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Pipeline Terror Is the 9/11 of the Raging Twenties

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There’s no question that future unbiased historians will rank Russian President Vladimir Putin’s address on the Return of the Baby Bears – Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia – on September 30 as a landmark inflection point of the Raging Twenties.

The underlying honesty and clarity mirror his speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference, but this time largely transcending the trappings of the geopolitical New Great Game.

This was an address to the collective Global South. In a key passage, Putin remarked how “the world has entered a period of revolutionary transformations, which are fundamental in nature. New development centers are being formed, they represent the majority.”

As he made the direct connection between multipolarity and strengthening of sovereignty, he took it all the way to the emergence of a new anti-colonial movement, a turbocharged version of the Non-Aligned Movement of the 1960s:

“We have many like-minded people all over the world, including in Europe and the United States, and we feel and see their support. A liberating, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony is already developing in various countries and societies. Its subjectivity will only grow. It is this force that will determine the future geopolitical reality.”

Yet the speech’s closure was all about transcendence – in a spiritual tone. The last full paragraph starts with “Behind these words stands a glorious spiritual choice”.

Post-post-modernism starts with this speech. It must be read with utmost care so its myriad implications may be grasped. And that’s exactly what tawdry Western spin and a basket of demeaning adjectives will never allow.

The speech is a concise road map to how we got to this incandescent historical crossroads – where, to venture beyond Gramsci, the old order refuses to acknowledge its death while the new one is inexorably being born.

There’s no turning back. The key consequence of a largely documented fact – “a hybrid war is being waged against Russia because it stands in the way of the neocolonial world order” – is that Russia is getting ready for an all-out collision with the Empire of Lies.

Alongside top Eurasian powers China and Iran. Imperial vassals in this case are at best collateral damage.

Moreover, it’s quite telling that Putin’s speech followed India’s External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar, stressing the “pillaging of India by the colonial power” at the UN General Assembly.

Putin’s speech and Russia’s resolve to fight the – hybrid and otherwise – war against the collective West set up the Macro Picture.

The Micro Picture regards the see-saw in the battlefields in Ukraine, and even the blow-up of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines: a desperate gambit, a few days before the result of the referendums and their official recognition on September 30.

Where’s Osama when we need him?

As working hypotheses swirl on how the deed was done, a few things are quite clear.

Russia had absolutely no motive to destroy billions of dollars of Gazprom’s energy infrastructure: they could always use it as leverage; and they could just turn it off – as they did, because of the sanctions dementia – and re-route the gas to Asian customers.

A White House “led” by a senile teleprompter reader, mired in a black politico-economic void, was most certainly clueless.

The prime suspect is a rogue National Security/State Department faction – part of what is known in the Beltway as The Blob. Call them Straussians or neo-con fanatics, these are the players who are conducting a US foreign “policy” whose central premise is the destruction of Russia – with the European “allies” as collateral damage.

An inevitable – certainly unforeseen – consequence is that in this new twist in the War of Economic Corridors, all bets are off: no pipeline or undersea cable, anywhere in the world, is now safe and may become fair game in retaliation.

So the blow-up of the twin pipes – NS and NS2 – is 9/11 remixed Pipeline Terror. With no Islamist with a Kalashnikov hiding in an Afghan cave to take the fall.

Financial losses will involve quite a few weighty players. The shareholders of Nord Stream AG are Gazprom (51%); Wintershall Dea AG (15.5%); PEG Infrastruktur AG, a subsidiary of E.ON Beteiligungen (15.5%); N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie (9%) and Engie (9%).

So this is an attack not only against Russia and Germany but also against major European energy companies.

NS2 is an engineering marvel: over 200,000 pipe segments coated with 6” of concrete, each weighing 22 tons, laid out on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

And just when it seemed that all was lost, well, not really. The engineering marvel theme resurfaced: the pipes are so strong they were not broken, but merely punctured. Gazprom revealed there’s an intact string of NS2 that may “potentially” be used.

The bottom line is that reconstruction is possible, as Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak stressed: “There are technical possibilities to restore the infrastructure, it requires time and appropriate funds. I am sure that appropriate opportunities will be found.”

But first, Russia wants to conclusively identify the perpetrators.

Henry Kissinger, sore loser

US establishment oracle cum notorious war criminal, Henry Kissinger, could not get rid of his trademark Return of the Living Dead act, saying Russia has “already lost the war” because its capacity to threaten Europe with conventional attacks, which it had enjoyed for decades or even centuries, “has now been demonstrably overcome.”

Moscow was not “threatening” Europe with anything conventional or otherwise; it was trying to do business, and the Americans blocked it with a vengeance, even resorting to Pipeline Terror.

This American tactical victory was achieved in only seven months, and cost next to nothing. The results may seem impressive: US hegemony over the whole EU spectrum is now undisputed, as Russia lost its economic leverage. But that will only deepen Moscow’s resolve –as stressed by Putin’s speech – to take the fight against the Empire and its vassals to the limit.

On the Ukraine battlefields, that means forcing them to the negotiating table on Russia’s terms. And then force them to agree to a new European “indivisibility of security” arrangement.

And to think that all that could have been accomplished with a simple phone call in late 2021, when Moscow sent letters to Washington proposing a serious discussion.

In fact, it’s the US that has “already lost the war”: at least 87% of the world – including virtually the whole Global South – has already concluded this is a rogue, rudderless empire.


“Losing”, Kissinger-style, also means that in only 7 months, Russia annexed 120,000 km2 – or 22% of Ukrainian territory – that produces nearly 90% of GDP and has over 5 million citizens. Along the way, the allied forces basically destroyed the Ukrainian army, which they continue to do 24/7; billions of dollars of NATO equipment; accelerated the demise of most Western economies; and evaporated the notion of American hegemony.

As for Stupidistan Unplugged, the Oscar goes to Secretary Blinken, who gave away the game by saying the blow-up of the twin pipelines was a “tremendous strategic opportunity”.

Just like 9/11 was a “tremendous strategic opportunity” for indiscriminate invasion/bombing/killing/plunder across the lands of Islam.

Shock’n Awe is back

The EU is on the way to surefire Trade Devastation. From now on, any possibility of energy trade with Russia would have to be a consequence of the collapse of both NATO and the EU. That may happen, but it will take time. So what next?

The EU cannot rely on Asia: far away and impossibly expensive in terms of LNG liquefaction and re-gasification costs. Any pipeline – for instance, from Kazakhstan – would be crossing Russia or coming from China via Russia. Forget about Turkmenistan; it already ships its gas to China.

The EU cannot rely on West Asia. Turk Stream is fully booked. The whole production of the Persian Gulf is already bought. If – and that’s a major “if” – there was more gas available, it would be a small amount from Azerbaijan (and Russia might disrupt it). Iran remains sanctioned by the Empire – a fabulous own goal. Iraq and Syria are still plundered by the US.

That leaves Africa – where, as it stands, France is being unceremoniously kicked out, nation after nation. Italy may eventually pipe gas to German industry from Algeria, Libya and the Cyprus-Israel fields. There will be an absolutely mad scramble for Saharan gas fields and gas in central Africa – from Uganda to South Sudan.

The Baltic may be a NATO lake, but Russia could easily decide to make waves, for instance transporting LNG in barges to German ports via Kaliningrad – which is ice-free during winter. If Lithuania would try to block it, Mr. Khinzal could settle the issue by presenting his business card. Russia could also use the Gulf of Finland, not a problem for those massive Russian icebreakers.

This means Russia could easily destroy the competition – as in absurdly expensive LNG coming from the US. After all, St. Petersburg to Hamburg is only about 800 nautical miles; and from Kaliningrad, only 400 nautical miles.

The whole chessboard is about to be radically changed before the arrival of General Winter. 9/11 led to the bombing, invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Pipeline 9/11 is leading to a Shock’n Awe on NATO – to take place in Ukraine. Blowback is back – with a vengeance.

Pepe Escobar is a veteran journalist, author and independent geopolitical analyst focused on Eurasia.

(Republished from PressTV by permission of author or representative)
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  1. follyofwar says:

    I dearly hope that Escobar’s forecast is right. But given that The Blob, as he calls it, already blew up the pipelines, what would stop them from blowing up Russian ships or barges filled with LNG? And, even if the damaged pipes could be quickly patched (that’s the first I’ve heard of it), why would Russia fix them if they’d only be blown up again? Seems to me that the war must be concluded in Russia’s favor before any more of its gas makes its way to Germany. Maybe freezing and starving in a long, cold winter (terrible to contemplate) is the only way for Germans, and other Europeans, to realize that Washington is not their friend, but their mortal enemy.

    • Agree: Skeptikal
  2. Voltarde says:

    What do Jeffrey Epstein and the NordStream Pipelines have in common?

    Neither of them killed themselves, but everyone knows who did.

  3. Poupon Marx says:

    Most likely, Russia will want to be indemnified, meaning setting up a mechanism where payment amount is guaranteed against any cause except a natural one. Most people, governments, etc, today do not care about honor, their word, integrity, etc. So, and escrow amount would have to be “fronted” and held by Russia, in case of non payment. Maybe Lloyds of London could insure the deal.

    As a consequence of the actions and inactions of the EU, all future business deals will have to be indemnified, guaranteed for compensation to Russia. This is the same for persons of bad credit ratings.

    “The leaders of the West could not be stupider, even if we had a school for creating stupidly. My man!

    • Replies: @Notsofast
    , @RobinG
  4. Anonymous[146] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re glossing a speech that’s pivotal precisely because the Russian head of state came out and said what he thinks. Then why, on the crucial question of responsibility for internationally wrongful acts in breach of jus cogens, would you use all the standard weasel words?

    Rogue faction. of… national security. Slash-something mumble mumble er um.


