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The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s Stated Objective is “Altering the Human Being”

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“Directed Energy is being weaponized” and “Individuals’ brains can be targeted by microwaves” according to Peter Koenig a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). Peter warns that we must recognise the diabolical “Illuminati” methods and stand up in unison against them and spread the information on the brain as the ongoing and next battlefield

That information follows below.

The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s Stated Objective is “Altering the Human Being” an article authored by Peter Koenig was originally published in Global Research.

DARPA Neurologist and Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program at Georgetown University, Washington DC, Dr. James Giordano, who is also a weapons expert, started his presentation at West Point NY Military Academy by saying, “The brain is and will be the 21st Century battlefield. End of story.” 

DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a Pentagon thinktank.

Dr. Giordano talks about how Directed Energy can be and is being weaponized. Individuals’ brains can be targeted by microwaves, the type of 5G and soon to come 6G, of which you see antennas growing like mushrooms all over the word.

They tell you, it is to make your internet, and ever more sophisticated computers and smart phones faster, with more outreach capacity – and to help advance digitization.

This may all be true to some extent, but the real reason behind these microwave towers is to target YOU, the individual.

Why? From other sources we know that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is in full implementation.

Klaus Schwab, eternal CEO of the World Economic Forum (WEF), published his book, “Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, already in 2018.

In it he writes about such significant topics as Embedding Values in Technologies; The Internet of Things; Data Ethics; Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; and a special chapter on “Altering the Human Being”.

In this chapter, Schwab addresses biotechnologies, and neurotechnologies, transhumanism – precisely the science that Dr. Giordano was talking about in 2018 at the West Point Military Academy, and which is in full implementation.

If we connect the dots, we realize that the “Brain as the Battlefield of the Future” is NOW and that we were warned way ahead. According to Dr. Giordano, the science of neurotechnologies has started some 40 years ago and he, Giordano, has been part of it for at least 35 years. Therefore, warnings have been all over the place, at the latest by Klaus Schwab’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (available from Amazon).

The Death Cult has again given people warnings, according to its “rules” – way ahead of time, so, They may be successful.

Why is it, that we never take note of such warnings?

Because we do not believe in so much built-in evil in humanity? Or, because we do not want to leave our “comfort zone”, our dystopian view of a “safe world”? They know it. And we MUST break that boundary between comfort and reality. If not, we are doomed.

“If you are targeted there is virtually nothing you can do,” says William Binney, ex-NSA Technical Director and whistleblower. The NSA is the US National Security Agency, one of 15 US Intelligence Agencies.

If you want a lead-demonstrator to stop demonstrating, you target his brain with ultra-shortwaves.

We by now know them as 5G. You make them depressed, so they do not want to demonstrate anymore; you make them suicidal and the problem is resolved. You do this as many times as you want and create an ambiance of depression. These are paraphrased words of Barry Trower, ex-MI5 Microwave scientist and whistleblower.

Mr. Trower adds, that low-level micro-waves can cause all sorts of cancers and leukemias and further elaborates that for the past 40 years or so the UK Government, plus basically all the Anglosaxon governments, have been lying to their people, to protect not only the high-flying profits of these “industries of death”, but perhaps more importantly for not divulging the evil objective of total surveillance and enslavement that they have planned.

Today, we gradually see what this “plan” entails.

Through “Electronic Telepathy”, Trower adds, we are able to monitor the brain. If at one point, technology foresaw that tiny, hardly visible chip-implants were necessary in the brain to be able to electronically access individuals’ thinking – hence the highly magnetic graphene oxide in many of the covid vaxx-injections – this may no longer be necessary.

In other words, we are all vulnerable – vaxxed or unvaxxed – to mind interference through the worldwide coverage of 5G shortwaves. And the worst is, we may not even notice when it “hits” us.

Mind manipulations may take many forms. One of them is that people physically hear voices – it is not that people are imagining voices, but they can physically hear voices… it can be anything, anything you want to hear, or you are scared to hear, angelic voices or diabolical voices; to repeat the words of neuroscientists.

This technology may have been applied to the US Embassy personnel in Havana, first reported by US and Canadian Embassy staff in Havana, Cuba. The so-called Havana Syndrome, of 2016. This may be a cluster of idiopathic symptoms experienced mostly abroad by U.S. government officials and military personnel. The symptoms range in severity from pain and ringing in the ears to cognitive dysfunction.

