Showing posts with label Flying Saucer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flying Saucer. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Pascagoula Alien Abduction – Smoking Gun Puncture Wounds Document & Photos

Charles Hickson (left) & Calvin Parker in 1973
     In 2018 I published the book ‘Pascagoula-The Closest Encounter’ (ad) by Calvin Parker. The book details Calvin Parker’s alien abduction experience that took place on the Pascagoula River on October 11th, 1973. For those who are not aware of what some call the best documented case of its kind I will outline the details of what happened:

PASCAGOULA, October 11th, 1973.

On the evening of October 11th, 1973, 42-year-old Charles
Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker — co-workers at a shipyard — were fishing off a pier on the west bank of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. They heard a whirring/whizzing sound, saw two flashing blue lights, and reported that an oval shaped "craft", some 8 feet across and 8 or more feet high, suddenly appeared near them. The ship seemed to levitate about 2 feet above the ground. A door opened on the ship, they said, and three creatures emerged and seized the men, floating or levitating them into the craft. Both men reported being paralyzed and numb. Parker claimed that he had fainted due to fright. They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape and standing about five feet tall.

Pascagoula encounter by Alberto Forgione
Artist impression of the encounter by Alberto Forgione
The creatures' skin was pale in colour and wrinkled, and they had no eyes that the men could discern, and slits for mouths. Their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck. There were three "carrot-like" growths instead - one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be. The beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and they seemed to have only one leg (Hickson later described the creatures' lower bodies looking as if their legs were fused together) ending in elephant-like feet. Hickson also reported that the creatures moved in mechanical, robotic ways.

On the ship, Hickson claimed that he was somehow levitated or hovered a few feet above the floor of the craft and was examined by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8 inches in diameter, that seemed to scan his body. Parker claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft, although later, during sessions of hypnotic regression he offered some hazy details. The men were released after about 15-20 minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Hickson's feet dragging along the ground, back to their original positions on the river bank. Both men said they were terrified by what had happened. They claimed to have sat in a car for about 45 minutes, trying to calm themselves. Hickson drank a small amount of whiskey.

After some discussion, they tried to report their story to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but personnel told them the United States Air Force had nothing to do with UFO reports and suggested the men notify police. At about 10:30 p.m., Hickson and Parker arrived at the Jackson County, Mississippi Sheriff's office. They brought the catfish they'd caught while fishing; it was the only proof they had to back up their story. Sheriff Fred Diamond thought the men seemed sincere and genuinely frightened and he thought Parker was especially disturbed. While writing his book Calvin Parker informed me that while onboard the UFO and laid out on a see-through table of some kind, his pants, shoes and socks were removed. He does not like talking about this at all I might add. Calvin informed me that something was stuck into his foot underneath and that it hurt.


After the book was published and became a best-seller on I continued my search for any formal documentation related to the incident as any that had been in the possession of Calvin Parker had been washed away by hurricane Katrina. I contacted all of the major UFO groups one of which included the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in the USA. They were very obliging and sent me a PDF file of what they had on the case. Most of what they sent was newspaper cuttings but buried in the middle of this file was a very curious and possible ‘smoking gun’ type-written document.

Although this document, dated 13th of October 1973, just two days after the alien encounter, is unsigned and it was written by Dr. James Harder. We know it was written by Dr. Harder as he was the only person to examine the witnesses which has been confirmed by Calvin Parker. Dr. James Harder’s academic credentials are as follows: BS (Caltech), MS, Ph.D., (U.C. Berkeley). He is a Fellow, AAAS; Life Member, ASCE; and Founding Member, Society for Scientific Exploration. Professor Emeritus, U.C. Berkeley. He was also a director of the UFO research group APRO.

Dr. Harder along with Dr J. Allen Hynek were on site in Pascagoula within 36 hours of the event happening. They interviewed Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson and at a press conference confirmed that they believed what the witnesses were saying.

