wearing the amazingly warm and well, yes, cute, hat, mittens and muffler gifted from Avon this Christmas

A cat, a kitty, a kitty cat, a caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt

C'mon, c'mon, I know you want it, say it, say it! Sayyyyy itttt

Howww cuteee

Typical, typical!!! Relax, that was my reaction too, I'm no better people.

Boy, I wish people would have the same passionate reaction when they saw me. Ok, instead of  "A catttt, how cute" I would prefer "A witch, a witchhhh". But no matter how strong some of you shout that I might be one, the people who have the wiseness to look behind the appearances always say that I'm not.

I for one, I like being a witch, it's better to be considered bad and surprise people by being well, not that bad than posing in a fucking angel and being a bitter, mean person in reality.

By the way, have you noticed that most times the people who are the meanest consider themselves victims all the times?! Oh, the boring, used phrase "Oh God, I'm such a good person, why the world is treating me so badly?!"   Darling, it's called Law of Attraction and if you look close enough maybe you'll see that you are not perfect and you are mean, make mistakes, judge, gossip and make your errors too. Or maybe you won't be able to admit that, some people get wiser some don't.

Always complaining is a job that will get you lots of girlfriends.Why? Because most of the women are frustrated and lack self power and it's always better to not cry alone.

Getting up, admitting your mistakes, saying "I'm sorry", fighting honestly, keeping it original and gaining self confidence takes time, courage, involvement and it's not for everybody. It's hard like hell and it's a fight you have to fight alone.

 And no, nothing happened, I've just met such a character yesterday that got me thinking about this typology.

So what's gonna be? The self pity drama queen or the uber cool fighter lady??! 

The witch


Vintage dress - VintageBazar.ro, ID Sarrieri body, MalvenskyCharms Habibi bracelet and ring, vintage earring and bracelets

© Serban Cristea

 It was perfect! PERFECT! The setting, Serban, my outfit, as you can see, Mexico city that night, the words we said to each other that night...I'm telling you, P-E-R-F-E-C-T!

Now, all that was left to do was wait for 24.00! You guys had already celebrated, Mexico is 8 hours behind so we had to wait a little longer. We walked and dined and laughed until I said that I'm gonna go and lay in bed a little until Serban had to go and buy a bottle of champagne.

And so I did and that was it! I fell asleep and just like Sleeping Beauty (sleeping witch in this case) I couldn't wake up. 

And just like that, I've slept through this New Year's Eve! The End 

Wait, wait, I can't go, although I've woken up late today and I must hurry to post, let's all take a moment and marvel at this dress/whole outfit.

The moment...

Now that I think about it, it was funny, like a way of the Universe telling me that it's not about that 30  minutes it's about the whole year. And in that thinking I've gathered some mantras for you guys to use this year

  •     "We never know how high we are
               Till we are called to rise;
              And then, if we are true to plan,
             Our statures touch the skies."

            - Emily Dickinson

  • Elegance is innate. It has nothing to do with being well dressed. Elegance is refusal.” Diana Vreeland

  •    "The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them."- Queen Victoria

  •   If you plan the way you live all day, at least take that plan seriously!

  • "If opportunity doesn't know build a door!" - Milton Bertle 

Now, go into the world and make a difference!


Sleeping Ana


The afternoon walk
January 5, 2013

Sooooooooo fascinatingly Belle Epoque like. I rang the bell to feel like in an old movie.

 Topshop skirt, Zara blouse&hat, Adr for H&M bracelets, Statement Jewelry by Ioana Enache necklace

© Serban Cristea

My head is spinning, it's 3 am in Cancun and I finally got accustomed  with their hours so before I go and hit the bed again I wanna share an inspiring quote with you, I've read it the other day, it was written by Kelly Cutrone.

“We're constantly getting these messages to mind our own business and look the other way if we want to be well liked, to not tell the truth or speak our mind or say anything too intense. Well, I'm telling you here that this approach not only makes you party to other people's crimes against themselves but is a prescription for mediocrity and delusion” -Kelly Cutrone

See? Many powerful and valuable people are telling you not to try to fit in just because everybody does that. You're special (you're my reader so you really are) so don't be afraid to be exactly who you are! Valuable people will always treasure that. As for you, search to be liked by that type of people, the interesting, talented, intellectual people because that sort of person will help you evolve and build an amazing and unforgettable life!