The Havana Syndrome has apparently now also been reported by US Embassy staff in China.

DARPA let a couple of contracts in 2011 / 2012 with the University of California for what is called “electronic telepathy”, to be able to monitor the brains of people at distance and to determine what they are thinking.

Under a separate contract the university was to investigate sending in signals to the brain of a person, literally sending them messages saying what they must think – and do. This is where the technology is today.

This could be used in your private life, as well as your professional life. It means, already today, they could make you do and behave as whatever they would like. They could make you a murderer, a cheater or just simply obedient to orders that may follow.

To repeat: “What you must know is that the brain is and will be the 21st Century’s battlefield”, says Dr. James Giordano, DARPA neurologist, during his talk at the Modern War Institute at West Point NY.

It is important to remember, especially since we should pay more attention to our surroundings, to people’s behavior, than what we are used to. We may deduct many lessons. So, that we may continue and expanding the field of connecting the dots.

In the video below, you will see a chart, indicating that Neuroscience, Neurotechnology in the Narcotics and Special Investigation Division (NSID), part of DARPA, has been “Valid, valuable and already in NSID use since 2014.”

The technology could be used to prompt you to commit mass murder. Are some of the “sudden and unexpected” school and shopping mall mass shootings are triggered by such mechanisms?

This is a distinct possibility, because in most cases the shooter is not apprehended and brought to justice, but immediately killed on the scene by the police, lest he might recall what happened to him and divulge the secret in court, the NSID use of the brain as a battlefield. In most cases the police simply say the “culprit” was know to the police, and / or had already a police record. This is to disguise you from thinking further.

Why are they doing it? They, being the “monsters”, which cannot easily be called humans.

To create terror, constant fear, to keep you on your toes. To get you used to terror and violence, as worse, much worse is to come, if they have their way. And we just comply, become depressed and passive, instead of rebelling in unison and Peace, but strongly rejecting the dominion of a few over us, the many.

Curiously, the Fourth Industrial Revolution does not give one single valid reason why all digitization, transhumanism, total control of humanity is good for humanity and for Mother Earth; nor does the Great Reset, nor does UN Agenda 2030.

We must stop this abuse of humanity, the human enslavement for the benefit of a few. For example, we can do so, among other actions, by collectively and in solidarity disabling the 5G / 6G antennas; by staying away as much as possible from vaxxes, from medication altering your brain activities, like causing depression, and extreme cheerfulness. Stay away from mainstream medication and especially from short-wave antennas.

Remember, scared people are easier manipulated. And that is one of the end goals, to manipulate you according to their will.

The DARPA expert, Giordano, who is also a prominent scientist in the US Health and Human Service Department – that speaks for itself – also talks about non-invasive technologies, such as the so-called “N3 Program”, the neurosurgical, neuromodulation and narcotics program.

“The idea is to put minimal size electrodes in your brain, for only minimal intervention to be able to read and write into the brain function. In real time. Remotely….. influencing in ways that are kinetic and non-kinetic the attitudes, believes, thoughts, emotions, activities; look at the power and tools that brain sciences afford.”

This was the level of science in 2018, when Dr. Giordano gave his infamous speech at West Point. In the meantime, neuroscience has leaped forward, so that implants are no longer necessary.

Ex-MI5 Microwave scientist, Barry Tower, explains how they destroy a targeted individual. He says,

“If you want to cause a specific psychiatric illness, you would have the microwave beam always target a specific gland, or a specific part of the brain, or an eye, or a heart…” And there is nothing you can do. “If that doesn’t work, they can always send the FBI, take a photo, and then take you out in other ways.”

Intelligence communities, even those within governments, with the help of their algorithm-assisted surveillance tools, become so powerful that they escape the boundaries of the state for which they are working, become independent, and control the state that should control them.

We are moving in warp speed towards a Nazi-Stasi State which we see coming, but are incapable of doing anything against it, because we are not connected with each other, we are kept apart as individuals, with our little individual advantages and special treats – keeping us on individual leashes, purposefully away from uniting with others.

