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Irish doctor who highlights 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections is labelled as “far-right” and “anti-vaccination”

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On 6 February, Irish Senator Sharon Keogan hosted an event at the Irish parliament to expose the World Health Organisation’s power grab. 

Dr. Billy Ralph was one of those who gave a speech.  He spoke about the almost 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections registered on the World Health Organisation’s drug monitoring database, VigiAccess.

Dr. Ralph is being wrongfully investigated by the Irish Medical Council for advising a pregnant woman to exercise caution when considering a novel pharmaceutical agent – namely the experimental mRNA vaccines, Dr. Tess Lawrie tweeted.

You can hear more about Dr. Ralph’s wrongful investigation HERE.

After Senator Keogan’s event, the Irish Examiner published an article labelling all those who gave a presentation as a “panel of prominent far-right individuals and anti-vaccination campaigners.”

Is Dr. Billy Ralph an “anti-vaxxer” for pointing out facts? asks Louise Roseingrave.


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GP tells Leinster House of 5 million covid vaccine reactions listed on WHO website

By Louise Roseingrave

Wexford general practitioner (“GP”) Dr. Billy Ralph dropped a bombshell in a speech delivered at Leinster House last week. His presentation was part of an event organised by Independent Senator Sharon Keogan entitled ‘WHO Pandemic Treaty: Know the Facts’.

The event was attended by just two TDs, Mattie McGrath (Ind), who heard the full discussion and Michael Fitzmaurice (Ind) ‘who stepped in for a while’ according to organisers. Deputy Fitzmaurice announced his intention to join the newly formed Independent Ireland Party this morning. Fine Gael’s Simon Coveney was personally handed a copy of the event information pack by Senator Keogan.

[Note: TD is an acronym for Teachta Dála (Member of Parliament), who is a member of Dáil Éireann, the lower house of the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament).]

The Irish Examiner slapped this headline upon proceedings. It’s not clear if reporter Paul Hosford actually attended the event. If he did, perhaps he might have picked up on an important detail delivered in Dr. Ralph’s speech.

In preparing for the presentation, the GP – who is one of six GPs under investigation by the Irish Medical Council – checked out the World Health Organisation’s figures for adverse drug reactions to covid-19 vaccines.

The result? More than five million adverse reactions were logged, a total of 5,286,822 in just three years of covid vaccine circulation. For comparison, the GP checked out results for Amoxicillin, a commonly used penicillin antibiotic.

The website, an affiliate site to the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) is

“Everyone’s had amoxicillin, babies have it, dogs have it. If you look up amoxicillin, you’ll get 160,000 reported adverse events over 52 years.

“Now if you put in covid vaccine, and bear in mind that it’s one in a hundred of these events that gets reported and the covid vaccines have been around for three years. And this is on WHO’s own website. There are 5,25 million adverse events recorded.

“I don’t see the WHO saying anything about that,” Dr. Ralph said.

The adverse reactions logged on VigiAccess show that more adverse events occurred in Europe than anywhere else in the world and that females sustained a rate of injury almost twice that of males.

The most common age range for covid-19 vaccine injuries was the 18-44 year-old age group at 41 % followed by the 45-64 age group, who sustained 28% of reported injuries.

Journalists don’t write their own headlines, so it is not clear who is responsible for the use of the words “anti-vaccination campaigners,” but surely Paul Hosford could have picked up on this important detail of more than five million adverse reactions?

Instead, this is the sum total of the report as it alludes to Dr. Ralph:

Is Dr. Billy Ralph an “anti-vaxxer” for pointing out facts?

Is Dr. Jack Lambert, who runs a long covid clinic and expressly states that he is dealing with vaccine-injured patients, also an “anti-vaxxer”?

In labelling speakers as ‘far-right’ and “anti-vaccination” does a newspaper do any service in alerting the public to the details of what is contained in the WHO Pandemic Treaty, alongside its fully binding International Health Regulation amendments?

Is the purpose of such reporting to deliberately obfuscate the points delivered?

