🦅 SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nature, Dreaming, Meditation and Spirituality 🏞🎼🎶

A short wait may be required as SoundCloud loads the graphics and waveforms of SoundEagle🦅’s musical compositions. Included herewith are a dozen pieces, chosen for their broad appeal, lyricism and easy-listening quality.


SoundEagle in Art, Music, Nature, Culture and Spirituality

Music is a many-splendoured thing — for it can encompass a plethora of forms and ‘species’ ranging from the popular to the esoteric, the mainstream to the fringe, the ordinary to the avant-garde, the entertaining to the educational, the traditional to the technological, the eminently danceable to the ethereally relaxing, and the spiritually imbued to the environmentally conscious. There are genres for different moods, occasions or purposes, and those from different cultures and regions.

In addition, music is often associated or coupled with the important aspects and expressive mediums of human speech, including radio programmes, interviews, letters, dramas, poems, voice pieces, storytelling and news reading. Being an audible medium, music is also particularly relevant to people and artists who are visually impaired or orally/aurally acute.

Music is a fluid affair and multidimensional pursuit — for it crosses boundaries, appealing or wedded to other art forms and popular media, (re)shaped by socio-economic and technological forces, and culturally elevated by their normative values, symbolic statuses, and formal or formulaic (re)presentations across social spheres.

As the titles of SoundEagle🦅’s original compositions suggest, the various musical pieces purvey restorative elements or expressions of health, spirituality, transpersonal psychology, global consciousness, holism, mysticism, enlightenment, futurism, new age movement, transcendental philosophy, environmental ethics, creative conservation, biocultural heritage, bioacoustic communication and music therapy. These could be interpreted or intended as encapsulating the natural, timeless, peaceful, meditative, relaxing, uplifting, inspirational, reflective or spiritual. They contain both the possibility and desirability of strengthening the relations of tradition and modernity, past and future, nature and culture, humans and animals, spirit and matter, mind and body, with the beneficial roles of holistic therapies, rituals and practices, with the exposures to revealing sights, sounds and stories of special places, and with the engaging applications of art, dance, music, vocalization, audio-visual media and ceremonial installations to promote individual wellbeing and to preserve environmental integrity, as well as to bridge the acoustic and the electronic domains in all their diversity.

Whilst there are plenty of dramatic moments, certain parts of these compositions are soft, unobtrusive, beautiful, contemplative, evocative, pacifying and ‘easy listening’ — qualities that lend themselves well to restorative purposes, acting as psychic catharses, mental tranquillizers or stress relievers. They signify the contemporary age of musical pharmaceutics and prescriptive soundwave, of aural naturopathy and sound therapy, of gentle destressor and mood enhancer aimed at being at their most cathartic, reverberant and soothing. These features could also accentuate or bolster the fine attention to the cultivation and maintenance of good health, (inner) strength as well as (aesthetic) form and (organic) beauty.

The collective phenomena of genres that are distinctively tailored to the (built or natural) environment, spirituality, wellbeing, health and relaxation, clearly signal people’s awareness of, and willingness to embrace, a holistic and reflexive approach to art, music and health, in aiming to achieve a balance of the physical, social, emotional, psychological, spiritual and environmental dimensions of living. Ultimately, the healing power of these musical genres attempts to bring forth the re-enchantment of the world of sound, the re-integrating of life energy, the regeneration of emotional wellbeing, and the facilitation of spiritual growth. As a whole, SoundEagle🦅’s art, music and philosophical ethos, as encompassed by these chosen compositions and their subject matters, represent a set of expressive endeavours or inventive conduits with which to explore synergistic potentials for achieving holistic human development, reconnecting constructive attitudes with artistic practices, and re-experiencing music as a path of knowledge, a way of healing, and a flux of creativity.

SoundEagle has teamed with SoundCloud to share with you these musical compositions, chosen for their broad appeal, lyricism and easy-listening quality. Waiting may be required as SoundCloud prepares and loads the graphics and waveforms.

After auditioning the music, please click 🦅 SoundEagle’s Original Music Poll to vote for music composed by SoundEagle🦅.

