Federal Reserve announces July launch for the FedNow Service

Yes.. I have MANY articles, statements and videos scattered all over the site that touch on the long expected "cashless society" that students of prophecy know is a must if Rome is ever going to be able to enforce her mark. So this page will take time to build. I presently have over 16,000 pages of data to sift through. I am doing this so as to educate those visiting the site that you cannot remove the ability to "buy and sell" from the people as prophecy says they will do if the people still have access to cash. You must make all transactions digital, or at the very least make cash illegal without a digital counterpart. This way they will be able to control each and every transaction using globally networked computers.

The invention of the credit card sparked many sermons and tracts decades ago warning the people that this was the Vatican's long prophesied end result. Yes, many scoffed back then as expected. But has the scoffing stopped now that we have.. credit cards, debit cards, auto-pay, lcd cards, direct deposit, online banking, and cell phone banking? One can only hope!

Below are a growing stack of videos, articles and additional information I have thus far dug up that touch on the prophetic fact that a cashless society is an absolute reality if the mark is every to be effectively enforced worldwide. In fact, many nations have already changed laws so as to reflect their desire to remove all access to cash across the board.Need I mention their "great reset" agenda as well the fact the U.S. Dollar is to go digital by the end of July 2023? We are THAT close to our Lord's return!

  1. They're Going Cashless to enforce the MARK
  2. Covid-19: Global Compliance
  3. Why most Christians won’t be ready
  4. Urgent Prophetic Events
  5. Cashless Society Soon!
  6. Martial Law - Sooner rather than Later
  7. Prophetic Milestone! Digital Currency in Canada!
  8. TEN TOES line up accelerating!
  9. Coin Card will help enforce Mark of the Beast
  10. The TEN TOES of Daniel are lining up!
  11. Mark of the Beast! Sunday Laws are Coming Soon!
  12. Coin Card will help enforce the MARK of the Beast

Articles & Videos for May 2024

China to be pioneer in building new global financial system * 'One card to rule them all': Next generation of credit cards

