

IELTS Writing Correction

IELTS Writing Correction

IELTS writing correction and feedback service by Mike Wattie, an ex-examiner, to increase your score. I check your writing tasks and give you feedback on errors and ways to improve your writing. I will also give you a score for each of the four grading criteria. My service isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a personalized, deep-dive analysis in to your unique writing style and skill set. I scrutinize every facet of your writing—from lexical resource and grammatical accuracy to coherence and cohesion—all while strictly adhering to the authentic IELTS format. My tailored feedback, delivered in an expedited timeframe, provides you with actionable insights that can dramatically improve your performance. Choose my service to turn each of your writing attempts into an invaluable learning experience, guiding you precisely towards your targeted IELTS score.

I’m Mike Wattie from Australia. I have worked as an examiner for over 10 years and literally written the book on ielts.

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2. Email Task

3. Feedback

In less than 24 hours, you will get the task with corrections, feedback, and your score for each of the four grading criteria.

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2. Email Task

3. Feedback

In less than 24 hours, you will get the task with corrections, feedback, and your score for each of the four grading criteria.

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    Sample IELTS ESSAY Correction

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    IELTS writing correction 3
    IELTS writing correction 4
    More samples of Writing I Corrected

    See more tasks I have corrected for students using my IELTS writing correction service to assess the quality of my service and understand some of the common errors that are made in the test and also get ideas about how to write essays.

    487 thoughts on “IELTS Writing Correction”

    1. Hi, I wonder if you are still doing your writing checking services. I might use your service in the future. Also, what is the procedure here?

    2. can you help me with my ielts writing, this is my ielts answer:
      the diagram below shows the development of cutting tools in the stone age. summarise the information by selecting nad reporting the main features and maker comparison where relevant.
      The chart gives illustrates the upgardation of a cutting gadget in stone age, from 1.4 milion years ago to 0.8 milion year ago

      Overall, the cutting tool in two periods are made from rock and the tool at 1.4 milion years ago look thicker than in in next 0.6 years later.

      In nearly 1.5 years ago, the stone cutting gadget was 5cm long and had a triangle shape. Looking at the side, this “stone knife” was made to have a thick part at the left side and thinner to the right side. People form this century grinded a side of the stone so that the knife could have a powerfull cut in any situation.

      In 0.6 milion years later, this gadget developt to thinner and have 2 cutting side. Although having a same length with the previous version, the stone tool in this age was way more bigger with an ovall shape and it was grinded 2 side to cut. this action prevented the knife from having many chop and cut as powerfull as the stone knife in 0.6 years before

      Thank you very much <3

      • There are many errors in the text you provided. Here is a list of some of the most common ones:

        • Spelling errors: You misspelled some words, such as “illustrates” (should be “illustrate”), “upgardation” (should be “upgradation”), “milion” (should be “million”), “powerfull” (should be “powerful”), “developt” (should be “developed”), and “ovall” (should be “oval”).

        • Subject-verb agreement errors: You used the wrong verb forms for some subjects, such as “The chart gives illustrate” (should be “The chart illustrates”), “the cutting tool in two periods are” (should be “the cutting tool in two periods is”), and “the tool at 1.4 million years ago look” (should be “the tool at 1.4 million years ago looks”).

        • Preposition errors: You used the wrong prepositions for some phrases, such as “in in next 0.6 years later” (should be “in the next 0.6 years”), “in nearly 1.5 years ago” (should be “nearly 1.5 years ago”), and “in 0.6 million years later” (should be “0.6 million years later”).

        • Punctuation errors: You forgot to capitalize some words at the beginning of sentences, such as “this gadget” and “this action”. You also forgot to put a period at the end of the first sentence.

        • Word choice errors: You used some words that are not appropriate for the context, such as “upgradation” (should be “evolution” or “improvement”), “gadget” (should be “tool” or “weapon”), and “grinded” (should be “ground” or “sharpened”).

        To have your writing corrected by an ex-IELTS examiner, please refer to the link below:

    3. I wish there was some sort of acknowledgment mechanism to put the new entrants at ease and stop them from spamming you 🙂
      Something like task received, now wait for 24 hours.
      I am jumping at every beep on my phone and checking if there is a reply and worrying if the email is not received, or when my 24 hours start.
      I was really hoping to receive a response by 11 pm Australia time, do you think that’s possible?
      Again, apologies for the multiple emails.

      • Hi, I have your task and will get it back to you soon.
        If I have to acknowledgment receiving each task it will slow me down too much.
        I’ll have your task back to you in about 3 hours.
        Fridays are always busy!

    4. This topic is about studying online. Nowadays, with this virus (Covid-19), some schools and parents prefer to teach their students online at home. However, some schools and parents prefer to teach their students at school. In fact, I will now discuss and give my opinion.

      On one side, some schools or parents think that online learning is better for students. In fact, with this virus, students can get sick. For example, this virus is one type of infectious disease, so students can get COVID-19 so easily and quickly. So, this is why some parents or schools believe studying online at home is better and safer.

      On the other hand, some schools or parents think that studying in school is better. Additionally, students can get help with their tests or exams from their parents or sisters at home. For example, parents who work as teachers can help their children in the exam so they get a high mark. So, that is why some schools or parents believe studying at the school is better.

      In my opinion, I think studying both online and at school is a great idea. Moreover, students can study at home (online) for their own safety. In fact, when they have their final exam, they can go to school and get their exams. Also, schools should take precautions.

      In conclusion, I advise many parents to help the schools and government. Actually, they should take care of their children, encourage them to learn more, and depend on themselves. Also, they should study well and take the exam on their own.

    5. Hi,
      I’ve just made payment, and I see this statement “Your order has been received”.
      Can I send you my essay now?
      What email should I send to? “examiner@www.ieltsanswers.com” or “examiner@wordpress-980111-3436014.cloudwaysapps.com”?

    6. Hi,

      I have paid the Writing correction service. Do I have to wait for any confirmations or I just send the writing paper to your email?

      • Hi, you can just start sending tasks to my email. I will send you an email with a few documents to help you get started.

    7. Hi Mike,

      I have enrolled for quick course for writing and its been almost 2 days I haven’t received feedback. Hope things are good at your end and I will receive the feedback soon.


      • Roopkatha, I emailed you about 3 minutes before you posted this message and about 20 minutes from receiving my first email from you. I do not have the task from you yet. I need you to email it to me again. Please make sure your attachment is under 10mb Many thanks.

    8. Hi Mike,
      I have sent an enquiry about the essay correction service by filling a form yesterday. However, I haven’t got any response yet.
      I’ve also added a comment yesterday as a sample essay for your review.
      Just wanted to ensure that the site is working before I make payment. 😊
      FYI: I have already appeared for a general ielts exam twice, and I end up getting a 6.5 in writing. My minimum requirement is a band 7 in writing for my immigration purpose as a dentist to canada.

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon

    9. Could you please evaluate the below-mentioned essay ?😊
      Question: Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think that people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

      People have different views on the level of independence people have in the contemporary world. While some argue that people depend more on one another, I believe people have become more independent and self-sufficient in the modern world.

      There are two main reasons why it could be argued that we are more dependent on each other. Firstly, life has become more complex and difficult, especially because the cost of living has increased as compared to the past times. For example, youngsters have to rely upon their parents when they buy a new property in order to pay a mortgage and housing tax. Another reason is that people seem to become more ambitious today and therefore to fulfil their growing needs both parents are usually working in a family. Owing to this fact, they depend upon grandparents or babysitters to look after the children.

      However, I would agree with those who believe that people are more independent these days. In most countries, families are becoming smaller and more dispersed, which means that people do not count on their relatives as they used to. People in the modern world have more freedom to travel and live away from their families. For example, most of the people choose to study overseas instead of studying in the university of their hometown, and this experience makes them more independent as they learn to live alone. Another factor in this growing independence is technology, which gives everyone a sense of independence by working alone from any part of the world.

      To conclude, although, to some extent, there are reasons to believe that people now depend on each other more, in my view, we are more independent than ever.

      • 1. Your introduction does not introduce the question well. I suggest ” This essay discusses both sides of this argument and explains why I believe people have become more independent and self-sufficient in the modern world”
        2. Paragraph 3 has only one sentence for your 2nd reason and I suggest at least two.
        3. The conclusion should summarise the reasons for your opinion from the body of the essay.

        After a quick read I guess this is around a band 7 to 7.5. If you use my writing correction service I will give you an accurate score for each of the four criteria and a lot more feedback:

    10. Hi, I just purchased your writing correction service: 10 tasks. However, because this is my first time, I was quite confused and worried when sending an email to your email address. Therefore, I just accidentally sent you the wrong file (that one contains some stuff that I brainstormed during writing the essay) and I even resent the file with an another email. I hope you can receive that and the second email does not count as a task 2, does it? I just need correction on my second email. I’m really worried right now. Thanks.

    11. I only do full feedback on tasks with payment.
      This is just a rough estimate of your score with a few quick comments:
      overall, 7.5
      Cohesion and coherence, Vocabulary, and grammar are easily good enough to be 8
      task response is not great due to not all of your main ideas being fully developed and that leads to 7.

      1. The conclusion should actually summarise all the points from the body of your essay
      2. Paragraph 2 and 3 have 3 main points and I believe two main ideas for each question is ideal. For the second and third lines you haven’t really mentioned a lot and I suggest you just have two ideas that are more fully developed. Ideas can be developed through explanations and examples
      3. “would be” in paragraph 3 seems quite repetitive and I feel it’s better to write and present simple tense. “Another feasible solution would be chatting to neighbours”could be written as “another way is to chat with neighbours”

    12. Dear Mike Wattie,
      I sent three essays two days ago. Is it possible to check if they are in your spam folder?
      Thank you in advance.

    13. Thank you very much for your correction service, I have improved score from 6.5 to 7.5 in writing with my first IELTS test. I would strongly recommend your correction to everyone!

      • Excellent result! Thanks for taking the time to recommend me.
        I really appreciate it. Best of luck for the rest of 2022!

    14. Hello, I would like to ask for a quick feedback and the band score for task 2 of test 15-4 before purchasing your service.
      Thank you in advance!

      In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough.
      What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

      Giving a message to children that they can reach their goal if they try their best has some upsides and downsides. In the best case, it can boost their confidence and help them to develop an optimistic personality. However, sometimes, this strong message can operate as pressure on children and ironically make them less confident due to unexpected results.
      One advantage of giving positive messages to children is that it often helps children grow their confidence. Since confidence is one of the major contributing factors to success, some children can actually get the ideal outcome. For instance, the one who has achieved something will gain more power to believe in him/herself and this will lead to another success. Also, a positive way of thinking like the message above often leads to the development of an optimistic personality which is good for mental health. Children who can think and view things with brighter viewpoints tend to gain less stress and concerns which eventually prevents them from various mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.
      Nevertheless, this is not the case all the time since there is a possibility that children might take this kind of message as pressure. Emphasizing ‘trying hard’ can make them feel that they have to do something much beyond their limitation and this could result in loss of motivation due to the burn-out. Actually, lots of my friends who have low motivation for studying have a commonality that their parents have extremely pushed them to do their best over their capability in their childhood. Another possible disadvantage is that unwanted outcomes might eventually lower their confidence. The fact that they failed even though they tried their best can make them less confident and this can be connected to the huge fear of challenging for the upcoming tasks in the future.
      To conclude, the message encouraging kids that they can get ideal results when they work hard might help them build high confidence and optimistic characteristics. However, there are downsides as well such as results like low motivation and confidence in some cases.

      • 1. Upsides and downsides is low-level informal language and it’s better to write “merits and drawbacks”
        2. Kids is informal and should be replaced with children/youngsters/young people
        3. With paragraph 2 you introduce one of two main ideas in your first sentence and instead it would be better to write a more general topic sentence “there are two main merits with giving children this message”
        after a quick read I guess this is around a band seven or higher. If you use my writing correction service I will give you an accurate score for each of the four criteria and a lot more feedback:

      • Jessie and yijun I have already done lots of free corrections for you. Thanks so much for the opportunity but I would prefer to not do any more.

    15. Hi, Mike. I would like to kindly ask for the band score and some quick feedbacks for the answers of task 2.
      Since I have no idea what is the rough band score of my answers and I am not really aware of which part I should focus on improving (grammar, sentence structure…), it would be really helpful if you could just give me some short comments.
      As there is no one to give me any feedback around me and I have a test next week, I am really anxious at this point…
      I know that four answers are a lot, but could you please give a rough band score and feedback on them (where I should focus on) when you have some spare time?

      Thank you so much.

      Q1. (Cambridge16 test 2)
      In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasize that their products are new in some way.

      Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

      A1. Brands that are advertising their products often highlight their unique selling point these days. This is because they want to differentiate their goods with other companies’ in the extremely competitive market and to draw the public’s attention. However, I think this phenomenon is not ideal as products that are not exactly the same with the advertisement often result in huge disappointment and less purchase most of the time.

      Corporates normally stress how their merchandise is different from other brands to catch consumer’s eyes by emphasizing their special points in the advertisements. Since there are tons of similar goods being advertised through social media these days, unusual traits might be appealing to the consumers, eventually being connected to actual purchase. Indeed, lots of people tend to immediately skip the boring and normal advertisements in Youtube, while tend to watch extraordinary one until the end of it and even click buttons for additional information.

      However, I believe this kind of strategy might often cause negative consequences for companies as it might disappoint consumers with the products that do not align with the advertisement. To survive in the highly competitive market, increasing companies tend to only focus on showing unique characteristics to draw attention without actually developing the quality of their products nowadays. In this case, people who actually bought a new digital watch expecting the wow point that was covered in the advertisement, for instance, might not be able to relate at all and this will eventually lead to decreased re-purchase and negative reviews.

      To conclude, lots of corporations concentrate on advertising special parts of their manufactures to get more spotlight in the market where lots of the same things are being produced. Nevertheless, I believe the products that are not perfectly parallel with the commercials might cause an adverse effect by giving actual buyers a negative impression of both products and brands such as exaggeration and frauds.

      Q2. (Cambridge 16 test 1)
      In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in.

      What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

      A2. An increasing number of people are caring about the information about what their place used to be in the past in some nations. People tend to get curious about the history as they simply feel more value and affections to their own house by doing this or want to reveal the unknown accidents that were not informed by the real estate agency. There are two main ways to explore this, asking the elderly neighbors around or finding publications from the local library.

      Some residents try to examine the history of their property just to be more aware of its value and to treat it more carefully. It is true that the more you get to know about your own building, the more you feel affectionate about it. For instance, you might feel that the value of your house is even higher once you hear that a famous celebrity has lived there for 5 years in the past. Also, some people are willing to explore the past to figure out if there have been unrevealed incidents in the building. Since the real estate agency feels reluctant to disclose this kind of information, most of the time, they tend to hide the negative news to potential residents. Therefore, in Japan, for example, people actively use a certain website to check the history of buildings to see if there have been cases such as suicides or murders.

      This research can be done in several ways, and one of them is to ask the neighborhood that has lived nearby for a long time. Since they have spent more time living there, they must know more about the building itself or the stories surrounding it. For instance, participating in community activities or gatherings of building residents might be helpful to meet people who lived longer and hear interesting news that is not revealed to the public. In addition, another way is to find some sources in the local library. The recent history of the house will be easily found on the website, however, it will be hard to find some old stories online since those are not recorded. Therefore, by looking for old publications and newspapers in the past in the library of your town, it might be possible to explore some unknown stories about your house.

      To conclude, people want to look for the old stories of the property to better recognize its value or to find out the negative incidents that they were not aware of. By asking the residents who have lived in the building longer or doing research using old publications, people will be able to get to know the interesting history of their house.

      Q3. (Cambridge 15 test 3)
      Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it.

      Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

      A3. Some argue that advertisements definitely help convince consumers to purchase things and some disagree with this suggesting that people do not care much about them since there is nothing unique about it these days. However, I believe that advertising absolutely makes people feel a strong desire to buy something.

      There are people who believe advertisements successfully lead us to the actual purchase. Changing trends such as advertising through influencers have made consumers easily relate themselves to influencers in daily life and made them want to copy what they are purchasing. Indeed, marketing strategies these days for various products like accessories, diet foods, and beauty products are more focused on advertisements especially actively utilizing influencers due to its enormous effects.

      On the other hand, some do not agree about this as they think there is nothing special about advertising that drags the public’s attention. Since there are so many advertisements on similar products these days, some people do not find them interesting at all and perceive watching them as a waste of time. For instance, we can easily see people who just skip the advertisements in the Youtube video or immediately switch the TV channel once it starts as they are sick and tired of commercial advertisements.

