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ID: 7006810
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Record Type: administrative
Hierarchy of Hague, The (inhabited place)  Hague, The (inhabited place)

Lat: 52 05 00 N  degrees minutes   Lat: 52.0833  decimal degrees
Long: 004 18 00 E  degrees minutes   Long: 4.3000  decimal degrees

Note: Originally located in woodland called Haghe ("hedge"), town grew around residence of counts of Holland. In 1248, Wilhelm II built a castle, which his successors have expanded into the present-day buildings. Grew economically in the late 14th century when the judiciary moved from Holland and Zeeland to the Hague and later it became the seat of the stadholders and the government under Maurice of Orange (1567-1625). At the turn of the 19th century, it became an important conference center and headquarters for many institutions, most notably the International Court of Justice of the United Nations.

's-Gravenhage (preferred,C,V,Dutch,U)  ............  name refers to residence of counts of Holland, means "the counts' private dominion [in the Haghe woods]"
Gravenhage, 's- (C,V)
s Gravenhage (C,V)
's Gravenhage (C,V)
Den Haag (C,O,Dutch,U)
Haag (C,O,Dutch,U)
The Hague (C,O,English,U)
Hague, The (C,O,English-P,U,N)
La Haye (C,O,Dutch,U)
Haye, La (C,O)
Aia (C,O)
The Haag (NA,V,Dutch,U)
האג (C,U,Hebrew )

Hierarchical Position:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Europe (continent)  ....  Europe (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Netherlands (nation)  ........  Netherlands (nation) (P)
Hierarchy of South Holland (province)  ............  South Holland (province) (P)
Hierarchy of Hague, The (inhabited place)  ................  Hague, The (inhabited place) (P)

Place Types:
inhabited place (preferred, C)  ............  originally site of the hunting lodge of the counts of Holland, settlement grew up around castle built in 1248
city (C)
national capital (C)
provincial capital (C)

Sources and Contributors:
האג..........  [IMJ]
...........  Israel Museum Jerusalem contribution (n.d.)
Aia..........  [VP]
...........  Cassell's Italian Dictionary (1983) 20
Den Haag..........  [BHA, GRLPSC, VP]
.................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
.................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
Gravenhage, 's-..........  [BHA, VP]
.............................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
.............................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
Haag..........  [VP]
...........  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
...........  Rand McNally Atlas (1994) I-67
Hague, The..........  [BHA, VP]
.......................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) V, 615
.......................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 480
Haye, La..........  [BHA, VP]
.................  Rand McNally Atlas (1994) I-70
La Haye..........  [BHA, VP]
.................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
.................  Rand McNally Atlas (1994) I-93
's-Gravenhage..........  [BHA Preferred, VP Preferred]
..........................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) 5:615
..........................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
's Gravenhage..........  [FDA, GRLPSC]
..........................  Van Marle, Pittura Italiana (1932)
..........................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
s Gravenhage..........  [VP]
.......................  Times Atlas of the World (1992) 180
The Haag..........  [VP]
.................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
The Hague..........  [FDA, GRLPSC, IMJ Preferred, VP]
....................  Israel Museum Jerusalem contribution (n.d.)
....................  National Archives and Record Administration database (1987-)
....................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
....................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
Subject: .....  [BHA, FDA, GRLPSC, IMJ, VP]
..................  Cassell's Italian Dictionary (1983) 20
..................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
..................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) V, 615; 5:615
..................  Israel Museum Jerusalem contribution (n.d.)
..................  National Archives and Record Administration database (1987-)
..................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -2152921
..................  Rand McNally Atlas (1994) I-67; I-70; I-93
..................  Times Atlas of the World (1992) 180
..................  Van Marle, Pittura Italiana (1932)
..................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1984)
..................  Webster's Geographical Dictionary (1988) 480
English ..........  [VP]
..........  Phaidon Art Guide: Holland (1987) 103


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