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Reflections from a Gymnastics assistant coaching course
1st June 2023
A guest post from Kath Maguire. Kath is the parent of one of our club’s gymnasts. She asked about doing some volunteering a couple of months ago and whether there was a course she could do. Here are her reflections from the day. “I’ve been thinking about volunteering for a while now but as it’s […]

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Our goal is to improve the athleticism of every sportsperson to help them achieve their full potential.

We do that by working with parents, teachers and coaches as well as the athlete themselves.

strength and conditioning coach devonIf you want expert strength and conditioning coaching and athletic development, you are in the right place.

  • If you are a parent concerned about your child’s commitments and potential overload and are looking for support in helping your child get fitter safely then see our Young Athlete page.
  • If you live in Mid Devon and are interested in Gymnastics, Athletics or Weightlifting, then see our Athletic Development Club page
  • If you are sportsperson looking to improve your performance for your sport then see our Strength and Conditioning page.
  • If you are currently injured and looking for advice on how to get back to your sport safely, then see our Physiotherapy page.
  • If you are a sports coach, teacher or physiotherapist looking for CPD, then see our Coaching Courses page.

If you are just interested in all things to do with getting fitter for sport then please make use of our free resources and sign up to our newsletter for more information. Find out who we are.  

Client Testimonials

Seb Baylis + Tom Baylis
"James Marshall is now managing my two sons' strength and conditioning training for a fourth consecutive year. From the very start, youngsters and parents alike have easily engaged with James' professional approach and personable manner. Now both semi-professional cyclists aged 20 and 18, between them they have achieved numerous successes in the National Junior Series, including two stage wins, a silver medal in the National Championships, and selection for team GB in the Junior World Series.

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