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      Political EconomyFeminist TheoryGlobalizationEthnography
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      Social TheoryCapitalismSport
This essay focuses on the salient place given to staging both the modern regime of translation and the institution of literature alongside a dramatization of anthropological difference in Liu Cixin's acclaimed science fiction trilogy,... more
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      Area StudiesAestheticsTranslation StudiesScience Fiction
This article gives a broad characterization of China’s political economy, as well as specific aspects of its socio-economic instabilities. With a focus on China’s export-oriented industry sectors, concepts from comparative and... more
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      CapitalismEconomic DevelopmentChinaComparative Capitalism
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      LiberalismCommunism (Revolutions)CommunismSlavoj Žižek
In this document we have summarized the reflections of the second round table of the "Videogames & High Culture" project, with the central theme "Capitalism", held at the Cineporto of the Apulia Film Commission in Bari, Italy, on December... more
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      Video Game DesignCultureCapitalismVideogames and Philosophy
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      MarxismCapitalismVarieties of CapitalismExtreme and Far Right
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      Political EconomyColonialismCapitalismCritical international political economy
This essay introduces and theorizes the central concerns of this special issue, “Economies of Dispossession: Indigeneity, Race, Capitalism.” Financialization, debt, and the accelerated concentration of wealth today work through social... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesNative American Studies
This article explores the importance of non-capitalist space within the global political economy. The issue of how to categorise and understand space in so-called peripheral regions such as Latin America has been a contentious one. Whilst... more
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      MarxismPropertyResistance (Social)Capitalism
È uscito il volume A. Pascale, Ascesa e declino dell'impero statunitense, tomo 1 – Genesi di un regime elitario (dalle origini al 1945), La Città del Sole-L'AntiDiplomatico, Napoli 2022. Il testo consta di 620 pagine ed è acquistabile al... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean StudiesLatin American Studies
Podczas tego wydarzenia w ramach sesji Rady Klimatycznej UJ przedstawiona zostanie książka "Za pięć dwunasta koniec świata. Kryzys klimatyczno-ekologiczny głosem wielu nauk" pod redakcją Kasi Jasikowskiej (Instytut Socjologii UJ) i... more
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      Climate ChangeResilienceSustainable DevelopmentColonialism
This article puts labour, and its historically changing forms of existence, at the centre of the theorisation of uneven international development. It advocates a consciously dialectical approach that goes beyond significant limitations in... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsMarxismCritical GeopoliticsGeopolitics
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
Final proofs of the whole book
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryHistorical SociologyMedieval History
What does the development of a truly robust contemporary theory of domination require? Ashley J. Bohrer argues that it is only by considering all of the dimensions of race, gender, sexuality, and ability within the structures of... more
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryMarxismQueer Theory
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      Feminist TheoryCapitalismMarxist FeminismRadical Feminism
This thesis focuses on the study of the material culture of the Auguste, a cartel ship wrecked in 1761 northeast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) in New France entailed the surrender of Louisbourg in... more
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      HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyCapitalismMaterial Culture
The notion of green growth has emerged as a dominant policy response to climate change and ecological breakdown. Green growth theory asserts that continued economic expansion is compatible with our planet’s ecology, as technological... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesClimate ChangeInternational Development
Enclosed is the syllabus and course notes from the upper division course I teach in PostModernism and Post-Marxist Critical Theory. It occurs to me that some of these essays--ranging from Horkheimer and Adorno, Baudrillard, Foucault, and... more
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryMarxismPostcolonial Studies
Nous dépendons pour notre subsistance d’un « monde organisé», tramé par l’industrie et le management. Ce monde menace aujourd’hui de s’effondrer. Alors que les mouvements progressistes rêvent de monde commun, nous héritons contre notre... more
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      ManagementSociologyPhilosophySocial Sciences
"This book took around a decade to write. Three of us, coming from different locations and contexts, coming from different histories, experiences and lived lives, coming from different intellectual traditions, shared some initial... more
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      Labor EconomicsGlobalizationMarxismRural Development
Accelerationism, in its Landian formulation, has always mobilised a diachronic coupling of techonomic velocity and occult methodology as its propulsive dynamo. Land's declaration that 'poetry is invasion and not expression' invites the... more
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L’intento di questo lavoro è presentare un quadro che sia il più completo possibile nell’analizzare il percorso dell’Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche dalla sua nascita, nel 1922, fino al suo crollo, nel 1991 e,... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
