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Books By Barnabas

  The Land of Adoration (Rock of    Gethsemane )
   From the messages given to Barnabas,    Jesus has revealed that His long-expected    Kingdom of God on earth, or the Glorious    Reign, has now been launched. This is the    Kingdom Christians pray for in Our Father.    Great events beyond human imagination,    as indicated in Matt. 24:22, are about to    unfold. God is preparing to unleash the    Great Tribulation that will purify both the Church and the world through a series of disasters, which are inevitable because of the magnitude and intensity of man's iniquities. Since the Precious Blood is the ransom paid for man's salvation, it is no wonder that the great task of rescuing the world from the powers of darkness in our time will be accomplished by the infinite merits of this mysterious weapon. From what is emerging, Christ wants to establish a location where His lovers can come to experience to some degree what He went through in Jerusalem on that fateful Good Friday. This is why the land where this renewal of the world is starting will have the main features of the Passion of the Christ, from the Garden of Gethsemane to the point of the Crucifixion.

Also known as the Rock of Gethsemane, or simply as the New Jerusalem by many of the villagers and transporters, the Holy Land of Reparation, Renewal and Adoration of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ is situated in coal-rich Enugu, in the heart of Igboland of Nigeria. Tucked away from modern civilization, a vast land, measuring 144 hectares, was requested from the owners by the Lord, through the mystic Barnabas, and was readily granted by the local chieftains. Easily one of the world's largest, if not the largest, this budding pilgrimage center will soon become Africa 's best-known retreat ground. The land, accessible only through a dirt, thirteen-kilometer-long winded road, is rich in stones of various types, trees and springs. It easily lends itself, in its undulating topography, to the adaptations for which an ambitions development plan has been mapped out by architects and engineers at an estimated cost of US$36million. One unfolding mystery of this great project is the manner in which professionals of different faiths are united in their enthusiasm to make it a reality, some of them offering their services voluntarily. The key structures as outlined to Barnabas by Our Lord Jesus Christ in many elaborate messages include:

1. An adoration super structure , the Holy Temple with twelve compartments, that will take at any given time 36,000 worshippers and a sanctuary, with an appropriate altar, to accommodate 500–1,000 priests con-celebrating.

       2. A Way of the Cross to depict –
       The 14 major stations as observed        by the Church A 15 th station with        the Image of  the Resurrected Christ
       All stations will carry art objects of        the personalities and instruments of        Christ's Passion

A Garden of the Scourging at the Pillar

4. The site of the Crowning with Thorns

  5. The Rock of Gethsemane
, believed to   be identical to the original one in Jerusalem   at the time of Christ's agony. This network   of stones had always been on this land.

An artist's image of Christ praying at the Rock of Gethsemane (to be cast in stone).

Adjoining the Rock will be the       Library of the Life of Perfection, a      circular structure with compartments      for sitting and to be completed with      a rotating monstrance for perpetual      adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Priests and Religious House

This structure, with administrative offices, is being developed by the Nigerian apostolate, along with the Stations of the Cross.


The Fountain of Calvary

   Jesus promises healing and deliverance through    this spring. The miracles will commence as from    the date to be announced by the Lord Himself.    The Singaporeans have single-handedly    developed this spring, with a grotto like the one    at Lourdes , France . The accompanying art    works, namely, a giant Agonizing Crucifix and a    statue of the Immaculate Conception (Our Lady    of Lourdes), are also being sponsored by the    Singaporeans. This fountain is one feature of    the Holy Land which, when commissioned, is    bound to attract many tourists and pilgrims to    this retreat ground.

. The Garden of Flowers .
   This is a long stretch of land, which    is being cultivated for a life of silence    and meditation. As instructed by Our    Blessed Mother, the Nigerian youths    of this apostolate, besides other    assignments given to them, are    planting flowers and other types of    vegetation in this garden and    around the whole land.

Excerpts Of Messages      