  1. ARTICLE STACK 04-03-24 - Argentina just unveiled a mandatory registry for Digital Currency transactions
  2. ARTICLE STACK 02-21-24 - What Will America Look Like When Joe Biden’s Central Bank Digital Currency Becomes a Reality?
  3. ARTICLE STACK 02-14-24 - European Central Bank Admits Central Bankers Will Lose ‘Control of Humanity’ Without CBDCs * Australia Launches WEF-Controlled Mandatory Digital IDs
  4. ARTICLE STACK 01-03-24 - Programmable or 'purpose-bound' money is coming, probably as a feature in central bank digital currencies
  5. ARTICLE STACK 11-29-23 - America’s Sixth-Largest Bank Announces Closure of 19 Additional Branches Nationwide After Closing 203 Branches in 2023
  6. ARTICLE STACK 11-15-23 - Top U.S. bank begins massive layoffs (digital cash = less staff)
  7. ARTICLE STACK 10-18-23 - Major banks close over 3,000 branches nationwide
  8. ARTICLE STACK 09-27-23 - Large bank to phase out cash, checks, phone payments in 2024 * Why Walmart and Target Want the Fed to Control Your Credit Cards
  9. ARTICLE STACK 09-13-23 - VIDEO: What is Going On? Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given
  10. Big Win’: UK Government Will Force Banks to Keep Cash Available to Public 
  11. Remember The Canadian Truckers! Farage Warns Against Debanking, Cashless Society
  12. ARTICLE STACK 08-09-23 - BIDEN ECONOMY: Moody’s Downgrades 10 Banks – Big Banks Put on Watch List (Why? Not many Banks needed in a CASHLESS Society) * VIDEO: Big Banks in Britain Have Shut Nearly One Million Accounts over Past Four Years * Super-popular doctor canceled by Chase Bank warns 'social credit system' is already here * Biden's SEC chair: AI technology could lead to financial collapse
  13. ARTICLE STACK 08-04-23 - VIDEO: Why Banks want a Cashless Society * New system could tell government EVERYTHING about your money * Klaus Schwab, WEF nailed for 'importing' China's 'Cultural Revolution' into West * VIDEO: Schwab’s Daughter Confirms COVID was a Precursor to Climate Lockdowns
  14. ARTICLE STACK 07-26-23 - Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required ‘Whether You Like It Or Not * VIDEO: BBC Apologises to Nigel Farage for ‘Inaccurate’ Reporting on Debanking * 'Massive economic implications': Tech titan launches new currency with global ID
  15. ARTICLE STACK 07-12-23 - Brazilian Central Bank Digital Currency Raises Alarm as Developer Uncovers Fund Freezing Feature * DeSantis says centralized digital currencies open door to 'social credit system' * REMINDER #1 Federal Reserve announces July launch of central bank digital currency infrastructure * REMINDER #2 Long-awaited Fed digital payment system to launch in July
  16. ARTICLE STACK 07-12-23 - Communism in America: How the U.S. Digital Dollar Mimics China’s Authoritarian Digital Yuan * VIDEO: Nigel Farage Warns of Cashless Society ‘Tyranny’ as UK Treasury Chief Latest to Have Bank Account Blocked
  17. ARTICLE STACK 07-05-23 - Major Banks Closing all over the U S * Major Banks, Including Wells Fargo, Are Closing Even More Branches
  18. ARTICLE STACK 06-28-23 - UN Digital ID linked to Banks * VIDEO: Aldi Shop & Go * VIDEO: Piers Corbyn & team visit Aldi's cashless 'Shop & Go' store in Greenwich - KEEP CASH, KEEP FREEDOM! * Could Biden Be Replacing the U.S. Dollar with This? * Shoppers Must Pass Security Gate to Enter San Francisco Grocery Store * FED NOW twists reality to HIDE CASHLESS AGENDA * Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better
  19. ARTICLE STACK 05-24-23 - Get Ready: The Digital Dollar Is a Tool for Government Surveillance and Control
  20. ARTICLE STACK 05-10-23 - The Dollar’s Demise — It’s an Inside Job! * VIDEO: U.S. may freeze bank withdrawals as currency fear rises, expert warns
  21. ARTICLE STACK 05-03-23 - Elon Musk Says the Fate of the U.S. Dollar Is Sealed * VIDEO: U.S. House Will Have Crypto Bill in 2 Months: McHenry
  22. ARTICLE STACK 04-26-23 - Biden and His Puppet Master’s Plan to Control Your Bank Account
  23. ARTICLE STACK 04-19-23 - The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) Launches an International Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) * IMF Unveils New Global Currency Known As The "Universal Monetary Unit" To "Transform" World Economy
  24. ARTICLE STACK 04-12-23 - GIVE IT UP Ron; you can't change Christian Prophecy, Florida WILL go digital * In the Wake of Bank Collapses, Biden Prepares to Seize Control of All U.S. Dollars
  25. ARTICLE STACK 04-05-23 - U.S. Dollar Goes Digital – the MARK not far behind * VIDEO: April 03,2023 USA officially rolls out CASHLESS currency! (Will scoffers apologize?) * VIDEO: Digital Currency Launches in USA, April 2023, for Controlled Inflation * EU Pushing the ‘Criminalisation’ of Physical Cash with New Anti-Money Laundering Law * Federal Reserve announces July launch for the FedNow Service
  26. ARTICLE STACK 03-29-23 - Cashless Society: Britain’s Royal Mint Ordered to Start Producing NFTs * Biden’s Horrifying New Plan to Control Your Bank Accounts * Great Reset Setback: UK’s Royal Mint Drops Rishi Sunak’s Cashless Society NFT Scheme * UK Prepares to Introduce a 'Digital Pound' Central Bank Digital Currency * Great Reset: World Economic Forum Pushes Cashless Society Central Bank Digital Currencies



    Federal Reserve chair claims climate neutrality, but advocates for ‘stress tests’


