Fatima solution to mayhem in Vatican today   Leave a comment

"Mayhem. That’s the only word to describe what is taking place in the Church today. Remember the archbishop who released a scandalous Vatican sex-ed program at World Youth Day in Krakow? He was appointed as the new head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Rome’s John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family. Both institutions have now been stripped bare – the Academy of all its members and the Institute of its most conservative faculty. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia recently gushed praise for one of Italy's leading proponents of abortion, same-sex “marriage” and restriction on religious freedom. More than that, prior to his Vatican post he commissioned a homoerotic mural in his cathedral church in which he had included an image of himself." –Source

And it goes on from there about some of the scandals in the Vatican. But they most assuredly don't cover all of them. In fact, if they were to peruse my website to just hit on the highlights (or lowlights for that matter) regarding the Vatican's sinful past the last few decades alone, they would have one very large article to contend with.

The article then goes on and on and on about what they refer to as "Our Lady of Fatima" and all the so called apparitions and miracles performed at the sightings. But you will notice that not a single Bible verse is shared to either back anything "Mary" supposedly says during those apparitions; and not a single Bible verse is shared regarding the so called prophesied events from "Mary" so as to assure the reader all of this is approved of by the Author of the Bible.

Why no Scripture?

It's simple. There is no Bible Scripture in their strange story for 2 reasons. #1, Rome has stated in writing more than a few times how much they hate the Bible. And #2, it's actually a demon speaking from those grottos and it too knows nary a verse can back his easy to prove lies. And yes, I have proven it to be a demon on my "Apparitions of Mary" page on the website. Like all demons, they cannot prophecy with 100% accuracy because even they too must bow to Jesus Christ and His prophesied will whenever their plans cross paths. Being demons, they cannot see with perfect clarity regarding all of God's will and so they (like the wolves aka pastors they control) must fake it.

But, and now here's the clincher, because they know they cannot perfectly predict the future and all they really do in those apparitions is to spew agendas they hope to get done, they know Christ can shut down any agenda that will cause issues for His will or His bride; and so they always end their so called prophetic utterances with statements like this… "but if you pray, I (Mary) will try to convince my Son (Jesus) to prevent the coming disasters." Not only does that make Mary appear more powerful than Christ, it also makes Christ appear hell-bent on causing everyone problems. But the main reason they must do it is if their agenda fails, and it often does, the Pope can declare to the Catholic people that the prayers of the faithful have prevented the disaster prophesied by the demon he calls "Mary." And so the lie becomes a means by which to bolster Catholicism, glorify Mary, exalt the Pope and slam Jesus. Satan (and his man of sin in Rome) are that crafty!

In any event, promoting demonic apparitions of Mary like this will set the stage for something else that is about to happen very soon! That's right, I'm talking about Satan appearing as Jesus on earth. And because most refuse to check out what their Bibles say about all this, literally billions will wonder after the beast to the point they both stand in line to receive his mark as well as pick up weapons to go after the bride of Christ on that great and dreadful day. In fact that is why I made the video titled "By beholding most become Killers" back in June of 2011.

So be it.. it will never stop He that wrote the Word the way for His obedient bride to have and understand all the truth they need to get ready for His RETURN! MARANATHA!

 Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

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Posted April 26, 2017 by Nicholas in poGm Gloss

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