Times of Israel
The Blogs Weekly

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

In death as in life, Yael Dayan is an inconvenient Israeli
By Noah Efron
Dayan spent her life making the country a more decent place, which may be why the world press stayed silent on her passing
Israel’s leadership at a crossroads
The coming weeks offer a stark choice: broker a hostage deal and normalize ties with Saudi Arabia or jeopardize Israel’s future
A missed historic opportunity: The Haredi military exemption law
This government is rehashing a weak proposal that was meant to be temporary and drawn up before the war changed everything
How Arab intellectuals are failing their publics
By Mustapha Ezzarghani
Neglecting the conflict’s complexity and the suffering experienced on both sides is a form of laziness – even cowardice
How anti-Zionists conquered the field of international law
As law journal gatekeepers, second-year law students have quietly decimated a profession that the world needs now more than ever
Tamar Sternthal
Free of bias? AP’s journalism deserves scrutiny
Julie Pace, executive editor of Associated Press, understandably is in full-on damage control mode. Reams of careful analysis have documented the news organization's tendentious coverage of Israel's war with Hamas. Survivors of Hamas's Oct. 7 massacre are suing the organization for hiring freelance photographers they say are affiliated with the terror organization and whom they accuse of having advance knowledge of the attacks. And two major customers, McClatchy and Gannett, recently dropped AP content as the media giant bleeds revenue. So times are tough for the 42-year-old news executive. In her...
Running while Jewish: London Marathon edition
By Melinda B. Thaler
As I ran miles festooned by huge Palestinian flags, with no Union Jack in sight, I tensed up – until some runners and bystanders yelled: Am Yisrael Chai!
The cruelty and cunning of hostage-taking
The longer Hamas holds onto the captives, the deeper the divisions within Israel grow and the less the world cares about their plight
Drafting Haredim is now an existential issue
Before October 7, we thought the IDF could be a ’small and smart army,’ but reality has cruelly slapped us in the face
Targeting ‘Israelites,’ archbishop doesn’t promote peace
By David J. Michaels
The Catholic leader in San Antonio has posted a barrage of tweets denouncing Israel’s acts of self-defense as akin to Nazism
The rush to think the worst of Israel… again
The world’s eagerness to blame Israel for civilian deaths in the Rafah fire – facts be damned – is just par for the course
Is the war making us more close-minded?
The events of Oct. 7 were so traumatic that my intellectual curiosity crashes against the blunt force of the rocket that landed across the street from me
An open letter to Naomi Klein from a progressive Israeli
By Jeremy Benstein
Zionism is not monolithic – and our blood-soaked conflict is a war between extremists and those who call for compromise
more choice voices
Yosef Blau
The extremists in Israel’s government have to go
When the Israeli mainstream is in thrall to the ultranationalist religious fringe, the religious world at large must take a stand to rebalance the country
Andrew Jose
Occupying Gaza is Israel’s best path forward
To end the thread of large-scale terror attacks, Israel must weaken Palestinian insurgency. Settlement is a key to that end
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