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Nous dépendons pour notre subsistance d’un « monde organisé», tramé par l’industrie et le management. Ce monde menace aujourd’hui de s’effondrer. Alors que les mouvements progressistes rêvent de monde commun, nous héritons contre notre... more
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      ManagementSociologyPhilosophySocial Sciences
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Analyse des premiers règlements des bâtisses de la ville de Luxembourg au moment de sa transformation de ville forteresse en capitale nationale in Festung Lëtzebuerg 1867-2017, Luxembourg, 2017, p.113-125. ISBN 978-2-87978-201-0 Editeur:... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban PlanningCity planningDismantling
This article examines the recent processes of dismantling public policies oriented to promote or regulate family farming in Latin America. It addresses two main questions: How and why were these policies dismantled? Drawing on Bauer et... more
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      Agricultural PolicyArgentinaBrazilPolicy Process
The excavations of the Roman villa in Aiano-Torraccia di Chiusi (Val d’Elsa - central Tuscany) identified several phases of use (early 4th cent.-middle 7th cent.), from the luxurious residence to its final dismantling. This paper presents... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyLate roman villasRoman AmphoraeDismantling
The past thirty years have witnessed the significant expansion and transformation of products liability law. While much of the initial confusion regarding the application and interpretation of Section 402A of the Restatement (Second) of... more
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      RecyclingDestructionDismantlingForeseeable Use