Prose & Poetry

We have been around since 2002. We are devoted to all literature. Here you can write poetry, short stories, essays, and even entire books! You don’t write? If you like to read, you will find some of the best authors on the web writing about just about anything.





Rhyming Poems





Best Prose & Poetry

The proliferation of poetry websites on the Internet is second only to the number of poems published daily. While we are sure that poetry fans have their favorite blogs where they get inspiration, here are some lesser-known resources that are worth checking out still.

Sailor Moon Gallery

Our Sailor Moon Galleries Each Sailor has her Own Gallery! Sailor Moon and all characters are copyright © 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha Those who have purchased rights include: TOEI Animation., DiC Entertainment, Kodansha, Bandai, and others. Those who have NOT...

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A Movie Script Written in Key Points
A semi-Socratic note to professional screenwriters and such: Script my ass #format Main Cast The Wanted Criminal The Main Thief The Bad Girl Victor The Wanted Criminal pulls off a ballsy maneuver getting hold of a highly valuable artifact (act I, if necessary;...
Cheating Wife Confessions
I am a married woman with two children, and they are not my husband’s. He has no clue. Call me a cheat, but know that I don’t care about your judgment, or anyone’s, except for my own. I am here to tell a personal story, so either read it, or don’t. I met my lover at a...
Top 10 Michael Peterson Books
Michael Peterson's books are notable for their rich historical context. The author was condemned in 2001 for killing his second wife Kathleen Peterson. The trial revealed that he faked a car accident injury as a war injury, showing he did not win a Purple Heart for...
Love Poetry
Love poetry is the most popular literary form that articulates the complexities, subtleties, and variances of love, serving as a medium through which affection, desire, and connection are conveyed and examined. This genre encompasses a wide spectrum of sentiments,...

Modern Poetry

Poetry has taken on many shapes and forms over the centuries. Writing poetry for the modern audiences is a skill.

Romantic Poetry

Romantic poetry is at its best when the poet has the heart of a lover.

Russian Poetry

Russian poetry can be very melodic and enjoyable. It can be a rewarding exploration.

Russian Literature

Russian literature is famous all over the world. It has many great literary giants who are unparalleled in their works.

Our Workshops

Join our workshops to dive into the world of literature and see how it all works.

Poetry Workshop

Poetry workshops are a great way to improve your writing skills and build a network of poets. By diving deep into poetry, it is inevitable that you also fall in love with life.

Stories Workshop

Stories have always been important to human beings ever since the beginning of mankind. Learn what goes into becoming a powerful storyteller.

Books Workshop

Fall in love with books and you will live many lifetimes! Join our books workshop and gain valuable insights.


Rhyming Poems About Love Life

Rhyming poems about love life can be a great way to explore
and develop one’s romantic side.

You Can Write Here For Free

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A Movie Script Written in Key Points

A semi-Socratic note to professional screenwriters and such: Script my ass #format Main Cast The Wanted Criminal The Main Thief The Bad Girl Victor The Wanted Criminal pulls off a ballsy maneuver getting hold of a highly valuable artifact (act I, if necessary;...

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Cheating Wife Confessions

I am a married woman with two children, and they are not my husband’s. He has no clue. Call me a cheat, but know that I don’t care about your judgment, or anyone’s, except for my own. I am here to tell a personal story, so either read it, or don’t. I met my lover at a...

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Top 10 Michael Peterson Books

Michael Peterson's books are notable for their rich historical context. The author was condemned in 2001 for killing his second wife Kathleen Peterson. The trial revealed that he faked a car accident injury as a war injury, showing he did not win a Purple Heart for...

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