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David Y P Tng
Seasonally dry tropical forests are among the least studied of tropical forests. However, in recent years these forests have become recognized as an endangered global biome of great economic and cultural importance. Despite this... more
Seasonally dry tropical forests are among the least studied of tropical forests. However, in recent years these forests have become recognized as an endangered global biome of great economic and cultural importance. Despite this recognition, their status, range, and ecological value in Australia is still poorly appreciated, possibly because they are perceived to be species-poor derivatives of rainforests, and it has proved difficult to define and map their geographic extents.
In Australia, seasonally dry tropical forests grow in Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales, and they are often associated with unusual landforms like karsts, sandstone ravines and tablelands. These forests often exhibit dry-season deciduousness and unlike savanna, seasonally dry tropical forests harbor few grasses and they are fire sensitive.
Curious lifeforms such as bottle-shaped trees, prickly plants, and thicket-forming vines are also conspicuous in some areas.
Misleading local terms used to describe these forests, such as “Brush”, “Scrub” and “Vine thickets”, and confusingly “Dry rainforest” impedes development of national and global perspectives on the ecology and conservation status of these unique plant communities. Moving beyond local terms and seeing these forests as part of a global seasonally dry tropical forest biome will promote greater public awareness of their conservation value.
In Australia, around 75% of the original extent of these forests has been cleared. Although now largely protected, these forests still face various threats that often work synergistically, such as climate change, fire damage, mining, livestock damage and weed infestation. Ecological and biogeographical studies are therefore urgently needed to understand the resilience of seasonally dry tropical forests to multiple threats and to inform their conservation.
Environmental weeds typically invade open, disturbed areas or vegetation edges, and can have devastating ecological and economic consequences. The National Weeds List in Australia informs the public and land managers on weeds prioritized... more
Environmental weeds typically invade open, disturbed areas or vegetation edges, and can have devastating ecological and economic consequences. The National Weeds List in Australia informs the public and land managers on weeds prioritized for management, but shade-tolerant weeds that can invade forest ecosystems are inadequately listed. Such weeds are now globally recognized for their ability to impact native vegetation. The Cherry Guava (Psidium cattleianum) from Brazil, a shrub of the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae), is an exceptional example.
1. Cherry Guava was probably introduced to Australia for its edible fruits. The earliest record (1940s) was in Koah, Far North Queensland. Currently, Cherry Guava infestations are found in three World Heritage Areas in Australia: the Wet Tropics in Queensland; Gondwanan Rainforests of Queensland/New South Wales, and Lord Howe Island. It is listed as a noxious weed only in NSW. There are no Australian regulations restricting import or sale.
2. The Global Invasive Species Database lists Cherry Guava among the World’s 100 Worst Weeds – it tolerates shade; grows and matures rapidly; produces a heavy fruit set and seedling bank; is spread by native and feral animals; coppices extensively; and forms multi-stemmed thickets. It can displace native vegetation. Infestations in Australia appear free of natural enemies and resistant to Myrtle Rust which affects co-occurring native members of the Myrtaceae. In Hawaii, Seychelles and Mascarene Islands, natural forested ecosystems are severely impacted after introductions in the early- to mid-1800s.
3. Cherry Guava spread is ongoing, but given the recent Australian history and localized infestations, eradication may be possible with incisive intervention. Government listings and restricting import and sale are first steps. Options to eliminate infestations could combine ecotourism, volunteers and biological control agents.
The need to maintain a mosaic of rainforest and eucalypt forest in the Australian Wet Tropics World Heritage Area poses a perplexing conundrum for land managers. Rose Gum (Eucalyptus grandis) dominated giant eucalypt forests at the... more
The need to maintain a mosaic of rainforest and eucalypt forest in the Australian Wet Tropics World Heritage Area poses a perplexing conundrum for land managers. Rose Gum (Eucalyptus grandis) dominated giant eucalypt forests at the margins of World Heritage tropical rainforests are habitats for threatened marsupials like the Yellow-Bellied Glider. Rainforest developing in the understoreys of these forests is believed to threaten the dominant overstorey eucalypts and associated fauna. Land managers prescribe frequent low-intensity fires to try to stop rainforest species from establishing in Rose Gum forests understory. However, these practices are not consistent with the ecology of Rose Gum forest:
1. Rose Gums are obligate seeders and need rare, large, high-intensity landscape fires for successful regeneratation. Low-intensity fires do not stimulate Rose Gum regeneration because they do not release seeds stored in the canopy or create conditions suitable for initial growth. Repeated fires may kill young Rose Gum trees that do not have fully developed bark and these fires can reduce the protective capacity of the bark of mature trees.
