Cui bono? The CIA. MI6. MOSSAD. The Zionist State of Israel.

With the Injury/Murder of Iran’s President CIA is Free to Maneuver His Successor Which Benefits the Satanic British Empire

Plane crashes are a FAVORITE of the CIA who Crashed Gary Caradori’s plane when he had smoking gun evidence or Pictures of politicians in D.C. having sex with kids.  Of course, after the plane crash the FBI (toxic twin of the CIA) grabbed all the evidence and it quickly disappeared within the Deep State of the British Empire.  This was in the book The Franklin Cover-Up written by Senator John DeCamp who had a personal connection to the Director of the CIA -Bill Colby.  When the CIA (British Empire) doesn’t like you MVA’s, heart attacks & Plane crashes happen.

Next up there was the extremely brazen US-coordinated assassination of anti-Covid vaccine Haitian President Jovenel Moïse in his own home.

As follows:Was this yet another CIA hit of the Haitian head of state
because he was strongly against the Covid vaccines?!

Iran’s President Reportedly Involved in Helicopter Crash

By infostormer

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was reportedly involved in a helicopter crash in East Azerbaijan. There have been some unconfirmed reports that he was injured.

The big question is if this crash or “hard landing” as it has been described was the result of Zionist sabotage or if it was just a simple accident or weather related incident. This is a developing story so there’s not a whole lot of detail on what happened here. I’m sure we’ll know more in the hours and days to come.


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