    First of all, the perp is a rogue state, not a faction. The US command structure is strictly hierarchical. When you have an entity with impunity, they’re not rogue, they’re not out of control, they’re very firmly in control. CIA impunity is there in black and white for you to read since 1947, accreting all the time. The National Security Act, the Central Intelligence Agency Act, The Intelligence Identities Protection Act, the operational files exemption, the political questions doctrine, the state secrets privilege, the utmost deference doctrine, the deference upon deference doctrine, FASAB Standard 56, NSC 10/2, the National Security Directive of December 19, 1947, the Rogers-Huston memo et seq.

    These are the arbitrary life-and-death powers of a premodern Oriental potentate. CIA can kill you and torture you and get away with it, no matter who you are. That means they’re in charge. Piss them off, you’ll see.

    Furthermore, this is not a pluralistic system. CIA does not share or contend for its arbitrary power, it diffuses its agency as it sees fit to escape responsibility for crime. CIA delegates powers to subordinate agencies that it controls with illegal domestic agents termed focal points or dotted-line reports. CDC runs their germ warfare errands. DoD procures their inventory for gun-running. NED does their nonviolent ratfucking. FBI whitewashes CIA’s crimes.

    So in honor of our Fearless Leader Putin let us please have no mealy-mouthed bullshit. Europe is after the saboteurs with the relentless determination of OJ finding Nicole’s killers. Here they are: a dozen SIS pukes in the NHB working for David Marlowe. Hang em high.

  5. Notsofast says:
    @Poupon Marx

    agree with you, except on lloyds of london, the u.k. government would prevent them from paying the claim. the west should never be trusted again, they are duplicitous, lying, cheating, thieving, psychopathic mass murders and cannot be taken at their word. keep the money in russia.

  6. traducteur says:

    Very upbeat, but now the Russians are running away in Ukraine. Can the situation be retrieved? I hope so.

  7. Haxo Angmark says:

    babyface Tsar spouts his usual anti-globohomo vapors,

    and Pepe gets orgasmic. Meanwhile Jew-SA/NATO/Ukes kick Russian ass,

    but not to worry, sez Pepe, ’cause any year now,

    babyface is ‘gonna get tough!

    ….distant laughter….

    • Replies: @Notsofast
  8. Blinken said “strategic” not tactical. That speaks volumes right down to a mushroom cloud.

    My biggest difficulty for the last couple of decades was that I could not believe that (a) certain power could be so stupid. I always convinced myself of the fact that with their wealth of over-educated specialists, surveillance infrastructure and intelligence resources that they could not be so idiotic and are actually outsmarting us.

    But time and time again they proved me wrong. The only answer that I could come up with is that there will always be people who see through these things but they are fewer than 5% of the population, easily surveilled and aborted should the need arise so to the PTB it doesn’t really matter what they say or do.

    Got to love that democracy thingy. Uncle Adi was quoted as saying that “democracy is a system where the opinion of two fools is worth more than that of a wise man”. Clever, but in truth democracy is a system where you can convince the cattle that they are not being fatted for the market because you let them moo, bawl and even kick down the odd fence though they will always be driven back into the corral, usually by force. I am a cattle man and use lots of ruses to keep order. A mob is always a mob, as the Romans well knew. Secure the alphas, stampede the betas, goodies at the trough as a reward for compliance and a salve. Works like a charm each and every time. I run a perfect democracy. I send them to market for profit and eat the best of them but I will never take away the right for them to moo!

    But now I am confused again (back to Blinken). Is everyone on all sides stupid or do we have to play the last minutes of the movie Dr. Strangelove to get a feel for the future?

    Corollary: Are we ALL being played for fools?


  9. Priss Factor says: • Website

    It’s funny.

    The Cold War pitted two sides with some good arguments.

    Individual freedom, free enterprise, liberal democracy.


    Workers, Comrades, socialism, collective good.

    But the current culture war between East and West is what?

    It comes down to Lunacy vs Common Sense.

    A Man Is a Woman vs a Man is a Man.

    At any rate, whites in the West are such weaklings(or wheaks) that they can’t muster the simple will to say, “Jews, cut it out. That’s just ridiculous.” It is now officially dissident thinking to say a Man is a Man and not a Woman. Such lunacy. ‘Liberals’ need to be called lunatics or lunatists.

    Video Link
    Globo-Homo tranny argument makes it into an issue of subjective realities, whereby the subjective reality of the homo or tranny should have priority over the subjective reality of the straight trad.

    So, if a man says he’s a woman, it’s his subjective reality. And if you say he’s still a man, that’s your subjective reality. But the tranny’s subjective reality should be privileged because he is defining his own identity.

    But it’s not an argument between subjectivity and subjectivity. It’s between subjectivity vs objectivity.
    Whereas the tranny is subjectively calling himself a woman, a sane person who insists he’s a man isn’t offering a counter-subjective argument based on his biases but merely referring to reality, which is objective. A man is a man.

    The rejection of objectivity is what Jews are after. Objectivity means there is a truth and reality higher than what Jews claim. So, all truths must be made ‘subjective’ and then some subjectivities must be favored over others in the name of ‘inclusion’.

    • Agree: Robert Dolan, JR Foley
    • Replies: @Robert Dolan
    , @Chuck Orloski
  10. Notsofast says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    you won’t be laughing so hard come the winter, you might want to look towards the border there’s some trains heading your way.

  11. MarkU says:
    @Timur The Lame

    You can have all the expertise in the world at your fingertips but if you only hire people that are telling you what you want to hear then what use is it?

  12. Jeff Davis says:

    Jump on this scoop:

    The vaunted US Navy screwed up. In the murky depths of the Baltic Sea they planted their explosives to blow up the ***FOUR*** pipes of the NS 1 & NS2 gas pipelines. (You didn’t know there were four pipes, did you? Neither did I.) But they appear to have screwed up and placed two of the explosive packages on one of the NS2 pipes — line A — leaving the other pipe — line B — with no explosive charge, and subsequently ***NO DAMAGE***. Line B is therefore ***READY TO GO*** with a capacity of 27.5 billion cubic meters per year … which for comparison is 50% of total capacity of Nordstream 1, which as you may recall was recently reduced to 20% capacity before being shut down completely. (2.75 times the capacity of the newly-opened Norway-to-Poland gas pipeline).

    Gazprom has lowered the pressure in the line, will conduct an inspection, after which Germany can just give the go ahead, flip the switch, be back to 50% of the previous gas supply rate.

    The US thought they would f*ck Germany, but they screwed the pooch.

    So Tim, go get ’em. Poke a big bad finger in the eye of the vaunted super-warriors of the Neocons and the US Navy. They couldn’t even get this sabotage right!

  13. MarkU says:
    @Jeff Davis

    That complicates things for the imperial narrative, its going to be interesting to see how they react. After lauding the sabotage as a ‘great opportunity’ its going to be hard for Blinken to pretend that its good news but very revealing if he admits to disappointment.

    • Agree: hardlooker
    • Replies: @Chriss
    , @Realist
    , @Antiwar7
  14. Anon[399] • Disclaimer says:

    Now apparently theres a missing Russian nuclear submarine.

    So either Red October time or Uncle Sam has sunk a Russian boomer.

    • Replies: @Bill Jones
    , @Kratoklastes
  15. RobinG says:
    @Poupon Marx

    Maybe Lloyds of London could insure the deal.

    Aren’t they, as services, subject to the latest sanctions against Russia?

  16. saggy says: • Website

    During the Cuban missile crisis the US was ready to initiate a nuclear war to prevent Russia from putting missiles in Cuba, effectively on the US’s border.

    Now the US has gone halfway around the world and is ready to initiate a nuclear war so that the US can put missiles on Russia’s border.

    • Agree: JR Foley, MarkU, Biff, Realist
    • Replies: @dogbumbreath
    , @sulu
    , @Bro43rd
  17. Official Speech Transcript:

    RT reprint for those blocked from .ru:

    If the German Government had a lick of sense, they’d quickly join with the Russians to repair the blast damage before it’s too late to do so. I’ll be surprised if that happens.

  18. true.enough says:

    Hunter Biden likes pipes. Ask him.

    Hunter Biden was also a consultant for a holding company dealing with energy exploration and production companies (Burisma).

    There’s the way out of this problem: Hunter Biden!!

  19. dogbumbreath says:

    During the Cuban missile crisis the US was ready to initiate a nuclear war to prevent Russia from putting missiles in Cuba, effectively on the US’s border.

    The USSR threatened to put nukes in Cuba because America was putting nukes in Turkey. America agreed to withdraw the Turkish nukes so the USSR did the same. As usual with the Western “owned” media, only half of the story was reported.

    • Agree: RobinG
    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  20. Anonymous[378] • Disclaimer says:

    I I think International Jews who own many large ocean going ships and who operate many ocean liners and large shipping companies around the world could have sent divers into the water to blow up that pipeline many large global Shipping firms are owned by Jews they own hundreds if not thousands of oil tankers large ships and other type of equipment that oceanographers use many universities around the world under Jewish control operate research oceanography vessels that use tiny miniature submarines it is very possible that a ocean going ship carrying a secret Little Submarine detonate the pipe bomb pipeline this is because Jewish people hate Germany and Russia equally maybe they want the Germans to freeze to death maybe they want Germany and Russia to suffer but these firms these Jews these evil doors work closely with Israel and Israel is secretly fighting for Ukraine so we cannot rule out International Jewish businessmen who own major shipping lines and oil tankers some oil tankers can open its gut and a submarine could come out of it so let’s not Overlook Jews and Israel as being the secret culprit

    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
    , @JR Foley
  21. Miro23 says:
    @Timur The Lame

    I am a cattle man and use lots of ruses to keep order. A mob is always a mob, as the Romans well knew. Secure the alphas, stampede the betas, goodies at the trough as a reward for compliance and a salve. Works like a charm each and every time. I run a perfect democracy. I send them to market for profit and eat the best of them but I will never take away the right for them to moo!

    As the Romans also discovered, a sick and decadent society gets a debased currency + the inability to defend Imperial frontiers. So ZioGlobalism is caducado and on the way out.

