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Vision India 2020 Book Review: Entirely Appropriate To The World’s Largest Democracy

Posted on Friday, Mar 19th 2010

Here is William Carter’s terrific review of Sramana Mitra’s Vision India 2020 for Amazon.com:

“Although I am not a business specialist, I do have a permanent passion for India and a lively interest in the globalizing economy. Ms. Mitra’s book is unique in combining her impressive background, her pointedly focused yet wide perspective, and her method of seamlessly fusing future projections with present case studies. Assuming, as she does, that the period of India’s emergence as a world leader in routine backroom operations is rapidly leveling off, she offers an inspiring vision of a deeper, more creative phase now getting under way, a vision which sensitively links hi tech skill and modern business savvy with a broadly based humanism — an amalgam entirely appropriate to the world’s largest democracy.”

From Guha Rajan’s review for his Indian-Amps blog:

Vision India 2020 by Sramana Mitra provides you with insight about 45 business opportunities.  What’s more interesting is that she takes you into the future to show how these unique business opportunities will turn out financially in 2020.  She has thought through the future in an interesting manner.”

You can read his entire review here.

And also for Amazon.com, Anusuya Chatterjee’s wonderful review:

Vision India 2020 is a collection of ideas on entrepreneurship in India. This futuristic retrospective book outlines strategies and ways to turn entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

The growing powerhouse India needs to churn out more innovative solutions in different sectors to sustain its economic growth. This book provides solution and hope to some of the important areas of concern:

Rural and slum development
Lifestyle Brands

How is this book different from its peers?

Most other books on business provide prospective solutions. This book is in retrospect. Sramana Mitra assumes that we are already in 2020 India. In that case, she does not have any doubt that we have already treaded through the unsolved mysteries.

The author provides hope to millions of pseudo-entrepreneurs in India. It’s like just get on your feet and reach your dreams. The author blends her own life-story with prospective entrepreneurial ventures. It might be a little difficult for people from other backgrounds to relate to that, but coming from similar cultural background, I never felt awkward.

What is so good about this book?

Immaculate writing style: There was never a dull moment and I was fascinated with the flow of the writing. The ideas were so wonderfully knitted together that I was sometimes confused that it is futuristic and not already existing.

Innovative ideas: The book provides new ideas to become an entrepreneur. Sometimes you might feel that this is not something new but people had talked about it before. But what is innovative is that these mundane unrealistic ideas had been incarnated in this book as realistic.

Solving the jigsaw puzzle: At times, we all come up with bits and pieces of ideas. The problem is that we don’t know what to do with them and soon find them lost in our busy daily schedules. This book brings in together all aspects of our ideas to solve the puzzle. It is very comprehensive and connects without much stress different stages of production.

Dreams may actually come true: It is a journey where like many other Indians, the author dreams of a better, more productive India. However, we all dream but don’t think how to make that realistic. The author has very nicely paved the way for that transition. Her ideas are sure to boost more entrepreneurs and small businesses in India, a requirement for keeping the economy vibrant.”

Vision India 2020 is available from Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle, and from Smashwords.com in all e-book formats.

This segment is a part in the series : Vision India 2020 Book Review

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