This ‘smoking gun’ document and photos has never been seen in public before and can only add to the authenticity of Calvin Parker & Charles Hickson’s testimony. Charles Hickson died in 2011 but Calvin Parker has this to say about this document:

“At the time of my abduction on October 11th, 1973, when the alien reached out to take me on board the ship. From the first time I saw them it was the fear I felt that is hard to describe. I just knew I would not live through this fear. As the alien made contact to my left arm I heard a whisk of what I thought was air then all at once I got became really relaxed then all the fear was gone. Later on, after being examined by Dr. James Harder I heard him telling Dr Hynek that I had a puncture marks on my arm and later at the hospital I found out that I was given not one shot but two shots the second was while I was on board the craft. This document simply confirms what I have always known and that is both Charlie and I were given injections by these creatures and we had the puncture wounds to prove it.”
The puncture wounds document in full
The puncture wounds document in full


I have been involved in UFO research for decades and spent a great deal of time investigating UFO events first-hand. At no time have we ever come across any official documentation that confirms that ‘puncture wounds’ as described by the witnesses, have had their claims officially documented by a professional in such a manner. For us this is a world first. Charles Hickson’s encounter and his description of feeling a prick on his inner forearm when grabbed by the creatures now seems to have been confirmed as does Calvin Parker’s assertion that something was stuck into the underside of his foot and that it hurt him while on board the UFO. The document in question mentions that photos of these marks were taken. No photos were located in the file but that was not the end of things.

Many of our colleagues involved in UFO research know that I am constantly on the lookout for any information related to the Pascagoula case. Every now and then I will politely pester them to see if anything new has come to light.

On July 22nd, 2021, an email arrived from out of the blue from the same colleague who had originally sent us the CUFOS file on Pascagoula. This was Mark Rodeghier of CUFOS. His email read:

“Hello Philip, I was going through some boxes of varied materials yesterday and ran across a folder with the attached photos of Hickson and Parker taken at the time of the incident. Perhaps you already have good copies of these, but I thought it was worth sending scans, just in case. And in anticipation of your question, there was nothing else in the folder except these photos. Best, Mark.”

Much to our amazement, the two photos that Mark attached could well be those mentioned in the ‘puncture wounds’ document, although we cannot of course be 100% certain of this. We were astounded and grateful in equal amounts and we thanked Mark profusely for sending them to us. It only goes to prove what positive results can be achieved when colleagues in UFO research work together and share information.

Mark got back to us the very next day and explained a little more of how he came across the photos:

“Philip, I’m pleased to hear that these are something you didn’t have.”

“There are indeed handwritten notes on the back of each photo that provide the person’s name and date (that’s all). The photos were in a CUFOS file, with only the photos, buried in a box of various types of material that I was searching through for something else. Although originally, I’m sure they came to Hynek, who then placed them at some point in the regular CUFOS archival materials.”

One of the first people we showed the photos to was of course Calvin Parker. Shortly after he viewed them, we spoke with him via Skype at his home in Mississippi. Just for the record, Calvin has been suffering from a life-threatening illness throughout 2021 and has had major surgery and is on a lot of medication as well. I’ll not go into any further details, but I’m sure you can understand. Calvin, as honest as ever, could not recollect having any photos taken, but he does remember that Dr. James Harder gave him and Charles Hickson a physical examination just after the incident happened in 1973. It would have been far easier for Calvin to simply go along with the story and say he remembered having the photos taken but he didn’t. It proves once again what an honest man he is.

Below: The ‘puncture wounds photos of Charles Hickson’s arm and in close-up
The ‘puncture wounds photos of Charles Hickson’s arm and in close-up

Below: The puncture wounds mark on Calvin Parker’s foot and in close up.
Calvin Parker Foot Photo with Close-Up - Oct. 11, 1973

The days after their alien encounter were of course chaotic and Calvin was suffering badly from the after-effects. It wouldn’t be long before he would be in the hospital with a breakdown and would be haunted by these events for the rest of his life. Sadly, Charles Hickson is not still around to ask him if he remembered these photos being taken and Dr. Harder is also deceased. We have to say that no matter what they are intriguing and may well support the information outlined in the puncture wounds document.

BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT – The Pascagoula Alien Abduction
“The strange and extremely unusual encounter both Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker experienced, becomes more and more bizarre, with the announcement of puncture wounds being discovered on both victims’ bodies! This and more recently discovered facts surrounding the Pascagoula incident will be published in full in our new book ‘BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT – The Pascagoula Alien Abduction’, available here. (ad)

About the author:

Philip Mantle is a long-standing UFO researcher and author from the UK. He was formerly the Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association and the MUFON Representative for England. He is the founder of FLYING DISK PRESS and can be contacted on email at:

Saturday, November 19, 2022

U.S. Has 'Flying Saucers' and Pilot, Says Colorado Man

A UFO Chronicle entitled, “Colorado Man Alleges U.S. Has “Flying Saucers” and “Pilot” From One of Them” was published by The Pueblo Star-Journal back in 1952. This was the proclamation from one, Joseph Rohrer to Chamber of Commerce members in a meeting at the Vial Hotel.

"The United States government not only has a number of flying saucers from outer space in its possession but it also has a living "pilot" taken from a crashed saucer in Montana two years ago ..."

     The United States government not only has a number of flying saucers from outer space in its possession but it also has a living "pilot" taken from a crashed saucer in Montana two years ago, Joseph Rohrer told Pueblo Chamber of Commerce
members at the organization's weekly membership meeting today noon in the Vial hotel. Speaking on the "Mystery of Flying Saucers," Rohrer also stated that there is some fact and some fiction involved in flying saucer reports.


The president of the Pikes Peak Broadcasting Co., alleged that he was inside one of seven flying saucers at a California federal base in 1942. The saucers are giant flywheels covered with metal skins, he stated. They are powered by electrostatic turbines and have cabins in the center. The cabins are pressurized and have an atmosphere containing 30 percent oxygen and 70 percent helium, instead of part nitrogen.

Thru the use of the flywheel, a magnetic field is created which permits the saucers to travel at tremendous speeds, said Rohrer, who became interested in flying saucers as the result of a thesis he wrote on electronic tubes used to measure electronic tubes during his college training in electrical engineering.

“If a magnetic field is opened around the earth it should be possible to travel at about the speed of light,” he stated. “They have never tried to fly the saucers that have been captured. They are put together in five sections and come apart easily after the center section is removed.”

I have been in one which is 100 feet in diameter and 18 feet thick, Rohrer stated. “The sleeping quarters for crew members are tubes with caps on the ends and the cabin was pressurized and air conditioned.”

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Did UFO Crash in Valley in '47?

Did UFO Crash in Valley in '47

Selman Graves says he saw "a large aluminum dome-shaped thing" after it landed on the hill in the background. The house (top) is where the aliens were kept frozen for a while, he says.
     Fat clouds drag saucer-shaped shadows over the desert and an old ranch house in Cave Creek obscured by mesquite and paloverde trees.

Inside, 73-year-old Selman Graves looks around a small, dank
By Thomas Ropp
The Arizona Republic
basement filled with horse tack hanging from rafters like strips of meat. As his eyes adjust, he finds what he's looking for, the bare spot near the door where Walt Sayer used to keep his freezer.

Even though fifty years have passed, Graves cannot forget the freezer or the two humanoids that may have been inside.

It's been a half-century since the "Incident" at Roswell, N.M., as well, what UFO believers point to as the most infamous crash of an unidentified flying object and government cover-up. But Arizona, the center of national attention recently over a UFO flap in March, may have had its own Roswell, three months after the New Mexico Incident.

Friday, September 30, 2022

New U.S. Intelligence Agency Seal Appears with UFO, Then is Removed

NIM-Aviation Logos with UFO and Without

     When the U.S. intelligence community’s main aviation component updated its seal recently to include images of a flying saucer and what appears to be a Russian fighter jet many wondered if it was a joke.
By Suzanne Smalley

Turns out it may have been, but the leadership of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence does not appear to be amused.