      To conclude, some people might not believe the strength of advertisement as they think it is not appealing anymore, however, I completely disagree with them. In my opinion, advertising still succeeds to move consumers’ minds as it is evolving every day with diverse marketing analyses. More and more people tend to feel closer to the celebrities in social media compared to the past and this actually leads them to buy more products to follow their lifestyles.

      Q4. (Cambridge 15 test 2)

      In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers of books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying.

      To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

      A4. These days, lots of people read newspapers or books online and these kinds of online subscription services are rapidly expanding throughout the world. Some people suggest that printed versions of newspapers and books will be completely replaced by online ones since no one would purchase the printed ones in the future. However, I totally disagree with this and believe that there still is a possibility that people find the printed one on-site even though they are well aware of these convenient services on websites.

      Some say that people in the future will not buy paper versions of newspapers or publications as they can access them online without paying money. Due to the convenience that you do not have to visit somewhere to buy publications or have to bring heavy books every time, the number of people who subscribe to newspapers or books online is increasing day by day. Since people can access the news or books anytime and anywhere, for example in the subway on their way home, by just clicking a few times on their smartphone or tablet, they do not feel the necessity of purchasing them offline and more of them will do so in the near future.

      However, this is not true for everyone. Despite the convenience of technology development, there have always been people who stick to the analog one throughout history and there will be some in the future. The elderly will account for most of them as they are unfamiliar with how to use the new services or they do not possess digital devices. They might even feel more inconvenient when using it compared to the previous one. Not only the elderly, people from other generations who value the hardcover more than the online one will still purchase books visiting bookstores or libraries in the local town to feel the cozy and relaxing atmosphere there.

      To conclude, I completely disagree with the opinion that no one will buy printed materials in the future and strongly believe that some people will still be willing to purchase newspapers or books offline despite the rapid surge of online subscription services. In my opinion, even though they are aware of the convenience of online services, there always will be the ones who get back to analog publications due to the unexpected inconvenience or to find some kind of nostalgic atmosphere that can only be felt in the hardcover and offline places.

        • I am well aware that you have a lots of things going on and deeply appreciate your feedback on task 1.
          However, since I only have got quick feedbacks on task 1, I really would like to know what would be the rough band score of my task 2 answers before registering for your service.
          Could you please let me know the band score at least for the first two answers?

          Thank you so much.

          • Sorry, I do not have time to do it.
            I know it sounds easy but it takes time to accurately assess 2 tasks and I
            do not wish to do it inaccurately.

    16. Hi, Mike. I’m interested in your writing correction service. I have two questions. Firstly, I wonder there is an expiration date. Secondly, if I send part 1 & part 2 at once, is it counted as two tasks? Thanks

    17. Hi Mike. I sent you the payment and my task 2 response yesterday. Just wanted to make sure you received them both and the email wasn’t marked as spam.

    18. Hi Mike, I am a little confused about your Writing task 1 fixed structure, why do you add up the introduction and overview part into 1 paragraph? And should I do it in my actual tests? Thanks

    19. Hi, I purchased the 10 writing tasks about several days ago. Do you set any specific titles for the emails that I send to you? Thanks.

    20. Hi Mike
      I have paid to have an essay corrected by you, and I have just sent it to your email. Please let me know if you have seen it.
      Hope to receive feedback from you soon

        • Some people say that in our modern age, it is unnecessary to teach children about the skills of handwriting.
          To what extent do you agree or disagree?

          Humans have thoughts. Thoughts have to come out through speaking or writing. We have been doing these two activities since time immemorial. The use of the mouth has remained very well recognized throughout for speaking. Nonetheless, writing by hand has been losing its importance with the arrival of typing. As a consequence, a few individuals now put forth that teaching the art of writing by hand to our young ones is redundant. This essay opposes such individuals on this viewpoint.

          To begin with, textual aids are digital, and technology is unreliable. That is to say, when we have to convey thoughts, we use digital resources. These resources include emails and social media. However, such resources can go out. They are reliant on various parameters, for instance, electricity, network, and battery power. If any of these malfunctions, we are unable to write our thoughts. On the other hand, if a person knows how to write in pen or pencil, he just needs a piece of paper.

          Similarly, more virtual writing means greater exposure to screens. Thus, if the young are solely reliant on technological devices for written communication, they may impair their vision. To illustrate, many children in my knowledge have gotten spectacles owing to online education in the COVID pandemic. Hence, children need to commit things to paper so as to be able to have proper eyesight.

          In conclusion, digitalization has given us many tools for writing our thoughts. Even so, handwriting remains an essential life skill. As explained above, this is owing to the fact that digital tools are not as dependable as handwriting. In addition to that, vision-wise, they are not healthy. Consequently, for a secure future of the upcoming adults, we should equip them with the art of handwriting now.

    21. No words can explain how happy I am with the writing correction service which provided by Mike. It’s worth every penny. The teacher’s response is quick, precise, and informative. There is no other way to nail writing tasks without somebody qualified to evaluate and correct it. And Mike is doing it in a great way.

    22. Book 15 TEST 2
      Topic: In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying.

      To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

      Many people believe that, in coming years everything will be online. People will not go to stores to buy printed materials such as books, novels and newspaper. Because, they will be able to get it online without any charges. I tend to agree with this opinion and in this essay i will give support my opinion with examples.
      The main reason why I agree is because the world has becoming digital every single day. People spend most of their time online. There are plenty of online websites available where you can go and read your favourite story and book quite easily, In the future people will not go to different stores to buy printed material such as books and newsletter. They will rather sit their home and search online and read whatever they want without paying a single penny.
      Another main reason why I believe printed material will not be so popular in the future is because of several free online books store. Where people can simple search their favourite outlet and read it on their PC or mobile. Furthermore, people can also download any of them with totally free and save it to their PC.
      On the other hand, there is always some people who will prefer printed material rather than online. Because printed books will give them more pleasurable experience than reading on electronic gadget. For instance, many people find it easier to read on book then a screen
      In short, I completely agree that there will be a time when people will no longer buy books and newspaper. This is because I believe people look for some easy ways such as online stores and websites in order to read books and up to date.
      Sir please examine my writing and let me know where i am standing in ielts writing

      • The main issue is that you contradict your opinion “completely agree there will be a time” .. With “there is always some people who will prefer printed material rather than online.” . There is a fair few issues with grammar. I think you’re around about a 6 to 6.5 level from just a quick glance. If you want to know more details I have an editing service: https://www.ieltsanswers.com/writing-correction-ielts.html

    23. Hi Mike,
      I did IELTS exam for the 6th time and I received my result yesterday.
      Writing 6.5, Speaking 7, Listening 7.5, Reading 7.5.
      I need each band 7 and I always get 6.5 in writing. I am so stressed with my situation.
      I already booked my next test and it is on 21 August 2021.
      Can you please let me know how I can pay for your correction service?

    24. Hello Mike

      I hope you are in good health, I sent my essays to this email (mike@wordpress-980111-3436014.cloudwaysapps.com) according to your offer if you buy a book I will correct one essay, please provide me with feedback until make some changes and take the test soon

      Thank you

    25. I had availed Mike’s writing correction services in preparation for my IELTS exam. Although I was fairly confident in other areas, I needed a lot of help with writing. Thanks to his constructive/actionable feedback and keen attention to detail, I scored 7.5 in writing and 8.5 in speaking. I would strongly recommend for Mike’s writing correction services to anyone who is looking to boost their writing scores.

    26. Hi Mike,
      Please give me some quick comments on my essay and an estimated band score, so I can use your correction service for further essays. Thanks.
      QUESTION: Some people think that a person should change a career at least once, while others think that it is better to stay in one job for a lifetime.
      What is your opinion?
      Opinions are divided as to whether a person should change jobs or keep doing the same one for his whole life. Both of the career paths mentioned above have their own merits, but from my point of view, people should seek variety and experience through a change of career early in their working life.
      On the one hand, in some jobs, holding down a permanent job may offer employees a host of opportunities for career advancement. More specificially, persisting in one job means that we can accumulate experience in a particular field, thereby working more effectively and gaining achievements. For instance, a language teacher can only teach her students efficiently when she has spent years improving her teaching methods and knowing how to motivate her students. In some jobs, such as teachers and scientists, which require a high level of professional expertise, the number of working years determine how successful they may become.
      However, I strongly believe that employees should be involved in multiple jobs before setting down in a job later in life. The reason for this argument is that doing many jobs means gaining abundant experience in diverse fields, which may come in handy when that person works in a particular one. An example of this is that a salesman in technology field may benefit from a period of working as a computer technician, because he can make full use of his technical experience to consult his customers and increase his sale record. It’s worth noting that this career move should only made when a person is young, say in his 20s, so experience in different fields is necessary to help him decide what suits him best to settle down later.
      In conclusion, it is up to personal choice whether a career change is made or not. Personally, I maintain that each of us should experience different fields in the initial period of their working life in order to decide what career we should pursue later.

      • 1. Paragraph 2 does not fit with the opinion you gave in the introduction or conclusion. You are asked for YOUR opinion. Other people’s opinions are only needed if the question is “discuss both views and give your opinion ”

        2 is you use “On the one hand,” …the next paragraph starts with “on the other hand”

        3. The conclusion needs to summarise all main points and you missed ou “gaining abundant experience in diverse fields”

    27. This is a highly recommended service. He is a very talented teacher who can help you to reach your goal easily. He helped me to get this result.

      Listing – 8.5
      Reading -8.5
      Writing -7

    28. Hi Mike

      I purchased your writing correction service (4 essays) and sent you my first essay yesterday. I was wondering if you have received it?

    29. Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages,, while others believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

      Although it may be unlikely to say, there are currently over 500 existing languages and many of which are on the verge of extinction. It has also become arguable whether money should be spent to protect these languages. This essay discusses both sides of the matter and I will give my perspective after that.

      On the one hand, to seek finances to conserve the endangered languages has many positive points. First off, I believe that languages is a part of the cultural identity, from the dawn of human’s history, all tribes were able to create the own languages for themselves . So by protecting the languages from going extinct, people are maintaining an inevitable elements of their history and indirectly showing their respect to the previous generations. Moreover, it is one of the ways to contribute to the diversity of languages globally, the diversity of languages provide data for experts to keep making for linguistic study and publicize useful knowledge.

      On a totally opposite side, there are individuals ho voice that it is better not to spend cash on such protection. Too many languages will make our communication harder, everybody nowadays ant to learn English to talk to each other, so what is the exact point of keeping any languages alive and confuse us. Another reason is that those money can be invested in other fields, such as road infrastructures, helping the poor, etc. Many more serious problems are in need of proper solutions.

      In conclusion, while both arguments can be explained in different ways, I believe that we should spend money to conserve the dying-out languages because it has a special association with our life and our history.

    30. I briefly checked your website, would like to use this service so I payed.
      Please let us know if I should pick up any themes on your ebooks or I can pick up any random topics from IELTS mock test or any website?

      • You are welcome to pick your own task, but try to get reliable ones. Cambridge books of past test papers are a good source.

    31. Hi Mike,

      I purchased a 4 essay correction and just emailed your my work. Looking forward to hear back from you


    32. Dear Mike,
      Yesterday I sent you my writing tasks and I am wondering whether you received them or not. My email:danasagadiyeva@gmail.com

    33. Dear Sir,
      I received my result today.
      reading -9
      speaking -7.5
      writing -6.5
      listening -6.5
      Thank you for your valuable support and guidance. However, I have to retake exam as I need to get each band 7.

      • Thanks yes I have got your task and I’ll send it later on today.
        If you ever don’t get a reply within 24-hour is it’s worth contacting me to check.

    34. Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

      Discuss both views and give your opinion.

      What spare time is spent away from work, chores; education and vital activities such as sleeping. Some individuals affirm that utilising free time for activities which can contribute to enhance the mind is indispensable whilst others assume that significant is to rest mind during leisure time. What the best way of evaluation of leisure time is the “KAHVUYKU” method, which gives us the opportunity of mixing both opinions is my personal assurance.
      On the one hand, to spend leisure time logically with beneficial activities such as playing chess or solving sudoku is one of keys of success, the reason why many confirm the argument that leisure time should be spent for these sorts of activities. The studies mirror that acute people such as scientists spend their leisure time on reading or researching. In addition, because of accelerating technology, today requires more brilliant brains and spending leisure time on these types of actions may be the most appropriate way in order to boost brains. It is possible to enjoy and to refresh whilst upgrading your brain.
      On the other hand, resting your mind can cause more adequate recharging. The more we doze, the more adenosine is cleaned from neurons, which makes us more enthusiastic to work. What is more, working without rest can cause baffling, the reason why there are breaks amongst lessons.
      My personal notion is that the best method is “KAHVUYKU”: after midday, drinking half cup of coffee and sleeping approximately 23 minutes lead to clean all adenosine from receptors and are connected caffeine with receptors as fake adenosine. Adenosine makes us tired by absorbing energy; howbeit, caffeine both do not absorb energy and hinders receptors from connecting with adenosine. Thus, “KAHVUYKU” both makes us more nimble and prolongs our work qualities.
      To sum up, people have diverse viewpoints about whether leisure time should be spent on enhancing the brain or resting; notwithstanding I guess, mixing both options by “KAHVUYKU” is the most proper method. I predict, provided that everyone uses this method, qualities of work are estimated to be better.

      Please, check this essay.

      • some quick comments
        1, “KAHVUYKU” method… This should not be written in quotation marks and probably should not be written capitalised
        2. I have no idea what the “KAHVUYKU” method is… You’ve mentioned too often! When I read it in the introduction I have absolutely no idea of what it is… Later you seem to be providing what could possibly be some sort of definition for it… I need to know what the word means in the introduction… I suggest just getting rid of this word it’s probably not English is probably Russian and you shouldn’t start writing Russian and your essays.
        3. The last sentence of the introduction needs to introduce what the essay is about… Something like “this essay discusses both sides of this argument and why I believe that it’s best to…”
        4. The word baffling doesn’t seem to have been used correctly

    35. hi Mike,
      can you evaluate the above essay as i want to buy your correction service for further essays.

      Nowadays it is common that people are complain about deprived of sleep. There are numerous reasons for this. Most people facing this due to increasing levels of stress and cutting-edge internet era. we can solve this issue by doing regular physical activities and follow routine to go to bed.

      One reason is, in recent competitive world, employees of organisation are getting unrealistic deadlines and employer is expecting productivity from day one. The end target date is fixed irrespective of changing requirements. Organisations are committing to clients for delivery of product for which employees need to fulfil it. Employees need to stretch further to adhere deadlines which leads to so much of stress levels. The poor company environment also one of the reasons for stress. For example, the criticism made by boss if work is not completed on time or any solidarity is missing between staff cause stress. The other reason is because of recent internet trends, people are more inclined to entertainment than before. They are not following one fixed time to go to bed regularly by watching movies or playing games in Television late night. For instance, If new movie or web series released in Netflix, they would not sleep until watched it, because of this, It disturbs the sleeping patterns and when they go to bed, it is not easy to go into deep sleep with irregular sleeping patterns.

      One solution to overcome this problem is, public must do the physical exercises regularly without fail. Companies should amend some policy by encouraging staff like come early and leave early so that staff can get extra time to do outdoor activities whichever they like. People should habituate to one regular time to go to bed and follow one rule like early to bed and early to rise. They can put some restrictions like before going to bed they would not touch any gadgets which can improve their sleeping quality. The other solution is that public need to follow some healthy lifestyle such as doing yoga, meditation and avoid of bad habits like smoking and drinking.

      In conclusion, even though, we cannot avoid stress at work due to current competition world, we can overcome lack of sleep by doing outdoor activities, maintain healthy lifestyle and restricting us to gadgets to some extent.

      • I had a very quick skim read. You’ll have to use my writing correction service if you want complete feedback. It’s about a band seven and I have the following suggestions
        1. you can replace the last three sentences of the introduction with “This essay discusses the causes of this issue and some ways to address them“
        2. since body paragraphs have two main ideas in them you should start with a more general topic sentence “There are a number of causes of this issue” However, there are some ways to tackle this“
        3. The first cause seems to be stress and explain quite well why stress occurs… What you don’t do is explain why stress causes people to not get to sleep
        4. The solution about people going to bed at regular times is not great… It’s not happening now so you need to explain how it could happen in the future… Perhaps you could mention that the government needs to use public service advertising to educate people about the need for this… My point is that just saying that people should do it is not enough because there are already not doing it so you’re not providing a solution!