“Stasi” – for those, too young to remember, is a colloquial term to describe the East-German Ministry of State Security.

This affects not only the United States, but countries all around the world, especially the western world, which is still intent to remain THE Empire, emerging into a One World Order (OWO).

This can happen only with (i) a massively reduced population, to reduce resistance; (ii) with a scared-to-death population; and eventually, (iii) with the survivors transformed into easily manipulable transhumans.

How that works has very eloquently been demonstrated in the video above. Below is a summary version but equally explicit (23 min. video).

Is that the future that awaits us?

It sure looks like it, especially since most people, maybe as many as 99.999% of the people, have no clue, and are totally vulnerable but, as such, perfect guinea pigs for trials, to perfect their “brain battlefield”, so to speak.

This is not a life worth living. But suicide is not the answer. To the contrary, stepping out from under this diabolical system, being openly promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) with “The Great Reset”; WHO, with the international QR code-based vaxx and travel certificate enslavement; and the United Nations Agenda 2030, that may be read at par with The Great Reset.

The UN, what you may least believe, the UN with their Agenda 2030, with targets and goals virtually identical with the WEF’s Reset, has ceased to be what we all believe it is and what it was supposedly created for – supporting and enabling World Peace.

This cessation of “Peace Maker” of the UN system has started gradually, already decades ago. In fact, as far back as the Club of Rome’s “Limits of Growth” (1972), when inspired by the Rockefeller Brothers, the UN was to gradually follow the Limits of Growth agenda which had to do with massive depopulation and – yes, climate change.

A cornerstone of change was the first United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the ‘Earth Summit’, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992. From then on followed almost on an annual basis the infamous UN sponsored COP conferences (COP – Conference of the Parties).

The last one, COP27, took place in November 2022 in Egypt. The annual repetition of COPs is a well-studied method of social brainwashing, manipulation à la Tavistock – has worked wonders. It is today hard to find anybody under the common people, who does not believe in the CO2-emitting man-made climate change. No matter what evidence to the contrary is produced.

The UN sell-out to a corrupt elite has taken a visible and giant step forward with the beginning of the Decade 2020, i.e., with the UN Agenda 2030. All of this must first sink into the brain of most people before we can even start resisting and move into another sphere of vibration.

However, like with everything spiritual and dynamic, once a critical mass has started with critical thinking the move into the Light may be fast.

Moving into the Light is what is predicted for 2023 / 2024. In no way should this prediction be taken as a “lean-back” and watch-what-happens encouragement. To be FREE is only a right, if we defend it and fight for it. Let us not leave cracks for diabolical seduction.

Before we can step out, we must recognize these diabolical “Illuminati” methods and stand up in unison against them.

This writing is about spreading this information on the brain as the ongoing and next battlefield”. Many will find it so off their current-thinking matrix, they will just shake their heads in disbelief, or calling such facts and news “misinformation”. Many of us, have been there. It does not matter. We must continue the offense with the truth.

The field of those who start thinking on their own, is growing; of those who come to the same conclusions, that we are being enslaved by a small but powerful elite, and the evidence that it is high time to escape this enslavement, is overwhelming.

Indeed, the era where our brain is the next battlefield needs to be fought against with all our vigor.

We do not want battlefields of any kind. We want PEACE.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from the US Army

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5 months ago

I think every member of this world need be focused on stamping out the WEF right this very day. Plus their branches. Who exactly are these people? What gives them the right to imagine they command all life on this planet? They need stopped. They need stopped. They need stopped. Anyone working for them? In any capacity? How can you help humanity today? Hoe can you screw up their world? Need we pay taxes one more day? They are using our money against us. Its got to get bumpy and we never started it. They did. But we need to end it. Nothing less than the future of humanity depends on us. We need to organize and act. And act. And act. And be unafraid even for our own lives, much more is at stake than this. How do we do that? How do you do that? It needs done. The system is attacking its own – until that system ends and we all know where it comes from, how can we have a better one? The mighty need to fall and take a long look in the mirror, whether you see it or not, that’s the only hero going to make them.

Reply to  Jane
5 months ago

Thankfully, real users of this site are nearly all aware the likes of the WEF, Gates etc, are merely glove puppets for their bosses. So killing them would be futile even if a few had the inclination. 