  1. Where The Eagles Fly

  2. Country River
  3. I’ll Always Be With You
  4. I’ll Always Be With You (finale)

  5. Journey Of Life

  6. Lost In Love

  7. New Sensations
  8. Take A Stroll
  9. The Sunset Lingers On

  10. Till Eternity
  11. Trance
  12. Vintage Dreaming

All pieces of music were composed, orchestrated and recorded by SoundEagle🦅, who would like to wish everyone an enjoyable and rewarding experience in listening to the music, voting for the pieces, viewing the overall polling results, and giving feedback about the music, essay or anything of interest. Please click 🦅 SoundEagle’s Original Music Poll to vote for the musical pieces.

Since some of the 12 pieces have not just one but two demos, there are 17 excerpts in total. It is highly recommended that voting should be done (by clicking the round vote button) after listening to all or as many pieces as possible, because voting can be done once only (unless the restriction is circumvented by cleverness).

For those who enjoy playing a musical quiz, the piece entitled Country River contains two well-known traditional tunes for you to guess and leave your answers as comments below. By “Country”, SoundEagle🦅 meant to refer to it in more than one sense of the word. One or more of its meanings can be understood by any person who correctly takes the musical quiz contained or concealed in Country River.

SoundEagle in Playing Music on Keyboard

Regardless of the degree of consensus and variation in people’s taste, musicality and preference, there could be other approaches to or unusual interpretations of SoundEagle🦅’s art and music, which may spawn surprising ideas or elicit unexpected responses. As always, the inherently subjective nature of music is to be expected, to the extent that another person may find the music of SoundEagle🦅 to be expressing or symbolising whatever or however the person would wish to imagine or interpret.


🦅 SoundEagle & SeaTurtle 🐢

  1. Gosh, thanks for explaining your choice of musical style on this blog, SoundEagle. It is admirable on your part, and also comforting to know that a composer has such thoughtful and even therapeutic considerations in mind for his/her listeners. You have considered people’s physical, spirituality and mental health in your work.

    As usual I have lots of questions about this music, but I won’t post them all at once..
    a) Why is “I’ll always be with you” the same as “Lost in Love”?
    b) When you have time, could you write about the waveform that you have included?

    • I’ll always be with you” and “Lost in Love” are only partially the same, as they share only the first theme.

      Each amplitude waveform shows the volume profile of a composition. Basically, it is a graph plotting audio amplitude (on the vertical axis) against time (on the horizontal axis).

  2. I’d also like to say that to me “The Sunset Lingers On” and “Trance” are very beautiful.

    Funny, I asked a young friend from China what she thought of your pieces, and I was surprised when she said that she found these two: “eerie” and “scary” rather than relaxing. [On the contrary, I find them to be atmospheric, pacifying, even conducive to subliminal/metaphysical contemplation (or perhaps I should say that they simply put the listener in a frame of mind to engage in such contemplation, they ‘set the scene’ so to speak.. ].

    So I conclude that listeners’ perceptions depend on our cultural backgrounds, education, expectations, previous experience, the associations that have been created in our mind with sounds etc. so that it is hard to pinpoint/predict the effect of sound/music/noise on people. What is sublime and relaxing to one be may seem threatening or unsettling for another person…

    • Hi SeaTurtle! First of all, SoundEagle🦅 is delighted that you are the first to comment substantially on the compositions. Perhaps your musical background and training have permitted or afforded you the tools to audition the music, and also to observe and compare the reactions of listeners.

      To those who lack certain degree of sonic acumen, their appreciation and comprehension of pieces such as “The Sunset Lingers On” and “Trance” will be compromised, strained or baffled. These two pieces are unusual, if not esoteric, in the sense that they, out of the twelve pieces, deviate the furthest from the more familiar styles of the ‘easy listening’ and popular genres in the mainstream. Both of them are also more piquant and challenging harmonically. In particular, “Trance” contains an extended chordal progression consisting of septachords or seven-note chords, as opposed to three-note or four-note chords used in most music accessible to and expected by the general listener. To some folks, the upper partials or extra harmonic notes can sound dissonant, strange, foreign or incomprehensible, even trance-like, and thus can affect their emotions and feelings correspondingly.

      The Sunset Lingers On”, as the title suggests, is slow and lingering without a clear sense of rhythm or pulse to guide the listener, who is left with shifting colours of sounds and suspensions (or elongations) of tones, as well as the melodic sinuosity and subtle (ex)changes in instrumentation. Certain small sections of “The Sunset Lingers On” also contain bitonality, being in two different keys.