    Experiments in treating people as cattle historically fail. People have a “herd mentality” but they aren’t cattle.

    • Replies: @anonymous
  22. Chriss says:
    @Timur The Lame

    Although WestExec does not disclose its list of clients, some have been reported. Its clients include Google’s Jigsaw; Windward, an Israeli artificial intelligence firm; Shield AI, a drone surveillance company;[4] and “Fortune 100 types”.[8]

    Under a financial disclosure filed by the Biden transition team in December 2020, Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken declared that clients of WestExec included “investment giant Blackstone, Bank of America, Facebook, Uber, McKinsey & Company, the Japanese conglomerate SoftBank, the pharmaceutical company Gilead, the investment bank Lazard, Boeing, AT&T, the Royal Bank of Canada, LinkedIn and the venerable Sotheby’s”. In a similar form, Director of National Intelligence-designate Avril Haines disclosed that WestExec had worked with data-mining company Palantir Technologies.[9]

    In 2017, Blinken co-founded WestExec Advisors, a political strategy advising firm, with Michèle Flournoy, Sergio Aguirre, and Nitin Chadda.[46][47] WestExec’s clients have included Google’s Jigsaw, Israeli artificial-intelligence company Windward, surveillance drone manufacturer Shield AI, which signed a $7.2 million contract with the Air Force,[48] and “Fortune 100 types”.[49] According to Foreign Policy, the firm’s clientele includes “the defense industry, private equity firms, and hedge funds”.[50] Blinken received almost $1.2 million in compensation from WestExec.[51]

    In an interview with The Intercept, Flournoy described WestExec’s role as facilitating relationships between Silicon Valley firms and the Department of Defense and law enforcement;[52] Flournoy and others compared WestExec to Kissinger Associates

    • Thanks: Nancy
    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  23. zard says:

    But what the author of the article doesn’t tell you is that the West/Soviet Russia/China are all covertly governed by the same transnational cult of Zionist-Communist Cryptocrats behind their visible shills to advance their globalist Zionist-Communist objectives..Its similar to the scenario posited by Orwell in 1984 where the three superstates (Oceania/Eurasia/Eastasia) are essentially all in on it together as they coordinate their geopolitical policies to maintain their control over the masses & the world.

  24. HeebHunter says:
    @Jeff Davis

    What is it gonna be for Deutschland? To stay with the huwhite wasp and negro saxon huwhite bruda, freezing to death. Or to say fuck you muttkikes and open the faucet of life! Your choice, BRD GmbH.

  25. Chriss says:

    Some complications?

    My stepfather was saved from the Holocaust by an African-American GI: Joe Biden’s secretary of state pick Tony Blinken says extraordinary story of survival is ‘what America represents to the world’
    -Tony Blinken, Joe Biden’s nomination to be secretary of state, praised his prominent diplomatic family and paid tribute to his stepfather’s struggle
    -Blinken’s stepfather was prominent international lawyer Samuel Pisar
    -‘For my family, as for so many generations of Americans, America has literally been the last best hope in the world,’ Blinken said
    -He recalled how Pisar escaped a concentration camp at the end of World War II and was rescued by a black American soldier
    -‘He ran to the tank. The hatch opened. An African American GI looked down at him,’ Blinken recalled of his stepfather
    -That GI was Sgt. Bill Ellington, who served in the 761st Tank Battalion, which was made up of mostly black soldiers and known as the Black Panthers

    • Replies: @MarkU
  26. Franz says:

    CIA impunity is there in black and white for you to read since 1947, accreting all the time.

    Yes, the Dulles Brothers, not Karl Marx or Hitler, were the true revolutionaries of the XX century. Make a secret empire, get all the bankers in the world to fund because you’re PROTECTING them, and watch it grow.

    During Cold War I at least Russia was in on it, per the movie NETWORK, 1976. Now they are not and commissars no longer bother with Forbes or the Wall Street Journal. The world made more sense then maybe, but it was a hell of a lot safer.

    As the CIA becomes more dangerous, it’s more noticeable. Sorcerers hate light. The more we see them the more their parasitic nature is revealed.

    • Agree: SeekerofthePresence
    • Replies: @Realist
    , @emerging majority
  27. IronForge says:

    Hate to bring in the Doom and Gloom; but the ZATOCEANIA-pwned €URoZone and the Other Hegemony Vassals (JPN+KOR) are planning a PriceCap and/or Boycott on RUS NatGas, Crude, Diesel, and Coal.

    HUN are exempt on Pipeline Shipments; and Club_Med Shipping Magnates are relieved as well.

    As RUS warned, PriceCap participants may be cut off from Exports. Could be All Commodities – that would be interesting…

    RUS and KSA&OPEC+ are also planning a reduction in 2 MILLION Bbls/Day to “maintain Px Support”. They were talking about 100K Bbls/Day a few weeks ago.

    The Supplier Cartel vs the Buyer Cartel… If I were a Betting Man, I’d put my Money on the Suppliers – since CHN+IND+RCEP can+will buy up everything available. Murica+CAN+MEX can supply each other to a certain degree; but the GBR+€URoZone are Auto-Asphyxiation-ClusterFracked.

    Bonus Round?
    A) We “may” begin to see OPEC (RUS+IRN already started to) openly sell Crude+LNG to CHN in CN¥ and to IND in IN₹ – this Year or in 2023CE…

  28. JimmyS says:

    France is also in the process of self destructing with 14 of their nuclear reactors supplying energy set to be shut down.

    Article below regarding the planned dismantling of Europe’s economy with the usual suspects popping up. Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission. WEF

    ‘Since August 29, 2022, when electricity rates on the French wholesale market went hyperbolic, Emmanuel Macron has been under fire from a number of people for his extremely poor track record, and his very questionable motives.’

    Freddie Poton Interview

    Video Link

    Freddie Potons article:

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  29. Priss Factor says: • Website
    @Jeff Davis

    Jump on this scoop:

    Looks like they jumped the shark on this one.

  30. Simon D says:

    What is the coldest city in January in Germany?

    The coldest city in January in Germany is Zugspitze when we check our database. The maximum daytime temperatures are around -7°C (19°F) and minimum nighttime temperatures fall around -13°C (9°F).

  31. Levtraro says:
    @Jeff Davis

    Lol! This is what I thought and said so in a comment yesterday:

    I didn’t predict exactly how they failed to effectively destroy the civil engineering work but I guessed they were not effective.

  32. Karl1906 says:

    Actually, bombing the Nordstreams is the US empire keeping its vassal states on the short leash by destroying viable alternatives.

    Whereas 9/11 was primarily a scheme to excuse the further murdering of people, warmongering in the region and the stealing of assets and resources in the Middle East. The Romans did it too – just think of Julius Caesar (Gallic War) or Hadrian (Dacia).

    Domestically, it meant free reign for them – including shamelessly spying on the population and data collecting. Overall a massive abuse of governmental power which hasn’t been fixed to this day.

    Besides, WTC7 housed a number of saucy assets W’s government dearly wanted to disappear. And, finally, the insurance fraud of the century with the *doubly* insured WTC (which only happened very shortly before the false flag) being raised to the ground by the very same US government. Double luck for all involved.

    And since this murderous scam worked out so fine and without any consequence for the (political) criminals committing it it made them even bolder. And that’s exactly what we’ve been seeing for the last 20+ years – (deep) state criminality going through the roof. Maybe a “bit” less so under Trump. Which isn’t really that much to be honest.

    • Replies: @emerging majority
  33. Priss Factor says: • Website

    NYT is an Election Fraud Denier.

  34. sulu says:

    I would think that Russia might sever many of the undersea internet cables that provide service to America and Europe. I suspect that would be one of the easiest things to do that would cripple the U.S. economy in the foreseeable future. It would also have to put a major crimp in all U.S. banks that wish to transfer any money out of the U.S.A. Hitting the U.S. banking cartel would be right on target considering who is probably behind the pipeline sabotage.


  35. sulu says:

    Ironic isn’t it?


  36. anaccount says:

    I’m disappointed the nukes haven’t gone off yet. Faggots are supposed to burn.

  37. Henry's Cat says:
    @Jeff Davis

    But Nordstream 2 is shut already, nothing is flowing through it, so I don’t even see your point.

  38. Good observation, sir. I’d just add that we were deceived about even that incident by our government “schools.” Few people know that the US first stationed missiles in Turkey, right on RUSSIA/USSR’s border, which is what led the Soviets to counter by putting missiles in Cuba.

    • Agree: Miro23
  39. Let’s go Brandon Biden is the “hand” of those who rigged the US election so that the Nord Stream pipes could be punctured.

    Who indeed is at the bottom of these Acts of War?

    If Dominion/Smartmatic rigged the vote for Biden; did a British subject attack America? Is Lord Mark Malloch Brown the agent of a hostile foreign power responsible for an Act of War against the people of the United States?
    And as a puppet of this same hostile British kakistocracy, has Britain also now attacked Germany & Russia?

    Who indeed are behind these false flags which are always used as causes for war, for the killing of many, many civilians?
    Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, same neocon crowd as did 9/11 and 7/7 : the PNAC plan……who are the real terrorists? CIA MI6 Mossad the Five Eyes plus another Eye and Lord Malloch
    Brown…..throw-in COVID and you can round-up the usual suspects……..sounds like another repeat!

  40. MarkU says:

    Not to forget that the so-called Cuban missile crisis was actually started when the US put nukes in Turkey on the border with the Soviet Union and would more properly be called the Turkish missile crisis.

    • Agree: Kratoklastes, acementhead
  41. Passing By says:
    @Jeff Davis

    Whoever did it, botched it. Such a cock-up is sort of exculpatory for a range of potential culprits. If the intention was to make it look like the Poles did it, then good job.

  42. @Notsofast

    The best recourse for Russia is to either barter or demand payment in precious metals. And you are perfectly right, Europeans and Americans will not miss a chance to renege on their commitment under any false pretext.

