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Together 50th Anniversary: Treaty of Rome
Treaty of Rome


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Treaty of Rome

The Six (referring to Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) decided, on 25 March 1957 with the Treaty of Rome, to build a European Economic Community (EEC) based on a wider common market covering a whole range of goods and services.

-Taken from “Ten Historic Steps,” At-a-glance History Lesson

  • The Treaty of Rome established a common market (based on the 4 freedoms), common policies and a customs union (part of the first of the 3 pillars).

Download a consolidated version of the Treaty of Rome (consolidated means that later changes and addemdums are included)


© 2007 Duquesne University Center for International Regulatory Assistance and Chrylser Corp.
Small Business Development Center. Made possible with funding provided by the European Commission.