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Last Updated: Monday, 8 October 2007, 06:37 GMT 07:37 UK
Serbian police arrest neo-Nazis
Serbian police arrest a neo-Nazi in Novi Sad on 7 October 2007
Neo-Nazis gathered in Novi Sad despite a ban on their rally
Serbian riot police say they have arrested at least 26 neo-Nazis after they attacked an anti-fascist rally in the northern city of Novi Sad.

Police say they moved in after the neo-Nazis began throwing bottles and stones at the protesters on Sunday.

Among those detained were 15 Serbs and 11 Slovak nationals, some of whom had knives and Nazi propaganda material.

The anti-fascists were protesting against what they said was the rise of fascism in Serbia.

Police moved in after a group of neo-Nazis - dressed in black shirts and army style boots - attacked the anti-fascists in Novi Sad, some 50km (30 miles) north-west of the capital Belgrade.


Several anti-fascists were reportedly taken to hospital with injuries from hurled stones and bottles.

Some of those arrested were members of the neo-Nazi group Nacionalni Stroj, or National Guard, led by Goran "The Fuhrer" Davidovic, police said.

They had gathered in the city despite a ban on their demonstration.

Police also said that eight Bulgarian neo-Nazis were arrested earlier on Sunday in Belgrade as they planned to travel to Novi Sad, which is the main city in Vojvodina province.

Country profile: Serbia
17 Jul 07 |  Country profiles

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