      In other words, a (much) higher level of tonal experience and musical vocabulary is required to comprehend certain compositions, insofar as tonal unfamiliarity (or fear of the unknown) can result in the two pieces being interpreted as “eerie” and “scary” rather than relaxing, contemplative, hopeful, reflective, soul-searching or profound, apart from the fact that music is still the best indicator of cultural capital, according to some sociologists.

      SoundEagle🦅 would like to add that “eerie” and “scary” are not the only possible feelings or sensations that could arise when those who lack a (much) higher level of tonal experience and musical vocabulary listen to “The Sunset Lingers On” and “Trance”.

  3. PS: I love the sax in “I’ll Always be with You” (Finale) and the double glissando (is that what it’s called? or is it better called a descending/’cascading’ chromatic scale?) at the beginning of “Journey of Life” ! XD
    • Yes, the sax in “I’ll Always be with You” (Finale) is executing pitch bending; and the fast notes at the beginning of “Journey of Life” constitute double descending/cascading chromatic scale. Technically, these cannot be called double glissando as they are not gliding notes or portamentos, but are discrete notes played chromatically in a quick succession.

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May you also find the time and interest to frequent the following musical platforms.

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SoundEagle in SoundCloudSoundEagle in SoundCloud

SoundEagle’s New Sensations on BandPage and FacebookSoundEagle’s New Sensations on BandPage and Facebook

SoundEagle on BandCampSoundEagle on BandCamp

SoundEagle on MixcloudSoundEagle on Mixcloud

SoundEagle on MySpaceSoundEagle on MySpace

SoundEagle on SoundClickSoundEagle on SoundClick

Retrospectively submitted as a response to Weekly Writing Challenge: Moved by Music

69 comments on “🦅 SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nature, Dreaming, Meditation and Spirituality 🏞🎼🎶

  1. Easy indeed! And thanks for all the likes …

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Love your artwork SoundEagle … so vibrant and eclectic. And I want to thank you for thinking of me.
    blessings ~ maxi

    Liked by 2 people

  3. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Na… […]


  4. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… […]

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  5. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… […]

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  6. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… […]


  7. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… […]

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  8. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… […]

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  9. By the way, I do like the background music. It is reminiscent of Tangerine Dream, New Atlantis and perhaps Jean Michel Jarre. Is it designed to induce a meditative state?I do like the background music. It is reminiscent of Tangerine Dream, New Atlantis and perhaps Jean Michel Jarre. Is it designed to induce a meditative state?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Mr Phil Maguire from M-Powered,

      Thank you for your feedback! Yes, some, if not all, of the compositions can be used for medidative purposes or as relaxation music or background music. SoundEagle is delighted that you know the music of Tangerine Dream, New Atlantis and Jean Michel Jarre, assuming that you like them. Therefore, by extension, SoundEagle is also honoured that you have associated those musicians with SoundEagle through recall and nostalgia.


  10. That is so true what you say about music- it affects people tremendously and is very therapeutic in a good or in a aggravating sense ( I am starting a new business and often have to be put on hold. Some customer service music is so aggravating, it even makes you mad to wait- I often as the rep if their boss hates them to play such music for customers, who might be upset already) But it also lifts you above your circumstances. I love praise music (thankful and gratitude), that glorifies God.
    I am glad I found you and ail share it everywhere. It would be awesome, if it could start, when people browse a website. Too cool!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Beate, thank you for your thoughtful feedback. and for listening to the music. Which of the 12 pieces do you like more than the others?

      Here is a way to listen to SoundEagle‘s music without having to remain on SoundEagle‘s website:

      In your web browser, you can open a new tab or window to visit SoundEagle‘s website and turn the music on, then return to existing tab(s) or window(s) to resume your online matters. This will allow you to listen to SoundEagle’s music whilst doing something else.

      Of course, a set of great headphones or speakers would be highly desirable. All the best and happy April to you!


    • Beate, I totally agree – great post, SoundEagle 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I love your art work and what you have written. I will be following your blog, so that I may return again and again, to immerse myself in your music.