    36. I opted for your writing corrective services and they really helped me with the writing part. The evaluations were honest and extremely critical and it actually helped me with all the writing scoring criteria. I was stuck at 6.5 and finally I got my required band 7.

    37. could you please rate my essay and suggest where I should improve?
      You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

      The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

      You should write at least 250 words.

      Social media has in recent times gained incalculably in popularity as an alternative to face-to-face communication. But this trend is not without its problems and the essay is aimed at putting the utilization of social media into perspective.

      One the one hand, it is true that social media is altering the way we communicate with one another to a large extent. In contrast to the past when communication between individuals was slow and inefficient, we can today get in touch with anybody no matter how far away they are in the blink of an eye via social networks such as Facebook and Zalo. Besides, the advent of social media is also revolutionizing the manner in which work is performed. Meetings and conferences can now be conducted entirely online through innovative applications like Zoom.

      On the other hand, there are certain problems that accompany the dominance of social media over conventional interaction. The most worrying problem is related to our health which seems to be adversely affected by social media. To be more specific, when an individual spends a large amount of his time chatting with his friends or working online, he will likely develop negative symptoms such as dizziness and eyestrain. He might also fall into a sedentary lifestyle and fight shy of partaking outdoor activities. The effect of this would probably be tremendous deterioration in his health.

      In conclusion, I acknowledge that social media has benefited us immeasurably, especially in terms of communication. Needless to say, every coin has two sides and so does social media. Several health problems may stem from it, but on the whole, it is such a useful tool that we should never give it a miss.

    38. Hi Mr Mike,
      I’m having this question in my mind, could you please give me your answer?
      About writing task 2 questions “agree or disagree”, can I write about both sides of view, then i give my opinion?
      I don’t know it is suitable or not because the way I answer would be the same as the “discuss both sides and give your opinion” type. The reason I want to write about both sides is that I will have more ideas, and can expand my essay longer in case my ideas about 1 side may be too short. Thank you.

      • No! You are only asked for YOUR opinion. Stick to that.
        All you need is TWO main ideas. YOu get rewarded for DEVELOPING main ideas
        and so you should learn how to do this. Develop ideas by
        1. explaining them
        2. adding details
        3. giving examples that illustrate them

        To see how to develop ideas look at my model essays in the pdf you can download for free here:

    39. Hi Mike,

      I’m thankful for your feedback and helpful advices.

      Guys, if you are struggle with writting, I would higly recommend Mike’s service.
      It’s better to analyse your mistakes rather to attend another IELTS exam.

    40. Hello Mike

      I have been following you for a long time. I have changed the way I write after reading your book”how to pass your IELTS test”. Great stuff by the way. I am now considering to buy the correction service. Can you please evaluate this and let me know how the feedback will be. Thanks a ton in advance and keep making YouTube videos and awesome content.

      Some people think that it is better for a country’s economy for people to spend money while others believe that it would be a better for people to save money. Discuss both sides and Give your opinion.

      There are those who have the belief that a country witnesses financial prosperity if its citizens spend their money, while the alternative stance is that if citizens gather up money instead of spending it, then it will be beneficial for the country’s economy. This essay discuss both sides of this contentious argument and then, I will give my own perspective.

      On the one hand, some claim that it is essential for a nation’s financial growth that its people spend enough money in purchasing goods and services as it helps the nation to have more monetory funds. For instance, consumers pay huge taxes while purchasing any products or services such as cars, electronic devices and grooming assistance. The governments use this taxpayer’s money to build new industries, jobs and superior infrastructure that paves the way to the countries’ success.

      On the other hand, others argue that individuals should spend their money more wisely so that they can save it for their future and improve their financial statements. First of all, it enables countries to have more rich citizens and reduces poverty. Additionally, the governments have to pay less in maintaining the welfare of inhabitants. For instance, if a person is financially well, he will be able to provide his family with all rudimentary needs such as shelter, an improved health care system and education. Thus, it helps the nation to save a lot of money which would have gone otherwise in providing several subsidies and monetory help to its people.

      In conclusion, after analyzing the both opposite camps, I opine that it imperative for people to save their hard earned money as it not only enables them to maintain a better financial status but also provides financial gain to the country by minimizing poverty and saving its money.

      • This is a really well-written essay. You should be able to get at least 7.5 and possibly eight for it.
        you respond to the question well
        an appropriate structure is used throughout
        there are only a few minor errors with word choices [I have put these in bold in your original essay]
        Grammar is excellent

    41. Hello, if I choose the order of 4 essays, is there be a specific time timit between essays? I plan to send one for correction every week or 10 days so that I can have time for improvement. Thank you

    42. Hello, Mike
      I purchased your writing service and I am thankful for your feedback and hoping that i can improve
      I would like to know if this writing correction is just for essays or it can be for reports too? (diagrams, graphs…)
      Also, if once I’ve payed for your speaking offer, it’s just one lesson or it will be a continuous lessons?

      • You can choose to send any combination of essays and reports, but please note that each one counts as a task.
        SO if you send a task-1 and a task-2 it means two tasks.

        With the mock speaking test. I give you a mock speaking test with a score and feedback. The payment is for 1 mock test.

    43. Hey Mike,

      I have been following your YouTube channel and I have improved a lot, I guess. I am thinking of buying the service before the exam. Can you please let me know what would the service be like. I wrote this essay in 45 minutes. what would be the band on this.

      Question: Some people think that the only way to have success in business is to have a unique product. What factors do you think influence the success of a company?

      Answer: Manufacturing an innovate product plays a vital role in a company’s success. However, in my opinion, there are other crucial factors as well that contribute to an enterprise’s success and this essay discusses those factors with relevant examples.

      To begin with, one of the most important parameters that ensures the firm’s success is the quality of their product. The product they are selling must be passed on all the quality standards. For instance, it is essential for a car manufacturer to test its car on all the security measures such as durability or proper functioning of airbags or brakes. Moreover, their product should be fit for use and serve its purpose. To exemplify, if a voice recorder software is not recognizing its user’s voice, it will definitely not sustain in the market. Thus, quality is an imperative aspect that brings more customers and generates a good revenue for the organizations.

      In addition to this, success of any business depends on its workforce. A motivated and passionate team is the backbone of a company. If employees are motivated they show perseverance in their work. For instance, if the morale of an employee is high, he works over and above to support his employer. Their enthusiasm and diligence bring out the best item on the table that paves the way to their company’s success and achievements.

      In conclusion, I would like to reiterate my strong belief that quality of the product or services and an encouraged team are the ones that enable businesses to reach to the new heights.

      • The task instructions seem unlikely. The first sentence suggest the question will be your opinion.
        Still you wrote a great response 7-8 for each of the criteria. The two factors you gave were highly relevant you
        developed them well

    44. Hi Mike,
      I have share my letter for correction. Could you please share the feedback for the same.

    45. Hi, Mike.
      I paid $30 for writing correction in last december.
      Is it still available now?
      When would be expire the service?

    46. Hi Sir I want to buy your correction service. If you can evaluate the below essay so I know what I will get. Looking forward to get your correction service soon 🙂

      Question: In many countries more and more young people are leaving school but unable to find jobs. What problems do you think youth unemployment causes for individuals and the society? What measures Should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among youngsters?

      Answer: It has been observed in several countries that increasing number of school passouts are facing difficulty to grab job opportunities. This essay discusses its adversarial impacts on them as well as on the society, and suggests the plausible solutions that government should take to mitigate the issue.

      The major impact this burgeoning issue has on individuals is the mental stress and their involvement in crime. First of all, when the youngsters cannot find employment for themselves, they have to undergo a lot of parental pressure that can be detrimental to their mental health. Moreover, they are more likely to involve in illegal activities such as robberies or drug abuse. Youth unemployment also affects the society by slowing down the economical growth. The young generation contributes to nation’s economy by paying taxes through their jobs and by carrying out crucial inventions and research for the country and, hence, their unemployment will certainly has negative impact on country’s welfare. To exemplify, most African countries has high unemployment rate due to which they have overwhelming juvenile delinquency and young suicidal cases. Moreover, these countries has extremely poor financial status because of it.

      There are several ways that government should tackle this concerning issue. Firstly, they can open small-scale industries or factories to generate employment for the youth. In addition to this, they can provide them monthly incentives which they can utilize to fulfill their rudimentary needs. To illustrate, in 2012 Indian government opened a myriad of small-scale businesses such as small IT firms and handloom factories to provide employment to its jobless young population.

      In conclusion, it is evident that unemployment of the young people not only leaves them in anguish and attracts them towards crime, but also affects economy of the whole community. Therefore, government needs to intervene with forth some plausible reforms such as opening low-scale businesses and providing them financial help to resolve these issues.

    47. Hi, I am Nasibah from Malaysia, I have taken IELTS once and got 6.5 in writing. I had a very bad experience on paying for online practice and it didn’t work for me at all. I am desperate for guidance for my writing tasks and planning to book for the test somewhere in early May . Please kindly give me guidance on how to enroll in you writing correction course?

      Thank You

    48. Hello sir, I’m really interested in your service!! Before I make a payment could you please give a brief comment on my essay below (sorry I’ve just posted this on the wrong page)? Thank you so much!

      【【【We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more auspicious of their benefits?】】】

      Computers have been widely used in many different areas. While we benefit from the convenience they brought us and actively seek for other ways computer programmes may help us in the future, the possible disadvantages of our growing dependence on them should not be ignored.

      It is conceivable that computers will become involved in more occupations. In the legal sector, for instance, routine jobs such as contract drafting can be computer-aided. Programmes are able to generate legal documents much faster than people do, as they can apply templates and search for appropriate legal references from the database or the internet within seconds. In addition, computer-controlled systems may be commonly applied to motor vehicles, such as cars, buses and trains. This does not only save your time for travelling as computer-controlled cars will follow the quickest route without misreading the GPS map and losing its direction, but also prevents accidents caused by driving under the influence of alcohol or fatigue.

      We definitely expect computers to further benefit our lives, but the risks of our increasing reliance on computers are alarming. We all have had the experience of programme crashing when documents had not been saved. This may evolve into a more serious problem when crucial missions are handed to them. Imagine an unmanned bus driven by a computer goes out of control due to an unexpected error occurring in the system, an unavoidable car crash will take away many people’s lives because computers are unable to handle unpredicted events. Whereas a driver, in this situation, might be able to quickly come up with a strategy based on his or her driving experience, thus minimizes the damage.

      Computers have offered us a myriad of benefits. However, it is important that we find the right balance as to how much they should intervene human lives. People should stay conscious and take the worst scenario into consideration before we become further dependent on computers.

      • Question:
        【【【We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes.
        What things will they be used for in the future?
        Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we he more suspicious of their benefits?】】】
        Computers have been widely used in many different areas. While we benefit from the convenience they brought us and actively seek for other ways computer programmes may help us in the future, the possible disadvantages of our growing dependence on them should not be ignored.

        It is conceivable that computers will become involved in more occupations. In the legal sector, for instance, routine jobs such as contract drafting can be computer-aided. Programmes are able to generate legal documents much faster than people do, as they can apply templates and search for appropriate legal references from the database or the internet within seconds. In addition, computer-controlled systems may be commonly applied to motor vehicles, such as cars, buses and trains. This [does] not only saveS your time for travelling as computer-controlled cars will follow the quickest route without misreading the GPS map and losing its direction, but also prevents accidents caused by driving under the influence of alcohol or fatigue.
        We definitely expect computers to further benefit our lives, but the risks of our increasing reliance on computers are alarming. We all have had the experience of A programme crashing when documents had not been saved. This may evolve into a more serious problem when crucial missions are handed to them. Imagine an unmanned bus driven by a computer [goes] GOING out of control due to an unexpected error occurring in the system, an unavoidable car crash will take away many people’s lives because computers are unable to handle unpredicted events. Whereas a driver, in this situation, might be able to quickly come up with a strategy based on his or her driving experience, thus minimizes the damage.
        Computers [have offered] WILL OFFER us a myriad of benefits. However, it is important that we find the right balance as to how much they should intervene IN human lives. People should stay conscious and take the worst scenario into consideration before we become further dependent on computers.
        OVERALL 6.5

        TR 6: you’ve mentioned there are risks and benefits be haven’t made it clear your response to the question regarding whether they’re beneficial or not…. Maybe you could state whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or not
        CC: 6 and lots of places you need to signal the reader regarding what things are about…. What the essay is about what the paragraph is about and when you’re starting your concluding paragraph
        LR: 8
        GRA 7

    49. Hi, I have purchased 8 writing tasks correction. I notice that if I send you my practices of task 1 and task 2 in IELTS test will be counted as two correcting services, right? Can I start to write the email to you for asking the correction of my works?

      • Yes, task 1 and task 2 = two tasks [I spend about 20 minutes to correct one task]
        I suggested you focus more on task-2 as it is worth 2/3rds of your score
        Please start sending your tasks as soon as you are ready

    50. I would like to thank Mike for his detailed corrections of my essays and letters. This service helped me to improve my Writing score from 6.5 to 7.5 in IELTS General.

      • Dear Maksym, great score and thanks for taking the time to post the recommendation. Best wishes with your future endeavours.

    51. Hi MIke,

      i am considering your essay correction service for 4 essays. i have given ielts a couple of times and im stuck at a 6.5, this time im giving through computer and have worked on some strategies and I wanted to get your advice on my writing.

    52. Hi Mike, I’m considering using your service, but I wonder if you could give feedback on my task two essay before I can make a decision. Thanks in advance.

      Question: The technology development has affected social relationships from person to person. Do the positive aspects of this trend outweigh the negative aspects?

      Nowadays, the impacts of technology advancement on social connections have aroused public attention. Although the development of technology is not without detrimental effects, the upside would justify these.

      An array of drawbacks can be taken into account the fact that technology can harm real life connections. To some extent, as tremendous advances in technology could trigger the lack of social interactions, it would be detrimental to relationships in real life. In fact, people nowadays, especially young generations, tend to devote a great deal of time to glue their eyes on computer’s screens or smartphones without having a face-to-face conversation, which potentially fractures the concrete relationships they have built up. Furthermore, the distraction caused by digital interactions could be blamed for deterioration in social relationships. Plenty of evidence suggests that frequent interruptions, namely checking phones or texting messages in the middle of a conversation, could result in conflicts. This consequently contributes to relationship degradation.

      Nevertheless, the potential pitfalls of this trend can be overshadowed by some considerable advantages. One possible upside is that the proliferation of technology has made the communication among people more accessible. Users with electronic devices can, therefore, keep in touch with people at ease. In fact, they can have a conversation with others through a smartphone or a laptop, which can promote their social behavior and help them strengthen their social relationships. Another merit could be that people can seize the chances to expand their social circles by actively joining in social networks. This means that it is now possible for them to make friends around the globe regardless of geographical barriers, making them get socialized without inconveniences.

      To sum up, it is widely acknowledged that human relationships can be affected by technology proliferation. While advances in technology do come with some adverse effects on social relationships, the plus points far eclipse the drawbacks.

      • On the whole, you wrote a really excellent essay and I guess you’re targeting eight. Only some fine-tuning is required.
        1. This is probably 7.5 overall. I have only had a quick read of it.. the main thing that I don’t like is the task response. You haven’t done a great job of making it clear why the positive aspects outweigh the negative aspects.
        2. I suggest you have two reasons for the side you support more strongly and only one for the side you support less strongly
        3. You list the advantages and disadvantages but you don’t really make it clear why the advantages are stronger than the disadvantages… This could be done in the conclusion “the merits in terms of ease of communicating an ability to make new relationships outweigh the potential risks of social isolation “
        4. on the whole the conclusion is quite weak and doesn’t make it clear why the plus points eclipse the drawbacks at all
        5. you use lots of high-level language and errors are few and far between
        “actively joining in social networks” = “actively joining social networks”
        “plus points” = “positive points”

    53. Hi Team,

      I have sent my writing essay to you over email. Please evaluate at earliest since i have exam on day after tomorrow.


    54. Hi Mike, I gave IELTS general exam twice.
      1st attempt: L8 S8 R6 W6.5
      2nd attempt: L8 S8 R6.5 W6

      I am stuck at 6/ 6.5 for writing. 🙁 I work in a call center in Canada and my listening and speaking is good. I graduated with a Bachelors degree from Canada. However, I am getting very poor marks in writing and reading. Please suggest me which package I should buy to improve my writing. Do you think I should register for NOV 23 2019 exam or should I delay in resitting the exam? Please advise.

    55. Hi Mike, purchased one essay evaluation and have sent you essay. You think i can get it today? i bit running against time. Probably will be sending you few more

    56. Hi Mike I know you are busy with your day to day work, I would like to purchase your writing feedback but before I want to know what band score I am on.