2. Under current climatic conditions, rainforest expansion averages 0.6m/decade, and is occuring across all landscape conditions likely due to a global driver like increased atmospheric CO2. Using low-intensity fire to control this process is difficult because rainforest will only burn under exceptional conditions. Also, many rainforest species recover from a single fire. Natural and rare high-intensity fires will likely enable Rose Gum regeneration throughout the landscape.
The landscape ecology and plant functional biology of Rose Gum forest suggest that they are ecologically like secondary rainforest. Abstaining from prescribed burning and letting Rose Gum forests regenerate naturally from rare large fire events best approximates their regeneration
Increased drought is forecasted for tropical regions, with severe implications for the health and function of forest ecosystems. How mature forest trees will respond to water deficit is poorly known. We investigated wood anatomy and leaf... more
Increased drought is forecasted for tropical regions, with severe implications for the health and function of forest ecosystems. How mature forest trees will respond to water deficit is poorly known. We investigated wood anatomy and leaf traits in lowland tropical forest trees after 24 months of experimental rainfall exclusion. Sampling sun‐exposed young canopy branches from target species, we found species‐specific systematic variation in hydraulic‐related wood anatomy and leaf traits in response to drought stress. Relative to controls, drought‐affected individuals of different tree species variously exhibited trait measures consistent with increasing hydraulic safety. These included narrower or less vessels, reduced vessel groupings, lower theoretical water conductivities, less water storage tissue and more abundant fiber in their wood, and more occluded vessels. Drought-affected individuals also had thinner leaves, and more negative pre‐dawn or mid‐day leaf water potentials. Future studies examining both wood and leaf hydraulic traits should improve the representation of plant hydraulics within terrestrial ecosystem and biosphere models, and help fine tune predictions of how future climate changes will affect tropical forests globally.
Australian tall eucalypt forests have been the subject of awe and admiration since early colonial days. In the Wet Tropics of North Queensland, such forest occurs in transitional or ecotonal patches between rainforests and open woodland... more
Australian tall eucalypt forests have been the subject of awe and admiration since early colonial days. In the Wet Tropics of North Queensland, such forest occurs in transitional or ecotonal patches between rainforests and open woodland savannas. Rainforest species are commonly interpreted to be encroaching into the understorey of these tall eucalypt forests, namely those with statuesque Rose Gum (Eucalyptus grandis) dominants. This has led to concerns for the long term persistence of E. grandis forests, and ongoing debates over their need for active fire management. In this essay, I highlight the enigmatic ecology of these ecotonal forest habitats, and make the case that the management of these habitats should be grounded in ecological principles within a broader perspective of patterns in global vegetation change.
The Daintree has garnered the reputation for being “Where the rainforest meets the reef”. But what is actually so special and unique about the Daintree? While the Australian Wet Tropics is famous for rainforest, in this article in the... more
The Daintree has garnered the reputation for being “Where the rainforest meets the reef”. But what is actually so special and unique about the Daintree? While the Australian Wet Tropics is famous for rainforest, in this article in the Oct-Nov volume (Issue 17) of Protected Magazine, we will examine what is found within the rainforests of the Daintree that makes the place truly extraordinary.
Research Interests:
1. Understanding the anatomical basis of plant water transport in forest ecosystems is crucial for contextualizing community-level adaptations to drought, especially in lifeform-rich tropical forests. To provide this context, we... more
1. Understanding the anatomical basis of plant water transport in forest ecosystems is crucial for contextualizing community-level adaptations to drought, especially in lifeform-rich tropical forests.  To provide this context, we explored wood functional anatomy traits related to plant hydraulic architecture across different plant functional groups in a lowland tropical rainforest.