    Liked by 1 person

  12. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Na… […]


  13. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Na… (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  14. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… […]


  15. […] 2nd Annual Montreal Yoga Music Chant Festival Repeating its “Blissful” Winning FormulaGroup Healing Session August 19thObama SOTU Turns Emotional on Gun Safety “Deserve a Vote” Chant [Full Remarks]*Limited-Time Offer* Julesinspired Coaching + Reiki Package (deal extended to Sunday, 21st -EST -11:59pm)2nd Annual Montreal Yoga Music Chant Festival Repeating its “Blissful” Winning FormulaGroup Healing Session August 19thObama SOTU Turns Emotional on Gun Safety “Deserve a Vote” Chant [Full Remarks]Two-Day Inner Alchemy Retreat In MontecitoSoundEagle […]


  16. […] SoundEagle SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, C… […]


  17. […] thisblogisepicWeekly Writing Challenge: Moved By Music Chasing Rabbit HolesThe Impossible Dream SoundEagleSoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Co… SoundEagleSoundEagle in Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, […]


  18. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  19. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  20. […] SoundCloud 🎧, MySpace 🎤, Music Visualization 🎼 and Interactive Generative Art 🖼 (in post format) or […]


  21. […] 🦅 SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country… (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  22. […] 🦅 SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country… (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  23. […] 🦅 SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country… (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  24. […] 🦅 SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country… (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  25. […] The following videos are two recordings of real-time animation in high definition on large screen, produced in the parlance of dynamic visualization of music composed by SoundEagle, entitled Where The Eagles Fly from the album 🦅 SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country…. […]


  26. By the Gods and medium sized dogs you are prolific! I’m astounded at the huge amount of output and creation on this page alone. Well done say I and though my tastes musically tend to lie on slightly rockier roads, I enjoyed listening to the pieces I did. Great stuff. Bear with me on my own blog comments-wise, I’m in mid artistic project myself at present and it feels like I’m spinning plates, but get there I shall.

    – Esme smiling and waving upon the Cloud

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for floating your majestic Cloud over here and drizzling your good word upon the musical parade of SoundEagle, who would like to be given the honour or opportunity to know which composition, from the twelve stylishly presented above, is Esme’s favourite, and why.


    • Speaking of your musical taste, Esme, how much rockier can it get and what kind, soft, hard, metal, trash, punk, jazz, folk, country, alternative, progressive, glam, glitter, fusion?


  27. Hello SoundEagle! I’m here a day earlier than expected. I agree with Esme that you are prolific in your output and also very eclectic – there is something for everyone here. I don’t have a particular musical taste, but I do tend to shun grime, rap, metal, punk and rock. Until the next time … 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  28. I wasn’t sure which of your many comment boxes to leave a message, so chose this one. Thank you for your recent visit and leaving a trail for me … much appreciated!:)

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Excellent!Cosmic Echoes … 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  30. hey I like you rmusic, it’s very peaceful !! … Have a great Sunday !!!

    Liked by 1 person

  31. My goodness there is so much to both see and hear! Most of your music really moves me. Some make me uncomfortable … ex …. Country River. I feel as if you are on a different plane then I yet a lot of your music touches areas in me where I feel what I do when I’m out lost in time in a forest with my cameras. Incredible pair-up!

    How many instruments do you play?

    I’m bookmarking your site so that I can come here often to listen to your music while I am editing photographs. You also remind me of someone who I cared for deeply who is now passed whose intelligence level was genius. It took a bit for me to adjust so as not to feel intimidated or lost so if I seem to be fumbling a bit, you know why. You amaze me. Your brilliance both inspires me and intrigues me. I wish OH how I wish I had the time to put into my photography as you do with our music. But perhaps my life is designed in that when I do have my cameras in hand, I SO appreciate them even more.

    Liked by 2 people

  32. I enjoyed all tracks of your music thoroughly as I continued to work on my blog space. The first one that I got introduced to was Sunset Lingers On …I found it very pleasant and divine, and after listening to all of them this one still remains one of my favorite. Country River and Lost in Love are the other 2 that I remember that hooked my attention. I will certainly return to listen to them all with more attention.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. Music is such a beautiful part of our life and yours is truly uplifting and incredible. You are very gifted. I enjoyed this first one very much and over time I will return to hear the others SoundEagle❣️

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Hello SoundEagle, I enjoy the richness and fullness of sound regarding your compositions. I can hear the title reflected in each composition, which I think is what each muscian tries to achieve. “I’ll Always Be With You” evokes those mellow jazz tones I like and reminds me of those iconic characters played by Humphrey Bogart. I also like very much “Till Eternity” with its swing feel and possible gliding on the dancefloor. Keep composing 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  35. This is a truly phenomenal post. The richly evocative musical compositions have that rare trait which makes the listener feel something deep inside. Each individual composition has the ability to draw out a different feeling. Keep up the amazing work!

