Talking Bodies – Cuerpos parlantes: Feminist and Urban Research space : Espacio feminista y de investigación urbana

shared with thanks from> Cuerpos Parlantes/Talking Bodies more illustrations from Facebook Cuerpos Parlantes – translations.. The Free

Caracol urbano propone Cuerpos parlantes como un espacio para el encuentro, la puesta en común y el aprendizaje colectivo en torno a los feminismos y aquellas formas de conocimiento que incrementen nuestro potencial de organización y de vida. También para la celebración.

Urban Caracol proposes Talking bodies as a space for meeting, sharing and collective learning around feminisms and those forms of knowledge that increase our potential for organization and life. Also for the celebration.

El Laboratorio de Interconectividades propone germinar ecosistemas de experimentación micropolítica que cuestionen, dialoguen y subviertan las maneras en que nos relacionamos y organizamos: cómo nos comunicamos, por qué hacemos redes, de qué formas habitamos las tecnologías y cómo construimos sentidos, conocimientos y afectos. …………………………The Interconnectivity Laboratory proposes to germinate micropolitical experimentation ecosystems that question, dialogue and subvert the ways in which we interact and organize: how we communicate, why we network, how we inhabit technologies and how we build senses, knowledge and affections…..

Porque vivimos en un país y en una ciudad donde los cuerpos están segregados, incomunicados y despolitizados. La misoginia y el racismo marcan los cuerpos como mecanismos de segregación para la producción de clases sociales jerarquizadas.

Because we live in a country and in a city where bodies are segregated, incommunicado and depoliticized. Misogyny and racism mark bodies as segregation mechanisms for the production of hierarchical social classes.

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Friday, November 29: Nobody Pays!

Support Us

text shared with thanks from > It’s Going Down @IGD_News

An International Call for a Strike against the Rising Cost of Living

Everyone pays for the rich to get richer. We pay with our labor, working to fill their pockets. We pay with skyrocketing rent as they gentrify us out of our homes. We pay with the destruction of the environment, the erasure of our communities, the stress in our day-to-day lives. We pay for things that used to be free, like water. We pay taxes so they can hire more cops to terrorize us. Everyone pays, but only they benefit.

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Twin Cities Jewish Community Blockades ICE Building, 27 Cited

note: we are against the religious/fascist Jewish state, but NOT Jewish people!

Scores Arrested During ‘Jews Against ICE’ Protest at Manhattan Amazon Store

At least 40 protesters who took part in a “Jews Against ICE” protest at an Amazon Books store along 34th Street in Manhattan were arrested by police on Sunday, August 11, coinciding with the Jewish fast day of Tisha B’Av.

Hundreds of protesters took over the streets near Minnesota’s Federal ICE building

This footage, livestreamed for the Jews for Racial and Economic Justice organization by author and activist Abby Stein, shows the scene at the store where more than 1,000 demonstrators spoke out against detention centers in the United States, made speeches, sang songs and held banners with slogans including “Never again means never again,” drawing a comparison between the events of the Holocaust and the current immigration situation in the US.

New York Police Department officers can be seen escorting arrested protesters into an MTA bus, which was reportedly commandeered due to the large number of arrestees. Continuar leyendo «Twin Cities Jewish Community Blockades ICE Building, 27 Cited»

Call for Solidarity with General Strike after Massacre of Sudan Uprising

A call for solidarity with activists in Sudan from the Black Autonomy Network.

Originally published by Black Autonomy Network.

Since the middle of December last year there has been an ongoing revolt in Sudan. This outbreak of rebellion a continuation of earlier struggles against the regime of Omar al-Bashir. In April, escalating protests led to a round the clock sit in occupation of the Military HQ demanding the fall of the regime.

sudan tv

Sudanese protesters mock al-Hadath TV’s coverage with fake cameras and joke interviews (MEE/Kaamil Ahmed)

The military – under the pretext of siding with the revolutionaries – used this unrest to stage a coup and oust al-Bashir and install themselves as the Transitional Military Council(TMC), many of the people on this council had ties to the old regime and to the notorious Janjaweed – an Arab ethno-nationalist militia (re-branded under al-Bashir as the Rapid Support Forces or RSF) involved in war crimes and genocide in Darfur.