2. We measured wood traits in 90 species from six functional groups (mature-phase, understorey and pioneer trees; understorey and pioneer shrubs; vines) and related these traits to intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi) as a measure of physiological performance.  We also examined vessel size distribution patterns across groups to determine tradeoffs in theoretical hydraulic safety versus efficiency.
3. Plant functional groups exhibited significant differences in vessel parameters and WUEi.  Vessel diameters in vines and pioneer trees were two- to three-fold greater on average than in understorey trees and shrubs.  Contrastingly, vessels in understorey-trees and -shrubs fell within the smaller size classes, suggesting greater safety mechanisms. In addition to these trends, large vessel dimensions were important predictors of WUEi among the functional groups.
4. We conclude that plant functional groups in tropical rainforest have distinctive functional anatomy profiles.  These groups can therefore serve as a framework for further investigations on structure-function relationships, and a sound basis for modeling species responses to drought.
Research Interests:
Aims Understanding succession in tropical forest is an important aspect of vegetation science, but to date, successional processes in seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) have received much less attention than evergreen humid tropical... more
Aims Understanding succession in tropical forest is an important aspect of vegetation science, but to date, successional processes in seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) have received much less attention than evergreen humid tropical forests. We aim to fill this knowledge gap.

Methods We investigated vegetation succession in SDTF areas consisting of three different successional stages (early, intermediate, late), and a SDTF-savanna ecotone in the municipal district of Juramento, north of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Using twelve 400 m2 plots in each area, we compared vegetation parameters and structural variables (absolute density and basal area), and examined the floristic composition of the tree component to find gradients of change.

Important Findings We found evidence of species turnover along a successional gradient, with the intermediate stage showing the highest species richness and diversity. This was accompanied with a significant increase in the number of tree individuals and basal area from the early to intermediate successional stage. However, the intermediate and late SDTF successional stages were more similar in structure and floristics. The ecotone was the most species rich, and was similar to the intermediate SDTF and early successional stage in species richness and floristic composition respectively. These results will have implications for guiding SDTF management and recovery programs.
Research Interests:
Full floristic data, tree demography, and biomass estimates incorporating non-tree lifeforms are seldom collected and reported for forest plots in the tropics. Established research stations serve as important repositories of such... more
Full floristic data, tree demography, and biomass estimates incorporating non-tree lifeforms are seldom collected and reported for forest plots in the tropics. Established research stations serve as important repositories of such biodiversity and ecological data. With a canopy crane setup within a tropical lowland rainforest estate, the 42-ha Daintree Rainforest Observatory (DRO) in Cape Tribulation, northern Australia is a research facility of international significance. We obtained an estimate of the vascular plant species richness for the site, by surveying all vascular plant species from various mature-phase, remnant and open vegetation patches within the site. We also integrate and report the demography and basal areas of trees ≥ 10 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) in a new 1-ha core plot, an extension to the pre-existing forest 1-ha plot under the canopy crane. In addition, we report for the canopy crane plot new demography and basal areas for smaller-size shrubs and treelets subsampled from nine 20 m2 quadrats, and liana basal area and abundance from the whole plot. The DRO site has an estimated total vascular plant species richness of 441 species, of which 172 species (39%) are endemic to Australia, and 4 species are endemics to the Daintree region. The 2 x 1-ha plots contains a total of 262 vascular plant species of which 116 (1531 individuals) are tree species ≥ 10 cm dbh. We estimate a stem basal area of 34.9 m2 ha-1, of which small stems (tree saplings and shrubs <10cm dbh) and lianas collectively contribute c.4.2%. Comparing the stem density-diversity patterns of the DRO forest with other tropical rainforests globally, our meta-analysis shows that DRO forests has a comparatively high stem density and moderate species diversity, due to the influence of cyclones. These data will provide an important foundation for ecological and conservation studies in lowland tropical forest.