    Project Cedar: Inside the Plot to Destroy the U.S. Dollar 

  29. VIDEO: Global economy heading into 'eye of Category 5 hurricane,’ (Roman Catholic) UN secretary-general warns 
  30. Great Reset: Individual CO2 Limits Needed to Fight Climate Change, Says German Scientist 
  31. Davos 2023: Bigwigs return to Swiss mountains amid economic crunch
  32. Biden wants U.S. debt expanded by many trillions of dollars! (He looks to crash the dollar!)
  33. Great Reset: UK Prepares to Introduce a ‘Digital Pound’ Central Bank Digital Currency
  34. DOJ announces largest seizure of cryptocurrency assets ever
  35. Executive Order 14067—Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets 
  36. Ultimate Doom! Dec. 13, 2022 Now Called ‘C-DAY’ “BIDEN BUCKS”/ Central Bank Digital Currency: (CBDC) Executive Order 14067 
  37. Biden planning to 'protect' us from cash – beginning Dec. 13!
  38. VIDEO: Glazov Gang: America’s Chinese Social Credit System (But the "Antichrist" has been here all along)
  39. Executive Order 14067—Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets
  40. Catholic Churches Begin to Accept Crypto Donations 
  41. Israel moves closer to cashless society with new legislation
  42. VIDEO: GRAPHIC language - Digital ID is THE fight, folks. This is the one (After years of warning people, it's nice to see some see it)
  43. Zuck Bucks: Facebook Is Still in Love with the Idea of Issuing Digital Currency
  44. Dems plan is to push green agenda by controlling money
  45. VIDEO: Klaus Schwab states that the WEF has infiltrated governments around the world
  46. Joe Biden Orders Study for Government Controlled Digital Dollar to Compete with Bitcoin
  47. Digital Cash: Advantages and Disadvantages 
  49. How Can Digital Cash Transfers Help The World’s Poorest? 
  51. Digital cash gets a look from the Fed 
  52. VIDEO: IRELAND Frictionless Shopping 
  53. VIDEO: In Canada, Banks Can Now Freeze/Suspend ANY Account Without a Court Order
  54. VIDEO: QR codes rolled out at OTR petrol station pumps across South Australia 
  55. VIDEO: And you thought it was all about your health
  56. Congressman introduces bill that would ban the Federal Reserve from issuing digital currency (Let the talking points begin)
  57. Vatican + Rothschilds partner up in new global economic system
  58. International Monetary Fund Wants Global Control Over Crypto Regulation
  59. Bidenflation: Producer Price Index Rises by Record 9.6%, Worse Than Expected
  60. BIS’s announcement on the new CBDC of central banks 
  61. VIDEO: Nigeria Launches Its CBDC, eNaira 
  62. Bank of Russia launches first CBDC trial group with 12 prime banks
  63. Digital Dollar Project Launches 5 Pilots to Measure Value of US CBDC
  64. VIDEO: Central Banks launch Digital Currencies - Perfect Technocratic Control
  65. COP26 Reset: Prince Charles Calls for ‘Vast Military-Style Campaign’ to ‘Radically Transform’ Global Economy
  66. VIDEO: New Infrastructure Bill Could KILL Crypto
  67. Senate Tries to Clean Up Crypto Mess: Coders Won’t Be Considered Financial Brokers in Toomey-Lummis ‘Infrastructure’ Compromise 
  68. Cars, funerals and home improvements: EU to crack down on large cash payments
  69. VIDEO: Britcoin Coming Soon (When we go cashless ALL digital dollar investors WILL become paupers) 
  70. China’s digital currency could be the future of money – but does it threaten global stability?  
  71. El Salvador's President Proposes Using Bitcoin As Legal Tender
  72. Top countries moving towards a cashless society by 2022, revealed by GlobalData
  73. The Pandemic Is Fast Forwarding Us To A Cashless Society—And Making Life Harder For The Unbanked
  74. Cashless Debit Card
  75. CCP Cracks Down on Virtual Currency to Prevent Money Fleeing the Country
  76. VIDEO: China Releasing New Digital Currency - Investors Getting High Returns (This will make crashing the US Economy much easier)
  77. 4 Reasons Why India's COVID Crisis Threatens the World Economy (Just more fake news fearmongering - it won't end until plague #7)
  78. Bank of England develops infrastructure for digital pound
  79. VIDEO: ID, Wallet, Keys All In Your Hand: Sweden Moves Into The Future With Microchipping
  80. Cashlessness may have gone too far in Norway, government warns
