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The paper is a summary of different kinds of sources linked to the role of automotive industry in shaping mobility in future cities. This research fills existing research gap, identified in previous research, and also presented in the... more
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      EngineeringMobility/MobilitiesLogisticsY Generation
Née entre 1981 et 1995, la Génération Y constitue aujourd’hui les “jeunes adultes” de nos assemblées. Mais quelles sont les spécificités de cette génération ? Qu’est-ce qui la distingue de la Génération X qui l’a précédée ? Sans jamais... more
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      Y GenerationGenerational DifferencesGenerationsGenerational Studies
Over the past decade banks in Nigeria have been forced to look for new revenue streams as new business models, technological innovations and non-traditional competition have transformed the banking landscape. Amidst all this change, a new... more
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      Y GenerationGeneration YConsumer Behaviour in Banking SectorBehavioural Banking
Today's generation of young adults in Central and Eastern Europe do not remember the events of 1989, let alone what came before. Their life experience has been wholly different from that of their parents, their educators, their... more
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      Mission StudiesY GenerationCentral and Eastern EuropeMissions
As Internet usage reaches its maturity level across the English-speaking world, the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries are emerging as a substantial population of Internet users, particularly for social media. The context... more
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      Internet StudiesY GenerationWeb 2.0 technologiesBRICS
The purpose of this study is to estimate what we know about Generation Y students’ behavior in Social Media (SM), especially in our country. The correct identification of their traits is crucial for the academic community, primarily from... more
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      PsychologySocial MediaAcademia ResearchY Generation
The purpose of this research is to explore factors affecting impulse buying behavior amongst young generation on e-commerce websites in Vietnam. Qualitative research method is employed to evaluate the research model based on a... more
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      Y GenerationE-Commerce WebsitesImpulse Buying BehaviorYoung Generation
Os norte-americanos têm obsessão pelo estudo de gerações. Em geral, as gerações são identificadas por determinados acontecimentos políticos ou culturais. Com a revolução digital, seria de se esperar que surgisse uma nova geração de... more
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      PostmodernismY GenerationPostmodern expressions of ChristianityGeneration Y
The paper is a summary of different kinds of sources linked to the role of automotive industry in shaping mobility in future cities. This research fills existing research gap, identified in previous research, and also presented in the... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesLogisticsY GenerationAutomotive Industry
Abstract—Employer branding is a relatively new but necessary tool for HR managers, especially today when Y generations steps on the job market. The Y generation is goal-oriented, tech-savvy, engaged and demands a lot of flexibility. The... more
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      Employer brandingY GenerationHR ManagementGeneration Y
In retailing, it is recognized that prominent differences exist between generational cohorts. As such, analysis of varying patterns of personality traits and their effects between generations is essential for understanding consumer... more
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      Y GenerationBaby BoomersGeneration XOnline Shopping
The focus of this dissertation is to set the basis for the study of a musical genre referred to as “underground folklore”. The term was coined by Romanian hip-hop band Subcarpați in 2012 and used as title for their second album.... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMusicMusicologyAnthropology
The paper focuses on different aspect of consumer behavior of Gen Y and Gen Z during the COVID-19 pandemic and also on how this pandemic will influence further behavior both regarding consumers and companies. All indicators so far show... more
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      Consumer BehaviorY GenerationGeneration ZYoung Generation
This paper introduces the concept of volunteering in the hospitality industry. Used to great success in other industries, volunteering is almost unheard of in hospitality and this paper argues that substantial benefits might accrue to not... more
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      Events managementY GenerationVolunteerismVolunteer management
The recent growth of e-commerce sector and the advent of modern technologies have led to a paradigm shift in the buying pattern of consumers from conventional shopping to online shopping. Internet accessibility has become much easier... more
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      MarketingDigital MediaY GenerationOnline Shopping
Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi we współczesnych organizacjach przybiera formę mniej lub bardziej zaplanowanych procesów personalnych. Jednym z narzędzi wykorzystywanych w ich realizacji są środki motywowania pracowników, które mogą być... more
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      Y GenerationMotivationGeneration YMotywacja Pracowników
Öz Günümüzde araştırmacılar için en popü ler iletişim alanlarından biri siyasal iletişimdir.Globalleşme ve toplumsal hayattaki gelişmeler neticesinde siyasi aktörlerin kullandıkları siyasal iletişim araçları ve siyaset yapma biçimleri de... more
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      Political communicationY GenerationGeneration YSiyasal Iletişim
"Purpose - Using the inaugural Edinburgh International Magic Festival as a case study, this paper focuses on the motivational factors prevalent in a group of young event and festival volunteers. Design/methodology/approach - This paper... more
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      Event ManagementY GenerationVolunteerismFestivals
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      ArtSocial MediaY GenerationBaby Boomers
The rise of the internet and the generation that grew up surrounded by electronic devices has radically changed perception and way of interacting with the media production. Especially of those who were born between the 80s and 90s of the... more
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      Television genresY GenerationSocial and Behavioral Sciences
This study has been intended to know the generation Y consumer’s attitude toward the uses of Smartphone in Bangladesh on the basis of different features. It also reveals which attributes are most important considerable for using a... more
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      TelecommunicationsCustomer SatisfactionY GenerationSmartphone
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      GlocalizationY Generation
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      Human Resource ManagementY GenerationHuman ResourcesGeneration X
