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Five middle powers to discuss N. Korea, global issues in Istanbul this week

All News 16:46 December 12, 2017

SEOUL, Dec. 12 (Yonhap) -- Vice Foreign Minister Cho Hyun will visit Turkey this week to attend a forum of five middle-power countries, the foreign ministry said Tuesday.

The 11th foreign ministers' meeting of MIKTA -- Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Australia -- will be held in Istanbul on Wednesday to discuss their cooperation on pending global issues including North Korea's growing security threats, ministry spokesman Noh Kyu-duk said.

"During the meeting, the foreign ministers will share views on recent developments in North Korea, the Middle East, immigration and refugees, Venezuela, anti-terrorism and other regional and global issues," Noh said.

The five-nation forum was launched in 2013 to boost their contribution to the international community.

"The meeting is expected to serve as an opportunity to seek ways for MIKTA, the consultative body of middle-power countries, to contribute to bolstering a rules-based international order," the spokesman added.


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