  81. The Great Rethink: Cash is no longer king and the transition is going to be a high-stakes affair
  82. Veteran investor says governments are planning to totally outlaw Bitcoin (They can't let the little guy get rich - Bitcoin will compete with Govt DigiCash)
  83. S.3571 - Banking for All Act (The digital dollar is coming sooner than later) 
  84. Federal reserve considers 'digital dollar' in move toward cashless society (They plan to inflate the dollar to make digital cash accepted)
  85. VIDEO: Is Rome behind "anoymous" on YT? This video pushing a digital dollar suggest they are (I wonder if my comment on their video is still up?)
  86. VIDEO: You can't buy food, you will become a non-person
  87. USA now has USD Digital
  88. Tesla makes huge investment in Bitcoin, will soon accept cryptocurrency as payment for its products
  89. The Thailand Central Bank Launches Its Own Cryptocurrency
  90. Venezuela Launches Virtual Currency, Hoping to Resuscitate Economy (Published 2018)
  91. Tunisia Becomes First Country to Issue a Central Bank Digital Currency - BeInCrypto
  92. Lithuania Central Bank Officially Issues Digital Coin LBCOIN
  93. Philippines’ Largest Bank, UnionBank, Launches its Own Cryptocurrency
  94. VIDEO: How cash is becoming a thing of the past | DW Documentary (Banking documentary)
  95. Senegal Launches National Digital Currency
  96. Cambodia officially launches digital currency backed by central bank
  97. GoI launched New Central Bank Digital Currency
  98. The Bahamas Launches Its Central Bank Digital Currency
  99. VIDEO: Sweden Is Testing Its New Central Bank Digital Currency
  100. VIDEO: China Releases Digital Yuan
  101. Bitcoin Hits $20,000 Value as Institutional Investors Jump In
  102. Amazon Wants You to Scan Your Palm to Pay for Groceries
  103. U.S. legislation proposes every citizen have Fed account in which they can store digital dollars
  104. In Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit "Digital Dollars" Directly To "Each American"
  105. Australia’s big four banks remove thousands of ATMs and close branches due to coronavirus
  106. Bakery worker sacked after 44 years for allowing elderly customers without cards to pay in cash
  107. Why is there a coin shortage in the U.S.? (They're using the planned-demic to remove cash) 
  108. Keep the Change: Coronavirus Causes Nationwide Coin Shortage
  109. Hang on to your nickels and dimes, the pandemic has created a coin shortage
  110. A run on cents: Why coins are disappearing from cash registers across the country
  111. Walmart joins the cashless game – but can small merchants afford this?
  112. COVID-19 and the war on cash: What is behind the push for a cashless society?
  113. Do you go cashless? Or do you prefer hard currency?
  114. Casinos Consider Cashless Gambling to Fight Coronavirus
  115. Coronavirus: WHO Urges People To Go ‘Cashless
  116. VIDEO: This is China: The Cashless Era
  117. Visa Files Patent for Cryptocurrency System to Replace Cash
  118. Congress pushes Digital Dollar in another COVID-19 stimulus bill
  119. US Congress pushes for digital dollar for UBI Payments in COVID-10 stimulus bill
  120. In US Congress, New Bill Demands ‘Digital Dollars’ by January for Monthly COVID-19 Aid
  121. An almighty economic earthquake' is looming
  122. NO CASH PAYMENTS sign outside EG Group
  123. Coronavirus Stimulus Offered By House Financial Services Committee Creates New Digital Dollar
  124. The China That Emerges After Coronavirus Will Be A Cashless Society
  125. Contaminated cash may spread coronavirus, World Health Organization warns
  126. NOT GOOD: Fed Chairman Powell Confirms Federal Reserve Exploring Government Cryptocurrency
  127. Hands as credit cards? Amazon working on system where customers swipe hand to pay
  128. Secretary-General Says United Nations Must Embrace Blockchain Remember the "Coin Card" video I made in 2013?
  129. Financial geography: cryptocurrencies reached the Vatican
  130. US Lawmakers Ask Federal Reserve About National Digital Currency (IT'S BEGUN!)
  131. These are the pitfalls of a cash-free society
  132. The Global Cashless Society Will Create Disastrous Economic Crisis!
  133. NYT: Facebook Is Launching a Cryptocurrency
  134. Law restricting use of cash goes into effect