      Your reply would be truly appreciated

      The internet has greatly increased our access to information. To what extent do you think this is a good thing?

      Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

      Going online and getting any information is now very easy, this truly has been a blessing for this century. The internet era is extremely useful to find and gain access to the information needed. However, there are many disadvantages to this development as well, which leads to procrastination and self-destruction.

      A single touch of the mouse or the smart phone’s screen is enough to search for any useful information needed. The world is so big and any information or news can be gathered from other side of the world. For example, politics, technology and sports can be easily be discovered of another nation. Another big advantage is internet learning which has become quite popular in recent years. Individuals can find the best teachers from all around the world, who can teach them a special skill. For instance, one can learn on how to play a guitar by just staying at home and searching for the teacher that he/she likes.

      Almost everything existing in this world has both sides the positive and negative. Its true that internet is truly a blessing for everyone in this planet. But, it has some negative aspects as well, access to bad websites and online threats and spams are increasing. One can easily be a prey to hackers and spammers, who steal data and money from the users. Access to adult websites are also very easy and teenagers get highly affected by this problem. For example, teenagers are always curious to know new things and internet advertisements and pop-ups can easily lead them to bad websites.

      To conclude, internet is so useful in day to day life of people in finding information and also helping in developing skills and knowledge. However, there are disadvantages as well, young generation should be taught on cybersecurity, online threats and many other bad website that needs to be well tackled and avoided.

      • Everything is fine for getting to at least seven… Except for task response!
        you have not responded to the question… You’re asked to what extent you think it’s a good thing
        and you do not respond to this anywhere in your essay. All you have done is say that there are advantages and disadvantages but you need to say “to what extent you think it’s a good thing” = how much you think it’s good… I guess from what you’ve written you think that it is “somewhat advantageous”…you could clarify this by stating that the “advantages outweigh the disadvantage”. this sort of clarification is needed in the introduction and especially the conclusion.

    57. Hey Mike, Could you please share the commercials over mail? i would like to avail your services right away. My exam date is 29th September. do you think i have enough time to improve?

    58. Hi mike, i want to use your writing correction service. Please guide me how can i make payment from Pakistan? And also how you will confirm my subscription to your service?

    59. I had purchased the writing service yesterday and had sent you an email with my task essay for evaluation. Since there was no acknowledgement for the same, its difficult for me to know if this was received and is in progress. Please confirm.

    60. Hello Mike,

      Can you please give me an overall assessment and tell me how many writings I may need to send you to reach 7.5? I am not sure which of your packages is better for me to buy.
      Thank you very much

      In some countries, it is thought advisable that children begin formal education at four years old, while in others they do not have to start school until they are seven or eight.
      How far do you agree with either of these views?
      It is recommended in some countries that children start their official education when they turn four. However, this is different in other countries where children should start their studies when they turn seven or eight. I agree with both views under some conditions.
      Going to school requires some preparation inside families because a child will be among others who may be much different in terms of thoughts and even of color in a school, and they should be made aware of what will happen and how they can deal with the problems. To do so, children should stay with family until the time when they are turn seven in order to have enough time to understand the upbringings which take some times to be comprehended by them, and the parents should communicate the upbringings to their children during this time and teach them some basic and significant rules such as respect a person who is older than them, respect different ideas, and not judging others based on sex and color.
      However, nowadays, because of the economic crisis, parents are too busy with jobs to just cover their living cost such as housing and accommodation, so they do not have enough time to take their children’s upbringing more serious. In this condition, the children are in danger of being impolite in the future because they are not able to receive proper regulations from their family which is very significant for them at early age, which is mainly because of this fact that they are like a recording machine and learn from their surroundings too fast. Thus, if schools have this ability to concentrate on both formal education and upbringings, the children whose family whether are divorced or not are able to join schools as soon as possible, like when they turn four. As a result, they will be capable of learning whatever it was going to be taught in their family apart from their official education.
      In conclusion, Children can begin their education when they turn four if schools’ teacher behave students as if their parents apart from paying attention to their education. However, if a child goes to school when they are seven years old, teacher can just focus on their education in the school.

      • I’ll give you a quick bit of feedback. I don’t see any of the grading criteria being good enough to get over seven and in addition to sending writing tasks you need to learn how to respond to essays more effectively. In particular, you have not really made any clear response regarding how far you agree with either view. You have overused the word “upbringing” and it’s often not used in a grammatically correct way in your sentences.

        In some countries, it is thought advisable that children begin formal education at four years old, while in others they do not have to start school until they are seven or eight.
        How far do you agree with either of these views?

        It is recommended in some countries that children start their official education when they turn four. However, this is different in other countries where children should start their studies when they turn seven or eight. I agree with both views under some conditions.

        Going to school requires some preparation inside families because a child will be among others who may be much different in terms of thoughts and even of color in a school, and they should be made aware of what will happen and how they can deal with the problems. To do so, children should stay with family until the time when they are turn seven in order to have enough time to understand the upbringings which take some times to be comprehended by them, and the parents should communicate the upbringings to their children during this time and teach them some basic and significant rules such as respect a person who is older than them, respect different ideas, and not judging others based on sex and color.

        However, nowadays, because of the economic crisis, parents are too busy with jobs to just cover their living cost such as housing and accommodation, so they do not have enough time to take their children’s upbringing more serious. In this condition, the children are in danger of being impolite in the future because they are not able to receive proper regulations from their family which is very significant for them at early age, which is mainly because of this fact that they are like a recording machine and learn from their surroundings too fast. Thus, if schools have this ability to concentrate on both formal education and upbringings, the children whose family whether are divorced or not are able to join schools as soon as possible, like when they turn four. As a result, they will be capable of learning whatever it was going to be taught in their family apart from their official education.

        In conclusion, Children can begin their education when they turn four if schools’ teacher behave students as if their parents apart from paying attention to their education. However, if a child goes to school when they are seven years old, teacher can just focus on their education in the school.

    61. Hi, Mike,
      I sent you one essay for correction yesterday, on the 16th of August (and paid for it). Please review it, thanks,

    62. Most high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in
      many developed countries is more than 50 per cent female. Companies should be
      required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women.
      To what extent do you agree?

      In many companies, strategic level positions, such as directors, CFO’s and GM’s are occupied by men despite the fact that women hold more than 50 percent jobs in many developed nations. I don’t agree to the suggestion of fixing a quota of these position based on gender to women only. The main reasons are lack of relevant skills for such jobs and encouragement of gender discrimination.

      It is true that the women hold more jobs than men in many developed nations, however it does not necessarily mean that they have the relevant skills for high level jobs. Many important job roles require, strategic and management skills which may not be possessed by majority of women. Having more number of jobs simple does not imply that all women are holding management jobs. Fixing the quota or percentage for such roles may result in many positions being vacant due to lack of relevant skills. For example in Pakistan many women do not pursue accountancy qualifications, if the quota is fixed for high level accountancy roles , there would be shortage of skill and the position would remain vacant.

      Secondly, allocation of a predetermined number of positions will encourage gender discrimination as the selection may not happen on the merit basis. This would demotivate the employees of other gender i.e. men. If a percentage is fixed for women, there are high chances that a male applicant who is more skillful may not be selected and this may also result in un-employment of skilled people. For example, in a Sindh province of Pakistan, a quota is fixed in universities of Karachi for rural areas due to which many deserving students in the urban areas don’t get the admission.

      In the conclusion, I would like to state that, fixing of quota for any type of job will definitely employ more women, however it may lead to inappropriate hiring of staff due to a lack of relevant skills, further more it may encourage gender discrimination and also cause demotivation in men due to unemployment.

      • Hi, I think it is around a 7-7.5

        some suggestions:
        1. in the introduction try to say the extent of your opinion =how much…. It seems that you “totally disagree”

        2. The topic sentence for paragraph 2 could be better
        “The main reason why I disagree is that I feel that women may not possess all the required skills”

        3. instead of starting the final paragraph with a concession [argument for the opposite of your opinion] I suggest you just restate your opinion
        “In conclusion, I totally disagree that…”

    63. Hi Mike

      I needed your writing service, But unable to make payment says card denied though my card is valid and has cash in it I use debit card

    64. Hi Mike,

      I have opted for your writing service for 10 writing assessments. Can you confirm that you have received 1 essay sample.

    65. Hello Mike,

      I have already send you an email and this is one of my writings. Can you please give me an overall assessment and tell me how many writings I may need to send you to reach 7.5? I am not sure which of your packages is better for me to buy.
      Thank you very much

      Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required.
      Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

      It has been a quandary as to whether the best approach for public health improvement is raising the number of workout facilities or more efficient solutions are required. In my opinion, although the first proposal is a good step, further actions like reducing stress in job market and paying attention to people’s daily regimen are much more beneficial.
      No doubt exercising is crucial to maintain fitness and wellbeing. Since growing the number of facilities will make them more accessible as well as cheaper, it can encourage more people to use them. For example, as there are gyms in university campuses, students, despite being busy with their courses, tend to work out more comparing to non-students. Furthermore, this growth in the number of facilities leads to a competitive environment and will result in centres lowering their membership prices and, therefore, affordability to more population.
      Even though the first approach can enhance public health through exercising, it occurs to this writer that, stress, as well as junk food consumption, are the main culprits for epidemic illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. According to a study conducted by Paul Sparegon, M.D., a prominent cardiologist in Toronto, in which he illustrated that as the number of work-hours is rising, more people are dealing with mental pressure and that, inevitably, more mortalities are occurring due to heart stroke. In addition, because of the fast pace of the modern life, couples hardly find enough time to prepare healthy food, which is the main reason of fast food outlets proliferation and unhealthy diets among workforce. These all prove that funding projects to reduce workplace-related frustrations in addition to adopting policies to prevent employees being overworked are better to be considered in budgetary allocation.
      In conclusion, even though providing citizens with more athletic facilities contributes to positive impacts on people’s active lifestyle, in my opinion, it has little effects on factors which are reducing an average person’s state of wellbeing. As a result, measures such as reducing office hours and workers’ stress not only will lead to a better public physical health, but also will enhance their mental health.

      • I’ve had a very quick read of this because it’s Friday and it’s my most is it busy day of the week and because I’m not really interested in giving people free assessments of their writing due to the amount of time it takes to do this properly…. It takes me 20 minutes to properly assess task.
        However having said that, I feel that this is not a bad first attempt and it should be at least seven or higher… on the whole it seems like your vocabulary and grammar are going to be good enough and you just need to work on the structure of your essays and getting your task response right. Some of the things I don’t like about your essay:
        1. The final sentence of the introduction should make it clearer what the essay is about… Yours makes it seem like your essay is only about your opinion and not both sides and your opinion
        2. I really hate references to specific studies that are obviously made up like your doctor was obviously made up… I absolutely detest it and feel that it is an unnecessary risk….it’s also unacademic because if you do this in academic writing you also need to mention the year of publication publisher location of publisher…and since you can’t do this in an IELTS exam it’s totally inappropriate to start mentioning specific studies
        3. paragraphing is insufficiently clear and may result in five for cohesion and coherence… You can’t just write one big blob and instead you must separate your paragraph clearly using indentation or a blank line… I suggest a blank line
        4. heart /is wrong should be heart-attack
        5. it’s hard to know how many tasks you need to write but I would suggest that you at least write one answer for each of the three types of essays: https://www.ieltsanswers.com/ielts-writing-types-essays.html and send a task one
        …in addition to this try to read lots of my model answers and learn from my structures

    66. Hi Mike, I purchased a package of 4 writing corrections and sent you the first via email.
      Please confirm that you received both payment and the writing essay.

    67. Hi Mike, I recently purchased IELTS writing correction service and sent over two essays through email. Please review my essays. Thanks!

    68. HI mike,
      me and my husband would like to send our writing task in. Can i just purchase the one with 10 task and divide it beween the two of us? or do we need to subscribe individually? really looking forward to your guidance and an improvemnt in our ielts writing scores. Thank you

      • Yes, that is fine to split the tasks. If you will send tasks from different email addresses just let me know. Usually, I track the payment to the email address.

    69. Hi Mike,

      I want to opt for your writing service for 4 writing assessments. 1 assessment includes task1 and task 2 both could you please confirm.

    70. Hi Mike,

      I want to opt for your written correction facility. Could you please confirm that 4 writing tasks includes 4 letters + 4 essays for 30$? Also, what are the charges for 4 speaking task guidance?
      My last score was 6 in writing and speaking and I want 8 in both. Please help


      • Hi $30 includes any FOUR tasks such as one task-1 and three task-2.
        Speaking tests are 20USD for 30-40 minute sections.

    71. Hi Mike,

      I choose your correction service and made payment. I also sent you my first set for evaluation. Can you please confirm

    72. While recruiting a new employee, the employer should pay more attention to their personal qualities, rather than qualifications and experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.

      Humans have two major aspects to themselves, i.e Professional and personal. It is argued that, when jobs are in question, employers should value the personal aspect over the professional aspect. I feel that putting either one ahead of another will have its pros and cons. Keeping that in mind, this essay will evaluate both the ends.
      To begin with, personal traits serve as the building blocks of one’s character and morals. Taking into account the team playing skill and his notion of “each man for everyone”, the job seeker is an excellent prospect. However, imagine a situation where an excellent team player has no knowledge about the basics of the industry or isn’t remotely related to the position he has applied for or vice-versa. Hence, lack of any of the aforementioned aspects will make him nothing but a liability for the other team members.
      Aditionally, personal traits like honesty and dedication or ability to learn play a critical role to carve an outstanding addition to the team. Although traits like these are like ladders to executive positions in professional world, the real question left unanswered is “are these enough?” What if a person is honest and dedicated but has no or little experience for the job he has applied for? What if he isn’t equipped to handle the pressure this job brings along? While keeping the importance of personal traits in mind, questions like these make me realize the importance of experience. It makes me realize the importance of balance between these two human aspects.
      To recapitulate from my personal experience, both the aspects of a human life are supposed to work in tandem. Any aspect outweighing the other or disruption the balance required between the two aspects, will not make a great addition to the team. A seeker with right knowledge and right execution skills is battle ready.

      • Just a couple of key points if you want a full assessment you need to use my writing correction service:
        For details about my writing service please refer to the link below:

        1. You have not answered the question… You need to state the extent you agree or disagree in the introduction and conclusion. I can see that you feel both aspects are important which suggests that you “somewhat agree” or “somewhat disagree” with the statement

        2. Don’t use abbreviations like i.e. and you’ve misused it …it means “in other words.”

    73. Hello Mike.

      If I pay 70$ for 10 essays, do I need to send all 10 pieces of writing together? Or I can extend them and send one by one, let say, throughout a 10-day period ?

      • It’s best to send 1 or 2 at a time.
        I will return them within 24 hours and often much quicker.
        There is no time limit for sending them.

    74. hi mike please my essay, thanks
      Some people say that not all criminals should be sent to prison. Instead they should do unpaid work to help people in the community. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

      It is argued by some people that petty offenders should be reformed through unpaid community work instead of putting them behind bars. I strongly agree that engaging them in nonsalaried volunteer work not only helps criminals to become productive and play a part in development of society but provides a cost effective approach for government to run prisons.

      To begin with, during prison sentences, perpetrator is less likely to retrain and learn any new skills or correct their behavior and instead they mix with other criminal minded people. This only strengthens their criminal intentions and eventually they can lead back to path of crimes once punishment is over. Community service, on the other hand, is more peaceful and effective way to reform offender’s personality and moral behavior versus torturing them in prisons. This is mainly because by doing community work such as cleaning, offenders are able to give something positive back to society. This helps them rehabilitate themselves and eventually there will be less risk of their re offending neither in the number nor in seriousness of crimes.

      Furthermore, prisons around the world are facing the problem of overcrowding and increase in number of criminals consequently raises the cost of maintaining and running prisons. For instance, a report by Pakistan Jail Department suggests that sending a person to prisons is 12 times more expensive than community work. Therefore based on facts, community service is proved to be less expensive approach with similar effects as it cuts the Government cost in running and maintaining prisons and solve the issue of overcrowding.

      In conclusion, I reiterate that instead of imprisoning every accused person, involving them in some volunteer work is most efficient measure to improve and rehabilitate the offender’s personality and it also lessen Government burden in maintaining and running prisons.

    75. Hello mike,

      hope all is well, i am looking to evaluate my writing task 2 , if you could help me know whats my current level that would be great thanks.