    Liked by 2 people

  36. […] 🦅 SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country… […]


  37. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… […]


  38. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… (soundeagle.wordpress.com) […]


  39. Hi SoundEagle – I really enjoyed your music! Thank you so much for sharing it with me. I’ve been listening to it in the background as I work on formatting my blog – it’s very soothing and emits creativity!! Thank you again!!

    Liked by 2 people

  40. Music is a fluid affair 💜 beautifully worded 💜

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear TEA SOLON,

      A bespoke acknowledgement is owed to your visiting SoundEagle🦅’s intellectual home, sonic nest, musical den and artistic eyrie. Thank you for recognizing the musical and artistic endeavours of SoundEagle🦅, who hopes that this post has been able to benefit you significantly in what it reveals to you.

      Thank you for your commenting that “Music is a fluid affair 💜 beautifully worded 💜”. What do you find to be the most convincing, revealing, stimulating or satisfying aspects of this post? Which particular piece(s) of the twelve compositions do you like or love the most?

      May you have a wonderful weekend awaiting the arrival of springtime. Happy August to you soon!

      Since this website is very feature-rich, alluringly complex and intricately engaging, SoundEagle🦅 has prepared a detailed User Guide for maximizing and optimizing your immersive experience and enjoyment. Clicking the button below will instantly transport you there:

      🥳🪟🎖️ How to Enjoy SoundEagle🦅 to the Utmost 🥇🏢🍹

      Yours sincerely,Rose Greeting

      Liked by 2 people

      • Dear SoundEagle,

        I am touched by your response! Thank you so much.

        Each piece taps my experiences in their unique, but equal measures. I love the words that go with the overall creative pieces most particularly. In that note I wish you continue to share your beautiful, raw, transcendent creations.

        Warm regards,
        Tea 💜

        Liked by 2 people

  41. […] SoundEagle in SoundCloud: Art, Music and Compositions about New Sensations, Love, Life, Country, Nat… […]


  42. SoundEagle, I don’t know how many different ways I can tell you your Blog is exceptional with all you do to make it so pleasing to the eye with so much in it.

    I listened to all 12 of your compositions. Now that I’ve reached my 80s, I prefer listening to instrumentals than music with lyrics mainly because it’s harder for me to make out the lyrics. I enjoyed listening to your musical compositions

    Listening to your compositions leaves me wondering if you actually play musical instruments or with your expertise with the Internet and computers, are they Algorithmic compositions?

    Liked by 2 people

  43. semi-organized thoughts: I liked “I’ll always be with you (finale).” The rhythm of the piano near the final 3rd was an unexpected and pleasant surprise.

    In my opinion (so it’s of course subjective), the drums at the end of “Journey of Life” weren’t my favorite. I just felt like they didn’t mesh with the other instruments in the track.

    The build up in “New Sensations” (and especially the way the bass sneaks in) was lovely.  I also enjoyed the crescendo/climax in “Till Eternity.”

    “Take a Stroll” definitely feels like taking a walk through a park on a sunny day, with the guitar(?)’s ever-present flow representing the sun and trees and stuff.

    The Sunset Lingers On: um yes I am a fan of these atmospheric, slightly spooky vibes. 

    “Trance” reminds me of Mario. Like, exploring a Mario world. And the early part of the song makes me think of Rainbow Road.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jordyn Saelor

      Hello! Finally, there is time to reply with gusto to your detailed and delightful comment. Thank you very much for taking a keen interest in auditioning these twelve compositions in the album entitled “New Sensations: Love, Life, Country, Nature, Dreaming, Meditation and Spirituality”, which can be presented in a condensed, playable version as follows:

      I’ll Always Be With You (finale) is indeed one of the most dramatic pieces of the album. As you described, its unexpected ending constitutes one of its most memorable and distinguishing features.

      Your reservation about the drums at the end of Journey Of Life is noted. It would be more helpful or enlightening if you could articulate why you consider the percussion section is at odds with the rest of the instrumentation.

      Regarding New Sensations, let us confer with each other about the point where “the bass sneaks in”. Does the point coincide with the climax where the loud drum kit begins?

