ISSN 0256-7504 printed version
ISSN 2411-5959 online version



Journal Scope

The Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (SAJEE) aims to publish and report on a wide range of aspects relating to Environmental Education, Ethics and Action in southern Africa and elsewhere.
The journal seeks to further the study and practice of environmental education by providing a forum for researchers, scholars, practitioners and policy makers.
The journal aims to carry papers reflecting the diversity of environmental education practice in southern Africa, and includes conference reviews and keynote papers; retrospective analyses of activities or trends in a particular field; commentaries on policy issues; a variety of research genres; comparative aspects of an environmental education, environmental ethics or environmental action issues; and critical reviews of environmental education, ethics and action in a particular country or context.
The journal actively seeks out international dialogue in order to provide perspective on and for environmental education in southern Africa.


Editorial Policy

  1. The SAJEE Editors subscribe to the Code of Best Practice in Scholarly Journal Publishing, Editing and Peer Review of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)

  2. All papers published in the journal should have a clear focus on environmental education, and/or Education for Sustainable Development and should be relevant to the field of education.
    The SAJEE is primarily an education journal, although it is also interdisciplinary and papers from communications, environmental sciences, development studies, labour market analysis etc. may also be relevant, but the core focus of these contributions should be education, communication, social learning and/or public awareness.

  3. The journal should seek to continually reflect its regional character, which means that papers from a diversity of countries should be represented in each edition.

  4. Full research papers can be either theoretical or empirical, and should include methodological detail, theoretical and/or literature review material and a clear argument as relevant.

  5. Ethical procedures also need to be pointed out where relevant.

  6. Full research papers submitted to the journal will be blind peer reviewed by two qualified peer reviewers.
    Viewpoint papers will be reviewed by one of the journal editors and one qualified peer reviewer.

  7. Review reports are checked and reviewed for the quality and relevance of the review comments by journal editors, and all final review communications are sent to the authors after review by the Editor.
    Editors are encouraged to rate reviewers in the online review process.

  8. Journal editors mediate the blind reviews with authors, and will check that all recommended changes have been substantively attended to.
    Authors are required to submit a report to the editors documenting how they have responded to reviewers’ recommendations.
    If co–editors disagree with proposed outcome, the Editor–in–Chief should be consulted.

  9. The SAJEE endeavours to have papers reviewed within a three–to–four-month period where possible.
    The review process may, however, take longer than this.
    The editor will decide if a round 2 review is required.

  10. Papers will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin if editors detect potential plagiarism problems.
    Authors are fully responsibility for any plagiarism, and should check their own papers before submission.
    By submitting a paper to the journal, authors agree that journal editors may check the paper via Turnitin if necessary.

  11. Authors must obtain permissions for all graphics and extensively used citations before submitting the paper to the SAJEE, should these not be original work.

  12. Authors are encouraged to cite at least three published pieces relevant to the new submission.

  13. Institutional representation may not exceed 25% of the journal compliment per volume.

  14. Published authors automatically include themselves as reviewers for future paper submissions that are relevant to them, limited as best possible to once per annum.

  15. Errata: Post–publication errors and falsification claims should be brought to the attention of the editorial team.
    This will be investigated and the online paper will be corrected at the discretion of the Editor–in–Chief.
    In the case of fundamental corrections a notification of correction will be sent to the journal database and posted on the home page.

  16. Conflict of Interest: The Editor–in–Chief shall only be permitted to publish papers occasionally in the journal that represent large research programmes that are relevant to EEASA members, or that involve a substantive number of EEASA partners (i.e. they must be field informative).
    The full double blind review process should be followed and managed by one of the co–editors.

    If co–editors submit papers to the journal, then these should be dealt with by the Editor–in–Chief and the full double blind review process should be followed as per normal.

    Editors may not manage direct or indirect family member submissions. This will be dealt with by the Editor–in–Chief or co–editor and the full double blind review process should be followed as per normal.

  17. The SAJEE is published once per annum.

  18. The journal is an association journal, and editors are accountable to the EEASA Council.

  19. The Editor–in–Chief should provide an annual report on the SAJEE and its publication to EEASA Members at the annual EEASA AGM.

  20. Editors / Editors–in–Chief would normally serve a six–year term of office. This term of office can be renewed by the EEASA Council.

  21. The SAJEE is an open access journal, and pdf versions of all papers are available on the Africa Journal Online (AJOL) website which will enhance its distribution globally under the Creative Commons licence agreement Attribution Non–Commercial–Share–alike (BY–NC–SA)

  22. The SAJEE is an accredited journal (South African DHET approved) and editors of the journal will seek to maintain the quality standards necessary for ongoing accreditation of the SAJEE.


Preparation, Style and Submission of Manuscripts

Author Guidelines

Online submission.
SAJEE is hosted by African Journals Online (AJOL) and requires online submission. To submit a paper contributors will need to register as a new user, or login if a user profile exists. Prompts to complete the submission process will include details of the author and all co–authors, including their email addresses and 35–word biographies.

Submissions should be between 3 500 and a maximum of 6000 words in length, including abstract and references. The English language used should be either South African or UK, and the style should be clear and straightforward without unnecessary jargon. Footnotes should be avoided. All pages should be numbered. The submission should be uploaded as an editable Microsoft Word document, or equivalent. Please ensure that all electronic files are virus free before uploading.

Kinds of Contributions other than Research Papers.
Viewpoints: Put forward an argument or proposal that is well supported with verified facts, sound reasoning, and contextualization in actual situations as well as literature. This is a short contribution that can be speculative, but still of scholarly value. In particular, it needs to make a new point that has not been published before. Length: Up to 3500 words.