      1) In every city the car is the king of the road. Cars cause death and injury and air pollution, and they make life difficult and dangerous for others. It is time to reduce the number of cars in our cities and to encourage other means of transport. Do you agree with this opinion?

      Although in many cities people prefer cars as their primary means of transport, they also have negative affects such as polluting atmosphere and causing bodily harm to people. In my view I agree that by controlling the number of cars on roads and influencing people to opt for other forms of mobility, people will be able to save money, and also increase their work productivity.

      A good reason for people not wanting to buy a vehicle and choosing other means to travel, is that it will help them in saving money. Today, vehicles are very expensive, people acquiring personal transport have to pay huge sum of money. In addition, they also have to pay for the repair and maintenance of their transport, because overtime parts of vehicle get damaged and there is a need to replace them. Furthermore, fuel is a necessity to operate a vehicle. Hence, people also end up paying for fuel expenses. As a result, these expenses deplete personal wealth.

      Another reason to put less vehicles on road is that it will increase work productivity of people. This is because people spend a lot of time driving to reach destination. Hence, they waste more time in transition from one place to another. This results in making people tired. If people get exhausted while operating a vehicle, they are not able to concentrate at work, usually making mistakes. Thus, impacting their work productivity. I believe if people select other ways of commuting like public transport, they will be able to relax while going to work, this would make them less exhausted, thereby improving their work performance.

      To conclude, controlled number of vehicles on roads in any city would help its people in saving their personal wealth and also benefit them in their work lives.

    76. Hi I wanted 2 task 1 and 2 task 2 writing correction. Can I go ahead with the payment. Can you tell me the amount in Indian Rupee

      • it’s $30 USD for the correction of four tasks
        I don’t know what the prices in Indian rupee and it will fluctuate daily

    77. Mike, thank you very much for sharing the URL’s. I will send you the payment and most likely a PDF or photo of my writing essays.

    78. Hi Mike,

      I have my exam scheduled on 27th of April. what do you suggest or recommend to gain a better score as this will be my 5th attempt. I would like to avail your services. Please guide, thanks.

    79. Hello Mike,
      Thank you very much for your support and help, I am really grateful and thankful. I am here to tell you that with your help I managed to increase my score from 5.5 to 6.5 and eventually to 7.

      After getting writing correction from your side I had my first exam at 23rd of March and my result was: 6.5 W, two weeks before it was 5.5 W. Then, I bought your book and followed the instructions inside to achieve band 7 at 6th of April.

      I would like to thank you again, and I am still suggesting your website to my friends. I wish I could come to you in the future to have more writing practices and to increase my score more and more.

      Yours sincerely,
      Wael Amar

      • Congratulations on getting the score you need. Thanks for sharing your story of success. Good luck for your
        next challenge.

    80. Hi Mike,
      Could please assess my writing task 1 [The graph shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992]
      The given graph illustrates the percentage of British radio and TV audiences over a three-month period starting in October in the year 1992.
      Radio was the top form of media used by the Britons in the early mornings with nearly one-tenth of the audiences, which was far higher than the TV watcher (0%). The figure then rose significantly, skyrocketing to almost one out of three of the total audiences who listen to radio at 8:00 am. After this point, the number fell steadily reaching a trough at under 5%.
      The TV was less popular in mornings being at under 10%. Following this, after lunch time it exceeded that of radio at around 2:00 pm, before soaring and reaching a peak at 8:00pm, when nearly half of the audience watch this type of media. After this, the figure plummeted to under 5%, finishing the day nearly at the same level as those who listen to radio.
      Overall, what stands out from the graph is that radio experienced a high rate of listeners in mornings before lunchtime, while TV audiences were the highest at evenings.



    81. Hi Mike,
      I have bought your writing correction package today, and sent my first writing to your email. Hope you have received it

    82. Hi Mike, I have my Exam om 11th May. I am really worried on Writing Section as I always stuck at 6.5 band. Can you please suggest what can I do to improve my band?

    83. Hi Admin, would you please help with a high-level evaluation:

      high expense on wedding is positive development or negative with opinion?

      Some people argue that the trend of extravagant spending on marriages is a right thing. While organizing lavish weddings has some upsides, I am of the opinion that the downsides of this kind of engagement seriously outweigh any positive aspects to it.

      The main argument in favor of expensive weddings is that they create an industry, which ultimately helps economy by providing jobs to a large number of people. This is due to the fact that a wedding arrangement touches almost every node on the supply chain. Business transactions occur with vendors, event managers, transportation companies etc. in order to organize the entire show. As these organizations need manpower to support their operations, so they have to increase hiring and bring in more staff. Thus it is clear that by promoting expensive marriage ceremonies the economy also gets a much needed push.
      On the contrary, by spending heavily on such costly affairs the financial health of families who host them takes a negative hit. The expenses in most of these weddings run into millions, as prices of all the raw-materials and equipment, which are required have been touching the sky. This puts a lot of financial burden on the parties making the payment, leading them in a future full of turbulence. For instance, in India several cases of suicide by parents of bride were reported in last year after indulging in heavy spending during marriages. In light of this fact, it would not be incorrect to label this practice of organizing money intensive marriages an evil one.
      In conclusion, I personally believe that the disadvantages of marrying one’s child by burning money are far serious to even consider any merit of this kind of indulgence.

    84. Hey Mike,

      Do you also provide Band 9 version for the task I am submitting my entry for evaluation? I understand you provide corrections or advise around better way of writing the idea but sharing Band 9 version as well will let us know how and what of writing one. Thanks – AK47

    85. Hi,

      I have read on the website that 4 writing tasks costs 30$. I would like to ask if it is possible to correct package of 3 essay and one letter and if it is possible to correct the 4 writing tasks one by one on different days not all at once??

    86. Hi,

      I have given test 4 times and every time I am getting overall 8, with reading and listening more than 8, but I am nit getting 7 in writing. I have read more than 300 essays and don’t have issue in Idea generation but still I am stuck at 6.5. I am lossing all the hopes now. Can you help me with it?


      Computers are often argued to be the most important invention of the last hundred years. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

      Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

      Over the last century, computer has been considered the most essential invention as it has facilitated humans in many useful ways. In my opinion, computer is undubitably , the most significant and cutting edge innovation of all the times.
      To begin with , computer has made human lives more convenient . For example , its valuable applications such as skype and Facebook has reshaped the ways we can communicate with anyone around the world. Everyone can be connected with their loved ones all the time in just one click . This has enabled us to keep pace with fast going life of today.
      Moreover, apart from the convenience computer offers, it had helped students and employers alot in their office and school works . Students can search millions of websites and books online to keep themselves enriched with updated knowledge thus improving their academic performances. Similarly , employers can designs certain softwares and applications to manage their hectic record and can perform massive calculations on computers.so computer gas been a source of knowledge and useful gadget in every field of work.

      In conclusion, it is undeniable that the computers have been serving humans from decades in many ways . Its indispensable functions and applications have made communication must faster and its services in education and business fields and countless. This cutting edge invention of last century will continue to enriched people of modern society with updated knowledge .

      • I don’t do free essay corrections but I do offer a service to do this.
        I had a quick read and here are a couple of points
        1. You keep writing computer and that’s wrong it’s either “a computer” or “computers” plural
        2. in paragraph 2 you introduce the idea of convenience… But you don’t really develop convenience the paragraph seems to be more
        about being able to communicate more effectively.
        3. the last paragraph mentions decades but you need to be talking about the last hundred years… You mention how computers are indispensable but not
        why they are more important than other inventions.

    88. Hi Mike,
      Your educational page is very helpful and I’m very interested in your service. I would like to know more information about my current level in writing! If you could help… I will take up this service.


      Task2:As a country develops, people tend to buy more cars. Do the advantages for the individual outweigh the disadvantages for the environment?

      Technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds; besides that, many opt to buy their own vehicle which is proportionally affecting our environment. It is believed that countries progress is dependent on their citizens; but, with rapid development the surroundings are being polluted equally. In my opinion, every individual using car and other pollution causing vehicles are disadvantageous to environment.

      On a major note, with the growth of population in this mechanical world; many tend to buy a car to lead a luxurious life. In addition, there is huge damage to natural environment with increased pollution; moreover, both human life and ecosystem is being into perilous situation.

      On the other hand, it is advantageous to an individual to own an independent vehicle. Because, this gives them more convenience to travel from home to work and in addition they reach on time which increases their productivity. Moreover, in a survey it is proved that an employee reaching office on time is tension free and their whole day goes smooth. The others who travel by other means of transport are late to office and feel hectic in start of their work.

      Secondly, if a person who manages both study and does apart time job can be benefited by having a car. It is easy to travel from work to study place and manageable for this kind of part-time workforce. To exemplify, students who study in abroad need to do their part-time job and study. So, on primary basis they tend to buy a car for sure.

      In conclusion, although there is a heavy downfall in environmental conditions which results in global warming; consequently, there are equal benefits with usage of cars. I believe that with the advancement in this fast-forward world we need to rush with all but need to be more cautious because we need to survive on this earth.

      • I don’t do free essay corrections but I do offer a service to do this.
        I had a quick read and here are a couple of points
        1. the introduction mentions cars are disadvantageous but it doesn’t mention whether these disadvantages outweigh the advantages as it should
        2. The conclusion says that there are equal benefits with usage of cars, but this is not really reflected in the body of the essay which seems to cover advantages much more fully than disadvantages indicating that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

      • I can assess both task-1 and task-2, but note that when you pay for the correction of only one task that is either a task-1 or a task-2; and correction of both task-1 and task-2 counts as TWO corrections.

    89. Hello, Mike
      Does your assessment of the writing task include a letter and an essay, or should I choose only one of them?

    90. Hi, Mike.
      I want your help in general training writing and speaking (if you are providing help in speaking)
      My target is 8 bands in writing, last time I got 7 but this time I got a 6.5. Need your help as to how I can reach my 8 bands goal. I need someone to correct me and explain me how to reach to that band and what I need to do in order to reach there.
      Waiting for your response on the same.

    91. Hi Mike,
      I have taken IELTS 4 times and cleared three modules except writing. I am very disappointed because I have tried many online services and lost my hard earned money.

      I think your service will be a valuable addition for me by making be capable of scoring my desired band in writing

      Kindly provide me your suggestions for the same

    92. Hi, I have just sent another task for feedback. thank you so much for providing for the first one I sent yesterday. I will look forward to hearing from you about this one as well.
      Thanks, Sanjot

    93. Hello Mike,
      I wanted to know, whether I have to send all the writing tasks in one go or can I send it one by one? I would prefer to send the tasks one by one and getting the feedback on each task before i send the next task. This would help me to consider your feedback and incorporate the same in my writing. So kindly tell me that if I choose review for 4 tasks, what will be the validity for such service?

    94. Hello Mike,
      I’m a doctor and I’ve been struggling with the Ielts writing part. I would like to have a sample assessment to see if your method works for me, as many have not met up to my expectations. Is it possible for you to give me a feedback for an Ielts academic version task 1 and 2 or either one? Awaiting for your reply. Thank you in advance.

    95. Hi Mike, Could you please tell me how much I would score for the essay I just wrote, that would be really helpful. Thanks in advance.

      Some people fail in school, but end up being successful in life.
      Why do you think that is the case?
      What is the most important thing to succeed in life?

      Even after failing in school, some people still flourish well in life because they prefer practical knowledge and hands-on activities rather than theoretical knowledge. In my opinion, the most necessary thing to be successful in life is hard work and determination.

      To begin with, most of the famous entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs never completed their high school education. The reason behind that was they felt they could achieve so much more by pursuing what they knew they could do instead of gaining all the theoretical knowledge at the school. They started working on their chosen career path earlier than fair amount of people and kept working hard on it and ended up being successful. Secondly, some people cannot handle the pressure of the peers and the burden of the exams, yet they are good at certain tasks. For example, Albert Einstein lacked in general social skills but excelled in mathematics and physics.

      Furthermore, the most crucial thing in being successful is to set a career goal and keep on working with full determination to reach that goal. Keeping yourself motivated even after failing is also the key to success. Most of the famous personalities in the world have worked hard consistently for a number of years to reach where they are today. For example, Indian actor/singer Diljit Dosanjh, failed in school but he was good at singing, so he kept on learning and practicing for years and he got his first singing contract in 2005 and now he is a well known singer in all of India.

      To conclude, by not giving up and by working hard towards a set goal, people can still be successful in life, even though they failed in school.

    96. Hi Mike,
      I have selected the 4 essay correction package and have paid the amount. I have also sent my task 1 essay for correction.

    97. Hello,

      Can I receive your feedback within 24 hours?
      And if I send my essay on Saturday or Sunday, this essay will be sent be within 24 hours?
      I have no enough time to wait for your feedback because I take a test next Wednesday.

      Thank you

      • Yes, I returned writing within 24 hours including the weekends… If you remind me your tasks are urgent I can return them even more quickly than 24 hours…sometimes it might be within four hours… It just depends on the time of day you are sending them and whether I’m working at that time or not. 24 hours is the maximum of time it will take

    98. hi mike,

      I ordered 4 writing tasks for correction on 7/Nov but I haven’t received the corrected ones yet.
      i sent it to you via email and my email is walliswoow@gmail.com.
      please check your inbox and help me correct my essays.
      thank you.

    99. So if I want to get correction of whole one test(task 1 + task 2), it’s just counted as 2 tasks?
      There is no difference between Task 1 and Task 2 payment?

      • Yes, a task-1 and a task-2 count as two tasks and yes it is correct the prices are the same for task one and task two.
        I realise that task-1 is shorter than task two but they take roughly the same amount of time to correct.
        With task-1 there is a lot more factual information I have to check has been included in the answer.

    100. Hi dear,
      I want to purchase your writing correction service i already did in other website and i want to change; i think your way is better in correction and i want to purchase your correction. So , could you please tell me what your qualifications or even your ielts score that encourage me to purchase?!
      Many thanks

      • About Mike Wattie
        I have been teaching English as a second language for over 15 years in Taiwan and Australia, in language centres and universities. My area of specialization is teaching students how to pass the IELTS exam. I particularly enjoy teaching IELTS because I find it challenging to teach students the necessary skills and strategies that they need to pass, and I also find that my students are highly motivated – this is a joy for a teacher! Recently, I have started to try to fulfill one of my lifetime ambitions – to have my own business and work from home. In this anytime anyplace world, true freedom is about being able to choose where and when you work. As a student you can share my lifestyle, with my website you can study whenever you want and wherever you want.

    101. I got to know about your correction service through a friend and I am interested. I have written IELTS twice and writing has been 6.5 both times. Please kindly help me evaluate this essay, so i’ll know if i need just a little brushing up or if i need to do a lot of work.  This will help me decide if to settle for the 1, 4 or 10 task option.

      Question: Some people think that employers should ensure a supportive and pleasant work environment where each employee is respected and valued equally while others think employers should focus instead on providing better facilities and equipment. What is your Opinion?

      Setting priorities at work places by job-owners is an often contested issue in recent times. While some individuals believe that employers should place emphasis on creating an enabling work environment that would foster respect and equity amongst workers, others, however, opine that provision of improved facilities and equipment should be considered as paramount by employers. In my opinion, both points are equally important.

      The importance of having a conducive environment and fair-treatment at work places cannot be over-emphasized. Firstly, workers are motivated to apply themselves more to their tasks which would result in better work outputs. Further, when colleagues show respect and regard for one another, it will result in better working relationships amongst them. For instance, a recent study by the Harvard university shows that workers tend to perform better when they are in a favourable environment and working with colleagues they can easily relate with. As a result, they would be motivated to go to work everyday.

      On the other hand, provision of advanced work gadgets and the necessary facilities, is just as important. The first point of note is that with the right equipment, jobs can be completed quickly and efficiently. This will make workers appreciate their work as being easier and less stressful. What more, availability of ideal facilities such as welfare and hygiene, would keep them in good health and this would impart on the services they render to the organisation.

      In conclusion, despite the ongoing argument on whether business owners should concentrate on creating a favourable work environment for their employees or if they should focus on providing improved facilities and equipment instead, in my opinion, all factors are crucial for the smooth-running and advancement of an organisation and should thus be given equal attention.

    102. Hi Mike, I got to know about your correction services through a friend and I am interested. I have written IELTS twice and writing has been 6.5 both times. Please kindly help me evaluate this essay, so i’ll know if i need just a little brushing up or if i need to do a lot of work.  This will help me decide if to settle for the 1, 4 or 10 task option.

      Question: Some people think that employers should ensure a supportive and pleasant work environment where each employee is respected and valued equally while others think employers should focus instead on providing better facilities and equipment. What is your Opinion?