Which means you and your friends are wasting your time rabble rousing here. Also sad The Expose is being targeted like this, hope/sure the team knows they’re doing a great job to be under such attack.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Your comment really made me laugh, it’s so daft it must be parody. Suppose disruption is the aim rather than rabble rousing

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

I had the same reaction to yours. What a coincidence.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

‘Real’ users of this site? You mean there are ‘unreal users? Can you define the criteria? Presumably you belong to the category of ‘real’? Pleased to meet the acquaintance of a real user. Can you tell me, how does a person achieve the accolade? Yes, Gates etc may be glove puppets. But without glove puppets, there are no fingers in eyes. Under attack? Who is under ‘attack’ here my friend? And why so full of fear are you to not consider to act to guide society out of the hands of absolute madness? What would you do? Type here until the slow knock comes a knocking at your door? That sounds really effective, good luck with that one. You have any better ideas? When the bus you are on is headed off the cliff, do you talk about who persuaded the driver it was a good idea to drive it there to the fellow sitting next to you, or do you try to take control of the bus and steer it to safety? You already answered that one. Strange. Did anyone mention killing? They needs stopped, no one said killed. In agreement on one thing, the team here is doing a great job. But at some point, when you are under constant attack, the response has to be more than one of entertaining discussion. Action is what bears fruit. All else is commentary. ‘Real’ or ‘unreal’ truly makes little difference, once the bus is off the edge, it’s off the edge.

Reply to  Jane
5 months ago

And once again, Watcher Seeker is posting his drivel using one of his myriad of aliases and up voting them too.

Don’t know if W.S is his original persona, however, his style of commenting is too distinctive to hide his true character. Which is pretty obnoxious.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

I don’t up vote my comments, or down vote his. Know my comments usually have merit, they can stand on their own feet.

Just don’t have the desperate need for approval, however false, he does.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Well, I just upvoted you!

Reply to  Islander
5 months ago

Not for any other reason; than we are somewhat on a similar wavelength?

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

I wonder why you are against being disruptive against what is happening today? Who is Demeter exactly? Sure the WEF love you.Maybe you love them too?

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

My God, you don’t see how you make things up in your head and project them onto the world? You are deluded my friend. I have no idea who ‘watcher seeker’ is – and I don’t up or down vote a thing. Reality seems a little too much for you to face, as it is.

Reply to  Jane
5 months ago

My God, you don’t see how you make things up in your head”

Not something i’m known for but sure you are W.S

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

You’re so “on the ball!” if you were a dog, you’d be a sniffer dog! “Obnoxious” is the word!

As for Demeter, I don’t know how you can be so confident about her characteristics? These goddesses are sent from Satan to do his wicked work! Can we understand how they operate? I think you know this?

Where are you with The Two Ronnie’s and their NWO ‘teaching’?

The Two Ronnie’s were not stupid, they were very intelligent men, and I am very sure that they had insights…

Reply to  Islander
5 months ago

Ditto you friend, so rare i meet people, whatever way, i feel such affinity with. Our differences are to be celebrated/enjoyed, they aren’t competitive.

Can be confident about her characteristics, as the adult i am now. Obviously, when i was little, just loved the stories and pretty new to realising combining our human logic/rationale and compassion, just doesn’t cut the mustard. They’re totally inadequate, now see ourselves us as loved children, who must look up to and listen to, our loving Dad.

My heart sings to know i don’t have to rack my brains trying to find answers to questions i’m incapable of answering. The big guy upstairs will sort it all out at the right time. Also know his sense of humour, we have a mere shadow of, is probably fine with me saying that.

Know i’ve said before our history, even the Bible, has been messed with. However, to my mind there’s a core of truth which can’t be messed with and it’s complete. The core i see in the Bible, tells absolute truth, warts and all.

Seems the gnostic Sophia might have been the absolute origins of the earth goddess myths. Sophia supposedly represented wisdom too but read her story friend, doubt you’ll see any wisdom in it either. The story of Demeter was made cosy for a children’s book i loved, now know better. Only reason i’m posting as Demeter in this thread is because of the recognisable icon, for others. Hate my new icon as Mrs. D but them’s the breaks, put up with much worse.

