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Today in Korean history

All News 14:00 February 02, 2016

Feb. 3

1954 -- South Korea designates a civilian-restricted area between 5 and 20 kilometers south of the Southern Limit Line (SLL). The SLL is just 2 km south of the heavily fortified border between the two Koreas.

1989 -- Kim Hyun-hee, a North Korean citizen, is indicted for the 1987 bombing of Korean Air Flight 858. The flight exploded in midair over Myanmar when a bomb planted by North Korean agents was detonated, killing all 115 passengers and crew.

1997 -- Arirang TV, South Korea's English-only broadcasting company, launches domestic service.

1999 -- The International Monetary Fund confirms South Korea has emerged from its crisis and that its economy is well on its way to recovery, seeing no need to make additional reform demands.

2004 -- Reversing itself, North Korea agrees to attend a new six-party meeting on its nuclear weapons program, though South Korean officials say they do not anticipate a dramatic breakthrough in the 15-month row.

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