Research Interests:
Strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) is a shade-tolerant shrub or small tree invader in tropical and subtropical regions and is considered among the world’s top 100 worst invasive species. Studies from affected regions report... more
Strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) is a shade-tolerant shrub or small tree invader in tropical and subtropical regions and is considered among the world’s top 100 worst invasive species. Studies from affected regions report deleterious effects of strawberry guava invasion on native vegetation. Here we examine the life history demographics and environmental determinants of strawberry guava invasions to inform effective weed management in affected rainforest regions. We surveyed the vegetation of eight mature rainforest and thirty-three successional sites at various stages of regeneration in the Australian Wet Tropics and found that strawberry guava invasion was largely restricted to successional forests. Strawberry guava exhibited high stem and seedling densities, represented approximately 8% of all individual stems recorded and 20% of all seedlings recorded. The species also had the highest basal area among all the non-native woody species measured. We compared environmental and community level effects between strawberry guava-invaded and non-invaded sites, and modelled how the species basal area and recruitment patterns respond to these effects. Invaded sites differed from non-invaded sites in several environmental features such as aspect, distance from intact forest blocks, as well as supported higher grass and herb stem densities. Our analysis showed that invasion is currently ongoing in secondary forests, and also that strawberry guava is able to establish and persist under closed canopies. If left unchecked, strawberry guava invasion will have deleterious consequences for native regenerating forest in the Australian Wet Tropics.
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT The dry forest biome covers extensive areas of the global tropics. However, the understanding of these forest formations from both human and biophysical perspectives varies widely both geographically and in terms of... more
ABSTRACT The dry forest biome covers extensive areas of the global tropics. However, the understanding of these forest formations from both human and biophysical perspectives varies widely both geographically and in terms of disciplinarity. While considerable resources have been made available for the sustainable management of the humid tropical forests, there has been a lack of comparable sustained attention on their dry forest equivalents. This special issue is an attempt to provide further insights into the state of the knowledge of global dry forests, and identify research gaps that could contribute to their long-term sustainability, both for human well-being and ecological integrity.
Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) are gaining recognition as a significant biome and poorly conserved tropical biodiversity refuge. Understanding floristic relationships within SDTF is essential for their effective conservation. This... more
Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) are gaining recognition as a significant biome and poorly conserved tropical biodiversity refuge. Understanding floristic relationships within SDTF is essential for their effective conservation. This study examines the floristic variation within SDTF of the Caatinga Biogeographic Domain, in north-eastern Brazil. SDTF trees, shrubs and arborescent cacti were sampled in six localities in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Bahia. A number of soil chemical attributes were also measured to analyse vegetation-soil relationships across the study sites. Five floristically distinct SDTF communities were delineated. Differences in these communities are attributable to influences from adjacent savanna and rain forest surrounding the study sites, and also to soil properties such as Al3+, base saturation and gravel content. The high species richness of, and species dissimilarity between communities reflect the need for judicious conservation planning for SDTF that account for biodiversity values and forest structural integrity.
Research Interests:
The dry forest biome covers extensive areas of the global tropics. However, the understanding of these forest formations from both human and biophysical perspectives varies widely both geographically and in terms of disciplinarity. While... more
The dry forest biome covers extensive areas of the global tropics. However, the understanding of these forest formations from both human and biophysical perspectives varies widely both geographically and in terms of disciplinarity. While considerable resources have been made available for the sustainable management of the humid tropical forests, there has been a lack of comparable sustained attention on their dry forest equivalents. This special issue is an attempt to provide further insights into the state of the knowledge of global dry forests, and identify research gaps that could contribute to their long-term sustainability, both for human well-being and ecological integrity.