Anthropocene or Capitalocene? offers answers to these questions from a dynamic group of leading critical scholars. They challenge the theory and history offered by the most significant environmental concept of our times: the Anthropocene.... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesHuman EcologyGeography
Resumo: Este artigo discute a relação entre dinâmicas do capitalismo e retóri-cas em torno das migrações internacionais e refúgio através da lente do consumo e dos discursos corporativos. Analisamos campanhas publicitárias e projetos de... more
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      CapitalismMigration StudiesConsumo Cultural
Faced by a field of pack ice and 97 icebergs, on January 30, 1774, Commander James Cook in His Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Resolution, at 71°100 South and 106°540 West and some 150 km from the continent, had not seen Antarctica, but he had come... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyCapitalismAntartica
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      Social SciencesPolitical ScienceLiberalismPolitics
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      Environmental StudiesEconomic GrowthCapitalismEnvironmental Sustainability
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This research aims to answer the question of how the artwork of Jeff Koons, specifically in his series, The New, epitomizes the consumeristic culture of today’s society. The paper asserts that by using ordinary objects in provocative... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtModern ArtConsumerism
This study seeks to understand transformations in the modern capitalist World-economy in the North Atlantic. It specifically treats the material culture of four French shipwrecks dating from 1700 to 1760 : la Dauphine (1704), l'Alcide... more
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      HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyCapitalism18th Century France
Hamburg: Junius-Verlag, 2019. Degrowth oder Postwachstum ist ein dynamisches Forschungsfeld und Bezugspunkt vielfältiger sozial-ökologischer Bewegungen. Postwachstum ist nicht nur eine grundlegende Kritik an der Hegemonie des... more
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      Economic HistorySociologySocial MovementsEconomics
This book is 260 pages long and I include a table of organization of the US military intelligence and the OSS and its behind the lines commando operations. I focus some on the developing of US signals intelligence and military history... more
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      Military HistoryFascismFBI HistoryCapitalism
The maritime interstate trade in bondspersons illustrates the contours of United States capitalism of the early nineteenth century as it developed between 1807 and midcentury. The saltwater trade between the Chesapeake and New Orleans... more
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      Maritime HistoryHistory of SlaveryCapitalism
A political economic history of the American criminal justice build-up from  the late 1960s to the present.
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      CriminologyPolitical EconomyPoliceCapitalism
2007/2008 Finansal Krizi’nden günümüze kadar geçen süre içerisinde yaşanan sosyo-iktisadi sorunların halen çözümlenememiş olması, mevcut ana akım paradigmanın çok boyutlu bir biçimde sorgulanmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu çerçevede güncel... more
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      CapitalismNeoliberalismFinancializationUS economy
Μετά τον Δεύτερο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, μία από τις σημαντικότερες και χαρακτηριστικότερες δραστηριότητες του κράτους στην Δυτική Ευρώπη ήταν ο εκτεταμένος κρατικός παρεμβατισμός στην οικονομία και η εμβάθυνση του κράτους κοινωνικής πρόνοιας.... more
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      History of CapitalismCapitalismEAPHistory of Humanities
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      MarxismIdeologyGilles DeleuzeCapitalism
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingHistory
I tried to put US and associated world history into 150 pages. I try to focus on the US history that I assume may be unknown or not taught in a big way in our schools or broadcast on TV or is being censored. I have been adding to this... more
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      Military HistoryAbolition of SlaveryCapitalismWar Crimes
o texto A violência revolucionária, Sartre traça um projeto de fazer uma fenomenologia do senhor/opressor baseado nos eventos históricos da escravidão dos negros nos Estados Unidos da Américas e na exploração do operariado europeu no... more
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Articolo pubblicato in data 14/05/2021sul magazine online Il Chiasmo Treccani Un elemento cardine nella rappresentazione letteraria della comunità italo-americana è la dimensione religiosa, che, configurandosi come aspetto coesivo alla... more
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      ReligionCapitalismItalian-American LiteratureItalian American Studies
Stretta è la relazione che corre tra lo svolgimento millenario della tecnica di lavoro dell'uomo, e i rapporti con l'ambiente naturale. L'uomo primitivo, come l'animale, raccoglie e consuma frutti spontanei colla semplice operazione... more
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      HydrologyHydraulicsFlood Risk ManagementCapitalism
If you don’t like the way things are around you, if it’s painful to live in a world where hunger, poverty, disease, illiteracy, and unemployment afflict so many people; if you want to see these terrible things disappear, then what can you... more
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      CapitalismSocial Business
Las transnacionales y la arquitectura jurídica: Lex Mercatoria Hace más de cinco siglos que comenzó a gestarse el modelo económico llamado Capitalismo, el cuál en pleno siglo XXI sigue aún vigente, y que continúa expandiéndose a todos los... more
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      GlobalizationCapitalismKarl MarxLex Mercatoria
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      CapitalismEuropean UnionCorruptionScandals