  Update.. Support General Strike

Many shops and businesses in Khartoum were closed on the second day Monday of the general strike and civil disobedience campaign, aimed at putting pressure on TMC to relinquish power. Opposition and protest groups called for the campaign after security forces stormed the protest camp on June 3, killing scores of people and dealing a blow to hopes of a peaceful transition. The US is supporting the military via its Saudi and UAE proxies. Several protest leaders have been deported and more protestors murdered. Sudan uprising: updates from Al Jazeera English

The TMC tried to negotiate with the movement to form a government, but the people of Sudan saw this for what it was, and while negotiations were ongoing people were determined to hold the sit in. Negotiations broke down as the movement demanded a full civilian government and  Saudi Arabia, the UAE – regional powers who contributed to the counter-revolution to the Arab Spring – and Egypt pledged political and economic support to the military council (of over $3 billion) as they pushed to hold onto power.

  Janjaweed.. the notorious militia were set loose on the protestors

The TMC began to criminalize the protests and declared the sit-in a “security threat”. Only days after the declaration the RSF attacked and cleared out the sit in with live ammo and burned down the tents at the sit in while the army watched. The RSF continued on a rampage all over Khartoum with a confirmed count of over 100 dead and 650 wounded.

More pictures of barricades built yet the RSF patrolling through them on the streets of Khartoum. Exact location/time unknown, but taken today and been circulated around. @BSonblast @YousraElbagir @daloya@AJEnglish @ReutersAfrica #SudanUprising#Google_Open_Internet_For_Sudan

— Anavi mxb (@ana_fi_anavi) June 4, 2019

The RSF occupation of Khartoum is still ongoing and the TMC has had the internet shut off for over 72 hours making reports of what’s going on hard to come by, but calls have come from the movement for “total civil disobedience” and there is sporadic video and text of people resisting all over Sudan.

“current situation:

– resistance activities at peak, w/ most roads barricaded
– intermittent sound of gunfire heard across neighborhoods
– call to prayer made in most neighborhoods; in some, RSF prevented ppl from attending, in others people insisted on fasting”#SudanUprising

— Munchkin (@BSonblast) June 4, 2019

Why Does This Matter

Let’s be clear, what’s at stake is the spreading of a rebellious energy across the Middle East and the African Continent that threatens the political order. That’s why regional powers and allies of the US – Saudi Arabia and the UAE – have supported the TMC and their repression of Sudanese rebels.

We find ourselves in a moment of international right wing reaction with fascistic, white supremacist, and other authoritarian movements and states seizing or consolidating power all around the world. Our enemies have spent many years networking and building internationally, capitalizing on both human and environmental crisis, but these crises don’t have a single road out that leads to authoritarian power that we try desperately to react to. These moments also give us opportunity to link and build power with others, who may or may not be or call themselves anarchists but who share the anarchic spirit for total freedom.

We think it is no accident that the height of the anarchist movement – to what ever degree we identify with that history – was precisely when it was an internationalistmovement. Just as capitalism and state power are global – and generate global crisis – so too must the fight against it be.

Call for Anarchist Solidarity

We are calling for immediate acts of solidarity with rebels in Sudan (and against the Sudanese & Saudi state) – whether that’s banner drops, graffiti and wheat-pasting, informational tabling, rowdy marches & demos, fundraisers to help Sudanese doctors get medical supplies, or other creative acts of intervention that make sense in your context.

Sudanese protesters burn tyres as they block Nile Street for the second consecutive day during continuing protests in Sudan’s capital Khartoum on 13 May 2019 (AFP)

Sudanese protesters burn tyres as they block Nile Street for the second consecutive day during continuing protests in Sudan’s capital Khartoum on 13 May 2019 (AFP)

While this call is for immediate reaction we should be taking time to look at our local terrain to find private or state run entities with economic ties to the Sudanese or Saudi state and act against them to move our solidarity from what is most likely symbolic actions to show the people of Sudan they are not alone to a combative solidarity that impedes the smooth functioning of the TMC, the states that support and supply it, and the logistical flows of the supplies used to repress the uprising.

Solidarity is never a one off action, but a constant process of building relationships with other anarchists and movements for liberation, of examining, acting, and learning to build a materially effective practice of attack. International solidarity is key because Capital, it’s defenders, and it’s reaction fights globally and so should we.

Against Authoritarianism Anywhere

For Total Freedom Everywhere

Additional Resources on the Uprising

A Siege, Then a Storm: How Sudan’s Sit-In Was Cleared 

Revolutionaries Call for Total Civil Disobedience After Massacre by Military in Sudan

Sudan Sit-In: How Protesters Picked a Spot and Made It Theirs 

Algeria, Sudan, and the Arab Spring

On Shared Struggles: From Sudan to the Gilets Jaunes to #MeToo

Sudan: Revolution Til The End

Women Led Protests Are Shaking Up Sudan


Extinction Rebellion: Rolling Protests go Worldwide

International Rebellion

when        From:

15 April 2019
11:00 (UTC +01:00)

29 April 2019
00:00 (UTC +01:00)     where        Worldwide

hosted by       Extinction Rebellion

Our leaders have failed us. This twisted system is killing us. It has us headed for extinction.
It’s time to rebel.

