Watch: Jill Biden Compares Being Against Gay Porn Books In Schools To Nazism

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by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Mar 26, 2024 - 06:10 PM

Authored by Steve Watson via,

During a speech at the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in LA Sunday, Jill Biden suggested that not having gay porno books available in children’s libraries in schools is akin to Nazi Germany.

Biden’s wife stated “Rights are being stripped away. Freedoms are eroding. More and more state laws are being passed…Just last night, we had to fend off more than 50 anti-gay amendments that Republicans tried to force into the government funding bill… they served only one purpose: to spread hate and fear.

She continued, “History teaches us that democracies don’t disappear overnight. They disappear slowly. Subtly. Silently.”

“A book ban. A court decision. A ‘don’t say gay’ law,” she said as examples.

Of course in reality, books are not being banned and there is no such law.

Then came the kicker.

“Before World War II, I’m told, Berlin was the center of LGBTQ culture in Europe,” Dr Jill said, adding “One group of people loses their rights. And then another, and another. Until one morning you wake up – and you no longer live in a democracy.”


So parents not wanting schools to carry sexually explicit books like Gender Queer, that even the author admits is not suitable for children, are equal to Nazis in Germany in the 1930s.

Jill also express pride that her husband “made it possible for trans Americans to serve openly, honorably in the military,” adding “MAGA extremists are seeking to erase these hard-fought gains, trying to unwind all the progress we’ve made.”

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