israel. They knew the ethnic cleansing was coming.

    It’s called chutzpah I believe. Jesus used stronger language.

    • Replies: @Radicalcenter
  18. JWalters says:

    Good points. I would add that all Palestinian land stolen by the Zionist terrorists should be returned to its rightful Palestinian owners or their families. That would be over 90% of the land in Palestine.

    • Replies: @Radicalcenter
  19. OldWhiteMan says:

    Israel was born in blood, and it shall die in blood. It will assume its rightful place in the rubbish bin of history.

    • Thanks: anonymouseperson
  20. IronForge says:

    Author is too Short Sighted and Shallow.

    It’s about Hegemony GeoPolitical Shaping of the Region.

    Hamas and PA Factions of their Precedent PLO are done for in and about Israel.

    Palestinians are going to have to relocate. Where? Wherever Foreign Aid or Refugee Traffickers take them.

    Israel+Dispora are involved in a large scale Birthing Boom.

    • Troll: muh muh
  21. cousin lucky says: • Website

    Satan’s Savages!

    Israeli troops go on looting, vandalism spree amid genocide in Gaza

    Footage shared on social media shows Israeli soldiers setting fire to scarce food and water supplies in the Gaza Strip.

    Israeli troops have stepped up their destruction of businesses and properties, vandalism, and the installation of Israeli and Jewish symbols across Gaza’s neighborhoods in what analysts believe is a part of “psychological warfare”.

    Footage has emerged of troops carrying out violent and provocative acts that appear to have little to do with their stated aim of “destroying” Hamas.

    In one example of theft, a soldier bragged about stealing a silver necklace from Gaza to take back to his girlfriend in Israel. Another troop stole a rug from a Palestinian home.

    In a post on Facebook, an Israeli officer was seen gloating about seizing a host of sealed makeup items to take to Tel Aviv as “gifts from Gaza.”

    Elsewhere, footage emerged of a Palestinian gift shop being completely destroyed, with an Israeli soldier rummaging through a woman’s underwear and using derogatory remarks about her.

    “There is a long history of Israeli soldiers vandalizing the homes of Palestinians they invade,” Laleh Khalili, an academic and researcher at the University of Exeter, told London-based Middle East outlet.

    “During the Nakba and successive wars of conquest in the historic lands of Palestine, in Lebanon in the early 1980s, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories during successive invasions, such behavior has been rife,” she added.

    “Israeli soldiers have left graffiti – often using quite violent, even genocidal, language; defecated in kitchens; looted valuable personal items; destroyed everyday objects and belongings; and taken trophy photographs of themselves.”

  22. Pastit says:

    It would be entirely satisfying if the Jews in Israel lost the demographic war, since they are pushing for mass immigration of blacks and browns into all White countries. I hope Israel dissolves in its own hate.

    • Replies: @ThreeCranes
    , @ghali
  23. One of Israel’s authorities himself called the Gaza war a new nakba. The recent rise in attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank indicates that Arabs from that region will also be expelled. When that has been accomplished, expect a false flag “terrorist attack” so-called by Israeli Arabs in Israel proper, which will then be used to expell them too. Then Israel will be 100% Jewish, but for a heavy price. It will be more hated by the rest of the world than Apartheid South Africa ever was. The Jews will have their ethnically pure Jewish state but it will be the pariah among the nations.

  24. Biff says:

    A mighty fine article, but it could’ve been written a long time ago.

  25. Robert Dolan says:


  26. ghali says:

    In truth, Palestinians are always the majority in Palestine no matter how many Jewish lies are repeated and propagated otherwise. In fact, the entire history of Jews is a constructed lie.
    Jews have been violently committing ethnic cleansing and dispossession of the Palestinians since 1947. It is getting worse for the Palestinians because of the Jewish influence (with an iron grip) on the U.S.-led Western regimes and the unconditional support, including weapons, financial and political the Jewish Nazi regime receiving from the U.S. and Europe.
    The U.S. and its vassal-state allies are complicit in Jewish war crimes against the Palestinians. Since 07 October 2023, more than 20,000 innocent and unarmed Palestinian civilians, about 70% of whom are reported to be women and children have been murdered, and over 54,000 have been injured, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. A Palestinian child/baby is dying every ten minutes, slowly and agonizingly beneath the rubble of what used to be her home, hardly matters to Western politicians/Congressmen and their Zionist media. Jews displayed truly chilling callousness and disregard for the sanctity of human life, with Western unconditional support to kill Palestinian children and babies. The mass murder of Palestinian women and children by Israeli Jews continues because the U.S., Europe and Russia – all have big leverages on the Netanyahu regime – turned blind eye to the Genocide. The sign of cowardice to stop the ongoing Palestinian holocaust by Jews is visible to everyone.

    • Agree: 24th Alabama
  27. @Liborio Guaso

    Let’s get real, the Palestinians will become extinct like the Covis people thirteen thousand years ago.

    How many will even remember this ancient people before they disappeared from the face of humanity?

    • Replies: @barr
  28. 24th Alabama says:

    Here’s one weakness in Whitney’s demographic doomsday projection.
    The two percent Jewish population of the U.S. has total control of the
    Country, so why does a 52% Arab majority in Israel present a problem?

    It’s actually a blood, soil and hate problem, with hate predominating.
    The Jews are a people who live to hate and love to hate. The rest of
    humanity is an abomination to them because of their egomaniacal
    goal of World supremacy. Unfortunately for the Palestinians, they
    have the bad luck to be the immediate obstacle,
    but surely not the last.

  29. SafeNow says:

    The discussion of annexation got me thinking of how nice it would be if the U.S.could be annexed by some rational country. (Yes, the list is short.) The U.S. would agree: Tell us what to do, and we’ll do it. This would be akin to a conservatorship for a cognitively and emotionally impaired family member who cannot manage his own affairs. What percent of the country would vote for this in a national referendum? Of course the result would depend upon which country would be annexing us. Denmark? Hungary? Russia? Japan? I would add “Men of Unz” to the list, but we are not a country.

    • Replies: @brostoevsky
  30. Biff says:

    Not as much as Arabs vs the Jews, but Zionism vs the world. The Zionists will purge “you”or anyone else in their way.

    • Replies: @Art
  31. Being a tiny minority is no impediment to Jews ruling in White countries. Oh those unruly Arabs, why can’t they be just like Whites?

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  32. meamjojo says:

    “There is no doubt that if the Arabs in Gaza were of Jewish descent, they would be spared the genocide they face today.”

    If they embraced Judaism, then they would be part of the tribe, would not support Hamas, would be 15-20 IQ points smarter and would have built a thriving economy in Gaza, instead of the shithole that the Palestinian Arabs turned it into.

    Now, Israel is turning Gaza into a parking lot. And what is really cool is that the more Biden and Blinken threaten, the more Netanyahu gives them the middle finger.

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
    , @Che Guava
  33. muh muh says:

    Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of “Transfer” in Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948 by Nur Masalha, published by the Institute for Palestine Studies, May 1, 1992.

    ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0887282423
    ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0887282423

    Hard to find text, but one of the best books detailing evidence of Zionist intent to expel Palestinians from their native land. Some of its material is available at this page:

    ‘Transfer’ (Ethnic Cleansing) Zionist Quotes

    Good article, Mike. Nailed it.

    • Replies: @Tristero
  34. meamjojo says:

    “…we see that a major newspaper in Israel breezily publishes an article which states in stark terms that the country faces “democratic peril” because there are too many Arabs in the areas earmarked for future annexation. How is that not racism?”

    Another example of special treatment for the Jews.

    Is there something wrong with racism? There are a lot of white nationalists on TUR who seem to think the answer is no.

    • Replies: @Hang All Text Drivers
  35. meamjojo says:

    ” In fact, the last 75 years of conflict can be reduced to just 8 words, “They want the land, but not the people.”

    Are Palestinians really “people”? I mean they breed like rats in a place that can’t support their population numbers and don’t seem to be concerned. They required 500 trucks of aid each day, prior to Oct 7th to survive. Their 16-24 unemployment number is around 7 out of 10.

    If they are allowed back into Gaza proper, Israel should force them to work on the kibbutz’s.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @annamarina
  36. muh muh says:

    Anyone calling this war for Israel right now is talking out of school.

    Regardless of short-term outcomes, all indications are that Israel won’t endure another generation — at the most.

    Of course, it could happen a lot sooner.


    • LOL: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  37. valconius says:

    Happily, I can just be a white-looking Mexican so I couldn’t care less. You anglos should learn the Hispanic trick. Your name is Wasabi Miyamoto nun-Chuck Sui? Not anymore, I officially baptise and adopt you and rename you Pablo Sanchez Juevon-Maria de Valladolid y Mariscos II, citizen of España. There, problem solved! Easy peazy fix, worked just fine for 500 years. If you don’t stay white over the generations well that’s your problem, or you can be like me and pretend you were a samurai-ninja-pirate in a previous life.

  38. Looger says:

    What’s really going on here happened on a larger scale and before nosy internet sites could expose it – mass murder as a means of cutting the grass.

    Most of it probably happened in the years leading up to 1948, to herd the people in Palestine into certain spots for later sequestering.

    There are more Palestinians now than 1948 / 1967 when the big land seizures happened, which has been described as Israel’s biggest problem for decades now “the demographic bomb” and is probably aided subtly by the neighboring arab countries who:

    1) don’t give a fuck about zionism

    2) don’t give a fuck about the Palestinians suffering

    Over time Israel is going to have to innovate a means of faster killing. Maybe Bill Gates and the UN can be sent there to oversee vaccination and other medical means of cutting that grass?

  39. What gives Israel the right to appropriate Palestinian land?

    How should a thief who defends his prey and his life on the territory of his victim be judged? The Americans on the territory of Syria or the Israelis on Palestinian territory (which the UN partition plan of 1947 granted them) speak of the right to self-defense: they are on foreign territory in order to seize land or oil and assert the right to self-defense.

  40. Anynomous says:

    Hamas and Hizbollah got your back. American, british and israeli are shit militarely. Their equipment is junk and they are shit strategically as well. Hamas and Hizbollah are winning this war by being way better strategically with much worse equipment. They also have heart to fight back, which american, british and israeli do not have.

    It was Hamas that formed the battlefield to fight with their terms and Israel did everything Hamas wanted. It was a trap for Israel and Israel, american and british all fell to it.

    American, british and israeli do not want you to know this, because they want you to buy their junk equipment and BELIEVE to their alliance of pure evil.

    • Troll: Dragoslav
  41. ld says:

    the only good thing to come out of this?

    everyone on earth knows what they are now
    even people who used to worship these freaks see they are pure evil

    souless husks

    wealth appropriation and redistribution now

    • Agree: nosquat loquat
  42. Levtraro says:

    I agree that demography is in fact a large factor in Israel’s decision-making during their ethnic cleansing program currently being implemented in Gaza.

    So one question I have is how much of Palestinian fertility are the Israelis taking out by killing all those minors (people < 15 yr of age)?

    To answer this I need to compare Palestinian fertility rates with Israel's Palestinian-minors killing rate.

    Boring yet simple calculations follow. Skip to Conclusion if you are numbers-averse.

    Start with Israeli killing rate of Palestinian minors. So far ~18k Palestinians have been killed. An article in The Lancet (quoted by Reuters) says that 34% of those killed are minors (<15 yr of age), so that gives 6.1k minors killed in roughly 2 months, or 36.6k minors killed per year.