A spokesperson there told CyberScoop in an emailed statement that its National Intelligence Manager for the Air Domain, also known as NIM-Aviation, “erroneously posted an unofficial and incorrect logo.”

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Roswell ‘Fying Saucer’ Report Sparked UFO Obsession | 75th Anniversary

Flying Saucer Found (Roswell)

     The world was worrying about war when rancher W.W. Brazel walked into the sheriff’s office in Corona, N.M., on a hot, dusty day 75 years ago to report a “flying disk” he might have found on his property, about 100 miles northwest of Roswell Army Air Field.
By Dave Kindy
The Washington Post

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Soviet Defense Unit Scrambles to Check Sightings of UFOs (1990)

Soviet Defense Unit Scrambles to Check Sightings of UFOs - The Arizona Republic 7-15-1990

     The Cold War may be over, but the Soviet Union's military air defenses are struggling with a new threat: an apparent invasion by flying saucers.
By The Arizona Republic
Dozens of sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) – disk-shaped spacecraft with blinking lights and performing impossibly high-speed maneuvers have been recounted in the past few months, including eyewitness reports from Soviet interceptor pilots that reportedly have been corroborated by surveillance radar.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Report of UFO Landing Investigated By Civil Defense – 1957

Report of UFO Landing Investigated By Civil Defense

     "If there was a space ship here, it will be in this area again," Lake County Civil Defense Director Kenneth E. Locke solemnly prophesied Thursday.

By The Albuquerque Journal
Although reluctant to commit himself on the subject of a space ship of flying saucer, Mr. Locke declared, "There was something there."

He was reporting to an expanse of field at the corner of Rt. 86 and Hart Rd., where a Huntsburg man reported seeing a mysterious craft land Wednesday night.

Armed with Geiger counters, Mr. Locke said a state CD official apparently detected some radioactivity in the field. They also found fresh marks in the earth....

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Affirms Chasing Metallic, Saucer-Shaped UFOs As A Pilot in The Air Force

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Affirms Chasing Metallic, Saucer-Shaped UFOs As A Pilot in The Air Force

     In March of 1980, American aerospace engineer, test pilot, USAF pilot, and astronaut, Gordon Cooper sat down with Omni Magazine for an in-depth interview. Midway through, Copper
By Omni Magazine
March 1980
was asked, “Do you think UFOs merit serious scientific attention?” Below is an excerpt from the interview—FW

Omni: Didn't you go after some UFOs as an air force pilot in Germany in the 1950s?

Cooper: Yes, several days in a row we sighted groups of metallic, saucer-shaped vehicles at great altitudes over the base, and we tried to get close to them, but they were able to change direction faster than our fighters. I do believe UFOs exist and that the truly unexplained ones are from some other technologically advanced civilization. From my association with air-craft and spacecraft, I think I have a pretty good idea of what everyone on this planet has and their performance capabilities, and I'm sure some of the UFOs at least are not from anywhere on Earth.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Shot Down By a Flying Saucer

Shot Down By a Flying Saucer

     ... at 1:33 p.m. Godman's radar scanners locked on to an "unidentified object" which was approaching the airfield from the southeast at about 13, 000 feet.

Seconds later, an enormous "Flying Saucer" was suspended
By Bruce Sandham
Winnipeg Free Press
above the runway. Dozens of people at Godman saw it. None of them could believe their eyes. At least, not until the "thing" attacked a U.S. fighter during one of the most incredible and tragic "unidentified flying object" dramas of all time.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Moscow Abuzz Over Once Secret UFO Reports of Aliens Landing - 1977

Moscow Abuzz Over Once Secret UFO Reports of Aliens Landing - 1977

     Moscow-A previously top-secret re-port on unidentified flying objects has been circulated here, making Flying Saucers a favorite topic of discussion in the pubs and lunchrooms of this city.
By Sunday Newsday
(New York)

... "The Present Status of UFO Problems," is said to a transcript of a classified lecture given by [Felix Yurevich] Ziegel, who reportedly supplemented his findings with more than 50 slides of objects described as Flying Saucers and humanoid creatures from outer space.


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