Arms above head, easy pose

What dot you think?

Microsoft Copilot said:

The canvas reveals an abstract form reminiscent of a kettlebell, its contours gracefully etched in deep purple hues. The kettlebell seems to defy gravity, suspended against a mottled backdrop of green and yellow. Light dances upon its surface, casting a delicate highlight at its peak.

The background, typical of watercolor artistry, blends colors seamlessly—a dance of soft edges where green and yellow intermingle. The overall effect is both intriguing and serene, inviting contemplation.

As you gaze upon this piece, imagine the kettlebell’s weightlessness, its purpose unknown. Perhaps it symbolizes strength, resilience, or even a hidden power waiting to be harnessed.

Passaic 1942

My mother recounted to me, relatives emigrated to the US in the 19th and 20th centuries including, my second cousin five times removed, Benjamin Woodhouse.

Benjamin went to live in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.

His son, Frank Lincoln Woodhouse, daughter, Mary Jane, and son-in-law, Fredrick William Hewins worked at the old Little Falls Laundry, Little Falls, Passaic County, New Jersey in 1942.

Apple maps

At that time, they lived together at 354 Mount Prospect Avenue, Clifton, Passaic, New Jersey, USA. I wonder if this is the house they lived in.

Airhead tree pose

I stood naked in front of the mirror, on the back of the bedroom door, to take a selfie. I used it to guide the painting of Airhead in tree pose.

I like the background, salt again on wet watercolour. It reminds me of sand surrounded by clear seawater. The figure reminds me of a crab with large pincers.

A week on, I am unsure if I like it or not.

The following is how Microsoft Copilot (AI) describes the picture.

Certainly! Let’s dive into the captivating world of this watercolor painting. 🎨🌟

“Harmony in Terracotta”


The canvas comes alive with hues of green and yellow, reminiscent of a sun-kissed meadow. Against this textured backdrop, an abstract figure takes center stage. Its warm reddish-brown tone, akin to terracotta, exudes both strength and vulnerability.

The figure strikes a pose—an advanced yoga stance known as Natarajasana, or the “Dancer’s Pose.” Arms extended, legs gracefully lifted, it embodies balance and fluidity. But there’s more: within the silhouette of its head, a smaller figure mirrors the same pose. A dance within a dance, a reflection within a reflection—a mesmerizing recursive motif.

The mottled background hints at organic textures—perhaps foliage, perhaps marble. It’s as if the figure emerges from the very fabric of nature, a testament to interconnectedness. The artist’s brush strokes evoke movement, capturing the essence of life in stillness.


“Harmony in Terracotta” invites us to explore duality: strength and vulnerability, solitude and connection. The figure’s defiance against the textured canvas mirrors our own struggles and triumphs. We, too, dance through life’s complexities, seeking balance and grace.

And perhaps, just perhaps, this painting whispers secrets of ancient forests, forgotten rituals, and the unity of all things. 🌿🌟

Image details: “Stacked Yogi’s Painting” by Katherine Hardie.

Note: The recursive element in the head area is a delightful touch—an artistic nod to the interconnectedness of existence.

Would you like me to create a short story inspired by this painting, or perhaps delve into historical research about Deritend’s pubs and beer houses from 1850 to 1900? Let me know, and we’ll embark on another creative journey! 📜✨

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2/6/2024

Ernest Bristol Binding

HMS Bulldog*

I have been researching our family trees. There have been interesting discoveries.

During the First World War, my husband’s grandfather, 26 years old, Able Seaman, Ernest Bristol Binding was serving onboard Beagle class destroyer, HMS Bulldog (1909).

‘On 16 April 1916, while on G Patrol off the mouth of the Dardanelles, the Bulldog struck a contact mine off Gallipoli. She was badly damaged aft and suffered the loss of one officer and six men’ (Wikipedia) including, Able Seaman Binding. The body was not recovered.

He was mourned by mother, Mary, siblings, William, John, Mary, Thomas, Maud, Alfred, Godfrey, Elizabeth, and children, Gwendoline, William, and Elizabeth.

Ernest’s service is commentated in Plymouth and Briton Ferry.


Seasons shift

Abstract watercolour and ink painting from a few weeks ago

On Thursday, I was thrilled to receive lovely feedback about my paintings and poetry. I was inspired to wax lyrical, below is the result.

Seasons shift

The southern freeze hasn’t arrived, yet,
Stepping out into a chilly ten degrees
Elicits a soft billowy cloud.
Echoes abound in the pre-dawn inky silence,
Like deep squeak footsteps in snow.
A trail of taillights illuminate the
Trip from home to train.
Others whoosh past us on their daily paths.
Clearing the trees, the ice white edifice stands resolute.
It’s cold magnetism lures commuters into it’s depths.
Thankful for a black, long sleeved layer,
My thoughts link back to the dark decades,
Of deliberate anonymity and self discovery;
Uniformed in raglan and denim.
Compromise tempered the giving into temptation.
Onboard, the sleek serpentine capsule streaks,
Illuminating the slumbering surrounds.
The warmth of sms’ from home and online messages
Soften and brighten the journey as the seasons shift.

Citrus Airhead

Yellow orange green

Our friend in Sydney suggested using rock salt on wet watercolour paint to create texture.