    Next the fertility rate. There is a total of 7.53 million Palestinians in the areas that Israel wants to occupy and annex. Considering the demography of this population (~50% females, of which ~45% are in reproductive age, 15 to 45 years of age, U.N. statistics) we have 1,7 million reproductive Palestinian females. From various sources, a conservative fertility rate of this population of females is about 3.3 newborns per female reproductive lifetime (15 to 45, 30 years in total). These females produce 1.7*3.3=5.6 million newborns per female reproductive lifetime so they produce 187k Palestinian minors per year of reproductive lifetime.

    Finally, 36.6k (Palestinian minors killing rate by Israel in one year)/187k (Palestinian females reproductive output per year of reproductive activities) gives 20%.

    Conclusion: if Israel continues its ethnic cleansing program for a whole year at the killing rate of minors implemented during the first two months then it will take out 20% of the annual Palestinian production of newborns.

    This is a low estimate because

    (1) more Palestinian minors will die indirectly due to hunger and diseases caused by the destruction of infrastructure and livelihoods, and
    (2) less Palestinian minors will be produced because of the killing of Palestinian adults of reproductive age by Israel.

    Nevertheless, indirect deaths of minors and diminished production of newborns will not take as high a dent on Palestinian fertility rates as the direct killing of Palestinian minors. So a reasonable upper limit of the destruction of Palestinian fertility rates by the current ethnic cleansing in Gaza is ~30%.

    I don't think that's enough damage to the Palestinians to justify (i) Israel coming out openly as a war criminal State, (ii) the creation of new radical enemies, (iii) the damage done to the IDF, and (iv) the damage done to Israel's economy.

  43. Delberto Bey says:
    @Nico X

    Don’t worry about it, all these mongrel muslims are being transported to the US/UK/EU to receive free flats/money so they can start knifing white kids like in Ireland & set up their ‘sex grooming gangs’ pimping out worthless white trollops.

    Who cares as they are “worthless” your words not mine.

    • Replies: @Anynomous
  44. faith says:

    Call it “Genocide” …….do NOT call it “war”

    Video Link

    • Agree: ld
  45. Wokechoke says:

    The Jews, are they human?

  46. Dragoslav says:

    Priss factor 0.3 ?
    Idiot. Your Chinese will go back to stone age once there is no more whitey to plagiarize.

    • Agree: Pfhil
    • Replies: @ThreeCranes
  47. Wokechoke says:
    @muh muh

    He makes a good point about the attrition of officers as a sign of a dysfunctional assault. Although, he undermines his point at the end. “What is this the 19th century with British 23 year olds buying commissions?” Well that empire did just fine. A bunch of fresh faced subalterns cornets and 20 year old Captains conquered the globe. Of course their senior Sergeants were all 35 year old bully boys and ruffians. Not so in the Israeli military. 20 year old conscript sergeants.

    • Replies: @muh muh
    , @kiwk
    , @mike99588
    , @Lemmy Tellyuh
  48. “A demographic bomb is already ticking. Israeli Jews experience an existential fear to be outgrown by the Palestinian population,” This is no longer the case because fertility rates in Israel and in the West Bank / Gasa is about same. It is 3.1-3.2 kids per woman. Israeli birth rates went up and Arabs fertility rates came down and still shrinking. Israel is the only developed nation with high fertility rates.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  49. Dragoslav says:

    I thought that Jews were mentally deranged, but Arabs seem worse.
    Inbreeding ? Or there is something very problematic with semites..

  50. All is demographics and affliction of spirit.

    We have our own grim prospect of ethno-demographic displacement to contend with and have little concern for that of the Jews.

  51. Anynomous says:
    @Delberto Bey

    Oh so civilized and oh, so cultured american and british themselves have starved and terror bombed millions and millions of children and women just in last years. British and american have been sending weapons and funds to completely annihilate Gaza.

    They intentionally terror bombed german, vietnamese, japanese, iraqi, syrian etc. civilian targets and now these animals are calling middle eastern animals and mongrels? The arrogance, stupidity and narcism of american and british animals.

    • Replies: @Anon
  52. ld says:

    and vice versa

    ‘americans are just the new palestinians’

  53. Wokechoke says:
    @Сергей Гончаров

    That’s what I’ve surmised. The Israelis are adding enough to keep 1:1 ratio with the Arabs in Israel and the Occupied Territories.

    Thus the extermination to tip the scales for keeps.

  54. saggy says: • Website

    The bottom line is that the US and Israel are Satanic countries. The first clear indication was when the British initiated bombing of civilians early in WW II. WW II culminated when the US firebombed all the major cities in Japan and gratuitously nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Since then the US/Israel have used advanced weaponry to slaughter people all over the world without reflection or remorse, while claiming to represent progress, civilization, democracy.

    The Old Testament/Torah, the basis of Judaism and Christianity, is explicitly Satanic, with ‘God’ avenging the merest slight with death and destruction. Deuteronomy re: Palestine, 20:18 “Leave nothing that breathes alive”. this theme is repeated over and over.

    Since WW II the west has exulted in mass slaughter exemplified by the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the perpetrators of this Satanic action hailed as our ‘greatest generation’. The whole society has been dedicated to developing weapons of mass destruction that can destroy civilization and threaten human life on earth. This is pure Satanism, and from 1st hand experience I can tell you that we developed the weapons just as if we were working on washing machines.

    Now we kill without reflection or remorse. Before the latest slaughters in Ukraine and Palestine the US had dropped 300,000+ bombs on defenseles people since 2000 – No one other than the victims even notices.

    So all this dissecting the intricacies of what’s happening in Palestine now is superfluous, if the west wants something it takes it, killing whomever is in the way, and till now we have celebrated the deaths of those in our way.

    • Agree: annamarina, Caroline
    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  55. barr says:

    10 tribes were picked up by Assyrians.2 Remain.
    How to turn them into Covid-23?

    Informations on Israeli products, hedge fund and the companies they control ,and the organizatiins involved with promoting Israel should be made available to all countries.
    That is the begining.

  56. Desert Fox says:

    Hamas is a Mossad front, this is well known, and has been used for decades as the excuse to destroy Palestine, this was an Israeli false flag just like the false flag attack on the WTC on 911 by Israel and the zionist neocons in the ZUS government, same deal, same actors, same results, millions of lives destroyed all for Israel.

  57. @Liborio Guaso

    Following WWII, the government of the U$$A, already heavily “influenced” by Talmudist Agenda types such as Bernard Baruch, the “creator” of DD Eisenhower, a useful tool; was utterly instrumental in establishing the UN on American soil. The proof of the pudding occurred when the Rottenfeller Crime Clan “donated” a nice chunk of Manhattan real estate to become the site for the current UN headquarters.

    Most of Europe was in ruins resulting from the recent war and their treasuries were depleted. Yet, England, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Portugal still held colonies scattered across the planet, most of which now are independent nations. So the U$$A, and curiously the USSR, put the squeeze on their colonies, puppet regimes and satellite nations to follow the Talmudist Agenda and narrowly approve creation of the Zionist Entity in British occupied Palestine.

    So at that juncture of history, we can confidently assume that the U$$A dog was already been wagged by the schemers working out of City of London and Wall $treet, both fiefdoms of the Talmudists.

    Question is, should there exist a Jewish state? The sensible response is a clear NO.

    However, realistically there is a large subset of Jews who are essentially parasitical predators, ethno-sumpremacists who simply cannot be allowed to infect host nations. That bunch of Jews, probably not even the majority, should be allowed to buy some relatively uninhabited chunk of land, far away from civilized and also “underdeveloped” (innocent) lands.

    Needless to say, those few locations would not generally be very desirable, thus those sparse settlement patterns. However, as certain Judaics feel they should have a land of their own; they will ultimately be obliged by a growingly hostile international population to take what they are allowed to purchase and settle.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
    , @Levtraro
  58. I think Mike Whitney is correct that this is an evolutionary war between the Jewish people and the Arabs. Since the Jewish people are more evolutionarily fit, they will win. I recently defeated a population of ants in my kitchen in a evolutionary war between me and the ants. The ants initiated an evolutionary war against me by entering my house and eating the food on the dirty dishes in my sink. So, without any concern for the evolutionary interests of the ants, or the pain they may feel, I just took a wet sponge and wiped them up and rinsed them down the garbage disposal. In the same manner, the Jewish people will eliminate all the Arabs in the Middle East and incorporate all their lands into “Greater Israel.” I myself was recently a victim of evolutionary defeat at the hands of the Jewish people. The Jewish people, in an attempt to defeat me, let in millions of Mestizos into America, and two Mestizos recently stole my car. All of us Gentiles are going to evolutionarily lose to the genetically superior Jewish people. It’s just the way it is. But, does it really matter? In the end, a superior Hominid will replace us – the Jewish people. So, it’s an evolutionary win for life on Earth. And one day, a superior race will emerge from the Jewish people and replace all the Jewish people to form the next leap in Hominid evolution. The supermen will eventually evolve into existence, a race of beings that will, for all practical purposes, be G-d.

    • Replies: @annamarina
    , @bike-anarkist
  59. “ The importance of the Shapiro piece can’t be overstated.”

    So Ben Shapiro who was once upon a time portrayed by some commenters on UR as a voice of Jewish moderation has decided to jettison his mask and blatantly argue for full ethnic cleansing. Another one if his fellow tribesmen, whose writing style often mesmerizes me, is James Howard Kunstler, whose articles at exudes such deviancy from mainstream Jewish thinking with respect to local American politics, also went meltdown style invoking the ‘Never Again’ mantra in his articles about the Gaza horrors, oblivious to the fact that ‘Never Again’ belongs more to the Palestinians than to anyone else. That leaves the long track enlightened Jews of the Norman Finklestein, Gilad Atzmon, Miko Peled, Gideon Levy types evermore isolated in trying to bring some sanity to the Jewish mass formation psychosis that has gotten hold of Israeli and diaspora Jews after October 7th 2023.

    The American-Israeli tango of war, genocide and destruction will have to come to an end, come what may, if humankind are to be spared Armageddon. But then old habits die hard; the U.S. has been involved with some level of warfare for at least 220 years since her inception in 1776. Israel cannot risk getting on a true path of peace for fear of a breakup from within through internal conflict among Israeli Jews who are ethnically incompatible but still held together by the constant fear mongering of the Jewish political leadership.

    For this U.S-Israel duo, war is without doubt, the health of the state. So the vicious circle of war for its own sake is bound to continue.

    • Agree: Notsofast
    • Replies: @Anynomous
    , @emerging majority
  60. cousin lucky says: • Website

    A complete waste of time!

    I was naive about the West – Putin

    President Vladimir Putin has said he was wrong to assume the West would establish productive relations with Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In reality, it was determined to break the nation apart, the Russian leader explained.

    In an interview with Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin aired on Sunday, Putin admitted that he was a “naive” leader early in his political career even though he had a solid background in Soviet intelligence.

    The Russian president said that he had believed that the West understood that Russia had become a completely different country after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and that there were no further ideological differences warranting a serious stand-off.

    According to Putin, even when he saw Western efforts to support terrorism and separatism in Russia two decades ago, he thought that it was the “inertia of thinking” that was to blame. “They had just got used to fighting the Soviet Union,” he believed.

    In reality, however, the West was deliberately trying to undercut Russia, the president said. “After the collapse of the Soviet Union they thought they just had to wait a little longer, and then they would break Russia apart as well.”

  61. SaHiB says:

    Then why did the Israeli Jews take the sterilizing (human; not viral sense) “Covid” jabs?