Article Classification: Research Article Purpose-In recent years, social networks have been extensively used by both individuals and companies. In particular, prior to the purchase of services, customers may be able to decide to buy by... more
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      Y GenerationAirline marketingAttitudeElectronic Word of Mouth
Generation Y Speaks Out: A Policy Guide. Edited by Christopher Buck, David Stowe & Shanetta Martin. Lansing: Michigan Nonprofit Association & Michigan’s Children, 2002. From the "Introduction": Michigan State University’s Service... more
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      EducationSocial PolicyTeacher EducationHigher Education
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      Y GenerationGeneration XGenerational DifferencesGenerations
One of the biggest workplace preferences for Generation Y employees, which are employees born from 1982 to 2000, is the presence of workplace flexibility and practices that promote work/life balance. Savvy organizations are realizing the... more
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      Y GenerationGeneration Y
Bu araştırma, Y kuşağını bugünün pazar ortamında hediye vermeye iten güdüleri ortaya çıkarmak ve bu güdülerin medya araçlarındaki reklamlarla arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Adana ve Mersin’de yaşayan toplam 267... more
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      Digital MediaY GenerationGift GivingTraditional Media
By 2015, 75 percent of the world’s employees will be the Millennial Generation or Gen Y (Williams, 2014). Generation Y differs from the previous generations in both behaviour and traits (Hammill, 2005) (Cuffin, 2013). Research also points... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologyMotivation (Psychology)Strategic Human Resource Management
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationHuman Resource ManagementY Generation
This study examines the values of Generation Y in China and South Africa to test the widespread assumption that young people are developing a common global youth culture and which organizations can respond with global programs. This... more
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      Cultural SociologyValuesCultureCross-Cultural Studies
The purpose of this study is to estimate what we know about Generation Y students’ behavior in Social Media (SM), especially in our country. The correct identification of their traits is crucial for the academic community, primarily from... more
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      Social MediaAcademia ResearchY GenerationMillennials
Subjective well-being (SWB) is individual's evaluation towards his life. SWB consists of three aspects: life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect. A research conducted by Soto (2015) shows there is a reciprocal correlation... more
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologyPersonality AssessmentY Generation
Günümüzde bir meslek olarak görülmeye başlayan girişimcilik, ekonomik ve toplumsal gelişmenin temel faktörlerinden birisidir. Özellikle içinde yaşadığımız bilgi ve iletişim çağında öneminin daha da artması ile birlikte girişimcilik,... more
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      EntrepreneurshipY GenerationGirişimcilikY Kuşağı
In the generation phenomenon, the members of Generation Y (Gen Y) are drawing attention as a generation who are impatient, individualist and have a big ego, high self-confident and a big passion for speed: they want everything instantly... more
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      MarketingY GenerationGeneration YRetro Trends
The recent growth of e-commerce sector and the advent of modern technologies have led to a paradigm shift in the lifestyle leading to personal development of consumers in the digital world. Internet accessibility has become much easier... more
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      Digital MediaPersonal DevelopmentDigital Media & LearningY Generation
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the use of the smartphones by consumers of the Y generation as a support tool at traditional retail in the context of the interpenetrating of online and offline processes in shopping. The survey was... more
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      AddictionConsumer BehaviorY GenerationConsumer Research
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      Consumer BehaviorY GenerationElectronic BankingGeneration Y
Current Approach on Business Management; A Study on Corporate Expectations and Characteristics of Generation Y Public Personnel Abstract Although X and Y generations employees are majority in today's business life, Y generation employees... more
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      Y GenerationPublic Personnel ManagementKuşaklarY Kuşağı
It is in a human nature of every single individual to live in a society and communicate and collaborate with people by building relationships and communities. These relationships are based on mutual understanding and collaboration. But,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementMarketingBusiness Ethics
The global trends of ageing and technological development are becoming a challenge in the field of contemporary marketing due to the fact that technological development has become permanent and significantly influences today’s consumers,... more
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      Information TechnologyCommunicationY GenerationElderly
Aim/purpose-The main objective of the paper is to explore mobility choices of Generation Y in Poland to check if they can be translated into guidelines for the development of mobility services. Design/methodology/approach-In the paper,... more
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      Transportation StudiesPublic TransportUrban StudiesY Generation
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      Youth StudiesConsumer CultureY GenerationConsumer Culture Theory
Although in generally differences between generations are an attractive issue for centuries, it is a quite new research topic in academic business literature. Businesses have been discussing differences between generations since the year... more
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      Y GenerationGenerationsGeneration YWork Values
Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui perbedaan antara tipe kepribadian tenaga kerja dan mahasiswa yang masuk dalam kategori Generasi Y jika dilihat dari dimensi Big Five Personality. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tenaga kerja dan... more
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologyPersonality AssessmentTheories Of Personality
Absztrakt: Új generáció, Y generáció, milleniális ezredfordulós generáció, új nemzedék, high tech generáció, millenárisok… Minden nap találkozunk velük, együtt dolgozunk, és együtt tanulunk velük, vagy éppen mi magunk vagyunk. De milyenek... more
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      Y GenerationJob Search
The meaning of work is fundamental issue when we consider that the work organization changes constantly, bringing up individuals concerns. This paper analyzed the meaning of work for generations X and Y. One survey research with two... more
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      Y GenerationThe Meaning of WorkGeneration XGeneration Y
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      AdvertisingMalaysiaY GenerationEmotional Intellignece and Interpersonal Competence of Generation X