Now, before my eyes fall on the laptop here are the 3 winners for the Beautik miniature perfumes and moisturizing cremes gift bags.

Count the comments and of you are one of these three numbers send me an email ok?

Yeyyy, you won, you wooonnnn!!! You'll so love them!

Ana  Banana



Snobbish Breakfast dress,  Moo Piyasombaktul sunglasses (SunglassCurator.com), Mexican traditional shawl, vintage tiara & Malvensky jewelry pinky ring and bracelet

© Serban Cristea

Pay attention cause it's time to start gather that self confidence everybody is talking about. The one I know you have in you!

Here's an example from my own life experience. After all, the most accurate advices come from living the good, the bad and the ugly and learning from it.

Fortunately, today, we'll talk about the good - a small, unexpected, awesomely weird experience I lived this week.

As you know and have seen from the pictures above I am still in Mexico. Before visiting other places we stayed a few days in Mexico city. You also know that all the people around me call me "The Dark Countess"

It started a year ago when a few friends of mine told me that I have an aristocratic lifestyle, exactly like a little countess. And that was it, they started naming me "the little countess". Then, my obsession with black came and they turn my nickname from "the little countess" to "the dark countess". And over night it became viral.
Since I have this obsession with aristocracy, belle epoque, old houses, statement jewelry, noire characters and decadent marquises as long as I remember, the nickname didn't bother me at all.

I can't say if I live aristo like as everybody says but I do pay attention to my actions, tq my manners and to my thoughts. I'm focused on having a clean and organized home and life and after that I focus on making it stylish and glamorous (this is the healthy order not the other way around). I'm not making friends with everyone and I don't preserve negative friendships. I am always grateful for the things that happen in my life and I always make sure that the people who help me evolve are aware of my appreciation. So if this means that I live an aristocratic life then by all means, I do! Sure, I have flaws too but we're not talking about them today cause today it's about the good remember?

So The Dark Countess is my story. And I do believe and live it at my fullest. 

Did you see the first picture and what the street sign says? That's the street where our hotel is situated in Mexico city without us knowing it before. That my friends is the Universe telling us that as long as you are telling yourself the right story everything is possible.

Today is the last day when you can enter the Beautik Giveaway. 
Hurry up and win the yummy miniatures.

From Mexico with tremendous affection,


It's January 2, get up and start fighting for your goals! Ok, ok, I'll shut up.

This is one of those posts in which I share with you some of the projects I'm involved in.

A few weeks ago, when All Hollow asked me to do a styling story for their magazine, the first idea that came to my mind was "I'm gonna do a Black Widow thing" . Being an eternal lover of all things dramatic (only when it comes to style and outfits) it was exactly what I did. That's so cool about this magazine, you get freedom of expression.

Above, you can see some of the pictures from them pictorial

The team

The search for the perfect model was a true adventure until Mirela suggested Carla Maria Teaha, a young beautiful actress who played La Veuve Noir perfectly. Andrei Runcanu  played the perv, loyal butler and his 19th century Lord allure fitted just perfectly with what I've been searching for..

Roberth Both whom you've met already was the hairstylist in charge and Anca Buzea, the make-up artist. I adore them most, they did a wondefrul job!

Serban was the photographer (he does not get the link, he says each time after I link him lots of people friend request him and he doesn't know them) and did an amazing job. Although not being a photographer on a daily basis and only takes pictures as a hobby, we share the same vision and I think he did an amazing job.

Location, location,location

We had the shooting at Bellu cemetery, Casa Vernescu and at Carol Parc Hotel. 
It was the horribly cold days in Bucharest so imagine our faces at Bellu and at Casa Vernescu where there's no electricity therefore no heating.

The Story Itself

Starts with the Veuve mourning her lost husband whom she actually killed. Her loyal worshiper, the butler Fitzgerald (sorry Andrei, Fitzgerald was unanimous elected) is by her side. We never know if Fitzerald has a twin brother or not, not even the Veuve knows it because he always surrounds himself with a veil of mystery.

After the service she returns home where she starts enjoying her new freedom and inherited wealth. 
Decadence, statement jewelry, lavishly glamorous dresses and lady like-ness are her weapons and no human being ever escaped her unique sense of personality.