  62. brostoevsky says:

    The Russian author Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was right about America, the rise of communism and a many great things back in like 1870. He opined that America was a façade and would be a destructive force for “Western” civilization as its people were ultimately only pursuing riches. Europe needs to get back on track and work with the Russians, who are a unique civilization unto themselves. The salvation the West won’t come from Donald Trump or America that’s for sure. It’d be better for the American empire to quietly ride away into the sunset and for Israel to be destroyed.

    • Replies: @Anynomous
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  63. Pfhil says:

    I’ll throw it out there – the Ashkenazi jews who constitute the ruling class of Israel are genociding the native Arab Palestinians who have lived there for generations.

    Eastern European jews who were part of the Irgun movement have no genetic lineage linking them to the Mediterranean region whatsoever. All of the shit that they accused the Nazi’s of doing to them – they are doing in full and incontrovertible view of the world. All of the world leaders are controlled be jewish blackmail of either a sexual or violent nature and are downplaying the intensity of the violence. Less atrocities occurred between the Serbs and the Albanians and the jew Madeleine Albright had US Special Forces in there immediately and full ground forces shortly thereafter.

    Remember the Kuwaiti incubator babies? Immediate US invasion. Boko Haram? You’ve got a US Navy Seal team delivering lead to heads baby! Israel bombing hospitals? Uh, there are, uh, unconfirmed reports that Palestinian Nazis were harboring the last remaining SS Officers from WWII while shooting rockets from the tunnels and singing Erika beneath the hospital.

    Fucking A, Israelis are Ashkenazi jews and they don’t get along with Sephardic jews, and they think that Mizrahi jews are niggers that should do all of their manual labor. They are committing atrocities because they are chosen by Yahweh to be rulers of the world and are completely absolved of all guilt. None of this is some nebulous grey area of interpretation. What people have said about jews for millenia is playing out in front of your eyes. They are even crying out in the US about pogroms while bombing the Lebanese in Lebanon.

    If this quote doesn’t more adequately summarize the modern state of the world, I don’t know what does:

    “The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

    Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

    I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.”

    • Agree: bike-anarkist
    • Replies: @meamjojo
  64. @emerging majority

    When Tzarist Russia acquired the lands of the Jewish Shtetl from Poland, that turned out for the Romanov dynasty the equivalent, in the world of mergers and acquisitions, of a takeover of a company that swallowed a poison pill. The more Tzar Alexander II tried to give Jews freedoms and get them closer to full citizenship, the more revolutionary activity from Jews he had to contend with. Finally, both Tzar Alexander and Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin were assassinated by Jews, depriving Russia of two of her most remarkable statesmen paving the road to Russia’s fateful entry in WWI and the subsequent Bolshevik Revolution.

    Hitter’s Final Solution was not to incinerate gassed Jews but to isolate them as you suggested, and his favorite choice was Madagascar island. Neither Alexander II nor Hitler were successfully in their endeavors and chances are history will fail to find a future leader that can find a territorial solution to the J problem.

    That leaves enlightenment as the only way to separate the benign from the malevolent Jews, and that is to make the teaching of the Talmud to the goyim an academic requirement which would take the isolation of the Jewish leaders to their isness ( state of elemental or factual existence).

    • Thanks: emerging majority
    • Replies: @Levtraro
    , @annamarina
    , @ThreeCranes
  65. Anonymous[347] • Disclaimer says:

    When the departing British partitioned the Indian Subcontinent, Pakistan (West) inherited 24% Hindus but today that number stands at well below 2% of the total population, whereas, India inherited 12% of population as Muslims but today they hover over 17% of the total. So under Hindu ruled India, the muzzies did very well but under Muslim ruled Pakistan Hindus were decimated. The moral of the story for Israel ought to be that get rid off of Arabs as soon as possible before they overrun their land.

    • Replies: @Anynomous
    , @Priss Factor
  66. Anynomous says:

    America is a fake and dying empire only few hundred years old at best, still they are constantly pushing their views and opinions to everybody, who are of much older, much more intelligent cultures. American and british are just bunch of fake and manipulative idiots without a soul, souless and materialistic spirits just wandering around, filled by evil and greed. Even native indian commented how evil and greedy they always were.

  67. Han says:
    @Nico X

    Nico X #1 says:

    Don’t worry about it, all these mongrel muslims are being transported to the US/UK/EU to receive free flats/money so they can start knifing white kids like in Ireland & set up their ‘sex grooming gangs’ pimping out worthless white trollops.

    Nico X is a Stupid Effing Idiot. Doesn’t he know that PornHub is Owned by a Rabbi ?
    It’s not a big secret to anyone paying attention that Jews have run the pornography industry since its inception. They have admitted it many times.

    Rabbi Solomon Friedman is the new owner of PornHub. He is a Jewish attorney and rabbi. His private equity firm took over Mindgeek, the umbrella company of virtually every porn site.

    He vowed to save PornHub from ruin and make it a better place. Pornography is a weapon being wielded by Jews against their enemies. The psychological damage is incalculable. They make it free and easily accessible to young children because they want people addicted from an early age.

    Jews have been well poisoners for ages, and this time the well being poisoned is our minds.

    Are Jews Still Poisoning the Wells?

    There have been many accusations against the Jews throughout history.
    Over time, a pattern has developed: the Talmud’s citation that “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed” (Abodah Zara 26b) seems to be the playbook.

    Accusations against the Jews throughout history include sacrificing Gentile children and drinking their blood, poisoning Christian wells, and preying on Gentiles through human weakness by running the pornography, prostitution, and gambling empires.

    Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.

    • Agree: Poupon Marx
    • Replies: @annamarina
  68. Anynomous says:
    @Joe Levantine

    It was to be expected that american would not stop terrorizing, robbing, murdering and torturing without any sense of moral. They have been basically british who just moved to America and they never stopped and they will never stopped, until they will be stopped with force by legal means. These primitive and savage animals understand only legal force, nothing else.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  69. Theodor Herzl, who wrote the following:

    “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country… expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

    He was talking about moving the poor jews out of Russia and Eastern Europe into the West then to Palestine.

    The transit countries being Germany France UK Spain Italy America.

    Adolf and the Zionists achieved this big time.

  70. Anonymous[165] • Disclaimer says:

    Well, if you’re going to be pedantic, no, the war is not about Hamas. It’s Izzies doing exactly what Ukies did for CIA, committing genocide to start a proxy war with the SCO bloc. Secret Agent Bibi is a way more obvious CIA skin on the wall than Zelensky ever was. He will soon find out that Izzies are disposable as Ukies. It’s their turn to go into the meatgrinder. This war will be with Iran and CIA’s proxies will lose this too and get cut loose, just like Ukraine.

    The CIA regime is distancing itself in mealy-mouthed statements but it will not move to pinch off Bibi’s armaments ratline, although it’s illegal in breach of Leahy Law. So let’s not overthink it. It’s the same CIA shit.

  71. annamarina says:
    @Nico X

    Encapsulates the world’s population’s opinion pretty well:

    Israel is doing Israel things. Kill and maim. Preferably children. But any death will do. Cannot expect any less from the “chosen” people. A disgrace to humanity. Just another sub-species we have to erase. Incapable of evolving. Clinging to their ingrained mortal hatred for anything not Semitic. Sounds like a disease. It is. The true Nazis of the world. What irony.

    Except that there is no irony. The tribe has been indoctrinating its children from infancy in genocidal persuasion against all “others.” — All while squawking about antisomething.

    Your “shoah” business goes kaboom! What can your dishonest and obnoxious kind do without the undeserved privileges? Jews are not victims. Jews are not most moral. The tribe always latches to some “other’s” civilization (Persian, Ottoman, German, Russian, Spanish), since your kind has been unable to create your own. Jewish business networking as a special Jews state produces inevitably the sadistic yet very profitable Zwi Migdal, the terrorist entity of Israel, the filthy Lobby (including the traitorous Mega Group/Mossad/Epstein’s exploits), and the Nazification of Ukraine by “holobiz survivors” like the Kagans’ clan of fat half-wit subversives. Plus there is a visible Yellen-Binken-Fink-Sam Bankman-Fried pestilence upon the US.

    Your Schumer is the most staunch supporter of Banderites; so much for jewish squealing about “shoah.” Kolomojskly, the Prez of the jewish community of Ukraine and financier of four (4) self-proclaimed Nazi battalions, was correct by naming himself a judeo-banderite. Schumer, Kagans, Milejkoswky (bibi), Gallant, et al. are the perfect samples of judeo-banderites indeed. Bandera is celebrated by jewish fuehrer Zelensky, and the ADL calls Stepan Bandera and his followers “freedom fighters against Russia.” This is a tomb on a grave of your show business, Niko.

    The behavior of the absolute majority of jews conforms to the opinion that jews are “incapable of evolving,” that jews hold on to human sacrifices (preferably children) and idiotic memes of becoming the “effendi” of the world. The voices of the righteous, highly intelligent, principled, and humanistic jews are drowning in a sea of the hateful and genocidal rhetoric and deeds of the worsts psychopaths in jewish tribe.

    • Thanks: Poupon Marx
    • LOL: meamjojo
  72. Rev. Spooner says:

    All what you say would be readily accomplished “You have 24 hours to fix this or we are taking our Air Craft Carriers and all troops back home and no more bombs or guns for your irresponsible despicable dirty asses.” but America is a jew controlled nation.
    Time to wise up and get in front of this Lads or you’ll all all be (I prefer the term up the chimney again) to “in the Ovens again”.

    • Replies: @Anynomous
  73. annamarina says:

    You are busy with self-pleasing. It is obvious that jews are “incapable of evolving” and continue to hold on to the atavistic practices such as indoctrination of their children in genocidal tendencies. Check the ghastly tales of purim.

    Currently, your profitable schema of ‘shoah business’ goes in smoke. The main destroyers of ‘shoah’s’ lies and exaggerations are jews, such as Schumer, Kagans clan, Blinken, Gershman (NED), all 37 jewish members of US congress, and Knesset. American and Israeli jews-in-power have been supporting the Nazification of Ukraine and the financing and arming of Banderites.

    In 2014, Nuland-Kagan (US State Dept) run a regime change in Kiev in the OPEN collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party; one of the Party founders, Parubyj, was a commandant of the Nuland-Kagan’s putsch.
    The Nuland-Kagan’s helpers also included Mossad’s Delta thugs.

    The 2014 putsch in Kiev was judeo-nazi at its core. The Jewish Lobby calls Stepan Bandera and his followers “freedom fighters.” Dostoyevsky was right by calling revolutionaries “demons.” Zionists represent an anti-system, a cult of destruction and subversion. Yours is indeed a damned tribe.

    In his lifetime, the little Bandera—he stood 5 feet and 2 inches—Russian-hating, West Ukrainian Nazi was detested literally by everybody. His political opponents within the Ukrainian independence movement hated him, as did many of his own allies and followers. Jews and ethnic Russians hated him for his crimes against them. Even his German Nazi masters considered him despicable because he betrayed and murdered his own people. The masses of displaced Ukrainians living in West Germany after World War II hated him for his crimes against other Ukrainians. Elements of the post-war German government and many of Germany’s American occupiers hated him… even those he served. Poles hated him for his crimes against the Polish people. Russians hated him in a special way because Bandera, in his German SS uniform, was responsible for the elimination of hundreds of thousands of Russians, soldiers, prisoners of war and civilians alike. Today his figure is hated by nearly all Russians because of everything he stood for. Ukrainian immigrants in Russia hate him and dislike being called Banderites simply because they are Ukrainian.