      Till Eternity is quite expansive in both its form and orchestration. It is also a love song based on a rhyming poem-cum-lyrics, which are available in the following two posts:

      A highly satisfying piece of instrumental music to compose and listen to, Take A Stroll has long, melodic lines and a lilting rhythmic drive. Surprisingly, what you thought to be the guitar is actually the kalimba. The latter has been chosen over the former because it sounds crisper and more distinctive. The instrument is described by Wikipedia as follows:

      Mbira (/əmˈbɪərə/ əm-BEER-ə) are a family of musical instruments, traditional to the Shona people of Zimbabwe. They consist of a wooden board (often fitted with a resonator) with attached staggered metal tines, played by holding the instrument in the hands and plucking the tines with the thumbs (at minimum), the right forefinger (most mbira), and sometimes the left forefinger. Musicologists classify it as a lamellaphone, part of the plucked idiophone family of musical instruments. In Eastern and Southern Africa, there are many kinds of mbira, often accompanied by the hosho, a percussion instrument. It is often an important instrument played at religious ceremonies, weddings, and other social gatherings. The “Art of crafting and playing Mbira/Sansi, the finger-plucking traditional musical instrument in Malawi and Zimbabwe” was added to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2020.[1]

      A modern interpretation of the instrument, the kalimba, was commercially produced and exported by ethnomusicologist Hugh Tracey in the late 1950s, popularising similar instruments outside of Africa. Tracey’s design was modelled after the mbira nyunga nyunga and named ”Kalimba” after an ancient predecessor of the mbira family of instruments. The kalimba is basically a westernised younger version of mbira.[2] It was popularized in the 1960s and early 1970s largely due to the successes of such musicians as Maurice White of the band Earth, Wind and Fire and Thomas Mapfumo in the 1970s.[3] These musicians included mbira on stage accompanying modern rock instruments such as electric guitar and bass, drum kit, and horns. Their arrangements included numerous songs directly drawn from traditional mbira repertoire. Other notable influencers bringing mbira music out of Africa are: Dumisani Maraire, who brought marimba and karimba music to the American Pacific Northwest; Ephat Mujuru, who was one of the pioneer teachers of mbira dzavadzimu in the United States; and the writings and recordings of Zimbabwean musicians made by Paul Berliner.

      Joseph H. Howard and Babatunde Olatunji have both suggested that mbira (and other metal lamellaphones) are thoroughly African, being found only in areas populated by Africans or their descendants.[4] Similar instruments were reported to be used in Okpuje, Nsukka area of the south eastern part of Nigeria in the early 1900s.[5]

      There are two demos for The Sunset Lingers On. Do you prefer one over the other, or do you like them equally?

      To some extent, one can indeed entertain the apparent similarity between Trance and some of the more sophisticated Rainbow Road and Mario Kart themes, many of which are very uplifting and nostalgic.

      In this YouTube video lasting just over 50 minutes, SoundEagle🦅’s two most favourite renditions of the Rainbow Road theme are located between 21:33 and 29:18 for year 2011 as well as between 37:53 and 45:02 for year 2017.

      Nevertheless, one should also bear in mind that Trance is much more rooted in the progressive fusion of jazz, funk, big band and orchestral music with advanced harmonic language and orchestration, whereas those Rainbow Road and Mario Kart themes are largely derivative of pop and anime music. Yet, both Trance and the main Rainbow Road seem to have characteristics of certain sci-fi music.

      Overall, just as you are the first to take part and successfully complete the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻, you are now also the very first to associate one of SoundEagle🦅’s musical compositions with certain video game music!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Trance: you’re right that it has sci-fi vibes, and that combined with the series of chords starting at 42 seconds (those make me think of Mario Kart music right before the 3…2…1…go! kicks in) is what really makes me think of Rainbow Road.

        Sunset Lingers On: the first demo piqued my interest, and while the second demo continues the feeling (especially with the pulsing bass), I think the first demo is my favorite.

        Take a Stroll: hey, I have heard of a kalimba before! It’s actually used in one of my favorite songs, “All Is Soft Inside” by Aurora.

        New Sensations: yes, I was referring to where the drum kit begins. Aka the climactic moment of the song:)

        Journey of Life: so, I’m referring to the first demo, where the percussion kicks in at 1:42. And I think I didn’t jive with it, because up until that point I was feeling the song in 2 beats per measure, so the tempo felt slower and the song felt like it was drifting along. But then the percussion forces me to feel the song in 4 beats per measure, and instead of drifting along, it’s more like…skipping along. Meanwhile, everything else still feels like it’s drifting along. And that could be the effect you were going for, but in my opinion it kind of interrupted the flow of the song.

        Liked by 1 person

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