Planning the Perfect Romantic Picnic (Affordably!)

For Valentine's Day this year, Mr. Man and I wanted to do something cheap but still get out of the house. I decided we should do a picnic and quickly pulled together this little meal while he was at work. Read on for my list of contents and food!

-French loaf (a MUST)
-Trader Joe's goat cheese medallions
-Trader Joe's olive tapenade (this is literally a staple food for us)
-strawberries and grapes mix
-mini sandwiches (an assortment of PB&J, PB& honey, and Turkey/pesto/mozz/cucumber)
-snickerdoodle cookies (which I put little hearts,notes, and drawings of our faces on with icing)
-San Pellegrino
-2 bottles of red wine 

From the Dollar Tree:
-wicker basket
-two small wine glasses (in case we broke them, I didn't want to bring our nice ones)
-green & white french kitchen towels
-white heart balloon

From home:
-bread cutting knife
-small cheese knife
-forks (or toothpicks for fruit)
-mason jar with candles as a lantern (our picnic was at night)
-wine bottle opener
-cutting board (we used this instead of plates and as a surface to set wine glasses and cut the bread)
-blanket to sit on (and we also brought an extra because it was chilly!)

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