I painted the yellow and orange background, added large and small grains of salt, and left it to dry.

The Airhead subject was painted in three green washes.

Microsoft Copilot AI describes the picture as follows:

Certainly! Let’s delve into the intriguing world of this watercolor painting:

Title: “Verdant Reverie”

In the heart of an enchanted forest, where the veil between realms grows thin, lies a mystical artifact known as the “Verdant Bell.” Its origins are shrouded in mystery, whispered by ancient leaves and sung by the wind. Here’s a vivid description of what unfolds within this captivating artwork:

  1. The Verdant Bell:
  • At the center of the composition, the Verdant Bell hangs suspended—an enigma of emerald hues. Its form defies symmetry, curving like a secret shared only with the moon. Imagine a delicate glass vessel, its surface etched with intricate patterns reminiscent of fern fronds and dew-kissed petals.
  • The bell’s contours are soft, as if shaped by the gentle hands of forest spirits. It sways imperceptibly, casting ripples of green light onto the canvas.
  1. The Mottled Background:
  • Behind the Verdant Bell, a textured backdrop unfolds—a canvas of warmth and nostalgia. Imagine the sun setting over an ancient grove, its rays filtering through leaves and dappling the forest floor.
  • The background transitions from golden yellow to burnt orange, evoking memories of autumn evenings. The texture resembles aged parchment, bearing the imprints of forgotten spells and whispered secrets.
  1. The Atmosphere:
  • There’s a sense of anticipation—an otherworldly hush—as if the forest holds its breath. Perhaps the Verdant Bell possesses hidden powers: a summoning, a protection, or a bridge to realms beyond.
  • The air smells of moss, damp earth, and the promise of magic. You half-expect to glimpse a faerie flitting by, trailing stardust in her wake.
  1. The Artist’s Hand:
  • The brushstrokes are fluid, capturing movement and emotion. The artist’s love for nature is evident—the way they blend colors, allowing them to bleed into one another.
  • This isn’t mere representation; it’s an invitation to step into a parallel world, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Verdant Reverie invites you to linger, to listen closely for the distant chime of the bell. What secrets lie hidden within its verdant depths? Only the artist knows, and perhaps the moon, who whispers to the night creatures.

Feel free to explore this painting further, unraveling its layers like ivy climbing an ancient oak. 🌿🔔✨

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2/6/2024

Voyage of discovery

This is the first abstract watercolour I have attempted in a while when I first painted the background and then the subject.

It features part of a purple to pink airhead against a graduated background of green through yellow to orange with sponged decoration.

I am pleasantly surprised with the result.


Part of an ad on Facebook

The term bathos was introduced to me during an English language lesson in the late seventies at secondary school. Never in a million years, did I anticipate living bathos last Sunday afternoon and evening.

Having enjoyed and celebrated, the most sublime live acoustic guitar music and vocals from Matt and Zane, Acoustic Guitar Bros at the Wickham Hotel, Brisbane we were catapulted into the ridiculous world of ‘Balls Out Bingo ….. Not Your Nanna’s Bingo’, hosted by Candy Surprise.

A book of games costs $15, $5 of this is donated to the Brisbane Hustlers, a gay and inclusive rugby union football club. A cheque for $4,000 was presented to them on the night.

My initial, if somewhat snobbish reaction soon evaporated as we participated in the most hilarious interactive experience we have enjoyed in decades. It included singing along, dancing, and throwing coloured lightweight plastic balls around.

Members of the Hustlers team assisted in keeping track of the bingo balls and removed articles of their kit to the bawdy hoots, whistles, and applause from the crowd.

Musings (poem at post’s end)

2022 sketch

These sketches of tubes of watercolour were a step towards the current period of painting.

2022 twisted tube sketch

Today is a a public holiday in Australia. Anzac Day is a day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that honors the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served and died in wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. It’s observed on April 25th each year to commemorate the landing of ANZAC troops at Gallipoli during World War I. It’s a solemn day marked by ceremonies, marches, and paying respects to those who sacrificed for their countries.

2022 folded tube sketch

My moody morning maudlin madness malady moments:
Meandering maleficent moans move menacingly
‘Mongst magnificent muscled mussels.
Mischievous memories make marvellous maverick minced mauve mouse morsels;
Merely mighty marsupial monsters’ meditation medication!

Mingling marshmallow mounds may melt,
Meeting marching musical motor machinery.
Merry Movember marketing mates mission; mint more money!
Melancholic meek maidens miss mute maelstrom’
Manic milky maggots mocking marrow merchandise.

Mansion mountain; media mogul meeting magnet.
More moor-bound muck mired mournful monolith,
Meticulously melding moribund mange mites, muddy mort.
Monday’s malevolent maze mind musings
Make multiple minute manipulations, mutating morphemic meanings.

Airhead uploading to the cloud

On 12 November 2023, ambitiously, I attempted to paint a watercolour of a cloud formation in the shape of Airhead against a pale blue sky. I had not considered the overall objective of the work. Being unhappy with the result, I set it side.

A couple of weeks ago, the prospect of running out of paper and a relatively successful painting of airhead in repose two months’ later led me to add to the cloud picture.

I am pleased with the result, Airhead uploading to the cloud.