Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - English language skills
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English language skills

Registration standard

The English language skills registration standard (2019) came into effect on 1 March 2019. This registration standard applies to all nurses and midwives applying for initial registration, regardless of whether they qualified in Australia or overseas.

Document name PDF Accessible format Date of effect
Registration standard: English language skills PDF 
Word version 
1 March 2019 


Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
Fact sheet: English language skills registration standard PDF 
Webpage 1 March 2019

Do you meet the English language skills registration standard?

The English language skills registration standard (2019) introduces additional pathways for nursing and midwifery applicants to demonstrate evidence of their English language skills. Diagrams of how these work are included in the English language skills pathways document listed below.

Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
Pathways diagram: English language skills registration standard PDF
1 March 2019
Evidence guide: English Language skills registration standard PDF
Word version
(212 KB,DOCX)
1 March 2019
Policy: English language skills registration standard PDF  
Web page  1 March 2019

Approved English language test providers

If you are required to sit an English language test, please refer to either of the following approved provider's websites for more information:

Consultation process

The revised English language skills registration standards for all professions were developed after a review of the existing standards, which included a public consultation. The consultation report provides a summary of responses, rationale for any changes and sets out the proposed way forward, including areas where further work in planned. The report, as well as the letter from Ministerial Council approving the new standards is available on the AHPRA website.

Retired version

The previous version of the registration standard which is no longer in effect.

Document name PDF Accessible format Date of effect
Retired: Transition policy: English language skills registration standard PDF

1 March 2019 to 29 February 2020
Retired: English language skills registration standard PDF 
To 31 June 2015
Retired: English language skills registration standard (2015) PDF
Word version 
1 July 2015 to 28 February 2019
Retired: FAQ - find out more about the standards (2015) PDF 
August 2015 to 28 February 2019
Retired: Pathways diagram for nurses and midwives: Explains the requirements for each pathway (2015) PDF 
Word version 
July 2015 to 28 February 2019
Retired: English language skills evidence guide for nurses and midwives (2015) PDF 
Word version 
August 2015 to 28 February 2019
Retired: English language skills registration standard policy (2015) PDF 
26 May 2016 to 28 February 2019
Page reviewed 12/09/2022