    Kaganat of Nuland (former Ukraine) ruled by Jewish fuehrer Zelensky, celebrates Stepan Bandera:

  74. @Anynomous

    Brandon’s clown circus legacy, Israel Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya (Ghaddifi faction still exists and is fighting)

  75. muh muh says:

    Well that empire did just fine.

    Not so much in the American colonies, of course.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  76. kiwk says:

    It’s not the same game anymore.

    GB rose when it was far more advanced than the other countries it absorbed into its commonwealth.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  77. Anynomous says:
    @Rev. Spooner

    The problem isnt really jews being in control. American and british have always done just the same and always will. Even if there wouldnt be jews, they would still do what they have always done through their history. You cant change genetics of completely criminal, vicious and sick american and british animals. The problem is american and british disease in their poor genes. They cant stop themselves from parasiting off from others.

    • Replies: @Pfhil
  78. Levtraro says:
    @emerging majority

    So the U$$A, and curiously the USSR, put the squeeze on their colonies, puppet regimes and satellite nations to follow the Talmudist Agenda and narrowly approve creation of the Zionist Entity in British occupied Palestine.

    Why “curiously the USSR”? I’d think the obvious explanation is the USSR wanted to have a place to incentivize Soviet Jews to go in case they wanted to decrease the concentration of Jews inside the USSR. There were in fact large movements of Jews from the USSR to Israel so the USSR used Israel as their Jew-discharge.

    • Replies: @Alden
  79. 24th Alabama says:

    Did you mean a small parking lot next to a large cemetery.
    Would you be intimidated by the Biden-Blinken couple;
    one light in the head, the other light in the loafers.

  80. WingsofaDove says:

    The long term trend of zionism is to lie if necessary about the goal, but in practice, in terms of real policy, actions, keep the goal, which is remove Palestinians from Palestine and take their land.

    What some UNZ commentators don’t realize is the long anti zionist tradition of many American jews, the right wing US patriot version of which has been mostly airbrushed away, leaving ‘anti zionist jew’ to mean Chomsky, Finkelstein etc.

    For this reason I bring to your attention this archived UNZ article by the author of the important anti zionist book from 1953, ‘What Price Israel’, Alfred M. Lilienthal.

    • Thanks: Bro43rd
    • Replies: @Alden
  81. ThreeCranes says:

    “committed by these zionazi supremacists serial killers?”

    Not zionazi, ZIOCOMMIE. The Jews were genocidal Commies, remember? Precipitating the rise of the Nazis.

    C’man, guys. Get it right. It’s important.

    • Agree: Alden
    • Replies: @Notsofast
  82. Bookish1 says:

    Demographics are a national security issue everywhere

  83. Anynomous says:

    We need another Vietnam war, where american and british themselves would go to exterminate themselves in hundreds of thousands and not doing what they always do, forming coalitions and proxies to fight instead of them. The more american and british return back in bodybags from Vietnam war 2.0, the better for normal healthy nations. This is the only way to get rid of complete human waste.

    • Troll: Bro43rd
    • Replies: @annamarina
  84. Levtraro says:
    @Joe Levantine

    Hitter’s Final Solution was not to incinerate gassed Jews but to isolate them as you suggested, and his favorite choice was Madagascar island.

    Interesting posts by em and you. I’ve been to Madagascar on business. Largest producer of one of the things that are in all houses and bakeries, though unfortunately for them, in small quantities. Jews would not survive there. The real deal that time would’ve been that Spain gave the Canary Islands to the Jews and in reciprocity England returned Gibraltar to Spain. Hitler could’ve convinced Franco and then be respected in England as a great Austrian stateman, instead of having a war with England. Then Churchill and Hitler could’ve chosen a very short Jewish leader and pose with him for the cameras in Tenerife. Jewish children would be seen in the backgrouind smiling with an angelic expression of cunning and arrogance. The historic photo that never was.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  85. AlanG says:

    Second of all, when 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.

    While CNN has its cameras at the wall?

    If we don’t kill, we will cease to exist. The only thing that concerns me is how to ensure that the boys and men who are going to have to do the killing will be able to return home to their families and be normal human beings.

    from Arnon Sofer, Jerusalem Post interview in 2004 chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

  86. ThreeCranes says:

    I believe they will go back to their sclerotic Confucian State Feudal hierarchy thing.

    I am on record for having said that Jews too, left to themselves, would go back to a retrogressive religious, non-Western, authoritarian State-Theocracy type thing. And current events bear this out. The Rights enumerated in our Bill of Rights are utterly and completely foreign to Semitic consciousness. Jews have no use for e.g. Free Speech, as their attempts to pass laws curtailing critical thinking and expression bear witness. Same for the other nine.

  87. @Transhumanist

    Since the Jewish people are more evolutionarily fit,

    It’s not “evolutionarily”, it’s “PSYCHOPATHICALLY”. (not all Jew’s of course)

    “Superior” only in ruthlessness and criminality.

    It’s not enough being violently ruthless, but it’s the pathological lying, attempts at emotional blackmail and gaslighting that buttresses their actions.

    • Agree: annamarina
  88. Anynomous says:

    Why american do not give New York or Florida completely to jews? Why do american, british and elite jews always push victims of their wars to any other country but their own? Why do american, british and elite jews push their allies to live in any other western country, but not USA or UK? Still they deceptively and falsely constantly virtue signal to be the good ones, the moral ones, the educated ones etc.

    Lile Scott Ritter himself explained, american PRETEND to have values, but they do not really believe in them themselves, but they pretend and act to believe in them, so that they can do what they are constantly doing to everybody else because remember, they are so moral, oh so good, oh so cultured. You mean that degenerative shit that american and british are and their racially mixed sewer hole? Thats what you want to push to us, people much more intelligent, cultures much older and much more beautiful? You pretend that you know better than rest of the world and you have always pushed your degenerative shit and racial mixing with open borders to us? Its not jews doing all that. Look at your history and what you have always been.

  89. @Liborio Guaso

    And even knowing that, the UN handed over Palestine to begin the bloody colonization.

    The UN was created by the narcissistic “West”, and it is the focus point why the “Collective Waste” has to take responsibility for creating this piece of mind-numbing, violent hypocrisy.

  90. Wokechoke says:
    @muh muh

    American colonies? What’s Canada or the Caribbean? East Asia? And what language do Americans speak? French? Spanish? Washington and his brother were commission buyers too btw. What you do need are middle aged Sergeants.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  91. annamarina says:

    There was a reason why the highly educated and civilized Jews in Germany, France, Spain, and UK abhorred the ‘low-grade’ noisy and dirty dwellers of east European shettles. These shtettles have produced such refuse of humanity as Jabotinsky, the owners of Zvi Migdal (a criminal prostitution cartel), the genociders Lazar Kaganovich, Goloschyokin (Itsikovich), Bronstein (Trotsky), Zalkind (Zemlyachka), the inventor of gas chamber Berg, chief of KGB Yeguda (Yagoda), Gulag bosses Berman and Frankel, and other jewish mass murderers. In the US/Israel, the ‘low-grade’ jews are represented by the idiots of the warmongering Kagans’ clan, the psychopathic criminal Milejkowsky (bibi), and other Wolfowitzes, Kristols, and Gallants. The intellectual and moral impotence of these jews has defined the jewish tribe at large of today. They are the obnoxious, greedy, murderous, and supremacist scum parasitizing on the declining US.

    • Agree: Pfhil
    • Thanks: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Anynomous
    , @emerging majority
  92. Wokechoke says:

    It’s definitely Loki.

    The World Serpent and the Wolf and the other harbinger.

  93. Priss Factor says: • Website

    Cuck maggots deserve no respect.

  94. annamarina says:

    The “Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams” should have known that the jewish amorality has percolated back into the tribe.

    Here is a story of Zvi Migdal, the Jewish Prostitution Cartel:

    Towards the end of the 19th century, the very sound of the name America had a magical effect on the millions of Jews in Eastern Europe, and they could not care less whether it was northern or southern America. For them, “America” was not a spot on the map, but a dream, a desirable destination…

    For a huge of Jewish women, though, the American experience was quite different. Rather than a safe haven or a heaven of oranges, they found horror and humiliation. One of the most shocking disgraceful criminal affairs in modern Jewish history, took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Like in most affairs, it was all about the financial principal of supply and demand. Back then Argentina was becoming one of the most leading economies in the world and was even called “the world’s granary”, thanks to its successful striving agricultural industries. As a results, by the end of the 19th century, Argentina was full of immigrants, Jews included. In 1895 there were appr. 6,000 Jews living in Argentina, and less than two decades later, in 1914, there were already 117,000. The city of Buenos Aires grew in frantic rates, not only Jews were rushing in, but also many immigrants from all over the world. One interesting characteristic of the Jewish immigration to Bueno Aires was the odd ration between the genders: almost ten times more men than women.

    A group of corrupted Jews were more than willing demonstrate patriotism, and started to deliver the goods – literally. The growing demand for women led to the establishment of “Zvi Migdal” – a large powerful prostitution cartel established and owned by Jewish immigrants from Poland. Named after one of the founders, it was one of the largest networks in the South America, with branches and connections in Shanghai, Johannesburg, Rio de Janeiro and many other places. At the peak of their activity they had tens of thousands of women working for them, some 2,000 brothels and a state of the art organizational mechanism working efficiently according to cruel mafia codes. …

    The cartel had an original marketing tactic: every once in a while a polite Jewish gentleman used to come to the Jewish communities in Eastern Europe and spread ads calling “Jewish girls from good homes” offering either jobs at homes of rich Jews in Buenos Aires, or marriage. Feminism was still at its beginning back then, and the career opportunities of young women were scarce, they usually could expect to be no more mothers and housewives – therefore they were easily tempted to respond to the ads.

    While still on the ship to Argentina they were locked, beaten, raped and starved, which the Jewish pimps referred to as their “re-education”. The Ruffians called these trips “remonte”, a term from the cattle trade. Landing in Buenos Aires they were herded to a house where they had to undress and be inspected by pimps, who sold them in auctions as sex slaves.

  95. 24th Alabama says:
    @Commentator Mike

    The Muslims tolerated the Jews but never allowed them to
    govern or to engage in usury, realizing they were no good
    at one and too good at the other.

    • Thanks: Commentator Mike
    • Replies: @emerging majority
  96. Anynomous says:

    You can see idiot american and british doing this same over and over again. “Here, lets draw a border here and give Palestine to jews. Lets draw a border here and give Pakistan to muslim. Here, lets draw a border right here and give these pieces to these people.”.

    An american and british always sees himself in every way superior and better to others, as He always pushes his views and opinions to others, even nobody asked to hear. Ofcourse they try to poorly disguise their narcistic attitude.

    Then when everything gets fucked up, they use same explanation as the communists that THEY funded: It would work, if done properly. Next time it will work.

  97. Pfhil says:

    Sounds like your Tay-Sachs is flaring up chief. Or is that your shitty olive drab IDF uniform isn’t comfy to shitpost in?

  98. Priss Factor says: • Website

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  99. Sarita says:

    Demographics is a very important step of the greater Israel plan:
    The Jews brought back people from Ethiopia, India, Brooklyn, Rumania etc etc
    But because secular Jews (the majority) don’t like having too many children and Palestinians do, population is now fifty fifty.
    The jews have had success considering they were only 3% in 1910.
    Palestinians who were born outside of Palestine during the 1967 war can’t go back while Jews do (aliyah).

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  100. Curmudgeon says:

    Yes, the moneybags. The same ones driven out of the temple by that dissident from Nazareth.