      Setting priorities at work places by job-owners is an often contested issue in recent times. While some individuals believe that employers should place emphasis on creating an enabling work environment that would foster respect and equity amongst workers, others, however, opine that provision of improved facilities and equipment should be considered as paramount by employers. In my opinion, both points are equally important.

      The importance of having a conducive environment and fair-treatment at work places cannot be over-emphasized. Firstly, workers are motivated to apply themselves more to their tasks which would result in better work outputs. Further, when colleagues show respect and regard for one another, it will result in better working relationships amongst them. For instance, a recent study by the Harvard university shows that workers tend to perform better when they are in a favourable environment and working with colleagues they can easily relate with. As a result, they would be motivated to go to work everyday.

      On the other hand, provision of advanced work gadgets and the necessary facilities, is just as important. The first point of note is that with the right equipment, jobs can be completed quickly and efficiently. This will make workers appreciate their work as being easier and less stressful. What more, availability of ideal facilities such as welfare and hygiene, would keep them in good health and this would impart on the services they render to the organisation.

      In conclusion, despite the ongoing argument on whether business owners should concentrate on creating a favourable work environment for their employees or if they should focus on providing improved facilities and equipment instead, in my opinion, all factors are crucial for the smooth-running and advancement of an organisation and should thus be given equal attention.

    103. Hi Mike,

      I just purchased your 30$ package and already sent you my first essay. I am so excited. I wonder how long I will receive back my essay with your feedback. Thank you so much!


    104. Hi Mike,
      I need to know about your schedule regarding speaking test, I would also like to use your expertise and get my writing task(s) checked.

      So, when can you check my writing as I was hoping to have your feedback before weekend so I can work on it. Also is it possible to have speaking mock test over weekend?

      One more thing, if I buy $9usd package will I be able to send both my letter and essay or only essay? I am worried I am stressing so much on essay that my letter part is getting neglected, will you be able to check both?


    105. Dear Mike,

      I paid yesterday $30 for 4 writing tasks, but till now the process not approved even though payment is completed successfully.

      Could you check and guide me on how to submit my tasks?

      Thanks in advance…

    106. Hi Mike

      I am willing to take your servics and i would like to buy more than 30 writing tasks. Therefore,i want to get bulk price list, checking the dicsount.


    107. Hello, Mike! I need a 7,5 at least and I nearly lost hope cos it’s bloody hard. I scored 6,0 for my first essay (no editing, no paraphasing, I just wrote smth. vague as I was sure I’ve failed everything) and then had a month-long practice with a tutor. My marks varied from 7 to 7,5 but she told me that I’m likely to score 7,5 only “if stars align”. But I’ve trained hard for a month learning advanced grammar and vocabulary. And a weak 7 again. I just don’t know whom to believe. The problem is that I need to know what to improve until I get my first salary in the middle of the month in order not to waste time. Is it possible that you had a look at any essay and just told me the real score? No feedback, just the score. She’s Russian and she never scored higher than 8 herself.

    108. Hi Mike,

      I am willing to take your services. How can I send you the receipt of payment. Do I need to send reference number of screen shot along with the essay.


      • HI, as part of the payment process you will enter your email. When you send your tasks I will
        see you have already paid using that email. So you do not need to send me a screenshot.

    109. Hi Mike

      This is just an endorsement. I was stuck at getting 6.5 in the writing, then after using your service I was able to get a 7.
      I have recommended your service to one of my friends and he will be using it soon.

      All the best.

    110. Dear Mike,

      Can i have a trial 1 essay assessment? Not free if you wish. Or the minimum “pack” you offer is 4 essays?

      Thank you.

    111. Hi Mike, i need to score at least 7 bands in Writing, 8 in Listening and 7 in Reading and 7 in speaking. I have taken the exam 4 times but every time I am stuck at 6 and 6.5 in writing and reading respectively. It is very depressing for me as I really do not know which mistakes am i doing. Will you be able to guide me please.

    112. Hi Mike,

      Could you please let me know what are your charges? I tried to go through comments above but couldn’t get any specific response.
      Please advise.


    113. Dear Mr. Wattie
      There is a recently writing task 2 question stated “Recently there are more gas stations being built as opposed to diesel ones in rural areas. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?”
      Could you kindly elaborate on this. I mean advantages and disadvantages can be for vehicle or for the environment. It’s a little bit confusing to me.
      Thanks in advance

      • Extremely unlikely this is a REAL task as it is way too difficult.
        Specialist knowledge is needed to know the +/- of diesel versus gas.

        It could be for vehicle or for the environment, but it seems you will need to mention the
        “environment” in order to cover “rural” areas from the task

    114. Hello Mike, If I send you 4 tasks today, after having paid for the 30$ fee, may I be able to receive your feedback by tomorrow at more or less the same time?

    115. Hello Mike, I was reading your free ebook and I happen to have a question regarding grammar.
      In the making an apology section(letter), it says ” I am really so sad…”
      is it okay to use really and so together?? thank you so much for your help.

    116. Hi, This is a bit urgent. I have my IELTS tomorrow. I have made the payment and sent you my writing tasks. Can you please evaluate it and provide your feedback at the earliest. Sorry for any inconvenience. Sent you 2 separate emails – task 1 and task 2.

    117. Dear Mr. Wattie,
      I have made the payment and mailed you my first task in PDF format at (examiner@wordpress-980111-3436014.cloudwaysapps.com), but I did not receive your feedback. It seems that my e-mail went to your spam.
      Could you please send me your valuable feedback.

      Many thanks

    118. Hi Mike Have made the payment and mailed the essay, can you please evaluate the essay and provide your valuable feedback.

    119. Hi Mike, What’s the process – just pay online and email you the essay or do i have to mention something while making a payment.

    120. Hi Mike, can you please send me a mail with a sample correction and would you be able to provide feedback based on the 4 parameters on which IELTS marks in exam and help me with the corrections to fill those gaps.
      Also are there any best deals on multiple corrections that you could offer.

    121. Hi Mike, would like to know what all services you provide and i am specific interested in getting the essays evaluated as i have got 6.5 twice and i need to score 7, so ideally i am missing on some or the other part, need to understand that gab. Also if you could send an email with the charges and suggestion that would be really helpful.

      In the mean while i just wrote an essay if you could help with your quick comments.

      Many people strive to maintain a successful career and happy family life at the same time. What problems can this situation create? What are the possible solutions?

      Some people aspire to lead both a prosperous career and a contented life. However, individuals have become extremely materialistic and workaholic that they find it difficult to achieve this task, although there are few measures which they can inculcate in their daily routine to make it work.
      To begin with, people who attempt to maintain work and life balance often get stuck in few difficulties. The main reason for this is that families at present live in anticipation of better or luxurious life filled with materialistic demands, for which the working member has to put in extra hours at work. This workplace stress gets carried forward to home causing drastic issues or fights among spouse or children. Results of this vicious circle can be seen on health of the working person. To illustrate further, recent survey from health ministry reveals that working age group of 30 to 50 are reporting heart related issues as consequence of trying to find way between life and work.
      Nevertheless, the stability can be achieved through few easy remedies, such as, the head of the family can set priorities for all the members – keeping both lives separate and having a disciplined routine for healthy living. Further, sharing daily activities over a meal which will help in enabling healthier relation and stronger bond among family members. Another solution to consider is that whenever practical take a small vacation or an intriguing trip with family, if not, them may be a weekend getaway or a picnic to improvise the bond.
      In conclusion, individuals put in huge efforts to find an equilibrium of family and work and irrespective of many problems, solution can be found by spending extra minute in conversation or day out with family

      • you can find details of correction on this page! Please let me know if any information you need is not covered.
        Sorry, I do not give free corrections.

    122. hello.
      If I send my essay tomorrow(thursday), will i able to get the review before Saturday??
      and do you work during weekends??
      waiting for your reply.

    123. Hi
      Yesterday I sent you essay for evaluation. Still haven’t heard back from you.
      Kindly check your mail.

    124. Hello Sir, I am interested in availing this writing correction service. I appeared in ielts 4 times and scored 6.5 in last two attempts. My requirement is 7 in each. I am able to score 7 in other components but not in writing. I will be grateful if you give me more information regarding your service. Firstly, after payment, how would i send you my writing and how would you know that i made the payment??. Secondly, what is the price if i want your services for 6 writing task ??

    125. Hi mike,

      I have sent you the essay for evaluation. I hope you have received it. I didn’t received any ackownledgment of it.

    126. Hi Mike, is it mandatory to write own opinion in conclusion? or we can write in the introduction? if i write in introductory paragraph it would be easier for me to develop ideas in favor or against..I am confused about it.

      • For an “opinion” essay, you SHOULD write your opinion in the introduction.

        For a “both sides and opinion” essay, you MAY, but be careful the introduction clearly introduces that the essay is about both sides AND your opinion.

    127. Hi Mike,
      This is Rupesh Sagar. Hope you are doing good. Last time I have used your paid service for writing part. Is your correction services for writing is still available. If yes, please provide the payment link for four tasks.
      Thanks in advance.

    128. Dear Mike – will below suffice for scoring 7+ in writing ?

      More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to solve this problem?

      Increased number of animal species are feared to disappear soon from the earth with lot others are expected to be in that list. This essay will discuss the main causes for this phenomenon primarily deforestation and increased poaching cases. This essay will suggest the solutions including methods to control deforestation and the stringent law enactment to curb killing of animals.

      Removal of forest cover and rampant attacks on wild life continue to be the major worry resulting in reduced population of animals. Deforestation leads to reduced forest cover hampering overall life-cycle of animals thereby reducing their average lifespan. Further, animal poaching is common in many countries for want of animal skin and fur. For example, deforestation and animal killing in Jalna has led to extinction of white tiger. Therefore, removal of trees and attack on animals continue to be major causes of wildlife extinction.

      Government needs to incentivize people to plant trees in and around forests to the possible extent. In addition, anti poaching law enforcement need to made strict. Both these measures would ensure increased forest area for the animals without fear of being killed. To exemplify, In hills of Himachal Pradesh people have seen increased police arrests in poaching cases and has led to slow increase in numbers of wild boar. Promoting green cover and enforcing strict laws around animal killing can possibly control this dreadful problem.

      In conclusion, rapid extinction of particular species of wild animals and endangering others continues to be the major problem. This essay discussed the main causes like deforestation and poaching leading to this. This essay also suggested the solutions to control this mainly through increase in forest cover and strict enforcement of anti poaching laws.

      • Yeah, it might. Poaching seems like a minor cause…global warming is a stronger point.
        Also be careful to not overuse words like “poaching”
        I have a paid service if you want full feedback on the four grading criteria and an accurate assessment of your level.

        • Thanks a lot. this would be last request from my side.

          Can you grade me in all the 4 parameters individually.

          Some people think that the government should decide the subject for students to study in university. Others believe that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


          Power to select subjects to be studied by students should lie with students or government? This topic is becoming increasingly controversial. Some believe that the government is the right authority to choose while others debate it should be with the students itself. This essay will discuss why the option to choose subjects should be with the students but why government should be an overall superior choice.

          Nowadays, people feel that students are knowledgeable enough to decide on what they want to study. They are not only aware of the suitable career options but also they know the means to achieve. For instance, with advent of social media they are so well connected with college seniors and expert teachers around the globe that all the latest developments in their field are well known to them. Overall, most of the students are intelligent enough to understand which direction they are headed.

          On the other hand, few believe that government is the right authority to decide the subjects. Importantly experts quote that the government not only has experienced and mature people to take this decision but also they are well equipped with developments happening in each and every field of study around the world. Moreover, government needs to ensure availability of the talent in various fields to control the unemployment rate. For example, Government of India has increased the courses related to agriculture field to meet the expected demand of talent in the future. Government’s exposure and experience gives them edge over the students to decide.

          To conclude, selection of subjects by government or students itself continues to be a debatable topic. This essay discussed why this right to students is apt but why giving that power to the government is a superior choice. In my opinion, government has better exposure and understanding than students to decide what future generation should learn.

    129. Dear Mike Please help with broad comments on the below. Want to understand the current level.

      You have been doing some voluntary work to help your local community.However now you are unable to continue doing this work.
      Write a letter to the manager of the organization where you have been working.
      In your letter
      describe the work you have been doing
      Explain why you can no longer do this work
      recommend another person who is interest in the work

      Dear Mr. Rahul,
      I am writing to let you know that I have been voluntarily involved with Rahul Eye hospital for last 6 months. I was instrumental in organizing free eye camps for underprivileged school students in nearby localities. Unfortunately, I would not be able to continue our engagement further.
      Let me explain you my situation in detail. While I had been working to help the community, I was also hunting for a corporate job in my domain. Last week, I have been selected for a sales role in a reputed bank in Pune because of which I need to relocate out of Mumbai. Considering there is no branch of your esteemed organization in Pune, I would need to disengage with the hospital by end of this month.
      I would like to recommend Mr. Ramanathan for my position. Would you kindly consider him for same role and responsibilities as of mine. He is very keen to join and contribute to the community productively. Being intelligent and resourceful, I feel he would be the perfect fit for my role.
      I would look forward to hearing from you soon.
      Yours sincerely,
      Mohit Kumar

      • When you make payment, you enter your email address, and then when you send your tasks by email I can check the payment is done.

    130. Dear Mike, i’m practicing now on Academic task 1, and didn’t get into task 2 yet, so can we start with it till being solid in task one, then move to task 2 ?

    131. Hello Mike.plz tell me about your fee in Pakistani Rupees for writing and speaking.if someone not able to pay you all time then how would u help for test.plzz tell me

      • Hi I don’t take Pakistani Rupees. For writing correction, it is 30USD or 36AUD. You are welcome to use my website for free.

    132. Hi Mike, I am really intersted in your essay correction service as my exam date is coming soon, 24 March. Could i please know my current level if possible. It is my second time and I got 6 from the 1st one.

      Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much. Do you agree or disagree? What other types of job should be highly paid?

      It is often argued by many that entertaining jobs such as film stars are being paid too much and that is not a positive development. However, I agree that these jobs deserve such high salaries. There are also two other types of job which I think should be highly paid.
      There are some reasons why I think these jobs should be paid highly. Firstly, there is often a short career path in this job sector and people who pursue these jobs should earn as much as possible to ensure their future financial conditions in this short time period. Secondly, these people work hard to gain high recognition in society and hard work should always be rewarded properly. It is no secret that money can be the best reward in return. Finally, maintaining these jobs in society is very important as they entertain people as well as increase mood. Making these jobs less paid may cause them to be disappeared as there would be less interest to pursue these careers.
      Moreover, there are two other types of job which, in my opinion, should also be well paid. One such career is a teacher. We know that this job is very stressful and requires a lot of patience. Besides, the future of our young generation is on teachers’ hands. So a good salary can be a good motivation for teachers to deliver the lessons more effectively and work on themselves. The same can apply for doctors because doctors are responsible for the lives of many. That is why they should do many researches and spend more time to improve their qualifications and all these cost a little fortune.
      In conclusion, I agree that entertaining jobs should be well paid and I also argue that teachers and doctors should also be paid highly.

    133. Hi Admin,
      Can you please comment on below essay?

      Science tells us about the activities which are good for our health and others which are bad. Millions of people all over the world knows this and still do unhealthy activities. Why do you think this is and what can be done to change it?

      Around the world, many people knows about healthy and unhealthy activities, discovered by the science. Despite of this, people follows unhealthy activities.In my opinion, there are couple of reasons for this. This essay firstly talk about the causes of this behaviour and then it will highlight, the steps which should be taken to improve it.

      Time is the one of the most reason why people follows unhealthy habits instead of healthy. As we know, healthy activities are time consuming compare to unhealthy activities. Most of the people living in urban area don’t have enough time due to traffic and commute distance between their office and home. For instance, As per the article in one of the leading lifestyle magazine. Half of the population living in metro areas relies on the fast food for their lunch, because the fast food is less time consuming to prepare and eat compare to healthy meal.

      The second most reason is, following healthy activities are more expensive and not reachable by poor people.For example, families which are depended on single low income can not afford to go to gym or aerobic classes. Due to which, they are not able to do daily physical exercise, even though they knows, it is beneficial to their health.

      In my opinion, government and employer can help to fix above mentioned issues.For example, if government can impose more tax on fast food and they can use this extra tax money for opening more playground and building free gym facilities for low income people. The same way, big corporates can encourage their employees to follow healthy activities by providing some kind of incentives.For example, my employer gives gift cards to the associates, who tracks their daily diet and who goes to gym regularly.