Research Interests:
Understanding how tropical rainforest trees may respond to the precipitation extremes predicted in future climate change scenarios is paramount for their conservation and management. Tree species clearly differ in drought susceptibility,... more
Understanding how tropical rainforest trees may respond to the precipitation extremes predicted in future climate change scenarios is paramount for their conservation and management. Tree species clearly differ in drought susceptibility, suggesting that variable water transport strategies exist. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we examined the hydraulic variability in trees in a lowland tropical rainforest in north-eastern Australia. We studied eight tree species representing broad plant functional groups (one palm and seven eudicot mature-phase, and early-successional trees). We characterised the species’ hydraulic system through maximum rates of volumetric sap flow and velocities using the heat ratio method, and measured rates of tree growth and several stem, vessel, and leaf traits. Sap flow measures exhibited limited variability across species, although early-successional species and palms had high mean sap velocities relative to most mature-phase species. Stem, vessel, and leaf traits were poor predictors of sap flow measures. However, these traits exhibited different associations in multivariate analysis, revealing gradients in some traits across species and alternative hydraulic strategies in others. Trait differences across and within tree functional groups reflect variation in water transport and drought resistance strategies. These varying strategies will help in our understanding of changing species distributions under predicted drought scenarios.
Research Interests:
Tropical biomes are species rich, but some biomes such as seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) are still inadequately studied compared to their co-occurring rain forest and savanna. SDTFs occur in areas of high environmental... more
Tropical biomes are species rich, but some biomes such as seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) are still inadequately studied compared to their co-occurring rain forest and savanna. SDTFs occur in areas of high environmental heterogeneity, resulting in high beta (β)-diversity or species turnover, but this has so far only been accessed using a single β-diversity measure, and at a spatial scale that is of limited applicability for reserve planning. The Caatinga Biogeographic Domain in Brazil contains the largest known extent of SDTF which are poorly studied and inadequately reserved. We therefore studied the variation in species richness and species turnover among SDTF between localities and between known floristic communities. From six localities within the Caatinga Biogeographic Domain we recorded all tree species with a circumference at breast height equaling or exceeding 10 cm within 106 400 m2 survey plots. From the species presence/absence data we calculated three measures of β-diversity between pairs of study localities and between different floristic communities representing: (i) species similarity, (ii) differences between species richness, and (iii) species gain and loss. Our results confirm the high β-diversity of SDTFs and species turnover between localities and also between floristic communities. The three indices were also complementary to each other and can be used to maximize accuracy in β-diversity studies. The implications of our study for conservation and reserve planning of SDTFs are discussed.
Although rain forest is characterized as pyrophobic, pyrophilic giant eucalypts grow as rain forest emergents in both temperate and tropical Australia. In temperate Australia, such eucalypts depend on extensive, infrequent fires to... more
Although rain forest is characterized as pyrophobic, pyrophilic giant eucalypts grow as rain forest emergents in both temperate and tropical Australia. In temperate Australia, such eucalypts depend on extensive, infrequent fires to produce conditions suitable for seedling growth. Little is known, however, about constraints on seedlings of tropical giant eucalypts. We tested whether seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis experience edaphic constraints similar to their temperate counterparts. We hypothesized that phosphorous addition would alleviate edaphic constraints. We grew seedlings in a factorial experiment combining fumigation (to simulate nutrient release and soil pasteurization by fire), soil type (E. grandis forest versus rain forest soil) and phosphorus addition as factors. We found that phosphorus was the principal factor limiting E. grandis seedling survival and growth in rain forest soil, and that fumigation enhanced survival of seedlings in both E. grandis forest and rain forest soil. We conclude that similar to edaphic constraints on temperate giant eucalypts, mineral nutrient and biotic attributes of a tropical rain forest soil may hamper E. grandis seedling establishment. In rain forest soil, E. grandis seedlings benefited from conditions akin to a fire-generated ashbed (i.e., an “ashbed effect”).