  101. annamarina says:

    A song for American X-tian to sing during this Christmas next to synagogues in NYC, Boston, LA, SF, and other centers with the sizable jewish population.
    American jews have collected $1 billion for the “most moral” genociders in the Israeli army:

    Jesus is buried under rubble in Gaza
    And there ain’t no Christmas this year
    His bones all crushed in a genocide rush
    And there ain’t no Christmas this year

    He lies there with babies and toddlers
    Whose fathers fight brave for their home
    Grand-moms and uncles shopkeepers and plumbers
    Dreams crushed by a rain of our bombs

    Some may have to flee but they’ll sure keep their key
    To their home for a future return.
    No time to bury Mary, sweet 13 yr old -girl
    She’ll lie next to Christ under stone

    It’s a trail of tears going south for a haven
    Bodies (line) both sides of the road
    The blood and the smell will scar but give purpose
    It’s Nakba all over again

    No Christmastime in Palestine
    Just sorrow from river to sea
    No fast to break, for good Gods sake
    Just sorrow from river to sea

    Zionists are indeed skillful at sacrificing children of “others”…

  102. Blissex says:

    Gaza after WW2 had 80,000 people, now 2 million. In part they are more refugees, in part I guess the arab palestinian leaders have very ruthlessly encouraged very high birth rates, regardless of the poverty this causes, and the stunted lives of the resulting children, to use that as a demographic weapon (more martyrs and more votes) against the palestinian jews, in their dreams of taking power “from the sea to the river” away the leaders of the palestinian jews.

    • Thanks: meamjojo
  103. Anynomous says:

    Just take a look at american and british themselves. They are not any better sewer waste.

  104. ghali says:

    Once a missile hits Israel’s Dimona nuclear bunker and starts releasing radio active dust, all Jews will flee back to where they came from. In fact, it is already happening.

  105. Notsofast says:

    that is their secret, they are both and come from both directions. you call them nazis the become commies, you call them commies they become nazis while arguing they can’t be either because they are jewish. they are geopolitical shapeshifters and changelings, they have no actual political beliefs and morph into what ever group happens to be in power. their actual belief have nothing to do with just governance and are only about accessing the levers of power.

    did the germans call themselves nazis? do the chinese refer to themselves as commies? these are derogatory terms, hang them both on zionists until they stop declaring themselves proud zionists. how many declare themselves to be proud nazis nowadays? if they do get the hell away, as they are obvious glowies.

  106. muh muh says:

    C’mon, man.

    You know what I mean.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  107. @meamjojo

    “”Is there something wrong with racism? There are a lot of white nationalists on TUR who seem to think the answer is no.””

    The great evolutionary biologist william hamilton created the theory of kin selection 60 years ago to show that people are naturally racist. Mixing races always leads to trouble. Diversity cannot work.

    • Agree: Pfhil
    • Replies: @Anynomous
  108. Joe Paluka says:

    The undoing of Israel and the United States will be the Jewish obsession with הומוסקסואליות ו מין אנאלי

    • Replies: @annamarina
  109. annamarina says:
    @Joe Levantine

    “to make the teaching of the Talmud to the goyim an academic requirement ”
    — Great idea. The required studies of Talmud would inoculate the “others” against the antihuman attitude of jews to all non-jews (goyim).

    Also, the genocidal horrific Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was financed by Jewish bankers in Germany & US. The rabid hatred toward Russian civilization manifested in the sadistic murder of the Tsar’s family (organized by jews Yurovsky and Goloschyokin [born Shaya Itsikovich]), and the systematic elimination of the flower of the Russian society: poets, clergy, nobility, and officer corps.

    The zionists’ murder of the Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer (plus the murder of four children!) was not a fluke but a sign of a systematic jewish approach to “others.” In Russia, the revolutionaries killed a prominent Russian poet Gumilev and the progeny of the Russian poet Baratynsky. During the Great Purges on the 1930s, the assault on intelligentsia intensified; at that time, jews were not immune to prosecution, thus the great poet Mandelstam died in GULAG.

    The Goloschyokin Genocide of Kazakhs:–1933

    Jewish role in the murder of the Russian Tsar’s family: Yurovsky and Goloschyokin

    • Thanks: Joe Levantine
  110. @Blissex

    And the Jewish population in Palestine in 1882 was 24,000 and and now there’s over 7 million of them.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  111. Wokechoke says:

    The considerable coastal Palestinian population was swept into Gaza too. So there were 100,000s moved into it during the late 1940s. All those old Bronze Age cities like Ashkelon Ashdod Jaffa were emptied out of their Arab population. The population increase to over 1 million is hardly a shock. Also Kahn Younis is a separate city. Might have been 60,000 folks.

  112. Joe Paluka says:

    “America will turn on the Jews as surely as it turns on all it’s enemies.”

    The only problem is that the descendants of the founding/settler stock of the United States are either in Church shilling for Israel, watching negro ball, playing with themselves while watching porn, or in California/Colorado/Washington/Vermont engaging in a hundred different forms of pointless and narcisistic activities such as wine sniffing, watching cooking shows/soap operas, and smoking pot.

    • Replies: @Henry's Cat
  113. annamarina says:

    “a demographic weapon”
    — What about the great numbers of jews in Ukraine, despite the ‘shoah’ claims?

    The jewish adulation of Stepan Bandera and his followers:
    Nothing is closer to the jewish hearts of David Myers, Eliyana Adler, and Elissa Bemporad than followers of Stepan Bandera (a prominent Nazi collaborator) and jewish fuehrer Zelensky, under whose tutelage Stepan Bandera is celebrated as a Hero of Ukraine.

    Mazel Tov, David Myers, Eliyana Adler, and Elissa Bemporad, on your dedication to the Banderites’ cause!

    American and Israeli Jews are the most loyal supporters of Banderites. The jewish battle cry: Glory Nuland-Kagan, Zelensky, and Stepan Bandera!

    Also, “From the River to the Sea” is a zionists’ claim.

    a state in which the BASIC LAW (essentially its constitution) says it is illegal for anybody to stand for election to the legislature (Knesset) if they do not endorse the principle that Israel must do whatever it takes (and this has meant seven decades of violent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and denying them their Right of Return in defiance of International Law) to ensure that the great majority (David Ben-Gurion said it had to be at least 80%) of the population was always Jewish.

    Why don’t you focus your attentions on the supremacist and psychopathic behavior of the Jewish State?

  114. Wokechoke says:
    @muh muh

    One funny anecdote. A what if.

    George Washington almost joined the Royal Navy as an ensign at 12 years old.

    His Uncle blocked the move saying the navy would “work him like a negro, or worse yet like a dog”

    • Thanks: muh muh
    • Replies: @muh muh
  115. Wokechoke says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Same can be said for the US.

  116. Anynomous says:
    @Hang All Text Drivers

    But being british or american isnt about ethnicity or race. Its about being american and british to kill, rob, lie and rape others together.

  117. Anynomous says:

    One of the only ways to legally destroy american, british and israeli is to reproduce much faster than our enemy does. This is crucial in our holy war against evil that reproduces in its easy enviroments, where food drops to their mouths by itself and anything grows.

  118. Mr_Chow_Mein says:

    The war in Gaza is about who has to follow the “rules based order” and who doesn’t.

    Israel is giving a huge middle finger to the “rules based order” and how are they punished by the U.S tiger…”you want more bombs…yes sir at the double!”

    And all this is happening as the “free” press squawk “rules based order…bad Putin…Israel has a right to defend themselves!” What a bunch of sycophantic turds.

    What the people who follow rules get is the shaft…those who don’t follow rules get the cream!

  119. annamarina says:
    @Joe Paluka

    tamudic values in action:
    “IDF sniper kills two women inside Gaza church, Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem says:”

    An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) sniper shot and killed two women inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza on Saturday, according to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which oversees Catholic Churches across Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. The majority of Christian families inside Gaza have taken refuge inside the parish since the start of the war, the patriarchate said in a statement.

    The two women, described as a mother and daughter, were walking to the Sister’s Convent, the patriarchate said. “One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety,” it added. Seven others were also shot and wounded in the attack.

    “No warning was given, no notification was provided,” the statement continued. “They were shot in cold blood inside the premises of the parish, where there are no belligerents.”

    The patriarchate said that IDF tanks had also targeted the Convent of the Sisters of Mother Theresa, which houses 54 disabled people and is part of the church’s compound. The building’s generator, its only current source of electricity, as well as its fuel resources, solar panels and water tanks were also destroyed. IDF rockets had made the convent “uninhabitable,” the statement said. (…)

    Don’t forget that the American jews have collected $1 billion for the IDF to do the ongoing genocide of Palestinians. Nothing makes pro-Israel jews happier than the mass-murder of children and women in Palestine.

    • Agree: Anonymiss
  120. annamarina says:

    More talmudic values in action:

    The Israelis fired the missile that injured [journalist] Wael al-Dahdouh and cameraman Samer Abu Daqqa after they were dispatched to the Farhana school amidst calls for rescue from injured and besieged Palestinians trapped there.

    While al-Dahdouh managed to reach paramedics on foot, Abu Daqqa’s injuries prevented him from doing so. Israel obstructed ambulances from reaching him as he lay on the ground for hours bleeding to death. … Israel killed Dahdouh’s wife, son, daughter and grandson in Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, on 25 October. It’s bad enough that people are being killed by Israeli but dying after deliberately imposed suffering crosses every limit.

    Let’s compare this jewish sadism to the facts of WWII. Anna Frank was treated by Germans in a camp hospital during a typhus epidemics, whatever her fraudster father Otto Frank was inventing in his fake and profitable “diaries.” Zionists are much, much worse than the maligned German fascists. Germans had a code of honor. The zionist genociders (who never stop from whining about their “victimhood” and claiming to be the “most moral”) have never had any moral fiber, but only the stupid supremacist arrogance and deeply indoctrinated hatred toward all “others” (goyim).

    • Agree: 24th Alabama, John Wear
    • Replies: @Anynomous
  121. Anynomous says:

    To all the american and british reading, holding a gun on our heads to make us do what you want doesnt make us respect or loyal to you. At the second you turn your backs even for a second, we will start legal resistance.

    Right now american and british have secured their dominance of evil with their own money machine, by threatening to kill, committing terrorism to civilian, threatening to destroy our economies, by bribing and by blackmailing puppets with raped children. These are american and british, as well as swedish.

    The children of parents that you terrorized, enslaved, robbed and killed will come at you in legal ways. They will not forget you criminals, terrorists, thieves and parasites.

  122. cousin lucky says: • Website

    Our Uncle Stupid government is sending yet another warship armada to the Red Sea to confront Yemen for Israel!

    War torn little Yemen being the only Muslin country doing anything besides yakking about the Gaza Genocide.

    Yet another ” Pandora’s Box opens with many possible unintended consequences including World War III!

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  123. Anynomous says:

    First british, american and israeli bomb and terrorize palestinian 24/7 for decades and decades in their open air-prison and shoot children, women, elderly and men to their kneecaps, so that they couldnt resist in the future. Then they point out that look at how violent and unstable these palestinian are. They are so dangerous people. American, british and israeli are protectors of freedom, democracy, beacons of hope etc. We are the good guys and victims, palestinian are terrorists and bad guys.

    American and british terrorists and war criminals will never be forgotten.

  124. Anonymousrgc says:

    Israel controls the USA. GOP leaders in Nassau County NY just choose Mazi Pilip , a paratrooper in the IDF, Ethiopian Jew and registered Democrat as their candidate to replace George Santos who was removed from congress by the ZOG Uniparty. Everyday the ZOG US government get worse.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  125. Wokechoke says:
    @cousin lucky

    Gotterdamerrung in the Red Sea.