Mrs. D will soon be my usual icon but i’ll still be me.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Forgot the two Ronnie’s bit, currently somewhat frustrated. There aren’t the fan sites there used to be, fewer people are interested now and the ones still around, focus on the sketches.

What i’m going to do is cut the monologues from EACH episode, mux them to one mkv, then sift through it until i find what we want.

Bit of a mission but know what Ronnie C said is worth the effort.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Mrs. D!

The Bible (the abiding Word of God) has not “been messed with.”

The latter day translations have, I’ll grant you that much-they are more than you can shake a stick at!

Though I only use the time honoured KJV 1611 despite its ‘archaic’ but precise and accurate English, I am not a “KJV onlyist”; the Scriptures are one hundred percent accurate in the original tongues.

Yikes! (to use your expression!) is that the time? Must get some sleep…

Reply to  Islander
5 months ago

Our chat got my brain firing on all cylinders, so playing chess online at 3.11 am. Thankfully, my hubby sleeps like a baby and i only sleep 4 hours, top whack, anyway.

Won’t even try to quibble with your words about the Bible, just my observations as a newbie, who has much to discover.

Great! Taking a break from playing chess has got me yawning, this would be a really useful time to crash. Hope it works out friend. =)

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Forgot to say it makes me so happy our chat has completely changed the atmosphere of this comment thread friend. Hope it’s made others feel better too.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Ditto you friend, so rare i meet people, whatever way, i feel such affinity with. ” – I can only wonder why?

Reply to  Jane
5 months ago

That’s obvious, we are intelligent, rational people Watcher Seeker etc, you might be the first of those but definitely not the second.

Always envision you gnawing at wooden table/chair legs etc, be careful, splinters in the gums could be nasty.

Reply to  Jane
5 months ago

Your comment really made me laugh, it’s so daft it must be parody. Suppose disruption is the aim rather than rabble rousing.

Re-posting this in direct reply to the original comment, it shouldn’t be obscured if lots of disruptive comments are posted.

Reply to  Patricia Harrity
5 months ago

Thanks for pointing that out Patricia and fully agree, bless her heart.

Reply to  Patricia Harrity
5 months ago

Wish my comment saying sorry to Jane wasn’t so far down, rightfully feeling disgusted with myself for being so wrong about her.

Reply to  Jane
5 months ago

Seen Patricia’s comment, read all of yours above now and i’m really sorry Jane. My sin was lumping you in with others talking about the WEF, in a way which could cause some trouble.

You say some lovely things in that comment, so sorry.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Apology more than accepted Demeter. No hard feelings at all. We really need to act, its not acceptable that rich people decide to eliminate the majority of the population based on AI and robotics and the diminishing need for slave workers to a pyramidal corrupt system and think they have the right to exterminate us based on what? Greed? Numbers? I am not a violent person at heart, but unless we begin to act against this and with purpose and organisation, humanity is lost to absolute demonic lunacy. Look what happened to the people of Maui, not to mention the plandemic and we know the people behind this. People capable of what these monsters of power are doing are not going to build a good world in any stretch of anyones imagination. Does murder lead to an ordered world? I don’t warrant violence, but what do we do? We need to stop these people and we need to start to act to do so. In a way which brings results. They are picking us off, year by year, that will continue unless we get together and demand a different world. Demand a world free of ‘leaders’. Drain them of their wealth somehow. Power so obviously corrupts. Right now, we in the firing line are protecting them, police, soldiers, bureaucrats, what about all the pilots spraying us like bugs? They are poisoning their own families. We need stop being corrupted by their wealth and start to think for ourselves and questioning authority above us. How do we spread the word to down tools and bring to justice those who are clearly as guilty as sin of the worst crimes against humanity imaginable? When do trials begin? When do our courts start to function as intended? When are rich people beyond being above the law? We need to begin to organise and plan and act as efficiently together as these monsters are acting. And we need to do it fast. I don’t think there is anything more important than this. We can all work in our own area, but God, we need to act. Please, anyone reading this, think about what you can do right now, today, organise, educate, become a thorn in the side of all authority and all and anyone associated with the WEF. Think how to disrupt. They may only be servants of others, but it’s a start. And we really need to start.