Tall old-growth forests are of global social-economic, political and ecological significance. These forests contribute significantly to the global carbon budget and are of high conservation value given sustained logging and clearing over... more
Tall old-growth forests are of global social-economic, political and ecological significance. These forests contribute significantly to the global carbon budget and are of high conservation value given sustained logging and clearing over the past two centuries (Tng et al. 2012a). In Australia, these old-growth forests extend from tropical to temperate regions of Australia in areas where rainfall exceeds 1000 mm per year, being characterised by emergent eucalypt trees attaining statures of 30 m to more than 80 m, with canopy and understorey layers consisting of mesophytic broad-leaved trees and treelets, sclerophyllous shrubs and graminoids (Fig. 1). These forests support some of the tallest flowering plants in the world, are important habitats for a unique suite of flora and fauna, and are important forest cover for metropolitan water catchments – values that make giant eucalypt forests a focal point of scientific study and eco-tourism (Tng et al. 2012a).This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Ecological theory differentiates rainforest and open vegetation in many regions as functionally divergent alternative stable states with transitional (ecotonal) vegetation between the two forming transient unstable states. This... more
Ecological theory differentiates rainforest and open vegetation in many regions as functionally divergent alternative stable states with transitional (ecotonal) vegetation between the two forming transient unstable states. This transitional vegetation is of considerable significance, not only as a test case for theories of vegetation dynamics, but also because this type of vegetation is of major economic importance, and is home to a suite of species of conservation significance, including the world’s tallest flowering plants. We therefore created predictions of patterns in plant functional traits that would test the alternative stable states model of these systems. We measured functional traits of 128 trees and shrubs across tropical and temperate rainforest – open vegetation transitions in Australia, with giant eucalypt forests situated between these vegetation types. We analysed a set of functional traits: leaf carbon isotopes, leaf area, leaf mass per area, leaf slenderness, wood density, maximum height and bark thickness, using univariate and multivariate methods. For most traits, giant eucalypt forest was similar to rainforest, while rainforest, particularly tropical rainforest, was significantly different from the open vegetation. In multivariate analyses, tropical and temperate rainforest diverged functionally, and both segregated from open vegetation. Furthermore, the giant eucalypt forests overlapped in function with their respective rainforests. The two types of giant eucalypt forests also exhibited greater overall functional similarity to each other than to any of the open vegetation types. We conclude that tropical and temperate giant eucalypt forests are ecologically and functionally convergent. The lack of clear functional differentiation from rainforest suggests that giant eucalypt forests are unstable states within the basin of attraction of rainforest. Our results have important implications for giant eucalypt forest management.
Callitris is Australia’s most successful and drought tolerant conifer genus. Callitris species are distributed across a huge geographical range from rainforest to arid zones, and hence they provide a rare opportunity to view plant growth... more
Callitris is Australia’s most successful and drought tolerant conifer genus. Callitris species are distributed across a huge geographical range from rainforest to arid zones, and hence they provide a rare opportunity to view plant growth trends across the continent. Here, we make a continental-scale examination of how climate influences basal diameter growth in Callitris. We sampled a total of five species but focused effort (23 of 28 samples) on the most widespread species, C. columellaris. Cores from a total of 23 trees were sampled from 15 sites that spanned a gradient in mean annual rainfall from 225 to 2117 mm and mean annual temperature from 11.5 to 28.2°C. Ring production is not annual across much of the distribution of the genus, so 14C-AMS dating was used to establish the frequency of ring production for each core. Ring width, tracheid lumen diameter and number of tracheids per ring were also measured on each core. Ring production was close to annual at mesic sites with reliable alternation of rainfall or temperature regimes but was more erratic elsewhere. For C. columellaris, ring width significantly increased with mean annual rainfall (r 2 = 0.49) as a result of wider and more tracheids per ring. For this species tracheid lumen diameter was correlated with annual rainfall (r 2 = 0.61), with a threefold increase from the driest to the wettest sites, lending support to the hypothesis that conifers growing at drier sites will have narrow lumen diameters to maximise mechanical strength of the xylem.