  126. Anynomous says:

    Our enemy does not allow even own independent food production and not just in Palestine, but everywhere else as well. Our american, british and israeli enemy is preventing independent food production from everybody in their empire of evil. Simply not allowed and they cant compete with production of others, so they do everything to stop competition and trade other than their own or one that goes through their hands. Closely related swedish parasites did exactly same to finnish and starved them to death by monopolizing all economy only through their hands and taxed finnish to death. This isnt anything new from our enemy. Its the only way our parasitic enemy can survive.

  127. Henry's Cat says:
    @Joe Paluka

    What would you have them do?

    • Replies: @Joe Paluka
  128. Agent76 says:

    Dec 13, 2023 The Worst Day in Gaza

    Dec 8, 2023 US vetos UN resolution for cease-fire in Gaza

    The United States has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  129. meamjojo says:

    BA BOOM! It’s finally out in the open – Palestinians will never get their own state. Not from the river to the sea, not from anywhere to anywhere, says Israeli Ambassador to the UK.

    I wonder why this pronouncement hasn’t received any MSM coverage?
    ‘How Can There Be Peace?’: Anchor Stunned As Israeli Ambassador ‘Absolutely’ Rejects Two-State Solution
    By David Gilmour
    December 14, 2023

    In a heated interview with Sky News journalist Mark Austin, Israeli ambassador Tzipi Hotovely dismissed a two-state solution to the ongoing Israeli-Palestine conflict, telling the reporter that the idea of a Palestinian state alongside Israel is off the table.

    The Hamas attack that occurred in October, Hototvely asserted, had completely changed the acceptability of previously negotiated peace frameworks. She said Israel had new ideas about what it required for its future security.

    When pressed on whether a new paradigm would include a Palestinian state, Hotovely’s response was unequivocal: “Absolutely no.”

    “Is there still a chance for a two-state solution?” Austin asked.

    “I think it’s about time for the world to realise the Oslo paradigm that failed on the 7th of October,” Hotovely said, referencing the Oslo Accords, a series of agreements made in the 1990s aimed at achieving peace in the Middle East.

  130. Anynomous says:

    Can you tell the audience about how after the war american and british rounded up hundreds of thousands of german prisoners of war to literal death camps, where they intentionally starved german prisoners to death without access to food and clean water? USA commented that “We are not killing german fast enough.”.

    Can you tell them about all the terrorist attacks against purely civilian targets and infrastructure, to crush their opponent by causing them so much terror and devastation that they would be put to their knees? And american and british are openly proud of these terror operations, drug trading, pedophilia and other blackmailing operations. Think for a second how sick american and british need to be to do this and be proud and ok with this. How many nations do you think are ok doing this? Dont blame jews for everything, when its sick genetics of american and british that is causing this.

    American, british and israeli arent really any different from each other. To them the question is, who gets to be in control and power and using any means necessary to get to power and control. That is why they have always, all their history, been very old allies. When did ancestors of british, american and swedish start to sell white people as slaves to the slave markets of Kiev, ran by some elite jews? Around 700-800?

  131. Wokechoke says:

    How is that guy even a citizen?

  132. meamjojo says:

    Hey Webster’s – Pay attention! We have a new verb for 2023 – “genociding”. [lol]

  133. Wokechoke says:

    It’s a long term battle

  134. Art says:

    Not as much as Arabs vs the Jews, but Zionism vs the world. The Zionists will purge “you”or anyone else in their way.

    Why are Jews hated- what is the reason?

    Hmm — killing every Palestinian who has any connection to Hamas is evil. It is anti human – period. Rational people just know that.

    With every day, the charge of “antisemitism” is losing its steam. Every flippant accusation of antisemitism loses the goodwill of that person and their friends and family, to long term “Jew hatred.”

    Fifty percent of American’s young folks say Israel should cease to exist.

    God bless them!

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  135. Rick P says:

    Well yeah…these young people aren’t always consistent, but their hatred of Jews and Israel is mostly because of their status as colonists and white oppressors. They’ve been taught whites are the problem, and Israel is the “whites” of the Middle East conflict.

    To any right-of-center whites rooting for Hamas, your allies are people who hate you for being white.

  136. Kal Zakath says:
    @Nico X

    Wothless white trollops ….

    Why don’t more white women join nationalism.
    LOL. 😆

  137. Kal Zakath says:


    The Chinese believe the same mental disorder – the economy, the economy, the economy, the oh so precious economy….

    They won’t go anywhere and will collapse.

    • Replies: @Art
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  138. mike99588 says:

    The US Army Air Corp in WWII over Europe would be a similar profile of sgts and young officers. You got your sgt paycheck for riding any position in the B17 not already an officer. Three officers in a crew of 10.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  139. @Priss Factor

    The problem for Greensplatt is that there is NO one ‘Jewish team’. There is a team of racist, sadistic, arrogant, genocidal Jews, and THAT is Greasesplatt’s team. It is closely allied with the Exceptional, Anglosphere and Western racist, sadistic, arrogant, genocidal teams.

  140. muh muh says:

    Did you see the other vids I posted, the ones unfolded by the [MORE] tag?

  141. @brostoevsky

    Capitalism destroyed humanity. The ethos of Free Market capitalism is that profit is ALL, and everything else, particularly the natural world from which we arose and upon which we are totally dependent, is a mere ‘externality’ ie a nullity, to be ignored. As the people of Far North Queensland are discovering, anthropogenic climate destabilisation is no ‘hoax’, a lie promulgated by the capitalists and peddled by evil dullards.

    • Agree: BlackFlag
  142. Anynomous says:

    British and american, as well as swedish have always viewed themselves as superior to others in every possible way and they view that civilization and cultures comes only from them. They usually try to hide this, but you can also see it from their actions in history and now, from their narcism and attitude towards others.

  143. Alden says:

    The Soviet Union favored the creation of Israel because the Zionists were communist Russians and Poles from Russian Poland. The first Jewish settlers back in the 1870s were communists who created collective farms with barracks style living. This continued for the next 90 years.

  144. Alden says:

    I have the Lilienthal book. It’s truly excellent. And exposes so many early Zionist lies.

  145. ThreeCranes says:
    @Joe Levantine

    Africa would be the perfect match for the Jews. Jews and blacks fit hand in glove. They are made for each other.

    1) Both loathe White European civilization.

    2) Both are obsessed with bestial sex.

    3) Both desecrate our fine Art and Architecture.

    4) Neither wants to spend their lives engaged in physical labor.

    5) Neither have any interest in or respect for fundamental Human Rights.

    6) Whereas blacks believe in a primitive Animism, Jews believe that primordial random chance (which just happens to be able to organize itself in ever increasing levels of sophistication) rules the Universe. These are closer than would at first appear.

    7) Both are blind to their stupidity, believing that they are too smart to benefit from negative feedback given by other human beings.

    8) Both are quite musical.

    9) Both are adept at playing solely for their own gain and are willing to break every rule while hiding their true motives behind seeming acquiescence with the good will and intentions of those around them.

    The Jews should part ways with the Mid-East and decamp to Africa. Abundant resources, exploitable population, the riches are there for the plucking. What’s to stop them? They could buy half the continent before the Africans knew what hit them.

    • Troll: mulga mumblebrain
    • Replies: @Anynomous
    , @ThreeCranes
  146. Priss Factor says: • Website

    From checks and balances to Blank Checks for Zion.

    Name the JQ and it becomes even more obvious.

  147. Anynomous says:

    American and british soldiers arent any better than israeli, but heres the only democracy and beacon of hope desecrating and mocking palestinian homes and palestinian.

  148. Art says:
    @Kal Zakath

    The Chinese believe the same mental disorder – the economy, the economy, the economy, the oh so precious economy…

    The Chinese are just like the Jews – both love money – and have a historical giant chip on their shoulders.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  149. anonymous[715] • Disclaimer says:
    @Nico X

    NOw it makes all sense why IDF targets so many innocent children…The part that is so difficult ot undesrtand is that Eventhought Zio Israel do not hide the fact that they want to steal more LAND/s depredating JORDAN/Lebanon/Syria/Egypt. Israel has laready approved more Building permits for jewish immigrats from Ucraine/Russia etc….the same countries that are collaborating with Israel genocide of Gaza/WestBnak/?? dont they know they are signing their deathh sentence..?? secret pacts/promises/$$$$ ???

  150. muh muh says:

  151. More precisely, population displacement. Ashurbanipal would be confused by the efforts to moralize the tragic movement of populations for obvious racial and military purposes, but he didn’t have to deal with the nuisance of criticism through advanced media methods. He instead could leave stone tablets as a testament to his rationale to keep enemy populations impotent by uprooting them and moving them to remote geographic areas where they could not reorganize and attack his army. Were he able to do so, he may have admired Joe Djugashvili for his mass displacement policies that included propaganda and information blackouts, certainly a man aware of the tools of his time, but likely would have despised it as weakness and not an element of proud conquest. Though, one may conclude that Ashurbanipal was more humane than Stalin, and the Israelis of today, because he saw reason to leave them mostly alive to produce weapons, foods, and other economic benefits.

  152. Wokechoke says:

    That’s a good point. Bomber crews were all incredibly young given the firepower they wielded.

  153. Anynomous says:

    7) British and american arent any better when it comes to IQ. IQ of a basic american soldier is around 83-85, minimum that they have found to be somewhat fit. Thats why american and british have a McDonald’s model with their armies: One soldier does only one task, for example being just a machinegunner, so that IQ of one invidual american or british soldier can be extremely low and they can still pull trigger of a gun.

  154. Skeptikal says:
    @Liborio Guaso

    “And even knowing that, the UN handed over Palestine to begin the bloody colonization. And the fact of knowing that the entire Palestinian population would be murdered implies that the UN was already engaged in a criminal enterprise as soon as it began.”

    Very succinctly put.

    Really, the whole UN has a lot to atone for, and should be made to do so.

    I suggest that a consortium of Global South bring a resolution to the General Assembly according to which the UN must acknowledge the crime it committed against the Palestinians in 1947 with its patently discriminatory partition plan.

    The resolution could note that the number of member states that passed that plan were virtually all of the Global North, and constitute a minority of current UN members. The resolution has no validity and must be struck from the books, so to speak.

    It must be replaced with the new resolution, which should be worded in such a way as to make clear that the new resolution replaces the 1947 one. The enormous injustice done in the 1947 resotion to Palestinians must be officially declared.

    The remedy is to officially recognize Palestinians’ right to all the lands they owned as of the date of the Balfour Declaration.

    Israelis must vacate these properties.

    The resolution must also clarify that the UN must past this resolution in order to claim continued legitimacy and validity as an international organization operating on democratic principles, since the Gaza catastrophe has shown it to be fatally tied to the whims of US and UK diktats.

    Failure to pass the resolution will be a signal for the Global South to initiate a process whereby the UN is replaced by a truly representative body for international conflict resolution. One that will, in addition to a competent diplomatic cadre, also develop its own military units and intelligence apparatus.

    • Replies: @Looger
    , @meamjojo
  155. Priss Factor says: • Website

    In Palestine, the caravan is Gazans being herded and driven out so that Jews can take over.

    In the US, the caravan is the world being steered across the SW border so that whites will be replaced.

    In Gaza, the native caravan is driven out.

    In the US, the alien caravan is driven in.

    If this keeps up, homelessness will be a perfect metaphor for White America. Even whites with properties will be homeless in the sense that they longer have a nation or homeland to call their own.