From April 15th we are calling for a full-scale Rebellion to demand decisive action from governments on climate change and ecological collapse.
Join us as we engage in acts of non-violent civil disobedience against governments in capital cities around the world. This is not a one-off march – we will keep going for as long as we have to, shutting down cities day after day until our demands are met.

Independent XR groups, allies and protestors will take to the streets. A small number of brave Conscientious Protectors, activists from XR affinity groups prepared to lose their liberty for this cause, will commit acts of peaceful civil disobedience to disrupt the business-as-usual which is sending our species on a one-way track to extinction.

Learn more about our demands and values here:

## Sorry BBC, this is far too important to be privatized ..67,368 views

Under our current system, we are headed for disaster. Catastrophic climate change will kill millions, cause food collapse, and render many more homeless. Mass extinction of wild species will lead to ecological collapse. Destruction of natural habitats will lead to genocide of indigenous peoples and the loss of our planet’s life support systems. Continuar leyendo «Extinction Rebellion: Rolling Protests go Worldwide»

Berlin, Germany: Action Days Against Rent Madness Begin

Arson Attack Against Property Company Deutsche Wohnen

27.03.19: The Action Days Against Rent Madness have begun in earnest in Berlin with an arson attack against the vehicle fleet of property company Deutsche Wohnen.

The attack carried out by an Autonomous Groups cell destroyed 3 vehicles. The action days are part of an ongoing struggle against rising rents, lack of affordable housing and gentrification of working class districts. The campaign has involved a diverse set of tactics ranging from public demonstrations to militant direct action. Here is an excerpt from the claim of responsibility that was posted on German Indymedia:

“We dedicate the ashes of the three burned-out cars to all those affected by letters of termination, evictions and rent increases.

We devote the blazing flames to those who have been abandoned by the system, the victims of daily marginalization, and our fighting comrades, who are either in jail or on the run.”

Activists in Berlin want to seize 200K apartments from landlords

Campaign must first collect 170K signatures
March 28, 2019 08:00AM  [by  The Nation]Kevin Sun

“Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen and Co” founder Rouzbeh Taheri and Deutsche Wohnen apartments (Credit:Deutsche Wohnen and Berliner S-Bahn-Tisch)

“Are we heading back to socialism now?” asked Germany’s largest tabloid, Bild, earlier this month.

The reason? A referendum initiative in Berlin is seeking to expropriate 200,000 homes from the city’s biggest landlords and convert them into social housing, The Nation reports.

The proposal, known as “Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen and Co,” would affect a total of 10 companies, each of which owns at least 3,000 units in the rapidly-gentrifying German capital.

“Resistance against gentrification has grown so much stronger in the last 10 years. It has been proven that protest pays off,” the founder of the initiative, Rouzbeh Taheri, told The Nation.

The company specifically called out in the name of the proposal, Deutsche Wohnen, is Berlin’s largest private-property owner. Deutsche Bank founded the company in 1998, and it now owns 110,000 apartments in Berlin. Asset manager BlackRock owns more than a 10 percent stake in the company, making it Deutsche Wohnen’s largest shareholder.The official referendum campaign will begin next month, and will need to collect 170,000 signatures as a first step in the process. A long legal battle will likely follow, and the city would have to determine how much to pay the landlords as compensation. If approved, the referendum would be held sometime next year.

If the referendum succeeds, it would mark the first use in 70 years of Article 15 of the German Constitution, which allows for nationalization of private property.

The city of Berlin privatized about 200,000 units between 1989 and 2004, after the end of the Cold War. Rents have more than doubled in the past decade as the city has evolved into a world hipster capital.

The Berlin anti-gentrification movement has established ties with groups around the world, including anti-Amazon protesters in New York.

“We can learn from each other. And I hope we will talk soon about the socialization of Facebook, Google, and Amazon and others. But for now, in Berlin, it’s about housing companies,” said Nina Scholz, a Berlin-based journalist who supports the initiative.

[The Nation]Kevin Sun

Stop Offshore Climate Criminals Conference.. MCEDD London 2-4 April 2019

Last time they held their obscene junket, in France in 2016, brave climate activists blockaded and closed down the conference despite violence and tear gassing from police and security heavies. see photos below.This time around it seems our climate heroes may have been caught off guard, (at least we can’t find any public planned actions), but there’s still time to act and close down this immoral profiteering .