    • Agree: Notsofast
  43. Realist says:

    That complicates things for the imperial narrative, its going to be interesting to see how they react.

    I agree, but most people believe that the US was behind the attack.

  44. Realist says:
    @Timur The Lame

    Avariceousness and power lust overcome all other thought processes and produces idiots.

    • Agree: SeekerofthePresence
  45. @Timur The Lame

    “ but in truth democracy is a system where you can convince the cattle that they are not being fatted for the market because you let them moo, bawl and even kick down the odd fence though they will always be driven back into the corral, usually by force.“

    A great caricature of our so called democracy. People, by and large, never figured out the difference between democracy and a republic. In a democracy the people should vote directly on important issues and stick to the decision of the majority especially on such matters as taxes and war. In a modern day republic, the people vote for representatives who end up serving the moneyed people who paid for their elections and they will be bribed to pass the laws that suits that same class that put them in power. Moreover, in a republic, anyone lying his way into office and reneging on his electoral promises, is never subject to prosecution. The U.S. history is full of examples of “No new taxes”, “No new wars”, “No foreign entanglements”…and most of them are backed by the guarantee of “ Read my lips”.

    • Agree: Timur The Lame, Miro23
    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  46. The fight he is fighting is shared by many of us. From now on, I know where to find the headquarters. It´s a good feeling.

  47. Robert Dolan says:
    @Priss Factor

    You’ve pointed out the salient feature of jewish influence in that they fully believe they have the ability to define reality by their jewy consensus…..which amounts to nothing more than bullshit.

    That’s how and why whites are the gods of science, while jews are the gods of lies and nonsense.

    KMAC covers this in the CofC…..Freud had no science at all…..NONE.


    Freud pulled his theories right out of his ass, and then he demanded total obedience from his loony followers to disseminate his bullshit theories.

    Same with Boas, Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, etc.

    Same with Adam Schiff, Nuland, Blinken, Mayorkas, Garland.

    Their MO is that their Sanhedrin decides what is good for their tribe, then THAT is “reality.”

    And anyone that goes against their loony bullshit reality is an “anti-semite.”

    So, goy….just remember……all you ever wanted to do in this life was fuck your mother…… both Putin and Trump are Hitler…..and the jews didn’t bomb no stinkin’ pipeline.

    • Agree: Passing By
  48. eudion2 says:

    Not only pipelines and cables, but also satellites. High-powered lasers capable of destroying satellite sensors and antennas have existed for decades. They haven’t been used, because of the threat of retaliation. But now, retaliation seems to be on the table.

    Imagine no satellite TV, no GPS, and no military surveillance. And it gets worse.

    The US has developed a weapons-grade laser that can be mounted on aircraft and is capable of attacking targets over a hundred kilometers away. It’s possible that the US used such an aircraft-mounted laser to burn a hole through the hull of the Moskva and ignite the fire that sank the ship.

    Well, maybe two (or more) can play at that game . . . .

    World War III could be manifested as a series of ‘unfortunate accidents’ that will afflict military and civilian infrastructure while finger-pointing flies back and forth. Maybe this will avoid the nuclear clouds, but it will also deeply worsen the economic crisis of the West.

    • Agree: Automatic Slim
  49. MLK says:

    As my previous comments attest, sometimes timing is everything. This is one such occasion.

    Set aside for the moment the whole of medium and longer term projections because immediate turns of the screw are being driven by the short window we are in until the US midterms have passed, ominously, one way or another.

    My view was that the raid on Trump and Biden’s “Red Speech” were equally for both domestic and foreign consumption. The latter as a dog whistle to the EU to follow the illegitimate Biden regime’s lead in intimidating and suppressing domestic dissent through a heavy hand if need be. With a promise of a pass for those meeting the terms of the US crafted “our democracy!” brand.

    I now think a foreign green-light was the primary purpose for the simple reason that domestically these moves were counter-productive to mitigating Democrat losses in the Midterms as well as bolstering their RINO filth controlled-opposition in vanquishing Trump and MAGA.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, the National Security State is insistent that everyone must take one for the team. Not just the citizenries of vessel states. Elected leaders too must “Let go, let God . . . ” Just with the Imperial Blob is place of the real deal.

    Democrats are natural Leninists. In other words, they take to Democratic Centralism like a fish to water. I can’t be the only one who noticed that the vaunted anti-war left, having had its little red wagon fixed by Obama, has been wholly supportive of giving the Kiev regime every penny and weapon “Biden” and Mitch are sending. Say what you will, at least they got the lovely AOC and her square to shut up about something.

    The pipelines attack was to keep Germany from concluding a sanctions carve-out for the NordStreams with Russia. Any reasonably intelligent middle schooler can figure that out. Which is why all concerned consider the question tiresome. In hindsight, both German and Russian actions to delay and restrict gas flow, under various pretexts, were in furtherance of keeping the USG from following through on its threat.

    Just accept that the Biden regime was desperate to keep this chart looking okay until the midterms are over:

    Russia has been almost universally adjudged a poor performer in the Information War. I emphatically disagree. Setting aside its kicking ass with BRICs and so much more, it’s threaded a needle at least so far in terms of the narratives foisted on Americans. Understand, it’s impossible to overstate how dangerous this period until the midterms are over is for the entire globe. Russia has used the desperation in the USG to not have to admit the greatest foreign policy debacle since Vietnam (at least) to achieve its objectives in the Ukraine. Yet it knows if it pushes too far before the election the Biden regime will use the pretext of Russian retaliation against CONUS infrastructure to cancel or delay the midterms and initiate a ‘Pearl Harbor’ moment guaranteeing a fast track to world war.

    I think this explains Russia ceding territory in the Little Bears right as they’re to ascend to mother Russia. This allows the Biden regime et. al. to claim for the next month that Russia is losing or at least stalemated. We should all hope it’s enough to get us through the next month without further events that will take all of us from the frying pan into the fire.

    • Thanks: Rahan
    • Replies: @nokangaroos
  50. Head of the Snake, Mr President.
    You know who they are and where they live.
    Warnings to their dupes to desist, or same for them.
    Confiscation of assets to compensate Iraq, Palestine etc etc.

    Save millions of ordinary people’s lives and livelihoods.

    It’s going to come to this anyway.
    Sooner rather than later.
    Thank you for seriously considering this.

  51. @Simon D

    German winters…..wee buns lad, think snuggies and onesies, wanna try a wind chill in the -45c…..down right nippley. That’s from Dec through the end of Feb here…..Germans will just have to huddle and cuddle…….oh, right, they’re Germans.

    Cheers M

  52. @Anonymous

    Here they are [the sabateurs]: a dozen SIS pukes in the NHB working for David Marlowe.

    Reminds me of the OSP (Office of Special Plans), set up by Dick Cheney to build (fabricate) the case for Iraq WMDs in 2002. We’ll see if the resulting conflagration is similar, except thousands of rads higher.

    Ret. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, whose staff office was next to OSP, documented her experience with them. American Conservative Magazine published her story in three parts at the end of 2003.

    ‘New boss, same as the old boss!’

    • Thanks: Miro23, Agent76
  53. Berkleyboy says:

    Fix the unfixable pipelines? What a brilliant strategic ploy by Russia. Hope (real or imagined) is a powerful elixir and this gem gives hope to much of Europe. Now to complete this act of the play, irrefutable evidence exposing the assumed perpe(traitors) is all that is need. Better book your flights now Vicky, Antony and your friends in high places.

  54. Your desperate ramblings to hold together the house of cards arguments for sending tanks to Ukraine is borderline idiotic. The invocation of General Winter coming once again to rescue the Russian army from defeat seems to ignore that the Ukrainians fought in all those wars and live in that winter every year. The US controllers are very happy to have Russia drained by Ukrainian blood and European money, which they pay to the US for all these overpriced weapons etc. The US wins in every way. Blowing up the pipeline was a nice chess move that wins for the US all the way around. Pipelines have always been vulnerable when not defended, which Russia and Germany obviously failed to do. Pretty stupid if indeed the pipeline was so important, which it wasn’t. Also, it can be repaired or rebuilt if desired after a delay. Putin, who I admire as man of great accomplishment and logical thinking has made a huge blunder by the unnecessary invasion. All he needed to do was what he had been doing and he would have been fine as would the rest of Russia. Now the USA has benefited greatly by the counter moves made possible by Putin’s starting the war. Your hyperbole about the 9/11/01 attack and the pipeline is ridiculous.

    • Troll: Harold Smith
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  55. Desert Fox says:

    The attacks on the pipeline and the attack on the WTC on 911 were both done by the zionist neocons in control of the ZUS government and the only difference was the attack on the WTC also involved Israel and gave the ZUS the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda and now the Ukrainians are being killed to empty the land for the zionists greater Israel in the Ukraine.

    Zionists are destroyers of nations and humanity and they are destroying America.

    • Agree: Robert Dolan, A. Clifton
  56. Sorel McRae says:

    Despite the gaping holes and obvious absurdities in the official narratives of the JFK assassination, 9/11, Covid, etc., the strongest rebuttal to the various alternative “conspiracy theories” has always been that the Deep State, PTB, whatever, surely cannot be so dastardly, so malevolent, so audacious, etc. as to commit or acquiesce in such heinous acts. Now, however, with the blatant U.S. sabotage of the North Sea gas pipeline bringing us—with unmistakable intent—to the brink of world-wide economic collapse and nuclear Armageddon, ruling out alternatives to mainstream historical narratives seems recklessly naive.

  57. hankjr says:

    Does destruction of Nord have any long-term tie-ins to Israel wanting to develop the Leviathan gas field and run a new pipeline to Europe?

    • Replies: @Anon
  58. Bruce Arney says:

    Vladimir Putin seems to be the only adult in the room, a room teeming with those who Collin Powell correctly identified as, “crazies” God help us.

  59. Joe Wong says:

    The future unbiased historians will rank the collective West as the most barbaric, greedy and hypocritical evil cult that caused biggest humanitarian disaster and moral regression in the human history.

