“And by the way…

“And by the way,
everything in life
is writable about,
if you have
the outgoing
guts to do it…
and the
to improvise.
The worst enemy
to creativity
is self-doubt”

~ Sylvia Plath

I’m the one who would be the first to write about a topic that everyone else is afraid to discuss in public. I, too, was that way for many, many years. I faced some real difficulties and struggles the past five years (read About Me) and as a result of that, I completely came out of my shell, stopped caring what people think of me, what people say to me, or what people say about me.

Follow these simple writing rules and you will be great! Write Write Write!!!

No longer having issues with self-doubt comes with age, life experience, and maturity. I cannot believe the things that have changed about me since I was just 28. You get to a point in your life where you  just see things differently; you have clarity about circumstances and people, really everything in life. I was never a person who had much confidence and I definitely didn’t love myself. It is so interesting the way things happen in this world, however. There are so many little things which are so beautiful, so inspiring, so touching…and you can write about any of them. You can write about the most mushy-gushy material or about gory, bloody violence, or sex, or politics, religion…you definitely need to be a brave individual in order to be able to take those topics on. I am definitely brave enough, and if I had someone send in a nasty, argumentative or even hateful, hurtful comment–I would not delete it, I would post it for everyone to see. I do not believe in censorship.I am going to challenge myself. In my blog, today, as a matter of fact, I am challenging myself to write about an extremely controversial subject, something so controversial that there are people at opposite ends of the spectrum literally killing each other over this topic. Can you guess what it is I’m thinking of writing about? 

Go to my blog tomorrow, Wait Til You Get a Load of This!, and read my entry about a very controversial subject. It will be well-worth the wait, I promise you.

“And by the way…

I’d Walk A Mile – Writing Prompt


I’d walk a mile for a friend in need or a family member who is lost….I’m a friend 100% and even if I’m having problems with my bad knee and bad back, I would still walk a mile for them…

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Paper Airplanes, Open Window

Complete the statement “I’d walk a mile for…” and continue to write about it.

A mile is not that far. It’s a mile from my apartment to the nearest store. There are many things for which I would walk 5280 feet. A mile is a piece of cake. It’s one twenty-sixth of a marathon. One third of a 5K. Four laps around our high school track.

At this moment, I would walk a mile for a cup of coffee. There is only one place I like to buy my coffee – 7-11. But that’s about two miles away. I would still walk that far for it. I can’t brew my own coffee for shit. I’ve tried everything – freshly ground high quality beans with bottled water, brewed in a French press. I prefer flavored coffee, especially vanilla. I recently bought myself a Keurig and it rocks so hard. I’m cheap…

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Mascarpone & Nutella Cupcakes


These look so amazing and wonderful that my mouth is watering and I SWEAR I just tasted one…could it be?

Chocolate, Cocktails & Icing Sugar


These were the happiest accident, ever. They happened at the end of a long day baking on commission – I found myself with leftover odds and ends of just about anything and I was determined to find a way to use it all.

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This is my response to the painting Harmony in Grey and Green. It was my submission for my english creative writing coursework. Do let me know what you think of it.


The author does a fantastic job here describing this little girl and making the reader feel “sucked in”…

My Life


The House-Maid, Hattie:

There she stood, with the stance of a ballerina, and the air of a Rothschild. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders, a butter-gold cloud. The perfect oval of her face darkened by a scowl, reflecting the toll of these sittings, and especially those dark, defiant eyes. Finally, my eyes rested on the fine Indian muslin which I had assisted Mr Whistler to purchase. I thought of the far away, exotic land which the cloth had been transported from, and my mind flickered back to Miss Cicely’s stories about her holiday in India. She had spoken about riding in a carriage drawn by an elephant, and eating a fruit with a really sweet flesh.  A mango she called it, if my memory serves me correctly.

I shrank away from the door, as envy began to infiltrate my mind. I would have traded my soul to be her! To…

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an unnecessary explanation of things written


This is very real, hard feeling poetry, in the raw, it’s beautiful!


My poems aren’t beautiful,
or happy.
They are not special
to anyone,
but me.
They are often depressing,
heavy with sadness,
or sexual conquests
and desires.
they are these things,
I hold the theme’s
and premises I write about
to be true
and pertain
to all person’s
in one way
or another.
To me,
that makes them

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Use WITH Caution Or Not At All


If I could ban a word from permanent usage forever it would be the word “cunt” (sorry, you asked). Cunt is a repulsive, disgusting word.

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

SoundEagle in Use WITH Caution Or Not At All

No, Thank You

If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why?

As a preposition, with is supposed to be a simple, “innocent” word functioning in similar ways to those of other prepositions such as ‘in’, ‘at’, ‘over’, ‘under’, ‘toward’ and ‘before’:

Having purchased a pizza with his own money, Charlie Brown departed with Snoopy who picked a fight with Woodstock earlier.

The first with signifies “as an instrument; by means of”; the second denotes “in the company of; alongside; along side of; close to; near to”; and the third means “against”. Those who require more examples may consult the Cambridge Dictionary or the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

This particular W word, like many other much-abused four-letter words, has been strained, stretched and wrangled excessively in its usage. Anyone contemplating starting a sentence with the W word is…

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