
Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 21, 2022



Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 21 Oct. 2022

Compiled Fri. 21 Oct. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Wake Up America!
Southern Border Out of Control
Highest Inflation in 40 Years
CDC Panel Votes to Add Heart Attack Causing Covid19 Vaccine to Mandated Child Vaccine Schedule.
2020 Mail In Ballot Election Fraud Headed by CIA and FBI
After Closing Keystone Pipeline Biden Used Up Nation’s Oil Reserves.
Biden Laptop Reveals Proof of 459 Violations of State and Federal Laws By Biden.
Hillary Not Indicted After Destroying 30,000 Government Emails on Illegal Server.
Raid on Trump’s Private Residence Mar-A-Largo.

A Beloved Community of Sisters and Brothers

January 16, 2022- #4818 Music & the Spoken Word (

Anything that’s rewarding is also demanding. Talk to someone who thinks or looks different from you. Be patient and openhearted to someone who otherwise frustrates you. When we treat each other like family – one by one, person by person – we begin to build a beloved community.

Judy Note: A Message to Defenders: “You’ve gotta stay in the battle. You have to find some place of spiritual peace to proceed from inside of yourself. Get up every morning and say ‘Reporting for duty, sir’ and then go educate people, talk back, even when it’s painful. Don’t get discouraged. Find peace inside of yourself by knowing that you’re doing the right thing every day and that getting up and fighting for this is what you were put on this Planet to do.” …Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Global Currency Reset:




  • The Engine will start this Thurs. 20 Oct. They have given the Green Light.” …Wolverine
  • “Monies will begin releasing on Thurs. 20 Oct, with Dubai 1 completing and Dubai 2 starting a week later on Thurs. 27 Oct. … A High Up Contact
  • “Redemption Center personnel were now saying that it would be a Mon-Tues 24-25 Oct. start for Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group).”… “Bond Holders should also get liquidity on Mon-Tues 24-25 Oct.”  …Bruce
  • “Redemption Centers were preparing to be very busy beginning next week.” … “The Iraqi Parliament was planning to be installed next Mon. 24 Oct.” … “Bond Holders were expecting 100% of their funds made liquid this week.”… “Tier 4Bwas expecting to be notified to set exchange and redemption appointments within 72 hours after Bond Holders received liquidity.” … “The USDA has paid off $800 million in farm loans – a key indicator that this has already started under NESARA.” …MarkZ
  • Great Financial Reset was Happening Now: 

Thurs. 20 Oct The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#

  • Redemption Center staff were on call right now.
  • Redemption Center personnel were now saying that it would be a Mon-Tues 24-25 Oct. start for Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group).”
  • Bond Holders should also get liquidity on Mon-Tues 24-25 Oct.  

Restored Republics:

  • Trump Overseas, will return Sat. 22 Oct. for Rally in Texas (not Florida as previously published):
  • Knothole News: US Corp has sold us to the Chinese. US Democrat Senator Al Gore Sr. accepted a contract for oil with the agreement he would hire Chinese staffers into Congressional and US bureaucratic offices. The Chinese are opening police headquarters in American cities with the excuse they are after Chinese citizens. Chinese and Russian soldiers have been training at US Military bases inside the US for decades with Congress fully aware, informed and complicit.
  • On Wed. 19 Oct. evidence on Hunter Biden’s Laptop was sent to Congress. The summary contained a total of 459 documented violations of state and federal laws including 140 alleged business-related crimes, 191 sex-related offenses and 128 drug-related crimes and evidence of how Hunter, 52, President Joe Biden, 79, and his brother Jimmy, 73, allegedly profited to the tune of $6.8m by offering to become the US front men for China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
  • Dragon family sources say that all gold and treasure hoards that once again back the US dollar are now under their control. …Ben Fulford
  • Rothschilds have lost control of the UK, Swiss Bank and French Rothschild Colony of France.
  • The Khazarian Mafia was desperately trying to save themselves by switching over to Central Bank Digital currencies, but since these are backed by nothing, this effort is doomed to fail.
  • Beck: “Why is the FBI TARGETING peaceful, pro-life Americans?” [14:06 video (cc)]

Kat istheSea3:

  • U.S. Military Might @qthestormrider777: Starlink Satellites are particle weapons that track every Nuclear Silo on Earth & can destroy every launched Nuclear rocket in two seconds & vaporize them.
  • The US Military has far exceeded Future tech in Weapons, Healing & Travel [Space & Time.]
  • Everything connects back to Tesla & Donald Trump’s genius uncle John G. Trump. Their works & creation of Time Travel projects & machines are hidden and in full operation in Cheyenne Mountain and under Lake Geneva.
  • When the White Hat Military gets full control of world 5Gs they can use this technology for what it was originally designed for – to heal human bodies with healing frequencies. 

Election Fraud:

The Real News for Thurs. 20 Oct. 2022:

Mon. 17 Oct. Game Over, Satanato Lost, Huge Repercussions to Follow, Fulford Report:

