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Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine
The plants, roots, animal parts and herbal concoctions of Traditional Chinese Medicine will no doubt seem curiously exotic or even downright strange to many visitors. In Hong Kong, where tradition and modernity effortlessly co-exist, these ancient potions are not considered alternative. Traditional Chinese Medicine is an integral part of Chinese life and the way Chinese people perceive health and treat illness. In Hong Kong, more than a fifth of all medical consultations are made with practitioners of Chinese medicine.

This traditional form of healthcare represents theories and experiences of Chinese physicians that date back five millennia. Whether it’s dried abalone, ivory-coloured birds’ nests, dried scallops or ginseng; the same remedies that were used in the distant past can be seen and smelled in Chinese medicine shops all over Hong Kong today, providing a tangible link to early Chinese society.

Buying Traditional Chinese Medicine remedies
Regardless of whether you’re in the market for a remedy or not, a visit to a Traditional Chinese Medicine shop provides insights into an ancient practice that’s still thriving. In Sheung Wan, there is an area where over 200 shops selling dried seafood and other medicinal goods are clustered. This is also a popular district for purchasing traditional remedies. Take a walk down Ko Shing Street to watch shoppers inspect and haggle over high-quality herbs, followed by a stroll on the strip from Bonham Strand West to Wing Lok Street, where ginseng and bird’s nest are the star products.


Address: Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Island

How to get there

MTR Sheung Wan Station, Exit A2.