Tree species exceeding 70 m in height are rare globally. Giant gymnosperms are concentrated near the Pacific coast of the USA, while the tallest angiosperms are eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp.) in southern and eastern Australia. Giant... more
Tree species exceeding 70 m in height are rare globally. Giant gymnosperms are concentrated near the Pacific coast of the USA, while the tallest angiosperms are eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp.) in
southern and eastern Australia. Giant eucalypts co-occur with rain-forest trees in eastern Australia, creating unique vegetation communities comprising fire-dependent trees above fire intolerant rain-forest. However, giant eucalypts can also tower over shrubby understoreys (e.g. in Western Australia). The local abundance of giant eucalypts is controlled by interactions between fire activity and landscape setting. Giant eucalypts have features that increase flammability (e.g. oil-rich foliage and open crowns) relative to other rain-forest trees but it is debatable if these features are adaptations. Probable drivers of eucalypt gigantism are intense intra-specific competition following severe fires, and inter-specific competition among adult trees. However, we suggest that this was made possible by a general capacity of eucalypts for ‘hyper-emergence’. We argue that, because giant eucalypts occur in rain-forest climates and share traits with rain-forest pioneers, they should be regarded as long-lived rain-forest pioneers, albeit with a particular dependence on fire for regeneration. These unique ecosystems are of high conservation value, following substantial clearing and logging over 150 yr.
Tropical rain forest expansion and savanna woody vegetation thickening appear to be a global trend, but there remains uncertainty about whether there is a common set of global drivers. Using geographic information techniques, we analyzed... more
Tropical rain forest expansion and savanna woody vegetation thickening appear to be a global trend, but there remains uncertainty about whether there is a common set of global drivers. Using geographic information techniques, we analyzed aerial photography of five areas in the humid tropics of northeastern Queensland, Australia, taken in the 1950s and 2008, to determine if changes in rain forest extent match those reported for the Australian monsoon tropics using similar techniques. Mapping of the 1950s aerial photography showed that of the combined study area (64,430 ha), 63% was classified as eucalypt forests/woodland and 37% as rain forest. Our mapping revealed that although most boundaries remained stable, there was a net increase of 732 ha of the original rain forest area over the study period, and negligible conversion of rain forest to eucalypt forest/woodland. Statistical modeling, controlling for spatial autocorrelation, indicated distance from preexisting rain forest as the strongest determinant of rain forest expansion. Margin extension had a mean rate across the five sites of 0.6 m per decade. Expansion was greater in tall open forest types but also occurred in shorter, more flammable woodland vegetation types. No correlations were detected with other local variables (aspect, elevation, geology, topography, drainage). Using a geographically weighted mean rate of rain forest margin extension across the whole region, we predict that over 25% of tall open forest (a forest type of high conservation significance) would still remain after 2000 years of rain forest expansion. This slow replacement is due to the convoluted nature of the rain forest boundary and the irregular shape of the tall open forest patches. Our analyses point to the increased concentration of atmospheric CO(2) as the most likely global driver of indiscriminate rain forest expansion occurring in northeastern Australia, by increasing tree growth and thereby overriding the effects of fire disturbance.
The atmospheric pollen loads of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, were monitored between September 2007 and July 2009. To examine the match of the airborne pollen composition with the flowering duration of their contributing plants, the... more
The atmospheric pollen loads of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, were monitored between September 2007 and July 2009. To examine the match of the airborne pollen composition with the flowering duration of their contributing plants, the phenology of native and non-native plants in various habitats near the pollen-trapping site was undertaken between August 2008 and July 2009. The pollen load was found to have a strong seasonal component associated with the start of spring in September. This is incongruent with the peak flowering season of the total taxa in October. In most taxa, atmospheric pollen signatures appeared before flowering was observed in the field. The presence of most pollen types in the atmosphere also exceeded the observed flowering duration of potential pollen-source taxa. Reasons for this may be related to the sampling effort of phenological monitoring, pollen blown in from earlier flowering populations outside of the sampling area, the ability of pollen to be reworked, and the large pollen production of some wind-pollinated taxa. In 2007–2008, 15 pollen types dominated the atmosphere, accounting for 90% of the airborne pollen load. The top six pollen types belonged to Betula, Cupressaceae, Myrtaceae, Salix, Poaceae and Ulmus. Comparatively, the annual pollen load of Hobart is lower than in most other Australian cities; however, the pollen signal of Betula is inordinately high. Native plants play a minor role as pollen contributors, despite the proximity of native habitats to the pollen-sampling location. The implications of the aerobiological observations are discussed in relation to public health.