I encourage readers to watch Dr. Ralph’s short presentation [see Louise Roseingrave’s article] and discern for themselves whether the WHO Pandemic Treaty is something that requires somewhat more discussion than the Irish media afforded it last week.

Remember, it was the WHO that declared covid-19 a global pandemic on 11 March 2020. Was the crisis that followed appropriate? Note Dr. Ralph’s mention of ongoing excess deaths in Ireland, running at a rate of 15% for January 2024.

The ‘WHO Pandemic Treaty: Know the Facts’ event at the AV Room in the Dáil was followed by a press conference at Buswell’s Hotel. This is the first post of a series I’m putting together.

Full video coverage to be provided by the organisers in due course.

In the meantime:

  • Watch Aisling O’Loughlin’s interview with Andrew Bridgen MP HERE
  • Watch Ivor Cummins’ coverage HERE
  • Read Matt Treacy of Gript HERE

About the Author

Louise Roseingrave is an Irish freelance journalist whose work has been published in most major Irish media outlets.   She has a particular interest in public health, the covid pandemic response, vaccine policy and how those have interplayed with politics.

She is the author of the Substack page titled ‘Louise Roseingrave’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.  You can also follow her on Twitter HERE.

Featured image: Photos from the Irish Expedition to expose the WHO power grab, Dr. Tess Lawrie, 10 February 2024

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raj patel
raj patel
3 months ago

More medics are speaking out daily as each new whistleblower gives them the confidence and bravery to tell the truth – this is unstoppable. Thanks to Louise Roseingrave, and the six GPs for stepping up.

Reply to  raj patel
3 months ago

A bit late, isn’t it? Who wanted those poisons, already got it, who resisted won’t go for it no matter what.

I’ve just watched another video with a doc speaking out, “IT’S BLATANTLY OBVIOUS NOW: THE JABS ARE KILLING PEOPLE — DR. DAVID CARTLAND” on SOTN…asking docs to do the same. However it was clear that men become infertile apart from many dying and dying young.
No one can reverse it.
I don’t buy the “we didn’t know” part. It would mean that they either too dumb to work as docs, which case can be proven with the MAC stuff, the docs who have MAC, were ‘vaccinated’, just too dumb – the rest without MAC (nanotech in them) were corrupt enough to murder for money.

Reply to  SilencedAbi4
3 months ago

Those behind creating the bio-weapon knew what it was and lied about it!

Nurmburg trials ……….NOW!

Dr Gerard Waters
Dr Gerard Waters
3 months ago

As one of the six Irish Doctors investigated by the jackboot IMO and the only one to be be illegally suspended for the last three years in Southern Ireland with the loss of all income , I totally endorse what Dr Billy Ralph stated and commend Louise Roseingrave and Aisling O Laughlin on reporting There are some very honest and brave people in our little country and I am very proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with them. Dr Gerry Waters .

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
3 months ago

All the WEF puppets who were supposed to represent their populations now only represent themselves.

When it gets bad enough those are the ones you will need to exterminate.

3 months ago

Future Technologies Forum 2024
13–14 February 2024

President of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Putin

The Forum aims to provide an open platform for dialogue between representatives of the government, business and scientists in order to develop joint steps for research and technology in areas that will shape global development and the future of mankind in the near term. Our job, Russia’s top priority, is to use the enormous potential of such innovative solutions to ensure economic growth and improve the quality of people’s lives.

One of the sessions:

World Trade Center Moscow, 10:00–11:30

Session topics:

Technological Sovereignty in Biological Safety

Triad of Future Biosecurity:

Genomic Surveillance, Big Data and Mobile Technologies

Russia is one of the leaders in ensuring biological safety and, as such, provides assistance to other states in this area. A triad of technologies is successfully used to timely forecast and promptly respond to biological safety threats and provides an analysis of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country: genomic surveillance, mobile technologies and big data analytics (including AI analytics), and big data, super-integration technologies. Already today, an entire infrastructure has been created […] Which technologies for genomic surveillance and big data analysis for biosafety are available today and are being implemented both in Russia and around the world? What will the mobile laboratories of the future be like and what innovations will influence their development?