  • The Armageddon threats of course are hollow because neither the KM nor the fake Biden regime, control any nuclear weapons, Pentagon sources say.
  • There is also more evidence the owners of the United States of America Corp. went bankrupt. Two of the biggest owners of that Corporation, as well as most of the Fortune 500 companies, Blackrock and Vanguard appear to have declared bankruptcy.
  • Blackrock International, Inc. Files for Bankruptcy in Lafayette | BKData
  • USA Corporation, as well as the privately owned United Nations, BIS, IMF, World Bank etc. are coming down.
  • The US Corporation missed a payment deadline on September 30th and was given until October 14th to find the money before being declared in default. If they did not find additional funding then all hell will break loose.
  • Trans-Pacific shipping rates have plunged 75% from earlier this year because the Asians are no longer accepting FRB funny money as payment for real goods.
  • On October 12, the head of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey said the BOE would stop propping up financial markets on October 14th. Then, on that day, British finance minister Kwasi Kwarteng was fired. After that, policies like unfunded tax cuts for the rich were scrapped.
  • MI6 sources say the Rothschilds have lost control of the BOE and that a de facto military government now rules the UK. If so, the UK branch of the Rothschilds has now officially lost control of the BOE for the first time since it took it over via insider trading after the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
  • Now, the Swiss branch of the Rothschild family also appear to be in trouble, The US Federal Reserve Board has recently pumped $9.37 billion into the Swiss national bank in what is likely an attempt to prevent Credit Suisse from going under.
  • If Credit Suisse goes under, the domino effect would cause most major Western financial institutions to collapse and markets to implode. These are imploding anyway because the KM has lost control of the internationally traded US dollar.
  • Dragon family sources say that all gold and treasure hoards that once again back the US dollar are now under their control.
  • This is important because ever since the KM ran out of gold in 1971 the US stock market has become a giant hallucination. As the chart below shows, stock market valuation rose by a peak of 4000% against GDP. If you take into account the fact GDP numbers have been wildly inflated by under-counting inflation, you can confirm the stock markets are no longer connected to reality. No wonder average American living standards have been falling since 1971 while the KM has become super-reach by using central bank fraud to steal from the people.  
  • The KM are desperately trying to save themselves by switching over to Central Bank Digital Currencies but, since these are also backed by nothing, this effort is doomed to fail.
  • The French Rothschild colony of France has been unable to pay for oil imports. This (not the reported labor disputes) is causing gasoline stations across the nation to either run dry or ration gas. 
  • We also noted their slave President Emanuelle Macron has been put under demonic control, as seen by his black eye. This means the French military and republic are now battling to liberate themselves from Demonic control.





  • BBC prepares secret scripts for possible use in winter blackouts. Scripts set out how corporation will reassure public in event of major power loss. The BBC has prepared secret scripts that could be read on air if energy shortages cause blackouts or the loss of gas supplies this winter.
  • The scripts, seen by the Guardian, set out how the corporation would reassure the public in the event that a “major loss of power” causes mobile phone networks, internet access, banking systems or traffic lights to fail across England, Wales and Scotland.

What are the BRICS countries?

  • The BRICS countries are, as the name suggests, an association of the following five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
  • The conglomerate, which already has a population of 3.3 billion people, has set itself the goal of creating an alternative monetary system instead of the US dollar-based paper currency system. A noble project, one might think. However, if you take a closer look at the subject, it becomes clear that this is not the counterpart model of interest bondage, but a modernized and more efficient version.
  • It is the beginning of a worldwide project. The project of installing the Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Thurs. 19 Oct. Biden Crime Family, Santa Surfing:

  • 459 fully documented crimes implicating not just Hunter Biden, but their entire corrupted family. “It has been sent to members of the U.S. House & U.S. Senate, along with every contact on the Biden Laptop, which includes everyone from Hunter’s classmates at Archmere Academy to a sizable portion of the current White House staff.
  • It is simple but dense: 630 pages. 2,020 footnotes. Broken up neatly into sections with the biggest focus being Business-Related Crimes. We believe that it is the deepest digital colonoscopy ever performed on a sitting U.S. first family.”
  • MEMBERS of Congress have received a bombshell report into hundreds of alleged crimes found on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell,” The Sun can reveal. Marco Polo, a group led by a former President Donald Trump staffer that has been investigating the laptop, today sent its findings to all 535 members of the House and the Senate.
  • The group’s founder Garrett Ziegler believes it has uncovered a total of 459 documented violations of state and federal laws on the laptop. It includes 140 alleged business-related crimes, 191 sex-related offenses and 128 drug-related crimes.
  • The release of Marco Polo’s report comes after a 13-month-long investigation and ahead of crucial midterm elections on November 8, which could change the balance of power in Washington.
  • Perhaps most egregious of all, the Marco Polo report appears to include evidence of how Hunter, 52, President Joe Biden, 79, and his brother Jimmy, 73, allegedly profited to the tune of $6.8m by offering to become the US frontmen for China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Previously known as One Belt One Road, the strategy is widely seen as Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s bid for global domination.
  • Hunter allegedly illegally lobbied for individuals from China, [redacted], Kazakhstan, Romania, Mexico and Serbia under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, according to the report.
  • The dossier also alleges that Hunter laundered money after being paid $1m for illegally representing a man he described as “the f*****g spy chief of China” by sending the money to a shell company and to his uncle Jimmy.
  • In addition to Hunter’s alleged illegal lobbying for foreign governments, the Marco Polo dossier includes a graphic portrayal of his debauched lifestyle and penchant for hard drugs, call girls and porn.
  • It documents Hunter’s extremely toxic relationship with his sister-in-law turned lover Hallie, who Hunter had a relationship with after his brother Beau died of brain cancer in May 2015.
  • The report also details evidence related to a gun purchase which investigators reportedly believe they have enough evidence to charge him over.
  • Ziegler, 26, who worked in the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy at the White House during the Trump administration, told The Sun: “Our number one goal is to ensure that Republicans don’t waste time. The investigation has been done. All we’re seeking is the equal application of the law. So far, this saga has been one of the greatest examples of double standards in American legal history. People have gone to prison for decades based on Joe’s own policies for doing exactly what Hunter did. Meanwhile Hunter is living at a beachside estate in Malibu.”

Must Watch Videos:

[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

Read Full Report (Doc):

Updates for the Week Prior:

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 20, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 19, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 18, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 17, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official




Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 14, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 12, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official


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