I'm pretty proud of the final result - some of the frames you can see above - and I send a big Thank you to all of the people who contributed to this style story.  If you go and buy the magazine tell me what you think.

Ok, now go back to the hedonistic moment I which I know you were a few minutes ago. It's ok, it's still January 2, you can relax a little more.



The Mexico Countess
December 31, 2012

The Pyramid of the Sun - built by the Aztecs, one of the landmarks of humanity. It has 248 stairs. Serban climbed it, I, like a sedentary midget, abandoned it at half.

 The dramatic Moo Piyasombaktul sunglasses from SunglassCurator. You first saw them last summer during my Kinder Bueno project.

 I consider them fit for summer days so Mexico weather is just perfect.

The smallest Cola bottle ever is looking glamorous held with an YSL Arty ring and a Habibi bracelet by Malvensky Charms

vintage dress (Vintagebazar.ro), YSL arty ring, Habibi bracelet by Malvensky Charms

© Serban Cristea

It's 5 o'clock in the morning right now and although four days have passed I still can't sleep properly. I guess I'm more connected to Romania than I thought.

God, I wish someone was here to take my picture right now, you would have burst into tears seeing this scene. Since Serban is sleeping I can't go turn on the lights and type at the laptop in our hotel room. It would be rude and I'm glad that at least he can sleep. Therefore, I'm in the bathroom, with my laptop, camera, adapter, phone, etc in the bathing tub. My eyes are like Pinky's (Pinky and The Brain) when he gets mad and in two hours we have to leave Mexico City for Merida.

I love, love, love this country. From their ancient history like The Aztec's Pyramids of the Sun and Moon to the Mayans ones, from their cuisine and politeness to the easy to learn Spanish and non stop street fiestas. I feel like the Romanian version of Thalia, ok, ok, maybe with not such a big fan club.

Yes, I'm still stylish and coquette even when I'm in the opposite part of the globe. And you know what? The Mexican people loved my dress! Ha!

We did lots of interesting stuff during these four days and I'm gonna tell you about them soon.

So tell me, what are you going to do on New Year's Eve? 

I suggest staying in a comfy spot with a few of your closest friends and have a pleasant evening. Don't go out in a club just because everyone else is doing that, do what makes you feel satisfied so that you can pass in the new year positive and forget about that crazy search for the perfect dress, at the end of the day it is always about the confidence you are wearing!

See you guys in the most amazing New Year you will ever have ( yes, it's imperative to think like that, mind over matter, mind over matter!)



For an authentic wasted look try not to eat/sleep properly and don't use make-up for a total of three and a half days. 
Voila, the successful result

 So? Did you have a relaxing week? What did Santa bring you? Did you visit your parents? Did you have an artificial or a natural Christmas three? Did you do something for others like we discussed a few days ago?

I hope the answers of these questions make you smile and are positive!

 I've spent the last twenty minutes calculating the time in Romania. If my approximations are correct it's around 1 pm. Above, you can see my tired face. This week I did a traveling marathon and right now I'm jet lagged and caught a minor flu but all in all this is turning out to be a great adventure.

So that you see that I'm not drama queening without reason here is my itinerary for this last days: by plane: Bucharest - Oradea, by car: Oradea - Arad, Arad- Oradea- Cluj, by plane again: Cluj - Bucharest, Bucharest - Amsterdam, Amsterdam- Mexico city (12 hours, I died)

See? It's exhausting I tell you! But it was nice seeing Amsterdam again. The architecture and the always peaceful little streets always have such a relaxing effect on me.

Before I go and get familiarized with the streets of Mexico I have a surpriseeee for you guys.

Today you have the chance to win these glamorous miniature perfumes and cremes from Beautik Haute Parfumerie

Do you know that Beautik Haute Parfumerie is the Official Supplier of  The Romanian Royal Family?
Told you that here you can find only the coolest stuff.

Here's what you have to do:

  •  leave a comment under this post with your valid email address or contact details

Good to know

These time we'll have 3 winners! Each one of them will win a goodie bag filled with miniature perfumes and exquisite face cremes.

You have six days from now and the winner will be sort of with the true number generator like always
Best of luck darlings!

Now, I'm going to try to find a sleeping pill somewhere 