    • Replies: @anon
  60. Agent76 says:

    Oct 5, 2022 Russia-Ukraine war: Annexed regions represent 18% of Ukraine’s territory | WION

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has formalized the claimed annexation of four Ukrainian regions. He signed legislation formally including those regions into Russia.

    Sep 27, 2022 Russian FM Sergey Lavrov United Nations Press Conference – September 24, 2022 – English Subtitles

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov takes questions from the press at a news conference following his address at the UN General Assembly, September 24, 2022

  61. Anon[212] • Disclaimer says:

    The bullshit on this situation is so great, waders are not enough. You need a helicopter to stay above the kuku.

    An acquaintance of mine who attended the Point is convinced the Russians have lost. The Ukrainians have launched a massive offensive that will sweep all before it. Yet on a map of Ukraine what he points out as major objectives are a selection of shitty little hamlets. To add insult to injury, many “villages” listed as captured in this overwhelming Uke blitzkrieg cannot even be found on the map. They are probably a few houses lost in the countryside. He points to this and that “Russian Withdrawal” as a sure fire sign that Vlad is on the ropes. He is “desperate” !! Don’t they teach Military History at these Academies ? Or do these chaps graduate with degrees in room cleaning, shirt pressing and proper table etiquette !

    To add to the circus there are US Generals with Phds braying from the same song sheet yet these fellows with the advantage of air power, armour, satellite technology etc got spanked and sent home by shepherds and kebab food vendors wearing sandals and baggy clothes.

    In the meantime Putin is clearly in control ! Our fearless leader Field Marshal CornHole is sending another $625M to the Z and has promised whatever it takes for a Russian defeat. I imagine the majority of this aid is collecting interest Offshore. In the meantime Americans are sucking salt.

    Like the owner of a crumbling old house, the Z needs more and more money to keep the place from collapsing. The problem is that after renovation after renovation he is still left with an old house. The money pit swallows up good money chasing the bad money.

    If this were a chess game I would say Putin controls the centre and both wings with the opponent being unable to move a pawn. Check ! Check ! Check ! With Checkmate looming at every breath.

    The US is being bled white by Z and his fruity pole dancing boys all decked out in leather and high heels. If I were Vlad, I would also want the US to support the Z unconditionally and for ever more. The US will be ruined without the Russians having to fire a shot.

    • Agree: JR Foley
  62. Brian Damage says:

    I think the pipeline bombing was rushed because unexpectedly, Germany and Russia were coming to a concession to resume Nordstream oil delivery. Usually, the Anglosphere will patiently set a narrative and let the media play it out for months or years before doing it. Then it will be easier to pin the blame on Russia. I believe it was a rush job.

    For example, all those color revolutions. It takes years of setting the narrative including championing local activists that toed the Western lines .

    • Agree: Miro23
  63. Anon[212] • Disclaimer says:

    Does destruction of Nord have any long-term tie-ins to Israel wanting to develop the Leviathan gas field and run a new pipeline to Europe?

    No doubt ! The timeline of these events are just too coincidental. However I do not believe the Noses will be able to satisfy the EU’s needs in terms of volume AND in terms of time ! The good citizens of the EU may have to forfeit any cosy winters for the next two years or so.

    In any case, the citizens of the EU will be transferring their dependence from one entity to another albeit the second is more predatory. Like closing your account at the Credit Union and borrowing from Don Vito perhaps ??

    And of course, as Pepe has pointed out, all gloves are now off. Pipelines from the small Hats may well suffer damage from a variety of unexplained explosions or other unforeseen events. The folks in Europe, and this includes all the wetbacks and border jumpers, have their balls in a wringer and salvation seems a long way away !

  64. anon[905] • Disclaimer says:

    What don’t they have in common? 1. Ehud Barak not seen lurking around the pipeline; 2. cameras not turned off when NS sabotaged; 3. the ‘guards’ around NS weren’t sleeping; 4. no Secretary of State declaration that Epstein’s death a great opportunity; 5. no dancing, high-fiving Israels captured on camera as they danced on the deck of an Israeli submarine. (As to Epstein’s death: was it? Is he in Israel and his disappearance, one way or another, means he won’t reveal the Mossad/Israel connection from his hideous pedophila of children. Non-jews, incidentally.)

  65. anonymous[367] • Disclaimer says:

    Why did Russia need two nord stream pipelines anyway? Apparently there is poem in which a phrase: “One if by land, two if by sea” appears.

    I guess the same math can be applied to the situation with Ukraine. If you eliminate Ukraine as a country, you won’t need two pipelines under the sea, you’ll need just one, big one, through Ukraine and it will be on land – which historically belongs to Russia in any case, so they won’t have to pay tributes to the ones that don’t deserve any payments at all.

    That’s the magic formula in this case: “One if by land, two if by sea”. Eliminate that abomination of a country and you’ll need just one – by land.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  66. ricpic says:

    How many here see the sabotage of Nordstream making WW III inevitable?

  67. Anonymous[208] • Disclaimer says:
    @Lorenzo daPonte

    Amazing. You’ve managed to capture the mood an rhetoric of most 1930s German political speeches. You must have been studying Weimar period rhetoric, and translating into English.

  68. Antiwar7 says:

    Expect a doctor’s appointment, or some such, until he can bolt on the correct face.

    Man, it really is the Incompetent Evil Empire (the IEE). Hilarious if true.

    You’d think they’d employ overkill (robustness) on the locations, as well as on the yield, which they did do.

  69. Realist says:

    “We have many like-minded people all over the world, including in Europe and the United States, and we feel and see their support. A liberating, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony is already developing in various countries and societies. Its subjectivity will only grow. It is this force that will determine the future geopolitical reality.”

    This was probably the most telling pertinent passage of his speech.

    • Replies: @anonymous
  70. Height_776 says:

    Are you 100% sure that Jeffrey Epstein is dead…? “Gazprom revealed there’s an intact string of NS2 that may “potentially” be used.” And reconstruction is possible… It is possible that Jeffrey Epstein and the Nord Stream are not killed.

    • Agree: HbutnotG
  71. Robert Dolan says:

    The future unbiased historians will rank organized jewry as the most barbaric, greedy and hypocritical evil cult that caused the biggest humanitarian disaster and moral regression in the human history.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
    , @Polistra
  72. Realist says:

    Maybe freezing and starving in a long, cold winter (terrible to contemplate) is the only way for Germans, and other Europeans, to realize that Washington is not their friend, but their mortal enemy.

    No one deserves it more than the goddamn EU.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  73. Realist says:

    Yes, the Dulles Brothers, not Karl Marx or Hitler, were the true revolutionaries of the XX century. Make a secret empire, get all the bankers in the world to fund because you’re PROTECTING them, and watch it grow.

    During Cold War I at least Russia was in on it, per the movie NETWORK, 1976. Now they are not and commissars no longer bother with Forbes or the Wall Street Journal. The world made more sense then maybe, but it was a hell of a lot safer.

    As the CIA becomes more dangerous, it’s more noticeable. Sorcerers hate light. The more we see them the more their parasitic nature is revealed.

    Now here is someone (Franz) who knows what they are talking about. This goddamn shit has been going on since WWII (my lifetime). Thanks

  74. InnerCynic says:
    @Timur The Lame

    Absolutely being played like good cows.

  75. @Anonymous

    You nailed it, sir. Truly, as “all roads lead to Rome”, all trails lead to the Agency. They are the heart and core of the Deepest $tate.

    As revealed, by the courageous journalist, the “lated” Mr. Webb, then the ace reporter for the San Jose Mercury News; the Nicaraguan Contras working for the Agency were granted full agency to “smuggle” their white-powder wares into Florida and thenceforth unto South LA, where Freeway Ricky Ross and his associates transmuted that already chemicalized substance into crack cocaine.

    Where the Agency got “outed” by Webb, was when he pointed out that both $tate and DOJ had best better not meddle with “our guys”. Message received and accepted.

    Agency rules.

    For that noble deed, an American hero who took on the Depths of $tate power soon was removed from his position by his blackmailed/bribed employer and not long after that “committed suicide”.

    Uh,huh, believe that one and I have a nice span crossing the East River from Manhattan to Brooklyn, for which I will give you such a deal.

  76. Si1ver1ock says:

    all bets are off: no pipeline or undersea cable, anywhere in the world, is now safe and may become fair game in retaliation.

    Russians were making noises about dual-use, space assets. Then Elon Musk (owner of Starlink) puts forward a peace plan.

    Hmmmm. The plot thickens.

    • Agree: Notsofast
  77. barr says:

    Thanks to the inetrnet .Our grandfathers and great gandfathers did not nit have this opportunity .BBC or NYT or CBS or London Times told them what to know,what to believe,whats importnat and whats going on in the world and how great western civiliazations had been busy promoting well being ,happiness ,freedom,and access to wealth ,and keeping free market free, managed by invisible hands with no cronyism ,no governemnt manipulations and no centarlized control by any apex body- public or or private. They had no means to check.Daily life outside the western zone was poor,mired in hopelessnes,powerlessness,lack of confidence,self- pity,and confusion about the capacity to set in motion any positive enduring change.

    Now we are here today.
    We have seen the deparivities,corruption, , thuggery,false claims, abosolute mockery of common sense ,and militray driven stealing,misappropriations, deadly violence on a daily basis which went unrecognized and unappreciated by domestic crowd and by global south for centuries.

    No one needs to exact revenge. No demand for compensation. Just a new world where truth,honesty,traditions,equal access to opportunity will reign .
    Changes will be slow in ares where the build-up were slow like culture and attitude and not imposed by threat,cancel culture or by banishment . Other areas like finances , information, and laws have to change rapidly.

    But this wont come voluntarily .There will be no Soviet style implsoion .

    Thugs will fight for themsleevs and for their progeny .

    Its a brutal fight and one hopes it wont last long.

