Sunday 11 September 2022

September In My Kitchen

Well to be truthful, much of what I am sharing is from August, but there will be some things that will take us into September.  
But before i start sharing, some of you have been asking about my fur friend.  Here is a recent picture of him. 
I made this Apple and Blackberry vegan pie three times in the last couple of months    
The recipe comes from Post Punk Kitchen vegan chefs Isa Chandra Moscowitz and Terry Hope Romero in their publication Vegan Pie In The Sky. 
The blackberries were foraged.    
The cooking apples from the garden.    

These are the last of our homegrown courgettes.    
I made this Southern Style Succotash  minus the hominy .    
And this Spanish Squash Saute - Calabacitas.    Both recipes came from Colour Me Vegan by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.
This is a courgette bakes pressed into a tomato base came from 'What Will I do with all those Courgettes' by Elaine Borish.    
Last of the cherry tomatoes.    
This Summer Pilau with Tomato, Coconut and Cashew NutsTomato Pilau from Meera Sodha is a firm favourite in our home and now makes an appearance every year since purchasing the book in 2019.    
The tomatoes have been a delight this year, but with Autumn drawing closer, those that we have left are blighted by white fly, so these are the last.    
Just started harvesting the baby  beetroot.   I've roasted these in the oven with a little olive oil.  
Then made a simple potato salad, to keep the red theme I stirred in some thinly sliced red onions.    
This is the same salad but with the addition of some crumbled feta cheese.    I am sharing this part o of the blog post with Dave over at Happy Acres who hosts Harvest Monday. 
There are some supermarket products in my house too.  Popped Veggie crisps, that made a nice change from the potato variety.   
D also picked up some sour cream and onion Lentil crisps for me.    
My nephew gave me this bag of Crackze Pretzel Pieces in Jalapeno flavour.    He wasn't keen on them, i didn't mind them so much. 
Next to our homegrown potatoes that are only now being dug out of the ground, are some salted biscuits that D quite likes.   
Finally, some Bara Brith and bread.  Neither home-made, both came from St Fagan National Museum of History and the bakery on site.  The bread was lovely, i don't think we'll be getting the Bara Brith again though.    

I am sharing this blog post with Sherry of Sherry's Pickings for the In My Kitchen series.  Please do go by and check out the other contributions.


  1. Your pup is very cute. Dogs are such great company. Your courgette and tomato casserole is inspiring and i happen to have lots of courgettes right now.

    1. Thank you Tina. He is a joy and some times a bit boisterous too.

  2. OMG look at that face! Your fur friend is soooo cute!!!
    A succotash! Yummy!!!!
    I think i did not cook with any fruit this season! I'll have to catch with apples.
    Your dishes are always gorgeous!

  3. the pies and fruit look delicious and that dog is very handsome!

    1. Thans e. Yes, i am biased, but he is very handsome

  4. thanks for joining in Shaheen. Your tomatoes big and small look lovely. Even tho i don't eat them often, they still look pretty! And your beetroot are so cute. that salad looks very tasty. I love blackberries; brings back childhood memories of picking them with my sister. Gorgeous dog too! have a good month. cheers Sherry

  5. Oops meant to say i love your banner photo and the new(?) set out for your blog.

  6. Hi Shaheen,
    ...what a sweet pup...reminds me so much of our little guy...and all your food looks so delicious...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  7. Mmmmmm. That pie!!! How lovely! And such vibrant, goregous veg (as ususal, of course)!!!

  8. Your tomatoes and beetroots are beautiful. All your produce is. I am also very impressed at how you continue to cook from cookbooks - I wish I could do that more. That pie looks beautiful and colourful. The Tyrells lentil crisps sound interesting - I think I have only seen Tyrells potato crisps which are rather good. I also love the thought of a bakery on site at a museum of history - sounds like an interesting place - though shame the bara brith does not sound to be to your liking.

  9. Thank you Johanna. I have to make an effort to cook from them moreso these days as i am lacking inspiration, but often tend to cook familiar family favourites or easy cooks.

  10. I hope you are well and happy in the new year and sorry to see you have not posted recently. Take care.

  11. Hope everything is ok with you!

  12. Long time no blogging. Hope all is well x


If you’ve tried one of my recipes, Please let me know by leaving a comment below or tagging me social media with @SeasonalShaheen.

Thank You