Reply to  Jane
5 months ago

We definitely see a lot of the same issues Jane but differ on some solutions. If i wasn’t in bloody confirmation bias mode, we could have had an interesting, even beneficial discussion for us both. Hopefully, we will in the future.

Just so sorry for being vile to you and hugs for being so forgiving. Haven’t forgiven myself yet but hopefully, lesson learned.

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Don’t let it get you down Mrs. D!

It is good that you have apologised-these are evil times indeed-an understatement if ever there was one.

That protracted Flat Earth discussion wasn’t helpful either-was it?

“Vile”? We are all “vile” every single one of us.

What of saintly Job. whom God in Christ asked Satan to TRY him?

Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil…” Job

What was Job’s answer; after all was said and done?

Behold, I am vile.. Job 40:4.

Reply to  Islander
5 months ago

Bless you friend, have tears in my eyes. Looked in a few times but not seen your message before, must have been stuck in the filter.

That protracted Flat Earth discussion wasn’t helpful either-was it?”

Wry grin here, spot on, posted a lot here recently too, bit of a breather needed. And yep, we are vile but our loving Creator is still rooting for us.

Least i’ve had an opportunity to watch quite a few episodes of the Ronnies, nothing yet but a decent start made…

Reply to  Demeter
5 months ago

Yes, that “filter”!

Yikes! Is that the time?

Reply to  Islander
5 months ago

Sweet dreams friend and a great fresh start later. When i say watch the Ronnies, meant sift through. Forgot just how smutty they were amongst the cleverness.

Not my thing, some is ok, that much, no.

5 months ago

Lets alter the members of the WEF first, shall we? Lets make it the year the fear turned to face the devil.

5 months ago

Forgive me for saying this because I have no proof. However I have noticed that all major supermarkets in my area now use, for me, an almost overpowering air freshener. Now I know that mRNA vaccines/poisons can now be deployed as aerosols!
I get a slight irritation in my lungs after a supermarket visit, I generally don’t like air fresheners. What are your opinions and what do you all think?

Reply to  Mania
5 months ago

I think the WEF need stopped. We need get brave. We need stop fear. Aerosols or not, that is what is going to stop all of this madness. I think we need be picking at their members as they are picking at ours. At every opportunity. There are obvious targets, obvious ‘leaders’ in this group of combined insanity. We have all been on the receiving end up to now, our children have died, and continue to do so, It’s time to enter the battle and bring it home. They are never going to stop, they can’t. And so do we just wait for their next monstrous idea? F**k them all. F**k every billionaire and every politician and every other who visits that house of demonic self concern. Associated with the WEF? It’s enough to know. Boycott every corporation and make life uncomfortable as hell for every politician who does. Let them know the sleepless nights we all have. Hound them down. Wear them down. Until they are no more, we are all at risk. Whats it to be, 1% or 99%? Reading others here stating we need ACT. I could not agree more. Take the fight to them. Time for gallows. Time for justice. Time to turn this round. We need ACT. Stop talking, organize, plan, and bite back hard as hell. And let them know the shadow of fear.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
5 months ago

Article writer Peter Koenig points out, referring to James Giordano’s science-fiction-made-real lecture: “In the video below, you will see a chart, indicating that Neuroscience, Neurotechnology in the Narcotics and Special Investigation Division (NSID), part of DARPA, has been “Valid, valuable and already in NSID use since 2014.”

Mr. Koenig’s reference to the horrifying Neurotechnologies described by James Giordano, particularly in relation to their admitted use since 2014, raises a number of important-yet-unasked and therefore still unanswered questions.

How widely/extensively have the science-fiction-made-real technology weapons been made operational?

How many unsuspecting people across the Earth have already been “attacked”, psychologically changed, and/or manipulated – without their knowledge or consent – across the past ten years?

Reply to  Jerry Alatalo
5 months ago

Down with all authority. Revolution time.