  78. anon[287] • Disclaimer says:
    @Joe Wong

    it is the demon jews doing this. this is the first time they controlled a country like the US with all its power. they controlled most powerful empires for 2000 years but they didnt have nukes subs etc

    • Replies: @Miro23
    , @A B Coreopsis
  79. @Franz

    Franz: Anonymous did an excellent by broadly outing the CIA.

    Question is: Is the Agency an independent entity without any marching orders emanating from a source much higher than the President of the U$$A.

    The answer is right there in the pair of Dollar $igns standing in for the letter “S”, the new description of the United $tates of America CORPORATION, duly registered as such under the corporate laws of the state of DuPont (oops, technically Delaware).

    Returning to the underlying question, is the minor matter of exactly who are the owners of said corporation. If you happen to be acquainted with the Jekyl Island conference in 1910, the answer should become obvious:

    It’s the Bank$ters, stoopid.

    • Replies: @Franz
  80. barr says:

    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 4, 2022 ~ At 6:53 a.m. this morning (ET), Dow futures were up 454 points. That followed the Dow Jones Industrial Average gaining 765 points yesterday. No one who has been a trader on Wall Street or a stock broker for multiple decades believes this rally is real. Wall Street veterans are thinking that either the Fed’s plunge protection team or the Treasury’s plunge protection team is behind the rally. Equally unbelievable, as the chart above indicates, is the fact that the major mega banks on Wall Street closed in the green yesterday. Many of these are counterparties to Credit Suisse derivatives and thus subject to the potential for contagion. Until everyone who works on Wall Street is 25 years old and too young to remember what happened in 2008 after Citigroup began to quake, Wall Street traders are not going to believe that … Continue reading →


  81. @Karl1906

    Small correction, Karl. At the time of the destruction of the nation of Dacia, Hadrian was merely the commander on the spot. His orders came from his somewhat distant Spanish-born relative, who was the Emperor at the time.

    Later, Hadrian himself was declared Emperor and he set about to halt the imperialist expansion and to reform virtually every aspect of the Roman Empire. His grandson, Marcus Aurelius, was cut from the same mold. Both of those Emperors achieved the very highest pinnacle of Roman statehood, as they cleaned up many of its bloodthirsty horrors.

  82. @dogbumbreath

    THANK YOU. It was only fairly recently that I learned the undisputed truth about the “Cuban” Missile Crisis: the US government’s aggressive, provocative stationing of missiles near Russia’s border and within striking range of Moscow.

    In short, it wasn’t a Cuban missile crisis caused by the USSR, but a TURKISH missile crisis caused by the USA alone.

    USSR was still an evil totalitarian regime and I’m glad that it fell. But we should honestly acknowledge that “our” government was often no better abroad, and now at home to “its own” people, than the Soviets were.

    • Agree: MarkU
    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  83. nokangaroos says:
    @Simon D

    “Zugspitze” is the highest point in Germany, a mountain on the border
    with Austria (2962m), and only a handful of extremely hardy meteorologists
    spend the winter there 😉

  84. Odd Rabbit says:

    Very interesting knowledge. Thanks.

  85. Priss Factor says: • Website

    The lying media making even scum Saudis seem righteous.

    Video Link

    • Agree: Avery
  86. nokangaroos says:

    I suspect the German nationalizations of Russian energy firms are also
    intended to keep the Murkans from fucking with them.
    It seems the Germans and Russians are the only ones who realize something
    some way – will have to be there afterwards.

  87. @Robert Dolan

    Nah, they won’t. Chinese, Indian, and other non-European non-Jewish historians likely won’t care or write much about it, or indeed about the entire existence and history of our country, a historical blip.

  88. Anonymous[233] • Disclaimer says:

    Here’s a quick way for Germany to get enough gas…takes 60 days to set it up. NS2 starts in Gulf of Finland, think Vyborg, RU. Ends at Lubmin, Germany. Not far apart, maybe 300 miles. So let one of the Baltic Four (Finland, Latvia, etc.) offer to build a few big LNG barges and do a shuttle. Once on the barge the middleman owns the gas, so… The transport company could make quick money. Most of the infrastructure is there. Lubmin cant take deep draft vessels, but barges are shallow-draft. Heck, it could be an Ru company doing biz as a shell!

  89. Rahan says:

    Russia annexed 120,000 km2 – or 22% of Ukrainian territory – that produces nearly 90% of GDP and has over 5 million citizens

    I keep running into this 90% of GDP claim. Can anyone give a link or something?

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Bill Jones
    , @Kratoklastes
  90. Bill Jones says:

    Now apparently theres a missing Russian nuclear submarine.

    “missing” to whom?

    I doubt if it’s ol Vlad.

  91. Bill Jones says:

    Then there’s this.

    In January 1982, President Ronald Reagan approved a CIA plan to sabotage the economy of the Soviet Union through covert transfers of technology that contained hidden malfunctions, including software that later triggered a huge explosion in a Siberian natural gas pipeline, according to a memoir by a Reagan White House official.

  92. Not much non Nazi speeching in Germany after 1933 when der Fuehrer took power. Don’t see how that relates and I don’t speak much German.

  93. MarkU says:

    I fail to see the relevance, regardless of his ancestry and the US part in WW2, Blinken is a lying piece of shit.

  94. Anon[212] • Disclaimer says:

    Russia annexed 120,000 km2 – or 22% of Ukrainian territory – that produces nearly 90% of GDP and has over 5 million citizens. I keep running into this 90% of GDP claim. Can anyone give a link or something?

    Western Ukraine is more rural and poorer with their economy mostly agricultural.

    Eastern Ukraine produces coal, steel, gas, equipment parts, weapons etc. and is more populated. Kiev has a high GDP but one I suspect is mostly service centered. East Ukraine can grow food but West Ukraine cannot grow coal, gas etc. Hence the hog’s share of GDP is in the East.

    If Vlad splits Ukraine from Kiev to Kherson and controls everything east of the Dnieper River then West Ukraine is fucked and Kiev in spite of its higher individual GDP is isolated.

    With control of the River, control of the Sea of Azov and Crimea, the port of Odessa becomes an after thought and West Ukraine is landlocked. Vlad can strangle all commerce up and down the Dnieper and what goes in and out of Odessa AKA taxes on imports and exports.

    My feeling is West Ukraine would require massive loans from the Eu to restructure and survive. As you well know, friendship is one thing but when it comes to money the borrower is always at a disadvantage. In this case, Western Ukraine would be the bone among the dogs with Vlad’s pliers and blowtorch on everyone”s nuts.

    • Thanks: Rahan
    • LOL: Notsofast
  95. Folkvangr says:

    Qui bono? Think for yourself:

    China has sought deepening economic ties with Europe, particularly encouraging European nations to replace its fossil fuels, such as natural gas, with Chinese-made “renewable” products such as solar panels. China boasts that Europe is the destination for 39 percent of China’s solar panel exports, more than any other region.
    Meanwhile a spokesman for the Chinese Defense Ministry, Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, announced plans to expand military cooperation with Russia against “hegemony,” or the United States.

  96. Justice4all says:

    Is it the USA who want to forcibly sell gas to Europe or Izrahell creating a captive market for its stolen Eastern Mediterranean gas? And not to forget at astronomical prices. This gas belongs to Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus and Turkey, and perhaps to Greece.

  97. AnonfromTN says:

    I think the importance of this is overblown. This is not the first terrorist attack by the US. Just a recent example: the mafia-style murder of Soleimani at Bagdad airport was a terrorist act, perpetrated by the same terrorist organization.

  98. Polistra says:
    @Robert Dolan

    Right, except there won’t be any historians like that in the future.

    There are hardly any like that left now.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  99. In Russia, are they calling him Vlad the Great yet?
    Or, since they haven’t really started anything yet, are they going to wait until he delivers the knock out blow to Ukraine first?

  100. Anonymous[208] • Disclaimer says:

    Engineering is an acknowledgement of human ignorance and frailty.

    The general rule is to build to theory, then beef it up a bit.

    You always build redundancy into a system, because you never have complete understanding of nature and failure mechanisms. That’s why the parallel pipelines that are apparently built into NS and NS2.

    Granted, some systems don’t do that, and come to bad ends. The Boeing Airbus 737-800 Airbus crash was caused by the designers, who gave the aircraft a single pitot tube. When the tube was blocked, the 737 didn’t know how fast it was going, and it crashed (

    The Memphis bridge crack ( very nearly dumped the bridge into a blocking position in the Mississippi River. One box girder in tension cracked (A Griffith crack cause by vibration from traffic) and it was only supreme good luck that the added tension on the box girder’s twin (on the other side of the bridge) didn’t fail, as it was operating under considerably more than its design load for several months, a condition that accelerates crack formation and propagation.

    So, no, an exemption from deliberate attack would not eliminate the need for parallel pipelines in NS and NS2.

    And, by other arguments, it seems likely to me that the close call under unknown attackers will cause the Germany government to open the North Stream pipelines, even if the US forbids the opening. “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you have ’till it’s gone”, as the song says, and the knowledge tends to remain even after a miraculous restoration.

  101. Bill Jones says:

    I’m frustrated about this too. I saw a bunch of stuff in the early days with the number for the Russian speaking Oblasts being somewhere north of 70%, but they seem to be memory holed. Of the Western Oblasts Agriculture is king and Kiev makes up about half of their GDP, by Gross Domestic Production they mean Gross Domestic Spending: I don’t think many Americans think of DC as a Production center. The East was the Industrial hub but that was where the Ukes holed out and I assume they’re largely destroyed. I also assume the Russians will rebuild the East faster than NATO rebuilds the West.
    Wiki’s got some stuff on this but they’re unreliable on these types of topic. Here’s a top level one pager confirming the blindingly obvious.

    I don’t think any numbers are meaningful other than having to pay for all of Kiev is probably not a boon to be welcomed.

    • Thanks: Rahan
  102. Biden and the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire have ruled out a ban on natural gas exports from the USA.

