Climate, Fires and Capitalism Wiping Out Indonesia’s Wonderful Animals

101 East investigates how the illegal wildlife trade is wiping out rare species on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
Monkeys, butterflies, bats, snakes and a dazzling assortment of birds – the forests on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi are known as the ‘Galapagos of Asia’
……    But for how much longer?

Humanity’s impact is now endangering the survival of Sulawesi’s creatures, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.

«80 to 90 percent of the wildlife in Sulawesi is facing extinction. We are sleepwalking into ecological disaster,» says Billy, who works at the Tasikoki Wildlife Refuge.

»The extinction of the animals is part of climate and environmental breakdown caused by rampant exploitation for personal and corporate profit, imposed from outside by a kleptocratic State. Autonomous government of the islands would grant a stake to local people, along with strict environmental controls and suppression of plundering Corporations».

Komodo dragons face extinction

A range of animals, from orangutans, sun bears and birds to crocodiles, can be found at the refuge. All of them have been taken from traffickers or people who kept them illegally as pets.

But Billy says the demand for «bushmeat» poses the biggest threat to animals.

«Mostly they are being caught from the wild, from the forest, for bushmeat … to be served on a plate as food,» he says.

11/sept/2019.. Fire now ravaging  Orangutan Forest again…HELP HERE/The centre of this recent fire outbreak is located in the Mawas Conservation Area in Central Kalimantan, home to thousands of plant and animal species, including around 2,550 wild orangutans.

At the Tomohon market, just about every kind of animal is for sale. Continuar leyendo «Climate, Fires and Capitalism Wiping Out Indonesia’s Wonderful Animals»

Sven and Natasha sentenced for Fighting Animal Torture

from  Red Black Green,  shared with thanks

Natasha Simpkins and husband Sven Van Hasselt were sentenced at Winchester Crown Court. Both decided to plead guilty to a charge of conspiracy to commit blackmail against the notorious vivisection laboratory, Huntingdon Life Sciences – now rebranded as Envigo.

Sven received a sentence of five years and was sent to HMP Winchester (address below). Natasha received a suspended sentence of two years and is the first animal rights activist convicted of this offence not to go to prison. Related imageThe Facebook page of their support group says she:”will have conditions and if she breaks them, she will have to go inside. This was a very unexpected result and we are happy to know that tonight she will not be in a prison cell.”

Successful appeal to Support Sven in studying permaculture in prison!

Fundraising campaign by Free Sven  to make the most of his time in prison and learn much-needed skills in ecological regeneration and food production!
The campaign has  already raised the minimum target figure!  39  Backers   £1,230.00    Donated already £1,220.00  100% Funded

Sven is an animal liberation prisoner who was recently sentenced to 5 years in prison for his role in a campaign to close down Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory.

He is currently locked up 23 hours per day and would like to undertake a distance learning course to help pass the time and gain skills for his release. Continuar leyendo «Sven and Natasha sentenced for Fighting Animal Torture»

Animal Rights from an Anarchist Perspective

from  Red Black Green,  shared with thanks.

»Ultimately though it is class struggle that drives change and that means we will not see the end of capitalism and human and animal exploitation until the vast majority embrace it».

Image result for anarchists and Animal rights

…  In my view animal rights needs libertarian ideas more than ever before. In the recent years the movement in Britain has suffered unparalleled repression. This country is not unique in this either – as animal liberation has across the world, so in its wake has followed a state and corporate backlash.

Anarchism – with its critique of power, hierarchy and capitalism – can help us understand how repression works and how we can work to resist it.

see also .. Animal Liberation and Social Revolution | The Anarchist Library

Related imageThe threat of far right and racist infiltration has grown as well. Attempts in the past to use AR as a vehicle for fascism failed. Now thanks to the internet, social media, low morale and  fragmentation – and the naïve belief some hold that fighting for animals takes precedence over everything else- extreme right wing groups are trying to gain a foothold.

These problems don’t affect animal rights alone. Anarchism and the libertarian left also face them.  The Earth First Journal published an article entitled “The New Face of the Radical Right” about Anarchist Nationalism. Sounds like a contradiction in terms, doesn’t it? But some on the so-called radical right are suggesting building alliances with groups such as Earth First! to spread an anti-state but also nationalist/fascist agenda.12729321_1507503332890712_6185680978061315320_n.jpg Continuar leyendo «Animal Rights from an Anarchist Perspective»

1000’s of Women Protest as Gang Rape 5 get Light Sentences and Victim Blamed

Image result for Manifestaciones mujeres sentencia manada
‘Fear is gonna Change Sides’.. Women’s Self Defense.
  Just months before they had shared a video on Whatsapp of themselves abusing, mocking and stripping a drugged and kidnapped girl, to the adulation of their many fans (see Pozoblanco below).Image result for Manifestaciones mujeres sentencia manada
The San Fermin rape became the focus of a campaign against sexual abuse atthe Fiesta, highlighting many other similar cases, and condemning the impunity showed by the corrupt political justice system, as well as the links between machismo, bull torture, catholic nationalism and rape in the ‘culture’ of the Spanish right.
The sentencing of the rapists came just weeks after the first ever women’s General Strike on March 8th with an unprecedented awakening to the abuse , denigration and discrimination against women.
A heavy sentence was expected but the judges ruled there was no proof of rape, that the girl didn’t protest loud enough, and reduced the charge to ‘abuse’. For this they got 9 years each.. but  with endless appeals and certain clemency they will likely never go to jail, like the hundreds of corrupt poiliticians charged but enjoying immunity..