    Jews make sure that Israel is their homeland but also make sure that whites in US, Canada, Australia, and EU are rendered homeless in the metaphorical sense. Even if you’re a white Briton and have a nice house in the UK, you no longer have a homeland, which is filling up with foreigners and invaders. You are essentially homeless at the national level…. just like the Palestinians.

    But whites still cuck to Jews who do this to Palestinians.
    Now, if whites encourage Jews to dehumanize one bunch of goyim(the Palestinians), who’s to say Jews won’t dehumanize another bunch of goyim(whites), which is what they’ve been doing, by the way?

    It’s like indulging a criminal to rob someone in the foolish idea that the criminal will appreciate you and spare you. But if you encourage a criminal to rob someone, why wouldn’t he eventually turn around and rob you as well?

    Whites never figured this out? What a bunch of whummies.

    This is why the White Right hope is not only immoral but stupid.
    “If we support the Jewish dehumanization of Palestinians, maybe Jews will treat us as humans.”

    WRONG! Indulged in their arrogance and hatred, Jews will just dehumanize the whites as well. And why should whites complain? Didn’t they totally support the Jewish dehumanization of Palestinians?

    Do whites think they will passed-over and spared IF they aid in the Jewish inhumanity toward another group? No, Jews only sense weakness and hypocrisy on the part of whites.

    • Replies: @Anynomous
  156. Mr_Chow_Mein says:

    Its not about demographics…its always about who is boss, do the Arabs have the balls to control their own destiny and resources or are they going to allow a small clique of European descended psychopaths to waltz in whenever they like , kill your people, overthrown governments and put aircraft carriers off your coast to make sure the oil and other “goodies” keep rolling to the “right” people.

    The Houthis have elicited a response by the American dogs to move the Eisenhower to the Gulf of Oman to strike Yemen.

    To strike Yemen? It looks like a strike on Iran they’re preparing…imagine if Russia or China parked a carrier in the Gulf of Mexico?

    I say sink the thing and draw all Arabs into a war against the U.S dogs.

  157. Looger says:

    Really, the whole UN has a lot to atone for, and should be made to do so.

    This is the incorrect perspective and this kind of thinking will hold back or possibly destroy civilization.

    You need to seriously think this through.

    It all SOUNDS nice doesn’t it? World leaders, getting together in one room to hash out all our problems? It’s the nicest parts of science fiction. A kind of FICTION!

    It SOUNDS utopian because it is. People think of the POSSIBILITY of how peaceful that idea is, without contemplating the type of fucking scoundrel who is going to show up 15 minutes before well-meaning people and subvert it forever.

    Aldous Huxley? His brother Julian starts the WHO through the UN. And now look at it pan out to the covid disaster. Why does it appear to be anti-human and pro-death? Because it was started by Julian Fucking Huxley!

    WE have a lot to atone for, and the first item on that list:

    1) Believing in the UN in the first place.

    It is entirely a fiction of the LEGACY media and our education systems that anyone looks to them at all. When viewed skeptically against the gigantic amount of independent media reports from locals about child slavery, war profiteering (including Kofi Annan’s son in the Iraq oil-for-food scam resembling ww1 and ‘food for Belgium’ [Germany]), human experimentation, pharma testing etc. it’s quite a complement to that brainwashing we all receive at school that ANYONE TRUSTS THE UN.

    I’m not an Elon-fan BUT it was interesting to observe local reactions to what he’s said about the UN. People here were shocked – I guess North Americans don’t know that Africa has its own newspapers and television? Like Africans don’t notice what’s going on with the UN just because WE DON’T??? Talk to some Africans about this!

    I don’t think civilization can progress from this point until we dump the organization, as well as the broken utopian commie garbage idea that fucking spawned it.

    Covid has proven that to me. It all must go. And the people we leave behind will die in multi-culti murder pits, in most cases in the very cities that you at home are reading this in.

  158. Xavier says:

    Exodus 1:8

    “Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.”

    Exodus 1:9

    “And he said to his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:”

    Exodus 1:10

    “Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falls out any war, they join also to our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.”

    Read from the Egyptian point of view, Pharaoh comes across as a genuine patriot.

  159. Joe Paluka says:
    @Henry's Cat

    If they’d only masterbate more and with more vigor, the whole system would eventually collapse.

  160. Anynomous says:
    @Priss Factor

    American and british arent white. They are very similar to jews themselves. In fact they are often closely related to jews through marriages as well. They think like jews.

    • Replies: @MarkU
  161. Anon[345] • Disclaimer says:

    You seemed to be confusing Zionist-controlled governments with their populations, a low-IQ mistake. I never transferred a weapon or dropped a bomb, and my vote was never called for on these actions.

  162. meamjojo says:

    “Fifty percent of American’s young folks say Israel should cease to exist.”

    You don’t understand how polling works Art. They question a small number of people, often with leading, loaded questions and then [supposedly] statistically predict what a whole population would think. Many times, polls are far off the mark.

    Believe me, your quoted statement above is nowhere near being accurate. But go ahead and believe in it for a few months if it makes you feel good, until you recognize that nothing is going to come of it and business continues as usual.

    • Replies: @muh muh
  163. meamjojo says:

    We used to have a Chinese Jewish deli in my area. It was really good with authentic Jewish foods!

  164. Sarita says:

    This is very very strange, and I say strange because it’s CNN reporting it

    The IDF shot two christian women (a mother and a daughter) as they entered a Catholic church in Gaza, they injured eight others “One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety”!
    But the most strange thing is that the pope said:
    “Some are saying, ‘This is terrorism and war.’ Yes, it is war, it is terrorism.”

    Oh Boy will he get in trouble?

  165. meamjojo says:

    “The remedy is to officially recognize Palestinians’ right to all the lands they owned as of the date of the Balfour Declaration.

    Israelis must vacate these properties.”

    There are two chances of what you write happening – ZERO & NONE.

    Perhaps you could write a manifesto of some kind? Publish it on your website? This will make you feel like you contributed something.

    • Replies: @Sarita
    , @annamarina
    , @annamarina
  166. @Wokechoke

    “What is this the 19th century with British 23 year olds buying commissions?”

    Well that empire did just fine.

    Er, pre-machineguns.

    Watch some WWI movies and see what happens to “officers-in-front” classic charges.

    Israel is losing. It will soon be no more. It has forfeited its Holocaust Card. The world has seen its bloody true-self.

    The one-state solution is the only one left.

    I wouldn’t want to be a Jew hereafter. Especially in a world filled with Muslim refugees from Jew-provoked wars. Muslims will rightfully seek revenge on the Tribe that let their Islamophobic Jew State slaughter for 75 years…Jews who still demand shekels for what Germany did for just 3.5 years.

    Jews were given money, a state, endless sympathy, patience, etc. And still they chose to screw-the-pooch.


    • Agree: Skeptikal
  167. Sarita says:

    “It was really good with authentic Jewish foods!”

    Is it true you Jews stole hummus and falafel from Palestinians?
    I mean I used to love that stuff until “Israel” made them “national foods”.
    Then I quit liking them.
    You stole that too?

    You even stole German names, before uncle Adolf kicked your asses out,
    what’s your last name Hoffman or something?
    What’s next?

  168. ThreeCranes says:

    What if Jews gave up on Israel? Just as with Hitler’s seizing Poland, the problem with Zionists having selected Palestine as their new home is that both Poland and Palestine were already accepted as members of the international community of nations. Hence the international furor at ethnic cleansing.

    But Africa? Just as was the case with the American pioneers in clearing and settling the West, as long as the victims were stone-age people living in remote places, the world didn’t much care what happened.

    With their money, Jews could buy up the choicest chunks of Africa, move in and reshape the native population in any way they please and no one in the world would utter a peep. Most would welcome the change.

    And Jews would have access to a vast continent’s resources. Who would care if they carved off a piece of one hundred thousand square miles? Or more? If they didn’t want to farm or mine or run factories, they could import a skilled managerial class to do that for them. Plantation living at its finest.

    In exchange for co-operation with EuroWhites in South Africa, Jews would give Whites a free hand to deal with the problems that have arisen there since the end of Apartheid.

    Of course, Jews would abandon their attempt to dominate all of Palestine but would retain the right to own property there and the right of pilgrimage to their holy sites, which with the others would be designated international sanctuaries open to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.

    Sometimes its better to just throw in the towel and start afresh.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  169. @Joe Levantine

    “Mass formation psychosis ” amongst the mass of Jewish people…astute analysis and unfortunately quite true in terms of its destructive tendencies and power. The driving element more than any other factor, is existential fear. In part this fear syndrome is due to the Talmudist metastasization of the “Chosen People” schtick. Exclusivism engenders paranoia of “the other”…in other words projection on a societally cultural scale.

    As the Jewish brain surgeon and polymath, Leonard Shlain, remarked in one of his books, the Bris is the foundation of Judaic exclusivism. He did have some insider insights of this “branding” of an innocent infant during the most vulnerable state of his awakening consciousness.

    The solution to that conundrum appears to be quite obvious and visually evident. If Judaics were to postpone the Bris to coincide with the Bar Mitzvah; the individual involved will have arrived at the second or third stage of conscious development and in most instances would be capable of independent judgement as whether or not to adhere to the central customs and rituals of Judaism.

    The principle of informed consent could potentially cure the curse of Judaic exclusivism and paranoid relationships towards non Jews.

    • Agree: Joe Levantine
  170. @annamarina

    Stephen Birmingham in his book about the earlier Jewish migrants to America, mostly coming from Germany the 1840’s and ’50’s, described by some of their leading lights during the time when masses erupted out of those Shtetls, referred to that tribe of Khazarians as “Yids” and “KIKES”. So it was the more civilized types of Jews who originated those two descriptive terms.

    Though individual exceptions to the moral rot characteristic of Khazarian fake Jews, in the mass they have appeared to have psychologically devolved.

  171. @24th Alabama

    One reason why “certain” academics tended to denigrate the Byzantine Empire was that their policy was to not allow Jews into banking, education and government. That combo is pretty good for a starter.

    Currently, in the corrupted West, the scene is one huge free for all, particularly for conniving shysters of all descriptions…and in those categories, as Orwell pointed out in “Animal Farm” some (the pigs) are more equal than others”.

    • Agree: 24th Alabama
  172. @Kal Zakath

    Vicious, moronic, racist Sinophobia. Pig ignorant, too. It’s all the rage in the dying West.

  173. muh muh says:

    You don’t understand how polling works Art. They question a small number of people, often with leading, loaded questions and then [supposedly] statistically predict what a whole population would think. Many times, polls are far off the mark.


    There is some truth in what you say.

    Take, for example, the poll from which Art derives his stat. It was conducted by Mark Penn, a proven Zionist who framed the following question (and awkwardly at that), “Do you support more Israel or more Hamas?”

    Not the Palestinian people, no…Hamas. It’s a poll of questions loaded in Israel’s favor, so your statement is proven generally true.

    The exception, ironically, is in the 18-24 age bracket, many of whom were bright enough to see through the loaded questions and answer in such a way as to elicit the following concern from the usual suspects. To wit:

    Poll: Most young Americans think Israel should be ‘ended and given to Hamas’

    Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’

    Half of Young Americans Say Israel Should Be ‘Ended and Given to Hamas’: Poll

    Believe me, your quoted statement above is nowhere near being accurate.

    If most Zionists didn’t think it were accurate, they wouldn’t be publishing one column after another bemoaning the state of youth after these kind of polls are taken.