    Natural gas prices in the USA will remain artificially elevated because the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire wants to muscle out the Russians in the European energy market and the ruling class wants to crush the Germans and other European nations.

    How much of a premium will Germany and other European nations pay for USA natural gas as opposed to Russian natural gas?

    The USA should ban the export of natural gas so as to keep prices lower for American businesses and American citizens.

    I remember about 20 years or so ago when the powers that be were talking about importing natural gas through Boston and other East Coast cities.


  103. 24th Alabama says:

    Blinken’s roots are deeply in the dirt of the Zionist bankers,the MIC,the Israeli techies and the rabid,Russophobic Jews.Thanks to you Chriss for the research into the details that were previously not widely known.Great comment!

    Blinken has an effete,unassuming but awkward personal affect that belies his reckless and foolhardy policies.He is a dangerous bastard in a mild mannered package.

  104. As for the Nord Stream pipeline “attack/sabotage,” has there been any forensic evidence acquired through some verifiable scientific methods?

    Or is it still all just hearsay?

  105. anonymous[125] • Disclaimer says:

    The world has had enough of ZOG and of US bullying. The world outside of the west wants a reset of its own. I can envision the US going scorched earth and using its military might wantonly to retain power. But the world no longer respects it, and is looking for new leadership. If the ((west)) loses Ukraine, maybe a new world can rise from the ashes.

    • Thanks: Realist
  106. anonymous[121] • Disclaimer says:

    But they can be very bovine-like and stupid: see your average American.

  107. Nancy says:
    @Jeff Davis

    You know, the paths of the (two?) helicopters flying over the scene(s?)of the crime looked like desperate dogs (no canine insult meant) who’ve lost the scent!

  108. Kratoklastes says:

    Now apparently theres a missing Russian nuclear submarine.

    The Russian Navy doesn’t consider the Belgorod to be ‘missing’.

    The surveillance apparatus of the Empire of Lies has failed to keep track of i though: that’s been clear for the last ten days.

    I said in a comment on Sep 27th that the reason that there were a large number of P8s in the air off the US Coast had something to do with US suspicions that Belgorod had put to sea, ‘destination CONUS’.

    Monitoring submarines is difficult once they submerge below the point where they can be detected from the magnetic signature of the hull. It becomes impossible if the sub can get into genuinely deep water.

    Belgorod can carry 6 of the new Poseidon nuclear-capable submarine drones. Even a conventionally-armed Poseidon is a carrier-killer, and is also capable of causing a tsunami if detonated in the ‘right’ location (taking into account the underwater topography).

    And the surveillance apparatus of the Empire of Lies has no idea where it is.

    • Replies: @MarkU
  109. @loner feral cat

    Similarly O. J. Simpson called and reminded us that he didn’t kill Nicole Brown or Ron Goldman.

    There are still some Americans that are stupid enough to buy a MSM insanity world no matter who gets killed or who actually did it.

    Boeing and Lockheed with their Large Diameter Unmanned Undersea Remote Control Vehicle contracts with the United States Navy are hardly relevant to USN operations in the Baltic near the Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipeline explosions with the USS Kearsarge, USS Arlington and the USS Gunston Hall within 30km or so.

    O. J. Simpson’s blood at the scene of the murders is totally irrelevant in shithole insanity world.

  110. @loner feral cat

    One and one still make two. Is that ‘scientific’ enough for you? How about means, motive and opportunity?

  111. @Polistra

    There will not be historians of any type, save, possibly, aliens, in the future, ie after c.2050.

  112. @JimmyS

    Henningsen and his ilk are so preposterously misinformed regarding the gravity of the climate destabilisation catastrophe that I suspect that he must be on the fossil fuel payroll. No-one willingly makes one’s idiocy so public just for the ideological joy of hating Greenies.

  113. MarkU says:

    And the surveillance apparatus of the Empire of Lies has no idea where it is.

    Unless they are lying, why would they allow that type of information to be made public?

  114. 24th Alabama says:
    @Joe Levantine

    Republic or democracy? Capitalism or communism?

    The concentration of power in a small minority results in that minority becoming rich,while the concentration of money in a minority leads to that minority becoming powerful.No matter where you start,the result is the same.One begets the other.

    Nomenclature is meaningless and debate about it is nonsense.In the final analysis ,”Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun.” Mao was right about that if nothing else.No doubt,Washington and Lincoln felt the same way but were less candid.Ideas may start a war but bullets end it.

    Every ruling class strives to keep the people unarmed and the military on their side, which is why the American leftist elites hate the 2nd Amendment and are indoctrinating the military with chimp scat.

    Adding insult to wounded ego,underlings are required to salute a tranny,Yid Admiral: “Excuse me,Mrs. Admiral; I do adore your breast implants but there seem to be a problem with your straight,flat ass.”

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
  115. Kratoklastes says:

    I keep running into this 90% of GDP claim.

    The claim is false.

    It does not withstand ten seconds’ scrutiny.

    Anybody who makes the claim is either
     • ignorant; or
     • knows full well
        that it’s false.

    A third possibility exists: that they don’t care if it’s true. They’re bullshitting, which is very distinct from lying.

    Whether the person making the claim is ignorant, wilfully lying, or bullshitting, they mark themselves as an unreliable source. When it’s something that can be so easily checked, it’s a very bad sign.

    I mentioned the obvious falsity of the claim in a comment made on the 26th of March, that fully ⅓rd of the GDP of Banderastan is generated by the aid-laundering welfare-sinkhole of Keeeeeeev (the oblast):

    over a quarter (27%) of Ukrainian GDP is attributable to Keeeeev (the city, not the oblast) and a further 6%-ish is attributable to the rest of Keeeeeev (the oblast, not the city).

    People forget that the government-heavy parts of any country contribute disproportionately to GDP, because GDP includes government spending.

    The 4 ‘baby bears’ do account for a very large proportion of the total industrial output of 404 – which is a much more important metric for determining a region’s ability to feed itself without relying on handouts.

    Can anyone give a link or something?

    Banderastan Regions by Gross Regional Product 2020 (Wikipedia, sourced from UKRStat)

    The only Industrial Production by Region data I’ve been able to find in a half-decent form is quite old (from 2013), but gives the appropriate flavour.

    See the first table in this webpage.

    Bear in mind that Keeeeeev is still overstated, because in every modern economy a lot of ‘services’ production is a series of grifts on the central government. In Australia, for example, the city of Canberra punches weill above its population-based weight, solely because of all the services furnished to ther Federal government.

    Of course it goes without saying that anything provided to government should not count as private sector activity, even if the firm producing it is not a government enterprise. (For that reason I don’t consider Raytheon to be a ‘private’ firm. It’s not engaged in private sector activity: it is part of the Parasitic State)

    • Thanks: Rahan
    • Replies: @emerging majority
  116. @Voltarde

    Or Epstein isn’t dead, maybe he’s hanging out with Jamal Khashoggi (no body, no crime) on an Israeli beach.

    9/11 was a fake, a controlled demolition of asbestos laden buildings with an insurance payout to the landlord, and an excuse to plunder Iraq (oil), Syria (oil), and Afghanistan (heroin). Giving the reason to create a Total Security State to protect the “Homeland” [but don’t protect the physical borders of the “Homeland”].

    Nord Stream is quite possibly as simple as Russia closing a pipeline gas transfer valve and opening a pressure relief valve.

    Covid19 was the normal 2019 Flu season weaponized by mass media lies.

  117. Anonymous[259] • Disclaimer says:

    The Baltic may be a NATO lake, but Russia could easily decide to make waves, for instance transporting LNG in barges to German ports via Kaliningrad – which is ice-free during winter. If Lithuania would try to block it, Mr. Khinzal could settle the issue by presenting his business card. Russia could also use the Gulf of Finland, not a problem for those massive Russian icebreakers.

    Yeah, but what a waste of precious finite resources always having to do things the hard way because of the United States, its boundless paranoia and reflexive aggression. Millions more people could live like kings without the constant application of the America boot to their throats if the Yanks could just learn to live and let live. But I guess the office of world bully is one that will always be filled by someone, even after the Yanks become just dark history.

  118. Miro23 says:


    Maybe freezing and starving in a long, cold winter (terrible to contemplate) is the only way for Germans, and other Europeans, to realize that Washington is not their friend, but their mortal enemy.

    No one deserves it more than the goddamn EU.

    Not really the EU public – more the Jewish run EU elite – but – same as their Bolshevik ancestors this elite isn’t going to freeze or starve. Their privileged lifestyle continues as before.

    Also, ethnic Germans have a great capacity to accept disastrous living conditions in an orderly, quiet and respectable way (no rioting). For example, after the 1923 hyperinflation the German middle class was destitute. Unable to buy food, they sold their heirlooms but stayed polite and maintained their good behaviour while going hungry. The British are similar.

    • Replies: @Realist
  119. Miro23 says:

    it is the demon Jews doing this. this is the first time they controlled a country like the US with all its power. they controlled most powerful empires for 2000 years but they didn’t have nukes subs etc.

    And if they see themselves losing that power (like now) then they’ll use those nukes and subs. It’s a sure thing. In fact they’re probably working on the details right now.

    So WW3 is well on the way unless the US military can themselves run a “regime change” and clear these freaks out of government/media /CIA etc.

    • Agree: Harold Smith
  120. The U.S. destroying the Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines is another clarification of the difference between capitalism and crapitalism.

    The arsonist is the most clairvoyant as to future fires.

    And it is most remarkable that nobody ever collected on the record amount of PUT options bought against the 2 airlines involved in the 9/11 attacks. Greed vs embarrassment and public detection minus any real MSM coverage of that little detail.

  121. true.enough says:

    (((Amos Hochstein))), after serving in the izzie armed forces, moved to ‘Murica and started working almost immediately within government and as a lobbyist for energy firms.

    A jew who works to disrupt energy production lines as a form of warfare, Hochstein has coordinated with the U.S. Department of Defense to determine targets. He’s an izzie who works to disrupt energy supplies and energy security.

