If you have decided to run your own business, you might need to look for partners, i.e. family and friends, who will help be able to help you start and grow. That is to say, if you go into business with another party, it is highly recommended that you establish a partnership agreement. Conflicts of interests between business partners are inevitable. Forming a legal business partnership will certainly ease the running of the business. Regardless of the number of people that will take part in starting up and the business, you can still draft a partnership agreement, which will focus on both responsibilities/duties and benefits/bonuses for each party involved. By forming a business entity, all parties decide together on the rules and turn under which the company will be based on.

There are some issues to consider before you draft a partnership agreement. To begin with, a partnership agreement can be either verbal or written. Be careful when you decide which type you prefer. It makes a big difference when you do business and make money with a friend or even a family member.  You need to be familiar in advance on what exactly constitutes a partnership agreement. You need to lay down the terms and conditions of the business agreement with your partners. Preferably, draft a written partnership agreement which includes the duties and obligations of each side and also be careful if you decide to use free legal document templates. Thus, all parties will be aware of who is in charge of what. Even though you can write down responsibilities and how profits will be shared, there are certain things in the partnership agreement that are predetermined by law.

The establishment of a partnership agreement is the most important and fundamental step when forming a business partnership. A partnership agreement makes clear of how responsibilities and profits will be shared among parties. What a typical partnership agreement includes is the intent for which it is formed, the name of the business that is about to be launched, and how long this partnership will last. The agreement should also cover alternative scenarios in case for example if a partner decides to leave the business. Conflict of interests and wishes may arise at any point during the running of the business. Problems regarding the continuity of the business can arise at any time, so in case any party wants to leave, the partnership agreement must include information on how the business will proceed. Partners, who fail to consider and include such issues in the partnership agreement beforehand, have many problems and some of them turn to be hazardous for the business.

Starting up a business can be an exciting adventure. However, if you fail to establish a partnership agreement, this adventure can turn into a huge problem for you and for all the people who helped you start it. That is why, a legal partnership agreement, which is as clearly stated as possible, is the key to the successful running of the business. 

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