      To conclude, people are aware about the good habits which are beneficial to their health, but to follow it they need time and money, due to which they often don’t follow it. The governing bodies and employer can encourage them to follow healthy lifestyle.

      • I’ll give you two quick comments and then if you need more you will have to use my paid service:
        1. Your solutions solve the course of ”lack of money”; but you say that the main problem is that people don’t have time and in your solutions don’t solve this problem. “Building more playground and building free gym facilities” does not help people who don’t have time to do them. “Employers providing incentives for staff ” doesn’t work and they don’t have time to do them.
        2. You have a problem with the way you writing your superlatives. “It one of the most reason” should be: one of the biggest reasons. “At The second most reason is” should be: the second largest reason

    134. Hello sir, I got 6.5 (writing module ) last time. My requirement is at least 7. I want to use your essay correction service. Does it include tips and suggestions to improve my writing? And if I have any doubts after the evaluation can I ask those also?

      • Hi Twink,
        Yes sure. I iwll give you feedback and suggestions under the 4 grading criteria. You are also welcome to ask questions if any of the feedback is not clear.

    135. You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you returned home, you had left some important papers at the hotel.
      Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. in your letter,
      say where you think you left the papers
      explain why they are so important
      tell the manager what you want him/her to do.

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      I am writing to request recovery of some of the vital documents lost at your hotel.Please allow me to elaborate the circumstances.

      Last week – on 18th December -, I misplaced certain papers on the table instead of my file. Unfortunately, I realised it only after reaching home. Clearly, I remember that it was in conference hall number 3.

      There were original copies of my business plan, strategies management tactics reports, and a driving license copy – all in my name. Needless to say, these contain personal and confidential data which concerns me.

      I will be indebted to you if you could find these documents for me. However, if you have already found it, please do inform me. I will collect it at your earliest convenient time.

      Furthermore, I have attached a copy of my receipt having all the required details. I also apologise for the plight caused.

      Your timely attention is needed on this matter.

      Yours faithfully
      Rini Michael

      • Rini re letter.
        1. your answer to bullet one was a little weak and you should try to say more about where you might have left the papers.
        2. stop using dates

        Good enough for 7

    136. Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on practical skills.
      do you agree or disagree?

      There is no doubt that pedagogy has evolved constantly weeding out and incorporating a multitude of aspects.Whilst some advocate that these changes are beneficial taking into account the factual information grasped by the pupils, others argue that these are incapable to supplement the essential skills required. Personally, I am inclined to the view that schools – from primary to tertiary – [DASHES ARE INFORMAL] must not take the required skills [*] for granted as it could be detrimental to their career growth. * UNCLEAR WHAT REQUIRED SKILLS MEANS. IS IT FACTS OR PRACTICAL SKILLS? WHY WOULD SKILLS THAT ARE REQUIRED BE DETRIMENTAL?

      The main reason for studying practical skill is to increase the employability of a job aspirant. Clearly, researchers of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) say that only 15% of the total engineers in India are capable of an engineering career. [I DETEST MADE UP RESEARCH] This explains why there are numerous potential engineers unemployed particularly in India. What is more, spoon feeding – giving all information rather than encouraging to find them IT – spoils the student as they ARE incapable TO search for required information or improvise their method on their own. Obviously, This could prove fatal in case of physicians where mere textbook facts are not enough to deal with the complications they face with the patients such as a bizarre surgery outcome.

      Secondly, in spite of mugging up [INFORMAL} a lot of information, pupils are unable to apply them. This is particularly disadvantageous for a technically sound person who cannot express his ideas due to a communication problem. Furthermore, lack of morale could even cause catastrophic results: aeroplane accident caused by the pilot in 2005 in France due to inappropriate coordination – pilot could not effectively communicate with ground staff {WHY NOT?} when the fuel was low which claimed 312 lives.
      In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that grasping chunks of knowledge with no basis to apply them anywhere is useless. It is recommended that all young people should be trained well with technical and soft skills needed to thrive in their lives.

      Tr: 6 OR 7 ..it is often unclear whether you are talking about skills or knowledge
      CC: 6 OR 7 ..it is often unclear whether you are talking about skills or knowledge
      OVERALL: 6.5 or 7

    137. Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
      Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

      There is no denying fact that people from all over the world are generating an increased level of wastages every day that not only affects our environment but also the reason for many health-related illnesses. This essay will discuss the main causes of this problem. In addition, this essay will also suggest the viable steps that governments should introduce in-order to control this alarming sign.
      People are using non-recyclable products than ever before. In addition, the industrials growth contributes to the dramatic increase of wastage level. Although there are few significant advantages of non-recyclable goods such as low-price and easy to use, the impact it engenders to our environment is devastating. As per research, Plastics will take approximately 200 years to decompose it and as a result, we are witnessing the huge plastic wastages in both land and sea. Moreover, the high number of industries without appropriate pollution control in place contaminates both air and water in many countries that leads to many health-related issues.
      Governments and world leaders should come together to tackle this frightening situation. They should introduce strict law and regulations for the industries to ensure that the industrial wastages are being controlled. Moreover, governments should come up with a plan to educate the people for creating awareness on impact of plastic products, which would not only reduces the plastic wastage levels but also opens up for environment-friendly products. Furthermore, the world’s leaders and scientists should focus on environment-friendly solutions for electricity and fuels to enhance better future.
      In conclusion, undoubtedly, the altitude of wastage levels is enormous and mounting day-by-day. In this essay we discussed on the possible causes for this situation. Besides, we also discussed the sustainable control measures that the governments and world leaders should be introduced to avoid catastrophic effects.

      Please evaluate this task . will i be able to score 7?

      Thanks in advance!


      • Comments on a task by Anand below:

        Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
        Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
        There is no denying fact that people from all over the world are generating an increased level of wastages every day that not only affects our environment but also the reason for many health-related illnesses. This essay will discuss the main causes of this problem. In addition, this essay will also suggest the viable steps that governments should introduce in-order to control this alarming sign.

        [PROPER TOPIC SENTENCE NEEDED] People are using non-recyclable products than ever before [WHY?]. In addition, the industrials growth contributes to the dramatic increase of wastage level. Although there are few significant advantages of non-recyclable goods such as low-price and easy to use, the impact it engenders to our environment is devastating. As per research, Plastics will take approximately 200 years to decompose it and as a result, we are witnessing the huge plastic wastages in both land and sea. Moreover, the high number of industries without appropriate pollution [THIS IS NOT RUBBISH YOU ARE GOING OFF-TOPIC HERE TO TALK ABOUT POLLUTION IN GENERAL] control in place contaminates both air and water in many countries that leads to many health-related issues.
        Governments and world leaders should come together to tackle this frightening situation. They should introduce strict law and regulations for the industries to ensure that the industrial wastages are being controlled [BE MORE SPECIFIC ABOUT WHAT SORT OF LAWS…YOU NEED TO DEVELOP THIS POINT MORE. ONE SENTENCE FOR A MAIN POINT IS NOT ENOUGH]. Moreover, governments should come up with a plan to educate the people for creating awareness on impact of plastic products, which would not only reduces the plastic wastage levels but also opens up for environment-friendly products. Furthermore, the world’s leaders and scientists should focus on environment-friendly solutions for electricity and fuels to enhance better future [OFF-TOPIC AS THIS IS NOT ABOUT REDUCING RUBBISH] .
        In conclusion, undoubtedly, the altitude of wastage levels is enormous and mounting day-by-day. In this essay we discussed on the possible causes for this situation. Besides, we also discussed the sustainable control measures that the governments and world leaders should be introduced to avoid catastrophic effects.

        Note: I only provide limited feedback for free corrections..here is a quick estimate:

        Task Response: 6 …not enough development of main ideas and you are off-topic in places
        Cohesion and Coherence: 6-7
        Vocabulary: 7
        Grammar: 7
        Overall: 6.5

    138. I have opted this correction service and it was more useful than spending 1 month in coaching class in India. I am convinced that his methods are far better than anyone else that I have come across. I recommend going through all his tips on this site too.

    139. Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree?

      Prison sentence for people committing crimes is the not the most effective method of tackling the problem. However, there are alternative ways like education and job training to deal with them [rephrase given words more]. In my opinion, i agree that considering other options instead of imprisonment for criminals are benificial for both individual and the society

      A good reason behind prefering education over prison is that this will make them literate and a responsible citizen of the country. As a result, they will be able to differentiate between good and bad, also they will be well worsedversed with the consequences they may face upon committing a crime. At present, people violate laws without knowing the harmful imapcts it may cause upon them and through education this problem can be sorted out

      Another way of handling criminals is by training them in some work like carpenting, gardening and many more. This helps them in diverting their minds from committing heinous crimes. Moreover, learning new skills will help them to earn a living for themselves, so job training is an effective way to cope upwith criminals

      Finally, opting fotfor better ways than sending them into prison will bring benifits to society too. More educated people means less crime, in other words, if criminals become literate and law abiding citizens then, consequently, the rate of criminal activity will be reduced. Hence, people will feel more comfortable whether in or out of their homes

      In conclusion, I believe that as far as offenders are concerned, taking up other options are much viable and benificialbeneficial than imprisonment. The Government should consider alternative ways for criminals for the betterment of society.

      Please evaluate this task . I have an exam on 2nd dec. will i be able to score 7???
      LR =7

    140. Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary. Do you agree or disagree?

      It is argued that with the development of technology, students are now able to look for information through internet, so the library will soon be disappeared. While I agree that online resources have many advantages, I believe that libraries cannot be completely replaced.
      There are several benefits of using internet to access information. One benefit is that it is truly convenient for users. They solely need an internet connection and an electronic device to look for the information at any time, unlike library where people can only visit at certain time. Another benefit is the internet has a huge range of resources which none of libraries in the world can compare with. So, even students in a developed countries or rural areas can be eligible to access the newest information that they cannot find at their local public services.
      On the other hand, the library has its own unique characteristics that the internet does not have. The first one is the ambition. In a survey from Harvard University, a large number of students answered that they spend most of their time to study at the library, because it is a quiet place and they can concentrate on their task easier than when studying at home or other places. Secondly, the materials at libraries are creditable and be selected by trusted staffs. While on the internet, everyone can write and post the information, so some sources are more likely not to be used in doing research. For example, Wikipedia is one of the largest online encyclopedia, but students are prohibited to use the articles on this website due to the unverified information.
      In conclusion, despite the benefits of accessing information online, I would argue that libraries will still exist.

      Could you please evaluate my essay? just score is enough. I am going to take general test on 16 december, do u think after 4 or 8 tasks I can get band 7 in writing? Thank you

      • I believe you can quickly get to 7 if you can learn to respond to tasks in the correct way. I suggest you have a look here:

        Task Response 6 Since you believe that libraries can’t be replaced you should not bother to write a paragraph about the advantages of the Internet. Instead you should be giving reasons why libraries can’t be replaced

        For your third paragraph, AMBITION does not seem to make sense or to be explained well enough. Your second point about the reliability of information is valid but you should argue more persuasively “libraries are needed because of the reliability of information they provide”
        Cohesion and Coherence 6 There seems to be no justification for writing paragraph 2. Iour conclusion should summarise the main ideas from the body of the essay.
        Vocabulary 6-7
        Grammar 7
        Overall 6-6.5

    141. Some people believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.

      Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages ?

      It is argued by many authorities that the best time to initiate for students to imbibe [BAD WORD CHOICE] in a foreign language is at a primary school level rather than delaying it to a secondary school level. This essay will discuss that despite younger primary school children fail to understand the importance of learning a foreign language, the advantages in terms of curiosity and stress free primary school life are certainly more .

      [Your topic sentence below does not have a key point to it. You mention curiosity, but the realpoint seems to about it being EASIER]
      Younger minds are more curious to know about different things. This holds true for language also. If students are exposed to the culture and stumbling blocks of learning a foreign language at an early age, it becomes easy for them at a later stage. For example , a recent survey at oxford university found that almost ninety percent of successful learners of foreign language had started at a primary school level. In addition, the academic stress on primary school children is less than that of students of secondary school. As a result, they are able to give more time to learn a foreign language as compared to their peers in secondary school who are more busy in career building goals.

      You should use a word like “however” to start the sentence
      Primary school students may not understand the importance of learning a foreign language. This may prove harmful in terms of both consumption of resources to train them and also is a waste of time for them. For instance, the finances involved may be drifted towards sports.

      To conclude, although foreign language can be learnt at a secondary school level also, however the benefits clearly overshadow the disadvantages of learning it at a primary school level.
      You should summarise the main points from the body here and perhaps explain why the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

      Task Response 6:
      You seem to think that the topic is about studying at primary school or secondary school but it’s about when to start… A student may start at elementary school and then still be studying the same language in secondary school
      Cohesion and Coherence 6:
      topic sentences do not introduce paragraphs well
      Vocabulary 6-7
      Grammar 7
      Overall 6.5

    142. Q))Some people think that government should spend money on training athletics. While other people think that government should provide training for general public.

      It is considered by some that government ought to spend money on training of athletics where other people believe that government should spend money for training for whole population. In my opinion I believe that movement should spend on Athletics for Nation’s reputation at the same time they need to spend general public as well.

      On the one hand, Government need to spend money on athletics because they are very valuable people in the country, Government can provide better sports equipment for athletics to enhance their skill levels to go for international competition. For an example, athletics can bring reputation to nation when they play for international sports. It will also enhance the country’s economy as well.

      On the other hand, some are believe that government can spend money on training for whole population. They can provide more benefits to adults and school children. Especially it will reduce health problems such as obesity and weight gain. Without daily exercising people are becoming unhealthier and if the government can provide more sports facilities by providing sports items to old generation they will get benefit out of it. In addition that if the school children get in to sports since from their childhood they can enhance their career though sports. As a result they will get more training by using better quality facilities. These are best paths for government to provide their money on country’s future.

      In conclusion, I believe that government need to facilitate more money on athletics training as well as providing facilities for whole generation as well.

    143. Some people think that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries bring many positive developments. Others say it can cause the loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

      It is argued by many that cross border trade and cultural blending between different nations has many advantages, while others believe it causes a country to loose it’s identity.This essay will discuss that although indigenous cultures may get abraded, but overall, economic growth and elimination of racist mindset supervenes.

      On the one hand, the inherent cultures of a particular country may be overshadowed by free trade and close cultural contacts between countries. This may lead to loss of identity. For example, Yoga a form of exercise and meditation was prevalent in India before British rule. However, now most people in India are unaware of this and are more adapted towards western form of exercise like cycling and jogging.

      On the other hand, increasing business and mingling of cultures is a boom for local economy and understanding of different cultures. Many products are exported and a substantial amount of profit is made. This is possible only by allowing trade at an international level across borders. Additionally, by working with people of different skin colour across the globe, the ancient racial mindset is overcomed . For instance, Africa a predominant black country is the largest exporter of diamonds.

      To conclude, although there are many pros and cons of close cultural contact and trade between countries, i tend to believe that the merits in terms of economy and building of harmony among different races are certainly more.

      • Some people think that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries bring many positive developments. Others say it can cause the loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

        It is argued by many that cross border trade and cultural blending between different nations has many advantages, while others believe it causes a country to loose it’s identity.This essay will discuss that although indigenous cultures may get abraded, but[YOU CAN NOT HAVE BUT HERE BECAUSE OF although EARLIER IN THE SENTENCE] overall, economic growth and elimination of racist mindset supervenes.

        On the one hand, the inherent cultures of a particular country may be overshadowed by free trade [INACCURATE REPHRASE OF THE TOPIC AS THIS IS TOO SPECIFIC…THE TOPIC DOES NOT MENTION FREE TRADE] and close cultural contacts between countries. This may lead to loss of identity. For example, yoga, a form of exercise and meditation was prevalent in India before British rule. However, now most people in India are unaware of this [REALLY/ I THINK MOST PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOGA!!!] and are more adapted towards western forms of exercise like cycling and jogging.