Anna Popova — Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing – Chief State Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation



Josefina Campos — Senior Technical Advisor for the International Pathogen Surveillance Network (IPSN), World Health Organisation Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence

Reply to  karakorum
3 months ago
Reply to  SilencedAbi4
3 months ago

: D : D
Hey, Abby! Well, of course, why else did they prick them? But these are “clauses hidden in the fine print” for specialists, not for us, the proles.

*I saw that you greeted me a week ago, but, again, after I did not respond immediately, the articles quickly changed. It’s good to see you, too. (Are you still being silenced?)

3 months ago

Wow, this is the first time has happened Patrick Wood, after approving a comment of mine in technocracy dot news, he posted it without links, he cut them off. This is about this forum (in the comment after it is the link):
One of the session:
World Trade Center Moscow, 12:00–13:30
Why Does the Brain Need to Connect to a Computer?

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  karakorum
3 months ago

We entered into the Limited hangout phase.
Let’s release the steam out…

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  SilencedAbi4
3 months ago

Thank you for that.
Keep up your good work.

3 months ago

[…] – Irish doctor who highlights 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections is labelled as “far-… […]

3 months ago

And… After David Icke’s forum immediately deleted my thread about the Russian forum about brain-computer chips and genetic modifications of humans, the next day a new thread magically appeared there: “Russian TV investigates Klaus Schwab”. By Bryan.
https : // forum .davidicke .com/index.php?/topic/34285-russian-tv-investigates-klaus-schwab/

Isn’t that nice? : – D

The Lizard of Oz
The Lizard of Oz
3 months ago

Far-right is NewSpeak for critical thinker
Anti-vaxx is NewSpeak awkward buggers who won’t do as their told.

Far-right? Nah, far-out man!

Perhaps the Irish Examiner should examine themselves. I wonder, how much does pfizer and moderna et al spend on advertising in their grotty little rag?

The biggest problem with newspapers these days is that there’s so much kerosene in the ink its not even useful for wiping your bum.

3 months ago

[…] Read More: Irish doctor who highlights 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections […]

3 months ago

[…] Read More: Irish doctor who highlights 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections […]

3 months ago

[…] Irish doctor who highlights 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections is labelled as “far-… On 6 February, Irish Senator Sharon Keogan hosted an event at the Irish parliament to expose the World Health Organization’s power grab.  Dr. Billy Ralph was one of those who gave a speech.  He spoke about the almost 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections registered on the World Health Organization’s drug monitoring database, VigiAccess. […]

3 months ago

[…] Irish doctor who highlights 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections is labelled as “far-…On 6 February, Irish Senator Sharon Keogan hosted an event at the Irish parliament to expose the World Health Organization’s power grab.  Dr. Billy Ralph was one of those who gave a speech.  He spoke about the almost 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections registered on the World Health Organization’s drug monitoring database, VigiAccess. […]

3 months ago

[…] Hele hans familie har taget sprøjten, og han er forståeligt nervøs for dem. Han henviser til Scottish Vaccine Injury Group, hvor man kan se en mængde oplysende sygehistorier. Watt taler udpræget skotsk, så hans sprog er måske i overkanten for de flestes forståelsesevner, men prøv..Se også Irish doctor who highlights 5.3 million adverse reactions to covid injections is labelled as “far-… […]

Joy N.
Joy N.
3 months ago

Good post..👌

What the Holy Bible says of this horrific decade just ahead of us.. Here’s a site expounding current global events in the light of bible prophecy… To understand more, pls visit 👇

3 months ago

[…] to covid injections is labelled as “far-right” and “anti-vaccination” – The Expose • CDCs Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective, but agency recommended them anyway: […]

3 months ago

[…] CDC:s egna forskare fann masker ineffektiva, men myndigheten rekommenderade dem ändå:… […]

3 months ago

Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.
Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!
RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.
Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!
RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!