The event’s main sponsor is BP.. What a cheek!  Still trying to convince us they are GREEN, when their climate initiatives amount to less than 0.5% of their murderous business. Still trying to make us forget the Deepwater Horizon and the destruction of the gulf of Mexico.. Still ….

Also taking part will be Exxon.. well… #EXXON KNEW

And Total, now covertly fracking in Algeria while »supporting» anti fracking in France.

And Repsol..  oof.  Repsol still looting Libya and the Amazon

etc etc

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Open Letter to the Climate Strikers: Direct Action/ No Leaders

An Open Letter to the Climate Strikers
The following text was produced by anarchists in so-called Canada with the intention of being distributed to young people taking part in Friday’s climate strike actions on March 15th. It was originally published on North Shore Counter-Info.

First of all, thank you. Thank you for giving a shit. For deciding that there are futures worth fighting for, even when the future being imposed on us looks increasingly bleak.

The good news is that you are here, with your body, along with so many others around the world.

Today we have a chance to acknowledge that we are connected to each other and to the living and non-living beings on this planet, in ways that are far more complex and beautiful than any #hashtag could express.

Every few days, another horror story, or another prediction, reminds us that we’re facing an existential threat.

Experts no longer study how to prevent climate change, instead they discuss how we might mitigateits effects.

We already know that everything is going to change. The question for 2019, for this generation, is: change towards what?

The vultures are already circling.

Corporations ask, “How can we profit?” Whether it’s tapping new oil reserves under the melting glaciers or marketing a ‘green’ product to make us feel comforted, their goal is always profit.Governments ask, “How do we stay in control?” Whether it’s expanding surveillance programs, or encouraging ‘democratic dialogue’ so long as nothing gets out of hand, their goal is always to consolidate power.

The most advanced governments today will do this in the name of combatting climate change. Here in Canada, the government isn’t quite so sophisticated, and still pushes for massive expansions of fossil fuel infrastructure and mining projects, forcing them on indigenous people at the barrel of a gun if they can’t be bought.


Politicians, including some aspiring ones who call themselves ‘activists,’ ask how the growing fear and discontent might be exploited for personal gain.

History clearly demonstrates that if we allow these people to lead our movements, they will pull the plug at precisely the moment that we become a real threat to the existing order.

Those in power rely on funneling our rage towards dead ends. Let’s get organized, but not behind politicians trying to sell us the latest Hope™.

We don’t know exactly what a ‘better world’ could look like. But like you, we feel that we have to try. We don’t want to just feel like we’re on “the right side of history,” a narcissistic trap.

We want to be effective, within an ethical framework that values freedom, autonomy and solidarity. Let’s start taking seriously the idea we might actually have an impact.

To that end, we propose a joyful, strategic, and fierce resistance that might include these ingredients:

Transformation, not reform.Capitalism is killing the planet. It is a system based on endless growth, and only serves the rich and powerful.

Hamburg Stop G20 Demos

No lifestyle change or government reform is going to touch that. It’s gotta go.

Those in power will not simply be persuaded to change their ways and give up the wealth and power they have accumulated through centuries of patriarchy, colonial plunder, and mass exploitation.

The police stand in our way. Maybe you already hold your breath when a cop drives by. If not, remember that even the friendliest cops have to follow orders or get fired. Police are the violent defenders of this rotten system.

To even make a dent, many people will have to break a lot of laws, and not just in the “arrest me for the cameras” kind of way.

Let’s build lives worth living. We’re cynical, but we are not hopeless. When we refuse to resign and instead build lives worth living now, we see glimpses of a different future, and start to feel compelled to defend ourselves.

We want collective lives rife with empathy, creativity, and openness.

Thank you, again, for showing up. This is the beginning of a long road, or maybe a tightrope. Let’s walk it together, trying to avoid the traps that lay ahead.

– some anarchists

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Police clash with women’s day marchers in Turkey (VIDEO)

Police clash with women’s day marchers in Turkey (VIDEO)

Police clash with women's day marchers in Turkey (VIDEO)
Using rubber bullets and tear gas, Turkish police have dispersed a crowd of several thousand marchers who gathered outside Istanbul’s Taksim Square on International Women’s Day, local media reported, with videos from the scene.

The «Feminist Night March» in Istanbul was one of the many demonstrations held on Friday across Turkey, demanding equality and an end to the historic oppression of women.

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