    Face it. You’re getting trolled by zoomers. They’ve ditched the legacy media for online news platforms and aggregators. Whatever you may think of this, it’s an unstoppable trend about to become normative custom.

    Good luck with that. You’re gonna need it.

    • Agree: Anonymiss
    • Replies: @Anonymiss
  174. Che Guava says:

    You so clevuh, Me am Joe Joe.

    As if you really think that Biden is in charge, and that Blinken isn’t on the same side as Benyamin Mileikowsky.

  175. MarkU says:

    I rather resent that comparison, GFY.

    • Replies: @Che Guava
  176. @Anynomous

    “ These primitive and savage animals understand only legal force, nothing else.”

    I would rather think that savage people do not defer to law but to brute force. But then we should distinguish between the American establishment, which is a extension of the British establishment, and the American people who would rather disengage from the whole imperialist pursuit.

  177. @Levtraro

    That could have been, but I have doubts as Hitler tried desperately to keep out of any confrontation on the Western front only to be rebuffed by the British establishment which was under the thumb of very powerful Talmudists who saw in confrontation with Germany a way to deter any nation from emulating the success of Germany at keeping the financiers subdued to the interest of industry and the greater well being of the nation.

    • Agree: annamarina
  178. @ThreeCranes

    European colonization of Africa favored the interests of the Jewish oligarchy in the West first and foremost. Think the Boer War and De Beers. So did the colonization of China after the opium wars. Think the Sassoon opium interests.

    The late Jordan Maxwell stated on Rense Radio that the Zionists considered 17 locations around the world before they finally settled for Palestine. In the 1897 first Zionist congress in Basil, Douglas Reed recounts in his book “ The Controversy of Zion” that more than 300 delegates chose Africa but were blocked by two hundred delegates of the hard core type who staged a sit in until they twisted the hands of the full congress.

    Ultimately it was a Rothschilds’s decision. So why did they chose Palestine? Simply because of the potential of the elixir of life in the Middle East called petroleum. Plus the greater Israel plan would put the Zionists in control of the meeting point of Europe, Asia and Africa along with a crucial waterway which is the Suez Canal. For the cabal, Palestine was potentially so lucrative that the temptation was irresistible.

    • Agree: Notsofast
    • Thanks: annamarina, ThreeCranes
  179. @Joe Levantine

    Baron Edmund de Rottenchild, then their honcho in France, instituted the initial infiltration of European Jews who in most instances (Khazarian Ashkenazim) who had little or no DNA from the ancient Hebrews.

    He paid Ottoman poobahs for the land and even funded those first “settlements”. Apparently, his program was double-edged…his vision of the “return” of Zionism along with protecting the Crime Clan’s latest major investment…creation of the Suez Canal.

    • Thanks: Joe Levantine
  180. annamarina says:

    Your morally and intellectually feeble state of Israel is a poorly made clay figurine pretending on a statehood. Without wealthy (and traitorous) jewish diaspora and the US resources, Israel will perish in in the course of months, similar to the Nazified Ukraine, where Straussians (neo-talmudists) have brought fascism, deaths, and ruin.

    Israel was created as a haven for all kinds of jewish criminals. Neither Haredim (firmly on a welfare) nor soviet emigres (coming to Israel to get international passports) are eager to die for the theocratic supremacist entity. Israelis are fleeing from the abnormal, psychopathic, and hysterical jewish state.

    Your greatest jewish dishonest tool against the decent people — the tribe’s squealing about the alleged “special jewish victimhood” and “jewish superior morality “– was broken by the mass murder of the Palestinian babies, toddlers, teens, and their mothers.

    • Agree: Anonymiss
  181. annamarina says:

    The ongoing ethnic cleansing in Palestine produced a new word, “genociding,” which jews will not be able to either disassociate from the tribe or remove from the popular vocabulary. By celebrating genocide during the psychopathic purim, the tribe reminds the “others” about the genocide of Armenians by Turkish Dönmeh Jews, and about the genocide of Russians, Ukrainians, and Kazakhs by jewish Bolsheviks who came to power in Russia thanks to the financial support from the jewish bankers in Germany and US.

    The Armenian Genocide:

    The Young Turks were the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide
    The “Young Turks” belonged to Dönmeh descent Jews.

    A small secretive Jewish sect of Dönmeh Jews has been highly influential in Turkish history since the Ottoman era. Originally claiming to follow the Jewish Messiah, they nominally converted to Islam but kept Jewish traditions in secret. … The Young Turks were of at Dönmeh descent. They infiltrated the Ottoman government and reached positions of power and influence from which they embarked on a westernization program. … Sabbatean Young Turks were instrumental in bringing German military advisors to rule the Ottoman troops. A young officer Mustafa Kemal.. was a secondary figure to the “Three Pashas” (leaders of Young Turks) who became famous for the Armenian Genocide. … That was the greatest atrocity that took place against civilians during World War I, when an estimated 1,500,000 Armenians, more than half of the Armenian population living on its historic homeland, were destroyed on the orders of the Turkish leaders [Young Turks] of the Ottoman Empire. The vast murders were carried out through execution, death marches, drowning, burning and other means.

    The Goloschyokin Genocide of Kazakhs:

    a famine during which an estimated 38 to 42 percent of all Kazakhs died… Historian Manash Kozybayev concluded that the famine was “a manifestation of the politics of genocide.”

    Filipp Goloshchyokin (born Shaya Itsikovich, jew) is best known as one of the primary perpetrators of the killing of the Tsar’s family, as well as for the deadly role which he played in the Kazakh Famine [Goloshchyokin Genocide]. From 1925 to 1933, he ran the Kazakh ASSR with virtually no outside interference as a local dictator.

    A historian Burtsev, who knew Goloshchyokin, characterized him as such:
    “This is a man who does not stop the blood. This trait is especially noticeable in his nature: the executioner, cruel, with some elements of degeneration. In party life he was arrogant, was a demagogue, a cynic. He did not count the Kazakhs as people at all.”

    Sounds like a description of a typical zionist who does not count the Palestinians as people at all.
    An estimated 38 to 42 percent of all Kazakhs died due Goloschyokin’s policies!

    Jews can’t stop their genocidal zeal on their own. They must be stopped and controlled by the constant reminder of their horrific genocidal acts against non-jews. Thus, Fink (CEO of the fascist BlackRock) and Bourla (CEO of the clot-shot producer Pfizer) are veritable enemies of humanity and should be called as such. Americans are finally waking up to the parasitic Lobby and the infestation of US government by the malicious and genocidal zionist scum collaborating with the dishonorable MIC.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  182. Priss Factor says: • Website

    The moral of the story for Israel ought to be that get rid off of Arabs as soon as possible before they overrun their land.

    Yeah, or vice versa. Arabs should have gotten rid of Jews.

    • Thanks: anonymouseperson
  183. ghali says:

    This is a worthwhile article from The Cradle.
    Over 25,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza, hundreds missing: EuroMed, A Geneva-based Human Rights monitor.

  184. @JWalters

    Thanks, but who gives a damn what any book of “the” bible says? Anything in “the” bible or “the” quran or any other purportedly holy book has value only to the extent that it comports with reason, practicality, and our notions of justice and decency.

    It was fabricated by mortal, fallible, sinful men — and “the old testament” is some of the most vicious, self-serving, self-worshipping, tribal bullshit to be found in any “holy book.”

    Let’s please take your accurate statement that Deuteronomy is not reliable history, and expand it to the whole bible.

    • Thanks: JWalters
  185. BananaKilt says:

    So, how much has been paid to Russia, China, Iran and the Arabs to throw the Palestinians under the bus?

    It isn’t just the “West”.

    Time is running out for Gazans, and we’ll all be glad once they are pacified.

    With enough drugs and therapy, we’ll even be able to forget for a bit that we are all now disposable.

    Perhaps an air drop of a few million suicide capsules to speed them along, or just an acute lethal dose of fire, shock and radiation. Let’s send them the full humanitarian package.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  186. @Robertson

    The dead ranting Jew also said things like “when I return, i’ll have everyone brought to me who does not want me to reign over them, and have them murdered in front of me.” Check out the “gospel” of luke, I think 19:27. Any translation.

    Despite the kind and beautiful things he said when (according to the bible itself) not spouting absurdities, cursing trees to wither for not bearing fruit out of season, chastising a man who wanted to bury his father before joining the disciples on the road, calling a distraught foreign lady with a sick child a “dog” because she was not a Jew, and vowing to murder people, Jesus was and is no moral authority on anything.

    He was inconsistent and hypocritical and unkind like all of us are at times, except that hopefully none of us has ever threatened to murder all resisters to our personal power over them.

  187. @JWalters

    THANK YOU. And it’s closer to 100%.


    • Agree: JWalters
  188. TG says:

    As the saying goes, the Palestinians have been making war by making love.

  189. @BananaKilt

    If “we are all now disposable” as you write, how bout Talmudists first?

  190. ThreeCranes says:
    @Joe Levantine

    And, seriously, how have or rather, who now benefits, profits, from South Africa’s gold and diamond resources?

  191. @annamarina

    It puts one in mind of the Kitos War in the second century CE, where Jews murdered hundreds of thousands in Cyrene (Cyrenaica) Egypt and Cyprus. As a result they were barred from setting foot in Cyprus for centuries. And the Romans fucked them over, as well. Judaism DEFINITELY causes some Jews, from time to time, to go into a frenzy of slaughter, as now. When it came to the doenmeh Young Turks, don’t forget the slaughter of Assyrians and Pontic Greeks as well. Does anyone know WHY they did it?

  192. Che Guava says:

    It has little connection to anything here, but topical. Today’s Memetic Monday had the most LoLs for months, Menorah fire-extinguisher memes were great, even many of the text pieces were LOL.

  193. Wokechoke says:

    Well yeah. But officers over 50 are, let’s say, past their prime these days anyway. Any older and they are like having granddad around. Their main value would be their veto over having a war at all. Not itself a bad idea.

    Napoleon went on for slightly too long!

  194. @Renoman

    Do you think that the Americans will ever wake up to all the things that the Jews do? I doubt this. Maybe if their entire family was killed in front of them by someone saying “I’m Jewish!”. Would that wake them up? I really have no idea.

  195. Bruce Arney says:

    Killing thousands of innocent children is clearly a war crime. Netanyahu needs to be charged with war crimes, but rich Jews will never allow that to happen as they control Congress and all foreign policy.

  196. Anonymiss says:
    @muh muh

    Agreed. I am a millennial and I fucking hate Israel. The millennials I know are the same, but I am peripherally aware that the Gen Z’s hate it even more than we do and are openly pro-Hamas.

    For me, I at least say it should be given to the Palestinian Authority, damn. These kids are hardcore.

  197. rosross says:

    Let us forego euphemisms, the issue is not Arabs but non-Jews. It always was about non-Jews even from those fake atheist Jews in Israel.

    In 1947 Israel gave immediate citizenship to all Arab Palestinian Jews, thereby demonstrating that being Arab or Palestinian was not an issue, but being a non-Jew, i.e. Christian or Muslim, was an issue.

    When Israel talks about Arabs it means NON-JEWS. It is the Zionist version of Aryanism where even fake Jews, those who are atheists but had a Jewish ancestor way back when, are deemed to be superior humans and vastly superior to the Untermenschen, the subhuman non-Jews of Palestine.

  198. As we all know, Israel’s long-term plan is to incorporate Gaza and the West Bank into Greater Israel.

    So that’s why Sharon pulled Israel completely out of Gaza. I’da never guessed that taking territory required pulling out of said territory.

    Whitney is being his normal bloviating idiot.

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