5 months ago

Many years ago, like most of you who consider yourselves Christians, I believed
that, obviously — or so it appeared, this religion advocated “The Way” or “Road
Map” that Yeshuah (in English, Joshua) taught in the New Testament, and that
Christianity was a religion all about life and love and compassion and fellowship,
suffering, overcoming, and faith in God.
I suppose my innocent belief and the love for Yeshuah that inspired me, was
rooted in the same tradition as the popular Passion Play musical, “Godspell”
–which I still love for the music and sentiment, but now view with a far more
mature and jaundiced perspective.
To make this an example, doesn’t it give you pause to look at the name, “Godspell”
— as in “God’s spell” as in a spell of witchcraft? Spell-binding? Why call it that,
if that’s not what it is?
Remember that the Liars are required to declare the Truth of what they are doing.
In later years, I came to know that all “Christians” take a “Blood Oath” though I
never recognized it as such when I was a young woman.
The Pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church that I attended faithfully and took
seriously as a teenager and young adult certainly never breathed a word of any
such thing, but having studied Law and History and Religion for five decades, I
know what they didn’t tell me.
The Blood Oath is the Apostle’s Creed, and the blood is the Communion wine.
Simple as that.
You’ve been asking me about my “Blood Oath”, but what you need to worry about
is your own.
In reviewing the Catholic Doctrine of Transubstantiation, which teaches that the
Communion wine mysteriously becomes actual blood in the cup, and the
implications of cannibalism this carries with it, I became truly alarmed.
And I started investigating, just as I did when I went to the IRS Office for answers
and was told that the workers couldn’t affirm the answers they’d given me.
One of the other things that initially raised my eyebrows and sent my Shinola
Sensor off-scale was the fact that The Holy Bible is a copyrighted work of the
Roman Catholic Church.
This implies that they literally wrote it as a unique work of art and they claim
authorship, as their work, and not a compendium of ancient manuscripts brought
together and compiled and “approved” as genuine by Catholic scholars and
No, they claim authorship, which is quite a different matter.

Reply to  john
5 months ago

I think you are dead on the mark. The Catholic Church has nothing holy about it. Its a propagandising instrument in the hands of the insane. Religion is a matter of belief? Get out of here. Religion is the transformation of a mans life. It is nothing other than the understanding of life and death as they are. Jesus was undoubtedly a holy man. Organised religion is an unholy affair. A gathered repetition of pointless traditions to prevent humanity coming to any understanding of life for and by himself. An enslavement to an ideology and a conforming of life to a regimented pattern. There is no love in this world, though the word is never far from every Church pastors lips. There is no love in this world because we never question, and we never question because we think we know and we think we know because of the indoctrination of these people over centuries. Today, the farce of Catholicism is showing its true colours in the demonic Pope who sits on his demonic throne. Bowing to the demands of Klaus and a totally fake climate change. Re-writing the Bible, preaching a new doctrine for the masses to follow. The leadership of humanity is insane, likely always has been from the days of burning ‘heretics’ at the stake. In every area of life, a leader is evil, for a leader conforms your life to their insistences and therefore prevents the understanding of your own life for and by yourself. Leadership in the area of religion is the very denial of religion. It is a demonic and insane movement and so many of us have been contaminated by it.

5 months ago

Shocking science paper explains how 5G cell signals can unleash kill vector payloads in the human body Mike Adams
We have a bombshell broadcast and interview for you today. First, new science reveals how 5G cell tower signals can activate “payloads” carried by graphene oxide inside the body, deploying drugs or chemical weapons via remote activation. Brighteon
5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body
09/14/2023 // Mike Adams // 23.8K Views
The vaccines “probable” sole purpose was to install genetic computers and Plug In’s and upgrades and improvements changing the blood so that the supply to the body organs continues after the “soul” of the body has been removed or replaced by a genetic computer interface connection by 5G.
Studies from the University Of Almeria in Spain conclude that the vaccines + Graphene + 5G = Brain Control.
(Me: NanoGrafi Company (check them out on Google) developed an intranasal Covid vaccine and PCR Tests with nanoparticles which make graphene nanotubes.
At 5G frequencies of 42.6 Hz per second, the 1.2mm nanotubes injected into the vaccines resonate and propagate a high energy signal at the average speed of human thought., the precise nanotube length of 1.2 nanometers of 1.2×10.9m
The average neuron sends signals at about 180 km/h
When combined, these factors would increase the speed to 432 km/h
Some humans think faster than others so there is a lot of variation.
So with the average thought speed of 180 km/h that is, 180,000 meters over 3,600 seconds: 50 meters per second.
This wave speed of the human brain is achievable for ordinary nanotubes and frequencies radiated by 5G antennas – this is not speculation but science and combined techniques and fits a precise physical formula which is incontestable.
These graphene nanotubes are injected with the vaccines and act on the microwaves emitted by a 5G antenna at the same frequency that human beings think, so through these nano particles, 5G antennas can modify the thoughts of those vaccinated.
Like Robots or Zombies, controlled by 5G Transmissions – and more
Metamaterial graphene photodetector with bandwidth exceeding 500 gigahertz
the nanotechnology installed and the nanotubes I posted earlier, re the bandwidth of human thought
Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses; What’s Causing This Phenomenon?
By Rhoda Wilson on May 15, 2022
Doctor Discovers the Vaccinated Emit Electromagnetic Signals & Bluetooth Identification Codes August 2, 2022
So those 5G Cell towers going up like mushrooms, have another purpose, don’t they. Who never wanted to be a Zombie or a Robot controlled by 5G transmissions?-
From christine257’s substack published 2022 – hopefully, we will see the technology in use sometime soon amongst the vaccinated who all have their own installed MAC address now, post vaccines – they won’t know the thought they had was from a computer controlling their minds, they will think the thoughts were their own

