Bellieni CV*, Pinto I.
* Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University of Siena, Siena.
Veröffentlicht in:
BioInitiative 2012 - SECTION 19 | Report
Veröffentlicht: 01.09.2012
auf EMF:data seit 21.01.2018
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
Schlagwörter zu dieser Studie:
Leukämie bei Kindern
nicht/teilweise/unklar peer-reviewed

Fötale und neonatale Wirkungen von EMF.

Fetal and Neonatal Effects of EMF.

Original Abstract



Some studies [Lowenthal et al. 2007; Infante-Rivard and Deadman, 2003] report that the fetus and young children are at greater risk than are adults from exposure to environmental toxins. This is consistent with a large body of information showing that the fetus and young child are more vulnerable than older persons are to chemicals [Makri A, et al. 2004] and ionizing radiation [Preston, 2004]. These considerations have led the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to propose a 10-fold risk adjustment for the first 2 years of life exposure to carcinogens, and a 3-fold adjustment for years 3 to 5 [].

This susceptibility may be why, according to some authors (60) [Carpenter and Sage, 2008], "the evidence for the relation between magnetic field exposure and leukemia in children is stronger than that for adults".


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