Demonstrations called on social media have multiplied already across Spain to express the rejection of the decision of the court
(Ara report by ENRIC BORRÀS / MARIONA FERRER)  Thousands of people – most of them women – have quickly concentrated in the Plaça Sant Jaume de Barcelona. Continuar leyendo «1000’s of Women Protest as Gang Rape 5 get Light Sentences and Victim Blamed»

Accepting the Animal Holocaust is promoting Climate Catastrophe ..Toxic Masculinity, Capitalism and Mass Cultural Delusion!

Killing Floor: the Business of Animal Slaughter

         from Counterpunch with thanks

We saw them peer out from between the slats of tightly packed trucks as they were steered through town. Often when lorries slowed at a road crossing, groups of children – myself among them – hung on to the rear for a free ride (a risky street game we called ‘going for a hudgie’), but the idea of hanging on to a slaughterhouse truck filled us with revulsion. As city kids, our view of farm animals was filtered through the misty lens of Disney, but anyone could see the slaughterhouse run was wrong. Given the chance, we would most definitely have sprung our gentle friends free to roam the streets and our imagination: cows, pigs, chickens – the lot.

They were terrified in those rattling high-sided vehicles; mothers were separated from their young, and some gave birth in the cramped conditions of the truck itself. It was not unusual for a litter to be born and trampled in transit, and for some to slip through the slats as a bolus of blood and flaccid flesh; we once saw a newborn piglet slide out onto the tarmac in Saltmarket, but were unable to find out if it was alive before it was crushed under heavy traffic. Continuar leyendo «Accepting the Animal Holocaust is promoting Climate Catastrophe ..Toxic Masculinity, Capitalism and Mass Cultural Delusion!»

Eco-anarchist Marius Mason is Being Moved out of Secure Admin Unit

We are excited to announce that Marius received confirmation yesterday that he will be moving to general population at Carswell.  As many know, this has been a long time coming and a request that Marius, his attorney, his family, and supporters have made repeatedly for him to be moved from the Admin Unit.

In general population Marius will be able to truly go outside for the first time in seven years, without the barriers of razor wire and concrete.  He will also be able to participate in more educational programs and groups.  Carswell’s general population has a large sunny communal visiting room that Marius’ family and friends will be able to see him in, rather than the small enclosed space with its own security detail.  We are also eager to see if Marius will have better control over his own diet. Continuar leyendo «Eco-anarchist Marius Mason is Being Moved out of Secure Admin Unit»

Spanish State forces Bullfighting on Catalans

 Corrupt Court to cancel Ban on Bullfighting in Catalonia

children are bloodied in the ''cultural heritage'' of torture
Children are bloodied in the »cultural heritage» of public animal torture

Public Killing and Torturing bulls will be legalised again in Catalunya by order of the central government. This is the latest of a series of blatantly anti Catalan orders by the Spanish Constitutional and Supreme  Courts.

The Courts are politically controlled and have always supported dubious, self serving and even openly fascist proposals instigated by the far right 1% and the Catholic Church. The ban on bullfighting in Catalonia is seen as a traitorous way of asserting that ‘Catalonia is not Spain’.

brave anti bull torture demonstrators
Brave anti animal torture demonstrators

Bullfighting is defined (by them) as «common cultural heritage» of Spain and can not be vetoed by a regional law, says the court, due to a clause in the Constitution which gives cultural heritage to the Central Government.

Bullfighting is the cultural heritage of the Conquest, in Spain it represents the exaltation of torture and legitimation of authoritarian male abuse and violence. Continuar leyendo «Spanish State forces Bullfighting on Catalans»

Vegans get Naked and Bloody at Barcelona Anti-meat Protest

human meat.. vegan protest The protesters pretended to be big slabs of meat. Photos: Pau Barrena with thanks

by Jessica Jones ·The protestors, from the group AnimaNaturalis, doused their naked bodies in fake blood and were wrapped into Styrofoam trays to resemble pieces of meat.

Photo: Pau 

The protest took place on Sunday, May 22nd on Sant Jaume plaza in Barcelona with the aim of educating the public about the benefits of a meat-free diet.

The giant meat packaging trays included the label with the words “carne humana” or human meat in Spanish. 

In March, Barcelona declared itself a veggie-friendly city: which includes the writing of a vegetarian guide to the city and encouraging residents to give up meat at least once a week.

Photo: Pau Barrena/AF

motr here….


Eco-Prisoner Rebecca Rubin ‘Released’!

rebecca-rubinfrom Earth First! Newswire

Rebecca Rubin has been released and moved into a halfway house! Sentenced in 2014 to five years in federal prison for numerous Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front actions—including the arsons of Vail Ski Resort and US Forest Industries, as well as liberating horses from and burning down BLM Wild Horse Facilities in California and Oregon.

Rebecca is out of prison almost a year and a half before an expected release date of September, 2017. Glad you’re out, Rebecca!

Don’t forget Rebecca’s birthday on April 18th! (Stay tuned for more information about Rebecca’s situation, mailing address, and ways to provide support.)

Rebecca will likely still want to receive mail at the halfway house. Stay tuned for possible updates on her address.