

yields the result of attempting to identify what image is a picture of.


restricts the identification of image to objects within the specified category.


gives a list of up to n possible identifications.


gives the specified property for each identification.

Details and Options

  • ImageIdentify[{image1,image2,},] can be used to identify objects in multiple images.
  • In ImageIdentify[image,category], possible forms for category include:
  • "type" entity type, as used in Interpreter
    "concept" named concept, as used in "Concept" entities
    "word" English word, as used in WordData
    wordspec word sense specification, as used in WordData
    Entity[] any appropriate entity
    category1|category2| any of the categoryi
  • By default, ImageIdentify returns objects of the form Entity["Concept",].
  • The property "prop" can be one of the following:
  • "Concept" a concept entity object
    "Entity" when possible, a concrete entity object
    "Probability" an association of concepts and probabilities
    "cprop" a property supported by "Concept" entities
    {prop1,} a list of property specifications
  • The following options can be given:
  • AcceptanceThreshold Automatic identification acceptance threshold
    PerformanceGoal Automatic what to optimize in the identification
    SpecificityGoal Automatic what specificity of object type to seek
    TargetDevice "CPU" the target device on which to compute
  • Possible settings for PerformanceGoal include "Speed" and "Quality".
  • Possible settings for SpecificityGoal include:
  • "Low" favor general categories of objects
    "High" favor specific kinds of objects
    s specificity between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest)
  • When no content is found at an acceptable threshold, Missing["Unidentified"] is returned.
  • ImageIdentify uses machine learning. Its methods, training sets and biases included therein may change and yield varied results in different versions of the Wolfram Language.
  • ImageIdentify may download resources that will be stored in your local object store at $LocalBase, and can be listed using LocalObjects[] and removed using ResourceRemove.


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Basic Examples  (2)

Identify the object present in the image:

Identify what type of dog is present in the image:

Scope  (3)

Return a result in a specific category:

Return a list of results:

Return a list of results and their associated probability:

Options  (4)

AcceptanceThreshold  (1)

The AcceptanceThreshold is selected automatically:

Specify a custom threshold:

If no identification is above the threshold, a Missing object is returned:

PerformanceGoal  (1)

Use PerformanceGoal"Speed" to get a result as fast as possible:

Use a slower, more accurate recognition:

SpecificityGoal  (2)

Privilege a result with a low specificity:

Privilege a result with a high specificity:

Use a custom value:

Get a table of identifications for different values of specificity:

Properties & Relations  (1)

The neural net used by ImageIdentify can be accessed using NetModel:

Possible Issues  (1)

If a recognition category is specified, probabilities are renormalized in that category:

Remove the category constraint to recognize the object correctly:

Neat Examples  (1)

Get 10 different identifications, along with their probabilities:

Visualize the result of object identification using a WordCloud:

Wolfram Research (2015), ImageIdentify, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2023).


Wolfram Research (2015), ImageIdentify, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2023).


Wolfram Language. 2015. "ImageIdentify." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2023.


Wolfram Language. (2015). ImageIdentify. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_imageidentify, author="Wolfram Research", title="{ImageIdentify}", year="2023", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 04-June-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_imageidentify, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={ImageIdentify}, year={2023}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 04-June-2024 ]}