Wednesday, June 5, 2013

going to great lengths

I had a drapery installation last week and I was reminded how much I love, love, love a simple panel. My drapery workroom knows me so well when I call her for an estimate, she knows exactly what I am going to say...a simple linen/cotton panel with grosgrain trim. Let's be honest, there's no need for a lot of frou frou trim, swag, and all that extra stuff. Bleh.

Window treatments are one of those things that I believe should always be custom. You can't make a Target window panel look anything like a custom made treatment. There's so much involved...widths, length, lining. All of those make a big impact. That's why I love a simple treatment. They are a splurge but will last a lifetime and different decor changes.

via/ designer: sherry hart

via/ designer: betsy burnham

via/ designer: jill shevlin

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

oh buoy!

I have been helping one of my very best friends with her new home. She has two children, a boy and a girl, who are in need of new, beautiful bedrooms! Her daughter really got spoiled, with custom bedding and window treatments. Lucky gal! Her son, who's turning 5, is just as deserving of a fabulous room but we made it a little more budget friendly and picked things that were also more readily available. We started with an upholstered headboard and then found bedding to use as a jumping off point. The room has taken a bit of a nautical turn. Here's our inspiration board...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

random thoughts

For the life of me, I can't get back into the groove of blogging. To be honest, I feel like I fell off the blogging wheel a year or so ago and I am a newbie all over, racking my brain for content and crossing my fingers for comments. It's my fault, I know. I took a good thing, cast it aside, and am expecting to pick up where I left off. And that's not happening. I have to earn my followers back, coming up with creative, new content and spreading the comment love as well. (Side note...I read so many of your blogs and then don't comment. Sorry! I know better!) So, bear with me while I attempt to get my groove back!

 Another topic that is always on my mind is career vs. kids/family. Can you really have it all? Erin Gates from Elements of Style wrote a fantastic blog post last week about life in your thirties. It a must read...check it out here.  It talks about the struggle she is having with wanting children but wanting her career as well. She is on the fast track and has a career that I am incredibly envious of. It's a good read and gets me thinking a lot. It also talks about all the changes in your thirties and how friends all end up in different places in their lives. Never really thought about all of that until I read the post. So, it's a must read for all you ladies!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

great discovery

As I was perusing Pinterest (like I am constantly doing), I clicked on a photo for the home of Hannah Seabrook of Gadabout featured in The Glitter Guide.

How did I not know about this site?! It was such a great discovery, one of the things I love about Pinterest! There are a ton of articles about fashion, beauty and lifestyle topics. Seriously check it out asap!

I absolutely loved getting a peek into Hannah's home! I have always been a fan of Gadabout. The blog is impeccable with the perfect blend of style, beautiful images, and southern grace. Her home is exactly the same!

How stylish is she? Huge case of fashion envy right now!

Here's her living room in her Charleston home. Look at those ceilings! This room is the neutral with subtle sophistication...

A peek into her bedroom...

Check out the feature here. There is a great interview that goes with it!

Monday, April 22, 2013


My mind is always going 90 miles an hour with a ton of random thoughts and if I get a quiet minute, I try to make a list of all the things I am thinking about. It could be with the kids, the house, work...really its all three at the same time.

This is kind of a dump post, with a few of those random thoughts!

The twins are growing like weeds! Since I know these are my last little babies, I am trying to savor every toothless smile and coo. Having a 5 year old already, I know these moments will be gone before I know it.

Here's a recent pic...Harper is on the left (and yes, she has clothes but I drape her in a burp cloth since she has a penchant for spitting up EVERYWHERE) and Hudson is on the right. Such cuties right? I may be partial...

I have been trying to lose this baby weight lately and that means I really need to watch what I eat and make time for exercise. Easy enough. I go onto Pinterest to look for healthy recipes...

And this kinda stuff keeps grabbing my attention...

It's Market week in High Point and I am admiring everyone's great finds and wishing I could be there!! A wonderfully fabulous designer from the Tampa area, Michelle Jennings Wiebe, is one of the Market's "Style Spotters" this spring and I am loving all the things she's pinning.

How great is this chandelier from Arteriors?! Talk about a statement piece!!

Hope everyone has a great Monday! I know I will...headed to my daughter's preschool art show to see all the great things she has been working on this year!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

twins' nursery

In my serious lack of blogging, I realized I had never posted pics of the babies' nursery!

I needed to create something gender neutral since it is a room for a boy and a girl so I looked to my stand by color, navy, to help me get this accomplished! I had a remnant of a beautiful green and navy floral that I used as my starting off point. I had that made into simple box-pleat valances with a navy band. We chose espresso cribs to create a richer look in the room. I also had a super comfy chair slipcovered in white with navy banding ( I know..."White chair in a nursery?!?" It is a slipcover I can wash and has been stain treated so hopefully it holds up!!).

Here's the pics!

Above the cribs is still a work in progress and with my hands full with babies, it might be for awhile!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

monday musing

This pretty much sums up how I feel most of the time, always trying to do my best being the best mother possible, the best wife to my husband, a good friend, etc....

While I make more mistakes than I would like to admit, I always have the best intentions and try my absolute hardest!