5 months ago

[…] – The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s Stated Objective is “Altering the Human Be… […]

Tracey R
Tracey R
5 months ago

I think the key is to operate from your heart and use the brain as a supporting tool. The Expose is an example of this, where they operate from a position of humanity to expose and protect them from corporate and political entities. As we have all been institutionalized to use the brain as the key instrument through the education system it can be a challenge to operate from the heart. As a former atheist, a scientist leaving behind a dishonest industry built on lies and have also delved into spirituality that we are in fact in a spiritual battle of evil versus good. We are living in biblical end times. The Bible has prophesized these end times. Do your research and get your house in order,

5 months ago

[…] Read More: The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. […]

5 months ago

[…] The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s Stated Objective is “Altering the Human Be…“Directed Energy is being weaponized,” and “Individuals’ brains can be targeted by microwaves,” according to Peter Koenig , a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). Peter warns that we must recognize the diabolical “Illuminati” methods and stand up in unison against them and spread the information on the “brain as the ongoing and next battlefield.” […]

5 months ago

[…] The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s Stated Objective is “Altering the Human Be…“Directed Energy is being weaponized,” and “Individuals’ brains can be targeted by microwaves,” according to Peter Koenig , a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). Peter warns that we must recognize the diabolical “Illuminati” methods and stand up in unison against them and spread the information on the “brain as the ongoing and next battlefield.” […]

5 months ago

Crimes agaunst Humanity, so lerts get them in the dock on trial

5 months ago

The president was set after WW2 at Neuremberg with crimes against humanity.

5 months ago

[…] Read More: The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. […]

5 months ago

Jesuit run Georgetown and WEF’s Pope do not realize our thoughts come from our hearts NOT OUR BRAINS. The Roman Catholic Church is not Christian it is evil. And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, “Why are you thinking evil in your hearts? Matthew 9:4

5 months ago

5G seems also intended as a kind of technological version of Wetiko (described by Paul Levy) – peoples’ thought processes as well as natural earth energies being interfered with.

2024: STOP 5G

5 months ago

[…] Neurolog DARPA a vedoucí programu neuroetických studií na Georgetownské univerzitě ve Washingtonu DC  Dr. James Giordano,  který je také expertem na zbraně, zahájil svou prezentaci na vojenské akademii West Point NY slovy:  „Mozek je a bude bojiště 21. století. Konec příběhu.“  […]

Gord and K
Gord and K
5 months ago

Thank you, that’s very creepy! @ all: please don’t worry too much, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST is coming soon for the rapture!

5 months ago

Good book on the subject is Robert Duncan`s “Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed”https://www.amazon.com/Project-Catcher-Secrets-Cybernetic-Revealed/dp/1452804087?ref_=ast_author_dp

5 months ago

I cared for my husband for over 30 years, he had schizophrenia and would hear voices, maybe the strategy he used could work against these people. He would play loud music to block them out, something that they would hate like gospel music or Christian rock music, very loud and constant. If this thing is two way that’s all they would hear, what do you think?