        On the other hand, increasing business and mingling of cultures is a boom for local economyIES and understanding of different cultures. Many products are exported and a substantial amount of profit is made. This is possible only by allowing trade at an international level across borders. Additionally, by working with people of different skin colourS across the globe, the ancient racial mindset is overcomed . For instance, Africa a predominantly black country is the largest exporter of diamonds. [AND? YOUR EXAMPLE DOES NOT ILLUSTRATE HOW “the ancient racial mindset is overcome”]

        To conclude, although there are many pros and cons of close cultural contact and trade between countries, i tend to believe that the merits in terms of THE economy and building of harmony among different races are certainly more. [WHY? YOU NEED TO JUSTIFY YOUR OPINION HERE, WHICH MAY BE A SUMMARY OF THE MAIN POINTS YOU MADE IN THE ESSAY]

        Task Response
        250 -320 words



        YOUR EXAMPLE DOES NOT ILLUSTRATE HOW “the ancient racial mindset is overcome”]
        The three main Types of essays

        Cohesion and Coherence
        7 good overall structure

        The last sentence of the first paragraph does not clearly introduce the essay is about both views and your opinion

        topic sentences introduce paragraphs well

        paragraphs focus on a single idea

        logical paragraph development
        YOUR EXAMPLE DOES NOT ILLUSTRATE HOW “the ancient racial mindset is overcome”]
        linking phrases are used well

        8 appropriate word choices


        sentence structures are correct
        a variety of sentence structures are used

        punctuation is correct


    144. Hi Mike, I am very happy by seeing the feedback which all are in favor of the correction service. I would like to buy this service but I want to purchase 40 tasks.together because I want to get a significant discount. One more thing is that I have got 6.5 in writing which is not full filling the demands of immigration that is why I am required to achieve eight bands in each component. In listening and reading I have got 8.5 even though in speaking I have got 7 but all the time in writing I get 6.5 or sometimes less than that. My module is General Training. If you are able to help me in securing eight score in writing component both in task 1 and task 2 , then I will be interested to purchase the tasks in a bulk quantity.

      Please quote your final price

      Your immediate response will be highly appreciated

      • Hi Waqas, I am going to send you email regarding discounts for ielts writing correction. Note also that I have a mock speaking service and I will also email you details about that.

    145. Hi Mike,
      In response to your mail I am sending one essay for correction purpose. Please leave your suggestion for the essay.

      Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a change. Discuss both and give your opinion.

      Now a day’s deforestation, pollution and food waste are creating a lot of problems to plants and animal kingdom all around the world. It is argued by some that this process may not be stopped while, others believe that by taking some precautions this situation can be changed, in My opinion, I believe that despite there being extinction of species caused by human activities but, it is better to take some steps on order to have mutual benefits.

      It is often argued that the process human acts cannot be stopped to fulfill his basic needs. Every human being in this world gets shelter and food through plants and animal but because of increased activities their population is tremendously declining. For instance, a recent study conducted by national biological survey of India revealed that 90% of tigers in forests got extinct due to unstoppable human movements. Being without depending on plants and animals human race cannot survive.

      On the other hand, by making some good protocols we can overcome this negative problem and have more benefits. Using public transport instead of private vehicles can minimize the effect of pollution as a result use of fossil fuels will decrease and global warming can be minimized. Additionally, using alternative sources instead of wood can also fix the problem of deforestation. For example, recently USA started using of green energy instead of using coal for generating electricity, they replaced solar cells and wind for producing power. By strictly following these steps humans can have more benefits without disturbing biodiversity.

      In conclusion, although continuous exploitation by humans to fulfill basic needs is highly atrocious and resulting in extinction of plants and animals but, by taking some changes like using alternate sources and by using less amount of fossil fuels there will be mutual benefits and the biodiversity can be balanced.

      Thanks and regards,
      Rupesh Sagar Betha

      • I’m sorry I do not know such person. I suggest you look on google or facebook.
        Try to find someone who is a current or past examiner.

      • Yes, sure. I will give some brief feedback, but not as full as with the paid service.
        I will mostly focus on your task response and overall structure.

    146. Hi Mike,
      1. How to know that payment was done at your end
      2. How to make the payment for essay corrections
      3. How to mail an essay for correction purpose

      Please tell me the details for the following to the mail id rupeshbetha@gmail.com. I am going to take my exam in november. As this is my second time i would like to get high score. Kindly do the needful

    147. Solving environment problems should be the responsibility of an international organization rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?

      It is often argued that a global organization should be responsible to tackle environmental issues than authorities of individual nations or regions. I completely agree with this statement due the fact that environmental problems do not respect borders and need financial support at an international level.
      Environmental changes such as global warming are not restricted to a particular region. It is thus impossible to solve these kind of problems by a local organization. It requires meeting and discussion at an international political and scientific platform. For example, a recent meet held at Texas University in USA issued a notice which directed people across the globe to plant more tress and use biodegradable products in order to safeguard environment.
      Poor countries most often suffer from environmental disasters and require financial aid from international community to solve the problem. Local organizations can help but often lack finances to do so. For instance, there should be pooling of money by different countries which could be channelled as per needs of a particular region by an international organization.
      To conclude, although national organizations are necessary but the main responsibility lies on the shoulders of an international organization due to global nature of environment problems and an economic gap between different regions.

      • Solving environment problems should be the responsibility of an international organization rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?
        It is often argued that a global organization should be responsible to tackle environmental issues RATHER than THE authorities of individual nations or regions. I completely agree with this statement due the fact that environmental problems do not respect borders and need financial support at an international level.

        Environmental changes such as global warming are not restricted to a particular region. It is thus impossible to solve these kindS of problems by a local organization. It requires meeting and discussion at an international political and scientific platform. For example, a recent meetING held at Texas University in THE USA issued a notice which directed people across the globe to plant more tress and use biodegradable products in order to safeguard environment. [did it have any effect? The example could more clearly illustrate the point you are making by talking about the effect]
        [unclear WHY poor countries suffer the most]
        Poor countries most often suffer from environmental disasters and require financial aid from the international community to solve the problem. Local organizations can help but often lack finances to do so. [For instance] THEREFORE, there should be pooling of money by different countries which could be channelled as per needs of a particular region by an international organization.

        To conclude, although national organizations are necessary [but] the main responsibility lies on the shoulders of an international organization due to global nature of environmentAL problems and an economic gap between different regions.
        TR: 7
        CC: 7
        V: 8

    148. Hi Mike,

      I have done Ielts 4 times and each time got only 6.5 in writing. In your experience what I might be doing wrong ?. also I’m interested in getting your correction service, but I’m concern about payment security.

      • 1. payment is done by a 3rd party called getdpd.com they are very secure. If you prefer I can give you my bank account number in Taiwan or Australia
        and you can pay direct.

        2. if you are doing well in other parts of the exam it is likely that your vocabulary and grammar are good enough, which means that you are probably losing marks due to poor task response or a poor structure for your writing [Coherence and Cohesion:] see more about the grading here: https://www.ieltsanswers.com/writing-grading-ielts.html

        • Thanks Mike, Just want to clarify again that you will accept scanned hand written answers as well ? I think that will be the most close to exam conditions. what happen after I make the payment. I’m planning to use Paypal

    149. “Tourism is always a force for good which enables people of different countries to understand each other “
      To what extent do you agree with this idea?

      It is often argued that there is always a good side associated with tourism as it helps people of different nations or regions to understand each other. This may be true to certain extent however, I am of the opinion that tourism has some darker side too, particularly cultural disharmony and smuggling .
      [you say it may be true to some extent, but the question requires you to specify the extent = say how much you agree]

      [the topic sentence below should make it clear whether the paragraph is about agreeing or disageeing…I can guess it is disageeing]
      People of certain regions are concerned about preservation of their indigenous culture. Tourists play a role in adulteration of culture by slowly and steadily bringing new changes to the local culture. For example, in Kashmir a state in India, a survey revealed that interracial marriages are on rise from past ten years due to parallel increase in number of visiting tourists.

      It has also been seen that smugglers and thieves in the garb of tourists visit a place which is a popular tourist destination in order to sell drugs and loot rich people. This has a bad impact on local people, as many a times local youth also get involved in these crimes. For instance, there is a 10% increase in crimes done by young people in Kashmir. [totally inappropriate to give a percentage here…where did this percentage come from?]

      To conclude, although tourism brings many good things such as economic growth and understanding of different cultures, but there is always a bad side attached to it which needs to be taken care of
      [unclear the extent that you agree AND you must not present new ideas in the conclusion that were not covered in the body of the esasy]

      TR = 5 no clear opinion
      CC = 6 no clear opinion in the introduction or conclusion. Topic sentences do not clearly state what the paragraph is about
      [not assessing vocabulary or grammar]
      Full assessment available here: https://www.ieltsanswers.com/writing-correction-ielts.html

    150. Hi Mike, your educational page is very helpful and I’m very interested in your service. I would like to know more information about my current level in writing! If you could help…

      Task 2: The increase in people’s life expectancy means that they have to work older to pay for their retirement. One alternative is that people start to work at a younger age. Is this alternative a positive or negative development?

      With the progression of advanced technology these days, humans tend to live longer. It means they have to work older to pay for retirement. To tackle this phenomenon, it has been suggested that youngsters should draw up their plan working as soon in their lifetime as possible. Although the bare fact is that working at a younger age could help relieve burdens on workers at aspects of finance, I totally disagree with the idea that it is a positive development.
      On the one hand, financial burdens might be relieved temporarily when we start career to make a living at the early stage of life, but labours would not gain benefits in the long run. For example, an accountant can use her early income to pay her retirement, nevetherless she is also under tax burden and work pressure for a longer time that may cause stress, apathy and boredom.
      At the same time, relevant expertise means longer duration of training, and starting work at early period of life is a waste of time. For example, a mechanic need to take time to acquire basic knowledge and technical skills relating to physics, maths, etc. at a vocational school before beginning his career to solve several complex problems that even a long experienced worker without sufficient training could not deal with. Furthermore, some occupations like medicine, architecture can not shorten the time needed to finish a course, so definitely it makes the idea of working at early age unreasonable.
      In conclusion, there remains drawbacks that mentioned above, I thus accept that getting a foot in the door at early age is a negative development. Therefore, this trend would not be expected in the near future.

      • As a quick assessment, I think you are probably around level 7.
        There are a couple of problems with this essay that will likely prevent this.

        PARAGRAPH 2 introduces the idea that the benefit would be in the short-term and not the longer term, but this is not supported by the example, which instead has the negative point of stress.

        PARAGRAPH 3 could make the point more clearly in the topic sentence that “starting work earlier will lead to less time in education and therefore less qualified and knowledgeable employees”

        Note that I offer a service to give full corrections of your task along with a band score for each of the four grading criteria.

      • Process for correction

        1. Make a payment for my IELTS writing correction. Four tasks for $30:


        2. Email me your writing task. This can be in the following formats: ms-word, pdf, photo of a handwritten task. I suggest you send your tasks one at a time, so that you can use the feedback from each task to improve the subsequent task.


        3. Choosing Tasks. You can select your own task questions or choose them from here:

        4. Writing your task: When you do a practice test I suggest you time yourself – 1 hour for the whole writing exam or 40 minutes for an essay and 20 minutes for a Task 1. Part of the reason for doing practice writing tests is to push yourself to complete the task within the required time.

        5. I will usually send back your task with corrections and feedback within 24 hours.

        6. Review your essay and you are welcome to ask questions if anything is unclear.

      • Hi, I don’t really have a bulk discount scheme. It takes me about 20 minutes to correct each one and having more doesn’t enable me to
        check them any quicker.

      • Hi, the procedure is below. Please let me know if anything is unclear:
        Process for correction
        1. Make a payment for my IELTS writing correction. Four tasks for $30:
        2. Email me your writing task. This can be in the following formats: ms-word, pdf, photo of a handwritten task. I suggest you send your tasks one at a time, so that you can use the feedback from each task to improve the subsequent task.
        3. Choosing Tasks. You can select your own task questions or choose them from here:
        4. Writing your task: When you do a practice test I suggest you time yourself – 1 hour for the whole writing exam or 40 minutes for an essay and 20 minutes for a Task 1. Part of the reason for doing practice writing tests is to push yourself to complete the task within the required time.
        5. I will usually send back your task with corrections and feedback within 24 hours.
        6. Review your essay and you are welcome to ask questions if anything is unclear.

      • Sure, when they are appropriate. For instance, If you are asked for YOUR opinion, you should give it using the personal pronoun “I”

        • I was told that im better off using personal pronounes, for example : discuss both views and give your opinion : it is argued that the internet can be a dangerous way of using credit cards online, although using the internet might bring few disadvantages, it is undeniably a convenient way to purchase goods due to so and so.. Im expressing my opinion in here without using I.

          • 1. “it is argued” is NOT giving your opinion, it is giving other people’s. Use the pronoun “I” to give YOUR opinion.

            2. It is not an “undeniable way”! Sometimes buying online is a hassle, and I believe it’s much easier to buy something in the 7-11.

      • I suggest you send your tasks one at a time, so that you can use the feedback from each task to improve the subsequent task.

    151. Hello,
      Can you please guide me the amount I have to pay if I want only 2 tasks to be analysed? General-Task 1 and Task 2

    152. Hi, I am a doctor. I have given ilets twice and each time got 6.5 in writing. I had a very bad experience on paying for online practice and it didn’t work for me at all.
      I am desperately need good guidance for my writing tasks. I have already booked my ielts for 8/july.
      Pleasd guide me..

      • I understand your situation. I offer a money back guarantee if you are unsatisfied with any of my services.
        I have been offering my correction service for five years now. I will send you an email with more details.

    153. Some people feel that entertainers such as film stars, pop musicians or sports stars are paid too much money.
      Do you agree or disagree?
      Which other types of job should be highly paid?

      There is a belief that celebrities like actors and footballers are overpaid. I disagree with this notion because they give back to society and many offer free mentorship.

      Many celebrities run non-governmental organization like charity organization and welfare groups. They build old people’s homes, gives scholarship and look after the less privileged ones in the society. All these requires funding. Therefore, their pay cheque should be large enough. This will ensure sufficient funds for them and their loved ones and the surplus will be used for their charity work. If they are under paid, they will barely have much for themselves to talk of helping the needy.

      Also, their position as public figure makes people look up to them as role models. They cannot adequately discharge this duty if they are poorly paid. They will be struggling to meet up with their day to day needs. Time for seminars, talk shows and television & radio programs will never be there. High salary package will enable them take time off work periodically to mentor, motivate, advise, and guide their fans that look up to them with great respect and admiration.

      However, there are other disciplines that should equally be lucrative. Medicals personnel’s and security officers should also earn high income. Medicals personnel’s saves lives. Proper healthcare service is imperative for any society that wants a healthy population. Health cannot be compromised thus the saying “health is wealth”. In addition, security officers risk their lives to protect the society. They work when others are sleeping. They are always exempted from public holidays. Many crime-fighting officials have lost their lives while combating crime. Their hard work and dedication to work should adequately be rewarded with a humper salary.

      In conclusion, I disagree that celebrities are overpaid because they give back to the society and many are mentored by them. Furthermore, health and security officers should be adequately take care of because they offer indispensable services to humanity.

      • 1. The introduction of the essay only introduces the first question and not the second one about other types of jobs that also deserve higher salaries.
        2. Paragraph 2 needs to start with a linking phrase such as “the main reason why I believe the huge salaries are justified is because…”
        3. Paragraph 2 has a relatively weak main idea. Some celebrities may be involved in welfare but many aren’t… And I don’t think it’s a great argument that high salaries should be paid so that they can support these charity organisations… People could just pay the money directly to the charities of their choice.
        4. Paragraph 3 doesn’t really have an overly convincing main idea either. Your idea seems to be that they need high salaries so they have time off to do media appearances. This doesn’t seem to be a great reason and also by doing media appearances they would probably be paid millions of dollars to do these anyway!
        5. With regards to question two about other occupations that deserve high salaries, you seem to have a reasonable response to this question.

        Overall I would estimate your score is as follows
        TASK RESPONSE=6: you have responded to the task but your arguments are weak and unconvincing.
        COHESION AND COHERENCE =6: the introduction does not introduce both questions, and paragraph 2 doesn’t have a great topic sentence. Also, I would put it both of your responses to question one and the same paragraph, so that you have one paragraph for each question.
        VOCABULARY = seven: plenty of high-level language such as lucrative, exempted, and adequately discharge. I think where you wrote “humper salaries” you mean “bumper salaries”

        GRAMMAR=7: a good range of sentence structures had been written, but there are a fair few errors with grammar throughout the task.
        Please note: this is just a free assessment to help the student. Paid assessments include corrections of all vocabulary and grammatical mistakes and more feedback on each of the four grading criteria. If you look on the webpage above you can see an example of this.

      • There is no expiry date for sending tasks. Even two years later is OK!. You can also transfer credit to a friend if
        you do not write all your tasks.

    154. Dear students, I have been studying with Mike for 2 months and his advise is very helpful and I love to study with him. With his speaking session, I see my English completely improve and feel confident to prepare for IELTS

    155. I used this correction service and found it very useful. The feedback is detailed and given for all four grading criteria. I think it is helpful to have your writing checked by someone who is an examiner.


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