  135. Governments' SECRET WAR Against Cash Exposed!
  136. How to make Australia cashless by 2020
  137. How Do You Control 1.4 Billion People? (now do you see why the Pope has been talking to China?)
  138. 'Cashless' backlash: Revolt simmers over all-digital currency
  139. VIDEO: Here's what happens when a business gets rid of cash
  140. What about cashless retailers?
  141. India Is Likely To Become The First Digital, Cashless Society
  142. VIDEO: It may be a cashless society but some workers still want the green stuff
  143. How Singapore Can Go Entirely Cashless Within Six Months
  144. Suffolk churches to trial contactless and cashless payments
  145. VIDEO: Keyo lets you pay for food, drink and goods with a wave of the hand
  146. VIDEO: You will get microchipped, eventually
  147. Visa offers restaurants $10,000...if they stop accepting cash
  148. China moves closer toward a cashless society
  149. Now U.S. government threatens to take all your cash
  150. VIDEOS regarding Cashless Society
  151. China preparing for the cashless society
  152. China’s race to a cashless society -pdf
  153. Pope Francis Decrees ‘We Need A Global Central Bank’
  154. China Is Preparing Its Own Bitcoin Alternative  
  155. Big Brother is watching you: Jim Rogers prophesizes death of cash & total govt control of spending  
  156. Central Banks Explore Blockchains: Why Digital Dollars, Pounds Or Yuan Could Be A Reality In 5 Years
  157. Canada Has Been Experimenting With A Digital Fiat Currency Called CAD-COIN
  158. You Might Soon Use Your Face to Pay Bills
  159. Bitcoin’s Rally Crushed Every Other Currency in 2016
  160. VIDEO: Amazon's 'Pandora's box' an attack on personal privacy (Enforcing the MARK)
  161. VIDEO: Credit Card Of The Future
  162. The Sinister Side of Cash
  163. VIDEO: Stores to customers: 'Cash not welcome here'
  164. Goodbye, password. Banks opt to scan fingers, faces
  165. There's Nothing Wrong with Cash. Stop Trying to Ban It
  166. Japan to use fingerprinting instead of credit cards
  167. VIDEO: No wallet? No problem
  168. Globalist ban on $100 bill next step to cashless society
  169. The Church Collection Plate Goes Digital
  170. Latest version of Monopoly is completely cashless
  171. Bring On the Cashless Future
  172. When Cash Is Outlawed... Only Outlaws Will Have Cash
  173. Henry Kissinger came to Moscow to discuss new financial system with Putin
  174. Tracking cash purchases in Austria
  175. Norway's Biggest Bank Calls For Country To Stop Using Cash
  176. VIDEO: Home of reported ‘Bitcoin founder’ Craig Wright raided by police
  177. From Apple Pay and Google Wallet to bitcoin: the end of cash
  178. Global currency plan gets boost from IMF
  179. Apple boss predicts death of cash
  180. Bank Of Ireland Bans "Small" Cash Withdrawals At Branches
  181. People in Sweden are hiding cash in their microwaves because of a fascinating — and terrifying — (cashless) economic experiment
  182. Hillary vows to let big banks fail
  183. What A Cashless Society Would Look Like  
  184. How to end boom and bust: make cash illegal
  185. The bankers' war on cash
  186. Largest Bank In America Joins War On Cash
  187. Citi Economist Says It Might Be Time to Abolish Cash to Save World Economy
  188. H.R.1147 - Legal Workforce Act (search for "biometric")
  189. Congress Pushes Obama-backed National Biometric ID for Americans
  190. id3 Technologies implements biometric identification system for Colombian notaries
  191. VIDEO: Our Big Bet for the Future
  192. One coin for all your cards
  193. Forget REAL ID -- The Global Smart-ID is coming!
  194. Finnish firm to trial facial recognition payments
  195. India lays out plan to ditch cash for mobile payments
  196. Countdown to REAL ID
  197. Suspicious Deaths of Bankers Are Now Classified as “Trade Secrets” by Federal Regulator
  198. Man embeds computer chips in hands to store Bitcoin
  199. Biometric Tipping Point: USAA Deploys Face, Voice Recognition
  200. Washington State seeking two-tier system for driver’s license, ID cards
  201. Citibank states gold is worthless (their case for a cashless society?)
  202. Cashless society: no thanks
  203. Is a cashless society on the cards?
  204. Cash is being 'replaced by cards'


  The Presents of God ministry