    Nothing to see here! Serve in the izzie armed forces, move to ‘Murica and within 2 years he’s a counsel for the Foreign Affairs Committee…then moves to private practice and was a member of the board of Naftogaz (Ukraine).

    Back again to “public policy” and he’s a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy in the U.S. Department of State…

    NOW serving (serving who?) as Senior Advisor for Energy Security.

    This jew of questionable loyalty (who has been praised by Bibi Netanyahu) is the Senior Advisor for Energy Security to demented Joe O’Biden.

    Does that register?

  122. Franz says:
    @emerging majority

    It’s the Bank$ters, stoopid.

    London bankers, keep in mind. America was “independent” politically — and they screwed that up, predictably. Financially we’ve never cut the cord. Then again, nobody noticed except screwups like Frank Zappa.

  123. @Kratoklastes

    The very term, Gross National Product implicitly indicates that there is something altogether gross about the concept. It reminds me of the oxymoronic “Political” Science and “Criminal” Justice.

    In our ruptured republic, bullshit holds the floor, while greed and pilpul rule.

  124. Chris Moore says: • Website
    @Jeff Davis

    This operation was like the 9/11 inside job — carefully planned, operated and executed by the Deep State. If line B wasn’t blown up, it wasn’t intended to be.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Harold Smith
  125. Realist says:

    Not really the EU public

    The EU public allows it.

    Also, ethnic Germans have a great capacity to accept disastrous living conditions in an orderly, quiet and respectable way (no rioting).

    Like AA said they are our bitches.

  126. Rurik says:
    @Chris Moore

    This operation was like the 9/11 inside job — carefully planned, operated and executed by the Deep State. If line B wasn’t blown up, it wasn’t intended to be.

    Building Seven..

    two news organizations reporting Building Seven’s collapse before it happened.

    lots of other fuck ups

    • Replies: @Chris Moore
  127. Chris Moore says: • Website

    two news organizations reporting Building Seven’s collapse before it happened.

    Likely because the Propaganda Class was forced to audible when Flight 93 — mostly likely intended to hit Building 7 — was crashed in Pennsylvania when the the passengers got to the cockpit. So the Deep State altered the plan and “pulled” Building 7 anyway, and the Propaganda Class operatives cobbled together a story on the fly. They just got the timing wrong.

    Biden and ((Nuland)) announced months ago that they could stop Nord Stream, and the Deep State had months to execute the plan. They probably don’t want German industry and the public to have to go cold turkey this winter, but ultimately intend to wean it totally off of Russian gas.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  128. Rurik says:
    @Chris Moore

    when Flight 93 — mostly likely intended to hit Building 7 — was crashed in Pennsylvania when the the passengers got to the cockpit.

    Not to split hairs, but the jet didn’t actually crash at that site in Shanksville. It was likely shot out of the sky, and the “crash site” was just more damage control.

    My point was simply that with these actions, things can go wrong, and I’d expect the same thing with the Nordstream sabotage. They tried to kill it,

    Biden and ((Nuland)) announced months ago that they could stop Nord Stream, and the Deep State had months to execute the plan.

    and they f’d up. And now everyone’s satellites are no doubt keeping an eagle eye on it all, so they missed their chance.

    They probably don’t want German industry and the public to have to go cold turkey this winter,

    hard to say for sure on that one, but I do agree with the general consensus that they are going to do anything and everything to prevent close economic (and therefor cultural and other) ties between the nations they hate the most; Germany and Russia.

    My hope of course, is that they push Germany and the rest of Europe too far, to the point that the people are starving and freezing, it that’s what it will finally, FINALLY give them the sand to dump the Zio-vassals that are leading their nations to ruin.

    I feel the same way about the ZUS and Canada, but unfortunately we’re not yet on the brink of economic collapse yet.

    I’d like to see England (most of all) hit rock bottom, as a message to all the rest, (sort of like San Fransisco has become) of what you can expect when you allow the money changers to control your destinies.

    When the diversity in London is venturing out into rural Britannia in search of food, once the lights go out, and the British people know what, (and who they mean by food), then, perhaps then, they’ll think back at Enoch Powell, and their folly for not heeding his warning.

    But wonder even then. I imagine a British countryside where the diversity shows up, and tells the family that for now, they only require little Sam, and then they’ll leave the others be, and move on.

    It will be heartbreaking for them to hand over little Sam, (knowing what his fate will be), but at least doing so, they won’t have to face doubting their precious religion of worshiping diversity above all other things. Sorry little Sam.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
  129. Harold Smith says:
    @Chris Moore

    From my perspective, the “deep state” frequently makes mistakes – sometimes very stupid mistakes – and often implicates itself (and its agents), but having the power and influence it does, nothing ever comes of any of it. It is very plausible that the failure to destroy one pipeline out of four was one of those mistakes, IMO.

    • Agree: Rurik, SeekerofthePresence
  130. @24th Alabama

    What you describe is a Hobbesian world that contradicts the Greek philosophy about the governance of the aristocrat. An aristocrat, according to the original sense, is someone who possesses wisdom and integrity. Nowadays, aristocracy is more associated with power and money.

    In an ideal world, there is no coercion for the sake of submission to authority, be it a republican one or any other. The citizen of middling intelligence seeks council from the true aristocrat and choses to act in whichever way he likes, as long as he is not infringing on other people’s rights. That concept should not necessarily lead to the legal system as we know it. Legality as imposed by the legislative branch of a republican government emanates largely from lawyers or fortune seekers who have little experience at running productive enterprises. I would prefer to replace legality with ethics emanating from divine spirituality that sees in the other a brotherly cooperator rather than a competitor and where any decision to be considered is to be thought of in terms of how would it be beneficial to the other, individually or collectively, before weighing how it is good for me.

    That would be humankind’s salvation from authority as we know it, which is nothing more than an equation based on force where the reason of the stronger is always the better. This is one of the most important tenets of the a Treaty of Westphalia that moved Europe from the era of suicidal wars into an era of relative peace and prosperity.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
    • Replies: @24th Alabama
  131. Anonymous[907] • Disclaimer says:

    All here that find the conflict of keen interest will enjoy this excellent article on the conduct of war.

  132. 24th Alabama says:
    @Joe Levantine

    The “Hobbesian world” that you reference is his nightmare,a scenario of disorder in which no one is safe. Hobbes advocated that citizens sacrifice some of their liberty in return for the government’s promise to preserve order.Of course Hobbes was,in a sense the “kept man”of the Cavendish Family
    and Charles II,but this does not detract in any way from the validity of his arguments,as some have implied.

    Three hundred years after Hobbes we are still debating the question of how much liberty we are willing to give up to preserve order.Unfortunately,it appears that money and power,with the help of their ugly progeny,violence,will decide the outcome.

    Let’s hope for another peace of Westphalia in the Ukraine.The peacemakers may be “blessed” but where are they?

    Thank you,Joe for your insightful comment.

    • Thanks: Joe Levantine
  133. JR Foley says:

    The Mogilevich is in the details —-

  134. @anon

    A point seldom made. The US is the most powerful empire the Jews have ever controlled.

    Therefore, it should be easy for everyone to realize that the US is not the US. It is not controlled by Americans, but by demons.

  135. denk says:

    The west’s satanist ptb couldnt help it, they simply want that victory lap.

    Exhibit A

    BLinken on NS2

    This presents a tremendous opportunity for
    our long term strategic interest.
    Those euros would be forever under our thumb now.

    Wilbur Ross on c19

    This is the opporutunity to reset the world supply chain outta China.
    SARS , swine flu, bird flu didnt succeed,
    BUt this might just do it.

    BUsh teary eye on 911

    Thru my tears, I see a big opportunity,
    A carte blanche to strike at will.
    An opportunity to put our boots all around Russia/China’s front yard back yard.

    tip of an iceberg…

  136. Corvinus says:
    @Jeff Davis

    You never offered any proof. Just speculation.

  137. Corvinus says:

    “There’s no question that future unbiased historians”

    The No True Scotsman Fallacy in action.

    “As he made the direct connection between multipolarity and strengthening of sovereignty,”

    Right. The Ukraine as a legitimate nation has dominion over its territory.

  138. Corvinus says:

    “ Not to split hairs, but the jet didn’t actually crash at that site in Shanksville. It was likely shot out of the sky, and the “crash site” was just more damage control”

    No, the airplane crashed there. It was not blown out of the air by a fighter jet. Why are you outright lying?

  139. Athena says:

    Mass protests against NATO and EU hit Paris streets (VIDEOS)

  140. Athena says:

    US/NATO monsters

    Vietnam : Film by Sibel Edmonds

    28-years-old twins whose genes have been affected by an agent sprayed on their soil by the US-NATO 30 years ago:

    “The U.S. government still spends billions every year on disability payments to those who served in Vietnam — including their children, many of whom are suffering from dioxin-associated cancers and birth defects.”

    “We spend billions per week on undeclared wars to injure, kill, and destroy. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars on fraudulent and wasteful defense contracts. We spend billions on drones and bombs which kill 687 civilians per 14 enemy targets, amounting to a ratio of nearly 50 civilians killed for each undeclared enemy killed.”

  141. Athena says:

    US/NATO Monsters

    Ukraine : Film by Anne-Laure Bonnel (more than 10 000 killed by US/NATO since 2014):

  142. @follyofwar

    Maybe freezing and starving in a long, cold winter (terrible to contemplate) is the only way for Germans, and other Europeans, to realize that Washington is not their friend, but their mortal enemy.

    As far as I can tell from my own social circles, too many of my fellow Europeans are still exhibiting Stockholm syndrome in regards to Washington and think Putin is evil. It’s unfortunate, because I also have to live on this continent and suffer the winter-cold alongside these brainwashed sheeple.

    Meanwhile our elites are traveling to luxurious spa resorts with private jets and enjoying caviar for breakfast.

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