Think Piece: This is a substantive academic piece ideally building on work done over several years, the authors’ own and/or the wider scholarly community’s. It picks up existing debates and long–standing issues of scholarly interest. No recent research is necessary, but the paper needs to refer comprehensively to the scholarly debates relevant to the chosen topic. Length: Between 3500 and a maximum of 6000 words.

Review Paper. Field work is now more difficult! How do we still do research? Some university educators have started to study their new teaching practices, which could be published as research papers. But we also encourage you to experiment with research methods like document analysis and meta–reviews. What can we learn from the research on EE and ESD approaches published over the years? Many journals now have open digital platforms from where to access the existing works in the field, so as to more strongly situate as well as make known our own contributions, whether we are in Cairns or Cape Town; Lusaka or Leuphana. On the African Journals Online platform ( you will find an archive of SAJEE volumes, a wealth of research and deliberation to review. Length: Between 3500 and a maximum of 6000 words.

Title and abstract.
The paper should have a short title (no longer than 15 words) and a short abstract of between 150 and 200 words. To protect the integrity of the blind peer review process, your contact details and name(s) should not appear on the abstract page or any other place in the paper, including the references of the paper uploaded.

Tables and figures.
Tables and figures must be included as part of the text, clearly labelled and numbered consecutively. Figures should be in a finished form, suitable for reproduction. Figures will not normally be redrawn by the publisher. Photographs need to be high resolution. Authors must obtain permissions for all graphics and extensively used citations before submitting the paper to the SAJEE, should these not be original work.

Authors are strongly encouraged to refer to recent, seminal and relevant literature.

Referencing in the text.
This journal uses the APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style. See for further details. Referencing in text should be quoted by the name and date in brackets, e.g., (Jones, 1970) or Smith (1983) or UNCED (1992) or (Jones, 1979; Smith & Le Roux, 1983, p.183).

These should be listed in alphabetical order by the author’s surname. If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited; a, b, c, etc. should be included after the year of publication. Please separate individual references with a blank line. The references should be listed in full at the end of the paper in the following standard form:

  • For books: Handy, C.B. (1985). Understanding organisations (3rd ed.) Harmondsworth: Penguin.

  • For journal articles: Boschuizen, R. & Brinkman, F.G. (1990). A proposal for a teaching strategy based on pre–instructional ideas of pupils. European Journal of Teacher Education, 14(2), 45–56.

  • For chapters within books: Little, A. (1990). The role of assessment re–examined in international context. In P. Broadfoot, R. Murphey & H. Torrance (Eds), Changing educational assessment. London: Routledge. pp.213–245.

  • For policy documents: UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development). (1992). Agenda 21 (Chapter 36). United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro.

  • Unpublished theses: Gobrechts, E. (1995).The recycling of domestic waste in the Cape Peninsula: Implications for environmental education. Unpublished master’s thesis, Department of Education, Rhodes University, South Africa.

  • Unpublished reports: Gysae–Edkins, M. (Ed.). (1994). Report on the Environmental Education Workshop. Lesotho Association of Non–formal Education, Morjia.

  • For personal communication: Moosa, V.M.(2003). Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria, 16 June 2003.

  • For email: Nhamo, G. (2003). Request for official position and update on the Plastic Bags Regulation implementation. Email, 1 October 2003.

  • For website: DEAT (Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism). (2003). Inspection of readiness of retailers on the eve of Plastic Bag Regulations effect. http://www.environment., visited 8 May 2003.

Grammatical errors.
The author must ensure that grammar and spelling are correct and is responsible for ensuring that all factual information is correct.

Headings and sub–headings.
The use of informative sub–headings is recommended and, if used, should adhere to the following form: MAIN HEADING (bold, bigger, initial caps); section or sub–heading (bold); and sub–section heading (bold, italics).

Units of measurement.
Use the SI metric system for units of measurement. Spell out numbers from one to ten; use numerals for larger numbers, groups of numbers, fractions or units, e.g., 4 to 27, 12kg/ha, 34 pupils. Words and abbreviations of Latin and Greek derivation, e.g., et al. should be in italics. Scientific names should be given in full when a genus or species is first mentioned, and they should be in italics.

Will be sent to authors if there is sufficient time to do so and should be corrected and returned within three to five days.

These will not be provided. Authors will, however, be granted permission to use copies of their papers for teaching purposes. Journals will be available in pdf format in the SAJEE archives

Papers will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin if editors detect potential plagiarism problems. Authors are fully responsibility for any plagiarism, and should check their own papers before submission. By submitting a paper to the journal, authors agree that journal editors may check the paper via Turnitin if necessary.

The editors reserve the right to edit articles, but will endeavour to check all significant editorial changes with the authors.

Post–publication errors and falsification claims should be brought to the attention of the editorial team. This will be investigated and the online paper will be corrected at the discretion of the Editor–in–Chief. In the case of fundamental corrections a notification of correction will be sent to the journal database and posted on the home page.

Published authors will be required to submit their unique scientific ORCiD identity number.

The copyright belongs to the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) under a Creative Commons Attribution license, CC–BY–NC–SA. It is a condition of publication that authors vest the copyright in their articles, including abstracts, in EEASA. Authors may use the article elsewhere after publication, providing prior permission is obtained from EEASA and the publishing details are included. See for more information in this regard.

Open Access.
The SAJEE journal provides open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public and scholarly community supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. There are no article submission nor processing charges associated with the SAJEE.

Future Reviewing.
Published authors automatically include themselves as reviewers for future submissions that are relevant to them. This as best possible will be limited to once per annum.


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